1//==--- DiagnosticDriverKinds.td - libdriver diagnostics ------------------===//
3// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
5// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
9let Component = "Driver" in {
11def err_drv_no_such_file : Error<"no such file or directory: '%0'">;
12def err_drv_no_such_file_with_suggestion : Error<
13  "no such file or directory: '%0'; did you mean '%1'?">;
14def err_drv_unsupported_opt : Error<"unsupported option '%0'">;
15def err_drv_unsupported_opt_with_suggestion : Error<
16  "unsupported option '%0'; did you mean '%1'?">;
17def err_drv_unsupported_opt_for_target : Error<
18  "unsupported option '%0' for target '%1'">;
19def err_drv_unsupported_opt_for_language_mode : Error<
20  "unsupported option '%0' for language mode '%1'">;
21def err_drv_unsupported_option_argument : Error<
22  "unsupported argument '%1' to option '%0'">;
23def err_drv_unknown_stdin_type : Error<
24  "-E or -x required when input is from standard input">;
25def err_drv_unknown_stdin_type_clang_cl : Error<
26  "use /Tc or /Tp to set input type for standard input">;
27def err_drv_unknown_language : Error<"language not recognized: '%0'">;
28def err_drv_invalid_arch_name : Error<
29  "invalid arch name '%0'">;
30def err_drv_invalid_riscv_arch_name : Error<
31  "invalid arch name '%0', %1">;
32def err_drv_invalid_riscv_cpu_name_for_target : Error<
33  "cpu '%0' does not support rv%select{32|64}1">;
34def warn_drv_invalid_arch_name_with_suggestion : Warning<
35  "ignoring invalid /arch: argument '%0'; for %select{64|32}1-bit expected one of %2">,
36  InGroup<UnusedCommandLineArgument>;
37def warn_drv_avr_mcu_not_specified : Warning<
38  "no target microcontroller specified on command line, cannot "
39  "link standard libraries, please pass -mmcu=<mcu name>">,
40  InGroup<AVRRtlibLinkingQuirks>;
41def warn_drv_avr_libc_not_found: Warning<
42  "no avr-libc installation can be found on the system, "
43  "cannot link standard libraries">,
44  InGroup<AVRRtlibLinkingQuirks>;
45def warn_drv_avr_family_linking_stdlibs_not_implemented: Warning<
46  "support for linking stdlibs for microcontroller '%0' is not implemented">,
47  InGroup<AVRRtlibLinkingQuirks>;
48def warn_drv_avr_linker_section_addresses_not_implemented: Warning<
49  "support for passing the data section address to the linker for "
50  "microcontroller '%0' is not implemented">,
51  InGroup<AVRRtlibLinkingQuirks>;
52def warn_drv_avr_stdlib_not_linked: Warning<
53  "standard library not linked and so no interrupt vector table or "
54  "compiler runtime routines will be linked">,
55  InGroup<AVRRtlibLinkingQuirks>;
56def err_drv_cuda_bad_gpu_arch : Error<"unsupported CUDA gpu architecture: %0">;
57def err_drv_offload_bad_gpu_arch : Error<"unsupported %0 gpu architecture: %1">;
58def err_drv_no_cuda_installation : Error<
59  "cannot find CUDA installation; provide its path via '--cuda-path', or pass "
60  "'-nocudainc' to build without CUDA includes">;
61def err_drv_no_cuda_libdevice : Error<
62  "cannot find libdevice for %0; provide path to different CUDA installation "
63  "via '--cuda-path', or pass '-nocudalib' to build without linking with "
64  "libdevice">;
66def err_drv_no_rocm_device_lib : Error<
67  "cannot find ROCm device library%select{| for %1|for ABI version %1}0; provide its path via "
68  "'--rocm-path' or '--rocm-device-lib-path', or pass '-nogpulib' to build "
69  "without ROCm device library">;
70def err_drv_no_hip_runtime : Error<
71  "cannot find HIP runtime; provide its path via '--rocm-path', or pass "
72  "'-nogpuinc' to build without HIP runtime">;
74def err_drv_no_hipspv_device_lib : Error<
75  "cannot find HIP device library%select{| for %1}0; provide its path via "
76  "'--hip-path' or '--hip-device-lib-path', or pass '-nogpulib' to build "
77  "without HIP device library">;
78def err_drv_hipspv_no_hip_path : Error<
79  "'--hip-path' must be specified when offloading to "
80  "SPIR-V%select{| unless %1 is given}0.">;
82def err_drv_undetermined_gpu_arch : Error<
83  "cannot determine %0 architecture: %1; consider passing it via "
84  "'%2'">;
85def warn_drv_multi_gpu_arch : Warning<
86  "multiple %0 architectures are detected: %1; only the first one is used for "
87  "'%2'">, InGroup<MultiGPU>;
88def err_drv_cuda_version_unsupported : Error<
89  "GPU arch %0 is supported by CUDA versions between %1 and %2 (inclusive), "
90  "but installation at %3 is %4; use '--cuda-path' to specify a different CUDA "
91  "install, pass a different GPU arch with '--cuda-gpu-arch', or pass "
92  "'--no-cuda-version-check'">;
93def warn_drv_new_cuda_version: Warning<
94  "CUDA version%0 is newer than the latest%select{| partially}1 supported version %2">,
95  InGroup<CudaUnknownVersion>;
96def warn_drv_partially_supported_cuda_version: Warning<
97  "CUDA version %0 is only partially supported">,
