1 //===--- ASTMatchersMacros.h - Structural query framework -------*- C++ -*-===//
2 //
3 // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4 // See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
5 // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
6 //
7 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
8 //
9 //  Defines macros that enable us to define new matchers in a single place.
10 //  Since a matcher is a function which returns a Matcher<T> object, where
11 //  T is the type of the actual implementation of the matcher, the macros allow
12 //  us to write matchers like functions and take care of the definition of the
13 //  class boilerplate.
14 //
15 //  Note that when you define a matcher with an AST_MATCHER* macro, only the
16 //  function which creates the matcher goes into the current namespace - the
17 //  class that implements the actual matcher, which gets returned by the
18 //  generator function, is put into the 'internal' namespace. This allows us
19 //  to only have the functions (which is all the user cares about) in the
20 //  'ast_matchers' namespace and hide the boilerplate.
21 //
22 //  To define a matcher in user code, put it into your own namespace. This would
23 //  help to prevent ODR violations in case a matcher with the same name is
24 //  defined in multiple translation units:
25 //
26 //  namespace my_matchers {
27 //  AST_MATCHER_P(clang::MemberExpr, Member,
28 //                clang::ast_matchers::internal::Matcher<clang::ValueDecl>,
29 //                InnerMatcher) {
30 //    return InnerMatcher.matches(*Node.getMemberDecl(), Finder, Builder);
31 //  }
32 //  } // namespace my_matchers
33 //
34 //  Alternatively, an unnamed namespace may be used:
35 //
36 //  namespace clang {
37 //  namespace ast_matchers {
38 //  namespace {
39 //  AST_MATCHER_P(MemberExpr, Member,
40 //                internal::Matcher<ValueDecl>, InnerMatcher) {
41 //    return InnerMatcher.matches(*Node.getMemberDecl(), Finder, Builder);
42 //  }
43 //  } // namespace
44 //  } // namespace ast_matchers
45 //  } // namespace clang
46 //
47 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
52 /// AST_MATCHER_FUNCTION(ReturnType, DefineMatcher) { ... }
53 /// defines a zero parameter function named DefineMatcher() that returns a
54 /// ReturnType object.
55 #define AST_MATCHER_FUNCTION(ReturnType, DefineMatcher)                        \
56   inline ReturnType DefineMatcher##_getInstance();                             \
57   inline ReturnType DefineMatcher() {                                          \
58     return ::clang::ast_matchers::internal::MemoizedMatcher<                   \
59         ReturnType, DefineMatcher##_getInstance>::getInstance();               \
60   }                                                                            \
61   inline ReturnType DefineMatcher##_getInstance()
63 /// AST_MATCHER_FUNCTION_P(ReturnType, DefineMatcher, ParamType, Param) {
64 /// ... }
65 /// defines a single-parameter function named DefineMatcher() that returns a
66 /// ReturnType object.
67 ///
68 /// The code between the curly braces has access to the following variables:
69 ///
70 ///   Param:                 the parameter passed to the function; its type
71 ///                          is ParamType.
72 ///
73 /// The code should return an instance of ReturnType.
74 #define AST_MATCHER_FUNCTION_P(ReturnType, DefineMatcher, ParamType, Param)    \
75   AST_MATCHER_FUNCTION_P_OVERLOAD(ReturnType, DefineMatcher, ParamType, Param, \
76                                   0)
77 #define AST_MATCHER_FUNCTION_P_OVERLOAD(ReturnType, DefineMatcher, ParamType,  \
78                                         Param, OverloadId)                     \
79   inline ReturnType DefineMatcher(ParamType const &Param);                     \
80   typedef ReturnType (&DefineMatcher##_Type##OverloadId)(ParamType const &);   \
81   inline ReturnType DefineMatcher(ParamType const &Param)
83 /// AST_MATCHER(Type, DefineMatcher) { ... }
84 /// defines a zero parameter function named DefineMatcher() that returns a
85 /// Matcher<Type> object.
86 ///
87 /// The code between the curly braces has access to the following variables:
88 ///
89 ///   Node:                  the AST node being matched; its type is Type.
90 ///   Finder:                an ASTMatchFinder*.
91 ///   Builder:               a BoundNodesTreeBuilder*.
92 ///
93 /// The code should return true if 'Node' matches.
