1 //===-- tsan_rtl_report.cpp -----------------------------------------------===//
2 //
3 // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4 // See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
5 // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
6 //
7 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
8 //
9 // This file is a part of ThreadSanitizer (TSan), a race detector.
10 //
11 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
13 #include "sanitizer_common/sanitizer_libc.h"
14 #include "sanitizer_common/sanitizer_placement_new.h"
15 #include "sanitizer_common/sanitizer_stackdepot.h"
16 #include "sanitizer_common/sanitizer_common.h"
17 #include "sanitizer_common/sanitizer_stacktrace.h"
18 #include "tsan_platform.h"
19 #include "tsan_rtl.h"
20 #include "tsan_suppressions.h"
21 #include "tsan_symbolize.h"
22 #include "tsan_report.h"
23 #include "tsan_sync.h"
24 #include "tsan_mman.h"
25 #include "tsan_flags.h"
26 #include "tsan_fd.h"
28 namespace __tsan {
30 using namespace __sanitizer;
32 static ReportStack *SymbolizeStack(StackTrace trace);
34 // Can be overriden by an application/test to intercept reports.
36 bool OnReport(const ReportDesc *rep, bool suppressed);
37 #else
39 bool OnReport(const ReportDesc *rep, bool suppressed) {
40   (void)rep;
41   return suppressed;
42 }
43 #endif
46 void __tsan_on_report(const ReportDesc *rep) {
47   (void)rep;
48 }
50 static void StackStripMain(SymbolizedStack *frames) {
51   SymbolizedStack *last_frame = nullptr;
52   SymbolizedStack *last_frame2 = nullptr;
53   for (SymbolizedStack *cur = frames; cur; cur = cur->next) {
54     last_frame2 = last_frame;
55     last_frame = cur;
56   }
58   if (last_frame2 == 0)
59     return;
61   const char *last = last_frame->info.function;
62   const char *last2 = last_frame2->info.function;
63   // Strip frame above 'main'
64   if (last2 && 0 == internal_strcmp(last2, "main")) {
65     last_frame->ClearAll();
66     last_frame2->next = nullptr;
67   // Strip our internal thread start routine.
68   } else if (last && 0 == internal_strcmp(last, "__tsan_thread_start_func")) {
69     last_frame->ClearAll();
70     last_frame2->next = nullptr;
71     // Strip global ctors init, .preinit_array and main caller.
72   } else if (last && (0 == internal_strcmp(last, "__do_global_ctors_aux") ||
73                       0 == internal_strcmp(last, "__libc_csu_init") ||
74                       0 == internal_strcmp(last, "__libc_start_main"))) {
75     last_frame->ClearAll();
76     last_frame2->next = nullptr;
77   // If both are 0, then we probably just failed to symbolize.
78   } else if (last || last2) {
79     // Ensure that we recovered stack completely. Trimmed stack
80     // can actually happen if we do not instrument some code,
81     // so it's only a debug print. However we must try hard to not miss it
82     // due to our fault.
83     DPrintf("Bottom stack frame is missed\n");
84   }
85 #else
86   // The last frame always point into runtime (gosched0, goexit0, runtime.main).
87   last_frame->ClearAll();
88   last_frame2->next = nullptr;
89 #endif
90 }
92 ReportStack *SymbolizeStackId(u32 stack_id) {
93   if (stack_id == 0)
94     return 0;
95   StackTrace stack = StackDepotGet(stack_id);
96   if (stack.trace == nullptr)
97     return nullptr;
98   return SymbolizeStack(stack);
99 }
101 static ReportStack *SymbolizeStack(StackTrace trace) {
102   if (trace.size == 0)
103     return 0;
104   SymbolizedStack *top = nullptr;
105   for (uptr si = 0; si < trace.size; si++) {
106     const uptr pc = trace.trace[si];
107     uptr pc1 = pc;
108     // We obtain the return address, but we're interested in the previous
109     // instruction.
110     if ((pc & kExternalPCBit) == 0)
111       pc1 = StackTrace::GetPreviousInstructionPc(pc);
112     SymbolizedStack *ent = SymbolizeCode(pc1);
113     CHECK_NE(ent, 0);
114     SymbolizedStack *last = ent;
115     while (last->next) {
116       last->info.address = pc;  // restore original pc for report
117       last = last->next;
118     }
119     last->info.address = pc;  // restore original pc for report
120     last->next = top;
121     top = ent;
122   }
123   StackStripMain(top);
125   auto *stack = New<ReportStack>();
126   stack->frames = top;
127   return stack;
128 }
130 bool ShouldReport(ThreadState *thr, ReportType typ) {
131   // We set thr->suppress_reports in the fork context.
132   // Taking any locking in the fork context can lead to deadlocks.
133   // If any locks are already taken, it's too late to do this check.
134   CheckedMutex::CheckNoLocks();
135   // For the same reason check we didn't lock thread_registry yet.
137     ThreadRegistryLock l(&ctx->thread_registry);
138   if (!flags()->report_bugs || thr->suppress_reports)
139     return false;
140   switch (typ) {
141     case ReportTypeSignalUnsafe:
142       return flags()->report_signal_unsafe;
143     case ReportTypeThreadLeak:
145       // It's impossible to join phantom threads
146       // in the child after fork.
