xref: /dragonfly/sbin/vinum/commands.c (revision 509221ae)
1 /* commands.c: vinum interface program, main commands */
2 /*-
3  * Copyright (c) 1997, 1998
4  *	Nan Yang Computer Services Limited.  All rights reserved.
5  *
6  *  Written by Greg Lehey
7  *
8  *  This software is distributed under the so-called ``Berkeley
9  *  License'':
10  *
11  * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
12  * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
13  * are met:
14  * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
15  *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
16  * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
17  *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
18  *    documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
19  * 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software
20  *    must display the following acknowledgement:
21  *	This product includes software developed by Nan Yang Computer
22  *      Services Limited.
23  * 4. Neither the name of the Company nor the names of its contributors
24  *    may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
25  *    without specific prior written permission.
26  *
27  * This software is provided ``as is'', and any express or implied
28  * warranties, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of
29  * merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose are disclaimed.
30  * In no event shall the company or contributors be liable for any
31  * direct, indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, or consequential
32  * damages (including, but not limited to, procurement of substitute
33  * goods or services; loss of use, data, or profits; or business
34  * interruption) however caused and on any theory of liability, whether
35  * in contract, strict liability, or tort (including negligence or
36  * otherwise) arising in any way out of the use of this software, even if
37  * advised of the possibility of such damage.
38  *
39  * $Id: commands.c,v 1.14 2000/11/14 20:01:23 grog Exp grog $
40  * $FreeBSD: src/sbin/vinum/commands.c,v 2003/06/06 05:13:29 grog Exp $
41  * $DragonFly: src/sbin/vinum/commands.c,v 1.5 2004/02/04 17:40:01 joerg Exp $
42  */
46 #include <ctype.h>
47 #include <errno.h>
48 #include <fcntl.h>
49 #include <sys/mman.h>
50 #include <netdb.h>
51 #include <paths.h>
52 #include <setjmp.h>
53 #include <stdio.h>
54 #include <stdlib.h>
55 #include <string.h>
56 #include <syslog.h>
57 #include <unistd.h>
58 #include <sys/ioctl.h>
59 #include <dev/raid/vinum/vinumhdr.h>
60 #include <dev/raid/vinum/request.h>
61 #include "vext.h"
62 #include <sys/types.h>
63 #include <sys/linker.h>
64 #include <sys/module.h>
65 #include <sys/wait.h>
66 #include <readline/history.h>
67 #include <readline/readline.h>
68 #include <devstat.h>
70 static void dorename(struct vinum_rename_msg *msg, const char *oldname, const char *name, int maxlen);
72 void
73 vinum_create(int argc, char *argv[], char *arg0[])
74 {
75     int error;
76     FILE *dfd;						    /* file descriptor for the config file */
77     char buffer[BUFSIZE];				    /* read config file in here */
78     char commandline[BUFSIZE];				    /* issue command from here */
79     struct _ioctl_reply *reply;
80     int ioctltype;					    /* for ioctl call */
81     char tempfile[PATH_MAX];				    /* name of temp file for direct editing */
82     char *file;						    /* file to read */
83     FILE *tf;						    /* temp file */
85     if (argc == 0) {					    /* no args, */
86 	char *editor;					    /* editor to start */
87 	int status;
89 	editor = getenv("EDITOR");
90 	if (editor == NULL)
91 	    editor = "/usr/bin/vi";
92 	sprintf(tempfile, "/var/tmp/" VINUMMOD ".create.%d", getpid());	/* create a temp file */
93 	tf = fopen(tempfile, "w");			    /* open it */
94 	if (tf == NULL) {
95 	    fprintf(stderr, "Can't open %s: %s\n", argv[0], strerror(errno));
96 	    return;
97 	}
98 	printconfig(tf, "# ");				    /* and put the current config it */
99 	fclose(tf);
100 	sprintf(commandline, "%s %s", editor, tempfile);    /* create an edit command */
101 	status = system(commandline);			    /* do it */
102 	if (status != 0) {
103 	    fprintf(stderr, "Can't edit config: status %d\n", status);
104 	    return;
105 	}
106 	file = tempfile;
107     } else if (argc == 1)
108 	file = argv[0];
109     else {
110 	fprintf(stderr, "Expecting 1 parameter, not %d\n", argc);
111 	return;
112     }
113     reply = (struct _ioctl_reply *) &buffer;
114     dfd = fopen(file, "r");
115     if (dfd == NULL) {					    /* no go */
116 	fprintf(stderr, "Can't open %s: %s\n", file, strerror(errno));
117 	return;
118     }
119     if (ioctl(superdev, VINUM_STARTCONFIG, &force)) {	    /* can't get config? */
120 	printf("Can't configure: %s (%d)\n", strerror(errno), errno);
121 	return;
122     }
123     file_line = 0;					    /* start with line 1 */
124     /* Parse the configuration, and add it to the global configuration */
125     for (;;) {						    /* love this style(9) */
126 	char *configline;
128 	configline = fgets(buffer, BUFSIZE, dfd);
129 	if (history)
130 	    fprintf(history, "%s", buffer);
132 	if (configline == NULL) {
133 	    if (ferror(dfd))
134 		perror("Can't read config file");
135 	    break;
136 	}
137 	file_line++;					    /* count the lines */
138 	if (vflag)
139 	    printf("%4d: %s", file_line, buffer);
140 	strcpy(commandline, buffer);			    /* make a copy */
141 	ioctl(superdev, VINUM_CREATE, buffer);
142 	if (reply->error != 0) {			    /* error in config */
143 	    if (!vflag)					    /* print this line anyway */
144 		printf("%4d: %s", file_line, commandline);
145 	    fprintf(stdout, "** %d %s: %s\n",
146 		file_line,
147 		reply->msg,
148 		strerror(reply->error));
150 	    /*
151 	     * XXX at the moment, we reset the config
152 	     * lock on error, so try to get it again.
153 	     * If we fail, don't cry again.
154 	     */
155 	    if (ioctl(superdev, VINUM_STARTCONFIG, &force)) /* can't get config? */
156 		return;
157 	}
158     }
159     fclose(dfd);					    /* done with the config file */
160     ioctltype = 0;					    /* saveconfig after update */
161     error = ioctl(superdev, VINUM_SAVECONFIG, &ioctltype);  /* save the config to disk */
162     if (error != 0)
163 	perror("Can't save Vinum config");
164     make_devices();
165     listconfig();
166     checkupdates();					    /* make sure we're updating */
167 }
169 /* Read vinum config from a disk */
170 void
171 vinum_read(int argc, char *argv[], char *arg0[])
172 {
173     int error;
174     char buffer[BUFSIZE];				    /* read config file in here */
175     struct _ioctl_reply *reply;
176     int i;
178     reply = (struct _ioctl_reply *) &buffer;
179     if (argc < 1) {					    /* wrong arg count */
180 	fprintf(stderr, "Usage: read drive [drive ...]\n");
181 	return;
182     }
183     strcpy(buffer, "read ");
184     for (i = 0; i < argc; i++) {			    /* each drive name */
185 	strcat(buffer, argv[i]);
186 	strcat(buffer, " ");
187     }
189     if (ioctl(superdev, VINUM_STARTCONFIG, &force)) {	    /* can't get config? */
190 	fprintf(stderr, "Can't configure: %s (%d)\n", strerror(errno), errno);
191 	return;
192     }
193     ioctl(superdev, VINUM_CREATE, &buffer);
194     if (reply->error != 0) {				    /* error in config */
195 	fprintf(stdout, "** %s: %s\n", reply->msg, strerror(reply->error));
196 	error = ioctl(superdev, VINUM_RELEASECONFIG, NULL); /* save the config to disk */
197 	if (error != 0)
198 	    perror("Can't save Vinum config");
199     } else {
200 	error = ioctl(superdev, VINUM_RELEASECONFIG, NULL); /* save the config to disk */
201 	if (error != 0)
202 	    perror("Can't save Vinum config");
203 	make_devices();
204     }
205     checkupdates();					    /* make sure we're updating */
206 }
208 #ifdef VINUMDEBUG
209 void
210 vinum_debug(int argc, char *argv[], char *arg0[])
211 {
212     struct debuginfo info;
214     if (argc > 0) {
215 	info.param = atoi(argv[0]);
216 	info.changeit = 1;
217     } else {
218 	info.changeit = 0;
219 	sleep(2);					    /* give a chance to leave the window */
220     }
221     ioctl(superdev, VINUM_DEBUG, (caddr_t) & info);
222 }
223 #endif
225 void
226 vinum_modify(int argc, char *argv[], char *arg0[])
227 {
228     fprintf(stderr, "Modify command is currently not implemented\n");
229     checkupdates();					    /* make sure we're updating */
230 }
232 void
233 vinum_set(int argc, char *argv[], char *arg0[])
234 {
235     fprintf(stderr, "set is not implemented yet\n");
236 }
238 void
239 vinum_rm(int argc, char *argv[], char *arg0[])
240 {
241     int object;
242     struct _ioctl_reply reply;
243     struct vinum_ioctl_msg *message = (struct vinum_ioctl_msg *) &reply;
245     if (argc == 0)					    /* start everything */
246 	fprintf(stderr, "Usage: rm object [object...]\n");
247     else {						    /* start specified objects */
248 	int index;
249 	enum objecttype type;
251 	for (index = 0; index < argc; index++) {
252 	    object = find_object(argv[index], &type);	    /* look for it */
253 	    if (type == invalid_object)
254 		fprintf(stderr, "Can't find object: %s\n", argv[index]);
255 	    else {
256 		message->index = object;		    /* pass object number */
257 		message->type = type;			    /* and type of object */
258 		message->force = force;			    /* do we want to force the operation? */
259 		message->recurse = recurse;		    /* do we want to remove subordinates? */
260 		ioctl(superdev, VINUM_REMOVE, message);
261 		if (reply.error != 0) {
262 		    fprintf(stderr,
263 			"Can't remove %s: %s (%d)\n",
264 			argv[index],
265 			reply.msg[0] ? reply.msg : strerror(reply.error),
266 			reply.error);
267 		} else if (vflag)
268 		    fprintf(stderr, "%s removed\n", argv[index]);
269 	    }
270 	}
271 	checkupdates();					    /* make sure we're updating */
272     }
273 }
275 void
276 vinum_resetconfig(int argc, char *argv[], char *arg0[])
277 {
278     char reply[32];
279     int error;
281     if (! isatty (STDIN_FILENO)) {
282 	fprintf (stderr, "Please enter this command from a tty device\n");
283 	return;
284     }
285     printf(" WARNING!  This command will completely wipe out your vinum configuration.\n"
286 	" All data will be lost.  If you really want to do this, enter the text\n\n"
287 	" NO FUTURE\n"
288 	" Enter text -> ");
289     fgets(reply, sizeof(reply), stdin);
290     if (strcmp(reply, "NO FUTURE\n"))			    /* changed his mind */
291 	printf("\n No change\n");
292     else {
293 	error = ioctl(superdev, VINUM_RESETCONFIG, NULL);   /* trash config on disk */
294 	if (error) {
295 	    if (errno == EBUSY)
296 		fprintf(stderr, "Can't reset configuration: objects are in use\n");
297 	    else
298 		perror("Can't find vinum config");
299 	} else {
300 	    make_devices();				    /* recreate the /dev/vinum hierarchy */
301 	    printf("\b Vinum configuration obliterated\n");
302 	    start_daemon();				    /* then restart the daemon */
303 	}
304     }
305     checkupdates();					    /* make sure we're updating */
306 }
308 /* Initialize subdisks */
309 void
310 vinum_init(int argc, char *argv[], char *arg0[])
311 {
312     if (argc > 0) {					    /* initialize plexes */
313 	int objindex;
314 	int objno;
315 	enum objecttype type;				    /* type returned */
317 	if (history)
318 	    fflush(history);				    /* don't let all the kids do it. */
319 	for (objindex = 0; objindex < argc; objindex++) {
320 	    objno = find_object(argv[objindex], &type);	    /* find the object */
321 	    if (objno < 0)
322 		printf("Can't find %s\n", argv[objindex]);
323 	    else {
324 		switch (type) {
325 		case volume_object:
326 		    initvol(objno);
327 		    break;
329 		case plex_object:
330 		    initplex(objno, argv[objindex]);
331 		    break;
333 		case sd_object:
334 		    initsd(objno, dowait);
335 		    break;
337 		default:
338 		    printf("Can't initialize %s: wrong object type\n", argv[objindex]);
339 		    break;
340 		}
341 	    }
342 	}
343     }
344     checkupdates();					    /* make sure we're updating */
345 }
347 void
348 initvol(int volno)
349 {
350     printf("Initializing volumes is not implemented yet\n");
351 }
353 void
354 initplex(int plexno, char *name)
355 {
356     int sdno;
357     int plexfh = NULL;					    /* file handle for plex */
358     pid_t pid;
359     char filename[MAXPATHLEN];				    /* create a file name here */
361     /* Variables for use by children */
362     int failed = 0;					    /* set if a child dies badly */
364     sprintf(filename, VINUM_DIR "/plex/%s", name);
365     if ((plexfh = open(filename, O_RDWR, S_IRWXU)) < 0) {   /* got a plex, open it */
366 	/*
367 	   * We don't actually write anything to the
368 	   * plex.  We open it to ensure that nobody
369 	   * else tries to open it while we initialize
370 	   * its subdisks.