98  InGroup<CudaUnknownVersion>;
99def err_drv_cuda_host_arch : Error<
100  "unsupported architecture '%0' for host compilation">;
101def err_drv_mix_cuda_hip : Error<
102  "mixed CUDA and HIP compilation is not supported">;
103def err_drv_bad_target_id : Error<
104  "invalid target ID '%0'; format is a processor name followed by an optional "
105  "colon-delimited list of features followed by an enable/disable sign (e.g., "
106  "'gfx908:sramecc+:xnack-')">;
107def err_drv_bad_offload_arch_combo : Error<
108  "invalid offload arch combinations: '%0' and '%1' (for a specific processor, "
109  "a feature should either exist in all offload archs, or not exist in any "
110  "offload archs)">;
111def warn_drv_unsupported_option_for_offload_arch_req_feature : Warning<
112  "ignoring '%0' option for offload arch '%1' as it is not currently supported "
113  "there. Use it with an offload arch containing '%2' instead">,
114  InGroup<OptionIgnored>;
115def warn_drv_unsupported_option_for_target : Warning<
116  "ignoring '%0' option as it is not currently supported for target '%1'">,
117  InGroup<OptionIgnored>;
118def warn_drv_unsupported_option_for_flang : Warning<
119  "the argument '%0' is not supported for option '%1'. Mapping to '%1%2'">,
120  InGroup<OptionIgnored>;
121def warn_drv_unsupported_diag_option_for_flang : Warning<
122  "The warning option '-%0' is not supported">,
123  InGroup<OptionIgnored>;
124def warn_drv_unsupported_option_for_processor : Warning<
125  "ignoring '%0' option as it is not currently supported for processor '%1'">,
126  InGroup<OptionIgnored>;
128def err_drv_invalid_thread_model_for_target : Error<
129  "invalid thread model '%0' in '%1' for this target">;
130def err_drv_invalid_linker_name : Error<
131  "invalid linker name in argument '%0'">;
132def err_drv_invalid_rtlib_name : Error<
133  "invalid runtime library name in argument '%0'">;
134def err_drv_unsupported_rtlib_for_platform : Error<
135  "unsupported runtime library '%0' for platform '%1'">;
136def err_drv_invalid_unwindlib_name : Error<
137  "invalid unwind library name in argument '%0'">;
138def err_drv_incompatible_unwindlib : Error<
139  "--rtlib=libgcc requires --unwindlib=libgcc">;
140def err_drv_incompatible_options : Error<
141  "the combination of '%0' and '%1' is incompatible">;
142def err_drv_invalid_stdlib_name : Error<
143  "invalid library name in argument '%0'">;
144def err_drv_invalid_output_with_multiple_archs : Error<
145  "cannot use '%0' output with multiple -arch options">;
146def err_drv_no_input_files : Error<"no input files">;
147def err_drv_output_argument_with_multiple_files : Error<
148  "cannot specify -o when generating multiple output files">;
149def err_drv_out_file_argument_with_multiple_sources : Error<
150  "cannot specify '%0%1' when compiling multiple source files">;
151def err_no_external_assembler : Error<
152  "there is no external assembler that can be used on this platform">;
153def err_drv_unable_to_remove_file : Error<
154  "unable to remove file: %0">;
155def err_drv_unable_to_set_working_directory : Error <
156  "unable to set working directory: %0">;
157def err_drv_command_failure : Error<
158  "unable to execute command: %0">;
159def err_drv_invalid_darwin_version : Error<
160  "invalid Darwin version number: %0">;
161def err_drv_invalid_diagnotics_hotness_threshold : Error<
162  "invalid argument in '%0', only integer or 'auto' is supported">;
163def err_drv_invalid_diagnotics_misexpect_tolerance : Error<
164  "invalid argument in '%0', only integers are supported">;
165def err_drv_missing_argument : Error<
166  "argument to '%0' is missing (expected %1 value%s1)">;
167def err_drv_invalid_Xarch_argument_with_args : Error<
168  "invalid Xarch argument: '%0', options requiring arguments are unsupported">;
169def err_drv_Xopenmp_target_missing_triple : Error<
170  "cannot deduce implicit triple value for -Xopenmp-target, specify triple using -Xopenmp-target=<triple>">;
171def err_drv_invalid_Xopenmp_target_with_args : Error<
172  "invalid -Xopenmp-target argument: '%0', options requiring arguments are unsupported">;
173def err_drv_argument_only_allowed_with : Error<
174  "invalid argument '%0' only allowed with '%1'">;
175def err_drv_minws_unsupported_input_type : Error<
176  "'-fminimize-whitespace' invalid for input of type %0">;
177def err_drv_amdgpu_ieee_without_no_honor_nans : Error<
178  "invalid argument '-mno-amdgpu-ieee' only allowed with relaxed NaN handling">;
179def err_drv_argument_not_allowed_with : Error<
180  "invalid argument '%0' not allowed with '%1'">;
181def err_drv_cannot_open_randomize_layout_seed_file : Error<
182  "cannot read randomize layout seed file '%0'">;
183def err_drv_invalid_version_number : Error<
184  "invalid version number in '%0'">;
185def err_drv_no_linker_llvm_support : Error<