147       if (ctx->after_multithreaded_fork)
148         return false;
149 #endif
150       return flags()->report_thread_leaks;
151     case ReportTypeMutexDestroyLocked:
152       return flags()->report_destroy_locked;
153     default:
154       return true;
155   }
156 }
158 ScopedReportBase::ScopedReportBase(ReportType typ, uptr tag) {
159   ctx->thread_registry.CheckLocked();
160   rep_ = New<ReportDesc>();
161   rep_->typ = typ;
162   rep_->tag = tag;
163   ctx->report_mtx.Lock();
164 }
166 ScopedReportBase::~ScopedReportBase() {
167   ctx->report_mtx.Unlock();
168   DestroyAndFree(rep_);
169 }
171 void ScopedReportBase::AddStack(StackTrace stack, bool suppressable) {
172   ReportStack **rs = rep_->stacks.PushBack();
173   *rs = SymbolizeStack(stack);
174   (*rs)->suppressable = suppressable;
175 }
177 void ScopedReportBase::AddMemoryAccess(uptr addr, uptr external_tag, Shadow s,
178                                        StackTrace stack, const MutexSet *mset) {
179   auto *mop = New<ReportMop>();
180   rep_->mops.PushBack(mop);
181   mop->tid = s.tid();
182   mop->addr = addr + s.addr0();
183   mop->size = s.size();
184   mop->write = s.IsWrite();
185   mop->atomic = s.IsAtomic();
186   mop->stack = SymbolizeStack(stack);
187   mop->external_tag = external_tag;
188   if (mop->stack)
189     mop->stack->suppressable = true;
190   for (uptr i = 0; i < mset->Size(); i++) {
191     MutexSet::Desc d = mset->Get(i);
192     u64 mid = this->AddMutex(d.id);
193     ReportMopMutex mtx = {mid, d.write};
194     mop->mset.PushBack(mtx);
195   }
196 }
198 void ScopedReportBase::AddUniqueTid(Tid unique_tid) {
199   rep_->unique_tids.PushBack(unique_tid);
200 }
202 void ScopedReportBase::AddThread(const ThreadContext *tctx, bool suppressable) {
203   for (uptr i = 0; i < rep_->threads.Size(); i++) {
204     if ((u32)rep_->threads[i]->id == tctx->tid)
205       return;
206   }
207   auto *rt = New<ReportThread>();
208   rep_->threads.PushBack(rt);
209   rt->id = tctx->tid;
210   rt->os_id = tctx->os_id;
211   rt->running = (tctx->status == ThreadStatusRunning);
212   rt->name = internal_strdup(tctx->name);
213   rt->parent_tid = tctx->parent_tid;
214   rt->thread_type = tctx->thread_type;
215   rt->stack = 0;
216   rt->stack = SymbolizeStackId(tctx->creation_stack_id);
217   if (rt->stack)
218     rt->stack->suppressable = suppressable;
219 }
222 static bool FindThreadByUidLockedCallback(ThreadContextBase *tctx, void *arg) {
223   int unique_id = *(int *)arg;
224   return tctx->unique_id == (u32)unique_id;
225 }
227 static ThreadContext *FindThreadByUidLocked(Tid unique_id) {
228   ctx->thread_registry.CheckLocked();
229   return static_cast<ThreadContext *>(
230       ctx->thread_registry.FindThreadContextLocked(
231           FindThreadByUidLockedCallback, &unique_id));
232 }
234 static ThreadContext *FindThreadByTidLocked(Tid tid) {
235   ctx->thread_registry.CheckLocked();
236   return static_cast<ThreadContext *>(
237       ctx->thread_registry.GetThreadLocked(tid));
238 }
240 static bool IsInStackOrTls(ThreadContextBase *tctx_base, void *arg) {
241   uptr addr = (uptr)arg;
242   ThreadContext *tctx = static_cast<ThreadContext*>(tctx_base);
243   if (tctx->status != ThreadStatusRunning)
244     return false;
245   ThreadState *thr = tctx->thr;
246   CHECK(thr);
247   return ((addr >= thr->stk_addr && addr < thr->stk_addr + thr->stk_size) ||
248           (addr >= thr->tls_addr && addr < thr->tls_addr + thr->tls_size));
249 }
251 ThreadContext *IsThreadStackOrTls(uptr addr, bool *is_stack) {
252   ctx->thread_registry.CheckLocked();
253   ThreadContext *tctx =
254       static_cast<ThreadContext *>(ctx->thread_registry.FindThreadContextLocked(
255           IsInStackOrTls, (void *)addr));
256   if (!tctx)
257     return 0;
258   ThreadState *thr = tctx->thr;
259   CHECK(thr);
260   *is_stack = (addr >= thr->stk_addr && addr < thr->stk_addr + thr->stk_size);
261   return tctx;
262 }
263 #endif
265 void ScopedReportBase::AddThread(Tid unique_tid, bool suppressable) {
267   if (const ThreadContext *tctx = FindThreadByUidLocked(unique_tid))
268     AddThread(tctx, suppressable);
269 #endif
270 }
272 void ScopedReportBase::AddMutex(const SyncVar *s) {
273   for (uptr i = 0; i < rep_->mutexes.Size(); i++) {
274     if (rep_->mutexes[i]->id == s->uid)
275       return;
276   }
277   auto *rm = New<ReportMutex>();
278   rep_->mutexes.PushBack(rm);
279   rm->id = s->uid;
280   rm->addr = s->addr;
281   rm->destroyed = false;
282   rm->stack = SymbolizeStackId(s->creation_stack_id);
283 }
285 u64 ScopedReportBase::AddMutex(u64 id) {
286   u64 uid = 0;
287   u64 mid = id;
288   uptr addr = SyncVar::SplitId(id, &uid);
289   SyncVar *s = ctx->metamap.GetSyncIfExists(addr);
290   // Check that the mutex is still alive.
