xref: /dragonfly/games/larn/header.h (revision e8364298)
1 /*	header.h		Larn is copyrighted 1986 by Noah Morgan. */
2 /* $DragonFly: src/games/larn/header.h,v 1.2 2004/06/21 02:28:34 dillon Exp $ */
4 #include <stdlib.h>
5 #include <string.h>
6 #include <termcap.h>
7 #include <time.h>
8 #include <unistd.h>
10 #define MAXLEVEL 11
11 	/*	max # levels in the dungeon			*/
12 #define MAXVLEVEL 3
13 	/*	max # of levels in the temple of the luran	*/
14 #define MAXX 67
15 #define MAXY 17
17 #define SCORESIZE 10
18 	/*	this is the number of people on a scoreboard max */
19 #define MAXPLEVEL 100
20 	/*	maximum player level allowed		*/
21 #define MAXMONST 56
22 	/*	maximum # monsters in the dungeon	*/
23 #define SPNUM 38
24 	/*	maximum number of spells in existance	*/
25 #define MAXSCROLL 28
26 	/*	maximum number of scrolls that are possible	*/
27 #define MAXPOTION 35
28 	/*	maximum number of potions that are possible	*/
29 #define TIMELIMIT 30000
30 	/*	the maximum number of moves before the game is called */
31 #define TAXRATE 1/20
32 	/*	the tax rate for the LRS */
33 #define MAXOBJ 93
34 	/* the maximum number of objects   n < MAXOBJ */
36 /*	this is the structure definition of the monster data	*/
37 struct monst
38 	{
39 	char	*name;
40 	char	level;
41 	short	armorclass;
42 	char	damage;
43 	char	attack;
44 	char	defense;
45 	char	genocided;
46 	char 	intelligence; /* monsters intelligence -- used to choose movement */
47 	short	gold;
48 	short	hitpoints;
49 	unsigned long experience;
50 	};
52 /*	this is the structure definition for the items in the dnd store */
53 struct _itm
54 	{
55 	short	price;
56 	char	**mem;
57 	char	obj;
58 	char	arg;
59 	char	qty;
60 	};
62 /*	this is the structure that holds the entire dungeon specifications	*/
63 struct cel
64 	{
65 	short	hitp;	/*	monster's hit points	*/
66 	char	mitem;	/*	the monster ID			*/
67 	char	item;	/*	the object's ID			*/
68 	short	iarg;	/*	the object's argument	*/
69 	char	know;	/*	have we been here before*/
70 	};
72 /* this is the structure for maintaining & moving the spheres of annihilation */
73 struct sphere
74 	{
75 	struct sphere *p;	/* pointer to next structure */
76 	char x,y,lev;		/* location of the sphere */
77 	char dir;			/* direction sphere is going in */
78 	char lifetime;		/* duration of the sphere */
79 	};
81 /*	defines for the character attribute array	c[]	*/
82 #define STRENGTH 0		/* characters physical strength not due to objects */
83 #define INTELLIGENCE 1
84 #define WISDOM 2
85 #define CONSTITUTION 3
86 #define DEXTERITY 4
87 #define CHARISMA 5
88 #define HPMAX 6
89 #define HP 7
90 #define GOLD 8
91 #define EXPERIENCE 9
92 #define LEVEL 10
93 #define REGEN 11
94 #define WCLASS 12
95 #define AC 13
96 #define BANKACCOUNT 14
97 #define SPELLMAX 15
98 #define SPELLS 16
99 #define ENERGY 17
100 #define ECOUNTER 18
101 #define MOREDEFENSES 19
102 #define WEAR 20
103 #define PROTECTIONTIME 21
104 #define WIELD 22
105 #define AMULET 23
106 #define REGENCOUNTER 24
107 #define MOREDAM 25
108 #define DEXCOUNT 26
109 #define STRCOUNT 27
110 #define BLINDCOUNT 28
111 #define CAVELEVEL 29
112 #define CONFUSE 30
113 #define ALTPRO 31
114 #define HERO 32
115 #define CHARMCOUNT 33
116 #define INVISIBILITY 34
117 #define CANCELLATION 35
118 #define HASTESELF 36
119 #define EYEOFLARN 37
120 #define AGGRAVATE 38
121 #define GLOBE 39
122 #define TELEFLAG 40
123 #define SLAYING 41