186  "'%0': unable to pass LLVM bit-code files to linker">;
187def err_drv_no_ast_support : Error<
188  "'%0': unable to use AST files with this tool">;
189def err_drv_no_module_support : Error<
190  "'%0': unable to use module files with this tool">;
191def err_drv_clang_unsupported : Error<
192  "the clang compiler does not support '%0'">;
193def err_drv_clang_unsupported_opt_cxx_darwin_i386 : Error<
194  "the clang compiler does not support '%0' for C++ on Darwin/i386">;
195def err_drv_clang_unsupported_opt_pg_darwin: Error<
196  "the clang compiler does not support -pg option on %select{Darwin|versions of OS X 10.9 and later}0">;
197def err_drv_clang_unsupported_opt_faltivec : Error<
198  "the clang compiler does not support '%0', %1">;
199def err_drv_command_failed : Error<
200  "%0 command failed with exit code %1 (use -v to see invocation)">;
201def err_drv_compilationdatabase : Error<
202  "compilation database '%0' could not be opened: %1">;
203def err_drv_command_signalled : Error<
204  "%0 command failed due to signal (use -v to see invocation)">;
205def err_drv_force_crash : Error<
206  "failing because %select{environment variable 'FORCE_CLANG_DIAGNOSTICS_CRASH' is set|'-gen-reproducer' is used}0">;
207def err_drv_invalid_mfloat_abi : Error<
208  "invalid float ABI '%0'">;
209def err_drv_invalid_mtp : Error<
210  "invalid thread pointer reading mode '%0'">;
211def err_drv_missing_arg_mtp : Error<
212  "missing argument to '%0'">;
213def warn_drv_missing_plugin_name : Warning<
214  "missing plugin name in %0">,
215  InGroup<InvalidCommandLineArgument>;
216def warn_drv_missing_plugin_arg : Warning<
217  "missing plugin argument for plugin %0 in %1">,
218  InGroup<InvalidCommandLineArgument>;
219def err_drv_invalid_argument_to_option : Error<
220  "invalid argument '%0' to -%1">;
221def err_drv_missing_sanitizer_ignorelist : Error<
222  "missing sanitizer ignorelist: '%0'">;
223def err_drv_malformed_sanitizer_ignorelist : Error<
224  "malformed sanitizer ignorelist: '%0'">;
225def err_drv_malformed_sanitizer_coverage_allowlist : Error<
226  "malformed sanitizer coverage allowlist: '%0'">;
227def err_drv_malformed_sanitizer_coverage_ignorelist : Error<
228  "malformed sanitizer coverage ignorelist: '%0'">;
229def err_drv_malformed_sanitizer_metadata_ignorelist : Error<
230  "malformed sanitizer metadata ignorelist: '%0'">;
231def err_drv_unsupported_static_sanitizer_darwin : Error<
232  "static %0 runtime is not supported on darwin">;
233def err_drv_duplicate_config : Error<
234  "no more than one option '--config' is allowed">;
235def err_drv_cannot_open_config_file : Error<
236  "configuration file '%0' cannot be opened: %1">;
237def err_drv_config_file_not_found : Error<
238  "configuration file '%0' cannot be found">;
239def note_drv_config_file_searched_in : Note<
240  "was searched for in the directory: %0">;
241def err_drv_cannot_read_config_file : Error<
242  "cannot read configuration file '%0': %1">;
243def err_drv_arg_requires_bitcode_input: Error<
244  "option '%0' requires input to be LLVM bitcode">;
246def err_target_unsupported_arch
247  : Error<"the target architecture '%0' is not supported by the target '%1'">;
248def err_cpu_unsupported_isa
249  : Error<"CPU '%0' does not support '%1' execution mode">;
250def err_arch_unsupported_isa
251  : Error<"architecture '%0' does not support '%1' execution mode">;
253def err_drv_I_dash_not_supported : Error<
254  "'%0' not supported, please use -iquote instead">;
255def err_drv_unknown_argument : Error<"unknown argument: '%0'">;
256def err_drv_unknown_argument_with_suggestion : Error<
257  "unknown argument '%0'; did you mean '%1'?">;
258def warn_drv_unknown_argument_clang_cl : Warning<
259  "unknown argument ignored in clang-cl: '%0'">,
260  InGroup<UnknownArgument>;
261def warn_drv_unknown_argument_clang_cl_with_suggestion : Warning<
262  "unknown argument ignored in clang-cl '%0'; did you mean '%1'?">,
263  InGroup<UnknownArgument>;
264def err_drv_unknown_target_triple : Error<"unknown target triple '%0'">;
266def warn_drv_ycyu_different_arg_clang_cl : Warning<
267  "support for '/Yc' and '/Yu' with different filenames not implemented yet; flags ignored">,
268  InGroup<ClangClPch>;
269def warn_drv_yc_multiple_inputs_clang_cl : Warning<
270  "support for '/Yc' with more than one source file not implemented yet; flag ignored">,
271  InGroup<ClangClPch>;
273def warn_drv_potentially_misspelled_joined_argument : Warning<
274  "joined argument treated as '%0'; did you mean '%1'?">, InGroup<UnknownArgument>;
276def err_drv_invalid_value : Error<"invalid value '%1' in '%0'">;
277def err_drv_invalid_int_value : Error<"invalid integral value '%1' in '%0'">;
278def err_drv_invalid_value_with_suggestion : Error<
279    "invalid value '%1' in '%0', expected one of: %2">;
