1//===--- CheckerBase.td - Checker TableGen classes ------------------------===//
3// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
5// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
9//  This file defines the TableGen core definitions for checkers
13/// Describes a checker or package option type. This is important for validating
14/// user supplied inputs.
15/// New option types can be added by modifying this enum. Note that this
16/// requires changes in the TableGen emitter file ClangSACheckersEmitter.cpp.
17class CmdLineOptionTypeEnum<bits<2> val> {
18  bits<2> Type = val;
20def Integer : CmdLineOptionTypeEnum<0>;
21def String : CmdLineOptionTypeEnum<1>;
22def Boolean : CmdLineOptionTypeEnum<2>;
24/// Describes the state of the entry. We wouldn't like to display, for example,
25/// developer only entries for a list meant for end users.
26class DevelopmentStageEnum<bits<1> val> {
27  bits<1> Val = val;
30/// Alpha entries are under development, might be incomplet, inkorrekt and
31/// unstable.
32def InAlpha : DevelopmentStageEnum<0>;
34/// Released entries are stable, produce minimal, if any false positives,
35/// and emits reports that explain the occurance of the bug understandably and
36/// thoroughly.
37def Released : DevelopmentStageEnum<1>;
39/// Marks the entry hidden. Hidden entries won't be displayed in
40/// -analyzer-checker-option-help.
41class HiddenEnum<bit val> {
42  bit Val = val;
44def DontHide : HiddenEnum<0>;
45def Hide : HiddenEnum<1>;
47/// Describes an option for a checker or a package.
48class CmdLineOption<CmdLineOptionTypeEnum type, string cmdFlag, string desc,
49                    string defaultVal, DevelopmentStageEnum stage,
50                    HiddenEnum isHidden = DontHide> {
51  bits<2> Type = type.Type;
52  string  CmdFlag = cmdFlag;
53  string  Desc = desc;
54  string  DefaultVal = defaultVal;
55  bits<1> DevelopmentStage = stage.Val;
56  bit     Hidden = isHidden.Val;
59/// Describes a list of package options.
60class PackageOptions<list<CmdLineOption> opts> {
61  list<CmdLineOption> PackageOptions = opts;
64/// Describes a package. Every checker is a part of a package, for example,
65/// 'NullDereference' is part of the 'core' package, hence it's full name is
66/// 'core.NullDereference'.
67/// Example:
68///   def Core : Package<"core">;
69class Package<string name> {
70  string              PackageName = name;
71  // This field is optional.
72  list<CmdLineOption> PackageOptions;
73  Package             ParentPackage;
74  bit                 Hidden = 0;
77/// Describes a 'super' package that holds another package inside it. This is
78/// used to nest packages in one another. One may, for example, create the
79/// 'builtin' package inside 'core', thus creating the package 'core.builtin'.
80/// Example:
81///   def CoreBuiltin : Package<"builtin">, ParentPackage<Core>;
82class ParentPackage<Package P> { Package ParentPackage = P; }
84/// A description. May be displayed to the user when clang is invoked with
85/// a '-help'-like command line option.
86class HelpText<string text> { string HelpText = text; }
88/// Describes what kind of documentation exists for the checker.
89class DocumentationEnum<bits<1> val> {
90  bits<1> Documentation = val;
92def NotDocumented : DocumentationEnum<0>;
93def HasDocumentation : DocumentationEnum<1>;
95class Documentation<DocumentationEnum val> {
96  bits<1> Documentation = val.Documentation;
99/// Describes a checker. Every builtin checker has to be registered with the use
100/// of this class (out-of-trunk checkers loaded from plugins obviously don't).
101/// Note that a checker has a name (e.g.: 'NullDereference'), and a fullname,
102/// that is autogenerated with the help of the ParentPackage field, that also
103/// includes package names (e.g.: 'core.NullDereference').
104/// Example:
105///   def DereferenceChecker : Checker<"NullDereference">,
106///     HelpText<"Check for dereferences of null pointers">;
107class Checker<string name = ""> {
108  string              CheckerName = name;
109  string              HelpText;
110  // This field is optional.
111  list<CmdLineOption> CheckerOptions;
112  // This field is optional.
113  list<Checker>       Dependencies;
114  // This field is optional.
115  list<Checker>       WeakDependencies;
116  bits<1>             Documentation;
117  Package             ParentPackage;
118  bit                 Hidden = 0;
121/// Describes a list of checker options.
122class CheckerOptions<list<CmdLineOption> opts> {
123  list<CmdLineOption> CheckerOptions = opts;
126/// Describes (strong) dependencies in between checkers. This is important for
127/// modeling checkers, for example, MallocBase depends on the proper modeling of
128/// string operations, so it depends on CStringBase. A checker may only be
129/// enabled if none of its dependencies (transitively) is disabled. Dependencies
130/// are always registered before the dependent checker, and its checker
131/// callbacks are also evaluated sooner.
132/// One may only depend on a purely modeling checker (that emits no diagnostis).
133/// Example:
134///   def InnerPointerChecker : Checker<"InnerPointer">,
135///     HelpText<"Check for inner pointers of C++ containers used after "
136///              "re/deallocation">,
137///     Dependencies<[MallocBase]>;
138class Dependencies<list<Checker> Deps = []> {
139  list<Checker> Dependencies = Deps;
142/// Describes preferred registration and evaluation order in between checkers.
143/// Unlike strong dependencies, this expresses dependencies in between
144/// diagnostics, and *not* modeling. In the case of an unsatisfied (disabled)
145/// weak dependency, the dependent checker might still be registered. If the
146/// weak dependency is satisfied, it'll be registered, and its checker
147/// callbacks will be evaluated before the dependent checker. This can be used
148/// to ensure that a more specific warning would be displayed in place of a
149/// generic one, should multiple checkers detect the same bug. For example,
150/// non-null parameter bugs are detected by NonNullParamChecker due to the
151/// nonnull attribute, and StdLibraryFunctionsChecker as it models standard
152/// functions, and the former is the more specific one. While freeing a
153/// dangling pointer is a bug, if it is also a double free, we would like to
154/// recognize it as such first and foremost. This works best for fatal error
155/// node generation, otherwise both warnings may be present and in any order.
156class WeakDependencies<list<Checker> Deps = []> {
157  list<Checker> WeakDependencies = Deps;
160/// Marks a checker or a package hidden. Hidden entries are meant for developers
161/// only, and aren't exposed to end users.
162class Hidden { bit Hidden = 1; }