2  testregex - regex(3) test harness
5  testregex [ options ]
8  testregex reads regex(3) test specifications, one per line, from the
9  standard input and writes one output line for each failed test. A
10  summary line is written after all tests are done. Each successful
11  test is run again with REG_NOSUB. Unsupported features are noted
12  before the first test, and tests requiring these features are
13  silently ignored.
16  -c	catch signals and non-terminating calls
17  -e	ignore error return mismatches
18  -h	list help on standard error
19  -n	do not repeat successful tests with regnexec()
20  -o	ignore match[] overrun errors
21  -p	ignore negative position mismatches
22  -s	use stack instead of malloc
23  -x	do not repeat successful tests with REG_NOSUB
24  -v	list each test line
25  -A	list failed test lines with actual answers
26  -B	list all test lines with actual answers
27  -F	list failed test lines
28  -P	list passed test lines
29  -S	output one summary line
32  Input lines may be blank, a comment beginning with #, or a test
33  specification. A specification is five fields separated by one
34  or more tabs. NULL denotes the empty string and NIL denotes the
35  0 pointer.
37  Field 1: the regex(3) flags to apply, one character per REG_feature
38  flag. The test is skipped if REG_feature is not supported by the
39  implementation. If the first character is not [BEASKLP] then the
40  specification is a global control line. One or more of [BEASKLP] may be
41  specified; the test will be repeated for each mode.
43    B 	basic			BRE	(grep, ed, sed)
44    E 	REG_EXTENDED		ERE	(egrep)
45    A	REG_AUGMENTED		ARE	(egrep with negation)
46    S	REG_SHELL		SRE	(sh glob)
48    L	REG_LITERAL		LRE	(fgrep)
50    a	REG_LEFT|REG_RIGHT	implicit ^...$
51    b	REG_NOTBOL		lhs does not match ^
52    c	REG_COMMENT		ignore space and #...\n
53    d	REG_SHELL_DOT		explicit leading . match
54    e	REG_NOTEOL		rhs does not match $
55    f	REG_MULTIPLE		multiple \n separated patterns
56    g	FNM_LEADING_DIR		testfnmatch only -- match until /
57    h	REG_MULTIREF		multiple digit backref
58    i	REG_ICASE		ignore case
59    j	REG_SPAN		. matches \n
60    k	REG_ESCAPE		\ to ecape [...] delimiter
61    l	REG_LEFT		implicit ^...
62    m	REG_MINIMAL		minimal match
63    n	REG_NEWLINE		explicit \n match
64    o	REG_ENCLOSED		(|&) magic inside [@|&](...)
65    p	REG_SHELL_PATH		explicit / match
66    q	REG_DELIMITED		delimited pattern
67    r	REG_RIGHT		implicit ...$
68    s	REG_SHELL_ESCAPED	\ not special
69    t	REG_MUSTDELIM		all delimiters must be specified
70    u	standard unspecified behavior -- errors not counted
71    v	REG_CLASS_ESCAPE	\ special inside [...]
72    w	REG_NOSUB		no subexpression match array
73    x	REG_LENIENT		let some errors slide
74    y	REG_LEFT		regexec() implicit ^...
75    z	REG_NULL		NULL subexpressions ok
76    $	                        expand C \c escapes in fields 2 and 3
77    /	                        field 2 is a regsubcomp() expression
78    =	                        field 3 is a regdecomp() expression
80  Field 1 control lines:
82    C		set LC_COLLATE and LC_CTYPE to locale in field 2
84    ?test ...	output field 5 if passed and != EXPECTED, silent otherwise
85    &test ...	output field 5 if current and previous passed
86    |test ...	output field 5 if current passed and previous failed
87    ; ...	output field 2 if previous failed
88    {test ...	skip if failed until }
89    }		end of skip
91    : comment		comment copied as output NOTE
92    :comment:test	:comment: ignored
93    N[OTE] comment	comment copied as output NOTE
94    T[EST] comment	comment
96    number		use number for nmatch (20 by default)
98  Field 2: the regular expression pattern; SAME uses the pattern from
99    the previous specification.
101  Field 3: the string to match.
103  Field 4: the test outcome. This is either one of the posix error
104    codes (with REG_ omitted) or the match array, a list of (m,n)
105    entries with m and n being first and last+1 positions in the
106    field 3 string, or NULL if REG_NOSUB is in effect and success
107    is expected. BADPAT is acceptable in place of any regcomp(3)
108    error code. The match[] array is initialized to (-2,-2) before
109    each test. All array elements from 0 to nmatch-1 must be specified
110    in the outcome. Unspecified endpoints (offset -1) are denoted by ?.
111    Unset endpoints (offset -2) are denoted by X. {x}(o:n) denotes a
112    matched (?{...}) expression, where x is the text enclosed by {...},
113    o is the expression ordinal counting from 1, and n is the length of
114    the unmatched portion of the subject string. If x starts with a
115    number then that is the return value of re_execf(), otherwise 0 is
116    returned.
118  Field 5: optional comment appended to the report.
121    If a regex implementation misbehaves with memory then all bets are off.
124  Glenn Fowler    glenn.s.fowler@gmail.com    (ksh strmatch, regex extensions)
125  David Korn      dgkorn@gmail.com            (ksh glob matcher)
126  Doug McIlroy    mcilroy@dartmouth.edu       (ast regex/testre in C++)
127  Tom Lord        lord@regexps.com            (rx tests)
128  Henry Spencer   henry@zoo.toronto.edu       (original public regex)
129  Andrew Hume     andrew@research.att.com     (gre tests)
130  John Maddock    John_Maddock@compuserve.com (regex++ tests)
131  Philip Hazel    ph10@cam.ac.uk              (pcre tests)
132  Ville Laurikari vl@iki.fi                   (libtre tests)
135  http://www2.research.att.com/~astopen/testregex/
136  AT&T Research regex(3) regression tests
138  Glenn Fowler <glenn.s.fowler@gmail.com>
139  AT&T Research - Florham Park NJ
141  testregex.c 2004-05-31 is the latest source for the AT&T Research regression
142  test harness for the X/Open regex pattern match interface.
143  The source and test data posted here are license free.
145  testregex can:
146     - verify stability for a particular implementation in the face of source
147       code and/or compilation environment changes
148     - verify standard compliance for all implementations
149     - provide a basis for discussions on what compliance means