280def err_drv_alignment_not_power_of_two : Error<"alignment is not a power of 2 in '%0'">;
281def err_drv_invalid_remap_file : Error<
282    "invalid option '%0' not of the form <from-file>;<to-file>">;
283def err_drv_invalid_gcc_install_dir : Error<"'%0' does not contain a GCC installation">;
284def err_drv_invalid_gcc_output_type : Error<
285    "invalid output type '%0' for use with gcc tool">;
286def err_drv_cc_print_options_failure : Error<
287    "unable to open CC_PRINT_OPTIONS file: %0">;
288def err_drv_lto_without_lld : Error<"LTO requires -fuse-ld=lld">;
289def err_drv_preamble_format : Error<
290    "incorrect format for -preamble-bytes=N,END">;
291def err_drv_header_unit_extra_inputs : Error<
292    "multiple inputs are not valid for header units (first extra '%0')">;
293def warn_invalid_ios_deployment_target : Warning<
294  "invalid iOS deployment version '%0', iOS 10 is the maximum deployment "
295  "target for 32-bit targets">, InGroup<InvalidIOSDeploymentTarget>,
296  DefaultError;
297def err_invalid_macos_32bit_deployment_target : Error<
298  "32-bit targets are not supported when building for Mac Catalyst">;
299def err_drv_invalid_os_in_arg : Error<"invalid OS value '%0' in '%1'">;
300def err_drv_conflicting_deployment_targets : Error<
301  "conflicting deployment targets, both '%0' and '%1' are present in environment">;
302def err_arc_unsupported_on_runtime : Error<
303  "-fobjc-arc is not supported on platforms using the legacy runtime">;
304def err_arc_unsupported_on_toolchain : Error< // feel free to generalize this
305  "-fobjc-arc is not supported on versions of OS X prior to 10.6">;
306def err_objc_weak_with_gc : Error<
307  "-fobjc-weak is not supported in Objective-C garbage collection">;
308def err_objc_weak_unsupported : Error<
309  "-fobjc-weak is not supported on the current deployment target">;
310def err_drv_mg_requires_m_or_mm : Error<
311  "option '-MG' requires '-M' or '-MM'">;
312def err_drv_unknown_objc_runtime : Error<
313  "unknown or ill-formed Objective-C runtime '%0'">;
314def err_drv_invalid_cf_runtime_abi
315  : Error<"invalid CoreFoundation Runtime ABI '%0'; must be one of "
316          "'objc', 'standalone', 'swift', 'swift-5.0', 'swift-4.2', 'swift-4.1'">;
317def err_drv_gnustep_objc_runtime_incompatible_binary : Error<
318  "GNUstep Objective-C runtime version %0 incompatible with target binary format">;
319def err_drv_emit_llvm_link : Error<
320   "-emit-llvm cannot be used when linking">;
321def err_drv_optimization_remark_pattern : Error<
322  "in pattern '%1': %0">;
323def err_drv_optimization_remark_format : Error<
324  "unknown remark serializer format: '%0'">;
325def err_drv_no_neon_modifier : Error<"[no]neon is not accepted as modifier, please use [no]simd instead">;
326def err_drv_invalid_omp_target : Error<"OpenMP target is invalid: '%0'">;
327def err_drv_incompatible_omp_arch : Error<"OpenMP target architecture '%0' pointer size is incompatible with host '%1'">;
328def err_drv_omp_host_ir_file_not_found : Error<
329  "provided host compiler IR file '%0' is required to generate code for OpenMP "
330  "target regions but cannot be found">;
331def err_drv_omp_host_target_not_supported : Error<
332  "target '%0' is not a supported OpenMP host target">;
333def err_drv_expecting_fopenmp_with_fopenmp_targets : Error<
334  "'-fopenmp-targets' must be used in conjunction with a '-fopenmp' option "
335  "compatible with offloading; e.g., '-fopenmp=libomp' or '-fopenmp=libiomp5'">;
336def err_drv_failed_to_deduce_target_from_arch : Error<
337  "failed to deduce triple for target architecture '%0'; specify the triple "
338  "using '-fopenmp-targets' and '-Xopenmp-target' instead.">;
339def err_drv_omp_offload_target_missingbcruntime : Error<
340  "no library '%0' found in the default clang lib directory or in LIBRARY_PATH"
341  "; use '--libomptarget-%1-bc-path' to specify %1 bitcode library">;
342def err_drv_omp_offload_target_bcruntime_not_found : Error<
343  "bitcode library '%0' does not exist">;
344def err_drv_omp_offload_target_cuda_version_not_support : Error<
345  "NVPTX target requires CUDA 9.2 or above; CUDA %0 detected">;
346def warn_drv_omp_offload_target_duplicate : Warning<
347  "OpenMP offloading target '%0' is similar to target '%1' already specified; "
348  "will be ignored">, InGroup<OpenMPTarget>;
349def err_drv_unsupported_embed_bitcode
350    : Error<"%0 is not supported with -fembed-bitcode">;
351def err_drv_bitcode_unsupported_on_toolchain : Error<
352  "-fembed-bitcode is not supported on versions of iOS prior to 6.0">;
353def err_drv_negative_columns : Error<
354  "invalid value '%1' in '%0', value must be 'none' or a positive integer">;
355def err_drv_small_columns : Error<
356  "invalid value '%1' in '%0', value must be '%2' or greater">;
358def err_drv_invalid_malign_branch_EQ : Error<