371 	 */
372 	fprintf(stderr, "can't open plex %s: %s\n", filename, strerror(errno));
373 	return;
374     }
375     if (dowait == 0) {
376 	pid = fork();					    /* into the background with you */
377 	if (pid != 0) {					    /* I'm the parent, or we failed */
378 	    if (pid < 0)				    /* failure */
379 		printf("Couldn't fork: %s", strerror(errno));
380 	    close(plexfh);				    /* we don't need this any more */
381 	    return;
382 	}
383     }
384     /*
385      * If we get here, we're either the first-level
386      * child (if we're not waiting) or we're going
387      * to wait.
388      */
389     for (sdno = 0; sdno < plex.subdisks; sdno++) {	    /* initialize each subdisk */
390 	get_plex_sd_info(&sd, plexno, sdno);
391 	initsd(sd.sdno, 0);
392     }
393     /* Now wait for them to complete */
394     while (1) {
395 	int status;
396 	pid = wait(&status);
397 	if (((int) pid == -1)
398 	    && (errno == ECHILD))			    /* all gone */
399 	    break;
400 	if (WEXITSTATUS(status) != 0) {			    /* oh, oh */
401 	    printf("child %d exited with status 0x%x\n", pid, WEXITSTATUS(status));
402 	    failed++;
403 	}
404     }
405     if (failed == 0) {
406 #if 0
407 	message->index = plexno;			    /* pass object number */
408 	message->type = plex_object;			    /* and type of object */
409 	message->state = object_up;
410 	message->force = 1;				    /* insist */
411 	ioctl(superdev, VINUM_SETSTATE, message);
412 #endif
413 	syslog(LOG_INFO | LOG_KERN, "plex %s initialized", plex.name);
414     } else
415 	syslog(LOG_ERR | LOG_KERN, "couldn't initialize plex %s, %d processes died",
416 	    plex.name,
417 	    failed);
418     if (dowait == 0)					    /* we're the waiting child, */
419 	exit(0);					    /* we've done our dash */
420 }
422 /* Initialize a subdisk. */
423 void
424 initsd(int sdno, int dowait)
425 {
426     pid_t pid;
427     struct _ioctl_reply reply;
428     struct vinum_ioctl_msg *message = (struct vinum_ioctl_msg *) &reply;
429     char filename[MAXPATHLEN];				    /* create a file name here */
431     /* Variables for use by children */
432     int sdfh;						    /* and for subdisk */
433     int initsize;					    /* actual size to write */
434     int64_t sdsize;					    /* size of subdisk */
436     if (dowait == 0) {
437 	pid = fork();					    /* into the background with you */
438 	if (pid > 0)					    /* I'm the parent */
439 	    return;
440 	else if (pid < 0) {				    /* failure */
441 	    printf("couldn't fork for subdisk %d: %s", sdno, strerror(errno));
442 	    return;
443 	}
444     }
445     if (SSize != 0) {					    /* specified a size for init */
446 	if (SSize < 512)
447 	    SSize <<= DEV_BSHIFT;
448 	initsize = min(SSize, MAXPLEXINITSIZE);
449     } else
450 	initsize = PLEXINITSIZE;
451     openlog("vinum", LOG_CONS | LOG_PERROR | LOG_PID, LOG_KERN);
452     get_sd_info(&sd, sdno);
453     sdsize = sd.sectors * DEV_BSIZE;			    /* size of subdisk in bytes */
454     sprintf(filename, VINUM_DIR "/sd/%s", sd.name);
455     setproctitle("initializing %s", filename);		    /* show what we're doing */
456     syslog(LOG_INFO | LOG_KERN, "initializing subdisk %s", filename);
457     if ((sdfh = open(filename, O_RDWR, S_IRWXU)) < 0) {	    /* no go */
458 	syslog(LOG_ERR | LOG_KERN,
459 	    "can't open subdisk %s: %s",
460 	    filename,
461 	    strerror(errno));
462 	exit(1);
463     }
464     /* Set the subdisk in initializing state */
465     message->index = sd.sdno;				    /* pass object number */
466     message->type = sd_object;				    /* and type of object */
467     message->state = object_initializing;
468     message->verify = vflag;				    /* verify what we write? */
469     message->force = 1;					    /* insist */
470     ioctl(superdev, VINUM_SETSTATE, message);
471     if ((SSize > 0)					    /* specified a size for init */
472     &&(SSize < 512))
473 	SSize <<= DEV_BSHIFT;
474     if (reply.error) {
475 	fprintf(stderr,
476 	    "Can't initialize %s: %s (%d)\n",
477 	    filename,
478 	    strerror(reply.error),
479 	    reply.error);
480 	exit(1);
481     } else {
482 	do {
483 	    if (interval)				    /* pause between copies */
484 		usleep(interval * 1000);
485 	    message->index = sd.sdno;			    /* pass object number */
486 	    message->type = sd_object;			    /* and type of object */
487 	    message->state = object_up;
488 	    message->verify = vflag;			    /* verify what we write? */
489 	    message->blocksize = SSize;
490 	    ioctl(superdev, VINUM_SETSTATE, message);
491 	}
492 	while (reply.error == EAGAIN);			    /* until we're done */
493 	if (reply.error) {
494 	    fprintf(stderr,
495 		"Can't initialize %s: %s (%d)\n",
496 		filename,
497 		strerror(reply.error),
498 		reply.error);
499 	    get_sd_info(&sd, sdno);
500 	    if (sd.state != sd_up)
501 		/* Set the subdisk down */
502 		message->index = sd.sdno;		    /* pass object number */
503 	    message->type = sd_object;			    /* and type of object */
504 	    message->state = object_down;
505 	    message->verify = vflag;			    /* verify what we write? */
506 	    message->force = 1;				    /* insist */
507 	    ioctl(superdev, VINUM_SETSTATE, message);
508 	}
509     }
510     printf("subdisk %s initialized\n", filename);
511     if (!dowait)
512 	exit(0);
513 }
515 void
516 vinum_start(int argc, char *argv[], char *arg0[])
517 {
518     int object;
519     struct _ioctl_reply reply;
520     struct vinum_ioctl_msg *message = (struct vinum_ioctl_msg *) &reply;
522     if (argc == 0) {					    /* start everything */
523 	int devs = getnumdevs();
524 	struct statinfo statinfo;
525 	char *namelist;
526 	char *enamelist;				    /* end of name list */
527 	int i;
528 	char **token;					    /* list of tokens */
529 	int tokens;					    /* and their number */
531 	bzero(&statinfo, sizeof(struct statinfo));
532 	statinfo.dinfo = malloc(devs * sizeof(struct statinfo));
533 	namelist = malloc(devs * (DEVSTAT_NAME_LEN + 8));
534 	token = malloc((devs + 1) * sizeof(char *));
535 	if ((statinfo.dinfo == NULL) || (namelist == NULL) || (token == NULL)) {
536 	    fprintf(stderr, "Can't allocate memory for drive list\n");
537 	    return;
538 	}
539 	bzero(statinfo.dinfo, sizeof(struct devinfo));
541 	tokens = 0;					    /* no tokens yet */
542 	if (getdevs(&statinfo) < 0) {			    /* find out what devices we have */
543 	    perror("Can't get device list");
544 	    return;
545 	}
546 	namelist[0] = '\0';				    /* start with empty namelist */
547 	enamelist = namelist;				    /* point to the end of the list */
549 	for (i = 0; i < devs; i++) {
550 	    struct devstat *stat = &statinfo.dinfo->devices[i];
552 	    if ((((stat->device_type & DEVSTAT_TYPE_MASK) == DEVSTAT_TYPE_DIRECT) /* disk device */
553 		 || ((stat->device_type & DEVSTAT_TYPE_MASK) == DEVSTAT_TYPE_STORARRAY)) /* storage array */
554 	    &&((stat->device_type & DEVSTAT_TYPE_IF_MASK) != DEVSTAT_TYPE_IF_OTHER) /* and not md */
555 	    &&((stat->device_type & DEVSTAT_TYPE_PASS) == 0) /* and not passthrough */
556 	    &&((stat->device_name[0] != '\0'))) {	    /* and it has a name */
557 		sprintf(enamelist, "%s%s%d", _PATH_DEV, stat->device_name, stat->unit_number);
558 		token[tokens] = enamelist;		    /* point to it */
559 		tokens++;				    /* one more token */
560 		enamelist = &enamelist[strlen(enamelist) + 1]; /* and start beyond the end */
561 	    }
562 	}
563 	free(statinfo.dinfo);				    /* don't need the list any more */
564 	vinum_read(tokens, token, &token[0]);		    /* start the system */
565 	free(namelist);
566 	free(token);
567 	list_defective_objects();			    /* and list anything that's down */
568     } else {						    /* start specified objects */
569 	int index;
570 	enum objecttype type;
572 	for (index = 0; index < argc; index++) {
573 	    object = find_object(argv[index], &type);	    /* look for it */
574 	    if (type == invalid_object)
575 		fprintf(stderr, "Can't find object: %s\n", argv[index]);
576 	    else {
577 		int doit = 0;				    /* set to 1 if we pass our tests */
578 		switch (type) {
579 		case drive_object:
580 		    if (drive.state == drive_up)	    /* already up */
581 			fprintf(stderr, "%s is already up\n", drive.label.name);
582 		    else
583 			doit = 1;
584 		    break;
586 		case sd_object:
587 		    if (sd.state == sd_up)		    /* already up */
588 			fprintf(stderr, "%s is already up\n", sd.name);
589 		    else
590 			doit = 1;
591 		    break;
593 		case plex_object:
594 		    if (plex.state == plex_up)		    /* already up */
595 			fprintf(stderr, "%s is already up\n", plex.name);
596 		    else {
597 			int sdno;
599 			/*
600 			 * First, see if we can bring it up
601 			 * just by asking.  This might happen
602 			 * if somebody has used setupstate on
603 			 * the subdisks.  If we don't do this,
604 			 * we'll return success, but the plex
605 			 * won't have changed state.  Note
606 			 * that we don't check for errors
607 			 * here.
608 			 */
609 			message->index = plex.plexno;	    /* pass object number */
610 			message->type = plex_object;	    /* it's a plex */
611 			message->state = object_up;
612 			message->force = 0;		    /* don't force it */
613 			ioctl(superdev, VINUM_SETSTATE, message);
614 			for (sdno = 0; sdno < plex.subdisks; sdno++) {
615 			    get_plex_sd_info(&sd, object, sdno);
616 			    if ((sd.state >= sd_empty)
617 				&& (sd.state <= sd_reviving)) {	/* candidate for start */
618 				message->index = sd.sdno;   /* pass object number */
619 				message->type = sd_object;  /* it's a subdisk */
620 				message->state = object_up;
621 				message->force = force;	    /* don't force it, use a larger hammer */
623 				/*
624 				 * We don't do any checking here.
