xref: /dragonfly/sbin/mountd/mountd.c (revision 93fddf4f)
1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) 1989, 1993
3  *	The Regents of the University of California.  All rights reserved.
4  *
5  * This code is derived from software contributed to Berkeley by
6  * Herb Hasler and Rick Macklem at The University of Guelph.
7  *
8  * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
9  * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
10  * are met:
11  * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
12  *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
13  * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
14  *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
15  *    documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
16  * 3. Neither the name of the University nor the names of its contributors
17  *    may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
18  *    without specific prior written permission.
19  *
31  *
32  * @(#) Copyright (c) 1989, 1993 The Regents of the University of California.  All rights reserved.
33  * @(#)mountd.c	8.15 (Berkeley) 5/1/95
34  * $FreeBSD: head/usr.sbin/mountd/mountd.c 173056 2007-10-27 12:24:47Z simon $
35  */
37 #include <sys/param.h>
38 #include <sys/module.h>
39 #include <sys/mount.h>
40 #include <sys/mountctl.h>
41 #include <sys/fcntl.h>
42 #include <sys/linker.h>
43 #include <sys/stat.h>
44 #include <sys/syslog.h>
45 #include <sys/sysctl.h>
47 #include <rpc/rpc.h>
48 #include <rpc/rpc_com.h>
49 #include <rpcsvc/mount.h>
50 #include <vfs/nfs/rpcv2.h>
51 #include <vfs/nfs/nfsproto.h>
52 #include <vfs/nfs/nfs.h>
53 #include <vfs/ufs/ufsmount.h>
54 #include <vfs/msdosfs/msdosfsmount.h>
55 #include <vfs/ntfs/ntfsmount.h>
56 #include <vfs/isofs/cd9660/cd9660_mount.h>	/* XXX need isofs in include */
58 #include <arpa/inet.h>
60 #include <ctype.h>
61 #include <err.h>
62 #include <errno.h>
63 #include <grp.h>
64 #include <limits.h>
65 #include <libutil.h>
66 #include <netdb.h>
67 #include <pwd.h>
68 #include <signal.h>
69 #include <stdio.h>
70 #include <stdlib.h>
71 #include <string.h>
72 #include <unistd.h>
73 #include "pathnames.h"
75 #ifdef DEBUG
76 #include <stdarg.h>
77 #endif
79 /*
80  * Structures for keeping the mount list and export list
81  */
82 struct mountlist {
83 	struct mountlist *ml_next;
84 	char	ml_host[RPCMNT_NAMELEN+1];
85 	char	ml_dirp[RPCMNT_PATHLEN+1];
86 };
88 struct dirlist {
89 	struct dirlist	*dp_left;
90 	struct dirlist	*dp_right;
91 	int		dp_flag;
92 	struct hostlist	*dp_hosts;	/* List of hosts this dir exported to */
93 	char		dp_dirp[1];	/* Actually malloc'd to size of dir */
94 };
95 /* dp_flag bits */
96 #define	DP_DEFSET	0x1
97 #define DP_HOSTSET	0x2
99 struct exportlist {
100 	struct exportlist *ex_next;
101 	struct dirlist	*ex_dirl;
102 	struct dirlist	*ex_defdir;
103 	int		ex_flag;
104 	fsid_t		ex_fs;
105 	char		*ex_fsdir;
106 	char		*ex_indexfile;
107 };
108 /* ex_flag bits */
109 #define	EX_LINKED	0x1
111 struct netmsk {
112 	struct sockaddr_storage nt_net;
113 	struct sockaddr_storage nt_mask;
114 	char		*nt_name;
115 };
117 union grouptypes {
118 	struct addrinfo *gt_addrinfo;
119 	struct netmsk	gt_net;
120 };
122 struct grouplist {
123 	int gr_type;
124 	union grouptypes gr_ptr;
125 	struct grouplist *gr_next;
126 };
127 /* Group types */
128 #define	GT_NULL		0x0
129 #define	GT_HOST		0x1
130 #define	GT_NET		0x2
131 #define	GT_DEFAULT	0x3
132 #define GT_IGNORE	0x5
134 struct hostlist {
135 	int		 ht_flag;	/* Uses DP_xx bits */
136 	struct grouplist *ht_grp;
137 	struct hostlist	 *ht_next;
138 };
140 struct fhreturn {
141 	int	fhr_flag;
142 	int	fhr_vers;
143 	nfsfh_t	fhr_fh;
144 };
146 /* Global defs */
147 char	*add_expdir(struct dirlist **, char *, int);
148 void	add_dlist(struct dirlist **, struct dirlist *,
149 				struct grouplist *, int);
150 void	add_mlist(char *, char *);
151 int	check_dirpath(char *);
152 int	check_options(struct dirlist *);
153 int     checkmask(struct sockaddr *sa);
154 int	chk_host(struct dirlist *, struct sockaddr *, int *, int *);
155 void    create_service(struct netconfig *nconf);
156 void	del_mlist(char *, char *);
157 struct dirlist *dirp_search(struct dirlist *, char *);
158 int	do_mount(struct exportlist *, struct grouplist *, int,
159 		struct ucred *, char *, int, struct statfs *);
160 int	do_opt(char **, char **, struct exportlist *, struct grouplist *,
161 				int *, int *, struct ucred *);
162 struct	exportlist *ex_search(fsid_t *);
163 struct	exportlist *get_exp(void);
164 void	free_dir(struct dirlist *);
165 void	free_exp(struct exportlist *);
166 void	free_grp(struct grouplist *);
167 void	free_host(struct hostlist *);
168 void	get_exportlist(void);
169 int	get_host(char *, struct grouplist *, struct grouplist *);
170 struct hostlist *get_ht(void);
171 int	get_line(void);
172 void	get_mountlist(void);
173 int	get_net(char *, struct netmsk *, int);
174 void	getexp_err(struct exportlist *, struct grouplist *);
175 struct grouplist *get_grp(void);
176 void	hang_dirp(struct dirlist *, struct grouplist *,
177 				struct exportlist *, int);
178 void	huphandler(int sig);
179 int     makemask(struct sockaddr_storage *ssp, int bitlen);
180 void	mntsrv(struct svc_req *, SVCXPRT *);
181 void	nextfield(char **, char **);
182 void	out_of_mem(void);
183 void	parsecred(char *, struct ucred *);
184 int	put_exlist(struct dirlist *, XDR *, struct dirlist *, int *, int);
185 void    *sa_rawaddr(struct sockaddr *sa, int *nbytes);
186 int     sacmp(struct sockaddr *sa1, struct sockaddr *sa2,
187     struct sockaddr *samask);
188 int	scan_tree(struct dirlist *, struct sockaddr *);
189 static void usage(void);
190 int	xdr_dir(XDR *, char *);
191 int	xdr_explist(XDR *, caddr_t);
192 int	xdr_explist_brief(XDR *, caddr_t);
193 int	xdr_fhs(XDR *, caddr_t);
194 int	xdr_mlist(XDR *, caddr_t);
195 void	terminate(int);
197 struct exportlist *exphead;
198 struct mountlist *mlhead;
199 struct grouplist *grphead;
200 char *exnames_default[2] = { _PATH_EXPORTS, NULL };
201 char **exnames;
202 char **hosts = NULL;
203 struct ucred def_anon = {
204 	1,
205 	(uid_t) -2,
206 	1,
207 	{ (gid_t) -2 }
208 };
209 int force_v2 = 0;
210 int resvport_only = 1;
211 int nhosts = 0;
212 int dir_only = 1;
213 int dolog = 0;
214 int got_sighup = 0;
216 int xcreated = 0;
217 char *svcport_str = NULL;
218 int opt_flags;
219 static int have_v6 = 1;
221 struct pidfh *pfh = NULL;
222 /* Bits for the opt_flags above */
223 #define	OP_MAPROOT	0x01
224 #define	OP_MAPALL	0x02
225 /* 0x4 free */
226 #define	OP_MASK		0x08
227 #define	OP_NET		0x10
228 #define	OP_ALLDIRS	0x40
229 #define OP_HAVEMASK     0x80    /* A mask was specified or inferred. */
230 #define	OP_QUIET	0x100
231 #define	OP_MASKLEN	0x200
233 #ifdef DEBUG
234 int debug = 1;
235 void	SYSLOG(int, const char *, ...);
236 #define syslog SYSLOG
237 #else
238 int debug = 0;
239 #endif
241 /*
242  * Mountd server for NFS mount protocol as described in:
243  * NFS: Network File System Protocol Specification, RFC1094, Appendix A
244  * The optional arguments are the exports file name
245  * default: _PATH_EXPORTS
246  * and "-n" to allow nonroot mount.
247  */
248 int
249 main(int argc, char **argv)
250 {
251 	fd_set readfds;
252 	struct netconfig *nconf;
253 	char *endptr, **hosts_bak;
254 	void *nc_handle;
255 	pid_t otherpid;
256 	in_port_t svcport;
257 	int c, k, s;
258 	int maxrec = RPC_MAXDATASIZE;
260 	/* Check that another mountd isn't already running. */
261 	pfh = pidfile_open(_PATH_MOUNTDPID, 0600, &otherpid);
262 	if (pfh == NULL) {
263 		if (errno == EEXIST)
264 			errx(1, "mountd already running, pid: %d.", otherpid);
265 		warn("cannot open or create pidfile");
266 	}
268 	s = socket(AF_INET6, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_UDP);
269 	if (s < 0)
270 		have_v6 = 0;
271 	else
272 		close(s);
273 	if (modfind("nfs") < 0) {
274 		/* Not present in kernel, try loading it */
275 		if (kldload("nfs") < 0 || modfind("nfs") < 0)
276 			errx(1, "NFS server is not available or loadable");
277 	}
279 	while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "2dh:lnp:r")) != -1) {
280 		switch (c) {
281 		case '2':
282 			force_v2 = 1;
283 			break;
284 		case 'n':
285 			resvport_only = 0;
286 			break;
287 		case 'r':
288 			dir_only = 0;
289 			break;
290 		case 'd':
291 			debug = debug ? 0 : 1;
292 			break;
293 		case 'l':
294 			dolog = 1;
295 			break;
296 		case 'p':
297 			endptr = NULL;
298 			svcport = (in_port_t)strtoul(optarg, &endptr, 10);
299 			if (endptr == NULL || *endptr != '\0' ||
300 			    svcport == 0 || svcport >= IPPORT_MAX)
301 				usage();
302 			svcport_str = strdup(optarg);
303 			break;
304 		case 'h':
305 			++nhosts;
306 			hosts_bak = hosts;
307 			hosts_bak = realloc(hosts, nhosts * sizeof(char *));
308 			if (hosts_bak == NULL) {
309 				if (hosts != NULL) {
310 					for (k = 0; k < nhosts; k++)
311 						free(hosts[k]);
312 					free(hosts);
313 					out_of_mem();
314 				}
315 			}
316 			hosts = hosts_bak;
317 			hosts[nhosts - 1] = strdup(optarg);
318 			if (hosts[nhosts - 1] == NULL) {
319 				for (k = 0; k < (nhosts - 1); k++)
320 					free(hosts[k]);
321 				free(hosts);
322 				out_of_mem();
323 			}
324 			break;
325 		default:
326 			usage();
327 		}
328 	}
329 	if (debug == 0) {
330 		daemon(0, 0);
331 		signal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN);
332 		signal(SIGQUIT, SIG_IGN);
333 	}
334 	argc -= optind;
335 	argv += optind;
336 	grphead = NULL;
337 	exphead = NULL;
338 	mlhead = NULL;
339 	if (argc > 0)
340 		exnames = argv;
341 	else
342 		exnames = exnames_default;
343 	openlog("mountd", LOG_PID, LOG_DAEMON);
344 	if (debug)
345 		warnx("getting export list");
346 	get_exportlist();
347 	if (debug)
348 		warnx("getting mount list");
349 	get_mountlist();
350 	if (debug)
351 		warnx("here we go");
352 	signal(SIGHUP, huphandler);
353 	signal(SIGTERM, terminate);
354 	signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN);
356 	pidfile_write(pfh);
358 	rpcb_unset(RPCPROG_MNT, RPCMNT_VER1, NULL);
359 	rpcb_unset(RPCPROG_MNT, RPCMNT_VER3, NULL);
361 	rpc_control(RPC_SVC_CONNMAXREC_SET, &maxrec);
363 	if (!resvport_only) {
364 		if (sysctlbyname("vfs.nfs.nfs_privport", NULL, NULL,
365 			&resvport_only, sizeof(resvport_only)) != 0 &&
366 		    errno != ENOENT) {
367 			syslog(LOG_ERR, "sysctl: %m");
368 			exit(1);
369 		}
370 	}
372 	/*
373 	 * If no hosts were specified, add a wildcard entry to bind to
374 	 * INADDR_ANY. Otherwise make sure and ::1 are added to the
375 	 * list.
