1We are {emit}{ting} some braces
3abcdef: Bad file descriptor
4improper use of profanity; ten yard penalty; first down
5length abcdef
6close -1 returned Bad file descriptor good
7close -1 returned Bad fi good
8improper use of profanity; ten yard penalty; first down
9      20      30      40 file
100 bytes
111 byte
122 bytes
133 bytes
144 bytes
1510/20/30 mbufs <&> in use (current/cache/total)
1650 miles from Boston
1764k left out of 640kb
1864k left out of 640kilobytes
20string: 1011
211010 packets here/there/everywhere
221010 packets here/there/everywhere
23(                     15/20/125)
24(                     15/20/125)
25(15/20/125                     )
26(15/20/125                     )
27Humanize: 21, 57 K, 96M, 44M, 1.2G
28one two three
301:  1000 2:test5000     3:  ten-longx 4:xtest
31this is an error
32two more errors
33this is an warning
34two more warnings
35V1/V2 packets: 10
360004 tries
37improper use of profanity; ten yard penalty; first down