359  "invalid argument '%0' to -malign-branch=; each element must be one of: %1">;
361def err_drv_print_header_env_var : Error<
362  "environment variable CC_PRINT_HEADERS_%select{FORMAT|FILTERING}0 has invalid value %1">;
363def err_drv_print_header_env_var_combination : Error<
364  "unsupported combination: CC_PRINT_HEADERS_FORMAT=%0 and CC_PRINT_HEADERS_FILTERING=%1">;
365def err_drv_print_header_env_var_combination_cc1 : Error<
366  "unsupported combination: -header-include-format=%0 and -header-include-filtering=%1">;
368def warn_O4_is_O3 : Warning<"-O4 is equivalent to -O3">, InGroup<Deprecated>;
369def warn_drv_optimization_value : Warning<"optimization level '%0' is not supported; using '%1%2' instead">,
370  InGroup<InvalidCommandLineArgument>;
371def warn_ignored_gcc_optimization : Warning<"optimization flag '%0' is not supported">,
372  InGroup<IgnoredOptimizationArgument>;
373def warn_ignored_clang_option : Warning<"the flag '%0' has been deprecated and will be ignored">,
374  InGroup<UnusedCommandLineArgument>;
375def warn_drv_unsupported_opt_for_target : Warning<
376  "optimization flag '%0' is not supported for target '%1'">,
377  InGroup<IgnoredOptimizationArgument>;
378def warn_drv_unsupported_debug_info_opt_for_target : Warning<
379  "debug information option '%0' is not supported for target '%1'">,
380  InGroup<UnsupportedTargetOpt>;
381def warn_drv_dwarf_version_limited_by_target : Warning<
382  "debug information option '%0' is not supported; requires DWARF-%2 but "
383  "target '%1' only provides DWARF-%3">,
384  InGroup<UnsupportedTargetOpt>;
385def warn_c_kext : Warning<
386  "ignoring -fapple-kext which is valid for C++ and Objective-C++ only">;
387def warn_ignoring_fdiscard_for_bitcode : Warning<
388  "ignoring -fdiscard-value-names for LLVM Bitcode">,
389  InGroup<UnusedCommandLineArgument>;
390def warn_drv_input_file_unused : Warning<
391  "%0: '%1' input unused%select{ when '%3' is present|}2">,
392  InGroup<UnusedCommandLineArgument>;
393def warn_drv_input_file_unused_by_cpp : Warning<
394  "%0: '%1' input unused in cpp mode">,
395  InGroup<UnusedCommandLineArgument>;
396def warn_drv_preprocessed_input_file_unused : Warning<
397  "%0: previously preprocessed input%select{ unused when '%2' is present|}1">,
398  InGroup<UnusedCommandLineArgument>;
399def warn_drv_unused_argument : Warning<
400  "argument unused during compilation: '%0'">,
401  InGroup<UnusedCommandLineArgument>;
402def warn_drv_unused_x : Warning<
403  "'-x %0' after last input file has no effect">,
404  InGroup<UnusedCommandLineArgument>;
405def warn_drv_empty_joined_argument : Warning<
406  "joined argument expects additional value: '%0'">,
407  InGroup<UnusedCommandLineArgument>;
408def warn_drv_diagnostics_hotness_requires_pgo : Warning<
409  "argument '%0' requires profile-guided optimization information">,
410  InGroup<UnusedCommandLineArgument>;
411def warn_drv_diagnostics_misexpect_requires_pgo : Warning<
412  "argument '%0' requires profile-guided optimization information">,
413  InGroup<UnusedCommandLineArgument>;
414def warn_drv_clang_unsupported : Warning<
415  "the clang compiler does not support '%0'">;
416def warn_drv_deprecated_arg : Warning<
417  "argument '%0' is deprecated, use '%1' instead">, InGroup<Deprecated>;
418def warn_drv_assuming_mfloat_abi_is : Warning<
419  "unknown platform, assuming -mfloat-abi=%0">;
420def warn_drv_unsupported_float_abi_by_lib : Warning<
421  "float ABI '%0' is not supported by current library">,
422  InGroup<UnsupportedABI>;
423def warn_drv_no_floating_point_registers: Warning<
424  "'%0': selected processor lacks floating point registers">,
425  InGroup<UnsupportedABI>;
426def warn_ignoring_ftabstop_value : Warning<
427  "ignoring invalid -ftabstop value '%0', using default value %1">;
428def warn_drv_overriding_flag_option : Warning<
429  "overriding '%0' option with '%1'">,
430  InGroup<DiagGroup<"overriding-t-option">>;
431def warn_drv_treating_input_as_cxx : Warning<
432  "treating '%0' input as '%1' when in C++ mode, this behavior is deprecated">,
433  InGroup<Deprecated>;
434def warn_drv_pch_not_first_include : Warning<
435  "precompiled header '%0' was ignored because '%1' is not first '-include'">;
436def warn_missing_sysroot : Warning<"no such sysroot directory: '%0'">,
437  InGroup<DiagGroup<"missing-sysroot">>;
438def warn_incompatible_sysroot : Warning<"using sysroot for '%0' but targeting '%1'">,
439  InGroup<DiagGroup<"incompatible-sysroot">>;
440def warn_debug_compression_unavailable : Warning<"cannot compress debug sections (%0 not enabled)">,
441  InGroup<DiagGroup<"debug-compression-unavailable">>;
442def warn_drv_disabling_vptr_no_rtti_default : Warning<
443  "implicitly disabling vptr sanitizer because rtti wasn't enabled">,
444  InGroup<AutoDisableVptrSanitizer>;
445def warn_drv_object_size_disabled_O0 : Warning<