376 	 */
377 	if (nhosts == 0) {
378 		hosts = malloc(sizeof(char**));
379 		if (hosts == NULL)
380 			out_of_mem();
381 		hosts[0] = "*";
382 		nhosts = 1;
383 	} else {
384 		hosts_bak = hosts;
385 		if (have_v6) {
386 			hosts_bak = realloc(hosts, (nhosts + 2) *
387 			    sizeof(char *));
388 			if (hosts_bak == NULL) {
389 				for (k = 0; k < nhosts; k++)
390 					free(hosts[k]);
391 				free(hosts);
392 				out_of_mem();
393 			} else
394 				hosts = hosts_bak;
395 			nhosts += 2;
396 			hosts[nhosts - 2] = "::1";
397 		} else {
398 			hosts_bak = realloc(hosts, (nhosts + 1) * sizeof(char *));
399 			if (hosts_bak == NULL) {
400 				for (k = 0; k < nhosts; k++)
401 					free(hosts[k]);
402 				free(hosts);
403 				out_of_mem();
404 			} else {
405 				nhosts += 1;
406 				hosts = hosts_bak;
407 			}
408 		}
409 		hosts[nhosts - 1] = "";
410 	}
412 	nc_handle = setnetconfig();
413 	while ((nconf = getnetconfig(nc_handle))) {
414 		if (nconf->nc_flag & NC_VISIBLE) {
415 			if (have_v6 == 0 && strcmp(nconf->nc_protofmly,
416 				"inet6") == 0) {
417 				/* DO NOTHING */
418 			} else
419 				create_service(nconf);
420 		}
421 	}
422 	endnetconfig(nc_handle);
424 	if (xcreated == 0) {
425 		syslog(LOG_ERR, "could not create any services");
426 		exit(1);
427 	}
429 	/* Expand svc_run() here so that we can call get_exportlist(). */
430 	for (;;) {
431 		if (got_sighup) {
432 			get_exportlist();
433 			got_sighup = 0;
434 		}
435 		readfds = svc_fdset;
436 		switch (select(svc_maxfd + 1, &readfds, NULL, NULL, NULL)) {
437 		case -1:
438 			if (errno == EINTR)
439                                 continue;
440 			syslog(LOG_ERR, "mountd died: select: %m");
441 			exit(1);
442 		case 0:
443 			continue;
444 		default:
445 			svc_getreqset(&readfds);
446 		}
447 	}
448 }
450 /*
451  * This routine creates and binds sockets on the appropriate
452  * addresses. It gets called one time for each transport and
453  * registrates the service with rpcbind on that trasport.
454  */
455 void
456 create_service(struct netconfig *nconf)
457 {
458 	struct addrinfo hints, *res = NULL;
459 	struct sockaddr_in *sin;
460 	struct sockaddr_in6 *sin6;
461 	struct __rpc_sockinfo si;
462 	struct netbuf servaddr;
463 	SVCXPRT	*transp = NULL;
464 	int aicode;
465 	int fd;
466 	int nhostsbak;
467 	int one = 1;
468 	int r;
469 	int registered = 0;
470 	u_int32_t host_addr[4];  /* IPv4 or IPv6 */
472 	if ((nconf->nc_semantics != NC_TPI_CLTS) &&
473 	    (nconf->nc_semantics != NC_TPI_COTS) &&
474 	    (nconf->nc_semantics != NC_TPI_COTS_ORD))
475 		return;	/* not my type */
477 	/*
478 	 * XXX - using RPC library internal functions.
479 	 */
480 	if (!__rpc_nconf2sockinfo(nconf, &si)) {
481 		syslog(LOG_ERR, "cannot get information for %s",
482 		    nconf->nc_netid);
483 		return;
484 	}
486 	/* Get mountd's address on this transport */
487 	memset(&hints, 0, sizeof hints);
488 	hints.ai_flags = AI_PASSIVE;
489 	hints.ai_family = si.si_af;
490 	hints.ai_socktype = si.si_socktype;
491 	hints.ai_protocol = si.si_proto;
493 	/*
494 	 * Bind to specific IPs if asked to
495 	 */
496 	nhostsbak = nhosts;
497 	while (nhostsbak > 0) {
498 		--nhostsbak;
499 		/*
500 		 * XXX - using RPC library internal functions.
501 		 */
502 		if ((fd = __rpc_nconf2fd(nconf)) < 0) {
503 			int non_fatal = 0;
504 			if (errno == EPROTONOSUPPORT &&
505 			    nconf->nc_semantics != NC_TPI_CLTS)
506 				non_fatal = 1;
508 			syslog(non_fatal ? LOG_DEBUG : LOG_ERR,
509 			    "cannot create socket for %s", nconf->nc_netid);
510 			return;
511 		}
513 		switch (hints.ai_family) {
514 		case AF_INET:
515 			if (inet_pton(AF_INET, hosts[nhostsbak],
516 				host_addr) == 1) {
517 				hints.ai_flags &= AI_NUMERICHOST;
518 			} else {
519 				/*
520 				 * Skip if we have an AF_INET6 address.
521 				 */
522 				if (inet_pton(AF_INET6, hosts[nhostsbak],
523 					host_addr) == 1) {
524 					close(fd);
525 					continue;
526 				}
527 			}
528 			break;
529 		case AF_INET6:
530 			if (inet_pton(AF_INET6, hosts[nhostsbak],
531 				host_addr) == 1) {
532 				hints.ai_flags &= AI_NUMERICHOST;
533 			} else {
534 				/*
535 				 * Skip if we have an AF_INET address.
536 				 */
537 				if (inet_pton(AF_INET, hosts[nhostsbak],
538 					host_addr) == 1) {
539 					close(fd);
540 					continue;
541 				}
542 			}
544 			/*
545 			 * We're doing host-based access checks here, so don't
546 			 * allow v4-in-v6 to confuse things. The kernel will
547 			 * disable it by default on NFS sockets too.
548 			 */
549 			if (setsockopt(fd, IPPROTO_IPV6, IPV6_V6ONLY, &one,
550 				sizeof one) < 0) {
551 				syslog(LOG_ERR,
552 				    "can't disable v4-in-v6 on IPv6 socket");
553 				exit(1);
554 			}
555 			break;
556 		default:
557 			break;
558 		}
560 		/*
561 		 * If no hosts were specified, just bind to INADDR_ANY
562 		 */
563 		if (strcmp("*", hosts[nhostsbak]) == 0) {
564 			if (svcport_str == NULL) {
565 				res = malloc(sizeof(struct addrinfo));
566 				if (res == NULL)
567 					out_of_mem();
568 				res->ai_flags = hints.ai_flags;
569 				res->ai_family = hints.ai_family;
570 				res->ai_protocol = hints.ai_protocol;
571 				switch (res->ai_family) {
572 				case AF_INET:
573 					sin = malloc(sizeof(struct sockaddr_in));
574 					if (sin == NULL)
575 						out_of_mem();
576 					sin->sin_family = AF_INET;
577 					sin->sin_port = htons(0);
578 					sin->sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY);
579 					res->ai_addr = (struct sockaddr*) sin;
580 					res->ai_addrlen = (socklen_t)
581 					    sizeof(res->ai_addr);
582 					break;
583 				case AF_INET6:
584 					sin6 = malloc(sizeof(struct sockaddr_in6));
585 					if (sin6 == NULL)
586 						out_of_mem();
587 					sin6->sin6_family = AF_INET6;
588 					sin6->sin6_port = htons(0);
589 					sin6->sin6_addr = in6addr_any;
590 					res->ai_addr = (struct sockaddr*) sin6;
591 					res->ai_addrlen = (socklen_t)
592 					    sizeof(res->ai_addr);
593 					break;
594 				default:
595 					break;
596 				}
597 			} else {
598 				if ((aicode = getaddrinfo(NULL, svcport_str,
599 					    &hints, &res)) != 0) {
600 					syslog(LOG_ERR,
601 					    "cannot get local address for %s: %s",
602 					    nconf->nc_netid,
603 					    gai_strerror(aicode));
604 					continue;
605 				}
606 			}
607 		} else {
608 			if ((aicode = getaddrinfo(hosts[nhostsbak], svcport_str,
609 				    &hints, &res)) != 0) {
610 				syslog(LOG_ERR,
611 				    "cannot get local address for %s: %s",
612 				    nconf->nc_netid, gai_strerror(aicode));
613 				continue;
614 			}
615 		}
617 		r = bindresvport_sa(fd, res->ai_addr);
618 		if (r != 0) {
619 			syslog(LOG_ERR, "bindresvport_sa: %m");
620 			exit(1);
621 		}
623 		if (nconf->nc_semantics != NC_TPI_CLTS)
624 			listen(fd, SOMAXCONN);
626 		if (nconf->nc_semantics == NC_TPI_CLTS )
627 			transp = svc_dg_create(fd, 0, 0);
628 		else
629 			transp = svc_vc_create(fd, RPC_MAXDATASIZE,
630 			    RPC_MAXDATASIZE);
632 		if (transp != NULL) {
633 			if (!svc_reg(transp, RPCPROG_MNT, RPCMNT_VER1, mntsrv,
634 				NULL))
635 				syslog(LOG_ERR,
636 				    "can't register %s RPCMNT_VER1 service",
637 				    nconf->nc_netid);
638 			if (!force_v2) {
639 				if (!svc_reg(transp, RPCPROG_MNT, RPCMNT_VER3,
640 					mntsrv, NULL))
641 					syslog(LOG_ERR,
642 					    "can't register %s RPCMNT_VER3 service",
643 					    nconf->nc_netid);
644 			}
645 		} else
646 			syslog(LOG_WARNING, "can't create %s services",
647 			    nconf->nc_netid);
649 		if (registered == 0) {
650 			registered = 1;
651 			memset(&hints, 0, sizeof hints);
652 			hints.ai_flags = AI_PASSIVE;
653 			hints.ai_family = si.si_af;
654 			hints.ai_socktype = si.si_socktype;
655 			hints.ai_protocol = si.si_proto;
657 			if (svcport_str == NULL) {
658 				svcport_str = malloc(NI_MAXSERV * sizeof(char));
659 				if (svcport_str == NULL)
660 					out_of_mem();
662 				if (getnameinfo(res->ai_addr,
663 					res->ai_addr->sa_len, NULL, NI_MAXHOST,
664 					svcport_str, NI_MAXSERV * sizeof(char),
666 					errx(1, "Cannot get port number");
667 			}
669 			if((aicode = getaddrinfo(NULL, svcport_str, &hints,
670 				    &res)) != 0) {
671 				syslog(LOG_ERR, "cannot get local address: %s",
672 				    gai_strerror(aicode));
673 				exit(1);
674 			}
676 			servaddr.buf = malloc(res->ai_addrlen);
677 			memcpy(servaddr.buf, res->ai_addr, res->ai_addrlen);
678 			servaddr.len = res->ai_addrlen;
680 			rpcb_set(RPCPROG_MNT, RPCMNT_VER1, nconf, &servaddr);
681 			rpcb_set(RPCPROG_MNT, RPCMNT_VER3, nconf, &servaddr);
683 			xcreated++;
684 			freeaddrinfo(res);
685 		}
686 	} /* end while */
687 }
689 static void
690 usage(void)
691 {
692 	fprintf(stderr,
693 		"usage: mountd [-2] [-d] [-l] [-n] [-p <port>] [-r] "
694 		"[-h <bindip>] [export_file ...]\n");
695 	exit(1);
696 }
698 /*
699  * The mount rpc service
700  */
701 void
702 mntsrv(struct svc_req *rqstp, SVCXPRT *transp)
703 {
704 	struct exportlist *ep;
705 	struct dirlist *dp;
706 	struct fhreturn fhr;
707 	struct stat stb;
708 	struct statfs fsb;
709 	char host[NI_MAXHOST], numerichost[NI_MAXHOST];
710 	int lookup_failed = 1;
711 	struct sockaddr *saddr;
712 	u_short sport;
713 	char rpcpath[RPCMNT_PATHLEN + 1], dirpath[MAXPATHLEN];
714 	int bad = 0, defset, hostset;
715 	sigset_t sighup_mask;
717 	sigemptyset(&sighup_mask);
718 	sigaddset(&sighup_mask, SIGHUP);
719 	saddr = svc_getrpccaller(transp)->buf;
720 	switch (saddr->sa_family) {
721 	case AF_INET6:
722 		sport = ntohs(((struct sockaddr_in6 *)saddr)->sin6_port);
723 		break;
724 	case AF_INET:
725 		sport = ntohs(((struct sockaddr_in *)saddr)->sin_port);
726 		break;
727 	default:
728 		syslog(LOG_ERR, "request from unknown address family");
729 		return;
730 	}
731 	lookup_failed = getnameinfo(saddr, saddr->sa_len, host, sizeof host,
732 	    NULL, 0, 0);
733 	getnameinfo(saddr, saddr->sa_len, numerichost,
734 	    sizeof numerichost, NULL, 0, NI_NUMERICHOST);
735 	switch (rqstp->rq_proc) {
736 	case NULLPROC:
737 		if (!svc_sendreply(transp, (xdrproc_t)xdr_void, NULL))
738 			syslog(LOG_ERR, "can't send reply");
739 		return;
740 	case RPCMNT_MOUNT:
741 		if (sport >= IPPORT_RESERVED && resvport_only) {
742 			syslog(LOG_NOTICE,
743 			    "mount request from %s from unprivileged port",
744 			    numerichost);
745 			svcerr_weakauth(transp);
746 			return;
747 		}
748 		if (!svc_getargs(transp, (xdrproc_t)xdr_dir, rpcpath)) {
749 			syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "undecodable mount request from %s",
750 			    numerichost);
751 			svcerr_decode(transp);
752 			return;
753 		}
755 		/*
756 		 * Get the real pathname and make sure it is a directory
757 		 * or a regular file if the -r option was specified
758 		 * and it exists.
