1//==--- DiagnosticFrontendKinds.td - frontend diagnostics -----------------===//
3// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
5// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
9class BackendInfo : CatBackend, ShowInSystemHeader;
11let Component = "Frontend" in {
13def err_fe_error_opening : Error<"error opening '%0': %1">;
14def err_fe_error_reading : Error<"error reading '%0'">;
15def err_fe_error_reading_stdin : Error<"error reading stdin: %0">;
16def err_fe_error_backend : Error<"error in backend: %0">, DefaultFatal;
18def err_fe_inline_asm : Error<"%0">, CatInlineAsm;
19def warn_fe_inline_asm : Warning<"%0">, CatInlineAsm, InGroup<BackendInlineAsm>;
20def note_fe_inline_asm : Note<"%0">, CatInlineAsm;
21def note_fe_inline_asm_here : Note<"instantiated into assembly here">;
22def err_fe_source_mgr : Error<"%0">, CatSourceMgr;
23def warn_fe_source_mgr : Warning<"%0">, CatSourceMgr, InGroup<BackendSourceMgr>;
24def note_fe_source_mgr : Note<"%0">, CatSourceMgr;
25def err_fe_linking_module : Error<"cannot link module '%0': %1">, DefaultFatal;
26def warn_fe_linking_module : Warning<"linking module '%0': %1">, InGroup<LinkerWarnings>;
27def note_fe_linking_module : Note<"linking module '%0': %1">;
29def warn_fe_frame_larger_than : Warning<"stack frame size (%0) exceeds limit (%1) in '%2'">,
30    BackendInfo, InGroup<BackendFrameLargerThan>;
31def warn_fe_backend_frame_larger_than: Warning<"%0">,
32    BackendInfo, InGroup<BackendFrameLargerThan>;
33def err_fe_backend_frame_larger_than: Error<"%0">, BackendInfo;
34def note_fe_backend_frame_larger_than: Note<"%0">, BackendInfo;
36def warn_fe_backend_plugin: Warning<"%0">, BackendInfo, InGroup<BackendPlugin>;
37def err_fe_backend_plugin: Error<"%0">, BackendInfo;
39def warn_fe_backend_resource_limit: Warning<"%0 (%1) exceeds limit (%2) in '%3'">, BackendInfo, InGroup<BackendPlugin>;
40def err_fe_backend_resource_limit: Error<"%0 (%1) exceeds limit (%2) in '%3'">, BackendInfo;
41def note_fe_backend_resource_limit: Note<"%0 (%1) exceeds limit (%2) in '%3'">, BackendInfo;
43def remark_fe_backend_plugin: Remark<"%0">, BackendInfo, InGroup<RemarkBackendPlugin>;
44def note_fe_backend_plugin: Note<"%0">, BackendInfo;
46def warn_fe_override_module : Warning<
47    "overriding the module target triple with %0">,
48    InGroup<DiagGroup<"override-module">>;
49def warn_fe_backend_unsupported_fp_rounding : Warning<
50    "overriding currently unsupported rounding mode on this target">,
51    InGroup<UnsupportedFPOpt>;
52def warn_fe_backend_unsupported_fp_exceptions : Warning<
53    "overriding currently unsupported use of floating point exceptions "
54    "on this target">, InGroup<UnsupportedFPOpt>;
55def warn_fe_backend_invalid_feature_flag : Warning<
56    "feature flag '%0' must start with either '+' to enable the feature or '-'"
57    " to disable it; flag ignored">, InGroup<InvalidCommandLineArgument>;
59def err_incompatible_fp_eval_method_options : Error<
60    "option 'ffp-eval-method' cannot be used with option "
61    "%select{'fapprox-func'|'mreassociate'|'freciprocal'}0">;
63def remark_fe_backend_optimization_remark : Remark<"%0">, BackendInfo,
64    InGroup<BackendOptimizationRemark>;
65def remark_fe_backend_optimization_remark_missed : Remark<"%0">, BackendInfo,
66    InGroup<BackendOptimizationRemarkMissed>;
67def remark_fe_backend_optimization_remark_analysis : Remark<"%0">, BackendInfo,
68    InGroup<BackendOptimizationRemarkAnalysis>;
69def remark_fe_backend_optimization_remark_analysis_fpcommute : Remark<"%0; "
70    "allow reordering by specifying '#pragma clang loop vectorize(enable)' "
71    "before the loop or by providing the compiler option '-ffast-math'.">,
72    BackendInfo, InGroup<BackendOptimizationRemarkAnalysis>;
73def remark_fe_backend_optimization_remark_analysis_aliasing : Remark<"%0; "
74    "allow reordering by specifying '#pragma clang loop vectorize(enable)' "
75    "before the loop. If the arrays will always be independent specify "
76    "'#pragma clang loop vectorize(assume_safety)' before the loop or provide "
77    "the '__restrict__' qualifier with the independent array arguments. "
