106c3fb27SDimitry Andric //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===////
206c3fb27SDimitry Andric //
306c3fb27SDimitry Andric // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
406c3fb27SDimitry Andric // See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
506c3fb27SDimitry Andric // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
606c3fb27SDimitry Andric //
706c3fb27SDimitry Andric //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===////
806c3fb27SDimitry Andric 
906c3fb27SDimitry Andric #ifndef FILESYSTEM_TIME_UTILS_H
1006c3fb27SDimitry Andric #define FILESYSTEM_TIME_UTILS_H
1106c3fb27SDimitry Andric 
1206c3fb27SDimitry Andric #include <__config>
1306c3fb27SDimitry Andric #include <array>
1406c3fb27SDimitry Andric #include <chrono>
1506c3fb27SDimitry Andric #include <filesystem>
1606c3fb27SDimitry Andric #include <limits>
1706c3fb27SDimitry Andric #include <ratio>
1806c3fb27SDimitry Andric #include <system_error>
1906c3fb27SDimitry Andric #include <type_traits>
2006c3fb27SDimitry Andric #include <utility>
2106c3fb27SDimitry Andric 
2206c3fb27SDimitry Andric #include "error.h"
2306c3fb27SDimitry Andric #include "format_string.h"
2406c3fb27SDimitry Andric 
2506c3fb27SDimitry Andric #if defined(_LIBCPP_WIN32API)
2606c3fb27SDimitry Andric #  define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN
2706c3fb27SDimitry Andric #  define NOMINMAX
2806c3fb27SDimitry Andric #  include <windows.h>
2906c3fb27SDimitry Andric #else
3006c3fb27SDimitry Andric #  include <fcntl.h>
3106c3fb27SDimitry Andric #  include <sys/stat.h>
3206c3fb27SDimitry Andric #  include <sys/time.h> // for ::utimes as used in __last_write_time
3306c3fb27SDimitry Andric #endif
3406c3fb27SDimitry Andric 
3506c3fb27SDimitry Andric // We can use the presence of UTIME_OMIT to detect platforms that provide utimensat.
3606c3fb27SDimitry Andric #if defined(UTIME_OMIT)
3706c3fb27SDimitry Andric #  define _LIBCPP_USE_UTIMENSAT
3806c3fb27SDimitry Andric #endif
3906c3fb27SDimitry Andric 
4106c3fb27SDimitry Andric 
4206c3fb27SDimitry Andric namespace detail {
4306c3fb27SDimitry Andric 
4406c3fb27SDimitry Andric #if defined(_LIBCPP_WIN32API)
4506c3fb27SDimitry Andric // Various C runtime versions (UCRT, or the legacy msvcrt.dll used by
4606c3fb27SDimitry Andric // some mingw toolchains) provide different stat function implementations,
4706c3fb27SDimitry Andric // with a number of limitations with respect to what we want from the
4806c3fb27SDimitry Andric // stat function. Instead provide our own which does exactly what we want,
4906c3fb27SDimitry Andric // along with our own stat structure and flag macros.
5006c3fb27SDimitry Andric 
5106c3fb27SDimitry Andric struct TimeSpec {
5206c3fb27SDimitry Andric   int64_t tv_sec;
5306c3fb27SDimitry Andric   int64_t tv_nsec;
5406c3fb27SDimitry Andric };
5506c3fb27SDimitry Andric struct StatT {
5606c3fb27SDimitry Andric   unsigned st_mode;
5706c3fb27SDimitry Andric   TimeSpec st_atim;
5806c3fb27SDimitry Andric   TimeSpec st_mtim;
5906c3fb27SDimitry Andric   uint64_t st_dev; // FILE_ID_INFO::VolumeSerialNumber
6006c3fb27SDimitry Andric   struct FileIdStruct {
6106c3fb27SDimitry Andric     unsigned char id[16]; // FILE_ID_INFO::FileId
6206c3fb27SDimitry Andric     bool operator==(const FileIdStruct& other) const {
6306c3fb27SDimitry Andric       for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
6406c3fb27SDimitry Andric         if (id[i] != other.id[i])
6506c3fb27SDimitry Andric           return false;
6606c3fb27SDimitry Andric       return true;
6706c3fb27SDimitry Andric     }
6806c3fb27SDimitry Andric   } st_ino;
6906c3fb27SDimitry Andric   uint32_t st_nlink;
7006c3fb27SDimitry Andric   uintmax_t st_size;
7106c3fb27SDimitry Andric };
7206c3fb27SDimitry Andric 
7306c3fb27SDimitry Andric // There were 369 years and 89 leap days from the Windows epoch
7406c3fb27SDimitry Andric // (1601) to the Unix epoch (1970).