94 #define AST_MATCHER(Type, DefineMatcher)                                       \
95   namespace internal {                                                         \
96   class matcher_##DefineMatcher##Matcher                                       \
97       : public ::clang::ast_matchers::internal::MatcherInterface<Type> {       \
98   public:                                                                      \
99     explicit matcher_##DefineMatcher##Matcher() = default;                     \
100     bool matches(const Type &Node,                                             \
101                  ::clang::ast_matchers::internal::ASTMatchFinder *Finder,      \
102                  ::clang::ast_matchers::internal::BoundNodesTreeBuilder        \
103                      *Builder) const override;                                 \
104   };                                                                           \
105   }                                                                            \
106   inline ::clang::ast_matchers::internal::Matcher<Type> DefineMatcher() {      \
107     return ::clang::ast_matchers::internal::makeMatcher(                       \
108         new internal::matcher_##DefineMatcher##Matcher());                     \
109   }                                                                            \
110   inline bool internal::matcher_##DefineMatcher##Matcher::matches(             \
111       const Type &Node,                                                        \
112       ::clang::ast_matchers::internal::ASTMatchFinder *Finder,                 \
113       ::clang::ast_matchers::internal::BoundNodesTreeBuilder *Builder) const
115 /// AST_MATCHER_P(Type, DefineMatcher, ParamType, Param) { ... }
116 /// defines a single-parameter function named DefineMatcher() that returns a
117 /// Matcher<Type> object.
118 ///
119 /// The code between the curly braces has access to the following variables:
120 ///
121 ///   Node:                  the AST node being matched; its type is Type.
122 ///   Param:                 the parameter passed to the function; its type
123 ///                          is ParamType.
124 ///   Finder:                an ASTMatchFinder*.
125 ///   Builder:               a BoundNodesTreeBuilder*.
126 ///
127 /// The code should return true if 'Node' matches.
128 #define AST_MATCHER_P(Type, DefineMatcher, ParamType, Param)                   \
129   AST_MATCHER_P_OVERLOAD(Type, DefineMatcher, ParamType, Param, 0)
131 #define AST_MATCHER_P_OVERLOAD(Type, DefineMatcher, ParamType, Param,          \
132                                OverloadId)                                     \
133   namespace internal {                                                         \
134   class matcher_##DefineMatcher##OverloadId##Matcher                           \
135       : public ::clang::ast_matchers::internal::MatcherInterface<Type> {       \
136   public:                                                                      \
137     explicit matcher_##DefineMatcher##OverloadId##Matcher(                     \
138         ParamType const &A##Param)                                             \
139         : Param(A##Param) {}                                                   \
140     bool matches(const Type &Node,                                             \
141                  ::clang::ast_matchers::internal::ASTMatchFinder *Finder,      \
142                  ::clang::ast_matchers::internal::BoundNodesTreeBuilder        \
143                      *Builder) const override;                                 \
144                                                                                \
145   private:                                                                     \
146     ParamType const Param;                                                     \
147   };                                                                           \
148   }                                                                            \
149   inline ::clang::ast_matchers::internal::Matcher<Type> DefineMatcher(         \
150       ParamType const &Param) {                                                \
151     return ::clang::ast_matchers::internal::makeMatcher(                       \
152         new internal::matcher_##DefineMatcher##OverloadId##Matcher(Param));    \
153   }                                                                            \
154   typedef ::clang::ast_matchers::internal::Matcher<Type>(                      \
155       &DefineMatcher##_Type##OverloadId)(ParamType const &Param);              \
156   inline bool internal::matcher_##DefineMatcher##OverloadId##Matcher::matches( \
157       const Type &Node,                                                        \
158       ::clang::ast_matchers::internal::ASTMatchFinder *Finder,                 \
159       ::clang::ast_matchers::internal::BoundNodesTreeBuilder *Builder) const
161 /// AST_MATCHER_P2(
162 ///     Type, DefineMatcher, ParamType1, Param1, ParamType2, Param2) { ... }
163 /// defines a two-parameter function named DefineMatcher() that returns a
164 /// Matcher<Type> object.
165 ///
166 /// The code between the curly braces has access to the following variables:
167 ///
168 ///   Node:                  the AST node being matched; its type is Type.