759 		 */
760 		if (realpath(rpcpath, dirpath) == NULL ||
761 		    stat(dirpath, &stb) < 0 ||
762 		    (!S_ISDIR(stb.st_mode) &&
763 		    (dir_only || !S_ISREG(stb.st_mode))) ||
764 		    statfs(dirpath, &fsb) < 0) {
765 			chdir("/");	/* Just in case realpath doesn't */
766 			syslog(LOG_NOTICE,
767 			    "mount request from %s for non existent path %s",
768 			    numerichost, dirpath);
769 			if (debug)
770 				warnx("stat failed on %s", dirpath);
771 			bad = ENOENT;	/* We will send error reply later */
772 		}
774 		/* Check in the exports list */
775 		sigprocmask(SIG_BLOCK, &sighup_mask, NULL);
776 		ep = ex_search(&fsb.f_fsid);
777 		hostset = defset = 0;
778 		if (ep && (chk_host(ep->ex_defdir, saddr, &defset, &hostset) ||
779 		    ((dp = dirp_search(ep->ex_dirl, dirpath)) &&
780 		      chk_host(dp, saddr, &defset, &hostset)) ||
781 		    (defset && scan_tree(ep->ex_defdir, saddr) == 0 &&
782 		     scan_tree(ep->ex_dirl, saddr) == 0))) {
783 			if (bad) {
784 				if (!svc_sendreply(transp, (xdrproc_t)xdr_long,
785 				    &bad))
786 					syslog(LOG_ERR, "can't send reply");
787 				sigprocmask(SIG_UNBLOCK, &sighup_mask, NULL);
788 				return;
789 			}
790 			if (hostset & DP_HOSTSET)
791 				fhr.fhr_flag = hostset;
792 			else
793 				fhr.fhr_flag = defset;
794 			fhr.fhr_vers = rqstp->rq_vers;
795 			/* Get the file handle */
796 			memset(&fhr.fhr_fh, 0, sizeof(nfsfh_t));
797 			if (getfh(dirpath, (fhandle_t *)&fhr.fhr_fh) < 0) {
798 				bad = errno;
799 				syslog(LOG_ERR, "can't get fh for %s", dirpath);
800 				if (!svc_sendreply(transp, (xdrproc_t)xdr_long,
801 				    &bad))
802 					syslog(LOG_ERR, "can't send reply");
803 				sigprocmask(SIG_UNBLOCK, &sighup_mask, NULL);
804 				return;
805 			}
806 			if (!svc_sendreply(transp, (xdrproc_t)xdr_fhs, &fhr))
807 				syslog(LOG_ERR, "can't send reply");
808 			if (!lookup_failed)
809 				add_mlist(host, dirpath);
810 			else
811 				add_mlist(numerichost, dirpath);
812 			if (debug)
813 				warnx("mount successful");
814 			if (dolog)
815 				syslog(LOG_NOTICE,
816 				    "mount request succeeded from %s for %s",
817 				    numerichost, dirpath);
818 		} else {
819 			bad = EACCES;
820 			syslog(LOG_NOTICE,
821 			    "mount request denied from %s for %s",
822 			    numerichost, dirpath);
823 		}
825 		if (bad && !svc_sendreply(transp, (xdrproc_t)xdr_long, &bad))
826 			syslog(LOG_ERR, "can't send reply");
827 		sigprocmask(SIG_UNBLOCK, &sighup_mask, NULL);
828 		return;
829 	case RPCMNT_DUMP:
830 		if (!svc_sendreply(transp, (xdrproc_t)xdr_mlist, NULL))
831 			syslog(LOG_ERR, "can't send reply");
832 		else if (dolog)
833 			syslog(LOG_NOTICE,
834 			    "dump request succeeded from %s",
835 			    numerichost);
836 		return;
837 	case RPCMNT_UMOUNT:
838 		if (sport >= IPPORT_RESERVED && resvport_only) {
839 			syslog(LOG_NOTICE,
840 			    "umount request from %s from unprivileged port",
841 			    numerichost);
842 			svcerr_weakauth(transp);
843 			return;
844 		}
845 		if (!svc_getargs(transp, (xdrproc_t)xdr_dir, rpcpath)) {
846 			syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "undecodable umount request from %s",
847 			    numerichost);
848 			svcerr_decode(transp);
849 			return;
850 		}
851 		if (realpath(rpcpath, dirpath) == NULL) {
852 			syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "umount request from %s "
853 			    "for non existent path %s",
854 			    numerichost, dirpath);
855 		}
856 		if (!svc_sendreply(transp, (xdrproc_t)xdr_void, NULL))
857 			syslog(LOG_ERR, "can't send reply");
858 		if (!lookup_failed)
859 			del_mlist(host, dirpath);
860 		del_mlist(numerichost, dirpath);
861 		if (dolog)
862 			syslog(LOG_NOTICE,
863 			    "umount request succeeded from %s for %s",
864 			    numerichost, dirpath);
865 		return;
867 		if (sport >= IPPORT_RESERVED && resvport_only) {
868 			syslog(LOG_NOTICE,
869 			    "umountall request from %s from unprivileged port",
870 			    numerichost);
871 			svcerr_weakauth(transp);
872 			return;
873 		}
874 		if (!svc_sendreply(transp, (xdrproc_t)xdr_void, NULL))
875 			syslog(LOG_ERR, "can't send reply");
876 		if (!lookup_failed)
877 			del_mlist(host, NULL);
878 		del_mlist(numerichost, NULL);
879 		if (dolog)
880 			syslog(LOG_NOTICE,
881 			    "umountall request succeeded from %s",
882 			    numerichost);
883 		return;
884 	case RPCMNT_EXPORT:
885 		if (!svc_sendreply(transp, (xdrproc_t)xdr_explist, NULL))
886 			if (!svc_sendreply(transp, (xdrproc_t)xdr_explist_brief, NULL))
887 				syslog(LOG_ERR, "can't send reply");
888 		if (dolog)
889 			syslog(LOG_NOTICE,
890 			    "export request succeeded from %s",
891 			    numerichost);
892 		return;
893 	default:
894 		svcerr_noproc(transp);
895 		return;
896 	}
897 }
899 /*
900  * Xdr conversion for a dirpath string
901  */
902 int
903 xdr_dir(XDR *xdrsp, char *dirp)
904 {
905 	return (xdr_string(xdrsp, &dirp, RPCMNT_PATHLEN));
906 }
908 /*
909  * Xdr routine to generate file handle reply
910  */
911 int
912 xdr_fhs(XDR *xdrsp, caddr_t cp)
913 {
914 	struct fhreturn *fhrp = (struct fhreturn *)cp;
915 	u_long ok = 0, len, auth;
917 	if (!xdr_long(xdrsp, &ok))
918 		return (0);
919 	switch (fhrp->fhr_vers) {
920 	case 1:
921 		return (xdr_opaque(xdrsp, (caddr_t)&fhrp->fhr_fh, NFSX_V2FH));
922 	case 3:
923 		len = NFSX_V3FH;
924 		if (!xdr_long(xdrsp, &len))
925 			return (0);
926 		if (!xdr_opaque(xdrsp, (caddr_t)&fhrp->fhr_fh, len))
927 			return (0);
928 		auth = RPCAUTH_UNIX;
929 		len = 1;
930 		if (!xdr_long(xdrsp, &len))
931 			return (0);
932 		return (xdr_long(xdrsp, &auth));
933 	}
934 	return (0);
935 }
937 int
938 xdr_mlist(XDR *xdrsp, caddr_t cp)
939 {
940 	struct mountlist *mlp;
941 	int true = 1;
942 	int false = 0;
943 	char *strp;
945 	mlp = mlhead;
946 	while (mlp) {
947 		if (!xdr_bool(xdrsp, &true))
948 			return (0);
949 		strp = &mlp->ml_host[0];
950 		if (!xdr_string(xdrsp, &strp, RPCMNT_NAMELEN))
951 			return (0);
952 		strp = &mlp->ml_dirp[0];
953 		if (!xdr_string(xdrsp, &strp, RPCMNT_PATHLEN))
954 			return (0);
955 		mlp = mlp->ml_next;
956 	}
957 	if (!xdr_bool(xdrsp, &false))
958 		return (0);
959 	return (1);
960 }
962 /*
963  * Xdr conversion for export list
964  */
965 int
966 xdr_explist_common(XDR *xdrsp, caddr_t cp, int brief)
967 {
968 	struct exportlist *ep;
969 	int false = 0;
970 	int putdef;
971 	sigset_t sighup_mask;
973 	sigemptyset(&sighup_mask);
974 	sigaddset(&sighup_mask, SIGHUP);
975 	sigprocmask(SIG_BLOCK, &sighup_mask, NULL);
976 	ep = exphead;
977 	while (ep) {
978 		putdef = 0;
979 		if (put_exlist(ep->ex_dirl, xdrsp, ep->ex_defdir,
980 			&putdef, brief))
981 			goto errout;
982 		if (ep->ex_defdir && putdef == 0 &&
983 			put_exlist(ep->ex_defdir, xdrsp, NULL,
984 			    &putdef, brief))
985 			goto errout;
986 		ep = ep->ex_next;
987 	}
988 	sigprocmask(SIG_UNBLOCK, &sighup_mask, NULL);
989 	if (!xdr_bool(xdrsp, &false))
990 		return (0);
991 	return (1);
992 errout:
993 	sigprocmask(SIG_UNBLOCK, &sighup_mask, NULL);
994 	return (0);
995 }
997 /*
998  * Called from xdr_explist() to traverse the tree and export the
999  * directory paths.
