xref: /dragonfly/lib/libldns/ldns/net.h (revision c1ccac55)
1df278fc2SJan Lentfer /*
2df278fc2SJan Lentfer  * net.h
3df278fc2SJan Lentfer  *
4df278fc2SJan Lentfer  * DNS Resolver definitions
5df278fc2SJan Lentfer  *
6df278fc2SJan Lentfer  * a Net::DNS like library for C
7df278fc2SJan Lentfer  *
8df278fc2SJan Lentfer  * (c) NLnet Labs, 2005-2006
9df278fc2SJan Lentfer  *
10df278fc2SJan Lentfer  * See the file LICENSE for the license
11df278fc2SJan Lentfer  */
12df278fc2SJan Lentfer 
13df278fc2SJan Lentfer #ifndef LDNS_NET_H
14df278fc2SJan Lentfer #define LDNS_NET_H
15df278fc2SJan Lentfer 
16df278fc2SJan Lentfer #include <ldns/ldns.h>
17df278fc2SJan Lentfer #include <sys/socket.h>
18df278fc2SJan Lentfer 
19fcd4e566SJan Lentfer #ifdef __cplusplus
20fcd4e566SJan Lentfer extern "C" {
21fcd4e566SJan Lentfer #endif
22fcd4e566SJan Lentfer 
23de9b0015SJan Lentfer #define LDNS_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_SEC 5
24df278fc2SJan Lentfer #define LDNS_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_USEC 0
25df278fc2SJan Lentfer 
26df278fc2SJan Lentfer /**
27df278fc2SJan Lentfer  * \file
28df278fc2SJan Lentfer  *
29df278fc2SJan Lentfer  * Contains functions to send and receive packets over a network.
30df278fc2SJan Lentfer  */
31df278fc2SJan Lentfer 
32df278fc2SJan Lentfer /**
33*c1ccac55SAntonio Huete Jimenez  * Sends a buffer to an ip using udp and return the response as a ldns_pkt
34df278fc2SJan Lentfer  * \param[in] qbin the ldns_buffer to be send
35df278fc2SJan Lentfer  * \param[in] to the ip addr to send to
36df278fc2SJan Lentfer  * \param[in] tolen length of the ip addr
37df278fc2SJan Lentfer  * \param[in] timeout the timeout value for the network
38df278fc2SJan Lentfer  * \param[out] answersize size of the packet
39df278fc2SJan Lentfer  * \param[out] result packet with the answer
40df278fc2SJan Lentfer  * \return status
41df278fc2SJan Lentfer  */
42df278fc2SJan Lentfer ldns_status ldns_udp_send(uint8_t **result, ldns_buffer *qbin, const struct sockaddr_storage *to, socklen_t tolen, struct timeval timeout, size_t *answersize);
43df278fc2SJan Lentfer 
44df278fc2SJan Lentfer /**
45df278fc2SJan Lentfer  * Send an udp query and don't wait for an answer but return
46df278fc2SJan Lentfer  * the socket
47df278fc2SJan Lentfer  * \param[in] qbin the ldns_buffer to be send
48df278fc2SJan Lentfer  * \param[in] to the ip addr to send to
49df278fc2SJan Lentfer  * \param[in] tolen length of the ip addr
50df278fc2SJan Lentfer  * \param[in] timeout *unused*, was the timeout value for the network
51d570f06dSDaniel Fojt  * \return the socket used or -1 on failure
52d570f06dSDaniel Fojt  */
53d570f06dSDaniel Fojt int ldns_udp_bgsend2(ldns_buffer *qbin, const struct sockaddr_storage *to, socklen_t tolen, struct timeval timeout);
54d570f06dSDaniel Fojt 
55d570f06dSDaniel Fojt /**
56d570f06dSDaniel Fojt  * Send an udp query and don't wait for an answer but return
57d570f06dSDaniel Fojt  * the socket
58d570f06dSDaniel Fojt  * This function has the flaw that it returns 0 on failure, but 0 could be a
59d570f06dSDaniel Fojt  * valid socket.  Please use ldns_udp_bgsend2 instead of this function.