169 ///   Param1, Param2:        the parameters passed to the function; their types
170 ///                          are ParamType1 and ParamType2.
171 ///   Finder:                an ASTMatchFinder*.
172 ///   Builder:               a BoundNodesTreeBuilder*.
173 ///
174 /// The code should return true if 'Node' matches.
175 #define AST_MATCHER_P2(Type, DefineMatcher, ParamType1, Param1, ParamType2,    \
176                        Param2)                                                 \
177   AST_MATCHER_P2_OVERLOAD(Type, DefineMatcher, ParamType1, Param1, ParamType2, \
178                           Param2, 0)
180 #define AST_MATCHER_P2_OVERLOAD(Type, DefineMatcher, ParamType1, Param1,       \
181                                 ParamType2, Param2, OverloadId)                \
182   namespace internal {                                                         \
183   class matcher_##DefineMatcher##OverloadId##Matcher                           \
184       : public ::clang::ast_matchers::internal::MatcherInterface<Type> {       \
185   public:                                                                      \
186     matcher_##DefineMatcher##OverloadId##Matcher(ParamType1 const &A##Param1,  \
187                                                  ParamType2 const &A##Param2)  \
188         : Param1(A##Param1), Param2(A##Param2) {}                              \
189     bool matches(const Type &Node,                                             \
190                  ::clang::ast_matchers::internal::ASTMatchFinder *Finder,      \
191                  ::clang::ast_matchers::internal::BoundNodesTreeBuilder        \
192                      *Builder) const override;                                 \
193                                                                                \
194   private:                                                                     \
195     ParamType1 const Param1;                                                   \
196     ParamType2 const Param2;                                                   \
197   };                                                                           \
198   }                                                                            \
199   inline ::clang::ast_matchers::internal::Matcher<Type> DefineMatcher(         \
200       ParamType1 const &Param1, ParamType2 const &Param2) {                    \
201     return ::clang::ast_matchers::internal::makeMatcher(                       \
202         new internal::matcher_##DefineMatcher##OverloadId##Matcher(Param1,     \
203                                                                    Param2));   \
204   }                                                                            \
205   typedef ::clang::ast_matchers::internal::Matcher<Type>(                      \
206       &DefineMatcher##_Type##OverloadId)(ParamType1 const &Param1,             \
207                                          ParamType2 const &Param2);            \
208   inline bool internal::matcher_##DefineMatcher##OverloadId##Matcher::matches( \
209       const Type &Node,                                                        \
210       ::clang::ast_matchers::internal::ASTMatchFinder *Finder,                 \
211       ::clang::ast_matchers::internal::BoundNodesTreeBuilder *Builder) const
213 /// Construct a type-list to be passed to the AST_POLYMORPHIC_MATCHER*
214 ///   macros.
215 ///
216 /// You can't pass something like \c TypeList<Foo, Bar> to a macro, because it
217 /// will look at that as two arguments. However, you can pass
218 /// \c void(TypeList<Foo, Bar>), which works thanks to the parenthesis.
219 /// The \c PolymorphicMatcherWithParam* classes will unpack the function type to
220 /// extract the TypeList object.
221 #define AST_POLYMORPHIC_SUPPORTED_TYPES(...)                                   \
222   void(::clang::ast_matchers::internal::TypeList<__VA_ARGS__>)
224 /// AST_POLYMORPHIC_MATCHER(DefineMatcher) { ... }
225 /// defines a single-parameter function named DefineMatcher() that is
226 /// polymorphic in the return type.
227 ///
228 /// The variables are the same as for AST_MATCHER, but NodeType will be deduced
229 /// from the calling context.
