10b57cec5SDimitry Andric //===-- fixunsdfdi.c - Implement __fixunsdfdi -----------------------------===//
20b57cec5SDimitry Andric //
30b57cec5SDimitry Andric // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
40b57cec5SDimitry Andric // See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
50b57cec5SDimitry Andric // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
60b57cec5SDimitry Andric //
70b57cec5SDimitry Andric //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
80b57cec5SDimitry Andric 
90b57cec5SDimitry Andric #define DOUBLE_PRECISION
100b57cec5SDimitry Andric #include "fp_lib.h"
110b57cec5SDimitry Andric 
12fe6060f1SDimitry Andric #ifndef __SOFTFP__
130b57cec5SDimitry Andric // Support for systems that have hardware floating-point; can set the invalid
140b57cec5SDimitry Andric // flag as a side-effect of computation.
150b57cec5SDimitry Andric 
__fixunsdfdi(double a)160b57cec5SDimitry Andric COMPILER_RT_ABI du_int __fixunsdfdi(double a) {
170b57cec5SDimitry Andric   if (a <= 0.0)
180b57cec5SDimitry Andric     return 0;
190b57cec5SDimitry Andric   su_int high = a / 4294967296.f;               // a / 0x1p32f;
200b57cec5SDimitry Andric   su_int low = a - (double)high * 4294967296.f; // high * 0x1p32f;
210b57cec5SDimitry Andric   return ((du_int)high << 32) | low;
220b57cec5SDimitry Andric }
230b57cec5SDimitry Andric 
240b57cec5SDimitry Andric #else
250b57cec5SDimitry Andric // Support for systems that don't have hardware floating-point; there are no
260b57cec5SDimitry Andric // flags to set, and we don't want to code-gen to an unknown soft-float
270b57cec5SDimitry Andric // implementation.
280b57cec5SDimitry Andric 
290b57cec5SDimitry Andric typedef du_int fixuint_t;
300b57cec5SDimitry Andric #include "fp_fixuint_impl.inc"
310b57cec5SDimitry Andric 
__fixunsdfdi(fp_t a)320b57cec5SDimitry Andric COMPILER_RT_ABI du_int __fixunsdfdi(fp_t a) { return __fixuint(a); }
330b57cec5SDimitry Andric 
340b57cec5SDimitry Andric #endif
350b57cec5SDimitry Andric 
360b57cec5SDimitry Andric #if defined(__ARM_EABI__)
370b57cec5SDimitry Andric #if defined(COMPILER_RT_ARMHF_TARGET)
__aeabi_d2ulz(fp_t a)380b57cec5SDimitry Andric AEABI_RTABI du_int __aeabi_d2ulz(fp_t a) { return __fixunsdfdi(a); }
390b57cec5SDimitry Andric #else
400b57cec5SDimitry Andric COMPILER_RT_ALIAS(__fixunsdfdi, __aeabi_d2ulz)
410b57cec5SDimitry Andric #endif
420b57cec5SDimitry Andric #endif
43349cc55cSDimitry Andric 
44349cc55cSDimitry Andric #if defined(__MINGW32__) && defined(__arm__)
45349cc55cSDimitry Andric COMPILER_RT_ALIAS(__fixunsdfdi, __dtou64)
46349cc55cSDimitry Andric #endif