60d570f06dSDaniel Fojt  * \param[in] qbin the ldns_buffer to be send
61d570f06dSDaniel Fojt  * \param[in] to the ip addr to send to
62d570f06dSDaniel Fojt  * \param[in] tolen length of the ip addr
63d570f06dSDaniel Fojt  * \param[in] timeout *unused*, was the timeout value for the network
64d570f06dSDaniel Fojt  * \return the socket used or 0 on failure
65df278fc2SJan Lentfer  */
66df278fc2SJan Lentfer int ldns_udp_bgsend(ldns_buffer *qbin, const struct sockaddr_storage *to, socklen_t tolen, struct timeval timeout);
67df278fc2SJan Lentfer 
68df278fc2SJan Lentfer /**
69df278fc2SJan Lentfer  * Send an tcp query and don't wait for an answer but return
70df278fc2SJan Lentfer  * the socket
71df278fc2SJan Lentfer  * \param[in] qbin the ldns_buffer to be send
72df278fc2SJan Lentfer  * \param[in] to the ip addr to send to
73df278fc2SJan Lentfer  * \param[in] tolen length of the ip addr
74df278fc2SJan Lentfer  * \param[in] timeout the timeout value for the connect attempt
75d570f06dSDaniel Fojt  * \return the socket used or -1 on failure
76d570f06dSDaniel Fojt  */
77d570f06dSDaniel Fojt int ldns_tcp_bgsend2(ldns_buffer *qbin, const struct sockaddr_storage *to, socklen_t tolen, struct timeval timeout);
78d570f06dSDaniel Fojt 
79d570f06dSDaniel Fojt /**
80d570f06dSDaniel Fojt  * Send an tcp query and don't wait for an answer but return
81d570f06dSDaniel Fojt  * the socket
82d570f06dSDaniel Fojt  * This function has the flaw that it returns 0 on failure, but 0 could be a
83d570f06dSDaniel Fojt  * valid socket.  Please use ldns_tcp_bgsend2 instead of this function.
84d570f06dSDaniel Fojt  * \param[in] qbin the ldns_buffer to be send
85d570f06dSDaniel Fojt  * \param[in] to the ip addr to send to
86d570f06dSDaniel Fojt  * \param[in] tolen length of the ip addr
87d570f06dSDaniel Fojt  * \param[in] timeout the timeout value for the connect attempt
88d570f06dSDaniel Fojt  * \return the socket used or 0 on failure
89df278fc2SJan Lentfer  */
90df278fc2SJan Lentfer int ldns_tcp_bgsend(ldns_buffer *qbin, const struct sockaddr_storage *to, socklen_t tolen, struct timeval timeout);
91df278fc2SJan Lentfer 
92df278fc2SJan Lentfer /**
93*c1ccac55SAntonio Huete Jimenez  * Sends a buffer to an ip using tcp and return the response as a ldns_pkt
94df278fc2SJan Lentfer  * \param[in] qbin the ldns_buffer to be send
95df278fc2SJan Lentfer  * \param[in] qbin the ldns_buffer to be send
96df278fc2SJan Lentfer  * \param[in] to the ip addr to send to
97df278fc2SJan Lentfer  * \param[in] tolen length of the ip addr
98df278fc2SJan Lentfer  * \param[in] timeout the timeout value for the network
99df278fc2SJan Lentfer  * \param[out] answersize size of the packet
100df278fc2SJan Lentfer  * \param[out] result packet with the answer
101df278fc2SJan Lentfer  * \return status
102df278fc2SJan Lentfer  */
103df278fc2SJan Lentfer ldns_status ldns_tcp_send(uint8_t **result, ldns_buffer *qbin, const struct sockaddr_storage *to, socklen_t tolen, struct timeval timeout, size_t *answersize);
104df278fc2SJan Lentfer 
105df278fc2SJan Lentfer /**
106df278fc2SJan Lentfer  * Sends ptk to the nameserver at the resolver object. Returns the data
107df278fc2SJan Lentfer  * as a ldns_pkt
108df278fc2SJan Lentfer  *
