xref: /dragonfly/test/interbench/readme (revision e49a8a38)
1	Interbench - The Linux Interactivity Benchmark
4	Introduction
6This benchmark application is designed to benchmark interactivity in Linux. See
7the file readme.interactivity for a brief definition.
9It is designed to measure the effect of changes in Linux kernel design or system
10configuration changes such as cpu, I/O scheduler and filesystem changes and
11options. With careful benchmarking, different hardware can be compared.
14	What does it do?
16It is designed to emulate the cpu scheduling behaviour of interactive tasks and
17measure their scheduling latency and jitter. It does this with the tasks on
18their own and then in the presence of various background loads, both with
19configurable nice levels and the benchmarked tasks can be real time.
22	How does it work?
24First it benchmarks how best to reproduce a fixed percentage of cpu usage on the
25machine currently being used for the benchmark. It saves this to a file and then
26uses this for all subsequent runs to keep the emulation of cpu usage constant.
28It runs a real time high priority timing thread that wakes up the thread or
29threads of the simulated interactive tasks and then measures the latency in the
30time taken to schedule. As there is no accurate timer driven scheduling in linux
31the timing thread sleeps as accurately as linux kernel supports, and latency is
32considered as the time from this sleep till the simulated task gets scheduled.
34Each benchmarked simulation runs as a separate process with its own threads,
35and the background load (if any) also runs as a separate process.
38	What interactive tasks are simulated and how?
41X is simulated as a thread that uses a variable amount of cpu ranging from 0 to
42100%. This simulates an idle gui where a window is grabbed and then dragged
43across the screen.
46Audio is simulated as a thread that tries to run at 50ms intervals that then
47requires 5% cpu. This behaviour ignores any caching that would normally be done
48by well designed audio applications, but has been seen as the interval used to
49write to audio cards by a popular linux audio player. It also ignores any of the
50effects of different audio drivers and audio cards. Audio is also benchmarked
51running SCHED_FIFO if the real time benchmarking option is used.
54Video is simulated as a thread that tries to receive cpu 60 times per second
55and uses 40% cpu. This would be quite a demanding video playback at 60fps. Like
56the audio simulator it ignores caching, drivers and video cards. As per audio,
57video is benchmarked with the real time option.
60The cpu usage behind gaming is not at all interactive, yet games clearly are
61intended for interactive usage. This load simply uses as much cpu as it can
62get. It does not return deadlines met as there are no deadlines with an
63unlocked frame rate in a game. This does not accurately emulate a 3d game
64which is gpu bound (limited purely by the graphics card), only a cpu bound
68This load will allow you to specify your own combination of cpu percentage and
69intervals if you have a specific workload you are interested in and know the
70cpu usage and frame rate of it on the hardware you are testing.
73	What loads are simulated?
76Otherwise idle system.
79The video simulation thread is also used as a background load.
82The X simulation thread is used as a load.
85A configurable number of threads fully cpu bound (4 by default).
88A streaming write to disk repeatedly of a file the size of physical ram.
91Repeatedly reading a file from disk the size of physical ram (to avoid any
92caching effects).
95Simulating a heavy 'make -j4' compilation by running Burn, Write and Read
99Simulating heavy memory and swap pressure by repeatedly accessing 110% of
100available ram and moving it around and freeing it. You need to have some
101swap enabled due to the nature of this load, and if it detects no swap this
102load is disabled.
105This repeatedly runs the benchmarking program "hackbench" as 'hackbench 50'.
106This is suggested as a real time load only but because of how extreme this
107load is it is not unusual for an out-of-memory kill to occur which will
108invalidate any data you get. For this reason it is disabled by default.
111The custom simulation is used as a load.
114	What is measured and what does it mean?
1161. The average scheduling latency (time to requesting cpu till actually getting
117it) of deadlines met during the test period.
1182. The scheduling jitter is represented by calculating the standard deviation
119of the latency
1203. The maximum latency seen during the test period
1214. Percentage of desired cpu
1225. Percentage of deadlines met.
124This data is output to console and saved to a file which is stamped with the
125kernel name and date. See sample.log.
127	Sample:
128--- Benchmarking simulated cpu of X in the presence of simulated ---
129Load	Latency +/- SD (ms)  Max Latency   % Desired CPU  % Deadlines Met
130None	  0.495 +/- 0.495         45		 100	         96
131Video	   11.7 +/- 11.7        1815		89.6	       62.7
132Burn	   27.9 +/- 28.1        3335		78.5	         44
133Write	   4.02 +/- 4.03         372		  97	       78.7
134Read	   1.09 +/- 1.09         158		99.7	         88
135Compile	   28.8 +/- 28.8        3351		78.2	       43.7
136Memload	   2.81 +/- 2.81         187		98.7	         85
138What can be seen here is that never during this test run were all the so called
139deadlines met by the X simulator, although all the desired cpu was achieved
140under no load. In X terms this means that every bit of window movement was
141drawn while moving the window, but some were delayed and there was enough time
142to catch up before the next deadline. In the 'Burn' column we can see that only
14344% of the deadlines were met, and only 78.5% of the desired cpu was achieved.