625 				 * The kernel module has a better
626 				 * understanding of these things,
627 				 * let it do it.
628 				 */
629 				if (SSize != 0) {	    /* specified a size for init */
630 				    if (SSize < 512)
631 					SSize <<= DEV_BSHIFT;
632 				    message->blocksize = SSize;
633 				} else
634 				    message->blocksize = DEFAULT_REVIVE_BLOCKSIZE;
635 				ioctl(superdev, VINUM_SETSTATE, message);
636 				if (reply.error != 0) {
637 				    if (reply.error == EAGAIN) /* we're reviving */
638 					continue_revive(sd.sdno);
639 				    else
640 					fprintf(stderr,
641 					    "Can't start %s: %s (%d)\n",
642 					    sd.name,
643 					    reply.msg[0] ? reply.msg : strerror(reply.error),
644 					    reply.error);
645 				}
646 				if (Verbose)
647 				    vinum_lsi(sd.sdno, 0);
648 			    }
649 			}
650 		    }
651 		    break;
653 		case volume_object:
654 		    if (vol.state == volume_up)		    /* already up */
655 			fprintf(stderr, "%s is already up\n", vol.name);
656 		    else
657 			doit = 1;
658 		    break;
660 		default:
661 		    break;
662 		}
664 		if (doit) {
665 		    message->index = object;		    /* pass object number */
666 		    message->type = type;		    /* and type of object */
667 		    message->state = object_up;
668 		    message->force = force;		    /* don't force it, use a larger hammer */
670 		    /*
671 		     * We don't do any checking here.
672 		     * The kernel module has a better
673 		     * understanding of these things,
674 		     * let it do it.
675 		     */
676 		    if (SSize != 0) {			    /* specified a size for init or revive */
677 			if (SSize < 512)
678 			    SSize <<= DEV_BSHIFT;
679 			message->blocksize = SSize;
680 		    } else
681 			message->blocksize = 0;
682 		    ioctl(superdev, VINUM_SETSTATE, message);
683 		    if (reply.error != 0) {
684 			if ((reply.error == EAGAIN)	    /* we're reviving */
685 			&&(type == sd_object))
686 			    continue_revive(object);
687 			else
688 			    fprintf(stderr,
689 				"Can't start %s: %s (%d)\n",
690 				argv[index],
691 				reply.msg[0] ? reply.msg : strerror(reply.error),
692 				reply.error);
693 		    }
694 		    if (Verbose)
695 			vinum_li(object, type);
696 		}
697 	    }
698 	}
699     }
700     checkupdates();					    /* make sure we're updating */
701 }
703 void
704 vinum_stop(int argc, char *argv[], char *arg0[])
705 {
706     int object;
707     struct _ioctl_reply reply;
708     struct vinum_ioctl_msg *message = (struct vinum_ioctl_msg *) &reply;
710     if (checkupdates() && (!force))			    /* not updating? */
711 	return;
712     message->force = force;				    /* should we force the transition? */
713     if (argc == 0) {					    /* stop vinum */
714 	int fileid = 0;					    /* ID of Vinum kld */
716 	close(superdev);				    /* we can't stop if we have vinum open */
717 	sleep(1);					    /* wait for the daemon to let go */
718 	fileid = kldfind(VINUMMOD);
719 	if ((fileid < 0)				    /* no go */
720 	||(kldunload(fileid) < 0))
721 	    perror("Can't unload " VINUMMOD);
722 	else {
723 	    fprintf(stderr, VINUMMOD " unloaded\n");
724 	    exit(0);
725 	}
727 	/* If we got here, the stop failed.  Reopen the superdevice. */
728 	superdev = open(VINUM_SUPERDEV_NAME, O_RDWR);	    /* reopen vinum superdevice */
729 	if (superdev < 0) {
730 	    perror("Can't reopen Vinum superdevice");
731 	    exit(1);
732 	}
733     } else {						    /* stop specified objects */
734 	int i;
735 	enum objecttype type;
737 	for (i = 0; i < argc; i++) {
738 	    object = find_object(argv[i], &type);	    /* look for it */
739 	    if (type == invalid_object)
740 		fprintf(stderr, "Can't find object: %s\n", argv[i]);
741 	    else {
742 		message->index = object;		    /* pass object number */
743 		message->type = type;			    /* and type of object */
744 		message->state = object_down;
745 		ioctl(superdev, VINUM_SETSTATE, message);
746 		if (reply.error != 0)
747 		    fprintf(stderr,
748 			"Can't stop %s: %s (%d)\n",
749 			argv[i],
750 			reply.msg[0] ? reply.msg : strerror(reply.error),
751 			reply.error);
752 		if (Verbose)
753 		    vinum_li(object, type);
754 	    }
755 	}
756     }
757 }
759 void
760 vinum_label(int argc, char *argv[], char *arg0[])
761 {
762     int object;
763     struct _ioctl_reply reply;
764     int *message = (int *) &reply;
766     if (argc == 0)					    /* start everything */
767 	fprintf(stderr, "label: please specify one or more volume names\n");
768     else {						    /* start specified objects */
769 	int i;
770 	enum objecttype type;
772 	for (i = 0; i < argc; i++) {
773 	    object = find_object(argv[i], &type);	    /* look for it */
774 	    if (type == invalid_object)
775 		fprintf(stderr, "Can't find object: %s\n", argv[i]);
776 	    else if (type != volume_object)		    /* it exists, but it isn't a volume */
777 		fprintf(stderr, "%s is not a volume\n", argv[i]);
778 	    else {
779 		message[0] = object;			    /* pass object number */
780 		ioctl(superdev, VINUM_LABEL, message);
781 		if (reply.error != 0)
782 		    fprintf(stderr,
783 			"Can't label %s: %s (%d)\n",
784 			argv[i],
785 			reply.msg[0] ? reply.msg : strerror(reply.error),
786 			reply.error);
787 		if (Verbose)
788 		    vinum_li(object, type);
789 	    }
790 	}
791     }
792     checkupdates();					    /* not updating? */
793 }
795 void
796 reset_volume_stats(int volno, int recurse)
797 {
798     struct vinum_ioctl_msg msg;
799     struct _ioctl_reply *reply = (struct _ioctl_reply *) &msg;
801     msg.index = volno;
802     msg.type = volume_object;
803     /* XXX get these numbers right if we ever
804      * actually return errors */
805     if (ioctl(superdev, VINUM_RESETSTATS, &msg) < 0) {
806 	fprintf(stderr, "Can't reset stats for volume %d: %s\n", volno, reply->msg);
807 	longjmp(command_fail, -1);
808     } else if (recurse) {
809 	struct volume vol;
810 	int plexno;
812 	get_volume_info(&vol, volno);
813 	for (plexno = 0; plexno < vol.plexes; plexno++)
814 	    reset_plex_stats(vol.plex[plexno], recurse);
815     }
816 }
818 void
819 reset_plex_stats(int plexno, int recurse)
820 {
821     struct vinum_ioctl_msg msg;
822     struct _ioctl_reply *reply = (struct _ioctl_reply *) &msg;
824     msg.index = plexno;
825     msg.type = plex_object;
826     /* XXX get these numbers right if we ever
827      * actually return errors */
828     if (ioctl(superdev, VINUM_RESETSTATS, &msg) < 0) {
829 	fprintf(stderr, "Can't reset stats for plex %d: %s\n", plexno, reply->msg);
830 	longjmp(command_fail, -1);
831     } else if (recurse) {
832 	struct plex plex;
833 	struct sd sd;
834 	int sdno;
836 	get_plex_info(&plex, plexno);
837 	for (sdno = 0; sdno < plex.subdisks; sdno++) {
838 	    get_plex_sd_info(&sd, plex.plexno, sdno);
839 	    reset_sd_stats(sd.sdno, recurse);
840 	}
841     }
842 }
844 void
845 reset_sd_stats(int sdno, int recurse)
846 {
847     struct vinum_ioctl_msg msg;
848     struct _ioctl_reply *reply = (struct _ioctl_reply *) &msg;
850     msg.index = sdno;
851     msg.type = sd_object;
852     /* XXX get these numbers right if we ever
853      * actually return errors */
854     if (ioctl(superdev, VINUM_RESETSTATS, &msg) < 0) {
855 	fprintf(stderr, "Can't reset stats for subdisk %d: %s\n", sdno, reply->msg);
856 	longjmp(command_fail, -1);
857     } else if (recurse) {
858 	get_sd_info(&sd, sdno);				    /* get the info */
859 	reset_drive_stats(sd.driveno);			    /* and clear the drive */
860     }
861 }
863 void
864 reset_drive_stats(int driveno)
865 {
866     struct vinum_ioctl_msg msg;
867     struct _ioctl_reply *reply = (struct _ioctl_reply *) &msg;
869     msg.index = driveno;
870     msg.type = drive_object;
871     /* XXX get these numbers right if we ever
872      * actually return errors */
873     if (ioctl(superdev, VINUM_RESETSTATS, &msg) < 0) {
874 	fprintf(stderr, "Can't reset stats for drive %d: %s\n", driveno, reply->msg);
875 	longjmp(command_fail, -1);
876     }
877 }
879 void
880 vinum_resetstats(int argc, char *argv[], char *argv0[])
881 {
882     int i;
883     int objno;
884     enum objecttype type;
886     if (ioctl(superdev, VINUM_GETCONFIG, &vinum_conf) < 0) {
887 	perror("Can't get vinum config");
888 	return;
889     }
890     if (argc == 0) {
891 	for (objno = 0; objno < vinum_conf.volumes_allocated; objno++)
892 	    reset_volume_stats(objno, 1);		    /* clear everything recursively */
893     } else {
894 	for (i = 0; i < argc; i++) {
895 	    objno = find_object(argv[i], &type);
896 	    if (objno >= 0) {				    /* not invalid */
897 		switch (type) {
898 		case drive_object:
899 		    reset_drive_stats(objno);
900 		    break;
902 		case sd_object:
903 		    reset_sd_stats(objno, recurse);
904 		    break;
906 		case plex_object:
907 		    reset_plex_stats(objno, recurse);
908 		    break;
910 		case volume_object:
911 		    reset_volume_stats(objno, recurse);
912 		    break;
914 		case invalid_object:			    /* can't get this */
915 		    break;
916 		}
917 	    }
918 	}
919     }
920 }
922 /* Attach a subdisk to a plex, or a plex to a volume.