291   // Another mutex can be created at the same address,
292   // so check uid as well.
293   if (s && s->CheckId(uid)) {
294     Lock l(&s->mtx);
295     mid = s->uid;
296     AddMutex(s);
297   } else {
298     AddDeadMutex(id);
299   }
300   return mid;
301 }
303 void ScopedReportBase::AddDeadMutex(u64 id) {
304   for (uptr i = 0; i < rep_->mutexes.Size(); i++) {
305     if (rep_->mutexes[i]->id == id)
306       return;
307   }
308   auto *rm = New<ReportMutex>();
309   rep_->mutexes.PushBack(rm);
310   rm->id = id;
311   rm->addr = 0;
312   rm->destroyed = true;
313   rm->stack = 0;
314 }
316 void ScopedReportBase::AddLocation(uptr addr, uptr size) {
317   if (addr == 0)
318     return;
320   int fd = -1;
321   Tid creat_tid = kInvalidTid;
322   StackID creat_stack = 0;
323   if (FdLocation(addr, &fd, &creat_tid, &creat_stack)) {
324     auto *loc = New<ReportLocation>();
325     loc->type = ReportLocationFD;
326     loc->fd = fd;
327     loc->tid = creat_tid;
328     loc->stack = SymbolizeStackId(creat_stack);
329     rep_->locs.PushBack(loc);
330     ThreadContext *tctx = FindThreadByUidLocked(creat_tid);
331     if (tctx)
332       AddThread(tctx);
333     return;
334   }
335   MBlock *b = 0;
336   uptr block_begin = 0;
337   Allocator *a = allocator();
338   if (a->PointerIsMine((void*)addr)) {
339     block_begin = (uptr)a->GetBlockBegin((void *)addr);
340     if (block_begin)
341       b = ctx->metamap.GetBlock(block_begin);
342   }
343   if (!b)
344     b = JavaHeapBlock(addr, &block_begin);
345   if (b != 0) {
346     ThreadContext *tctx = FindThreadByTidLocked(b->tid);
347     auto *loc = New<ReportLocation>();
348     loc->type = ReportLocationHeap;
349     loc->heap_chunk_start = (uptr)allocator()->GetBlockBegin((void *)addr);
350     loc->heap_chunk_size = b->siz;
351     loc->external_tag = b->tag;
352     loc->tid = tctx ? tctx->tid : b->tid;
353     loc->stack = SymbolizeStackId(b->stk);
354     rep_->locs.PushBack(loc);
355     if (tctx)
356       AddThread(tctx);
357     return;
358   }
359   bool is_stack = false;
360   if (ThreadContext *tctx = IsThreadStackOrTls(addr, &is_stack)) {
361     auto *loc = New<ReportLocation>();
362     loc->type = is_stack ? ReportLocationStack : ReportLocationTLS;
363     loc->tid = tctx->tid;
364     rep_->locs.PushBack(loc);
365     AddThread(tctx);
366   }
367 #endif
368   if (ReportLocation *loc = SymbolizeData(addr)) {
369     loc->suppressable = true;
370     rep_->locs.PushBack(loc);
371     return;
372   }
373 }
376 void ScopedReportBase::AddSleep(StackID stack_id) {
377   rep_->sleep = SymbolizeStackId(stack_id);
378 }
379 #endif
381 void ScopedReportBase::SetCount(int count) { rep_->count = count; }
383 const ReportDesc *ScopedReportBase::GetReport() const { return rep_; }
385 ScopedReport::ScopedReport(ReportType typ, uptr tag)
386     : ScopedReportBase(typ, tag) {}
388 ScopedReport::~ScopedReport() {}
390 void RestoreStack(Tid tid, const u64 epoch, VarSizeStackTrace *stk,
391                   MutexSet *mset, uptr *tag) {
392   // This function restores stack trace and mutex set for the thread/epoch.
393   // It does so by getting stack trace and mutex set at the beginning of
394   // trace part, and then replaying the trace till the given epoch.