109df278fc2SJan Lentfer  * \param[out] pkt packet received from the nameserver
110df278fc2SJan Lentfer  * \param[in] r the resolver to use
111df278fc2SJan Lentfer  * \param[in] query_pkt the query to send
112df278fc2SJan Lentfer  * \return status
113df278fc2SJan Lentfer  */
114df278fc2SJan Lentfer ldns_status ldns_send(ldns_pkt **pkt, ldns_resolver *r, const ldns_pkt *query_pkt);
115df278fc2SJan Lentfer 
116df278fc2SJan Lentfer /**
117df278fc2SJan Lentfer  * Sends and ldns_buffer (presumably containing a packet to the nameserver at the resolver object. Returns the data
118df278fc2SJan Lentfer  * as a ldns_pkt
119df278fc2SJan Lentfer  *
120df278fc2SJan Lentfer  * \param[out] pkt packet received from the nameserver
121df278fc2SJan Lentfer  * \param[in] r the resolver to use
122df278fc2SJan Lentfer  * \param[in] qb the buffer to send
123df278fc2SJan Lentfer  * \param[in] tsig_mac the tsig MAC to authenticate the response with (NULL to do no TSIG authentication)
124df278fc2SJan Lentfer  * \return status
125df278fc2SJan Lentfer  */
126df278fc2SJan Lentfer ldns_status ldns_send_buffer(ldns_pkt **pkt, ldns_resolver *r, ldns_buffer *qb, ldns_rdf *tsig_mac);
127df278fc2SJan Lentfer 
128df278fc2SJan Lentfer /**
129df278fc2SJan Lentfer  * Create a tcp socket to the specified address
130df278fc2SJan Lentfer  * \param[in] to ip and family
131df278fc2SJan Lentfer  * \param[in] tolen length of to
132df278fc2SJan Lentfer  * \param[in] timeout timeout for the connect attempt
133d570f06dSDaniel Fojt  * \return a socket descriptor or -1 on failure
134d570f06dSDaniel Fojt  */
135d570f06dSDaniel Fojt int ldns_tcp_connect2(const struct sockaddr_storage *to, socklen_t tolen, struct timeval timeout);
136d570f06dSDaniel Fojt 
137d570f06dSDaniel Fojt /**
138d570f06dSDaniel Fojt  * Create a tcp socket to the specified address
139d570f06dSDaniel Fojt  * This function has the flaw that it returns 0 on failure, but 0 could be a
140d570f06dSDaniel Fojt  * valid socket.  Please use ldns_tcp_connect2 instead of this function.
141d570f06dSDaniel Fojt  * \param[in] to ip and family
142d570f06dSDaniel Fojt  * \param[in] tolen length of to
143d570f06dSDaniel Fojt  * \param[in] timeout timeout for the connect attempt
144d570f06dSDaniel Fojt  * \return a socket descriptor or 0 on failure
145df278fc2SJan Lentfer  */
146df278fc2SJan Lentfer int ldns_tcp_connect(const struct sockaddr_storage *to, socklen_t tolen, struct timeval timeout);
147df278fc2SJan Lentfer 
148df278fc2SJan Lentfer /**
149df278fc2SJan Lentfer  * Create a udp socket to the specified address
150df278fc2SJan Lentfer  * \param[in] to ip and family
151df278fc2SJan Lentfer  * \param[in] timeout *unused*, was timeout for the socket
152d570f06dSDaniel Fojt  * \return a socket descriptor or -1 on failure
153d570f06dSDaniel Fojt  */
154d570f06dSDaniel Fojt int ldns_udp_connect2(const struct sockaddr_storage *to, struct timeval timeout);
155d570f06dSDaniel Fojt 
156d570f06dSDaniel Fojt /**
157d570f06dSDaniel Fojt  * Create a udp socket to the specified address
158d570f06dSDaniel Fojt  * This function has the flaw that it returns 0 on failure, but 0 could be a
159d570f06dSDaniel Fojt  * valid socket.  Please use ldns_udp_connect2 instead of this function.