7506c3fb27SDimitry Andric #  define FILE_TIME_OFFSET_SECS (uint64_t(369 * 365 + 89) * (24 * 60 * 60))
7606c3fb27SDimitry Andric 
filetime_to_timespec(LARGE_INTEGER li)7706c3fb27SDimitry Andric inline TimeSpec filetime_to_timespec(LARGE_INTEGER li) {
7806c3fb27SDimitry Andric   TimeSpec ret;
7906c3fb27SDimitry Andric   ret.tv_sec  = li.QuadPart / 10000000 - FILE_TIME_OFFSET_SECS;
8006c3fb27SDimitry Andric   ret.tv_nsec = (li.QuadPart % 10000000) * 100;
8106c3fb27SDimitry Andric   return ret;
8206c3fb27SDimitry Andric }
8306c3fb27SDimitry Andric 
filetime_to_timespec(FILETIME ft)8406c3fb27SDimitry Andric inline TimeSpec filetime_to_timespec(FILETIME ft) {
8506c3fb27SDimitry Andric   LARGE_INTEGER li;
8606c3fb27SDimitry Andric   li.LowPart  = ft.dwLowDateTime;
8706c3fb27SDimitry Andric   li.HighPart = ft.dwHighDateTime;
8806c3fb27SDimitry Andric   return filetime_to_timespec(li);
8906c3fb27SDimitry Andric }
9006c3fb27SDimitry Andric 
timespec_to_filetime(TimeSpec ts)9106c3fb27SDimitry Andric inline FILETIME timespec_to_filetime(TimeSpec ts) {
9206c3fb27SDimitry Andric   LARGE_INTEGER li;
93*cb14a3feSDimitry Andric   li.QuadPart = ts.tv_nsec / 100 + (ts.tv_sec + FILE_TIME_OFFSET_SECS) * 10000000;
9406c3fb27SDimitry Andric   FILETIME ft;
9506c3fb27SDimitry Andric   ft.dwLowDateTime  = li.LowPart;
9606c3fb27SDimitry Andric   ft.dwHighDateTime = li.HighPart;
9706c3fb27SDimitry Andric   return ft;
9806c3fb27SDimitry Andric }
9906c3fb27SDimitry Andric 
10006c3fb27SDimitry Andric #else
10106c3fb27SDimitry Andric using TimeSpec = struct timespec;
10206c3fb27SDimitry Andric using TimeVal  = struct timeval;
10306c3fb27SDimitry Andric using StatT    = struct stat;
10406c3fb27SDimitry Andric 
10506c3fb27SDimitry Andric inline TimeVal make_timeval(TimeSpec const& ts) {
10606c3fb27SDimitry Andric   using namespace chrono;
10706c3fb27SDimitry Andric   auto Convert = [](long nsec) {
10806c3fb27SDimitry Andric     using int_type = decltype(std::declval<TimeVal>().tv_usec);
10906c3fb27SDimitry Andric     auto dur       = duration_cast<microseconds>(nanoseconds(nsec)).count();
11006c3fb27SDimitry Andric     return static_cast<int_type>(dur);
11106c3fb27SDimitry Andric   };
11206c3fb27SDimitry Andric   TimeVal TV = {};
11306c3fb27SDimitry Andric   TV.tv_sec  = ts.tv_sec;
11406c3fb27SDimitry Andric   TV.tv_usec = Convert(ts.tv_nsec);
11506c3fb27SDimitry Andric   return TV;
11606c3fb27SDimitry Andric }
11706c3fb27SDimitry Andric #endif
11806c3fb27SDimitry Andric 
11906c3fb27SDimitry Andric using chrono::duration;
12006c3fb27SDimitry Andric using chrono::duration_cast;
12106c3fb27SDimitry Andric 
122*cb14a3feSDimitry Andric template <class FileTimeT, class TimeT, bool IsFloat = is_floating_point<typename FileTimeT::rep>::value>
12306c3fb27SDimitry Andric struct time_util_base {
12406c3fb27SDimitry Andric   using rep             = typename FileTimeT::rep;
12506c3fb27SDimitry Andric   using fs_duration     = typename FileTimeT::duration;
12606c3fb27SDimitry Andric   using fs_seconds      = duration<rep>;
12706c3fb27SDimitry Andric   using fs_nanoseconds  = duration<rep, nano>;
12806c3fb27SDimitry Andric   using fs_microseconds = duration<rep, micro>;
12906c3fb27SDimitry Andric 
130*cb14a3feSDimitry Andric   static constexpr rep max_seconds = duration_cast<fs_seconds>(FileTimeT::duration::max()).count();
13106c3fb27SDimitry Andric 
13206c3fb27SDimitry Andric   static constexpr rep max_nsec =
