xref: /dragonfly/sys/dev/raid/vinum/vinumdaemon.c (revision 2cd2d2b5)
1 /* daemon.c: kernel part of Vinum daemon */
2 /*-
3  * Copyright (c) 1997, 1998
4  *	Nan Yang Computer Services Limited.  All rights reserved.
5  *
6  *  This software is distributed under the so-called ``Berkeley
7  *  License'':
8  *
9  * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
10  * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
11  * are met:
12  * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
13  *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
14  * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
15  *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
16  *    documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
17  * 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software
18  *    must display the following acknowledgement:
19  *	This product includes software developed by Nan Yang Computer
20  *      Services Limited.
21  * 4. Neither the name of the Company nor the names of its contributors
22  *    may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
23  *    without specific prior written permission.
24  *
25  * This software is provided ``as is'', and any express or implied
26  * warranties, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of
27  * merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose are disclaimed.
28  * In no event shall the company or contributors be liable for any
29  * direct, indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, or consequential
30  * damages (including, but not limited to, procurement of substitute
31  * goods or services; loss of use, data, or profits; or business
32  * interruption) however caused and on any theory of liability, whether
33  * in contract, strict liability, or tort (including negligence or
34  * otherwise) arising in any way out of the use of this software, even if
35  * advised of the possibility of such damage.
36  *
37  * $Id: vinumdaemon.c,v 1.8 2000/01/03 05:22:03 grog Exp grog $
38  * $FreeBSD: src/sys/dev/vinum/vinumdaemon.c,v 1.16 2000/01/05 06:03:56 grog Exp $
39  * $DragonFly: src/sys/dev/raid/vinum/vinumdaemon.c,v 1.4 2003/08/07 21:17:09 dillon Exp $
40  */
42 #include "vinumhdr.h"
43 #include "request.h"
45 #ifdef VINUMDEBUG
46 #include <sys/reboot.h>
47 #endif
49 /* declarations */
50 void recover_io(struct request *rq);
52 int daemon_options = 0;					    /* options */
53 int daemonpid;						    /* PID of daemon */
54 struct daemonq *daemonq;				    /* daemon's work queue */
55 struct daemonq *dqend;					    /* and the end of the queue */
57 /*
58  * We normally call Malloc to get a queue element.  In interrupt
59  * context, we can't guarantee that we'll get one, since we're not
60  * allowed to wait.  If malloc fails, use one of these elements.
61  */
63 #define INTQSIZE 4
64 struct daemonq intq[INTQSIZE];				    /* queue elements for interrupt context */
65 struct daemonq *intqp;					    /* and pointer in it */
67 void
68 vinum_daemon(void)
69 {
70     int s;
71     struct daemonq *request;
73     curproc->p_flag |= P_INMEM | P_SYSTEM;		    /* we're a system process */
74     daemon_save_config();				    /* start by saving the configuration */
75     daemonpid = curproc->p_pid;				    /* mark our territory */
76     while (1) {
77 	tsleep(&vinum_daemon, 0, "vinum", 0);	    /* wait for something to happen */
79 	/*
80 	 * It's conceivable that, as the result of an
81 	 * I/O error, we'll be out of action long
82 	 * enough that another daemon gets started.
83 	 * That's OK, just give up gracefully.
84 	 */
85 	if (curproc->p_pid != daemonpid) {		    /* we've been ousted in our sleep */
86 	    if (daemon_options & daemon_verbose)
87 		log(LOG_INFO, "vinum: abdicating\n");
88 	    return;
89 	}
90 	while (daemonq != NULL) {			    /* we have work to do, */
91 	    s = splhigh();				    /* don't get interrupted here */
92 	    request = daemonq;				    /* get the request */
93 	    daemonq = daemonq->next;			    /* and detach it */
94 	    if (daemonq == NULL)			    /* got to the end, */
95 		dqend = NULL;				    /* no end any more */
96 	    splx(s);
98 	    switch (request->type) {
99 		/*
100 		 * We had an I/O error on a request.  Go through the
101 		 * request and try to salvage it
102 		 */
103 	    case daemonrq_ioerror:
104 		if (daemon_options & daemon_verbose) {
105 		    struct request *rq = request->info.rq;
107 		    log(LOG_WARNING,
108 			"vinum: recovering I/O request: %p\n%s dev %d.%d, offset 0x%x, length %ld\n",
109 			rq,
110 			rq->bp->b_flags & B_READ ? "Read" : "Write",
111 			major(rq->bp->b_dev),
112 			minor(rq->bp->b_dev),
113 			rq->bp->b_blkno,
114 			rq->bp->b_bcount);
115 		}
116 		recover_io(request->info.rq);		    /* the failed request */
117 		break;
119 		/*
120 		 * Write the config to disk.  We could end up with
121 		 * quite a few of these in a row.  Only honour the
122 		 * last one
123 		 */
124 	    case daemonrq_saveconfig:
125 		if ((daemonq == NULL)			    /* no more requests */
126 		||(daemonq->type != daemonrq_saveconfig)) { /* or the next isn't the same */
127 		    if (((daemon_options & daemon_noupdate) == 0) /* we're allowed to do it */
128 		    &&((vinum_conf.flags & VF_READING_CONFIG) == 0)) { /* and we're not building the config now */
129 			/*
130 			   * We obviously don't want to save a
131 			   * partial configuration.  Less obviously,
132 			   * we don't need to do anything if we're
133 			   * asked to write the config when we're
134 			   * building it up, because we save it at
135 			   * the end.