78    "Erroneous results will occur if these options are incorrectly applied!">,
79    BackendInfo, InGroup<BackendOptimizationRemarkAnalysis>;
80def warn_fe_backend_optimization_failure : Warning<"%0">, BackendInfo,
81    InGroup<BackendOptimizationFailure>, DefaultWarn;
82def note_fe_backend_invalid_loc : Note<"could "
83  "not determine the original source location for %0:%1:%2">, BackendInfo;
85def err_fe_backend_unsupported : Error<"%0">, BackendInfo;
86def warn_fe_backend_unsupported : Warning<"%0">, BackendInfo;
88def err_fe_backend_error_attr :
89  Error<"call to '%0' declared with 'error' attribute: %1">, BackendInfo;
90def warn_fe_backend_warning_attr :
91  Warning<"call to '%0' declared with 'warning' attribute: %1">, BackendInfo,
92  InGroup<BackendWarningAttributes>;
94def err_fe_invalid_code_complete_file : Error<
95    "cannot locate code-completion file %0">, DefaultFatal;
96def err_fe_dependency_file_requires_MT : Error<
97    "-dependency-file requires at least one -MT or -MQ option">;
98def err_fe_invalid_plugin_name : Error<
99    "unable to find plugin '%0'">;
100def err_fe_expected_compiler_job : Error<
101    "unable to handle compilation, expected exactly one compiler job in '%0'">;
102def err_fe_expected_clang_command : Error<
103    "expected a clang compiler command">;
104def err_fe_remap_missing_to_file : Error<
105    "could not remap file '%0' to the contents of file '%1'">, DefaultFatal;
106def err_fe_remap_missing_from_file : Error<
107    "could not remap from missing file '%0'">, DefaultFatal;
108def err_fe_unable_to_load_pch : Error<
109    "unable to load PCH file">;
110def err_fe_unable_to_load_plugin : Error<
111    "unable to load plugin '%0': '%1'">;
112def err_fe_unable_to_create_target : Error<
113    "unable to create target: '%0'">;
114def err_fe_unable_to_interface_with_target : Error<
115    "unable to interface with target machine">;
116def err_fe_unable_to_open_output : Error<
117    "unable to open output file '%0': '%1'">;
118def warn_fe_macro_contains_embedded_newline : Warning<
119    "macro '%0' contains embedded newline; text after the newline is ignored">;
120def warn_fe_cc_print_header_failure : Warning<
121    "unable to open CC_PRINT_HEADERS file: %0 (using stderr)">;
122def warn_fe_cc_log_diagnostics_failure : Warning<
123    "unable to open CC_LOG_DIAGNOSTICS file: %0 (using stderr)">;
124def warn_fe_unable_to_open_stats_file : Warning<
125    "unable to open statistics output file '%0': '%1'">,
126    InGroup<DiagGroup<"unable-to-open-stats-file">>;
127def err_fe_no_pch_in_dir : Error<
128    "no suitable precompiled header file found in directory '%0'">;
129def err_fe_action_not_available : Error<
130    "action %0 not compiled in">;
131def err_fe_invalid_alignment : Error<
132    "invalid value '%1' in '%0'; alignment must be a power of 2">;
133def err_fe_invalid_exception_model
134   : Error<"invalid exception model '%select{none|sjlj|seh|dwarf|wasm}0' for target '%1'">;
135def err_fe_invalid_source_date_epoch : Error<
136    "environment variable 'SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH' ('%0') must be a non-negative decimal integer <= %1">;
138def err_fe_unable_to_load_basic_block_sections_file : Error<
139    "unable to load basic block sections function list: '%0'">;
141def warn_fe_serialized_diag_merge_failure : Warning<
142    "unable to merge a subprocess's serialized diagnostics">,
143    InGroup<SerializedDiagnostics>;
144def warn_fe_serialized_diag_failure : Warning<
145    "unable to open file %0 for serializing diagnostics (%1)">,
146    InGroup<SerializedDiagnostics>;
147def warn_fe_serialized_diag_failure_during_finalisation : Warning<
148    "Received warning after diagnostic serialization teardown was underway: %0">,
149    InGroup<SerializedDiagnostics>;
151def err_verify_missing_line : Error<
152    "missing or invalid line number following '@' in expected %0">;
153def err_verify_missing_file : Error<
154    "file '%0' could not be located in expected %1">;
155def err_verify_invalid_range : Error<
156    "invalid range following '-' in expected %0">;
157def err_verify_ambiguous_marker : Error<