395   Trace* trace = ThreadTrace(tid);
396   ReadLock l(&trace->mtx);
397   const int partidx = (epoch / kTracePartSize) % TraceParts();
398   TraceHeader* hdr = &trace->headers[partidx];
399   if (epoch < hdr->epoch0 || epoch >= hdr->epoch0 + kTracePartSize)
400     return;
401   CHECK_EQ(RoundDown(epoch, kTracePartSize), hdr->epoch0);
402   const u64 epoch0 = RoundDown(epoch, TraceSize());
403   const u64 eend = epoch % TraceSize();
404   const u64 ebegin = RoundDown(eend, kTracePartSize);
405   DPrintf("#%d: RestoreStack epoch=%zu ebegin=%zu eend=%zu partidx=%d\n",
406           tid, (uptr)epoch, (uptr)ebegin, (uptr)eend, partidx);
407   Vector<uptr> stack;
408   stack.Resize(hdr->stack0.size + 64);
409   for (uptr i = 0; i < hdr->stack0.size; i++) {
410     stack[i] = hdr->stack0.trace[i];
411     DPrintf2("  #%02zu: pc=%zx\n", i, stack[i]);
412   }
413   if (mset)
414     *mset = hdr->mset0;
415   uptr pos = hdr->stack0.size;
416   Event *events = (Event*)GetThreadTrace(tid);
417   for (uptr i = ebegin; i <= eend; i++) {
418     Event ev = events[i];
419     EventType typ = (EventType)(ev >> kEventPCBits);
420     uptr pc = (uptr)(ev & ((1ull << kEventPCBits) - 1));
421     DPrintf2("  %zu typ=%d pc=%zx\n", i, typ, pc);
422     if (typ == EventTypeMop) {
423       stack[pos] = pc;
424     } else if (typ == EventTypeFuncEnter) {
425       if (stack.Size() < pos + 2)
426         stack.Resize(pos + 2);
427       stack[pos++] = pc;
428     } else if (typ == EventTypeFuncExit) {
429       if (pos > 0)
430         pos--;
431     }
432     if (mset) {
433       if (typ == EventTypeLock) {
434         mset->Add(pc, true, epoch0 + i);
435       } else if (typ == EventTypeUnlock) {
436         mset->Del(pc, true);
437       } else if (typ == EventTypeRLock) {
438         mset->Add(pc, false, epoch0 + i);
439       } else if (typ == EventTypeRUnlock) {
440         mset->Del(pc, false);
441       }
442     }
443     for (uptr j = 0; j <= pos; j++)
444       DPrintf2("      #%zu: %zx\n", j, stack[j]);
445   }
446   if (pos == 0 && stack[0] == 0)
447     return;
448   pos++;
449   stk->Init(&stack[0], pos);
450   ExtractTagFromStack(stk, tag);
451 }
453 namespace v3 {
455 // Replays the trace up to last_pos position in the last part
456 // or up to the provided epoch/sid (whichever is earlier)
457 // and calls the provided function f for each event.
458 template <typename Func>
459 void TraceReplay(Trace *trace, TracePart *last, Event *last_pos, Sid sid,
460                  Epoch epoch, Func f) {
461   TracePart *part = trace->parts.Front();
462   Sid ev_sid = kFreeSid;
463   Epoch ev_epoch = kEpochOver;
464   for (;;) {
465     DCHECK_EQ(part->trace, trace);
466     // Note: an event can't start in the last element.
467     // Since an event can take up to 2 elements,
468     // we ensure we have at least 2 before adding an event.
469     Event *end = &part->events[TracePart::kSize - 1];
470     if (part == last)
471       end = last_pos;
472     for (Event *evp = &part->events[0]; evp < end; evp++) {
473       Event *evp0 = evp;
474       if (!evp->is_access && !evp->is_func) {
475         switch (evp->type) {
476           case EventType::kTime: {
477             auto *ev = reinterpret_cast<EventTime *>(evp);
478             ev_sid = static_cast<Sid>(ev->sid);
479             ev_epoch = static_cast<Epoch>(ev->epoch);
480             if (ev_sid == sid && ev_epoch > epoch)
481               return;
482             break;
483           }
484           case EventType::kAccessExt:
485             FALLTHROUGH;
486           case EventType::kAccessRange:
487             FALLTHROUGH;
488           case EventType::kLock:
489             FALLTHROUGH;
490           case EventType::kRLock:
491             // These take 2 Event elements.
492             evp++;
493             break;
494           case EventType::kUnlock:
495             // This takes 1 Event element.
496             break;
497         }
498       }
499       CHECK_NE(ev_sid, kFreeSid);
500       CHECK_NE(ev_epoch, kEpochOver);
501       f(ev_sid, ev_epoch, evp0);
502     }
503     if (part == last)
504       return;
505     part = trace->parts.Next(part);
506     CHECK(part);
507   }
508   CHECK(0);
509 }
511 static void RestoreStackMatch(VarSizeStackTrace *pstk, MutexSet *pmset,
512                               Vector<uptr> *stack, MutexSet *mset, uptr pc,
513                               bool *found) {
514   DPrintf2("    MATCHED\n");
515   *pmset = *mset;
516   stack->PushBack(pc);
517   pstk->Init(&(*stack)[0], stack->Size());
518   stack->PopBack();
519   *found = true;
520 }
522 // Checks if addr1|size1 is fully contained in addr2|size2.
523 // We check for fully contained instread of just overlapping
524 // because a memory access is always traced once, but can be
525 // split into multiple accesses in the shadow.