1000  */
1001 int
1002 put_exlist(struct dirlist *dp, XDR *xdrsp, struct dirlist *adp, int *putdefp, int brief)
1003 {
1004 	struct grouplist *grp;
1005 	struct hostlist *hp;
1006 	int true = 1;
1007 	int false = 0;
1008 	int gotalldir = 0;
1009 	char *strp;
1011 	if (dp) {
1012 		if (put_exlist(dp->dp_left, xdrsp, adp, putdefp, brief))
1013 			return (1);
1014 		if (!xdr_bool(xdrsp, &true))
1015 			return (1);
1016 		strp = dp->dp_dirp;
1017 		if (!xdr_string(xdrsp, &strp, RPCMNT_PATHLEN))
1018 			return (1);
1019 		if (adp && !strcmp(dp->dp_dirp, adp->dp_dirp)) {
1020 			gotalldir = 1;
1021 			*putdefp = 1;
1022 		}
1023 		if (brief) {
1024 			if (!xdr_bool(xdrsp, &true))
1025 				return (1);
1026 			strp = "(...)";
1027 			if (!xdr_string(xdrsp, &strp, RPCMNT_PATHLEN))
1028 				return (1);
1029 		} else if ((dp->dp_flag & DP_DEFSET) == 0 &&
1030 		    (gotalldir == 0 || (adp->dp_flag & DP_DEFSET) == 0)) {
1031 			hp = dp->dp_hosts;
1032 			while (hp) {
1033 				grp = hp->ht_grp;
1034 				if (grp->gr_type == GT_HOST) {
1035 					if (!xdr_bool(xdrsp, &true))
1036 						return (1);
1037 					strp = grp->gr_ptr.gt_addrinfo->ai_canonname;
1038 					if (!xdr_string(xdrsp, &strp,
1039 					    RPCMNT_NAMELEN))
1040 						return (1);
1041 				} else if (grp->gr_type == GT_NET) {
1042 					if (!xdr_bool(xdrsp, &true))
1043 						return (1);
1044 					strp = grp->gr_ptr.gt_net.nt_name;
1045 					if (!xdr_string(xdrsp, &strp,
1046 					    RPCMNT_NAMELEN))
1047 						return (1);
1048 				}
1049 				hp = hp->ht_next;
1050 				if (gotalldir && hp == NULL) {
1051 					hp = adp->dp_hosts;
1052 					gotalldir = 0;
1053 				}
1054 			}
1055 		}
1056 		if (!xdr_bool(xdrsp, &false))
1057 			return (1);
1058 		if (put_exlist(dp->dp_right, xdrsp, adp, putdefp, brief))
1059 			return (1);
1060 	}
1061 	return (0);
1062 }
1064 int
1065 xdr_explist(XDR *xdrsp, caddr_t cp)
1066 {
1068 	return xdr_explist_common(xdrsp, cp, 0);
1069 }
1071 int
1072 xdr_explist_brief(XDR *xdrsp, caddr_t cp)
1073 {
1075 	return xdr_explist_common(xdrsp, cp, 1);
1076 }
1078 char *line;
1079 int linesize;
1080 FILE *exp_file;
1082 /*
1083  * Get the export list from one, currently open file
1084  */
1085 static void
1086 get_exportlist_one(void)
1087 {
1088 	struct exportlist *ep, *ep2;
1089 	struct grouplist *grp, *tgrp;
1090 	struct exportlist **epp;
1091 	struct dirlist *dirhead;
1092 	struct statfs fsb;
1093 	struct ucred anon;
1094 	char *cp, *endcp, *dirp, *hst, *usr, *dom, savedc;
1095 	int len, has_host, exflags, got_nondir, dirplen, netgrp;
1097 	dirhead = NULL;
1098 	while (get_line()) {
1099 		if (debug)
1100 			warnx("got line %s", line);
1101 		cp = line;
1102 		nextfield(&cp, &endcp);
1103 		if (*cp == '#')
1104 			goto nextline;
1106 		/*
1107 		 * Set defaults.
1108 		 */
1109 		has_host = FALSE;
1110 		anon = def_anon;
1111 		exflags = MNT_EXPORTED;
1112 		got_nondir = 0;
1113 		opt_flags = 0;
1114 		ep = NULL;
1116 		/*
1117 		 * Create new exports list entry
1118 		 */
1119 		len = endcp-cp;
1120 		tgrp = grp = get_grp();
1121 		while (len > 0) {
1122 			if (len > RPCMNT_NAMELEN) {
1123 			    getexp_err(ep, tgrp);
1124 			    goto nextline;
1125 			}
1126 			if (*cp == '-') {
1127 			    if (ep == NULL) {
1128 				getexp_err(ep, tgrp);
1129 				goto nextline;
1130 			    }
1131 			    if (debug)
1132 				warnx("doing opt %s", cp);
1133 			    got_nondir = 1;
1134 			    if (do_opt(&cp, &endcp, ep, grp, &has_host,
1135 				&exflags, &anon)) {
1136 				getexp_err(ep, tgrp);
1137 				goto nextline;
1138 			    }
1139 			} else if (*cp == '/') {
1140 			    savedc = *endcp;
1141 			    *endcp = '\0';
1142 			    if (check_dirpath(cp) &&
1143 				statfs(cp, &fsb) >= 0) {
1144 				if ((fsb.f_flags & MNT_AUTOMOUNTED) != 0)
1145 				    syslog(LOG_ERR, "Warning: exporting of "
1146 					"automounted fs %s not supported", cp);
1147 				if (got_nondir) {
1148 				    syslog(LOG_ERR, "dirs must be first");
1149 				    getexp_err(ep, tgrp);
1150 				    goto nextline;
1151 				}
1152 				if (ep) {
1153 				    if (ep->ex_fs.val[0] != fsb.f_fsid.val[0] ||
1154 					ep->ex_fs.val[1] != fsb.f_fsid.val[1]) {
1155 					getexp_err(ep, tgrp);
1156 					goto nextline;
1157 				    }
1158 				} else {
1159 				    /*
1160 				     * See if this directory is already
1161 				     * in the list.
1162 				     */
1163 				    ep = ex_search(&fsb.f_fsid);
1164 				    if (ep == NULL) {
1165 					ep = get_exp();
1166 					ep->ex_fs = fsb.f_fsid;
1167 					ep->ex_fsdir = (char *)
1168 					    malloc(strlen(fsb.f_mntonname) + 1);
1169 					if (ep->ex_fsdir)
1170 					    strcpy(ep->ex_fsdir,
1171 						fsb.f_mntonname);
1172 					else
1173 					    out_of_mem();
1174 					if (debug)
1175 						warnx("making new ep fs=0x%x,0x%x",
1176 						    fsb.f_fsid.val[0],
1177 						    fsb.f_fsid.val[1]);
1178 				    } else if (debug)
1179 					warnx("found ep fs=0x%x,0x%x",
1180 					    fsb.f_fsid.val[0],
1181 					    fsb.f_fsid.val[1]);
1182 				}
1184 				/*
1185 				 * Add dirpath to export mount point.
1186 				 */
1187 				dirp = add_expdir(&dirhead, cp, len);
1188 				dirplen = len;
1189 			    } else {
1190 				getexp_err(ep, tgrp);
1191 				goto nextline;
1192 			    }
1193 			    *endcp = savedc;
1194 			} else {
1195 			    savedc = *endcp;
1196 			    *endcp = '\0';
1197 			    got_nondir = 1;
1198 			    if (ep == NULL) {
1199 				getexp_err(ep, tgrp);
1200 				goto nextline;
1201 			    }
1203 			    /*
1204 			     * Get the host or netgroup.
1205 			     */
1206 			    setnetgrent(cp);
1207 			    netgrp = getnetgrent(&hst, &usr, &dom);
1208 			    do {
1209 				if (has_host) {
1210 				    grp->gr_next = get_grp();
1211 				    grp = grp->gr_next;
1212 				}
1213 				if (netgrp) {
1214 				    if (hst == NULL) {
1215 					syslog(LOG_ERR,
1216 				"null hostname in netgroup %s, skipping", cp);
1217 					grp->gr_type = GT_IGNORE;
1218 				    } else if (get_host(hst, grp, tgrp)) {
1219 					syslog(LOG_ERR,
1220 			"bad host %s in netgroup %s, skipping", hst, cp);
1221 					grp->gr_type = GT_IGNORE;
1222 				    }
1223 				} else if (get_host(cp, grp, tgrp)) {
1224 				    syslog(LOG_ERR, "bad host %s, skipping", cp);
1225 				    grp->gr_type = GT_IGNORE;
1226 				}
1227 				has_host = TRUE;
1228 			    } while (netgrp && getnetgrent(&hst, &usr, &dom));
1229 			    endnetgrent();
1230 			    *endcp = savedc;
1231 			}
1232 			cp = endcp;
1233 			nextfield(&cp, &endcp);
1234 			len = endcp - cp;
1235 		}
1236 		if (check_options(dirhead)) {
1237 			getexp_err(ep, tgrp);
1238 			goto nextline;
1239 		}
1240 		if (!has_host) {
1241 			grp->gr_type = GT_DEFAULT;
1242 			if (debug)
1243 				warnx("adding a default entry");
1245 		/*
1246 		 * Don't allow a network export coincide with a list of
1247 		 * host(s) on the same line.
1248 		 */
1249 		} else if ((opt_flags & OP_NET) && tgrp->gr_next) {
1250 			syslog(LOG_ERR, "network/host conflict");
1251 			getexp_err(ep, tgrp);
1252 			goto nextline;
1254 		/*
1255 		 * If an export list was specified on this line, make sure
1256 		 * that we have at least one valid entry, otherwise skip it.
1257 		 */
1258 		} else {
1259 			grp = tgrp;
1260 			while (grp && grp->gr_type == GT_IGNORE)
1261 				grp = grp->gr_next;
1262 			if (! grp) {
1263 			    getexp_err(ep, tgrp);
1264 			    goto nextline;
1265 			}
1266 		}
1268 		/*
1269 		 * Loop through hosts, pushing the exports into the kernel.
1270 		 * After loop, tgrp points to the start of the list and
1271 		 * grp points to the last entry in the list.
1272 		 */
1273 		grp = tgrp;
1274 		do {
1275 			if (do_mount(ep, grp, exflags, &anon, dirp, dirplen,
1276 			    &fsb)) {
1277 				getexp_err(ep, tgrp);
1278 				goto nextline;
1279 			}
1280 		} while (grp->gr_next && (grp = grp->gr_next));
1282 		/*
1283 		 * Success. Update the data structures.
1284 		 */
1285 		if (has_host) {
1286 			hang_dirp(dirhead, tgrp, ep, opt_flags);
1287 			grp->gr_next = grphead;
1288 			grphead = tgrp;
1289 		} else {
1290 			hang_dirp(dirhead, NULL, ep,
1291 				opt_flags);
1292 			free_grp(grp);
1293 		}
1294 		dirhead = NULL;
1295 		if ((ep->ex_flag & EX_LINKED) == 0) {
1296 			ep2 = exphead;
1297 			epp = &exphead;
1299 			/*
1300 			 * Insert in the list in alphabetical order.
1301 			 */
1302 			while (ep2 && strcmp(ep2->ex_fsdir, ep->ex_fsdir) < 0) {
1303 				epp = &ep2->ex_next;
1304 				ep2 = ep2->ex_next;
1305 			}
1306 			if (ep2)
1307 				ep->ex_next = ep2;
1308 			*epp = ep;
1309 			ep->ex_flag |= EX_LINKED;
1310 		}
1311 nextline:
1312 		if (dirhead) {
1313 			free_dir(dirhead);
1314 			dirhead = NULL;
1315 		}
1316 	}
1317 	fclose(exp_file);
1318 }
1320 /*
1321  * Get the export list from all specified files
1322  */
1323 void
1324 get_exportlist(void)
1325 {
1326 	struct exportlist *ep, *ep2;
1327 	struct grouplist *grp, *tgrp;
1328 	struct statfs *fsp, *mntbufp;
1329 	struct vfsconf vfc;
1330 	char *dirp;
1331 	int num, i;
1332 	int done;
1334 	dirp = NULL;
1336 	/*
1337 	 * First, get rid of the old list
1338 	 */
1339 	ep = exphead;
1340 	while (ep) {
1341 		ep2 = ep;
1342 		ep = ep->ex_next;
1343 		free_exp(ep2);
1344 	}
1345 	exphead = NULL;
1347 	grp = grphead;
1348 	while (grp) {
1349 		tgrp = grp;
1350 		grp = grp->gr_next;
1351 		free_grp(tgrp);
1352 	}
1353 	grphead = NULL;
1355 	/*
1356 	 * And delete exports that are in the kernel for all local
1357 	 * filesystems.