124 #define NEGATESPIRIT 42
125 #define SCAREMONST 43
126 #define AWARENESS 44
127 #define HOLDMONST 45
128 #define TIMESTOP 46
129 #define HASTEMONST 47
130 #define CUBEofUNDEAD 48
131 #define GIANTSTR 49
132 #define FIRERESISTANCE 50
133 #define BESSMANN 51
134 #define NOTHEFT 52
135 #define HARDGAME 53
136 #define CPUTIME 54
137 #define BYTESIN 55
138 #define BYTESOUT 56
139 #define MOVESMADE 57
140 #define MONSTKILLED 58
141 #define SPELLSCAST 59
142 #define LANCEDEATH 60
143 #define SPIRITPRO 61
144 #define UNDEADPRO 62
145 #define SHIELD 63
146 #define STEALTH 64
147 #define ITCHING 65
148 #define LAUGHING 66
149 #define DRAINSTRENGTH 67
150 #define CLUMSINESS 68
151 #define INFEEBLEMENT 69
152 #define HALFDAM 70
153 #define SEEINVISIBLE 71
154 #define FILLROOM 72
155 #define RANDOMWALK 73
156 #define SPHCAST 74	/* nz if an active sphere of annihilation */
157 #define WTW 75		/* walk through walls */
158 #define STREXTRA 76	/* character strength due to objects or enchantments */
159 #define TMP 77	/* misc scratch space */
160 #define LIFEPROT 78 /* life protection counter */
162 /*	defines for the objects in the game		*/
164 #define OALTAR 1
165 #define OTHRONE 2
166 #define OORB 3
167 #define OPIT 4
168 #define OSTAIRSUP 5
169 #define OELEVATORUP 6
170 #define OFOUNTAIN 7
171 #define OSTATUE 8
172 #define OTELEPORTER 9
173 #define OSCHOOL 10
174 #define OMIRROR 11
175 #define ODNDSTORE 12
176 #define OSTAIRSDOWN 13
177 #define OELEVATORDOWN 14
178 #define OBANK2 15
179 #define OBANK 16
180 #define ODEADFOUNTAIN 17
181 #define OMAXGOLD 70
182 #define OGOLDPILE 18
183 #define OOPENDOOR 19
184 #define OCLOSEDDOOR 20
185 #define OWALL 21
186 #define OTRAPARROW 66
187 #define OTRAPARROWIV 67
189 #define OLARNEYE 22
191 #define OPLATE 23
192 #define OCHAIN 24
193 #define OLEATHER 25
194 #define ORING 60
195 #define OSTUDLEATHER 61
196 #define OSPLINT 62
197 #define OPLATEARMOR 63
198 #define OSSPLATE 64
199 #define OSHIELD 68
200 #define OELVENCHAIN 92
202 #define OSWORDofSLASHING 26
203 #define OHAMMER 27
204 #define OSWORD 28
205 #define O2SWORD 29
206 #define OSPEAR 30
207 #define ODAGGER 31
208 #define OBATTLEAXE 57
209 #define OLONGSWORD 58
210 #define OFLAIL 59
211 #define OLANCE 65
212 #define OVORPAL 90
213 #define OSLAYER 91
215 #define ORINGOFEXTRA 32
216 #define OREGENRING 33
217 #define OPROTRING 34
218 #define OENERGYRING 35
219 #define ODEXRING 36
220 #define OSTRRING 37
221 #define OCLEVERRING 38
222 #define ODAMRING 39
224 #define OBELT 40
226 #define OSCROLL 41
227 #define OPOTION 42
228 #define OBOOK 43
229 #define OCHEST 44
230 #define OAMULET 45
232 #define OORBOFDRAGON 46
233 #define OSPIRITSCARAB 47
234 #define OCUBEofUNDEAD 48
235 #define ONOTHEFT 49
237 #define ODIAMOND 50
238 #define ORUBY 51
239 #define OEMERALD 52
240 #define OSAPPHIRE 53
242 #define OENTRANCE 54
243 #define OVOLDOWN 55
244 #define OVOLUP 56
245 #define OHOME 69
247 #define OKGOLD 71
248 #define ODGOLD 72
249 #define OIVDARTRAP 73
250 #define ODARTRAP 74
251 #define OTRAPDOOR 75
252 #define OIVTRAPDOOR 76
253 #define OTRADEPOST 77
254 #define OIVTELETRAP 78
255 #define ODEADTHRONE 79
256 #define OANNIHILATION 80		/* sphere of annihilation */
257 #define OTHRONE2 81
258 #define OLRS 82				/* Larn Revenue Service */
259 #define OCOOKIE 83
260 #define OURN 84
261 #define OBRASSLAMP 85
262 #define OHANDofFEAR 86		/* hand of fear */