446  "the object size sanitizer has no effect at -O0, but is explicitly enabled: %0">,
447  InGroup<InvalidCommandLineArgument>, DefaultWarnNoWerror;
448def warn_ignoring_verify_debuginfo_preserve_export : Warning<
449  "ignoring -fverify-debuginfo-preserve-export=%0 because "
450  "-fverify-debuginfo-preserve wasn't enabled">,
451  InGroup<UnusedCommandLineArgument>;
452def warn_unsupported_branch_protection: Warning <
453  "invalid branch protection option '%0' in '%1'">, InGroup<BranchProtection>;
454def err_sls_hardening_arm_not_supported : Error<
455  "-mharden-sls is only supported on armv7-a or later">;
457def note_drv_command_failed_diag_msg : Note<
458  "diagnostic msg: %0">;
459def note_drv_t_option_is_global : Note<
460  "the last '/TC' or '/TP' option takes precedence over earlier instances">;
461def note_drv_address_sanitizer_debug_runtime : Note<
462  "AddressSanitizer doesn't support linking with debug runtime libraries yet">;
463def note_drv_use_standard : Note<"use '%0'"
464  "%select{| or '%3'|, '%3', or '%4'|, '%3', '%4', or '%5'}2 "
465  "for '%1' standard">;
467def err_analyzer_config_no_value : Error<
468  "analyzer-config option '%0' has a key but no value">;
469def err_analyzer_config_multiple_values : Error<
470  "analyzer-config option '%0' should contain only one '='">;
471def err_analyzer_config_invalid_input : Error<
472  "invalid input for analyzer-config option '%0', that expects %1 value">;
473def err_analyzer_config_unknown : Error<"unknown analyzer-config '%0'">;
474def err_analyzer_checker_option_unknown : Error<
475  "checker '%0' has no option called '%1'">;
476def err_analyzer_checker_option_invalid_input : Error<
477  "invalid input for checker option '%0', that expects %1">;
478def err_analyzer_checker_incompatible_analyzer_option : Error<
479  "checker cannot be enabled with analyzer option '%0' == %1">;
480def err_analyzer_not_built_with_z3 : Error<
481  "analyzer constraint manager 'z3' is only available if LLVM was built with "
483def warn_analyzer_deprecated_option : Warning<
484  "analyzer option '%0' is deprecated. This flag will be removed in %1, and "
485  "passing this option will be an error.">,
486  InGroup<DeprecatedStaticAnalyzerFlag>;
487def warn_analyzer_deprecated_option_with_alternative : Warning<
488  "analyzer option '%0' is deprecated. This flag will be removed in %1, and "
489  "passing this option will be an error. Use '%2' instead.">,
490  InGroup<DeprecatedStaticAnalyzerFlag>;
492def warn_drv_needs_hvx : Warning<
493  "%0 requires HVX, use -mhvx/-mhvx= to enable it">,
494  InGroup<OptionIgnored>;
495def err_drv_needs_hvx : Error<
496  "%0 requires HVX, use -mhvx/-mhvx= to enable it">;
497def err_drv_needs_hvx_version : Error<
498  "%0 is not supported on HVX %1">;
500def err_drv_module_header_wrong_kind : Error<
501  "header file '%0' input type '%1' does not match type of prior input "
502  "in module compilation; use '-x %2' to override">;
503def err_drv_modules_validate_once_requires_timestamp : Error<
504  "option '-fmodules-validate-once-per-build-session' requires "
505  "'-fbuild-session-timestamp=<seconds since Epoch>' or '-fbuild-session-file=<file>'">;
507def err_test_module_file_extension_format : Error<
508  "-ftest-module-file-extension argument '%0' is not of the required form "
509  "'blockname:major:minor:hashed:user info'">;
511def err_drv_module_output_with_multiple_arch : Error<
512  "option '-fmodule-output' can't be used with multiple arch options">;
514def err_drv_extract_api_wrong_kind : Error<
515  "header file '%0' input '%1' does not match the type of prior input "
516  "in api extraction; use '-x %2' to override">;
518def warn_slash_u_filename : Warning<"'/U%0' treated as the '/U' option">,
519  InGroup<DiagGroup<"slash-u-filename">>;
520def note_use_dashdash : Note<
521  "use '--' to treat subsequent arguments as filenames">;
523def err_drv_ropi_rwpi_incompatible_with_pic : Error<
524  "embedded and GOT-based position independence are incompatible">;
525def err_drv_ropi_incompatible_with_cxx : Error<
526  "ROPI is not compatible with c++">;
528def err_stack_tagging_requires_hardware_feature : Error<
529  "'-fsanitize=memtag-stack' requires hardware support (+memtag). For Armv8 or "
530  "Armv9, try compiling with -march=armv8a+memtag or -march=armv9a+memtag">;
532def err_cmse_pi_are_incompatible : Error<
533  "cmse is not compatible with %select{RWPI|ROPI}0">;
535def warn_target_unsupported_nan2008 : Warning<
536  "ignoring '-mnan=2008' option because the '%0' architecture does not support it">,
537  InGroup<UnsupportedNan>;
538def warn_target_unsupported_nanlegacy : Warning<
539  "ignoring '-mnan=legacy' option because the '%0' architecture does not support it">,
540  InGroup<UnsupportedNan>;
541def warn_target_unsupported_abslegacy : Warning<