1358 	 * XXX: Should know how to handle all local exportable filesystems.
1359 	 */
1360 	num = getmntinfo(&mntbufp, MNT_NOWAIT);
1361 	for (i = 0; i < num; i++) {
1362 		union {
1363 			struct ufs_args ua;
1364 			struct iso_args ia;
1365 			struct mfs_args ma;
1366 			struct msdosfs_args da;
1367 			struct ntfs_args na;
1368 		} targs;
1369 		struct export_args export;
1371 		fsp = &mntbufp[i];
1372 		if (getvfsbyname(fsp->f_fstypename, &vfc) != 0) {
1373 			syslog(LOG_ERR, "getvfsbyname() failed for %s",
1374 			    fsp->f_fstypename);
1375 			continue;
1376 		}
1378 		/*
1379 		 * Do not delete export for network filesystem by
1380 		 * passing "export" arg to mount().
1381 		 * It only makes sense to do this for local filesystems.
1382 		 */
1383 		if (vfc.vfc_flags & VFCF_NETWORK)
1384 			continue;
1386 		export.ex_flags = MNT_DELEXPORT;
1387 		if (mountctl(fsp->f_mntonname, MOUNTCTL_SET_EXPORT, -1,
1388 			     &export, sizeof(export), NULL, 0) == 0) {
1389 		} else if (!strcmp(fsp->f_fstypename, "mfs") ||
1390 		    !strcmp(fsp->f_fstypename, "ufs") ||
1391 		    !strcmp(fsp->f_fstypename, "msdos") ||
1392 		    !strcmp(fsp->f_fstypename, "ntfs") ||
1393 		    !strcmp(fsp->f_fstypename, "cd9660")) {
1394 			bzero(&targs, sizeof targs);
1395 			targs.ua.fspec = NULL;
1396 			targs.ua.export.ex_flags = MNT_DELEXPORT;
1397 			if (mount(fsp->f_fstypename, fsp->f_mntonname,
1398 				  fsp->f_flags | MNT_UPDATE,
1399 				  (caddr_t)&targs) < 0)
1400 				syslog(LOG_ERR, "can't delete exports for %s",
1401 				    fsp->f_mntonname);
1402 		}
1403 	}
1405 	/*
1406 	 * Read in the exports file and build the list, calling
1407 	 * nmount() as we go along to push the export rules into the kernel.
1408 	 */
1409 	done = 0;
1410 	for (i = 0; exnames[i] != NULL; i++) {
1411 		if (debug)
1412 			warnx("reading exports from %s", exnames[i]);
1413 		if ((exp_file = fopen(exnames[i], "r")) == NULL) {
1414 			syslog(LOG_WARNING, "can't open %s", exnames[i]);
1415 			continue;
1416 		}
1417 		get_exportlist_one();
1418 		fclose(exp_file);
1419 		done++;
1420 	}
1421 	if (done == 0) {
1422 		syslog(LOG_ERR, "can't open any exports file");
1423 		exit(2);
1424 	}
1425 }
1427 /*
1428  * Allocate an export list element
1429  */
1430 struct exportlist *
1431 get_exp(void)
1432 {
1433 	struct exportlist *ep;
1435 	ep = (struct exportlist *)malloc(sizeof (struct exportlist));
1436 	if (ep == NULL)
1437 		out_of_mem();
1438 	memset(ep, 0, sizeof(struct exportlist));
1439 	return (ep);
1440 }
1442 /*
1443  * Allocate a group list element
1444  */
1445 struct grouplist *
1446 get_grp(void)
1447 {
1448 	struct grouplist *gp;
1450 	gp = (struct grouplist *)malloc(sizeof (struct grouplist));
1451 	if (gp == NULL)
1452 		out_of_mem();
1453 	memset(gp, 0, sizeof(struct grouplist));
1454 	return (gp);
1455 }
1457 /*
1458  * Clean up upon an error in get_exportlist().
1459  */
1460 void
1461 getexp_err(struct exportlist *ep, struct grouplist *grp)
1462 {
1463 	struct grouplist *tgrp;
1465 	if (!(opt_flags & OP_QUIET))
1466 		syslog(LOG_ERR, "bad exports list line %s", line);
1467 	if (ep && (ep->ex_flag & EX_LINKED) == 0)
1468 		free_exp(ep);
1469 	while (grp) {
1470 		tgrp = grp;
1471 		grp = grp->gr_next;
1472 		free_grp(tgrp);
1473 	}
1474 }
1476 /*
1477  * Search the export list for a matching fs.
1478  */
1479 struct exportlist *
1480 ex_search(fsid_t *fsid)
1481 {
1482 	struct exportlist *ep;
1484 	ep = exphead;
1485 	while (ep) {
1486 		if (ep->ex_fs.val[0] == fsid->val[0] &&
1487 		    ep->ex_fs.val[1] == fsid->val[1])
1488 			return (ep);
1489 		ep = ep->ex_next;
1490 	}
1491 	return (ep);
1492 }
1494 /*
1495  * Add a directory path to the list.
1496  */
1497 char *
1498 add_expdir(struct dirlist **dpp, char *cp, int len)
1499 {
1500 	struct dirlist *dp;
1502 	dp = (struct dirlist *)malloc(sizeof (struct dirlist) + len);
1503 	if (dp == NULL)
1504 		out_of_mem();
1505 	dp->dp_left = *dpp;
1506 	dp->dp_right = NULL;
1507 	dp->dp_flag = 0;
1508 	dp->dp_hosts = NULL;
1509 	strcpy(dp->dp_dirp, cp);
1510 	*dpp = dp;
1511 	return (dp->dp_dirp);
1512 }
1514 /*
1515  * Hang the dir list element off the dirpath binary tree as required
1516  * and update the entry for host.
1517  */
1518 void
1519 hang_dirp(struct dirlist *dp, struct grouplist *grp, struct exportlist *ep,
1520           int flags)
1521 {
1522 	struct hostlist *hp;
1523 	struct dirlist *dp2;
1525 	if (flags & OP_ALLDIRS) {
1526 		if (ep->ex_defdir)
1527 			free((caddr_t)dp);
1528 		else
1529 			ep->ex_defdir = dp;
1530 		if (grp == NULL) {
1531 			ep->ex_defdir->dp_flag |= DP_DEFSET;
1532 		} else while (grp) {
1533 			hp = get_ht();
1534 			hp->ht_grp = grp;
1535 			hp->ht_next = ep->ex_defdir->dp_hosts;
1536 			ep->ex_defdir->dp_hosts = hp;
1537 			grp = grp->gr_next;
1538 		}
1539 	} else {
1541 		/*
1542 		 * Loop through the directories adding them to the tree.
1543 		 */
1544 		while (dp) {
1545 			dp2 = dp->dp_left;
1546 			add_dlist(&ep->ex_dirl, dp, grp, flags);
1547 			dp = dp2;
1548 		}
1549 	}
1550 }
1552 /*
1553  * Traverse the binary tree either updating a node that is already there
1554  * for the new directory or adding the new node.
1555  */
1556 void
1557 add_dlist(struct dirlist **dpp, struct dirlist *newdp, struct grouplist *grp,
1558           int flags)
1559 {
1560 	struct dirlist *dp;
1561 	struct hostlist *hp;
1562 	int cmp;
1564 	dp = *dpp;
1565 	if (dp) {
1566 		cmp = strcmp(dp->dp_dirp, newdp->dp_dirp);
1567 		if (cmp > 0) {
1568 			add_dlist(&dp->dp_left, newdp, grp, flags);
1569 			return;
1570 		} else if (cmp < 0) {
1571 			add_dlist(&dp->dp_right, newdp, grp, flags);
1572 			return;
1573 		} else
1574 			free((caddr_t)newdp);
1575 	} else {
1576 		dp = newdp;
1577 		dp->dp_left = NULL;
1578 		*dpp = dp;
1579 	}
1580 	if (grp) {
1582 		/*
1583 		 * Hang all of the host(s) off of the directory point.
1584 		 */
1585 		do {
1586 			hp = get_ht();
1587 			hp->ht_grp = grp;
1588 			hp->ht_next = dp->dp_hosts;
1589 			dp->dp_hosts = hp;
1590 			grp = grp->gr_next;
1591 		} while (grp);
1592 	} else {
1593 		dp->dp_flag |= DP_DEFSET;
1594 	}
1595 }
1597 /*
1598  * Search for a dirpath on the export point.
1599  */
1600 struct dirlist *
1601 dirp_search(struct dirlist *dp, char *dirp)
1602 {
1603 	int cmp;
1605 	if (dp) {
1606 		cmp = strcmp(dp->dp_dirp, dirp);
1607 		if (cmp > 0)
1608 			return (dirp_search(dp->dp_left, dirp));
1609 		else if (cmp < 0)
1610 			return (dirp_search(dp->dp_right, dirp));
1611 		else
1612 			return (dp);
1613 	}
1614 	return (dp);
1615 }
1617 /*
1618  * Scan for a host match in a directory tree.
1619  */
1620 int
1621 chk_host(struct dirlist *dp, struct sockaddr *saddr, int *defsetp,
1622 	 int *hostsetp)
1623 {
1624 	struct hostlist *hp;
1625 	struct grouplist *grp;
1626 	struct addrinfo *ai;
1628 	if (dp) {
1629 		if (dp->dp_flag & DP_DEFSET)
1630 			*defsetp = dp->dp_flag;
1631 		hp = dp->dp_hosts;
1632 		while (hp) {
1633 			grp = hp->ht_grp;
1634 			switch (grp->gr_type) {
1635 			case GT_HOST:
1636 				ai = grp->gr_ptr.gt_addrinfo;
1637 				for (; ai; ai = ai->ai_next) {
1638 					if (!sacmp(ai->ai_addr, saddr, NULL)) {
1639 						*hostsetp =
1640 						    (hp->ht_flag | DP_HOSTSET);
1641 						return (1);
1642 					}
1643 				}
1644 				break;
1645 			case GT_NET:
1646 				if (!sacmp(saddr, (struct sockaddr *)
1647 					&grp->gr_ptr.gt_net.nt_net,
1648 					(struct sockaddr *)
1649 					&grp->gr_ptr.gt_net.nt_mask)) {
1650 					*hostsetp = (hp->ht_flag | DP_HOSTSET);
1651 					return (1);
1652 				}
1653 				break;
1654 			}
1655 			hp = hp->ht_next;
1656 		}
1657 	}
1658 	return (0);
1659 }
1661 /*
1662  * Scan tree for a host that matches the address.
1663  */
1664 int
1665 scan_tree(struct dirlist *dp, struct sockaddr *saddr)
1666 {
1667 	int defset, hostset;
1669 	if (dp) {
1670 		if (scan_tree(dp->dp_left, saddr))
1671 			return (1);
1672 		if (chk_host(dp, saddr, &defset, &hostset))
1673 			return (1);
1674 		if (scan_tree(dp->dp_right, saddr))
1675 			return (1);
1676 	}
1677 	return (0);
1678 }
1680 /*
1681  * Traverse the dirlist tree and free it up.
1682  */
1683 void
1684 free_dir(struct dirlist *dp)
1685 {
1687 	if (dp) {
1688 		free_dir(dp->dp_left);
1689 		free_dir(dp->dp_right);
1690 		free_host(dp->dp_hosts);
1691 		free((caddr_t)dp);
1692 	}
1693 }
1695 /*
1696  * Parse the option string and update fields.