136 			 */
137 			if (daemon_options & daemon_verbose)
138 			    log(LOG_INFO, "vinum: saving config\n");
139 			daemon_save_config();		    /* save it */
140 		    }
141 		}
142 		break;
144 	    case daemonrq_return:			    /* been told to stop */
145 		if (daemon_options & daemon_verbose)
146 		    log(LOG_INFO, "vinum: stopping\n");
147 		daemon_options |= daemon_stopped;	    /* note that we've stopped */
148 		Free(request);
149 		while (daemonq != NULL) {		    /* backed up requests, */
150 		    request = daemonq;			    /* get the request */
151 		    daemonq = daemonq->next;		    /* and detach it */
152 		    Free(request);			    /* then free it */
153 		}
154 		wakeup(&vinumclose);			    /* and wake any waiting vinum(8)s */
155 		return;
157 	    case daemonrq_ping:				    /* tell the caller we're here */
158 		if (daemon_options & daemon_verbose)
159 		    log(LOG_INFO, "vinum: ping reply\n");
160 		wakeup(&vinum_finddaemon);		    /* wake up the caller */
161 		break;
163 	    case daemonrq_closedrive:			    /* close a drive */
164 		close_drive(request->info.drive);	    /* do it */
165 		break;
167 	    case daemonrq_init:				    /* initialize a plex */
168 		/* XXX */
169 	    case daemonrq_revive:			    /* revive a subdisk */
170 		/* XXX */
171 		/* FALLTHROUGH */
172 	    default:
173 		log(LOG_WARNING, "Invalid request\n");
174 		break;
175 	    }
176 	    if (request->privateinuse)			    /* one of ours, */
177 		request->privateinuse = 0;		    /* no longer in use */
178 	    else
179 		Free(request);				    /* return it */
180 	}
181     }
182 }
184 /*
185  * Recover a failed I/O operation.
186  *
187  * The correct way to do this is to examine the request and determine
188  * how to recover each individual failure.  In the case of a write,
189  * this could be as simple as doing nothing: the defective drives may
190  * already be down, and there may be nothing else to do.  In case of
191  * a read, it will be necessary to retry if there are alternative
192  * copies of the data.
193  *
194  * The easy way (here) is just to reissue the request.  This will take
195  * a little longer, but nothing like as long as the failure will have
196  * taken.
197  *
198  */
199 void
200 recover_io(struct request *rq)
201 {
202     /*
203      * This should read:
204      *
205      *     vinumstrategy(rq->bp);
206      *
207      * Negotiate with phk to get it fixed.
208      */
209     BUF_STRATEGY(rq->bp, 0);				    /* reissue the command */
210 }
212 /* Functions called to interface with the daemon */
214 /* queue a request for the daemon */
215 void
216 queue_daemon_request(enum daemonrq type, union daemoninfo info)
217 {
218     int s;
220     struct daemonq *qelt = (struct daemonq *) Malloc(sizeof(struct daemonq));
222     if (qelt == NULL) {					    /* malloc failed, we're prepared for that */
223 	/*
224 	 * Take one of our spares.  Give up if it's still in use; the only
225 	 * message we're likely to get here is a 'drive failed' message,
226 	 * and that'll come by again if we miss it.
227 	 */
228 	if (intqp->privateinuse)			    /* still in use? */
229 	    return;					    /* yes, give up */
230 	qelt = intqp++;
231 	if (intqp == &intq[INTQSIZE])			    /* got to the end, */
232 	    intqp = intq;				    /* wrap around */
233 	qelt->privateinuse = 1;				    /* it's ours, and it's in use */
234     } else
235 	qelt->privateinuse = 0;
237     qelt->next = NULL;					    /* end of the chain */
238     qelt->type = type;
239     qelt->info = info;
240     s = splhigh();
241     if (daemonq) {					    /* something queued already */
242 	dqend->next = qelt;
243 	dqend = qelt;
244     } else {						    /* queue is empty, */
245 	daemonq = qelt;					    /* this is the whole queue */
246 	dqend = qelt;
247     }
248     splx(s);
249     wakeup(&vinum_daemon);				    /* and give the d�mon a kick */
250 }
252 /*
253  * see if the daemon is running.  Return 0 (no error)
254  * if it is, ESRCH otherwise
255  */
256 int
257 vinum_finddaemon()
258 {
259     int result;
261     if (daemonpid != 0) {				    /* we think we have a daemon, */
262 	queue_daemon_request(daemonrq_ping, (union daemoninfo) NULL); /* queue a ping */
263 	result = tsleep(&vinum_finddaemon, 0, "reap", 2 * hz);
264 	if (result == 0)				    /* yup, the daemon's up and running */
265 	    return 0;
266     }
267     /* no daemon, or we couldn't talk to it: start it */
268     vinum_daemon();					    /* start the daemon */
269     return 0;
270 }
272 int
273 vinum_setdaemonopts(int options)
274 {
275     daemon_options = options;
276     return 0;
277 }