160d570f06dSDaniel Fojt  * \param[in] to ip and family
161d570f06dSDaniel Fojt  * \param[in] timeout *unused*, was timeout for the socket
162d570f06dSDaniel Fojt  * \return a socket descriptor or 0 on failure
163df278fc2SJan Lentfer  */
164df278fc2SJan Lentfer int ldns_udp_connect(const struct sockaddr_storage *to, struct timeval timeout);
165df278fc2SJan Lentfer 
166df278fc2SJan Lentfer /**
167df278fc2SJan Lentfer  * send a query via tcp to a server. Don't want for the answer
168df278fc2SJan Lentfer  *
169df278fc2SJan Lentfer  * \param[in] qbin the buffer to send
170df278fc2SJan Lentfer  * \param[in] sockfd the socket to use
171df278fc2SJan Lentfer  * \param[in] to which ip to send it
172df278fc2SJan Lentfer  * \param[in] tolen socketlen
173df278fc2SJan Lentfer  * \return number of bytes sent
174df278fc2SJan Lentfer  */
175df278fc2SJan Lentfer ssize_t ldns_tcp_send_query(ldns_buffer *qbin, int sockfd, const struct sockaddr_storage *to, socklen_t tolen);
176df278fc2SJan Lentfer 
177df278fc2SJan Lentfer /**
178df278fc2SJan Lentfer  * send a query via udp to a server. Don;t want for the answer
179df278fc2SJan Lentfer  *
180df278fc2SJan Lentfer  * \param[in] qbin the buffer to send
181df278fc2SJan Lentfer  * \param[in] sockfd the socket to use
182df278fc2SJan Lentfer  * \param[in] to which ip to send it
183df278fc2SJan Lentfer  * \param[in] tolen socketlen
184df278fc2SJan Lentfer  * \return number of bytes sent
185df278fc2SJan Lentfer  */
186df278fc2SJan Lentfer ssize_t ldns_udp_send_query(ldns_buffer *qbin, int sockfd, const struct sockaddr_storage *to, socklen_t tolen);
187df278fc2SJan Lentfer 
188df278fc2SJan Lentfer /**
189df278fc2SJan Lentfer  * Gives back a raw packet from the wire and reads the header data from the given
190df278fc2SJan Lentfer  * socket. Allocates the data (of size size) itself, so don't forget to free
191df278fc2SJan Lentfer  *
192df278fc2SJan Lentfer  * \param[in] sockfd the socket to read from
193df278fc2SJan Lentfer  * \param[out] size the number of bytes that are read
194df278fc2SJan Lentfer  * \param[in] timeout the time allowed between packets.
195df278fc2SJan Lentfer  * \return the data read
196df278fc2SJan Lentfer  */
197df278fc2SJan Lentfer uint8_t *ldns_tcp_read_wire_timeout(int sockfd, size_t *size, struct timeval timeout);
198df278fc2SJan Lentfer 
199df278fc2SJan Lentfer /**
200df278fc2SJan Lentfer  * This routine may block. Use ldns_tcp_read_wire_timeout, it checks timeouts.
