xref: /dragonfly/games/hack/def.objclass.h (revision 8e1c6f81)
1 /* Copyright (c) Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam, 1985. */
2 /* def.objclass.h - version 1.0.3 */
3 /* $DragonFly: src/games/hack/def.objclass.h,v 1.3 2006/08/21 19:45:32 pavalos Exp $ */
5 #ifndef _DEF_OBJCLASS_H_
6 #define _DEF_OBJCLASS_H_
7 /* definition of a class of objects */
9 struct objclass {
10 	const char *oc_name;	/* actual name */
11 	const char *oc_descr;	/* description when name unknown */
12 	char *oc_uname;		/* called by user */
13 	Bitfield(oc_name_known,1);
14 	Bitfield(oc_merge,1);	/* merge otherwise equal objects */
15 	char oc_olet;
16 	schar oc_prob;		/* probability for mkobj() */
17 	schar oc_delay;		/* delay when using such an object */
18 	uchar oc_weight;
19 	schar oc_oc1, oc_oc2;
20 	int oc_oi;
21 #define	nutrition	oc_oi	/* for foods */
22 #define	a_ac		oc_oc1	/* for armors - only used in ARM_BONUS */
23 #define ARM_BONUS(obj)	((10 - objects[obj->otyp].a_ac) + obj->spe)
24 #define	a_can		oc_oc2	/* for armors */
25 #define bits		oc_oc1	/* for wands and rings */
26 				/* wands */
27 #define		NODIR		1
28 #define		IMMEDIATE	2
29 #define		RAY		4
30 				/* rings */
31 #define		SPEC		1	/* +n is meaningful */
32 #define	wldam		oc_oc1	/* for weapons and PICK_AXE */
33 #define	wsdam		oc_oc2	/* for weapons and PICK_AXE */
34 #define	g_val		oc_oi	/* for gems: value on exit */
35 };
37 extern struct objclass objects[];
39 /* definitions of all object-symbols */
41 #define	ILLOBJ_SYM	'\\'
42 #define	AMULET_SYM	'"'
43 #define	FOOD_SYM	'%'
44 #define	WEAPON_SYM	')'
45 #define	TOOL_SYM	'('
46 #define	BALL_SYM	'0'
47 #define	CHAIN_SYM	'_'
48 #define	ROCK_SYM	'`'
49 #define	ARMOR_SYM	'['
50 #define	POTION_SYM	'!'
51 #define	SCROLL_SYM	'?'
52 #define	WAND_SYM	'/'
53 #define	RING_SYM	'='
54 #define	GEM_SYM		'*'
55 /* Other places with explicit knowledge of object symbols:
56  * ....shk.c:	char shtypes[] = "=/)%?![";
57  * mklev.c:	"=/)%?![<>"
58  * hack.mkobj.c:	char mkobjstr[] = "))[[!!!!????%%%%/=**";
59  * hack.apply.c:   otmp = getobj("0#%", "put in");
60  * hack.eat.c:     otmp = getobj("%", "eat");
61  * hack.invent.c:          if(index("!%?[)=*(0/\"", sym)){
62  * hack.invent.c:    || index("%?!*",otmp->olet))){
63  */
64 #endif /* _DEF_OBJCLASS_H_ */