923  * attach subdisk plex [offset] [rename]
924  * attach plex volume  [rename]
925  */
926 void
927 vinum_attach(int argc, char *argv[], char *argv0[])
928 {
929     int i;
930     enum objecttype supertype;
931     struct vinum_ioctl_msg msg;
932     struct _ioctl_reply *reply = (struct _ioctl_reply *) &msg;
933     const char *objname = argv[0];
934     const char *supername = argv[1];
935     int sdno = -1;
936     int plexno = -1;
937     char oldname[MAXNAME + 8];
938     char newname[MAXNAME + 8];
939     int rename = 0;					    /* set if we want to rename the object */
941     if ((argc < 2)
942 	|| (argc > 4)) {
943 	fprintf(stderr,
944 	    "Usage: \tattach <subdisk> <plex> [rename] [<plexoffset>]\n"
945 	    "\tattach <plex> <volume> [rename]\n");
946 	return;
947     }
948     if (ioctl(superdev, VINUM_GETCONFIG, &vinum_conf) < 0) {
949 	perror("Can't get vinum config");
950 	return;
951     }
952     msg.index = find_object(objname, &msg.type);	    /* find the object to attach */
953     msg.otherobject = find_object(supername, &supertype);   /* and the object to attach to */
954     msg.force = force;					    /* did we specify the use of force? */
955     msg.recurse = recurse;
956     msg.offset = -1;					    /* and no offset */
958     for (i = 2; i < argc; i++) {
959 	if (!strcmp(argv[i], "rename")) {
960 	    rename = 1;
961 	    msg.rename = 1;				    /* do renaming */
962 	} else if (!isdigit(argv[i][0])) {		    /* not an offset */
963 	    fprintf(stderr, "Unknown attribute: %s\n", supername);
964 	    return;
965 	} else
966 	    msg.offset = sizespec(argv[i]);
967     }
969     switch (msg.type) {
970     case sd_object:
971 	find_object(argv[1], &supertype);
972 	if (supertype != plex_object) {			    /* huh? */
973 	    fprintf(stderr, "%s can only be attached to a plex\n", objname);
974 	    return;
975 	}
976 	if ((plex.organization != plex_concat)		    /* not a cat plex, */
977 	&&(!force)) {
978 	    fprintf(stderr, "Can't attach subdisks to a %s plex\n", plex_org(plex.organization));
979 	    return;
980 	}
981 	sdno = msg.index;				    /* note the subdisk number for later */
982 	break;
984     case plex_object:
985 	find_object(argv[1], &supertype);
986 	if (supertype != volume_object) {		    /* huh? */
987 	    fprintf(stderr, "%s can only be attached to a volume\n", objname);
988 	    return;
989 	}
990 	break;
992     case volume_object:
993     case drive_object:
994 	fprintf(stderr, "Can only attach subdisks and plexes\n");
995 	return;
997     default:
998 	fprintf(stderr, "%s is not a Vinum object\n", objname);
999 	return;
1000     }
1002     ioctl(superdev, VINUM_ATTACH, &msg);
1003     if (reply->error != 0) {
1004 	if (reply->error == EAGAIN)			    /* reviving */
1005 	    continue_revive(sdno);			    /* continue the revive */
1006 	else
1007 	    fprintf(stderr,
1008 		"Can't attach %s to %s: %s (%d)\n",
1009 		objname,
1010 		supername,
1011 		reply->msg[0] ? reply->msg : strerror(reply->error),
1012 		reply->error);
1013     }
1014     if (rename) {
1015 	struct sd;
1016 	struct plex;
1017 	struct volume;
1019 	/* we've overwritten msg with the
1020 	 * ioctl reply, start again */
1021 	msg.index = find_object(objname, &msg.type);	    /* find the object to rename */
1022 	switch (msg.type) {
1023 	case sd_object:
1024 	    get_sd_info(&sd, msg.index);
1025 	    get_plex_info(&plex, sd.plexno);
1026 	    for (sdno = 0; sdno < plex.subdisks; sdno++) {
1027 		if (plex.sdnos[sdno] == msg.index)	    /* found our subdisk */
1028 		    break;
1029 	    }
1030 	    sprintf(newname, "%s.s%d", plex.name, sdno);
1031 	    sprintf(oldname, "%s", sd.name);
1032 	    vinum_rename_2(oldname, newname);
1033 	    break;
1035 	case plex_object:
1036 	    get_plex_info(&plex, msg.index);
1037 	    get_volume_info(&vol, plex.volno);
1038 	    for (plexno = 0; plexno < vol.plexes; plexno++) {
1039 		if (vol.plex[plexno] == msg.index)	    /* found our subdisk */
1040 		    break;
1041 	    }
1042 	    sprintf(newname, "%s.p%d", vol.name, plexno);
1043 	    sprintf(oldname, "%s", plex.name);
1044 	    vinum_rename_2(oldname, newname);		    /* this may recurse */
1045 	    break;
1047 	default:					    /* can't get here */
1048 	    break;
1049 	}
1050     }
1051     checkupdates();					    /* make sure we're updating */
1052 }
1054 /* Detach a subdisk from a plex, or a plex from a volume.
1055  * detach subdisk plex [rename]
1056  * detach plex volume [rename]
1057  */
1058 void
1059 vinum_detach(int argc, char *argv[], char *argv0[])
1060 {
1061     struct vinum_ioctl_msg msg;
1062     struct _ioctl_reply *reply = (struct _ioctl_reply *) &msg;
1064     if ((argc < 1)
1065 	|| (argc > 2)) {
1066 	fprintf(stderr,
1067 	    "Usage: \tdetach <subdisk> [rename]\n"
1068 	    "\tdetach <plex> [rename]\n");
1069 	return;
1070     }
1071     if (ioctl(superdev, VINUM_GETCONFIG, &vinum_conf) < 0) {
1072 	perror("Can't get vinum config");
1073 	return;
1074     }
1075     msg.index = find_object(argv[0], &msg.type);	    /* find the object to detach */
1076     msg.force = force;					    /* did we specify the use of force? */
1077     msg.rename = 0;					    /* don't specify new name */
1078     msg.recurse = recurse;				    /* but recurse if we have to */
1080     /* XXX are we going to keep this?
1081      * Don't document it yet, since the
1082      * kernel side of things doesn't
1083      * implement it */
1084     if (argc == 2) {
1085 	if (!strcmp(argv[1], "rename"))
1086 	    msg.rename = 1;				    /* do renaming */
1087 	else {
1088 	    fprintf(stderr, "Unknown attribute: %s\n", argv[1]);
1089 	    return;
1090 	}
1091     }
1092     if ((msg.type != sd_object)
1093 	&& (msg.type != plex_object)) {
1094 	fprintf(stderr, "Can only detach subdisks and plexes\n");
1095 	return;
1096     }
1097     ioctl(superdev, VINUM_DETACH, &msg);
1098     if (reply->error != 0)
1099 	fprintf(stderr,
1100 	    "Can't detach %s: %s (%d)\n",
1101 	    argv[0],
1102 	    reply->msg[0] ? reply->msg : strerror(reply->error),
1103 	    reply->error);
1104     checkupdates();					    /* make sure we're updating */
1105 }
1107 static void
1108 dorename(struct vinum_rename_msg *msg, const char *oldname, const char *name, int maxlen)
1109 {
1110     struct _ioctl_reply *reply = (struct _ioctl_reply *) msg;
1112     if (strlen(name) > maxlen) {
1113 	fprintf(stderr, "%s is too long\n", name);
1114 	return;
1115     }
1116     strcpy(msg->newname, name);
1117     ioctl(superdev, VINUM_RENAME, msg);
1118     if (reply->error != 0)
1119 	fprintf(stderr,
1120 	    "Can't rename %s to %s: %s (%d)\n",
1121 	    oldname,
1122 	    name,
1123 	    reply->msg[0] ? reply->msg : strerror(reply->error),
1124 	    reply->error);
1125 }
1127 /* Rename an object:
1128  * rename <object> "newname"
1129  */
1130 void
1131 vinum_rename_2(char *oldname, char *newname)
1132 {
1133     struct vinum_rename_msg msg;
1134     int volno;
1135     int plexno;
1137     msg.index = find_object(oldname, &msg.type);	    /* find the object to rename */
1138     msg.recurse = recurse;
1140     /* Ugh.  Determine how long the name may be */
1141     switch (msg.type) {
1142     case drive_object:
1143 	dorename(&msg, oldname, newname, MAXDRIVENAME);
1144 	break;
1146     case sd_object:
1147 	dorename(&msg, oldname, newname, MAXSDNAME);
1148 	break;
1150     case plex_object:
1151 	plexno = msg.index;
1152 	dorename(&msg, oldname, newname, MAXPLEXNAME);
1153 	if (recurse) {
1154 	    int sdno;
1156 	    get_plex_info(&plex, plexno);		    /* find out who we are */
1157 	    msg.type = sd_object;
1158 	    for (sdno = 0; sdno < plex.subdisks; sdno++) {
1159 		char sdname[MAXPLEXNAME + 8];
1161 		get_plex_sd_info(&sd, plex.plexno, sdno);   /* get info about the subdisk */
1162 		sprintf(sdname, "%s.s%d", newname, sdno);
1163 		msg.index = sd.sdno;			    /* number of the subdisk */
1164 		dorename(&msg, sd.name, sdname, MAXSDNAME);
1165 	    }
1166 	}
1167 	break;
1169     case volume_object:
1170 	volno = msg.index;
1171 	dorename(&msg, oldname, newname, MAXVOLNAME);
1172 	if (recurse) {
1173 	    int sdno;
1174 	    int plexno;
1176 	    get_volume_info(&vol, volno);		    /* find out who we are */
1177 	    for (plexno = 0; plexno < vol.plexes; plexno++) {
1178 		char plexname[MAXVOLNAME + 8];
1180 		msg.type = plex_object;
1181 		sprintf(plexname, "%s.p%d", newname, plexno);
1182 		msg.index = vol.plex[plexno];		    /* number of the plex */
1183 		dorename(&msg, plex.name, plexname, MAXPLEXNAME);
1184 		get_plex_info(&plex, vol.plex[plexno]);	    /* find out who we are */
1185 		msg.type = sd_object;
1186 		for (sdno = 0; sdno < plex.subdisks; sdno++) {
1187 		    char sdname[MAXPLEXNAME + 8];
1189 		    get_plex_sd_info(&sd, plex.plexno, sdno); /* get info about the subdisk */
1190 		    sprintf(sdname, "%s.s%d", plexname, sdno);
1191 		    msg.index = sd.sdno;		    /* number of the subdisk */
1192 		    dorename(&msg, sd.name, sdname, MAXSDNAME);
1193 		}
1194 	    }
1195 	}
1196 	break;
1198     default:
1199 	fprintf(stderr, "%s is not a Vinum object\n", oldname);
1200 	return;
1201     }
1202 }
1204 void
1205 vinum_rename(int argc, char *argv[], char *argv0[])
1206 {
1207     if (argc != 2) {
1208 	fprintf(stderr, "Usage: \trename <object> <new name>\n");
1209 	return;
1210     }
1211     if (ioctl(superdev, VINUM_GETCONFIG, &vinum_conf) < 0) {
1212 	perror("Can't get vinum config");
1213 	return;
1214     }
1215     vinum_rename_2(argv[0], argv[1]);
1216     checkupdates();					    /* make sure we're updating */
1217 }
1219 /*
1220  * Move objects:
1221  *
1222  * mv <dest> <src> ...
1223  */
1224 void
1225 vinum_mv(int argc, char *argv[], char *argv0[])
1226 {
1227     int i;						    /* loop index */
1228     int srcobj;
1229     int destobj;
1230     enum objecttype srct;
1231     enum objecttype destt;
1232     int sdno;
1233     struct _ioctl_reply reply;
1234     struct vinum_ioctl_msg *msg = (struct vinum_ioctl_msg *) &reply;
1236     if (argc < 2) {
1237 	fprintf(stderr, "Usage: \tmove <dest> <src> ...\n");
1238 	return;
1239     }
1240     /* Get current config */
1241     if (ioctl(superdev, VINUM_GETCONFIG, &vinum_conf) < 0) {
1242 	perror("Cannot get vinum config\n");
1243 	return;
1244     }
1245     /* Get our destination */
1246     destobj = find_object(argv[0], &destt);
1247     if (destobj == -1) {
1248 	fprintf(stderr, "Can't find %s\n", argv[0]);
1249 	return;
1250     }
1251     /* Verify that the target is a drive */
1252     if (destt != drive_object) {
1253 	fprintf(stderr, "%s is not a drive\n", argv[0]);
1254 	return;
1255     }
1256     for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) {			    /* for all the sources */
1257 	srcobj = find_object(argv[i], &srct);
1258 	if (srcobj == -1) {
1259 	    fprintf(stderr, "Can't find %s\n", argv[i]);
1260 	    continue;
1261 	}
1262 	msg->index = destobj;
1263 	switch (srct) {					    /* Handle the source object */
1264 	case drive_object:				    /* Move all subdisks on the drive to dst. */
1265 	    get_drive_info(&drive, srcobj);		    /* get info on drive */
1266 	    for (sdno = 0; sdno < vinum_conf.subdisks_allocated; ++sdno) {
1267 		get_sd_info(&sd, sdno);
1268 		if (sd.driveno == srcobj) {
1269 		    msg->index = destobj;
1270 		    msg->otherobject = sd.sdno;
1271 		    if (ioctl(superdev, VINUM_MOVE, msg) < 0)
1272 			fprintf(stderr,
1273 			    "Can't move %s (part of %s) to %s: %s (%d)\n",
1274 			    sd.name,
1275 			    drive.label.name,
1276 			    argv[0],
1277 			    strerror(reply.error),
1278 			    reply.error);
1279 		}
1280 	    }
1281 	    break;
1283 	case sd_object:
1284 	    msg->otherobject = srcobj;
1285 	    if (ioctl(superdev, VINUM_MOVE, msg) < 0)
1286 		fprintf(stderr,
1287 		    "Can't move %s to %s: %s (%d)\n",
1288 		    sd.name,
1289 		    argv[0],
1290 		    strerror(reply.error),
1291 		    reply.error);
1292 	    break;
1294 	case plex_object:
1295 	    get_plex_info(&plex, srcobj);
1296 	    for (sdno = 0; sdno < plex.subdisks; ++sdno) {
1297 		get_plex_sd_info(&sd, plex.plexno, sdno);
1298 		msg->index = destobj;
1299 		msg->otherobject = sd.sdno;
1300 		if (ioctl(superdev, VINUM_MOVE, msg) < 0)
1301 		    fprintf(stderr,
1302 			"Can't move %s (part of %s) to %s: %s (%d)\n",
1303 			sd.name,
1304 			plex.name,
1305 			argv[0],
1306 			strerror(reply.error),
1307 			reply.error);
1308 	    }
1309 	    break;
1311 	case volume_object:
1312 	case invalid_object:
1313 	default:
1314 	    fprintf(stderr, "Can't move %s (inappropriate object).\n", argv[i]);
1315 	    break;
1316 	}
1317 	if (reply.error)
1318 	    fprintf(stderr,
1319 		"Can't move %s to %s: %s (%d)\n",
1320 		argv[i],
1321 		argv[0],
1322 		strerror(reply.error),
1323 		reply.error);
1324     }
1325     checkupdates();					    /* make sure we're updating */
1326 }
1328 /*
1329  * Replace objects.  Not implemented, may never be.
