10b57cec5SDimitry Andric //===--- ScratchBuffer.h - Scratch space for forming tokens -----*- C++ -*-===//
20b57cec5SDimitry Andric //
30b57cec5SDimitry Andric // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
40b57cec5SDimitry Andric // See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
50b57cec5SDimitry Andric // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
60b57cec5SDimitry Andric //
70b57cec5SDimitry Andric //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
80b57cec5SDimitry Andric //
90b57cec5SDimitry Andric //  This file defines the ScratchBuffer interface.
100b57cec5SDimitry Andric //
110b57cec5SDimitry Andric //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
120b57cec5SDimitry Andric 
130b57cec5SDimitry Andric #ifndef LLVM_CLANG_LEX_SCRATCHBUFFER_H
140b57cec5SDimitry Andric #define LLVM_CLANG_LEX_SCRATCHBUFFER_H
150b57cec5SDimitry Andric 
160b57cec5SDimitry Andric #include "clang/Basic/SourceLocation.h"
170b57cec5SDimitry Andric 
180b57cec5SDimitry Andric namespace clang {
190b57cec5SDimitry Andric   class SourceManager;
200b57cec5SDimitry Andric 
210b57cec5SDimitry Andric /// ScratchBuffer - This class exposes a simple interface for the dynamic
220b57cec5SDimitry Andric /// construction of tokens.  This is used for builtin macros (e.g. __LINE__) as
230b57cec5SDimitry Andric /// well as token pasting, etc.
240b57cec5SDimitry Andric class ScratchBuffer {
250b57cec5SDimitry Andric   SourceManager &SourceMgr;
260b57cec5SDimitry Andric   char *CurBuffer;
270b57cec5SDimitry Andric   SourceLocation BufferStartLoc;
280b57cec5SDimitry Andric   unsigned BytesUsed;
290b57cec5SDimitry Andric public:
300b57cec5SDimitry Andric   ScratchBuffer(SourceManager &SM);
310b57cec5SDimitry Andric 
320b57cec5SDimitry Andric   /// getToken - Splat the specified text into a temporary MemoryBuffer and
330b57cec5SDimitry Andric   /// return a SourceLocation that refers to the token.  This is just like the
340b57cec5SDimitry Andric   /// previous method, but returns a location that indicates the physloc of the
350b57cec5SDimitry Andric   /// token.
360b57cec5SDimitry Andric   SourceLocation getToken(const char *Buf, unsigned Len, const char *&DestPtr);
370b57cec5SDimitry Andric 
380b57cec5SDimitry Andric private:
390b57cec5SDimitry Andric   void AllocScratchBuffer(unsigned RequestLen);
400b57cec5SDimitry Andric };
410b57cec5SDimitry Andric 
420b57cec5SDimitry Andric } // end namespace clang
430b57cec5SDimitry Andric 
440b57cec5SDimitry Andric #endif