542  "ignoring '-mabs=legacy' option because the '%0' architecture does not support it">,
543  InGroup<UnsupportedAbs>;
544def warn_target_unsupported_abs2008 : Warning<
545  "ignoring '-mabs=2008' option because the '%0' architecture does not support it">,
546  InGroup<UnsupportedAbs>;
547def warn_target_unsupported_compact_branches : Warning<
548  "ignoring '-mcompact-branches=' option because the '%0' architecture does not"
549  " support it">, InGroup<UnsupportedCB>;
550def warn_target_unsupported_extension : Warning<
551  "ignoring extension '%0' because the '%1' architecture does not support it">,
552   InGroup<InvalidCommandLineArgument>;
553def warn_drv_unsupported_gpopt : Warning<
554  "ignoring '-mgpopt' option as it cannot be used with %select{|the implicit"
555  " usage of }0-mabicalls">,
556  InGroup<UnsupportedGPOpt>;
557def warn_drv_unsupported_sdata : Warning<
558  "ignoring '-msmall-data-limit=' with -mcmodel=large for -fpic or RV64">,
559  InGroup<OptionIgnored>;
560def warn_drv_unsupported_longcalls : Warning<
561  "ignoring '-mlong-calls' option as it is not currently supported with "
562  "%select{|the implicit usage of }0-mabicalls">,
563  InGroup<OptionIgnored>;
564def warn_drv_unsupported_pic_with_mabicalls : Warning<
565  "ignoring '%0' option as it cannot be used with "
566  "%select{implicit usage of|}1 -mabicalls and the N64 ABI">,
567  InGroup<OptionIgnored>;
568def err_drv_unsupported_noabicalls_pic : Error<
569  "position-independent code requires '-mabicalls'">;
570def err_drv_unsupported_indirect_jump_opt : Error<
571  "'-mindirect-jump=%0' is unsupported with the '%1' architecture">;
572def err_drv_unknown_indirect_jump_opt : Error<
573  "unknown '-mindirect-jump=' option '%0'">;
574def err_drv_unsupported_fpatchable_function_entry_argument : Error<
575  "the second argument of '-fpatchable-function-entry' must be smaller than the first argument">;
577def warn_drv_unable_to_find_directory_expected : Warning<
578  "unable to find %0 directory, expected to be in '%1' found via %2">,
579  InGroup<InvalidOrNonExistentDirectory>, DefaultIgnore;
581def warn_drv_ps_force_pic : Warning<
582  "option '%0' was ignored by the %1 toolchain, using '-fPIC'">,
583  InGroup<OptionIgnored>;
585def err_drv_defsym_invalid_format : Error<"defsym must be of the form: sym=value: %0">;
586def err_drv_defsym_invalid_symval : Error<"value is not an integer: %0">;
587def warn_drv_msvc_not_found : Warning<
588  "unable to find a Visual Studio installation; "
589  "try running Clang from a developer command prompt">,
590  InGroup<DiagGroup<"msvc-not-found">>;
592def warn_drv_fuse_ld_path : Warning<
593  "'-fuse-ld=' taking a path is deprecated; use '--ld-path=' instead">,
594  InGroup<FUseLdPath>, DefaultIgnore;
596def warn_drv_fine_grained_bitfield_accesses_ignored : Warning<
597  "option '-ffine-grained-bitfield-accesses' cannot be enabled together with a sanitizer; flag ignored">,
598  InGroup<OptionIgnored>;
600def note_drv_verify_prefix_spelling : Note<
601  "-verify prefixes must start with a letter and contain only alphanumeric"
602  " characters, hyphens, and underscores">;
604def warn_drv_global_isel_incomplete : Warning<
605  "-fglobal-isel support for the '%0' architecture is incomplete">,
606  InGroup<GlobalISel>;
608def warn_drv_global_isel_incomplete_opt : Warning<
609  "-fglobal-isel support is incomplete for this architecture at the current optimization level">,
610  InGroup<GlobalISel>;
612def warn_drv_moutline_unsupported_opt : Warning<
613  "'%0' does not support '-moutline'; flag ignored">,
614  InGroup<OptionIgnored>;
616def warn_drv_moutline_atomics_unsupported_opt : Warning<
617  "'%0' does not support '-%1'; flag ignored">,
618  InGroup<OptionIgnored>;
620def warn_drv_darwin_sdk_invalid_settings : Warning<
621  "SDK settings were ignored as 'SDKSettings.json' could not be parsed">,
622  InGroup<DiagGroup<"darwin-sdk-settings">>;
624def err_drv_darwin_sdk_missing_arclite : Error<
625  "SDK does not contain 'libarclite' at the path '%0'; try increasing the minimum deployment target">;
627def err_drv_trivial_auto_var_init_stop_after_missing_dependency : Error<
628  "'-ftrivial-auto-var-init-stop-after=*' is used without "
629  "'-ftrivial-auto-var-init=zero' or '-ftrivial-auto-var-init=pattern'">;
631def err_drv_trivial_auto_var_init_stop_after_invalid_value : Error<
632  "'-ftrivial-auto-var-init-stop-after=*' only accepts positive integers">;
634def warn_drv_msp430_hwmult_unsupported : Warning<
635  "the given MCU does not support hardware multiply, but '-mhwmult' is set to "
636  "%0">, InGroup<InvalidCommandLineArgument>;
637def warn_drv_msp430_hwmult_mismatch : Warning<
638  "the given MCU supports %0 hardware multiply, but '-mhwmult' is set to %1">,
639   InGroup<InvalidCommandLineArgument>;
640def warn_drv_msp430_hwmult_no_device : Warning<