1697  * Option arguments may either be -<option>=<value> or
1698  * -<option> <value>
1699  */
1700 int
1701 do_opt(char **cpp, char **endcpp, struct exportlist *ep, struct grouplist *grp,
1702        int *has_hostp, int *exflagsp, struct ucred *cr)
1703 {
1704 	char *cpoptarg, *cpoptend;
1705 	char *cp, *endcp, *cpopt, savedc, savedc2;
1706 	int allflag, usedarg;
1708 	savedc2 = '\0';
1709 	cpopt = *cpp;
1710 	cpopt++;
1711 	cp = *endcpp;
1712 	savedc = *cp;
1713 	*cp = '\0';
1714 	while (cpopt && *cpopt) {
1715 		allflag = 1;
1716 		usedarg = -2;
1717 		if ((cpoptend = strchr(cpopt, ','))) {
1718 			*cpoptend++ = '\0';
1719 			if ((cpoptarg = strchr(cpopt, '=')))
1720 				*cpoptarg++ = '\0';
1721 		} else {
1722 			if ((cpoptarg = strchr(cpopt, '=')))
1723 				*cpoptarg++ = '\0';
1724 			else {
1725 				*cp = savedc;
1726 				nextfield(&cp, &endcp);
1727 				**endcpp = '\0';
1728 				if (endcp > cp && *cp != '-') {
1729 					cpoptarg = cp;
1730 					savedc2 = *endcp;
1731 					*endcp = '\0';
1732 					usedarg = 0;
1733 				}
1734 			}
1735 		}
1736 		if (!strcmp(cpopt, "ro") || !strcmp(cpopt, "o")) {
1737 			*exflagsp |= MNT_EXRDONLY;
1738 		} else if (cpoptarg && (!strcmp(cpopt, "maproot") ||
1739 		    !(allflag = strcmp(cpopt, "mapall")) ||
1740 		    !strcmp(cpopt, "root") || !strcmp(cpopt, "r"))) {
1741 			usedarg++;
1742 			parsecred(cpoptarg, cr);
1743 			if (allflag == 0) {
1744 				*exflagsp |= MNT_EXPORTANON;
1745 				opt_flags |= OP_MAPALL;
1746 			} else
1747 				opt_flags |= OP_MAPROOT;
1748 		} else if (cpoptarg && (!strcmp(cpopt, "mask") ||
1749 			!strcmp(cpopt, "m"))) {
1750 			if (get_net(cpoptarg, &grp->gr_ptr.gt_net, 1)) {
1751 				syslog(LOG_ERR, "bad mask: %s", cpoptarg);
1752 				return (1);
1753 			}
1754 			usedarg++;
1755 			opt_flags |= OP_MASK;
1756 		} else if (cpoptarg && (!strcmp(cpopt, "network") ||
1757 			!strcmp(cpopt, "n"))) {
1758 			if (strchr(cpoptarg, '/') != NULL) {
1759 				if (debug)
1760 					fprintf(stderr, "setting OP_MASKLEN\n");
1761 				opt_flags |= OP_MASKLEN;
1762 			}
1763 			if (grp->gr_type != GT_NULL) {
1764 				syslog(LOG_ERR, "network/host conflict");
1765 				return (1);
1766 			} else if (get_net(cpoptarg, &grp->gr_ptr.gt_net, 0)) {
1767 				syslog(LOG_ERR, "bad net: %s", cpoptarg);
1768 				return (1);
1769 			}
1770 			grp->gr_type = GT_NET;
1771 			*has_hostp = 1;
1772 			usedarg++;
1773 			opt_flags |= OP_NET;
1774 		} else if (!strcmp(cpopt, "alldirs")) {
1775 			opt_flags |= OP_ALLDIRS;
1776 		} else if (!strcmp(cpopt, "public")) {
1777 			*exflagsp |= MNT_EXPUBLIC;
1778 		} else if (!strcmp(cpopt, "webnfs")) {
1780 			opt_flags |= OP_MAPALL;
1781 		} else if (cpoptarg && !strcmp(cpopt, "index")) {
1782 			ep->ex_indexfile = strdup(cpoptarg);
1783 		} else if (!strcmp(cpopt, "quiet")) {
1784 			opt_flags |= OP_QUIET;
1785 		} else {
1786 			syslog(LOG_ERR, "bad opt %s", cpopt);
1787 			return (1);
1788 		}
1789 		if (usedarg >= 0) {
1790 			*endcp = savedc2;
1791 			**endcpp = savedc;
1792 			if (usedarg > 0) {
1793 				*cpp = cp;
1794 				*endcpp = endcp;
1795 			}
1796 			return (0);
1797 		}
1798 		cpopt = cpoptend;
1799 	}
1800 	**endcpp = savedc;
1801 	return (0);
1802 }
1804 /*
1805  * Translate a character string to the corresponding list of network
1806  * addresses for a hostname.
1807  */
1808 int
1809 get_host(char *cp, struct grouplist *grp, struct grouplist *tgrp)
1810 {
1811 	struct grouplist *checkgrp;
1812 	struct addrinfo *ai, *tai, hints;
1813 	int ecode;
1814 	char host[NI_MAXHOST];
1816 	if (grp->gr_type != GT_NULL) {
1817 		syslog(LOG_ERR, "Bad netgroup type for ip host %s", cp);
1818 		return (1);
1819 	}
1820 	memset(&hints, 0, sizeof hints);
1821 	hints.ai_flags = AI_CANONNAME;
1822 	hints.ai_protocol = IPPROTO_UDP;
1823 	ecode = getaddrinfo(cp, NULL, &hints, &ai);
1824 	if (ecode != 0) {
1825 		syslog(LOG_ERR,"can't get address info for host %s", cp);
1826 		return 1;
1827 	}
1828 	grp->gr_ptr.gt_addrinfo = ai;
1829 	while (ai != NULL) {
1830 		if (ai->ai_canonname == NULL) {
1831 			if (getnameinfo(ai->ai_addr, ai->ai_addrlen, host,
1832 			    sizeof host, NULL, 0, NI_NUMERICHOST) != 0)
1833 				strlcpy(host, "?", sizeof(host));
1834 			ai->ai_canonname = strdup(host);
1835 			ai->ai_flags |= AI_CANONNAME;
1836 		}
1837 		if (debug)
1838 			fprintf(stderr, "got host %s\n", ai->ai_canonname);
1839 		/*
1840 		 * Sanity check: make sure we don't already have an entry
1841 		 * for this host in the grouplist.
1842 		 */
1843 		for (checkgrp = tgrp; checkgrp != NULL;
1844 		    checkgrp = checkgrp->gr_next) {
1845 			if (checkgrp->gr_type != GT_HOST)
1846 				continue;
1847 			for (tai = checkgrp->gr_ptr.gt_addrinfo; tai != NULL;
1848 			    tai = tai->ai_next) {
1849 				if (sacmp(tai->ai_addr, ai->ai_addr, NULL) != 0)
1850 					continue;
1851 				if (debug)
1852 					fprintf(stderr,
1853 					    "ignoring duplicate host %s\n",
1854 					    ai->ai_canonname);
1855 				grp->gr_type = GT_IGNORE;
1856 				return (0);
1857 			}
1858 		}
1859 		ai = ai->ai_next;
1860 	}
1861 	grp->gr_type = GT_HOST;
1862 	return (0);
1863 }
1865 /*
1866  * Free up an exports list component
1867  */
1868 void
1869 free_exp(struct exportlist *ep)
1870 {
1872 	if (ep->ex_defdir) {
1873 		free_host(ep->ex_defdir->dp_hosts);
1874 		free((caddr_t)ep->ex_defdir);
1875 	}
1876 	if (ep->ex_fsdir)
1877 		free(ep->ex_fsdir);
1878 	if (ep->ex_indexfile)
1879 		free(ep->ex_indexfile);
1880 	free_dir(ep->ex_dirl);
1881 	free((caddr_t)ep);
1882 }
1884 /*
1885  * Free hosts.
1886  */
1887 void
1888 free_host(struct hostlist *hp)
1889 {
1890 	struct hostlist *hp2;
1892 	while (hp) {
1893 		hp2 = hp;
1894 		hp = hp->ht_next;
1895 		free((caddr_t)hp2);
1896 	}
1897 }
1899 struct hostlist *
1900 get_ht(void)
1901 {
1902 	struct hostlist *hp;
1904 	hp = (struct hostlist *)malloc(sizeof (struct hostlist));
1905 	if (hp == NULL)
1906 		out_of_mem();
1907 	hp->ht_next = NULL;
1908 	hp->ht_flag = 0;
1909 	return (hp);
1910 }
1912 /*
1913  * Out of memory, fatal
1914  */
1915 void
1916 out_of_mem(void)
1917 {
1919 	syslog(LOG_ERR, "out of memory");
1920 	exit(2);
1921 }
1923 /*
1924  * Do the mount syscall with the update flag to push the export info into
1925  * the kernel.
1926  */
1927 int
1928 do_mount(struct exportlist *ep, struct grouplist *grp, int exflags,
1929          struct ucred *anoncrp, char *dirp, int dirplen, struct statfs *fsb)
1930 {
1931 	struct statfs fsb1;
1932 	struct addrinfo *ai;
1933 	struct export_args *eap;
1934 	char *cp = NULL;
1935 	int done;
1936 	char savedc = '\0';
1937 	union {
1938 		struct ufs_args ua;
1939 		struct iso_args ia;
1940 		struct mfs_args ma;
1941 		struct msdosfs_args da;
1942 		struct ntfs_args na;
1943 	} args;
1945 	bzero(&args, sizeof args);
1946 	/* XXX, we assume that all xx_args look like ufs_args. */
1947 	args.ua.fspec = 0;
1948 	eap = &args.ua.export;
1950 	eap->ex_flags = exflags;
1951 	eap->ex_anon = *anoncrp;
1952 	eap->ex_indexfile = ep->ex_indexfile;
1953 	if (grp->gr_type == GT_HOST)
1954 		ai = grp->gr_ptr.gt_addrinfo;
1955 	else
1956 		ai = NULL;
1957 	done = FALSE;
1958 	while (!done) {
1959 		switch (grp->gr_type) {
1960 		case GT_HOST:
1961 			if (ai->ai_addr->sa_family == AF_INET6 && have_v6 == 0)
1962 				goto skip;
1963 			eap->ex_addr = ai->ai_addr;
1964 			eap->ex_addrlen = ai->ai_addrlen;
1965 			eap->ex_masklen = 0;
1966 			break;
1967 		case GT_NET:
1968 			if (grp->gr_ptr.gt_net.nt_net.ss_family == AF_INET6 &&
1969 			    have_v6 == 0)
1970 				goto skip;
1971 			eap->ex_addr =
1972 			    (struct sockaddr *)&grp->gr_ptr.gt_net.nt_net;
1973 			eap->ex_addrlen = args.ua.export.ex_addr->sa_len;
1974 			eap->ex_mask =
1975 			    (struct sockaddr *)&grp->gr_ptr.gt_net.nt_mask;
1976 			eap->ex_masklen = args.ua.export.ex_mask->sa_len;
1977 			break;
1978 		case GT_DEFAULT:
1979 			eap->ex_addr = NULL;
1980 			eap->ex_addrlen = 0;
1981 			eap->ex_mask = NULL;
1982 			eap->ex_masklen = 0;
1983 			break;
1984 		case GT_IGNORE:
1985 			return(0);
1986 			break;
1987 		default:
1988 			syslog(LOG_ERR, "bad grouptype");
1989 			if (cp)
1990 				*cp = savedc;
1991 			return (1);
1992 		}
1994 		/*
1995 		 * XXX:
1996 		 * Maybe I should just use the fsb->f_mntonname path instead
1997 		 * of looping back up the dirp to the mount point??
1998 		 * Also, needs to know how to export all types of local
1999 		 * exportable filesystems and not just "ufs".