526 static constexpr bool IsWithinAccess(uptr addr1, uptr size1, uptr addr2,
527                                      uptr size2) {
528   return addr1 >= addr2 && addr1 + size1 <= addr2 + size2;
529 }
531 // Replays the trace of thread tid up to the target event identified
532 // by sid/epoch/addr/size/typ and restores and returns stack, mutex set
533 // and tag for that event. If there are multiple such events, it returns
534 // the last one. Returns false if the event is not present in the trace.
535 bool RestoreStack(Tid tid, EventType type, Sid sid, Epoch epoch, uptr addr,
536                   uptr size, AccessType typ, VarSizeStackTrace *pstk,
537                   MutexSet *pmset, uptr *ptag) {
538   // This function restores stack trace and mutex set for the thread/epoch.
539   // It does so by getting stack trace and mutex set at the beginning of
540   // trace part, and then replaying the trace till the given epoch.
541   DPrintf2("RestoreStack: tid=%u sid=%u@%u addr=0x%zx/%zu typ=%x\n", tid,
542            static_cast<int>(sid), static_cast<int>(epoch), addr, size,
543            static_cast<int>(typ));
544   ctx->slot_mtx.CheckLocked();  // needed to prevent trace part recycling
545   ctx->thread_registry.CheckLocked();
546   ThreadContext *tctx =
547       static_cast<ThreadContext *>(ctx->thread_registry.GetThreadLocked(tid));
548   Trace *trace = &tctx->trace;
549   // Snapshot first/last parts and the current position in the last part.
550   TracePart *first_part;
551   TracePart *last_part;
552   Event *last_pos;
553   {
554     Lock lock(&trace->mtx);
555     first_part = trace->parts.Front();
556     if (!first_part)
557       return false;
558     last_part = trace->parts.Back();
559     last_pos = trace->final_pos;
560     if (tctx->thr)
561       last_pos = (Event *)atomic_load_relaxed(&tctx->thr->trace_pos);
562   }
563   DynamicMutexSet mset;
564   Vector<uptr> stack;
565   uptr prev_pc = 0;
566   bool found = false;
567   bool is_read = typ & kAccessRead;
568   bool is_atomic = typ & kAccessAtomic;
569   bool is_free = typ & kAccessFree;
570   TraceReplay(
571       trace, last_part, last_pos, sid, epoch,
572       [&](Sid ev_sid, Epoch ev_epoch, Event *evp) {
573         bool match = ev_sid == sid && ev_epoch == epoch;
574         if (evp->is_access) {
575           if (evp->is_func == 0 && evp->type == EventType::kAccessExt &&
576               evp->_ == 0)  // NopEvent
577             return;
578           auto *ev = reinterpret_cast<EventAccess *>(evp);
579           uptr ev_addr = RestoreAddr(ev->addr);
580           uptr ev_size = 1 << ev->size_log;
581           uptr ev_pc =
582               prev_pc + ev->pc_delta - (1 << (EventAccess::kPCBits - 1));
583           prev_pc = ev_pc;
584           DPrintf2("  Access: pc=0x%zx addr=0x%zx/%zu type=%u/%u\n", ev_pc,
585                    ev_addr, ev_size, ev->is_read, ev->is_atomic);
586           if (match && type == EventType::kAccessExt &&
587               IsWithinAccess(addr, size, ev_addr, ev_size) &&
588               is_read == ev->is_read && is_atomic == ev->is_atomic && !is_free)
589             RestoreStackMatch(pstk, pmset, &stack, mset, ev_pc, &found);
590           return;
591         }
592         if (evp->is_func) {
593           auto *ev = reinterpret_cast<EventFunc *>(evp);
594           if (ev->pc) {
595             DPrintf2("  FuncEnter: pc=0x%llx\n", ev->pc);
596             stack.PushBack(ev->pc);
597           } else {
598             DPrintf2("  FuncExit\n");
599             CHECK(stack.Size());
600             stack.PopBack();
601           }
602           return;
603         }
604         switch (evp->type) {
605           case EventType::kAccessExt: {
606             auto *ev = reinterpret_cast<EventAccessExt *>(evp);
607             uptr ev_addr = RestoreAddr(ev->addr);
608             uptr ev_size = 1 << ev->size_log;
609             prev_pc = ev->pc;
610             DPrintf2("  AccessExt: pc=0x%llx addr=0x%zx/%zu type=%u/%u\n",
611                      ev->pc, ev_addr, ev_size, ev->is_read, ev->is_atomic);
612             if (match && type == EventType::kAccessExt &&
613                 IsWithinAccess(addr, size, ev_addr, ev_size) &&
614                 is_read == ev->is_read && is_atomic == ev->is_atomic &&
615                 !is_free)
616               RestoreStackMatch(pstk, pmset, &stack, mset, ev->pc, &found);
617             break;
618           }
619           case EventType::kAccessRange: {
620             auto *ev = reinterpret_cast<EventAccessRange *>(evp);
621             uptr ev_addr = RestoreAddr(ev->addr);
622             uptr ev_size =
623                 (ev->size_hi << EventAccessRange::kSizeLoBits) + ev->size_lo;
624             uptr ev_pc = RestoreAddr(ev->pc);
625             prev_pc = ev_pc;
626             DPrintf2("  Range: pc=0x%zx addr=0x%zx/%zu type=%u/%u\n", ev_pc,
627                      ev_addr, ev_size, ev->is_read, ev->is_free);
628             if (match && type == EventType::kAccessExt &&
629                 IsWithinAccess(addr, size, ev_addr, ev_size) &&
630                 is_read == ev->is_read && !is_atomic && is_free == ev->is_free)
631               RestoreStackMatch(pstk, pmset, &stack, mset, ev_pc, &found);
632             break;
633           }
634           case EventType::kLock:
635             FALLTHROUGH;
636           case EventType::kRLock: {
637             auto *ev = reinterpret_cast<EventLock *>(evp);
638             bool is_write = ev->type == EventType::kLock;
639             uptr ev_addr = RestoreAddr(ev->addr);
640             uptr ev_pc = RestoreAddr(ev->pc);
641             StackID stack_id =
642                 (ev->stack_hi << EventLock::kStackIDLoBits) + ev->stack_lo;
643             DPrintf2("  Lock: pc=0x%zx addr=0x%zx stack=%u write=%d\n", ev_pc,
644                      ev_addr, stack_id, is_write);
645             mset->AddAddr(ev_addr, stack_id, is_write);
646             // Events with ev_pc == 0 are written to the beginning of trace
647             // part as initial mutex set (are not real).