1330  */
1331 void
1332 vinum_replace(int argc, char *argv[], char *argv0[])
1333 {
1334     fprintf(stderr, "'replace' not implemented yet.  Use 'move' instead\n");
1335 }
1337 /* Primitive help function */
1338 void
1339 vinum_help(int argc, char *argv[], char *argv0[])
1340 {
1341     char commands[] =
1342     {
1343 	"COMMANDS\n"
1344 	"create [-f description-file]\n"
1345 	"          Create a volume as described in description-file\n"
1346 	"attach plex volume [rename]\n"
1347 	"attach subdisk plex [offset] [rename]\n"
1348 	"          Attach a plex to a volume, or a subdisk to a plex.\n"
1349 	"debug\n"
1350 	"          Cause the volume manager to enter the kernel debugger.\n"
1351 	"debug flags\n"
1352 	"          Set debugging flags.\n"
1353 	"detach [plex | subdisk]\n"
1354 	"          Detach a plex or subdisk from the volume or plex to which it is\n"
1355 	"          attached.\n"
1356 	"info [-v]\n"
1357 	"          List information about volume manager state.\n"
1358 	"init [-v] [-w] plex\n"
1359 	"          Initialize a plex by writing zeroes to all its subdisks.\n"
1360 	"label volume\n"
1361 	"          Create a volume label\n"
1362 	"list [-r] [-s] [-v] [-V] [volume | plex | subdisk]\n"
1363 	"          List information about specified objects\n"
1364 	"l [-r] [-s] [-v] [-V] [volume | plex | subdisk]\n"
1365 	"          List information about specified objects (alternative to\n"
1366 	"          list command)\n"
1367 	"ld [-r] [-s] [-v] [-V] [volume]\n"
1368 	"          List information about drives\n"
1369 	"ls [-r] [-s] [-v] [-V] [subdisk]\n"
1370 	"          List information about subdisks\n"
1371 	"lp [-r] [-s] [-v] [-V] [plex]\n"
1372 	"          List information about plexes\n"
1373 	"lv [-r] [-s] [-v] [-V] [volume]\n"
1374 	"          List information about volumes\n"
1375 	"printconfig [file]\n"
1376 	"          Write a copy of the current configuration to file.\n"
1377 	"makedev\n"
1378 	"          Remake the device nodes in " _PATH_DEV "vinum.\n"
1379 	"move drive [subdisk | plex | drive]\n"
1380 	"          Move the subdisks of the specified object(s) to drive.\n"
1381 	"quit\n"
1382 	"          Exit the vinum program when running in interactive mode.  Nor-\n"
1383 	"          mally this would be done by entering the EOF character.\n"
1384 	"read disk [disk...]\n"
1385 	"          Read the vinum configuration from the specified disks.\n"
1386 	"rename [-r] [drive | subdisk | plex | volume] newname\n"
1387 	"          Change the name of the specified object.\n"
1388 	"resetconfig\n"
1389 	"          Reset the complete vinum configuration.\n"
1390 	"resetstats [-r] [volume | plex | subdisk]\n"
1391 	"          Reset statistisc counters for the specified objects, or for all\n"
1392 	"          objects if none are specified.\n"
1393 	"rm [-f] [-r] volume | plex | subdisk\n"
1394 	"          Remove an object\n"
1395 	"saveconfig\n"
1396 	"          Save vinum configuration to disk.\n"
1397 	"setdaemon [value]\n"
1398 	"          Set daemon configuration.\n"
1399 	"start\n"
1400 	"          Read configuration from all vinum drives.\n"
1401 	"start [volume | plex | subdisk]\n"
1402 	"          Allow the system to access the objects\n"
1403 	"stop [-f] [volume | plex | subdisk]\n"
1404 	"          Terminate access to the objects, or stop vinum if no parameters\n"
1405 	"          are specified.\n"
1406     };
1407     puts(commands);
1408 }
1410 /* Set daemon options.
1411  * XXX quick and dirty: use a bitmap, which requires
1412  * knowing which bit does what.  FIXME */
1413 void
1414 vinum_setdaemon(int argc, char *argv[], char *argv0[])
1415 {
1416     int options;
1418     switch (argc) {
1419     case 0:
1420 	if (ioctl(superdev, VINUM_GETDAEMON, &options) < 0)
1421 	    fprintf(stderr, "Can't get daemon options: %s (%d)\n", strerror(errno), errno);
1422 	else
1423 	    printf("Options mask: %d\n", options);
1424 	break;
1426     case 1:
1427 	options = atoi(argv[0]);
1428 	if (ioctl(superdev, VINUM_SETDAEMON, &options) < 0)
1429 	    fprintf(stderr, "Can't set daemon options: %s (%d)\n", strerror(errno), errno);
1430 	break;
1432     default:
1433 	fprintf(stderr, "Usage: \tsetdaemon [<bitmask>]\n");
1434     }
1435     checkupdates();					    /* make sure we're updating */
1436 }
1438 int
1439 checkupdates()
1440 {
1441     int options;
1443     if (ioctl(superdev, VINUM_GETDAEMON, &options) < 0)
1444 	fprintf(stderr, "Can't get daemon options: %s (%d)\n", strerror(errno), errno);
1445     if (options & daemon_noupdate) {
1446 	fprintf(stderr, "*** Warning: configuration updates are disabled. ***\n");
1447 	return 1;
1448     } else
1449 	return 0;
1450 }
1452 /* Save config info */
1453 void
1454 vinum_saveconfig(int argc, char *argv[], char *argv0[])
1455 {
1456     int ioctltype;
1458     if (argc != 0) {
1459 	printf("Usage: saveconfig\n");
1460 	return;
1461     }
1462     ioctltype = 1;					    /* user saveconfig */
1463     if (ioctl(superdev, VINUM_SAVECONFIG, &ioctltype) < 0)
1464 	fprintf(stderr, "Can't save configuration: %s (%d)\n", strerror(errno), errno);
1465     checkupdates();					    /* make sure we're updating */
1466 }
1468 /*
1469  * Create a volume name for the quick and dirty
1470  * commands.  It will be of the form "vinum#",
1471  * where # is a small positive number.
1472  */
1473 void
1474 genvolname()
1475 {
1476     int v;						    /* volume number */
1477     static char volumename[MAXVOLNAME];			    /* name to create */
1478     enum objecttype type;
1480     objectname = volumename;				    /* point to it */
1481     for (v = 0;; v++) {
1482 	sprintf(objectname, "vinum%d", v);		    /* create the name */
1483 	if (find_object(objectname, &type) == -1)	    /* does it exist? */
1484 	    return;					    /* no, it's ours */
1485     }
1486 }
1488 /*
1489  * Create a drive for the quick and dirty
1490  * commands.  The name will be of the form
1491  * vinumdrive#, where # is a small positive
1492  * number.  Return the name of the drive.
1493  */
1494 struct drive *
1495 create_drive(char *devicename)
1496 {
1497     int d;						    /* volume number */
1498     static char drivename[MAXDRIVENAME];		    /* name to create */
1499     enum objecttype type;
1500     struct _ioctl_reply *reply;
1502     /*
1503      * We're never likely to get anything
1504      * like 10000 drives.  The only reason for
1505      * this limit is to stop the thing
1506      * looping if we have a bug somewhere.
1507      */
1508     for (d = 0; d < 100000; d++) {			    /* look for a free drive number */
1509 	sprintf(drivename, "vinumdrive%d", d);		    /* create the name */
1510 	if (find_object(drivename, &type) == -1) {	    /* does it exist? */
1511 	    char command[MAXDRIVENAME * 2];
1513 	    sprintf(command, "drive %s device %s", drivename, devicename); /* create a create command */
1514 	    if (vflag)
1515 		printf("drive %s device %s\n", drivename, devicename); /* create a create command */
1516 	    ioctl(superdev, VINUM_CREATE, command);
1517 	    reply = (struct _ioctl_reply *) &command;
1518 	    if (reply->error != 0) {			    /* error in config */
1519 		if (reply->msg[0])
1520 		    fprintf(stderr,
1521 			"Can't create drive %s, device %s: %s\n",
1522 			drivename,
1523 			devicename,
1524 			reply->msg);
1525 		else
1526 		    fprintf(stderr,
1527 			"Can't create drive %s, device %s: %s (%d)\n",
1528 			drivename,
1529 			devicename,
1530 			strerror(reply->error),
1531 			reply->error);
1532 		longjmp(command_fail, -1);		    /* give up */
1533 	    }
1534 	    find_object(drivename, &type);
1535 	    return &drive;				    /* return the name of the drive */
1536 	}
1537     }
1538     fprintf(stderr, "Can't generate a drive name\n");
1539     /* NOTREACHED */
1540     return NULL;
1541 }
1543 /*
1544  * Create a volume with a single concatenated plex from
1545  * as much space as we can get on the specified drives.
1546  * If the drives aren't Vinum drives, make them so.