230 #define AST_POLYMORPHIC_MATCHER(DefineMatcher, ReturnTypesF)                   \
231   namespace internal {                                                         \
232   template <typename NodeType>                                                 \
233   class matcher_##DefineMatcher##Matcher                                       \
234       : public ::clang::ast_matchers::internal::MatcherInterface<NodeType> {   \
235   public:                                                                      \
236     bool matches(const NodeType &Node,                                         \
237                  ::clang::ast_matchers::internal::ASTMatchFinder *Finder,      \
238                  ::clang::ast_matchers::internal::BoundNodesTreeBuilder        \
239                      *Builder) const override;                                 \
240   };                                                                           \
241   }                                                                            \
242   inline ::clang::ast_matchers::internal::PolymorphicMatcherWithParam0<        \
243       internal::matcher_##DefineMatcher##Matcher, ReturnTypesF>                \
244   DefineMatcher() {                                                            \
245     return ::clang::ast_matchers::internal::PolymorphicMatcherWithParam0<      \
246         internal::matcher_##DefineMatcher##Matcher, ReturnTypesF>();           \
247   }                                                                            \
248   template <typename NodeType>                                                 \
249   bool internal::matcher_##DefineMatcher##Matcher<NodeType>::matches(          \
250       const NodeType &Node,                                                    \
251       ::clang::ast_matchers::internal::ASTMatchFinder *Finder,                 \
252       ::clang::ast_matchers::internal::BoundNodesTreeBuilder *Builder) const
254 /// AST_POLYMORPHIC_MATCHER_P(DefineMatcher, ParamType, Param) { ... }
255 /// defines a single-parameter function named DefineMatcher() that is
256 /// polymorphic in the return type.
257 ///
258 /// The variables are the same as for
259 /// AST_MATCHER_P, with the addition of NodeType, which specifies the node type
260 /// of the matcher Matcher<NodeType> returned by the function matcher().
261 ///
262 /// FIXME: Pull out common code with above macro?
263 #define AST_POLYMORPHIC_MATCHER_P(DefineMatcher, ReturnTypesF, ParamType,      \
264                                   Param)                                       \
265   AST_POLYMORPHIC_MATCHER_P_OVERLOAD(DefineMatcher, ReturnTypesF, ParamType,   \
266                                      Param, 0)
268 #define AST_POLYMORPHIC_MATCHER_P_OVERLOAD(DefineMatcher, ReturnTypesF,        \
269                                            ParamType, Param, OverloadId)       \
270   namespace internal {                                                         \
271   template <typename NodeType, typename ParamT>                                \
272   class matcher_##DefineMatcher##OverloadId##Matcher                           \
273       : public ::clang::ast_matchers::internal::MatcherInterface<NodeType> {   \
274   public:                                                                      \
275     explicit matcher_##DefineMatcher##OverloadId##Matcher(                     \
276         ParamType const &A##Param)                                             \
277         : Param(A##Param) {}                                                   \
278     bool matches(const NodeType &Node,                                         \
279                  ::clang::ast_matchers::internal::ASTMatchFinder *Finder,      \
280                  ::clang::ast_matchers::internal::BoundNodesTreeBuilder        \
281                      *Builder) const override;                                 \
282                                                                                \
283   private:                                                                     \
284     ParamType const Param;                                                     \
285   };                                                                           \
286   }                                                                            \
287   inline ::clang::ast_matchers::internal::PolymorphicMatcherWithParam1<        \
288       internal::matcher_##DefineMatcher##OverloadId##Matcher, ParamType,       \
289       ReturnTypesF>                                                            \
290   DefineMatcher(ParamType const &Param) {                                      \
291     return ::clang::ast_matchers::internal::PolymorphicMatcherWithParam1<      \
292         internal::matcher_##DefineMatcher##OverloadId##Matcher, ParamType,     \
293         ReturnTypesF>(Param);                                                  \
294   }                                                                            \
295   typedef ::clang::ast_matchers::internal::PolymorphicMatcherWithParam1<       \
296       internal::matcher_##DefineMatcher##OverloadId##Matcher, ParamType,       \
297       ReturnTypesF>(&DefineMatcher##_Type##OverloadId)(                        \
298       ParamType const &Param);                                                 \
299   template <typename NodeType, typename ParamT>                                \
300   bool internal::                                                              \
301       matcher_##DefineMatcher##OverloadId##Matcher<NodeType, ParamT>::matches( \
302           const NodeType &Node,                                                \
303           ::clang::ast_matchers::internal::ASTMatchFinder *Finder,             \
304           ::clang::ast_matchers::internal::BoundNodesTreeBuilder *Builder)     \
305           const
308 ///     DefineMatcher, ParamType1, Param1, ParamType2, Param2) { ... }
309 /// defines a two-parameter function named matcher() that is polymorphic in
310 /// the return type.