263 #define OSPHTAILSMAN 87		/* tailsman of the sphere */
264 #define OWWAND 88			/* wand of wonder */
265 #define OPSTAFF 89			/* staff of power */
266 /* used up to 92 */
268 /*	defines for the monsters as objects		*/
270 #define BAT 1
271 #define GNOME 2
272 #define HOBGOBLIN 3
273 #define JACKAL 4
274 #define KOBOLD 5
275 #define ORC 6
276 #define SNAKE 7
277 #define CENTIPEDE 8
278 #define JACULI 9
279 #define TROGLODYTE 10
280 #define ANT 11
281 #define EYE 12
282 #define LEPRECHAUN 13
283 #define NYMPH 14
284 #define QUASIT 15
285 #define RUSTMONSTER 16
286 #define ZOMBIE 17
287 #define ASSASSINBUG 18
288 #define BUGBEAR 19
289 #define HELLHOUND 20
290 #define ICELIZARD 21
291 #define CENTAUR 22
292 #define TROLL 23
293 #define YETI 24
294 #define WHITEDRAGON 25
295 #define ELF 26
296 #define CUBE 27
297 #define METAMORPH 28
298 #define VORTEX 29
299 #define ZILLER 30
300 #define VIOLETFUNGI 31
301 #define WRAITH 32
302 #define FORVALAKA 33
303 #define LAMANOBE 34
304 #define OSEQUIP 35
305 #define ROTHE 36
306 #define XORN 37
307 #define VAMPIRE 38
309 #define POLTERGEIST 40
310 #define DISENCHANTRESS 41
311 #define SHAMBLINGMOUND 42
312 #define YELLOWMOLD 43
313 #define UMBERHULK 44
314 #define GNOMEKING 45
315 #define MIMIC 46
316 #define WATERLORD 47
317 #define BRONZEDRAGON 48
318 #define GREENDRAGON 49
319 #define PURPLEWORM 50
320 #define XVART 51
321 #define SPIRITNAGA 52
322 #define SILVERDRAGON 53
323 #define PLATINUMDRAGON 54
324 #define GREENURCHIN 55
325 #define REDDRAGON 56
326 #define DEMONLORD 57
327 #define DEMONPRINCE 64
329 #define NULL 0
330 #define BUFBIG	4096			/* size of the output buffer */
331 #define MAXIBUF	4096			/* size of the input buffer */
332 #define LOGNAMESIZE 40			/* max size of the players name */
333 #define PSNAMESIZE 40			/* max size of the process name */
335 #ifndef NODEFS
336 extern char VERSION,SUBVERSION;
337 extern char aborted[],alpha[],beenhere[],boldon,cheat,ckpfile[],ckpflag;
338 extern char *class[],course[],diagfile[],fortfile[],helpfile[];
339 extern char *inbuffer,is_alpha[],is_digit[];
340 extern char item[MAXX][MAXY],iven[],know[MAXX][MAXY],larnlevels[],lastmonst[];
341 extern char level,*levelname[],logfile[],loginname[],logname[],*lpbuf,*lpend;
342 extern char *lpnt,moved[MAXX][MAXY],mitem[MAXX][MAXY],monstlevel[];
343 extern char monstnamelist[],nch[],ndgg[],nlpts[],nomove,nosignal,nowelcome;
344 extern char nplt[],nsw[],*objectname[];
345 extern char objnamelist[],optsfile[],*potionname[],playerids[],potprob[];
346 extern char predostuff,psname[],restorflag,savefilename[],scorefile[],scprob[];
347 extern char screen[MAXX][MAXY],*scrollname[],sex,*spelcode[],*speldescript[];
348 extern char spelknow[],*spelname[],*spelmes[],spelweird[MAXMONST+8][SPNUM];
349 extern char splev[],stealth[MAXX][MAXY],to_lower[],to_upper[],wizard;
350 extern short diroffx[],diroffy[],hitflag,hit2flag,hit3flag,hitp[MAXX][MAXY];
351 extern short iarg[MAXX][MAXY],ivenarg[],lasthx,lasthy,lastnum,lastpx,lastpy;
352 extern short nobeep,oldx,oldy,playerx,playery;
353 extern int dayplay,enable_scroll,srcount,yrepcount,userid,wisid,lfd,fd;
354 extern time_t initialtime;
355 extern long outstanding_taxes,skill[],gtime,c[],cbak[];
356 extern struct cel *cell;
357 extern struct monst monster[];
358 extern struct sphere *spheres;
359 extern struct _itm itm[];
361 char *fortune(),*lgetw(),*lgetl();
362 char *tmcapcnv();