144This means that some deadlines were so late (%deadlines met was low) that some
145redraws were dropped entirely to catch up. In X terms this would translate into
146jerky movement, in audio it would be a skip, and in video it would be a dropped
147frame. Note that despite the massive maximum latency of >3seconds, the average
148latency is still less than 30ms. This is because redraws are dropped in order
149to catch up usually by these sorts of applications.
152	What is relevant in the data?
154The results pessimise quite a lot what happens in real world terms because they
155ignore the reality of buffering, but this allows us to pick up subtle
156differences more readily. In terms of what would be noticed by the end user,
157dropping deadlines would make noticable clicks in audio, subtle visible frame
158time delays in video, and loss of "smooth" movement in X. Dropping desired cpu
159would be much more noticeable with audio skips, missed video frames or jerks
160in window movement under X. The magnitude of these would be best represented by
161the maximum latency. When the deadlines are actually met, the average latency
162represents how "smooth" it would look. Average humans' limit of perception for
163jitter is in the order of 7ms. Trained audio observers might notice much less.
166	How to use it?
168In response to critisicm of difficulty in setting up my previous benchmark,
169contest, I've made this as simple as possible.
171	Short version:
175Please read the long version before submitting results!
177	Longer version:
178Build with 'make'. It is a single executable once built so if you desire to
179install it simply copy the interbench binary wherever you like.
181To get good reproducible data from it you should boot into runlevel one so
182that nothing else is running on the machine. All power saving (cpu throttling,
183cpu frequency modifications) must be disabled on the first run to get an
184accurate measurement for cpu usage. You may enable them later if you are
185benchmarking their effect on interactivity on that machine. Root is almost
186mandatory for this benchmark, or real time privileges at the very least. You
187need free disk space in the directory it is being run in the order of 2* your
188physical ram for the disk loads. A default run in v0.21 takes about 15
189minutes to complete, longer if your disk is slow.
191As the benchmark bases the work it does on the speed of the hardware the
192results from different hardware can not be directly compared. However changes
193of kernels, filesystem and options can be compared. To do a comparison of
194different cpus and keep the workload constant, using the -l option and
195passing the value of "loops_per_ms" from the first hardware tested will keep
196the number of cpu cycles fairly constant allowing some comparison. Future
197versions may add the option of setting the amount of disk throughput etc.
200Command line options supported:
201interbench [-l <int>] [-L <int>] [-t <int] [-B <int>] [-N <int>]
202        [-b] [-c] [-r] [-C <int> -I <int>] [-m <comment>]
203        [-w <load type>] [-x <load type>] [-W <bench>] [-X <bench>]
204        [-h]
206 -l     Use <int> loops per sec (default: use saved benchmark)
207 -L     Use cpu load of <int> with burn load (default: 4)
208 -t     Seconds to run each benchmark (default: 30)
209 -B     Nice the benchmarked thread to <int> (default: 0)
210 -N     Nice the load thread to <int> (default: 0)
211 -b     Benchmark loops_per_ms even if it is already known
212 -c     Output to console only (default: use console and logfile)
213 -r     Perform real time scheduling benchmarks (default: non-rt)
214 -C     Use <int> percentage cpu as a custom load (default: no custom load)
215 -I     Use <int> microsecond intervals for custom load (needs -C as well)
216 -m     Add <comment> to the log file as a separate line
217 -w     Add <load type> to the list of loads to be tested against
218 -x     Exclude <load type> from the list of loads to be tested against
219 -W     Add <bench> to the list of benchmarks to be tested
220 -X     Exclude <bench> from the list of benchmarks to be tested
221 -h     Show help
223There is one hidden option which is not supported by default, -u
224which emulates a uniprocessor when run on an smp machine. The support for cpu
225affinity is not built in by default because there are multiple versions of
226the sched_setaffinity call in glibc that not only accept different variable
227types but across architectures take different numbers of arguments. For x86
228support you can change the '#if 0' in interbench.c to '#if 1' to enable the
229affinity support to be built in. The function on x86_64 for those very keen
230does not have the sizeof argument.
234For help from Zwane Mwaikambo, Bert Hubert, Seth Arnold, Rik Van Riel,
235Nicholas Miell, John Levon, Miguel Freitas and Peter Williams.
236Aggelos Economopoulos for contest code, Bob Matthews for irman (mem_load)
237code, Rusty Russell for hackbench code and Julien Valroff for manpage.
239Sat Mar 4 12:11:34 2006
240Con Kolivas < kernel at kolivas dot org >