1547  */
1548 void
1549 vinum_concat(int argc, char *argv[], char *argv0[])
1550 {
1551     int o;						    /* object number */
1552     char buffer[BUFSIZE];
1553     struct drive *drive;				    /* drive we're currently looking at */
1554     struct _ioctl_reply *reply;
1555     int ioctltype;
1556     int error;
1557     enum objecttype type;
1559     reply = (struct _ioctl_reply *) &buffer;
1560     if (ioctl(superdev, VINUM_STARTCONFIG, &force)) {	    /* can't get config? */
1561 	printf("Can't configure: %s (%d)\n", strerror(errno), errno);
1562 	return;
1563     }
1564     if (!objectname)					    /* we need a name for our object */
1565 	genvolname();
1566     sprintf(buffer, "volume %s", objectname);
1567     if (vflag)
1568 	printf("volume %s\n", objectname);
1569     ioctl(superdev, VINUM_CREATE, buffer);		    /* create the volume */
1570     if (reply->error != 0) {				    /* error in config */
1571 	if (reply->msg[0])
1572 	    fprintf(stderr,
1573 		"Can't create volume %s: %s\n",
1574 		objectname,
1575 		reply->msg);
1576 	else
1577 	    fprintf(stderr,
1578 		"Can't create volume %s: %s (%d)\n",
1579 		objectname,
1580 		strerror(reply->error),
1581 		reply->error);
1582 	longjmp(command_fail, -1);			    /* give up */
1583     }
1584     sprintf(buffer, "plex name %s.p0 org concat", objectname);
1585     if (vflag)
1586 	printf("  plex name %s.p0 org concat\n", objectname);
1587     ioctl(superdev, VINUM_CREATE, buffer);
1588     if (reply->error != 0) {				    /* error in config */
1589 	if (reply->msg[0])
1590 	    fprintf(stderr,
1591 		"Can't create plex %s.p0: %s\n",
1592 		objectname,
1593 		reply->msg);
1594 	else
1595 	    fprintf(stderr,
1596 		"Can't create plex %s.p0: %s (%d)\n",
1597 		objectname,
1598 		strerror(reply->error),
1599 		reply->error);
1600 	longjmp(command_fail, -1);			    /* give up */
1601     }
1602     for (o = 0; o < argc; o++) {
1603 	if ((drive = find_drive_by_devname(argv[o])) == NULL) /* doesn't exist */
1604 	    drive = create_drive(argv[o]);		    /* create it */
1605 	sprintf(buffer, "sd name %s.p0.s%d drive %s size 0", objectname, o, drive->label.name);
1606 	if (vflag)
1607 	    printf("    sd name %s.p0.s%d drive %s size 0\n", objectname, o, drive->label.name);
1608 	ioctl(superdev, VINUM_CREATE, buffer);
1609 	if (reply->error != 0) {			    /* error in config */
1610 	    if (reply->msg[0])
1611 		fprintf(stderr,
1612 		    "Can't create subdisk %s.p0.s%d: %s\n",
1613 		    objectname,
1614 		    o,
1615 		    reply->msg);
1616 	    else
1617 		fprintf(stderr,
1618 		    "Can't create subdisk %s.p0.s%d: %s (%d)\n",
1619 		    objectname,
1620 		    o,
1621 		    strerror(reply->error),
1622 		    reply->error);
1623 	    longjmp(command_fail, -1);			    /* give up */
1624 	}
1625     }
1627     /* done, save the config */
1628     ioctltype = 0;					    /* saveconfig after update */
1629     error = ioctl(superdev, VINUM_SAVECONFIG, &ioctltype);  /* save the config to disk */
1630     if (error != 0)
1631 	perror("Can't save Vinum config");
1632     find_object(objectname, &type);			    /* find the index of the volume */
1633     make_vol_dev(vol.volno, 1);				    /* and create the devices */
1634     if (vflag) {
1635 	vflag--;					    /* XXX don't give too much detail */
1636 	find_object(objectname, &type);			    /* point to the volume */
1637 	vinum_lvi(vol.volno, 1);			    /* and print info about it */
1638     }
1639 }
1642 /*
1643  * Create a volume with a single striped plex from
1644  * as much space as we can get on the specified drives.
1645  * If the drives aren't Vinum drives, make them so.
1646  */
1647 void
1648 vinum_stripe(int argc, char *argv[], char *argv0[])
1649 {
1650     int o;						    /* object number */
1651     char buffer[BUFSIZE];
1652     struct drive *drive;				    /* drive we're currently looking at */
1653     struct _ioctl_reply *reply;
1654     int ioctltype;
1655     int error;
1656     enum objecttype type;
1657     off_t maxsize;
1658     int fe;						    /* freelist entry index */
1659     union freeunion {
1660 	struct drive_freelist freelist;
1661 	struct ferq {					    /* request to pass to ioctl */
1662 	    int driveno;
1663 	    int fe;
1664 	} ferq;
1665     } freeunion;
1666     u_int64_t bigchunk;					    /* biggest chunk in freelist */
1668     maxsize = QUAD_MAX;
1669     reply = (struct _ioctl_reply *) &buffer;
1671     /*
1672      * First, check our drives.
1673      */
1674     if (argc < 2) {
1675 	fprintf(stderr, "You need at least two drives to create a striped plex\n");
1676 	return;
1677     }
1678     if (ioctl(superdev, VINUM_STARTCONFIG, &force)) {	    /* can't get config? */
1679 	printf("Can't configure: %s (%d)\n", strerror(errno), errno);
1680 	return;
1681     }
1682     if (!objectname)					    /* we need a name for our object */
1683 	genvolname();
1684     for (o = 0; o < argc; o++) {
1685 	if ((drive = find_drive_by_devname(argv[o])) == NULL) /* doesn't exist */
1686 	    drive = create_drive(argv[o]);		    /* create it */
1687 	/* Now find the largest chunk available on the drive */
1688 	bigchunk = 0;					    /* ain't found nothin' yet */
1689 	for (fe = 0; fe < drive->freelist_entries; fe++) {
1690 	    freeunion.ferq.driveno = drive->driveno;
1691 	    freeunion.ferq.fe = fe;
1692 	    if (ioctl(superdev, VINUM_GETFREELIST, &freeunion.freelist) < 0) {
1693 		fprintf(stderr,
1694 		    "Can't get free list element %d: %s\n",
1695 		    fe,
1696 		    strerror(errno));
1697 		longjmp(command_fail, -1);
1698 	    }
1699 	    bigchunk = bigchunk > freeunion.freelist.sectors ? bigchunk : freeunion.freelist.sectors; /* max it */
1700 	}
1701 	maxsize = min(maxsize, bigchunk);		    /* this is as much as we can do */
1702     }
1704     /* Now create the volume */
1705     sprintf(buffer, "volume %s", objectname);
1706     if (vflag)
1707 	printf("volume %s\n", objectname);
1708     ioctl(superdev, VINUM_CREATE, buffer);		    /* create the volume */
1709     if (reply->error != 0) {				    /* error in config */
1710 	if (reply->msg[0])
1711 	    fprintf(stderr,
1712 		"Can't create volume %s: %s\n",
1713 		objectname,
1714 		reply->msg);
1715 	else
1716 	    fprintf(stderr,
1717 		"Can't create volume %s: %s (%d)\n",
1718 		objectname,
1719 		strerror(reply->error),
1720 		reply->error);
1721 	longjmp(command_fail, -1);			    /* give up */
1722     }
1723     sprintf(buffer, "plex name %s.p0 org striped 256k", objectname);
1724     if (vflag)
1725 	printf("  plex name %s.p0 org striped 256k\n", objectname);
1726     ioctl(superdev, VINUM_CREATE, buffer);
1727     if (reply->error != 0) {				    /* error in config */
1728 	if (reply->msg[0])
1729 	    fprintf(stderr,
1730 		"Can't create plex %s.p0: %s\n",
1731 		objectname,
1732 		reply->msg);
1733 	else
1734 	    fprintf(stderr,
1735 		"Can't create plex %s.p0: %s (%d)\n",
1736 		objectname,
1737 		strerror(reply->error),
1738 		reply->error);
1739 	longjmp(command_fail, -1);			    /* give up */
1740     }
1741     for (o = 0; o < argc; o++) {
1742 	drive = find_drive_by_devname(argv[o]);		    /* we know it exists... */
1743 	sprintf(buffer,
1744 	    "sd name %s.p0.s%d drive %s size %lldb",
1745 	    objectname,
1746 	    o,
1747 	    drive->label.name,
1748 	    (long long) maxsize);
1749 	if (vflag)
1750 	    printf("    sd name %s.p0.s%d drive %s size %lldb\n",
1751 		objectname,
1752 		o,
1753 		drive->label.name,
1754 		(long long) maxsize);
1755 	ioctl(superdev, VINUM_CREATE, buffer);
1756 	if (reply->error != 0) {			    /* error in config */
1757 	    if (reply->msg[0])
1758 		fprintf(stderr,
1759 		    "Can't create subdisk %s.p0.s%d: %s\n",
1760 		    objectname,
1761 		    o,
1762 		    reply->msg);
1763 	    else
1764 		fprintf(stderr,
1765 		    "Can't create subdisk %s.p0.s%d: %s (%d)\n",
1766 		    objectname,
1767 		    o,
1768 		    strerror(reply->error),
1769 		    reply->error);
1770 	    longjmp(command_fail, -1);			    /* give up */
1771 	}
1772     }
1774     /* done, save the config */
1775     ioctltype = 0;					    /* saveconfig after update */
1776     error = ioctl(superdev, VINUM_SAVECONFIG, &ioctltype);  /* save the config to disk */
1777     if (error != 0)
1778 	perror("Can't save Vinum config");
1779     find_object(objectname, &type);			    /* find the index of the volume */
1780     make_vol_dev(vol.volno, 1);				    /* and create the devices */
1781     if (vflag) {
1782 	vflag--;					    /* XXX don't give too much detail */
1783 	find_object(objectname, &type);			    /* point to the volume */
1784 	vinum_lvi(vol.volno, 1);			    /* and print info about it */
1785     }
1786 }
1788 /*
1789  * Create a volume with a single RAID-4 plex from
1790  * as much space as we can get on the specified drives.
1791  * If the drives aren't Vinum drives, make them so.
1792  */
1793 void
1794 vinum_raid4(int argc, char *argv[], char *argv0[])
1795 {
1796     int o;						    /* object number */
1797     char buffer[BUFSIZE];
1798     struct drive *drive;				    /* drive we're currently looking at */
1799     struct _ioctl_reply *reply;
1800     int ioctltype;
1801     int error;
1802     enum objecttype type;
1803     off_t maxsize;
1804     int fe;						    /* freelist entry index */
1805     union freeunion {
1806 	struct drive_freelist freelist;
1807 	struct ferq {					    /* request to pass to ioctl */
1808 	    int driveno;
1809 	    int fe;
1810 	} ferq;
1811     } freeunion;
1812     u_int64_t bigchunk;					    /* biggest chunk in freelist */
1814     maxsize = QUAD_MAX;
1815     reply = (struct _ioctl_reply *) &buffer;
1817     /*
1818      * First, check our drives.
1819      */
1820     if (argc < 3) {
1821 	fprintf(stderr, "You need at least three drives to create a RAID-4 plex\n");
1822 	return;
1823     }
1824     if (ioctl(superdev, VINUM_STARTCONFIG, &force)) {	    /* can't get config? */
1825 	printf("Can't configure: %s (%d)\n", strerror(errno), errno);
1826 	return;
1827     }
1828     if (!objectname)					    /* we need a name for our object */
1829 	genvolname();
1830     for (o = 0; o < argc; o++) {
1831 	if ((drive = find_drive_by_devname(argv[o])) == NULL) /* doesn't exist */
1832 	    drive = create_drive(argv[o]);		    /* create it */
1833 	/* Now find the largest chunk available on the drive */
1834 	bigchunk = 0;					    /* ain't found nothin' yet */
1835 	for (fe = 0; fe < drive->freelist_entries; fe++) {
1836 	    freeunion.ferq.driveno = drive->driveno;
1837 	    freeunion.ferq.fe = fe;
1838 	    if (ioctl(superdev, VINUM_GETFREELIST, &freeunion.freelist) < 0) {
1839 		fprintf(stderr,
1840 		    "Can't get free list element %d: %s\n",
1841 		    fe,
1842 		    strerror(errno));
1843 		longjmp(command_fail, -1);
1844 	    }
1845 	    bigchunk = bigchunk > freeunion.freelist.sectors ? bigchunk : freeunion.freelist.sectors; /* max it */
1846 	}
1847 	maxsize = min(maxsize, bigchunk);		    /* this is as much as we can do */
1848     }
1850     /* Now create the volume */
1851     sprintf(buffer, "volume %s", objectname);
1852     if (vflag)
1853 	printf("volume %s\n", objectname);
1854     ioctl(superdev, VINUM_CREATE, buffer);		    /* create the volume */
1855     if (reply->error != 0) {				    /* error in config */
1856 	if (reply->msg[0])
1857 	    fprintf(stderr,
1858 		"Can't create volume %s: %s\n",
1859 		objectname,
1860 		reply->msg);
1861 	else
1862 	    fprintf(stderr,
1863 		"Can't create volume %s: %s (%d)\n",
1864 		objectname,
1865 		strerror(reply->error),
1866 		reply->error);
1867 	longjmp(command_fail, -1);			    /* give up */
1868     }
1869     sprintf(buffer, "plex name %s.p0 org raid4 256k", objectname);
1870     if (vflag)
1871 	printf("  plex name %s.p0 org raid4 256k\n", objectname);
1872     ioctl(superdev, VINUM_CREATE, buffer);
1873     if (reply->error != 0) {				    /* error in config */
1874 	if (reply->msg[0])
1875 	    fprintf(stderr,
1876 		"Can't create plex %s.p0: %s\n",
1877 		objectname,
1878 		reply->msg);
1879 	else
1880 	    fprintf(stderr,
1881 		"Can't create plex %s.p0: %s (%d)\n",
1882 		objectname,
1883 		strerror(reply->error),
1884 		reply->error);
1885 	longjmp(command_fail, -1);			    /* give up */
1886     }
1887     for (o = 0; o < argc; o++) {
1888 	drive = find_drive_by_devname(argv[o]);		    /* we know it exists... */
1889 	sprintf(buffer,
1890 	    "sd name %s.p0.s%d drive %s size %lldb",
1891 	    objectname,
1892 	    o,
1893 	    drive->label.name,
1894 	    (long long) maxsize);
1895 	if (vflag)
1896 	    printf("    sd name %s.p0.s%d drive %s size %lldb\n",
1897 		objectname,
1898 		o,
1899 		drive->label.name,
1900 		(long long) maxsize);
1901 	ioctl(superdev, VINUM_CREATE, buffer);
1902 	if (reply->error != 0) {			    /* error in config */
1903 	    if (reply->msg[0])
1904 		fprintf(stderr,
1905 		    "Can't create subdisk %s.p0.s%d: %s\n",
1906 		    objectname,
1907 		    o,
1908 		    reply->msg);
1909 	    else
1910 		fprintf(stderr,
1911 		    "Can't create subdisk %s.p0.s%d: %s (%d)\n",
1912 		    objectname,
1913 		    o,
1914 		    strerror(reply->error),
1915 		    reply->error);
1916 	    longjmp(command_fail, -1);			    /* give up */
1917 	}
1918     }
1920     /* done, save the config */
1921     ioctltype = 0;					    /* saveconfig after update */
1922     error = ioctl(superdev, VINUM_SAVECONFIG, &ioctltype);  /* save the config to disk */
1923     if (error != 0)
1924 	perror("Can't save Vinum config");
1925     find_object(objectname, &type);			    /* find the index of the volume */
1926     make_vol_dev(vol.volno, 1);				    /* and create the devices */
1927     if (vflag) {
1928 	vflag--;					    /* XXX don't give too much detail */
1929 	find_object(objectname, &type);			    /* point to the volume */
1930 	vinum_lvi(vol.volno, 1);			    /* and print info about it */
1931     }
1932 }
1934 /*
1935  * Create a volume with a single RAID-4 plex from
1936  * as much space as we can get on the specified drives.