311 ///
312 /// The variables are the same as for AST_MATCHER_P2, with the
313 /// addition of NodeType, which specifies the node type of the matcher
314 /// Matcher<NodeType> returned by the function DefineMatcher().
315 #define AST_POLYMORPHIC_MATCHER_P2(DefineMatcher, ReturnTypesF, ParamType1,    \
316                                    Param1, ParamType2, Param2)                 \
317   AST_POLYMORPHIC_MATCHER_P2_OVERLOAD(DefineMatcher, ReturnTypesF, ParamType1, \
318                                       Param1, ParamType2, Param2, 0)
320 #define AST_POLYMORPHIC_MATCHER_P2_OVERLOAD(DefineMatcher, ReturnTypesF,       \
321                                             ParamType1, Param1, ParamType2,    \
322                                             Param2, OverloadId)                \
323   namespace internal {                                                         \
324   template <typename NodeType, typename ParamT1, typename ParamT2>             \
325   class matcher_##DefineMatcher##OverloadId##Matcher                           \
326       : public ::clang::ast_matchers::internal::MatcherInterface<NodeType> {   \
327   public:                                                                      \
328     matcher_##DefineMatcher##OverloadId##Matcher(ParamType1 const &A##Param1,  \
329                                                  ParamType2 const &A##Param2)  \
330         : Param1(A##Param1), Param2(A##Param2) {}                              \
331     bool matches(const NodeType &Node,                                         \
332                  ::clang::ast_matchers::internal::ASTMatchFinder *Finder,      \
333                  ::clang::ast_matchers::internal::BoundNodesTreeBuilder        \
334                      *Builder) const override;                                 \
335                                                                                \
336   private:                                                                     \
337     ParamType1 const Param1;                                                   \
338     ParamType2 const Param2;                                                   \
339   };                                                                           \
340   }                                                                            \
341   inline ::clang::ast_matchers::internal::PolymorphicMatcherWithParam2<        \
342       internal::matcher_##DefineMatcher##OverloadId##Matcher, ParamType1,      \
343       ParamType2, ReturnTypesF>                                                \
344   DefineMatcher(ParamType1 const &Param1, ParamType2 const &Param2) {          \
345     return ::clang::ast_matchers::internal::PolymorphicMatcherWithParam2<      \
346         internal::matcher_##DefineMatcher##OverloadId##Matcher, ParamType1,    \
347         ParamType2, ReturnTypesF>(Param1, Param2);                             \
348   }                                                                            \
349   typedef ::clang::ast_matchers::internal::PolymorphicMatcherWithParam2<       \
350       internal::matcher_##DefineMatcher##OverloadId##Matcher, ParamType1,      \
351       ParamType2, ReturnTypesF>(&DefineMatcher##_Type##OverloadId)(            \
352       ParamType1 const &Param1, ParamType2 const &Param2);                     \
353   template <typename NodeType, typename ParamT1, typename ParamT2>             \
354   bool internal::matcher_##DefineMatcher##OverloadId##Matcher<                 \
355       NodeType, ParamT1, ParamT2>::                                            \
356       matches(const NodeType &Node,                                            \
357               ::clang::ast_matchers::internal::ASTMatchFinder *Finder,         \
358               ::clang::ast_matchers::internal::BoundNodesTreeBuilder *Builder) \
359           const
361 // FIXME: add a matcher for TypeLoc derived classes using its custom casting
362 // API (no longer dyn_cast) if/when we need such matching
364 #define AST_TYPE_TRAVERSE_MATCHER_DECL(MatcherName, FunctionName,              \
365                                        ReturnTypesF)                           \
366   namespace internal {                                                         \
367   template <typename T> struct TypeMatcher##MatcherName##Getter {              \
368     static QualType (T::*value())() const { return &T::FunctionName; }         \
369   };                                                                           \
370   }                                                                            \
371   extern const ::clang::ast_matchers::internal::                               \
372       TypeTraversePolymorphicMatcher<                                          \
373           QualType,                                                            \
374           ::clang::ast_matchers::internal::TypeMatcher##MatcherName##Getter,   \
375           ::clang::ast_matchers::internal::TypeTraverseMatcher,                \
376           ReturnTypesF>::Func MatcherName
378 #define AST_TYPE_TRAVERSE_MATCHER_DEF(MatcherName, ReturnTypesF)               \
379   const ::clang::ast_matchers::internal::TypeTraversePolymorphicMatcher<       \
380       QualType,                                                                \
381       ::clang::ast_matchers::internal::TypeMatcher##MatcherName##Getter,       \
382       ::clang::ast_matchers::internal::TypeTraverseMatcher,                    \
383       ReturnTypesF>::Func MatcherName
385 /// AST_TYPE_TRAVERSE_MATCHER(MatcherName, FunctionName) defines
386 /// the matcher \c MatcherName that can be used to traverse from one \c Type
387 /// to another.