2000 		 */
2001 		for (;;) {
2002 			int r;
2004 			r = mountctl(fsb->f_mntonname, MOUNTCTL_SET_EXPORT,
2005 				     -1,
2006 				     &args.ua.export, sizeof(args.ua.export),
2007 				     NULL, 0);
2008 			if (r < 0 && errno == EOPNOTSUPP) {
2009 				r = mount(fsb->f_fstypename, dirp,
2010 					  fsb->f_flags | MNT_UPDATE,
2011 					  (caddr_t)&args);
2012 			}
2013 			if (r >= 0)
2014 				break;
2015 			if (cp)
2016 				*cp-- = savedc;
2017 			else
2018 				cp = dirp + dirplen - 1;
2019 			if (opt_flags & OP_QUIET)
2020 				return (1);
2021 			if (errno == EPERM) {
2022 				if (debug)
2023 					warnx("can't change attributes for %s",
2024 					    dirp);
2025 				syslog(LOG_ERR,
2026 				   "can't change attributes for %s", dirp);
2027 				return (1);
2028 			}
2029 			if (opt_flags & OP_ALLDIRS) {
2030 				if (errno == EINVAL)
2031 					syslog(LOG_ERR,
2032 		"-alldirs requested but %s is not a filesystem mountpoint",
2033 						dirp);
2034 				else
2035 					syslog(LOG_ERR,
2036 						"could not remount %s: %m",
2037 						dirp);
2038 				return (1);
2039 			}
2040 			/* back up over the last component */
2041 			while (*cp == '/' && cp > dirp)
2042 				cp--;
2043 			while (*(cp - 1) != '/' && cp > dirp)
2044 				cp--;
2045 			if (cp == dirp) {
2046 				if (debug)
2047 					warnx("mnt unsucc");
2048 				syslog(LOG_ERR, "can't export %s", dirp);
2049 				return (1);
2050 			}
2051 			savedc = *cp;
2052 			*cp = '\0';
2053 			/* Check that we're still on the same filesystem. */
2054 			if (statfs(dirp, &fsb1) != 0 || bcmp(&fsb1.f_fsid,
2055 			    &fsb->f_fsid, sizeof(fsb1.f_fsid)) != 0) {
2056 				*cp = savedc;
2057 				syslog(LOG_ERR, "can't export %s", dirp);
2058 				return (1);
2059 			}
2060 		}
2061 skip:
2062 		if (ai != NULL)
2063 			ai = ai->ai_next;
2064 		if (ai == NULL)
2065 			done = TRUE;
2066 	}
2067 	if (cp)
2068 		*cp = savedc;
2069 	return (0);
2070 }
2072 /*
2073  * Translate a net address.
2074  *
2075  * If `maskflg' is nonzero, then `cp' is a netmask, not a network address.
2076  */
2077 int
2078 get_net(char *cp, struct netmsk *net, int maskflg)
2079 {
2080 	struct netent *np = NULL;
2081 	char *name, *p, *prefp;
2082 	struct sockaddr_in sin;
2083 	struct sockaddr *sa = NULL;
2084 	struct addrinfo hints, *ai = NULL;
2085 	char netname[NI_MAXHOST];
2086 	long preflen;
2088 	p = prefp = NULL;
2089 	if ((opt_flags & OP_MASKLEN) && !maskflg) {
2090 		p = strchr(cp, '/');
2091 		*p = '\0';
2092 		prefp = p + 1;
2093 	}
2095 	/*
2096 	 * Check for a numeric address first. We wish to avoid
2097 	 * possible DNS lookups in getnetbyname().
2098 	 */
2099 	if (isxdigit(*cp) || *cp == ':') {
2100 		memset(&hints, 0, sizeof hints);
2101 		/* Ensure the mask and the network have the same family. */
2102 		if (maskflg && (opt_flags & OP_NET))
2103 			hints.ai_family = net->nt_net.ss_family;
2104 		else if (!maskflg && (opt_flags & OP_HAVEMASK))
2105 			hints.ai_family = net->nt_mask.ss_family;
2106 		else
2107 			hints.ai_family = AF_UNSPEC;
2108 		hints.ai_flags = AI_NUMERICHOST;
2109 		if (getaddrinfo(cp, NULL, &hints, &ai) == 0)
2110 			sa = ai->ai_addr;
2111 		if (sa != NULL && ai->ai_family == AF_INET) {
2112 			/*
2113 			 * The address in `cp' is really a network address, so
2114 			 * use inet_network() to re-interpret this correctly.
2115 			 * e.g. "127.1" means, not
2116 			 */
2117 			bzero(&sin, sizeof sin);
2118 			sin.sin_family = AF_INET;
2119 			sin.sin_len = sizeof sin;
2120 			sin.sin_addr = inet_makeaddr(inet_network(cp), 0);
2121 			if (debug)
2122 				fprintf(stderr, "get_net: v4 addr %s\n",
2123 				    inet_ntoa(sin.sin_addr));
2124 			sa = (struct sockaddr *)&sin;
2125 		}
2126 	}
2127 	if (sa == NULL && (np = getnetbyname(cp)) != NULL) {
2128 		bzero(&sin, sizeof sin);
2129 		sin.sin_family = AF_INET;
2130 		sin.sin_len = sizeof sin;
2131 		sin.sin_addr = inet_makeaddr(np->n_net, 0);
2132 		sa = (struct sockaddr *)&sin;
2133 	}
2134 	if (sa == NULL)
2135 		goto fail;
2137 	if (maskflg) {
2138 		/* The specified sockaddr is a mask. */
2139 		if (checkmask(sa) != 0)
2140 			goto fail;
2141 		bcopy(sa, &net->nt_mask, sa->sa_len);
2142 		opt_flags |= OP_HAVEMASK;
2143 	} else {
2144 		/* The specified sockaddr is a network address. */
2145 		bcopy(sa, &net->nt_net, sa->sa_len);
2147 		/* Get a network name for the export list. */
2148 		if (np) {
2149 			name = np->n_name;
2150 		} else if (getnameinfo(sa, sa->sa_len, netname, sizeof netname,
2151 			NULL, 0, NI_NUMERICHOST) == 0) {
2152 			name = netname;
2153 		} else {
2154 			goto fail;
2155 		}
2156 		if ((net->nt_name = strdup(name)) == NULL)
2157 			out_of_mem();
2159 		/*
2160 		 * Extract a mask from either a "/<masklen>" suffix, or
2161 		 * from the class of an IPv4 address.
2162 		 */
2163 		if (opt_flags & OP_MASKLEN) {
2164 			preflen = strtol(prefp, NULL, 10);
2165 			if (preflen < 0L || preflen == LONG_MAX)
2166 				goto fail;
2167 			bcopy(sa, &net->nt_mask, sa->sa_len);
2168 			if (makemask(&net->nt_mask, (int)preflen) != 0)
2169 				goto fail;
2170 			opt_flags |= OP_HAVEMASK;
2171 			*p = '/';
2172 		} else if (sa->sa_family == AF_INET &&
2173 		    (opt_flags & OP_MASK) == 0) {
2174 			in_addr_t addr;
2176 			addr = ((struct sockaddr_in *)sa)->sin_addr.s_addr;
2177 			if (IN_CLASSA(addr))
2178 				preflen = 8;
2179 			else if (IN_CLASSB(addr))
2180 				preflen = 16;
2181 			else if (IN_CLASSC(addr))
2182 				preflen = 24;
2183 			else if (IN_CLASSD(addr))
2184 				preflen = 28;
2185 			else
2186 				preflen = 32;   /* XXX */
2188 			bcopy(sa, &net->nt_mask, sa->sa_len);
2189 			makemask(&net->nt_mask, (int)preflen);
2190 			opt_flags |= OP_HAVEMASK;
2191 		}
2192 	}
2194 	if (ai)
2195 		freeaddrinfo(ai);
2196 	return 0;
2198 fail:
2199 	if (ai)
2200 		freeaddrinfo(ai);
2201 	return 1;
2202 }
2204 /*
2205  * Parse out the next white space separated field
2206  */
2207 void
2208 nextfield(char **cp, char **endcp)
2209 {
2210 	char *p;
2212 	p = *cp;
2213 	while (*p == ' ' || *p == '\t')
2214 		p++;
2215 	if (*p == '\n' || *p == '\0')
2216 		*cp = *endcp = p;
2217 	else {
2218 		*cp = p++;
2219 		while (*p != ' ' && *p != '\t' && *p != '\n' && *p != '\0')
2220 			p++;
2221 		*endcp = p;
2222 	}
2223 }
2225 /*
2226  * Get an exports file line. Skip over blank lines and handle line
2227  * continuations.
2228  */
2229 int
2230 get_line(void)
2231 {
2232 	char *p, *cp;
2233 	size_t len;
2234 	int totlen, cont_line;
2236 	/*
2237 	 * Loop around ignoring blank lines and getting all continuation lines.
2238 	 */
2239 	p = line;
2240 	totlen = 0;
2241 	do {
2242 		if ((p = fgetln(exp_file, &len)) == NULL)
2243 			return (0);
2244 		cp = p + len - 1;
2245 		cont_line = 0;
2246 		while (cp >= p &&
2247 		    (*cp == ' ' || *cp == '\t' || *cp == '\n' || *cp == '\\')) {
2248 			if (*cp == '\\')
2249 				cont_line = 1;
2250 			cp--;
2251 			len--;
2252 		}
2253 		if (cont_line) {
2254 			*++cp = ' ';
2255 			len++;
2256 		}
2257 		if (linesize < len + totlen + 1) {
2258 			linesize = len + totlen + 1;
2259 			line = realloc(line, linesize);
2260 			if (line == NULL)
2261 				out_of_mem();
2262 		}
2263 		memcpy(line + totlen, p, len);
2264 		totlen += len;
2265 		line[totlen] = '\0';
2266 	} while (totlen == 0 || cont_line);
2267 	return (1);
2268 }
2270 /*
2271  * Parse a description of a credential.
2272  */
2273 void
2274 parsecred(char *namelist, struct ucred *cr)
2275 {
2276 	char *name;
2277 	int cnt;
2278 	char *names;
2279 	struct passwd *pw;
2280 	struct group *gr;
2281 	gid_t ngroups, groups[NGROUPS + 1];
2283 	/*
2284 	 * Set up the unprivileged user.
2285 	 */
2286 	cr->cr_ref = 1;
2287 	cr->cr_uid = -2;
2288 	cr->cr_groups[0] = -2;
2289 	cr->cr_ngroups = 1;
2290 	/*
2291 	 * Get the user's password table entry.
2292 	 */
2293 	names = strsep(&namelist, " \t\n");
2294 	name = strsep(&names, ":");
2295 	if (isdigit(*name) || *name == '-')
2296 		pw = getpwuid(atoi(name));
2297 	else
2298 		pw = getpwnam(name);
2299 	/*
2300 	 * Credentials specified as those of a user.
2301 	 */
2302 	if (names == NULL) {
2303 		if (pw == NULL) {
2304 			syslog(LOG_ERR, "unknown user: %s", name);
2305 			return;
2306 		}
2307 		cr->cr_uid = pw->pw_uid;
2308 		ngroups = NGROUPS + 1;
2309 		if (getgrouplist(pw->pw_name, pw->pw_gid, groups, &ngroups))
2310 			syslog(LOG_ERR, "too many groups");
2311 		/*
2312 		 * Compress out duplicate
2313 		 */
2314 		cr->cr_ngroups = ngroups - 1;
2315 		cr->cr_groups[0] = groups[0];
2316 		for (cnt = 2; cnt < ngroups; cnt++)
2317 			cr->cr_groups[cnt - 1] = groups[cnt];
2318 		return;
2319 	}
2320 	/*
2321 	 * Explicit credential specified as a colon separated list:
2322 	 *	uid:gid:gid:...