641  "no MCU device specified, but '-mhwmult' is set to 'auto', assuming no "
642  "hardware multiply; use '-mmcu' to specify an MSP430 device, or '-mhwmult' "
643  "to set the hardware multiply type explicitly">,
644  InGroup<InvalidCommandLineArgument>;
646def warn_drv_libstdcxx_not_found : Warning<
647  "include path for libstdc++ headers not found; pass '-stdlib=libc++' on the "
648  "command line to use the libc++ standard library instead">,
649  InGroup<DiagGroup<"stdlibcxx-not-found">>;
651def err_drv_cannot_mix_options : Error<"cannot specify '%1' along with '%0'">;
653def err_drv_invalid_object_mode : Error<
654  "OBJECT_MODE setting %0 is not recognized and is not a valid setting">;
656def err_aix_unsupported_tls_model : Error<"TLS model '%0' is not yet supported on AIX">;
657def err_roptr_requires_data_sections: Error<"-mxcoff-roptr is supported only with -fdata-sections">;
658def err_roptr_cannot_build_shared: Error<"-mxcoff-roptr is not supported with -shared">;
660def err_invalid_cxx_abi : Error<"invalid C++ ABI name '%0'">;
661def err_unsupported_cxx_abi : Error<"C++ ABI '%0' is not supported on target triple '%1'">;
663def note_cc1_round_trip_original : Note<"original arguments in round-trip: %0">;
664def note_cc1_round_trip_generated : Note<
665  "generated arguments #%0 in round-trip: %1">;
666def remark_cc1_round_trip_generated : Remark<
667  "generated arguments #%0 in round-trip: %1">, InGroup<RoundTripCC1Args>;
668def err_cc1_round_trip_fail_then_ok : Error<
669  "original arguments parse failed, then succeeded in round-trip">;
670def err_cc1_round_trip_ok_then_fail : Error<
671  "generated arguments parse failed in round-trip">;
672def err_cc1_round_trip_mismatch : Error<
673  "generated arguments do not match in round-trip">;
674def err_cc1_unbounded_vscale_min : Error<
675  "minimum vscale must be an unsigned integer greater than 0">;
677def err_drv_ssp_missing_offset_argument : Error<
678  "'%0' is used without '-mstack-protector-guard-offset', and there is no default">;
680def err_drv_only_one_offload_target_supported : Error<
681  "only one offload target is supported">;
682def err_drv_invalid_or_unsupported_offload_target : Error<
683  "invalid or unsupported offload target: '%0'">;
684def err_drv_cuda_offload_only_emit_bc : Error<
685  "CUDA offload target is supported only along with --emit-llvm">;
687def warn_drv_jmc_requires_debuginfo : Warning<
688  "%0 requires debug info. Use %1 or debug options that enable debugger's "
689  "stepping function; option ignored">,
690  InGroup<OptionIgnored>;
692def warn_drv_fjmc_for_elf_only : Warning<
693  "-fjmc works only for ELF; option ignored">,
694  InGroup<OptionIgnored>;
696def warn_target_override_arm64ec : Warning<
697  "/arm64EC has been overridden by specified target: %0; option ignored">,
698  InGroup<OptionIgnored>;
700def err_drv_target_variant_invalid : Error<
701  "unsupported '%0' value '%1'; use 'ios-macabi' instead">;
703def err_drv_invalid_directx_shader_module : Error<
704  "invalid profile : %0">;
705def err_drv_dxc_missing_target_profile : Error<
706  "target profile option (-T) is missing">;
707def err_drv_hlsl_unsupported_target : Error<
708  "HLSL code generation is unsupported for target '%0'">;
709def warn_drv_dxc_missing_dxv : Warning<"dxv not found. "
710    "Resulting DXIL will not be validated or signed for use in release environments.">,
711    InGroup<DXILValidation>;
713def err_drv_invalid_range_dxil_validator_version : Error<
714  "invalid validator version : %0\n"
715  "Validator version must be less than or equal to current internal version.">;
716def err_drv_invalid_format_dxil_validator_version : Error<
717  "invalid validator version : %0\n"
718  "Format of validator version is \"<major>.<minor>\" (ex:\"1.4\").">;
719def err_drv_invalid_empty_dxil_validator_version : Error<
720  "invalid validator version : %0\n"
721  "If validator major version is 0, minor version must also be 0.">;
723def warn_drv_sarif_format_unstable : Warning<
724  "diagnostic formatting in SARIF mode is currently unstable">,
725  InGroup<DiagGroup<"sarif-format-unstable">>;
727def err_drv_riscv_unsupported_with_linker_relaxation : Error<
728  "%0 is unsupported with RISC-V linker relaxation (-mrelax)">;
730def warn_drv_loongarch_conflicting_implied_val : Warning<
731  "ignoring '%0' as it conflicts with that implied by '%1' (%2)">,
732  InGroup<OptionIgnored>;
733def err_drv_loongarch_invalid_mfpu_EQ : Error<
734  "invalid argument '%0' to -mfpu=; must be one of: 64, 32, none, 0 (alias for none)">;
736def err_drv_expand_response_file : Error<
737  "failed to expand response file: %0">;
739def warn_drv_missing_multilib : Warning<
740  "no multilib found matching flags: %0">,
741  InGroup<DiagGroup<"missing-multilib">>;
742def note_drv_available_multilibs : Note<
743  "available multilibs are:%0">;