xref: /dragonfly/tools/tools/kernxref/kernxref.sh (revision 5d5a3633)
3# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
4# "THE BEER-WARE LICENSE" (Revision 42):
5# <phk@login.dknet.dk> wrote this file.  As long as you retain this notice you
6# can do whatever you want with this stuff. If we meet some day, and you think
7# this stuff is worth it, you can buy me a beer in return.   Poul-Henning Kamp
8# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
10# $FreeBSD: src/tools/tools/kernxref/kernxref.sh,v 1.13 1999/08/28 00:54:30 peter Exp $
12# This shellscript will make a cross reference of the symbols of the LINT64
13# kernel.
20nm -gon `echo *.o /boot/kernel/*.ok	\
21	| tr ' ' '\012'					\
22	| egrep -v '(aicasm|genassym)'`			\
23	| tr : ' ' | awk '
24NF > 1	{
25	if (length($2) == 8) {
26		$2 = $3
27		$3 = $4
28	}
29	if ($2 == "t")
30		next
31	if ($2 == "F")
32		next
33	nm[$3]++
34	if ($2 == "U") {
35		ref[$3]=ref[$3]" "$1
36	} else if ($2 == "T" || $2 == "D" || $2 == "A") {
37		if (def[$3] != "")
38			def[$3]=def[$3]" "$1
39		else
40			def[$3]=$1
41	} else if ($2 == "?") {
42		if (def[$3] == "S")
43			i++
44		else if (def[$3] != "")
45			def[$3]=def[$3]",S"
46		else
47			def[$3]="S"
48		ref[$3]=ref[$3]" "$1
49	} else if ($2 == "C") {
50		if (def[$3] == $2)
51			i++
52		else if (def[$3] == "")
53			def[$3]=$1
54		else
55			ref[$3]=ref[$3]" "$1
56	} else {
57		print ">>>",$0
58	}
59	}
60END	{
61	for (i in nm) {
62		printf "%s {%s} %s\n",i,def[i],ref[i]
63	}
64	}
65' | sort | awk '
66	{
67	if ($2 == "{S}")
68		$2 = "<Linker set>"
69	if (length($3) == 0) {
70		printf "%-30s %3d %s\n\tUNREF\n",$1,0, $2
71		N1++
72	} else if ($2 == "{}") {
73		printf "%-30s %3d {UNDEF}\n",$1, NF-2
74		N2++
75	} else {
76		printf "%-30s %3d %s",$1,NF-2,$2
77		p = 80;
78		for (i = 3 ; i <= NF; i++) {
79			if (p+length ($i)+1 > 78) {
80				printf "\n\t%s", $i
81				p = 7;
82			} else {
83				printf " %s", $i
84			}
85			p += 1 + length ($i)
86		}
87		printf "\n"
88		N3++
89		if (NF-2 == 1)
90			N4++
91		if (NF-2 == 2)
92			N5++
93	}
94	}
95END	{
96	printf "Total symbols: %5d\n",N1+N2+N3
97	printf "unref symbols: %5d\n",N1
98	printf "undef symbols: %5d\n",N2
99	printf "1 ref symbols: %5d\n",N4
100	printf "2 ref symbols: %5d\n",N5
101	}