xref: /dragonfly/etc/sendmail/README (revision be09fc23)
1# $FreeBSD: src/etc/mail/README,v 2002/05/22 17:01:32 gshapiro Exp $
3		Sendmail Processes
5As of sendmail 8.12, in order to improve security, the sendmail binary no
6longer needs to be set-user-ID root.  Instead, a set-group-ID binary
7accepts command line mail and relays it to a full mail transfer agent via
8SMTP.  A group writable client mail queue (/var/spool/clientmqueue/ by
9default) holds the mail if an MTA can not be contacted.
11To accomplish this, under the default setup, an MTA must be listening on
12localhost port 25.  If the rc.conf sendmail_enable option is set to "NO",
13a sendmail daemon will still be started and bound only to the localhost
14interface in order to accept command line submitted mail (note that this
15does not work inside jail(2) systems as jails do not allow binding to
16just the localhost interface).  If this is not a desirable solution, it
17can be disabled using the sendmail_submit_enable rc.conf option.  However,
18if both sendmail_enable and sendmail_submit_enable are set to "NO", you
19must do the following for command line submitted mail:
21   Designate an alternative host for the submission agent to contact
22   by creating /etc/mail/<hostname>.submit.mc or using an alternate .mc
23   file and setting SENDMAIL_SUBMIT_MC in /etc/make.conf.  Do not edit
24   dragonfly.submit.mc directly as it will be overwritten eventually, but
25   it certainly can be copied to be used as a template.
27   Type 'make install-submit-cf' in /etc/mail/ to generate the submit.cf
28   file.  Change the FEATURE(msp) line to FEATURE(msp, hostname) where
29   hostname is the fully qualified hostname of the alternative host.
31Also, as of 8.12, a new queue-running daemon is started to make sure mail
32doesn't remain in the client mail queue.  By default, it simply runs the
33client mail queue every 30 minutes.  Its behavior can be adjusted by setting
34the sendmail_msp_queue_enable and sendmail_msp_queue_flags rc.conf options.
37		Filtering out SPAM from your site
39Sendmail now includes excellent tools to block spam.  These tools are
40available as FEATUREs that you can add to your site's .mc file.  Proper use
41of these FEATUREs will prevent spammer from using your site as a relay as
42well as significantly decrease the amount of spam that arrives at your
43site.  No set of anti-spam tools will block all spam without blocking some
44portion of legitimate mail as well.  Therefore, these FEATUREs are designed
45to prevent as much spam as possible without blocking legitimate mail.
47These tools are discussed in /usr/local/share/sendmail/cf/README.  Read the
48section entitled "ANTI-SPAM CONFIGURATION CONTROL".  Example usage and
49additional tools can be found in /usr/local/share/sendmail/cf/cf/knecht.mc.