xref: /dragonfly/share/zoneinfo/etcetera (revision 9b6c3ce0)
1# <pre>
2# @(#)etcetera	8.3
3# This file is in the public domain, so clarified as of
4# 2009-05-17 by Arthur David Olson.
6# These entries are mostly present for historical reasons, so that
7# people in areas not otherwise covered by the tz files could "zic -l"
8# to a time zone that was right for their area.  These days, the
9# tz files cover almost all the inhabited world, and the only practical
10# need now for the entries that are not on UTC are for ships at sea
11# that cannot use POSIX TZ settings.
13Zone	Etc/GMT		0	-	GMT
14Zone	Etc/UTC		0	-	UTC
15Zone	Etc/UCT		0	-	UCT
17# The following link uses older naming conventions,
18# but it belongs here, not in the file `backward',
19# as functions like gmtime load the "GMT" file to handle leap seconds properly.
20# We want this to work even on installations that omit the other older names.
21Link	Etc/GMT				GMT
23Link	Etc/UTC				Etc/Universal
24Link	Etc/UTC				Etc/Zulu
26Link	Etc/GMT				Etc/Greenwich
27Link	Etc/GMT				Etc/GMT-0
28Link	Etc/GMT				Etc/GMT+0
29Link	Etc/GMT				Etc/GMT0
31# We use POSIX-style signs in the Zone names and the output abbreviations,
32# even though this is the opposite of what many people expect.
33# POSIX has positive signs west of Greenwich, but many people expect
34# positive signs east of Greenwich.  For example, TZ='Etc/GMT+4' uses
35# the abbreviation "GMT+4" and corresponds to 4 hours behind UTC
36# (i.e. west of Greenwich) even though many people would expect it to
37# mean 4 hours ahead of UTC (i.e. east of Greenwich).
39# In the draft 5 of POSIX 1003.1-200x, the angle bracket notation allows for
40# TZ='<GMT-4>+4'; if you want time zone abbreviations conforming to
41# ISO 8601 you can use TZ='<-0400>+4'.  Thus the commonly-expected
42# offset is kept within the angle bracket (and is used for display)
43# while the POSIX sign is kept outside the angle bracket (and is used
44# for calculation).
46# Do not use a TZ setting like TZ='GMT+4', which is four hours behind
47# GMT but uses the completely misleading abbreviation "GMT".
49# Earlier incarnations of this package were not POSIX-compliant,
50# and had lines such as
51#		Zone	GMT-12		-12	-	GMT-1200
52# We did not want things to change quietly if someone accustomed to the old
53# way does a
54#		zic -l GMT-12
55# so we moved the names into the Etc subdirectory.
57Zone	Etc/GMT-14	14	-	GMT-14	# 14 hours ahead of GMT
58Zone	Etc/GMT-13	13	-	GMT-13
59Zone	Etc/GMT-12	12	-	GMT-12
60Zone	Etc/GMT-11	11	-	GMT-11
61Zone	Etc/GMT-10	10	-	GMT-10
62Zone	Etc/GMT-9	9	-	GMT-9
63Zone	Etc/GMT-8	8	-	GMT-8
64Zone	Etc/GMT-7	7	-	GMT-7
65Zone	Etc/GMT-6	6	-	GMT-6
66Zone	Etc/GMT-5	5	-	GMT-5
67Zone	Etc/GMT-4	4	-	GMT-4
68Zone	Etc/GMT-3	3	-	GMT-3
69Zone	Etc/GMT-2	2	-	GMT-2
70Zone	Etc/GMT-1	1	-	GMT-1
71Zone	Etc/GMT+1	-1	-	GMT+1
72Zone	Etc/GMT+2	-2	-	GMT+2
73Zone	Etc/GMT+3	-3	-	GMT+3
74Zone	Etc/GMT+4	-4	-	GMT+4
75Zone	Etc/GMT+5	-5	-	GMT+5
76Zone	Etc/GMT+6	-6	-	GMT+6
77Zone	Etc/GMT+7	-7	-	GMT+7
78Zone	Etc/GMT+8	-8	-	GMT+8
79Zone	Etc/GMT+9	-9	-	GMT+9
80Zone	Etc/GMT+10	-10	-	GMT+10
81Zone	Etc/GMT+11	-11	-	GMT+11
82Zone	Etc/GMT+12	-12	-	GMT+12