201df278fc2SJan Lentfer  * Gives back a raw packet from the wire and reads the header data from the given
202df278fc2SJan Lentfer  * socket. Allocates the data (of size size) itself, so don't forget to free
203df278fc2SJan Lentfer  *
204df278fc2SJan Lentfer  * \param[in] sockfd the socket to read from
205df278fc2SJan Lentfer  * \param[out] size the number of bytes that are read
206df278fc2SJan Lentfer  * \return the data read
207df278fc2SJan Lentfer  */
208df278fc2SJan Lentfer uint8_t *ldns_tcp_read_wire(int sockfd, size_t *size);
209df278fc2SJan Lentfer 
210df278fc2SJan Lentfer /**
211df278fc2SJan Lentfer  * Gives back a raw packet from the wire and reads the header data from the given
212df278fc2SJan Lentfer  * socket. Allocates the data (of size size) itself, so don't forget to free
213df278fc2SJan Lentfer  *
214df278fc2SJan Lentfer  * \param[in] sockfd the socket to read from
215df278fc2SJan Lentfer  * \param[in] fr the address of the client (if applicable)
21626c5a308Szrj  * \param[in] *frlen the length of the client's addr (if applicable)
217df278fc2SJan Lentfer  * \param[out] size the number of bytes that are read
218df278fc2SJan Lentfer  * \return the data read
219df278fc2SJan Lentfer  */
220df278fc2SJan Lentfer uint8_t *ldns_udp_read_wire(int sockfd, size_t *size, struct sockaddr_storage *fr, socklen_t *frlen);
221df278fc2SJan Lentfer 
222df278fc2SJan Lentfer /**
223df278fc2SJan Lentfer  * returns the native sockaddr representation from the rdf.
224df278fc2SJan Lentfer  * \param[in] rd the ldns_rdf to operate on
225df278fc2SJan Lentfer  * \param[in] port what port to use. 0 means; use default (53)
226df278fc2SJan Lentfer  * \param[out] size what is the size of the sockaddr_storage
227df278fc2SJan Lentfer  * \return struct sockaddr* the address in the format so other
228df278fc2SJan Lentfer  * functions can use it (sendto)
229df278fc2SJan Lentfer  */
230df278fc2SJan Lentfer struct sockaddr_storage * ldns_rdf2native_sockaddr_storage(const ldns_rdf *rd, uint16_t port, size_t *size);
231df278fc2SJan Lentfer 
232df278fc2SJan Lentfer /**
233df278fc2SJan Lentfer  * returns an rdf with the sockaddr info. works for ip4 and ip6
234df278fc2SJan Lentfer  * \param[in] sock the struct sockaddr_storage to convert
235df278fc2SJan Lentfer  * \param[in] port what port was used. When NULL this is not set
236*c1ccac55SAntonio Huete Jimenez  * \return ldns_rdf* with the address
237df278fc2SJan Lentfer  */
23826c5a308Szrj ldns_rdf * ldns_sockaddr_storage2rdf(const struct sockaddr_storage *sock, uint16_t *port);
239df278fc2SJan Lentfer 
240df278fc2SJan Lentfer /**
241df278fc2SJan Lentfer  * Prepares the resolver for an axfr query
242df278fc2SJan Lentfer  * The query is sent and the answers can be read with ldns_axfr_next
243df278fc2SJan Lentfer  * \param[in] resolver the resolver to use
244*c1ccac55SAntonio Huete Jimenez  * \param[in] domain the domain to axfr
245df278fc2SJan Lentfer  * \param[in] c the class to use
246df278fc2SJan Lentfer  * \return ldns_status the status of the transfer
247df278fc2SJan Lentfer  */
24826c5a308Szrj ldns_status ldns_axfr_start(ldns_resolver *resolver, const ldns_rdf *domain, ldns_rr_class c);
249df278fc2SJan Lentfer 
250fcd4e566SJan Lentfer #ifdef __cplusplus
251fcd4e566SJan Lentfer }
252fcd4e566SJan Lentfer #endif
253fcd4e566SJan Lentfer 
254df278fc2SJan Lentfer #endif  /* LDNS_NET_H */