xref: /dragonfly/nrelease/root/etc/disklabel.ad0s1 (revision 97edc4fd)
1# Example disklabel for ad0s1.  Once initialized via the instructions in
2# the README you can edit the label and create partitions for your
3# filesystems.  The top of the disklabel should already contain reasonable
4# values so you should only have to edit the bottom part.  Here is an example
78 partitions:
8#        size   offset    fstype   [fsize bsize bps/cpg]
9  a:   256m        0    4.2BSD     1024  8192	99
10  b:  1024m	   *      swap
11  c: <leave this line untouched>
12  d:   256m	   *    4.2BSD     1024  8192	99
13  e:   256m	   *    4.2BSD     1024  8192	99
14  f:  8192m	   *    4.2BSD     2048 16384	99
15  g:	*	   *    4.2BSD     2048 16384	99
17# The disklabel program accepts 'm' for megabytes, and '*' to auto-fill-in
18# the offset.  A '*' in the size field means 'the rest of the disk'.
19# disklabel may get confused due to there being too many '*'s in which case
20# just remove the g: partition, generate the disklabel, then edit it again
21# and g back in.
23# ad0s1a:	/
24# ad0s1b:	swap	(suggest no less than 256m and at least 1xmain-memory)
25# ad0s1c:	(represents the whole-disk, generally leave this one alone)
26# ad0s1d:	/var
27# ad0s1e:	/tmp
28# ad0s1f:	/usr	(suggest no less than 4096m but 1024m ok in a crunch)
29# ad0s1g:	/home	(all remaining disk space)
30# ad0s1h:	(unused)