388 ///
389 /// For a specific \c SpecificType, the traversal is done using
390 /// \c SpecificType::FunctionName. The existence of such a function determines
391 /// whether a corresponding matcher can be used on \c SpecificType.
392 #define AST_TYPE_TRAVERSE_MATCHER(MatcherName, FunctionName, ReturnTypesF)     \
393   namespace internal {                                                         \
394   template <typename T> struct TypeMatcher##MatcherName##Getter {              \
395     static QualType (T::*value())() const { return &T::FunctionName; }         \
396   };                                                                           \
397   }                                                                            \
398   const ::clang::ast_matchers::internal::TypeTraversePolymorphicMatcher<       \
399       QualType,                                                                \
400       ::clang::ast_matchers::internal::TypeMatcher##MatcherName##Getter,       \
401       ::clang::ast_matchers::internal::TypeTraverseMatcher,                    \
402       ReturnTypesF>::Func MatcherName
404 #define AST_TYPELOC_TRAVERSE_MATCHER_DECL(MatcherName, FunctionName,           \
405                                           ReturnTypesF)                        \
406   namespace internal {                                                         \
407   template <typename T> struct TypeLocMatcher##MatcherName##Getter {           \
408     static TypeLoc (T::*value())() const { return &T::FunctionName##Loc; }     \
409   };                                                                           \
410   }                                                                            \
411   extern const ::clang::ast_matchers::internal::                               \
412       TypeTraversePolymorphicMatcher<                                          \
413           TypeLoc,                                                             \
414           ::clang::ast_matchers::internal::                                    \
415               TypeLocMatcher##MatcherName##Getter,                             \
416           ::clang::ast_matchers::internal::TypeLocTraverseMatcher,             \
417           ReturnTypesF>::Func MatcherName##Loc;                                \
418   AST_TYPE_TRAVERSE_MATCHER_DECL(MatcherName, FunctionName##Type, ReturnTypesF)
420 #define AST_TYPELOC_TRAVERSE_MATCHER_DEF(MatcherName, ReturnTypesF)            \
421   const ::clang::ast_matchers::internal::TypeTraversePolymorphicMatcher<       \
422       TypeLoc,                                                                 \
423       ::clang::ast_matchers::internal::TypeLocMatcher##MatcherName##Getter,    \
424       ::clang::ast_matchers::internal::TypeLocTraverseMatcher,                 \
425       ReturnTypesF>::Func MatcherName##Loc;                                    \
426   AST_TYPE_TRAVERSE_MATCHER_DEF(MatcherName, ReturnTypesF)
428 /// AST_TYPELOC_TRAVERSE_MATCHER(MatcherName, FunctionName) works
429 /// identical to \c AST_TYPE_TRAVERSE_MATCHER but operates on \c TypeLocs.
430 #define AST_TYPELOC_TRAVERSE_MATCHER(MatcherName, FunctionName, ReturnTypesF)  \
431   namespace internal {                                                         \
432   template <typename T> struct TypeLocMatcher##MatcherName##Getter {           \
433     static TypeLoc (T::*value())() const { return &T::FunctionName##Loc; }     \
434   };                                                                           \
435   }                                                                            \
436   const ::clang::ast_matchers::internal::TypeTraversePolymorphicMatcher<       \
437       TypeLoc,                                                                 \
438       ::clang::ast_matchers::internal::TypeLocMatcher##MatcherName##Getter,    \
439       ::clang::ast_matchers::internal::TypeLocTraverseMatcher,                 \
440       ReturnTypesF>::Func MatcherName##Loc;                                    \
441   AST_TYPE_TRAVERSE_MATCHER(MatcherName, FunctionName##Type, ReturnTypesF)