xref: /dragonfly/lib/libevtr/ktrfmt.l (revision 10cbe914)
1 %{
3 #include <assert.h>
4 //#define YYSTYPE struct token
5 #include <stdlib.h>
6 #include "ktrfmt.tab.h"
7 #include "tok.h"
8 #include "internal.h"
10 enum {
11 	NR_TOKENS = 18,
12 };
14 /* XXX: need to switch to reentrant lexer */
15 static struct token tokens[NR_TOKENS];
16 static int curr_tok;
17 static struct symtab *strtab;
19 static
20 struct token *
21 tok_new(void)
22 {
23 	++curr_tok;
24 	if (curr_tok == NR_TOKENS) {
25 		/* can't happen */
26 		fprintf(stderr, "Reached max number of tokens\n");
27 		abort();
28 	}
29 	return &tokens[curr_tok];
30 }
32 void
33 tok_free(struct token *tok)
34 {
35 	assert(&tokens[curr_tok] == tok);
36 	--curr_tok;
37 }
39 /*
40  * We keep track of strings we've seen before so string comparison
41  * can be done w/ a simple pointer comparison
42  */
43 static
44 char *
45 newstr(const char *s)
46 {
47 	void *r;
48 	if (!strtab)
49 		strtab = symtab_new();
50 	if ((r = symtab_find(strtab, s)))
51 		return r;
52 	if (!(r = strdup(s)))
53 		return r;
54 	symtab_insert(strtab, r, r);
55 	return r;
56 }
58 %}
60 %option prefix="__ktrfmt"
61 %option outfile="ktrfmt.yy.c"
62 %option bison-bridge
63 %option noyywrap
64 %option nounput
66 INT	[0-9]+
67 HEX	0x[0-9a-fA-F]+
68 WHITE	[ \t\r]
69 ID	[a-z_$][a-zA-Z0-9_]*
70 CTOR	[A-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*
72 %%
73 {WHITE}+ { /* ignore */ }
74 \"(\\\"|[^"\n])+\" {
75 	size_t len;
76 	yylval->tok = tok_new();
77 	yylval->tok->type = TOK_STR;
78 	len = strlen(yytext);
79 	assert(yytext[len - 1] == '"');
80 	yytext[len - 1] = '\0';	/* kill trailing quote */
81 	printd(LEX, "newstr(\"%s\")\n", yytext + 1);
82 	yylval->tok->str = newstr(yytext + 1);	/* parser detects oom */
83 	yytext[len - 1] = '"';	/* restore quote */
84 	printd(LEX, "TOK_STR: \"%s\"\n", yylval->tok->str);
85 	return TOK_STR;
86 	}
87 {ID} {
88 	yylval->tok = tok_new();
89 	yylval->tok->type = TOK_ID;
90 	printd(LEX, "tok %p TOK_ID %p:%s\n", yylval->tok, yytext, yytext);
91 	yylval->tok->str = newstr(yytext);	/* parser detects oom */
92 	return TOK_ID;
93 	}
94 {CTOR} {
95 	yylval->tok = tok_new();
96 	yylval->tok->type = TOK_CTOR;
97 	printd(LEX, "tok %p TOK_CTOR %p:%s\n", yylval->tok, yytext, yytext);
98 	yylval->tok->str = newstr(yytext);	/* parser detects oom */
99 	return TOK_CTOR;
100 	}
101 {INT} {
102 	yylval->tok = tok_new();
103 	yylval->tok->type = TOK_INT;
104 	yylval->tok->str = strdup(yytext);	/* parser detects oom */
105 	printd(LEX, "TOK_INT\n");
106 	return TOK_INT;
107 	}
108 {HEX} {
109 	yylval->tok = tok_new();
110 	yylval->tok->type = TOK_INT;
111 	yylval->tok->str = strdup(yytext);	/* parser detects oom */
112 	printd(LEX, "TOK_INT\n");
113 	return TOK_INT;
114 	}
115 "=" {
116 	yylval = NULL;
117 	printd(LEX, "TOK_EQ\n");
118 	return TOK_EQ;
119 	}
120 "." {
121 	yylval = NULL;
122 	printd(LEX, "TOK_DOT\n");
123 	return TOK_DOT;
124 	}
125 "[" {
126 	yylval = NULL;
127 	printd(LEX, "TOK_LEFT_BRACK\n");
128 	return TOK_LEFT_BRACK;
129 	}
130 "]" {
131 	yylval = NULL;
132 	printd(LEX, "TOK_RIGHT_BRACK\n");
133 	return TOK_RIGHT_BRACK;
134 	}
136 %%