158    "reference to marker '%0' is ambiguous">;
159def note_verify_ambiguous_marker : Note<
160    "ambiguous marker '%0' is defined here">;
161def err_verify_no_such_marker : Error<
162    "use of undefined marker '%0'">;
163def err_verify_missing_start : Error<
164    "cannot find start ('{{') of expected %0">;
165def err_verify_missing_end : Error<
166    "cannot find end ('}}') of expected %0">;
167def err_verify_invalid_content : Error<
168    "invalid expected %0: %1">;
169def err_verify_missing_regex : Error<
170    "cannot find start of regex ('{{') in %0">;
171def err_verify_inconsistent_diags : Error<
172    "'%0' diagnostics %select{expected|seen}1 but not %select{seen|expected}1: "
173    "%2">;
174def err_verify_invalid_no_diags : Error<
175    "%select{expected|'expected-no-diagnostics'}0 directive cannot follow "
176    "%select{'expected-no-diagnostics' directive|other expected directives}0">;
177def err_verify_no_directives : Error<
178    "no expected directives found: consider use of 'expected-no-diagnostics'">;
179def err_verify_nonconst_addrspace : Error<
180  "qualifier 'const' is needed for variables in address space '%0'">;
182def note_fixit_applied : Note<"FIX-IT applied suggested code changes">;
183def note_fixit_in_macro : Note<
184    "FIX-IT unable to apply suggested code changes in a macro">;
185def note_fixit_failed : Note<
186    "FIX-IT unable to apply suggested code changes">;
187def note_fixit_unfixed_error : Note<"FIX-IT detected an error it cannot fix">;
188def warn_fixit_no_changes : Note<
189    "FIX-IT detected errors it could not fix; no output will be generated">;
191// PCH reader
192def err_relocatable_without_isysroot : Error<
193    "must specify system root with -isysroot when building a relocatable "
194    "PCH file">;
196def warn_unknown_diag_option : Warning<
197    "unknown %select{warning|remark}0 option '%1'%select{|; did you mean '%3'?}2">,
198    InGroup<UnknownWarningOption>;
199def warn_unknown_warning_specifier : Warning<
200    "unknown %0 warning specifier: '%1'">,
201    InGroup<UnknownWarningOption>;
203def warn_incompatible_analyzer_plugin_api : Warning<
204    "checker plugin '%0' is not compatible with this version of the analyzer">,
205    InGroup<DiagGroup<"analyzer-incompatible-plugin"> >;
206def note_incompatible_analyzer_plugin_api : Note<
207    "current API version is '%0', but plugin was compiled with version '%1'">;
209def err_module_build_requires_fmodules : Error<
210  "module compilation requires '-fmodules'">;
211def err_module_interface_requires_cpp_modules : Error<
212  "module interface compilation requires '-std=c++20' or '-fmodules-ts'">;
213def warn_module_config_mismatch : Warning<
214  "module file %0 cannot be loaded due to a configuration mismatch with the current "
215  "compilation">, InGroup<DiagGroup<"module-file-config-mismatch">>, DefaultError;
216def err_module_map_not_found : Error<"module map file '%0' not found">,
217  DefaultFatal;
218def err_missing_module_name : Error<
219  "no module name provided; specify one with -fmodule-name=">,
220  DefaultFatal;
221def err_missing_module : Error<
222  "no module named '%0' declared in module map file '%1'">, DefaultFatal;
223def err_no_submodule : Error<"no submodule named %0 in module '%1'">;
224def err_no_submodule_suggest : Error<
225  "no submodule named %0 in module '%1'; did you mean '%2'?">;
226def warn_no_priv_submodule_use_toplevel : Warning<
227  "no submodule named %0 in module '%1'; using top level '%2'">,
228  InGroup<PrivateModule>;
229def note_private_top_level_defined : Note<
230  "module defined here">;
231def warn_missing_submodule : Warning<"missing submodule '%0'">,
232  InGroup<IncompleteUmbrella>;
233def note_module_import_here : Note<"module imported here">;
234def err_module_cannot_create_includes : Error<
235  "cannot create includes file for module %0: %1">;
236def warn_module_config_macro_undef : Warning<
237  "%select{definition|#undef}0 of configuration macro '%1' has no effect on "
238  "the import of '%2'; pass '%select{-D%1=...|-U%1}0' on the command line "
239  "to configure the module">,
240  InGroup<ConfigMacros>;
241def note_module_def_undef_here : Note<