2323 	 */
2324 	if (pw != NULL)
2325 		cr->cr_uid = pw->pw_uid;
2326 	else if (isdigit(*name) || *name == '-')
2327 		cr->cr_uid = atoi(name);
2328 	else {
2329 		syslog(LOG_ERR, "unknown user: %s", name);
2330 		return;
2331 	}
2332 	cr->cr_ngroups = 0;
2333 	while (names != NULL && *names != '\0' && cr->cr_ngroups < NGROUPS) {
2334 		name = strsep(&names, ":");
2335 		if (isdigit(*name) || *name == '-') {
2336 			cr->cr_groups[cr->cr_ngroups++] = atoi(name);
2337 		} else {
2338 			if ((gr = getgrnam(name)) == NULL) {
2339 				syslog(LOG_ERR, "unknown group: %s", name);
2340 				continue;
2341 			}
2342 			cr->cr_groups[cr->cr_ngroups++] = gr->gr_gid;
2343 		}
2344 	}
2345 	if (names != NULL && *names != '\0' && cr->cr_ngroups == NGROUPS)
2346 		syslog(LOG_ERR, "too many groups");
2347 }
2350 /*
2351  * Routines that maintain the remote mounttab
2352  */
2353 void
2354 get_mountlist(void)
2355 {
2356 	struct mountlist *mlp, **mlpp;
2357 	char *host, *dirp, *cp;
2358 	char str[STRSIZ];
2359 	FILE *mlfile;
2361 	if ((mlfile = fopen(_PATH_RMOUNTLIST, "r")) == NULL) {
2362 		if (errno == ENOENT)
2363 			return;
2364 		else {
2365 			syslog(LOG_ERR, "can't open %s", _PATH_RMOUNTLIST);
2366 			return;
2367 		}
2368 	}
2369 	mlpp = &mlhead;
2370 	while (fgets(str, STRSIZ, mlfile) != NULL) {
2371 		cp = str;
2372 		host = strsep(&cp, " \t\n");
2373 		dirp = strsep(&cp, " \t\n");
2374 		if (host == NULL || dirp == NULL)
2375 			continue;
2376 		mlp = (struct mountlist *)malloc(sizeof (*mlp));
2377 		if (mlp == NULL)
2378 			out_of_mem();
2379 		strncpy(mlp->ml_host, host, RPCMNT_NAMELEN);
2380 		mlp->ml_host[RPCMNT_NAMELEN] = '\0';
2381 		strncpy(mlp->ml_dirp, dirp, RPCMNT_PATHLEN);
2382 		mlp->ml_dirp[RPCMNT_PATHLEN] = '\0';
2383 		mlp->ml_next = NULL;
2384 		*mlpp = mlp;
2385 		mlpp = &mlp->ml_next;
2386 	}
2387 	fclose(mlfile);
2388 }
2390 void
2391 del_mlist(char *hostp, char *dirp)
2392 {
2393 	struct mountlist *mlp, **mlpp;
2394 	struct mountlist *mlp2;
2395 	FILE *mlfile;
2396 	int fnd = 0;
2398 	mlpp = &mlhead;
2399 	mlp = mlhead;
2400 	while (mlp) {
2401 		if (!strcmp(mlp->ml_host, hostp) &&
2402 		    (!dirp || !strcmp(mlp->ml_dirp, dirp))) {
2403 			fnd = 1;
2404 			mlp2 = mlp;
2405 			*mlpp = mlp = mlp->ml_next;
2406 			free((caddr_t)mlp2);
2407 		} else {
2408 			mlpp = &mlp->ml_next;
2409 			mlp = mlp->ml_next;
2410 		}
2411 	}
2412 	if (fnd) {
2413 		if ((mlfile = fopen(_PATH_RMOUNTLIST, "w")) == NULL) {
2414 			syslog(LOG_ERR,"can't update %s", _PATH_RMOUNTLIST);
2415 			return;
2416 		}
2417 		mlp = mlhead;
2418 		while (mlp) {
2419 			fprintf(mlfile, "%s %s\n", mlp->ml_host, mlp->ml_dirp);
2420 			mlp = mlp->ml_next;
2421 		}
2422 		fclose(mlfile);
2423 	}
2424 }
2426 void
2427 add_mlist(char *hostp, char *dirp)
2428 {
2429 	struct mountlist *mlp, **mlpp;
2430 	FILE *mlfile;
2432 	mlpp = &mlhead;
2433 	mlp = mlhead;
2434 	while (mlp) {
2435 		if (!strcmp(mlp->ml_host, hostp) && !strcmp(mlp->ml_dirp, dirp))
2436 			return;
2437 		mlpp = &mlp->ml_next;
2438 		mlp = mlp->ml_next;
2439 	}
2440 	mlp = (struct mountlist *)malloc(sizeof (*mlp));
2441 	if (mlp == NULL)
2442 		out_of_mem();
2443 	strncpy(mlp->ml_host, hostp, RPCMNT_NAMELEN);
2444 	mlp->ml_host[RPCMNT_NAMELEN] = '\0';
2445 	strncpy(mlp->ml_dirp, dirp, RPCMNT_PATHLEN);
2446 	mlp->ml_dirp[RPCMNT_PATHLEN] = '\0';
2447 	mlp->ml_next = NULL;
2448 	*mlpp = mlp;
2449 	if ((mlfile = fopen(_PATH_RMOUNTLIST, "a")) == NULL) {
2450 		syslog(LOG_ERR, "can't update %s", _PATH_RMOUNTLIST);
2451 		return;
2452 	}
2453 	fprintf(mlfile, "%s %s\n", mlp->ml_host, mlp->ml_dirp);
2454 	fclose(mlfile);
2455 }
2457 /*
2458  * Free up a group list.
2459  */
2460 void
2461 free_grp(struct grouplist *grp)
2462 {
2463 	if (grp->gr_type == GT_HOST) {
2464 		if (grp->gr_ptr.gt_addrinfo != NULL)
2465 			freeaddrinfo(grp->gr_ptr.gt_addrinfo);
2466 	} else if (grp->gr_type == GT_NET) {
2467 		if (grp->gr_ptr.gt_net.nt_name)
2468 			free(grp->gr_ptr.gt_net.nt_name);
2469 	}
2470 	free((caddr_t)grp);
2471 }
2473 #ifdef DEBUG
2474 void
2475 SYSLOG(int pri, const char *fmt, ...)
2476 {
2477 	va_list ap;
2479 	va_start(ap, fmt);
2480 	vfprintf(stderr, fmt, ap);
2481 	va_end(ap);
2482 }
2483 #endif /* DEBUG */
2485 /*
2486  * Check options for consistency.
2487  */
2488 int
2489 check_options(struct dirlist *dp)
2490 {
2492 	if (dp == NULL)
2493 	    return (1);
2494 	if ((opt_flags & (OP_MAPROOT | OP_MAPALL)) == (OP_MAPROOT | OP_MAPALL)) {
2495 		syslog(LOG_ERR, "-mapall and -maproot mutually exclusive");
2496 		return (1);
2497 	}
2498 	if ((opt_flags & OP_MASK) && (opt_flags & OP_NET) == 0) {
2499 		syslog(LOG_ERR, "-mask requires -network");
2500 		return (1);
2501 	}
2502 	if ((opt_flags & OP_NET) && (opt_flags & OP_HAVEMASK) == 0) {
2503 		syslog(LOG_ERR, "-network requires mask specification");
2504 		return (1);
2505 	}
2506 	if ((opt_flags & OP_MASK) && (opt_flags & OP_MASKLEN)) {
2507 		syslog(LOG_ERR, "-mask and /masklen are mutually exclusive");
2508 		return (1);
2509 	}
2510 	if ((opt_flags & OP_ALLDIRS) && dp->dp_left) {
2511 	    syslog(LOG_ERR, "-alldirs has multiple directories");
2512 	    return (1);
2513 	}
2514 	return (0);
2515 }
2517 /*
2518  * Check an absolute directory path for any symbolic links. Return true
2519  */
2520 int
2521 check_dirpath(char *dirp)
2522 {
2523 	char *cp;
2524 	int ret = 1;
2525 	struct stat sb;
2527 	cp = dirp + 1;
2528 	while (*cp && ret) {
2529 		if (*cp == '/') {
2530 			*cp = '\0';
2531 			if (lstat(dirp, &sb) < 0 || !S_ISDIR(sb.st_mode))
2532 				ret = 0;
2533 			*cp = '/';
2534 		}
2535 		cp++;
2536 	}
2537 	if (lstat(dirp, &sb) < 0 || !S_ISDIR(sb.st_mode))
2538 		ret = 0;
2539 	return (ret);
2540 }
2542 /*
2543  * Make a netmask according to the specified prefix length. The ss_family
2544  * and other non-address fields must be initialised before calling this.
2545  */
2546 int
2547 makemask(struct sockaddr_storage *ssp, int bitlen)
2548 {
2549 	u_char *p;
2550 	int bits, i, len;
2552 	if ((p = sa_rawaddr((struct sockaddr *)ssp, &len)) == NULL)
2553 		return (-1);
2554 	if (bitlen > len * CHAR_BIT)
2555 		return (-1);
2556 	for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
2557 		bits = (bitlen > CHAR_BIT) ? CHAR_BIT : bitlen;
2558 		*p++ = (1 << bits) - 1;
2559 		bitlen -= bits;
2560 	}
2561 	return 0;
2562 }
2564 /*
2565  * Check that the sockaddr is a valid netmask. Returns 0 if the mask
2566  * is acceptable (i.e. of the form 1...10....0).
2567  */
2568 int
2569 checkmask(struct sockaddr *sa)
2570 {
2571 	u_char *mask;
2572 	int i, len;
2574 	if ((mask = sa_rawaddr(sa, &len)) == NULL)
2575 		return (-1);
2577 	for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
2578 		if (mask[i] != 0xff)
2579 			break;
2580 	if (i < len) {
2581 		if (~mask[i] & (u_char)(~mask[i] + 1))
2582 			return (-1);
2583 		i++;
2584 	}
2585 	for (; i < len; i++)
2586 		if (mask[i] != 0)
2587 			return (-1);
2588 	return (0);
2589 }
2591 /*
2592  * Compare two sockaddrs according to a specified mask. Return zero if
2593  * `sa1' matches `sa2' when filtered by the netmask in `samask'.
2594  * If samask is NULL, perform a full comparision.
2595  */
2596 int
2597 sacmp(struct sockaddr *sa1, struct sockaddr *sa2, struct sockaddr *samask)
2598 {
2599 	unsigned char *p1, *p2, *mask;
2600 	int len, i;
2602 	if (sa1->sa_family != sa2->sa_family ||
2603 	    (p1 = sa_rawaddr(sa1, &len)) == NULL ||
2604 	    (p2 = sa_rawaddr(sa2, NULL)) == NULL)
2605 		return (1);
2607 	switch (sa1->sa_family) {
2608 	case AF_INET6:
2609 		if (((struct sockaddr_in6 *)sa1)->sin6_scope_id !=
2610 		    ((struct sockaddr_in6 *)sa2)->sin6_scope_id)
2611 			return (1);
2612 		break;
2613 	}
2615 	/* Simple binary comparison if no mask specified. */
2616 	if (samask == NULL)
2617 		return (memcmp(p1, p2, len));
2619 	/* Set up the mask, and do a mask-based comparison. */
2620 	if (sa1->sa_family != samask->sa_family ||
2621 	    (mask = sa_rawaddr(samask, NULL)) == NULL)
2622 		return (1);
2624 	for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
2625 		if ((p1[i] & mask[i]) != (p2[i] & mask[i]))
2626 			return (1);
2627 	return (0);
2628 }
2630 /*
2631  * Return a pointer to the part of the sockaddr that contains the
2632  * raw address, and set *nbytes to its length in bytes. Returns
2633  * NULL if the address family is unknown.
2634  */
2635 void *
2636 sa_rawaddr(struct sockaddr *sa, int *nbytes) {
2637 	void *p;
2638 	int len;
2640 	switch (sa->sa_family) {
2641 	case AF_INET:
2642 		len = sizeof(((struct sockaddr_in *)sa)->sin_addr);
2643 		p = &((struct sockaddr_in *)sa)->sin_addr;
2644 		break;
2645 	case AF_INET6:
2646 		len = sizeof(((struct sockaddr_in6 *)sa)->sin6_addr);
2647 		p = &((struct sockaddr_in6 *)sa)->sin6_addr;
2648 		break;
2649 	default:
2650 		p = NULL;
2651 		len = 0;
2652 	}
2654 	if (nbytes != NULL)
2655 		*nbytes = len;
2656 	return (p);
2657 }
2659 void
2660 huphandler(int sig)
2661 {
2662 	got_sighup = 1;
2663 }
2665 void terminate(int sig)
2666 {
2667 	pidfile_remove(pfh);
2668 	rpcb_unset(RPCPROG_MNT, RPCMNT_VER1, NULL);
2669 	rpcb_unset(RPCPROG_MNT, RPCMNT_VER3, NULL);
2670 	exit (0);
2671 }