1937  * If the drives aren't Vinum drives, make them so.
1938  */
1939 void
1940 vinum_raid5(int argc, char *argv[], char *argv0[])
1941 {
1942     int o;						    /* object number */
1943     char buffer[BUFSIZE];
1944     struct drive *drive;				    /* drive we're currently looking at */
1945     struct _ioctl_reply *reply;
1946     int ioctltype;
1947     int error;
1948     enum objecttype type;
1949     off_t maxsize;
1950     int fe;						    /* freelist entry index */
1951     union freeunion {
1952 	struct drive_freelist freelist;
1953 	struct ferq {					    /* request to pass to ioctl */
1954 	    int driveno;
1955 	    int fe;
1956 	} ferq;
1957     } freeunion;
1958     u_int64_t bigchunk;					    /* biggest chunk in freelist */
1960     maxsize = QUAD_MAX;
1961     reply = (struct _ioctl_reply *) &buffer;
1963     /*
1964      * First, check our drives.
1965      */
1966     if (argc < 3) {
1967 	fprintf(stderr, "You need at least three drives to create a RAID-5 plex\n");
1968 	return;
1969     }
1970     if (ioctl(superdev, VINUM_STARTCONFIG, &force)) {	    /* can't get config? */
1971 	printf("Can't configure: %s (%d)\n", strerror(errno), errno);
1972 	return;
1973     }
1974     if (!objectname)					    /* we need a name for our object */
1975 	genvolname();
1976     for (o = 0; o < argc; o++) {
1977 	if ((drive = find_drive_by_devname(argv[o])) == NULL) /* doesn't exist */
1978 	    drive = create_drive(argv[o]);		    /* create it */
1979 	/* Now find the largest chunk available on the drive */
1980 	bigchunk = 0;					    /* ain't found nothin' yet */
1981 	for (fe = 0; fe < drive->freelist_entries; fe++) {
1982 	    freeunion.ferq.driveno = drive->driveno;
1983 	    freeunion.ferq.fe = fe;
1984 	    if (ioctl(superdev, VINUM_GETFREELIST, &freeunion.freelist) < 0) {
1985 		fprintf(stderr,
1986 		    "Can't get free list element %d: %s\n",
1987 		    fe,
1988 		    strerror(errno));
1989 		longjmp(command_fail, -1);
1990 	    }
1991 	    bigchunk = bigchunk > freeunion.freelist.sectors ? bigchunk : freeunion.freelist.sectors; /* max it */
1992 	}
1993 	maxsize = min(maxsize, bigchunk);		    /* this is as much as we can do */
1994     }
1996     /* Now create the volume */
1997     sprintf(buffer, "volume %s", objectname);
1998     if (vflag)
1999 	printf("volume %s\n", objectname);
2000     ioctl(superdev, VINUM_CREATE, buffer);		    /* create the volume */
2001     if (reply->error != 0) {				    /* error in config */
2002 	if (reply->msg[0])
2003 	    fprintf(stderr,
2004 		"Can't create volume %s: %s\n",
2005 		objectname,
2006 		reply->msg);
2007 	else
2008 	    fprintf(stderr,
2009 		"Can't create volume %s: %s (%d)\n",
2010 		objectname,
2011 		strerror(reply->error),
2012 		reply->error);
2013 	longjmp(command_fail, -1);			    /* give up */
2014     }
2015     sprintf(buffer, "plex name %s.p0 org raid5 256k", objectname);
2016     if (vflag)
2017 	printf("  plex name %s.p0 org raid5 256k\n", objectname);
2018     ioctl(superdev, VINUM_CREATE, buffer);
2019     if (reply->error != 0) {				    /* error in config */
2020 	if (reply->msg[0])
2021 	    fprintf(stderr,
2022 		"Can't create plex %s.p0: %s\n",
2023 		objectname,
2024 		reply->msg);
2025 	else
2026 	    fprintf(stderr,
2027 		"Can't create plex %s.p0: %s (%d)\n",
2028 		objectname,
2029 		strerror(reply->error),
2030 		reply->error);
2031 	longjmp(command_fail, -1);			    /* give up */
2032     }
2033     for (o = 0; o < argc; o++) {
2034 	drive = find_drive_by_devname(argv[o]);		    /* we know it exists... */
2035 	sprintf(buffer,
2036 	    "sd name %s.p0.s%d drive %s size %lldb",
2037 	    objectname,
2038 	    o,
2039 	    drive->label.name,
2040 	    (long long) maxsize);
2041 	if (vflag)
2042 	    printf("    sd name %s.p0.s%d drive %s size %lldb\n",
2043 		objectname,
2044 		o,
2045 		drive->label.name,
2046 		(long long) maxsize);
2047 	ioctl(superdev, VINUM_CREATE, buffer);
2048 	if (reply->error != 0) {			    /* error in config */
2049 	    if (reply->msg[0])
2050 		fprintf(stderr,
2051 		    "Can't create subdisk %s.p0.s%d: %s\n",
2052 		    objectname,
2053 		    o,
2054 		    reply->msg);
2055 	    else
2056 		fprintf(stderr,
2057 		    "Can't create subdisk %s.p0.s%d: %s (%d)\n",
2058 		    objectname,
2059 		    o,
2060 		    strerror(reply->error),
2061 		    reply->error);
2062 	    longjmp(command_fail, -1);			    /* give up */
2063 	}
2064     }
2066     /* done, save the config */
2067     ioctltype = 0;					    /* saveconfig after update */
2068     error = ioctl(superdev, VINUM_SAVECONFIG, &ioctltype);  /* save the config to disk */
2069     if (error != 0)
2070 	perror("Can't save Vinum config");
2071     find_object(objectname, &type);			    /* find the index of the volume */
2072     make_vol_dev(vol.volno, 1);				    /* and create the devices */
2073     if (vflag) {
2074 	vflag--;					    /* XXX don't give too much detail */
2075 	find_object(objectname, &type);			    /* point to the volume */
2076 	vinum_lvi(vol.volno, 1);			    /* and print info about it */
2077     }
2078 }
2080 /*
2081  * Create a volume with a two plexes from as much space
2082  * as we can get on the specified drives.  If the
2083  * drives aren't Vinum drives, make them so.
2084  *
2085  * The number of drives must be even, and at least 4
2086  * for a striped plex.  Specify striped plexes with the
2087  * -s flag; otherwise they will be concatenated.  It's
2088  * possible that the two plexes may differ in length.
2089  */
2090 void
2091 vinum_mirror(int argc, char *argv[], char *argv0[])
2092 {
2093     int o;						    /* object number */
2094     int p;						    /* plex number */
2095     char buffer[BUFSIZE];
2096     struct drive *drive;				    /* drive we're currently looking at */
2097     struct _ioctl_reply *reply;
2098     int ioctltype;
2099     int error;
2100     enum objecttype type;
2101     off_t maxsize[2];					    /* maximum subdisk size for striped plexes */
2102     int fe;						    /* freelist entry index */
2103     union freeunion {
2104 	struct drive_freelist freelist;
2105 	struct ferq {					    /* request to pass to ioctl */
2106 	    int driveno;
2107 	    int fe;
2108 	} ferq;
2109     } freeunion;
2110     u_int64_t bigchunk;					    /* biggest chunk in freelist */
2112     if (sflag)						    /* striped, */
2113 	maxsize[0] = maxsize[1] = QUAD_MAX;		    /* we need to calculate sd size */
2114     else
2115 	maxsize[0] = maxsize[1] = 0;			    /* let the kernel routines do it */
2117     reply = (struct _ioctl_reply *) &buffer;
2119     /*
2120      * First, check our drives.