242  "macro was %select{defined|#undef'd}0 here">;
243def remark_module_build : Remark<"building module '%0' as '%1'">,
244  InGroup<ModuleBuild>;
245def remark_module_build_done : Remark<"finished building module '%0'">,
246  InGroup<ModuleBuild>;
247def remark_module_lock : Remark<"locking '%0' to build module '%1'">,
248  InGroup<ModuleLock>;
249def err_modules_embed_file_not_found :
250  Error<"file '%0' specified by '-fmodules-embed-file=' not found">,
251  DefaultFatal;
252def err_module_header_file_not_found :
253  Error<"module header file '%0' not found">, DefaultFatal;
255def err_test_module_file_extension_version : Error<
256  "test module file extension '%0' has different version (%1.%2) than expected "
257  "(%3.%4)">;
259def err_missing_vfs_overlay_file : Error<
260  "virtual filesystem overlay file '%0' not found">, DefaultFatal;
261def err_invalid_vfs_overlay : Error<
262  "invalid virtual filesystem overlay file '%0'">, DefaultFatal;
264def warn_option_invalid_ocl_version : Warning<
265  "%0 does not support the option '%1'">, InGroup<Deprecated>;
267def err_builtin_needs_feature : Error<"%0 needs target feature %1">;
268def err_function_needs_feature : Error<
269  "always_inline function %1 requires target feature '%2', but would "
270  "be inlined into function %0 that is compiled without support for '%2'">;
272def warn_avx_calling_convention
273    : Warning<"AVX vector %select{return|argument}0 of type %1 without '%2' "
274              "enabled changes the ABI">,
275      InGroup<DiagGroup<"psabi">>;
276def err_avx_calling_convention : Error<warn_avx_calling_convention.Summary>;
278def err_alias_to_undefined : Error<
279  "%select{alias|ifunc}0 must point to a defined "
280  "%select{variable or |}1function">;
281def warn_alias_to_weak_alias : Warning<
282  "%select{alias|ifunc}2 will always resolve to %0 even if weak definition of "
283  "%1 is overridden">,
284  InGroup<IgnoredAttributes>;
285def err_duplicate_mangled_name : Error<
286  "definition with same mangled name '%0' as another definition">;
287def err_cyclic_alias : Error<
288  "%select{alias|ifunc}0 definition is part of a cycle">;
289def err_hidden_visibility_dllexport : Error<
290  "hidden visibility cannot be applied to 'dllexport' declaration">;
291def err_non_default_visibility_dllimport : Error<
292  "non-default visibility cannot be applied to 'dllimport' declaration">;
293def err_ifunc_resolver_return : Error<
294  "ifunc resolver function must return a pointer">;
296def warn_atomic_op_misaligned : Warning<
297  "misaligned atomic operation may incur "
298  "significant performance penalty"
299  "; the expected alignment (%0 bytes) exceeds the actual alignment (%1 bytes)">,
300  InGroup<AtomicAlignment>;
302def warn_atomic_op_oversized : Warning<
303  "large atomic operation may incur "
304  "significant performance penalty"
305  "; the access size (%0 bytes) exceeds the max lock-free size (%1  bytes)">,
308def warn_alias_with_section : Warning<
309  "%select{alias|ifunc}1 will not be in section '%0' but in the same section "
310  "as the %select{aliasee|resolver}2">,
311  InGroup<IgnoredAttributes>;
313let CategoryName = "Instrumentation Issue" in {
314def warn_profile_data_out_of_date : Warning<
315  "profile data may be out of date: of %0 function%s0, %1 %plural{1:has|:have}1"
316  " mismatched data that will be ignored">,
317  InGroup<ProfileInstrOutOfDate>;
318def warn_profile_data_missing : Warning<
319  "profile data may be incomplete: of %0 function%s0, %1 %plural{1:has|:have}1"
320  " no data">,
321  InGroup<ProfileInstrMissing>,
322  DefaultIgnore;
323def warn_profile_data_unprofiled : Warning<
324  "no profile data available for file \"%0\"">,
325  InGroup<ProfileInstrUnprofiled>;
326def warn_profile_data_misexpect : Warning<
327  "Potential performance regression from use of __builtin_expect(): "
328  "Annotation was correct on %0 of profiled executions.">,
329  BackendInfo,
330  InGroup<MisExpect>;
331} // end of instrumentation issue category
333def err_extract_api_ignores_file_not_found :
334  Error<"file '%0' specified by '--extract-api-ignores=' not found">, DefaultFatal;