363 long paytaxes(),lgetc(),lrint_x();
364 unsigned long readnum();
366 	/* macro to create scroll #'s with probability of occurrence */
367 #define newscroll() (scprob[rund(81)])
368 	/* macro to return a potion # created with probability of occurrence */
369 #define newpotion() (potprob[rund(41)])
370 	/* macro to return the + points on created leather armor */
371 #define newleather() (nlpts[rund(c[HARDGAME]?13:15)])
372 	/* macro to return the + points on chain armor */
373 #define newchain() (nch[rund(10)])
374 	/* macro to return + points on plate armor */
375 #define newplate() (nplt[rund(c[HARDGAME]?4:12)])
376 	/* macro to return + points on new daggers */
377 #define newdagger() (ndgg[rund(13)])
378 	/* macro to return + points on new swords */
379 #define newsword() (nsw[rund(c[HARDGAME]?6:13)])
380 	/* macro to destroy object at present location */
381 #define forget() (item[playerx][playery]=know[playerx][playery]=0)
382 	/* macro to wipe out a monster at a location */
383 #define disappear(x,y) (mitem[x][y]=know[x][y]=0)
385 #ifdef VT100
386 	/* macro to turn on bold display for the terminal */
387 #define setbold() (lprcat(boldon?"\33[1m":"\33[7m"))
388 	/* macro to turn off bold display for the terminal */
389 #define resetbold() (lprcat("\33[m"))
390 	/* macro to setup the scrolling region for the terminal */
391 #define setscroll() (lprcat("\33[20;24r"))
392 	/* macro to clear the scrolling region for the terminal */
393 #define resetscroll() (lprcat("\33[;24r"))
394 	/* macro to clear the screen and home the cursor */
395 #define clear() (lprcat("\33[2J\33[f"), cbak[SPELLS]= -50)
396 #define cltoeoln() lprcat("\33[K")
397 #else VT100
398 	/* defines below are for use in the termcap mode only */
399 #define ST_START 1
400 #define ST_END   2
401 #define BOLD     3
402 #define END_BOLD 4
403 #define CLEAR    5
404 #define CL_LINE  6
405 #define CL_DOWN 14
406 #define CURSOR  15
407 	/* macro to turn on bold display for the terminal */
408 #define setbold() (*lpnt++ = ST_START)
409 	/* macro to turn off bold display for the terminal */
410 #define resetbold() (*lpnt++ = ST_END)
411 	/* macro to setup the scrolling region for the terminal */
412 #define setscroll() enable_scroll=1
413 	/* macro to clear the scrolling region for the terminal */
414 #define resetscroll() enable_scroll=0
415 	/* macro to clear the screen and home the cursor */
416 #define clear() (*lpnt++ =CLEAR, cbak[SPELLS]= -50)
417 	/* macro to clear to end of line */
418 #define cltoeoln() (*lpnt++ = CL_LINE)
419 #endif VT100
421 	/* macro to output one byte to the output buffer */
422 #define lprc(ch) ((lpnt>=lpend)?(*lpnt++ =(ch), lflush()):(*lpnt++ =(ch)))
424 #ifdef MACRORND
425 extern unsigned long randx;
426 	/* macro to seed the random number generator */
427 #define srand(x) (randx=x)
428 	/* macros to generate random numbers   1<=rnd(N)<=N   0<=rund(N)<=N-1 */
429 #define rnd(x)  ((((randx=randx*1103515245+12345)>>7)%(x))+1)
430 #define rund(x) ((((randx=randx*1103515245+12345)>>7)%(x))  )
431 #endif MACRORND
432 	/* macros for miscellaneous data conversion */
433 #define min(x,y) (((x)>(y))?(y):(x))
434 #define max(x,y) (((x)>(y))?(x):(y))
435 #define isalpha(x) (is_alpha[x])
436 #define isdigit(x) (is_digit[x])
437 #define tolower(x) (to_lower[x])
438 #define toupper(x) (to_upper[x])
439 #define lcc(x) (to_lower[x])
440 #define ucc(x) (to_upper[x])
441 #endif NODEFS