2121      */
2122     if (argc & 1) {
2123 	fprintf(stderr, "You need an even number of drives to create a mirrored volume\n");
2124 	return;
2125     }
2126     if (sflag && (argc < 4)) {
2127 	fprintf(stderr, "You need at least 4 drives to create a mirrored, striped volume\n");
2128 	return;
2129     }
2130     if (ioctl(superdev, VINUM_STARTCONFIG, &force)) {	    /* can't get config? */
2131 	printf("Can't configure: %s (%d)\n", strerror(errno), errno);
2132 	return;
2133     }
2134     if (!objectname)					    /* we need a name for our object */
2135 	genvolname();
2136     for (o = 0; o < argc; o++) {
2137 	if ((drive = find_drive_by_devname(argv[o])) == NULL) /* doesn't exist */
2138 	    drive = create_drive(argv[o]);		    /* create it */
2139 	if (sflag) {					    /* striping, */
2140 	    /* Find the largest chunk available on the drive */
2141 	    bigchunk = 0;				    /* ain't found nothin' yet */
2142 	    for (fe = 0; fe < drive->freelist_entries; fe++) {
2143 		freeunion.ferq.driveno = drive->driveno;
2144 		freeunion.ferq.fe = fe;
2145 		if (ioctl(superdev, VINUM_GETFREELIST, &freeunion.freelist) < 0) {
2146 		    fprintf(stderr,
2147 			"Can't get free list element %d: %s\n",
2148 			fe,
2149 			strerror(errno));
2150 		    longjmp(command_fail, -1);
2151 		}
2152 		bigchunk = bigchunk > freeunion.freelist.sectors ? bigchunk : freeunion.freelist.sectors; /* max it */
2153 	    }
2154 	    maxsize[o & 1] = min(maxsize[o & 1], bigchunk); /* get the maximum size of a subdisk  */
2155 	}
2156     }
2158     /* Now create the volume */
2159     sprintf(buffer, "volume %s setupstate", objectname);
2160     if (vflag)
2161 	printf("volume %s setupstate\n", objectname);
2162     ioctl(superdev, VINUM_CREATE, buffer);		    /* create the volume */
2163     if (reply->error != 0) {				    /* error in config */
2164 	if (reply->msg[0])
2165 	    fprintf(stderr,
2166 		"Can't create volume %s: %s\n",
2167 		objectname,
2168 		reply->msg);
2169 	else
2170 	    fprintf(stderr,
2171 		"Can't create volume %s: %s (%d)\n",
2172 		objectname,
2173 		strerror(reply->error),
2174 		reply->error);
2175 	longjmp(command_fail, -1);			    /* give up */
2176     }
2177     for (p = 0; p < 2; p++) {				    /* create each plex */
2178 	if (sflag) {
2179 	    sprintf(buffer, "plex name %s.p%d org striped 256k", objectname, p);
2180 	    if (vflag)
2181 		printf("  plex name %s.p%d org striped 256k\n", objectname, p);
2182 	} else {					    /* concat */
2183 	    sprintf(buffer, "plex name %s.p%d org concat", objectname, p);
2184 	    if (vflag)
2185 		printf("  plex name %s.p%d org concat\n", objectname, p);
2186 	}
2187 	ioctl(superdev, VINUM_CREATE, buffer);
2188 	if (reply->error != 0) {			    /* error in config */
2189 	    if (reply->msg[0])
2190 		fprintf(stderr,
2191 		    "Can't create plex %s.p%d: %s\n",
2192 		    objectname,
2193 		    p,
2194 		    reply->msg);
2195 	    else
2196 		fprintf(stderr,
2197 		    "Can't create plex %s.p%d: %s (%d)\n",
2198 		    objectname,
2199 		    p,
2200 		    strerror(reply->error),
2201 		    reply->error);
2202 	    longjmp(command_fail, -1);			    /* give up */
2203 	}
2204 	/* Now look at the subdisks */
2205 	for (o = p; o < argc; o += 2) {			    /* every second one */
2206 	    drive = find_drive_by_devname(argv[o]);	    /* we know it exists... */
2207 	    sprintf(buffer,
2208 		"sd name %s.p%d.s%d drive %s size %lldb",
2209 		objectname,
2210 		p,
2211 		o >> 1,
2212 		drive->label.name,
2213 		(long long) maxsize[p]);
2214 	    if (vflag)
2215 		printf("    sd name %s.p%d.s%d drive %s size %lldb\n",
2216 		    objectname,
2217 		    p,
2218 		    o >> 1,
2219 		    drive->label.name,
2220 		    (long long) maxsize[p]);
2221 	    ioctl(superdev, VINUM_CREATE, buffer);
2222 	    if (reply->error != 0) {			    /* error in config */
2223 		if (reply->msg[0])
2224 		    fprintf(stderr,
2225 			"Can't create subdisk %s.p%d.s%d: %s\n",
2226 			objectname,
2227 			p,
2228 			o >> 1,
2229 			reply->msg);
2230 		else
2231 		    fprintf(stderr,
2232 			"Can't create subdisk %s.p%d.s%d: %s (%d)\n",
2233 			objectname,
2234 			p,
2235 			o >> 1,
2236 			strerror(reply->error),
2237 			reply->error);
2238 		longjmp(command_fail, -1);		    /* give up */
2239 	    }
2240 	}
2241     }
2243     /* done, save the config */
2244     ioctltype = 0;					    /* saveconfig after update */
2245     error = ioctl(superdev, VINUM_SAVECONFIG, &ioctltype);  /* save the config to disk */
2246     if (error != 0)
2247 	perror("Can't save Vinum config");
2248     find_object(objectname, &type);			    /* find the index of the volume */
2249     make_vol_dev(vol.volno, 1);				    /* and create the devices */
2250     if (vflag) {
2251 	vflag--;					    /* XXX don't give too much detail */
2252 	sflag = 0;					    /* no stats, please */
2253 	find_object(objectname, &type);			    /* point to the volume */
2254 	vinum_lvi(vol.volno, 1);			    /* and print info about it */
2255     }
2256 }
2258 void
2259 vinum_readpol(int argc, char *argv[], char *argv0[])
2260 {
2261     int object;
2262     struct _ioctl_reply reply;
2263     struct vinum_ioctl_msg *message = (struct vinum_ioctl_msg *) &reply;
2264     enum objecttype type;
2265     struct plex plex;
2266     struct volume vol;
2267     int plexno;
2269     if (argc == 0) {					    /* start everything */
2270 	fprintf(stderr, "Usage: readpol <volume> <plex>|round\n");
2271 	return;
2272     }
2273     object = find_object(argv[1], &type);		    /* look for it */
2274     if (type != volume_object) {
2275 	fprintf(stderr, "%s is not a volume\n", argv[1]);
2276 	return;
2277     }
2278     get_volume_info(&vol, object);
2279     if (strcmp(argv[2], "round")) {			    /* not 'round' */
2280 	object = find_object(argv[2], &type);		    /* look for it */
2281 	if (type != plex_object) {
2282 	    fprintf(stderr, "%s is not a plex\n", argv[2]);
2283 	    return;
2284 	}
2285 	get_plex_info(&plex, object);
2286 	plexno = plex.plexno;
2287     } else						    /* round */
2288 	plexno = -1;
2290     /* Set the value */
2291     message->index = vol.volno;
2292     message->otherobject = plexno;
2293     if (ioctl(superdev, VINUM_READPOL, message) < 0)
2294 	fprintf(stderr, "Can't set read policy: %s (%d)\n", strerror(errno), errno);
2295     if (vflag)
2296 	vinum_lpi(plexno, recurse);
2297 }
2299 /*
2300  * Brute force set state function.  Don't look at
2301  * any dependencies, just do it.
2302  */
2303 void
2304 vinum_setstate(int argc, char *argv[], char *argv0[])
2305 {
2306     int object;
2307     struct _ioctl_reply reply;
2308     struct vinum_ioctl_msg *message = (struct vinum_ioctl_msg *) &reply;
2309     int index;
2310     enum objecttype type;
2311     int state;
2313     for (index = 1; index < argc; index++) {
2314 	object = find_object(argv[index], &type);	    /* look for it */
2315 	if (type == invalid_object)
2316 	    fprintf(stderr, "Can't find object: %s\n", argv[index]);
2317 	else {
2318 	    int doit = 0;				    /* set to 1 if we pass our tests */
2319 	    switch (type) {
2320 	    case drive_object:
2321 		state = DriveState(argv[0]);		    /* get the state */
2322 		if (drive.state == state)		    /* already in that state */
2323 		    fprintf(stderr, "%s is already %s\n", drive.label.name, argv[0]);
2324 		else
2325 		    doit = 1;
2326 		break;
2328 	    case sd_object:
2329 		state = SdState(argv[0]);		    /* get the state */
2330 		if (sd.state == state)			    /* already in that state */
2331 		    fprintf(stderr, "%s is already %s\n", sd.name, argv[0]);
2332 		else
2333 		    doit = 1;
2334 		break;
2336 	    case plex_object:
2337 		state = PlexState(argv[0]);		    /* get the state */
2338 		if (plex.state == state)		    /* already in that state */
2339 		    fprintf(stderr, "%s is already %s\n", plex.name, argv[0]);
2340 		else
2341 		    doit = 1;
2342 		break;
2344 	    case volume_object:
2345 		state = VolState(argv[0]);		    /* get the state */
2346 		if (vol.state == state)			    /* already in that state */
2347 		    fprintf(stderr, "%s is already %s\n", vol.name, argv[0]);
2348 		else
2349 		    doit = 1;
2350 		break;
2352 	    default:
2353 		state = 0;				    /* to keep the compiler happy */
2354 	    }
2356 	    if (state == -1)
2357 		fprintf(stderr, "Invalid state for object: %s\n", argv[0]);
2358 	    else if (doit) {
2359 		message->index = object;		    /* pass object number */
2360 		message->type = type;			    /* and type of object */
2361 		message->state = state;
2362 		message->force = force;			    /* don't force it, use a larger hammer */
2363 		ioctl(superdev, VINUM_SETSTATE_FORCE, message);
2364 		if (reply.error != 0)
2365 		    fprintf(stderr,
2366 			"Can't start %s: %s (%d)\n",
2367 			argv[index],
2368 			reply.msg[0] ? reply.msg : strerror(reply.error),
2369 			reply.error);
2370 		if (Verbose)
2371 		    vinum_li(object, type);
2372 	    }
2373 	}
2374     }
2375 }
2377 void
2378 vinum_checkparity(int argc, char *argv[], char *argv0[])
2379 {
2380     Verbose = vflag;					    /* accept -v for verbose */
2381     if (argc == 0)					    /* no parameters? */
2382 	fprintf(stderr, "Usage: checkparity object [object...]\n");
2383     else
2384 	parityops(argc, argv, checkparity);
2385 }
2387 void
2388 vinum_rebuildparity(int argc, char *argv[], char *argv0[])
2389 {
2390     if (argc == 0)					    /* no parameters? */
2391 	fprintf(stderr, "Usage: rebuildparity object [object...]\n");
2392     else
2393 	parityops(argc, argv, vflag ? rebuildandcheckparity : rebuildparity);
2394 }
2396 /*
2397  * Common code for rebuildparity and checkparity.
2398  * We bend the meanings of some flags here:
2399  *
2400  * -v: Report incorrect parity on rebuild.
2401  * -V: Show running count of position being checked.
2402  * -f: Start from beginning of the plex.
2403  */
2404 void
2405 parityops(int argc, char *argv[], enum parityop op)
2406 {
2407     int object;
2408     struct plex plex;
2409     struct _ioctl_reply reply;
2410     struct vinum_ioctl_msg *message = (struct vinum_ioctl_msg *) &reply;
2411     int index;
2412     enum objecttype type;
2413     char *msg;
2414     off_t block;
2416     if (op == checkparity)
2417 	msg = "Checking";
2418     else
2419 	msg = "Rebuilding";
2420     for (index = 0; index < argc; index++) {
2421 	object = find_object(argv[index], &type);	    /* look for it */
2422 	if (type != plex_object)
2423 	    fprintf(stderr, "%s is not a plex\n", argv[index]);
2424 	else {
2425 	    get_plex_info(&plex, object);
2426 	    if (!isparity((&plex)))
2427 		fprintf(stderr, "%s is not a RAID-4 or RAID-5 plex\n", argv[index]);
2428 	    else {
2429 		do {
2430 		    message->index = object;		    /* pass object number */
2431 		    message->type = type;		    /* and type of object */
2432 		    message->op = op;			    /* what to do */
2433 		    if (force)
2434 			message->offset = 0;		    /* start at the beginning */
2435 		    else
2436 			message->offset = plex.checkblock;  /* continue where we left off */
2437 		    force = 0;				    /* don't reset after the first time */
2438 		    ioctl(superdev, VINUM_PARITYOP, message);
2439 		    get_plex_info(&plex, object);
2440 		    if (Verbose) {
2441 			block = (plex.checkblock << DEV_BSHIFT) * (plex.subdisks - 1);
2442 			if (block != 0)
2443 			    printf("\r%s at %s (%d%%)    ",
2444 				msg,
2445 				roughlength(block, 1),
2446 				((int) (block * 100 / plex.length) >> DEV_BSHIFT));
2447 			if ((reply.error == EAGAIN)
2448 			    && (reply.msg[0]))		    /* got a comment back */
2449 			    fputs(reply.msg, stderr);	    /* show it */
2450 			fflush(stdout);
2451 		    }
2452 		}
2453 		while (reply.error == EAGAIN);
2454 		if (reply.error != 0) {
2455 		    if (reply.msg[0])
2456 			fputs(reply.msg, stderr);
2457 		    else
2458 			fprintf(stderr,
2459 			    "%s failed: %s\n",
2460 			    msg,
2461 			    strerror(reply.error));
2462 		} else if (Verbose) {
2463 		    if (op == checkparity)
2464 			fprintf(stderr, "%s has correct parity\n", argv[index]);
2465 		    else
2466 			fprintf(stderr, "Rebuilt parity on %s\n", argv[index]);
2467 		}
2468 	    }
2469 	}
2470     }
2471 }
2473 /* Local Variables: */
2474 /* fill-column: 50 */
2475 /* End: */