648             if (match && type == EventType::kLock && addr == ev_addr && ev_pc)
649               RestoreStackMatch(pstk, pmset, &stack, mset, ev_pc, &found);
650             break;
651           }
652           case EventType::kUnlock: {
653             auto *ev = reinterpret_cast<EventUnlock *>(evp);
654             uptr ev_addr = RestoreAddr(ev->addr);
655             DPrintf2("  Unlock: addr=0x%zx\n", ev_addr);
656             mset->DelAddr(ev_addr);
657             break;
658           }
659           case EventType::kTime:
660             // TraceReplay already extracted sid/epoch from it,
661             // nothing else to do here.
662             break;
663         }
664       });
665   ExtractTagFromStack(pstk, ptag);
666   return found;
667 }
669 }  // namespace v3
671 bool RacyStacks::operator==(const RacyStacks &other) const {
672   if (hash[0] == other.hash[0] && hash[1] == other.hash[1])
673     return true;
674   if (hash[0] == other.hash[1] && hash[1] == other.hash[0])
675     return true;
676   return false;
677 }
679 static bool FindRacyStacks(const RacyStacks &hash) {
680   for (uptr i = 0; i < ctx->racy_stacks.Size(); i++) {
681     if (hash == ctx->racy_stacks[i]) {
682       VPrintf(2, "ThreadSanitizer: suppressing report as doubled (stack)\n");
683       return true;
684     }
685   }
686   return false;
687 }
689 static bool HandleRacyStacks(ThreadState *thr, VarSizeStackTrace traces[2]) {
690   if (!flags()->suppress_equal_stacks)
691     return false;
692   RacyStacks hash;
693   hash.hash[0] = md5_hash(traces[0].trace, traces[0].size * sizeof(uptr));
694   hash.hash[1] = md5_hash(traces[1].trace, traces[1].size * sizeof(uptr));
695   {
696     ReadLock lock(&ctx->racy_mtx);
697     if (FindRacyStacks(hash))
698       return true;
699   }
700   Lock lock(&ctx->racy_mtx);
701   if (FindRacyStacks(hash))
702     return true;
703   ctx->racy_stacks.PushBack(hash);
704   return false;
705 }
707 static bool FindRacyAddress(const RacyAddress &ra0) {
708   for (uptr i = 0; i < ctx->racy_addresses.Size(); i++) {
709     RacyAddress ra2 = ctx->racy_addresses[i];
710     uptr maxbeg = max(ra0.addr_min, ra2.addr_min);
711     uptr minend = min(ra0.addr_max, ra2.addr_max);
712     if (maxbeg < minend) {
713       VPrintf(2, "ThreadSanitizer: suppressing report as doubled (addr)\n");
714       return true;
715     }
716   }
717   return false;
718 }
720 static bool HandleRacyAddress(ThreadState *thr, uptr addr_min, uptr addr_max) {
721   if (!flags()->suppress_equal_addresses)
722     return false;
723   RacyAddress ra0 = {addr_min, addr_max};
724   {
725     ReadLock lock(&ctx->racy_mtx);
726     if (FindRacyAddress(ra0))
727       return true;
728   }
729   Lock lock(&ctx->racy_mtx);
730   if (FindRacyAddress(ra0))
731     return true;
732   ctx->racy_addresses.PushBack(ra0);
733   return false;
734 }
736 bool OutputReport(ThreadState *thr, const ScopedReport &srep) {
737   // These should have been checked in ShouldReport.
738   // It's too late to check them here, we have already taken locks.
