1a7dea167SDimitry Andric //===- DependencyScanningService.h - clang-scan-deps service ===-*- C++ -*-===//
2a7dea167SDimitry Andric //
3a7dea167SDimitry Andric // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4a7dea167SDimitry Andric // See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
5a7dea167SDimitry Andric // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
6a7dea167SDimitry Andric //
7a7dea167SDimitry Andric //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
8a7dea167SDimitry Andric 
11a7dea167SDimitry Andric 
12a7dea167SDimitry Andric #include "clang/Tooling/DependencyScanning/DependencyScanningFilesystem.h"
13*5f757f3fSDimitry Andric #include "llvm/ADT/BitmaskEnum.h"
14a7dea167SDimitry Andric 
15a7dea167SDimitry Andric namespace clang {
16a7dea167SDimitry Andric namespace tooling {
17a7dea167SDimitry Andric namespace dependencies {
18a7dea167SDimitry Andric 
19a7dea167SDimitry Andric /// The mode in which the dependency scanner will operate to find the
20a7dea167SDimitry Andric /// dependencies.
21a7dea167SDimitry Andric enum class ScanningMode {
22a7dea167SDimitry Andric   /// This mode is used to compute the dependencies by running the preprocessor
2381ad6265SDimitry Andric   /// over the source files.
24a7dea167SDimitry Andric   CanonicalPreprocessing,
25a7dea167SDimitry Andric 
26a7dea167SDimitry Andric   /// This mode is used to compute the dependencies by running the preprocessor
2781ad6265SDimitry Andric   /// with special kind of lexing after scanning header and source files to get
2881ad6265SDimitry Andric   /// the minimum necessary preprocessor directives for evaluating includes.
2981ad6265SDimitry Andric   DependencyDirectivesScan,
30a7dea167SDimitry Andric };
31a7dea167SDimitry Andric 
32480093f4SDimitry Andric /// The format that is output by the dependency scanner.
33480093f4SDimitry Andric enum class ScanningOutputFormat {
34480093f4SDimitry Andric   /// This is the Makefile compatible dep format. This will include all of the
35480093f4SDimitry Andric   /// deps necessary for an implicit modules build, but won't include any
36480093f4SDimitry Andric   /// intermodule dependency information.
37480093f4SDimitry Andric   Make,
38480093f4SDimitry Andric 
391ac55f4cSDimitry Andric   /// This outputs the full clang module dependency graph suitable for use for
40480093f4SDimitry Andric   /// explicitly building modules.
41480093f4SDimitry Andric   Full,
421ac55f4cSDimitry Andric 
431ac55f4cSDimitry Andric   /// This outputs the dependency graph for standard c++ modules in P1689R5
441ac55f4cSDimitry Andric   /// format.
451ac55f4cSDimitry Andric   P1689,
46480093f4SDimitry Andric };
47480093f4SDimitry Andric 
48*5f757f3fSDimitry Andric enum class ScanningOptimizations {
49*5f757f3fSDimitry Andric   None = 0,
50*5f757f3fSDimitry Andric 
51*5f757f3fSDimitry Andric   /// Remove unused header search paths including header maps.
52*5f757f3fSDimitry Andric   HeaderSearch = 1,
53*5f757f3fSDimitry Andric 
54*5f757f3fSDimitry Andric   /// Remove warnings from system modules.
55*5f757f3fSDimitry Andric   SystemWarnings = 2,
56*5f757f3fSDimitry Andric 
57*5f757f3fSDimitry Andric   LLVM_MARK_AS_BITMASK_ENUM(SystemWarnings),
58*5f757f3fSDimitry Andric   All = HeaderSearch | SystemWarnings,
59*5f757f3fSDimitry Andric   Default = All
60*5f757f3fSDimitry Andric };
61*5f757f3fSDimitry Andric 
62bdd1243dSDimitry Andric /// The dependency scanning service contains shared configuration and state that
63bdd1243dSDimitry Andric /// is used by the individual dependency scanning workers.
64a7dea167SDimitry Andric class DependencyScanningService {
65a7dea167SDimitry Andric public:
66*5f757f3fSDimitry Andric   DependencyScanningService(
67*5f757f3fSDimitry Andric       ScanningMode Mode, ScanningOutputFormat Format,
68*5f757f3fSDimitry Andric       ScanningOptimizations OptimizeArgs = ScanningOptimizations::Default,
69bdd1243dSDimitry Andric       bool EagerLoadModules = false);
70a7dea167SDimitry Andric 
getMode()71a7dea167SDimitry Andric   ScanningMode getMode() const { return Mode; }
72a7dea167SDimitry Andric 
getFormat()73480093f4SDimitry Andric   ScanningOutputFormat getFormat() const { return Format; }
74480093f4SDimitry Andric 
getOptimizeArgs()75*5f757f3fSDimitry Andric   ScanningOptimizations getOptimizeArgs() const { return OptimizeArgs; }
76349cc55cSDimitry Andric 
shouldEagerLoadModules()77bdd1243dSDimitry Andric   bool shouldEagerLoadModules() const { return EagerLoadModules; }
78bdd1243dSDimitry Andric 
getSharedCache()79a7dea167SDimitry Andric   DependencyScanningFilesystemSharedCache &getSharedCache() {
80a7dea167SDimitry Andric     return SharedCache;
81a7dea167SDimitry Andric   }
82a7dea167SDimitry Andric 
83a7dea167SDimitry Andric private:
84a7dea167SDimitry Andric   const ScanningMode Mode;
85480093f4SDimitry Andric   const ScanningOutputFormat Format;
86349cc55cSDimitry Andric   /// Whether to optimize the modules' command-line arguments.
87*5f757f3fSDimitry Andric   const ScanningOptimizations OptimizeArgs;
88bdd1243dSDimitry Andric   /// Whether to set up command-lines to load PCM files eagerly.
89bdd1243dSDimitry Andric   const bool EagerLoadModules;
90a7dea167SDimitry Andric   /// The global file system cache.
91a7dea167SDimitry Andric   DependencyScanningFilesystemSharedCache SharedCache;
92a7dea167SDimitry Andric };
93a7dea167SDimitry Andric 
94a7dea167SDimitry Andric } // end namespace dependencies
95a7dea167SDimitry Andric } // end namespace tooling
96a7dea167SDimitry Andric } // end namespace clang
97a7dea167SDimitry Andric