739   CHECK(flags()->report_bugs);
740   CHECK(!thr->suppress_reports);
741   atomic_store_relaxed(&ctx->last_symbolize_time_ns, NanoTime());
742   const ReportDesc *rep = srep.GetReport();
743   CHECK_EQ(thr->current_report, nullptr);
744   thr->current_report = rep;
745   Suppression *supp = 0;
746   uptr pc_or_addr = 0;
747   for (uptr i = 0; pc_or_addr == 0 && i < rep->mops.Size(); i++)
748     pc_or_addr = IsSuppressed(rep->typ, rep->mops[i]->stack, &supp);
749   for (uptr i = 0; pc_or_addr == 0 && i < rep->stacks.Size(); i++)
750     pc_or_addr = IsSuppressed(rep->typ, rep->stacks[i], &supp);
751   for (uptr i = 0; pc_or_addr == 0 && i < rep->threads.Size(); i++)
752     pc_or_addr = IsSuppressed(rep->typ, rep->threads[i]->stack, &supp);
753   for (uptr i = 0; pc_or_addr == 0 && i < rep->locs.Size(); i++)
754     pc_or_addr = IsSuppressed(rep->typ, rep->locs[i], &supp);
755   if (pc_or_addr != 0) {
756     Lock lock(&ctx->fired_suppressions_mtx);
757     FiredSuppression s = {srep.GetReport()->typ, pc_or_addr, supp};
758     ctx->fired_suppressions.push_back(s);
759   }
760   {
761     bool old_is_freeing = thr->is_freeing;
762     thr->is_freeing = false;
763     bool suppressed = OnReport(rep, pc_or_addr != 0);
764     thr->is_freeing = old_is_freeing;
765     if (suppressed) {
766       thr->current_report = nullptr;
767       return false;
768     }
769   }
770   PrintReport(rep);
771   __tsan_on_report(rep);
772   ctx->nreported++;
773   if (flags()->halt_on_error)
774     Die();
775   thr->current_report = nullptr;
776   return true;
777 }
779 bool IsFiredSuppression(Context *ctx, ReportType type, StackTrace trace) {
780   ReadLock lock(&ctx->fired_suppressions_mtx);
781   for (uptr k = 0; k < ctx->fired_suppressions.size(); k++) {
782     if (ctx->fired_suppressions[k].type != type)
783       continue;
784     for (uptr j = 0; j < trace.size; j++) {
785       FiredSuppression *s = &ctx->fired_suppressions[k];
786       if (trace.trace[j] == s->pc_or_addr) {
787         if (s->supp)
788           atomic_fetch_add(&s->supp->hit_count, 1, memory_order_relaxed);
789         return true;
790       }
791     }
792   }
793   return false;
794 }
796 static bool IsFiredSuppression(Context *ctx, ReportType type, uptr addr) {
797   ReadLock lock(&ctx->fired_suppressions_mtx);
798   for (uptr k = 0; k < ctx->fired_suppressions.size(); k++) {
799     if (ctx->fired_suppressions[k].type != type)
800       continue;
801     FiredSuppression *s = &ctx->fired_suppressions[k];
802     if (addr == s->pc_or_addr) {
803       if (s->supp)
804         atomic_fetch_add(&s->supp->hit_count, 1, memory_order_relaxed);
805       return true;
806     }
807   }
808   return false;
809 }
811 static bool RaceBetweenAtomicAndFree(ThreadState *thr) {
812   Shadow s0(thr->racy_state[0]);
813   Shadow s1(thr->racy_state[1]);
814   CHECK(!(s0.IsAtomic() && s1.IsAtomic()));
815   if (!s0.IsAtomic() && !s1.IsAtomic())
816     return true;
817   if (s0.IsAtomic() && s1.IsFreed())
818     return true;
819   if (s1.IsAtomic() && thr->is_freeing)
820     return true;
821   return false;
822 }
824 void ReportRace(ThreadState *thr) {
825   CheckedMutex::CheckNoLocks();
827   // Symbolizer makes lots of intercepted calls. If we try to process them,
828   // at best it will cause deadlocks on internal mutexes.
829   ScopedIgnoreInterceptors ignore;
831   if (!ShouldReport(thr, ReportTypeRace))
832     return;
833   if (!flags()->report_atomic_races && !RaceBetweenAtomicAndFree(thr))
834     return;
836   bool freed = false;
837   {
838     Shadow s(thr->racy_state[1]);
839     freed = s.GetFreedAndReset();
840     thr->racy_state[1] = s.raw();
841   }
843   uptr addr = ShadowToMem(thr->racy_shadow_addr);
844   uptr addr_min = 0;
845   uptr addr_max = 0;
846   {
847     uptr a0 = addr + Shadow(thr->racy_state[0]).addr0();
848     uptr a1 = addr + Shadow(thr->racy_state[1]).addr0();
849     uptr e0 = a0 + Shadow(thr->racy_state[0]).size();
850     uptr e1 = a1 + Shadow(thr->racy_state[1]).size();
851     addr_min = min(a0, a1);
852     addr_max = max(e0, e1);
853     if (IsExpectedReport(addr_min, addr_max - addr_min))
854       return;
855   }
856   if (HandleRacyAddress(thr, addr_min, addr_max))
857     return;
859   ReportType typ = ReportTypeRace;
860   if (thr->is_vptr_access && freed)
861     typ = ReportTypeVptrUseAfterFree;
862   else if (thr->is_vptr_access)
863     typ = ReportTypeVptrRace;
864   else if (freed)
865     typ = ReportTypeUseAfterFree;
867   if (IsFiredSuppression(ctx, typ, addr))
868     return;
870   const uptr kMop = 2;
871   VarSizeStackTrace traces[kMop];
872   uptr tags[kMop] = {kExternalTagNone};
873   uptr toppc = TraceTopPC(thr);
874   if (toppc >> kEventPCBits) {
875     // This is a work-around for a known issue.
876     // The scenario where this happens is rather elaborate and requires
877     // an instrumented __sanitizer_report_error_summary callback and
878     // a __tsan_symbolize_external callback and a race during a range memory
879     // access larger than 8 bytes. MemoryAccessRange adds the current PC to
880     // the trace and starts processing memory accesses. A first memory access
881     // triggers a race, we report it and call the instrumented
882     // __sanitizer_report_error_summary, which adds more stuff to the trace
883     // since it is intrumented. Then a second memory access in MemoryAccessRange
884     // also triggers a race and we get here and call TraceTopPC to get the
885     // current PC, however now it contains some unrelated events from the
886     // callback. Most likely, TraceTopPC will now return a EventTypeFuncExit
887     // event. Later we subtract -1 from it (in GetPreviousInstructionPc)
888     // and the resulting PC has kExternalPCBit set, so we pass it to
889     // __tsan_symbolize_external_ex. __tsan_symbolize_external_ex is within its
890     // rights to crash since the PC is completely bogus.
891     // test/tsan/double_race.cpp contains a test case for this.
892     toppc = 0;
893   }
894   ObtainCurrentStack(thr, toppc, &traces[0], &tags[0]);
895   if (IsFiredSuppression(ctx, typ, traces[0]))
896     return;
898   DynamicMutexSet mset2;
899   Shadow s2(thr->racy_state[1]);
900   RestoreStack(s2.tid(), s2.epoch(), &traces[1], mset2, &tags[1]);
901   if (IsFiredSuppression(ctx, typ, traces[1]))
902     return;
904   if (HandleRacyStacks(thr, traces))
905     return;
907   // If any of the accesses has a tag, treat this as an "external" race.
908   uptr tag = kExternalTagNone;
909   for (uptr i = 0; i < kMop; i++) {
910     if (tags[i] != kExternalTagNone) {
911       typ = ReportTypeExternalRace;
912       tag = tags[i];
913       break;
914     }
915   }
917   ThreadRegistryLock l0(&ctx->thread_registry);
918   ScopedReport rep(typ, tag);
919   for (uptr i = 0; i < kMop; i++) {
920     Shadow s(thr->racy_state[i]);
921     rep.AddMemoryAccess(addr, tags[i], s, traces[i],
922                         i == 0 ? &thr->mset : mset2);
923   }
925   for (uptr i = 0; i < kMop; i++) {
926     FastState s(thr->racy_state[i]);
927     ThreadContext *tctx = static_cast<ThreadContext *>(
928         ctx->thread_registry.GetThreadLocked(s.tid()));
929     if (s.epoch() < tctx->epoch0 || s.epoch() > tctx->epoch1)
930       continue;
931     rep.AddThread(tctx);
932   }
934   rep.AddLocation(addr_min, addr_max - addr_min);
937   {
938     Shadow s(thr->racy_state[1]);
939     if (s.epoch() <= thr->last_sleep_clock.get(s.tid()))
940       rep.AddSleep(thr->last_sleep_stack_id);
941   }
942 #endif
944   OutputReport(thr, rep);
945 }
947 void PrintCurrentStack(ThreadState *thr, uptr pc) {
948   VarSizeStackTrace trace;
949   ObtainCurrentStack(thr, pc, &trace);
950   PrintStack(SymbolizeStack(trace));
951 }
953 // Always inlining PrintCurrentStackSlow, because LocatePcInTrace assumes
954 // __sanitizer_print_stack_trace exists in the actual unwinded stack, but
955 // tail-call to PrintCurrentStackSlow breaks this assumption because
956 // __sanitizer_print_stack_trace disappears after tail-call.
957 // However, this solution is not reliable enough, please see dvyukov's comment
958 // http://reviews.llvm.org/D19148#406208
959 // Also see PR27280 comment 2 and 3 for breaking examples and analysis.
960 ALWAYS_INLINE USED void PrintCurrentStackSlow(uptr pc) {
962   uptr bp = GET_CURRENT_FRAME();
963   auto *ptrace = New<BufferedStackTrace>();
964   ptrace->Unwind(pc, bp, nullptr, false);
966   for (uptr i = 0; i < ptrace->size / 2; i++) {
967     uptr tmp = ptrace->trace_buffer[i];
968     ptrace->trace_buffer[i] = ptrace->trace_buffer[ptrace->size - i - 1];
969     ptrace->trace_buffer[ptrace->size - i - 1] = tmp;
970   }
971   PrintStack(SymbolizeStack(*ptrace));
972 #endif
973 }
975 }  // namespace __tsan
977 using namespace __tsan;
979 extern "C" {
981 void __sanitizer_print_stack_trace() {
982   PrintCurrentStackSlow(StackTrace::GetCurrentPc());
983 }
984 }  // extern "C"