133*cb14a3feSDimitry Andric       duration_cast<fs_nanoseconds>(FileTimeT::duration::max() - fs_seconds(max_seconds)).count();
13406c3fb27SDimitry Andric 
135*cb14a3feSDimitry Andric   static constexpr rep min_seconds = duration_cast<fs_seconds>(FileTimeT::duration::min()).count();
13606c3fb27SDimitry Andric 
13706c3fb27SDimitry Andric   static constexpr rep min_nsec_timespec =
138*cb14a3feSDimitry Andric       duration_cast<fs_nanoseconds>((FileTimeT::duration::min() - fs_seconds(min_seconds)) + fs_seconds(1)).count();
13906c3fb27SDimitry Andric 
14006c3fb27SDimitry Andric private:
get_min_nsecstime_util_base1415f757f3fSDimitry Andric   static constexpr fs_duration get_min_nsecs() {
142*cb14a3feSDimitry Andric     return duration_cast<fs_duration>(fs_nanoseconds(min_nsec_timespec) - duration_cast<fs_nanoseconds>(fs_seconds(1)));
14306c3fb27SDimitry Andric   }
14406c3fb27SDimitry Andric   // Static assert that these values properly round trip.
145*cb14a3feSDimitry Andric   static_assert(fs_seconds(min_seconds) + get_min_nsecs() == FileTimeT::duration::min(), "value doesn't roundtrip");
14606c3fb27SDimitry Andric 
check_rangetime_util_base1475f757f3fSDimitry Andric   static constexpr bool check_range() {
14806c3fb27SDimitry Andric     // This kinda sucks, but it's what happens when we don't have __int128_t.
14906c3fb27SDimitry Andric     if (sizeof(TimeT) == sizeof(rep)) {
15006c3fb27SDimitry Andric       typedef duration<long long, ratio<3600 * 24 * 365> > Years;
15106c3fb27SDimitry Andric       return duration_cast<Years>(fs_seconds(max_seconds)) > Years(250) &&
15206c3fb27SDimitry Andric              duration_cast<Years>(fs_seconds(min_seconds)) < Years(-250);
15306c3fb27SDimitry Andric     }
154*cb14a3feSDimitry Andric     return max_seconds >= numeric_limits<TimeT>::max() && min_seconds <= numeric_limits<TimeT>::min();
15506c3fb27SDimitry Andric   }
15606c3fb27SDimitry Andric #if _LIBCPP_STD_VER >= 14
15706c3fb27SDimitry Andric   static_assert(check_range(), "the representable range is unacceptable small");
15806c3fb27SDimitry Andric #endif
15906c3fb27SDimitry Andric };
16006c3fb27SDimitry Andric 
16106c3fb27SDimitry Andric template <class FileTimeT, class TimeT>
16206c3fb27SDimitry Andric struct time_util_base<FileTimeT, TimeT, true> {
16306c3fb27SDimitry Andric   using rep             = typename FileTimeT::rep;
16406c3fb27SDimitry Andric   using fs_duration     = typename FileTimeT::duration;
16506c3fb27SDimitry Andric   using fs_seconds      = duration<rep>;
16606c3fb27SDimitry Andric   using fs_nanoseconds  = duration<rep, nano>;
16706c3fb27SDimitry Andric   using fs_microseconds = duration<rep, micro>;
16806c3fb27SDimitry Andric 
16906c3fb27SDimitry Andric   static const rep max_seconds;
17006c3fb27SDimitry Andric   static const rep max_nsec;
17106c3fb27SDimitry Andric   static const rep min_seconds;
17206c3fb27SDimitry Andric   static const rep min_nsec_timespec;
17306c3fb27SDimitry Andric };
17406c3fb27SDimitry Andric 
17506c3fb27SDimitry Andric template <class FileTimeT, class TimeT>
176*cb14a3feSDimitry Andric const typename FileTimeT::rep time_util_base<FileTimeT, TimeT, true>::max_seconds =
17706c3fb27SDimitry Andric     duration_cast<fs_seconds>(FileTimeT::duration::max()).count();
17806c3fb27SDimitry Andric 
17906c3fb27SDimitry Andric template <class FileTimeT, class TimeT>
18006c3fb27SDimitry Andric const typename FileTimeT::rep time_util_base<FileTimeT, TimeT, true>::max_nsec =
181*cb14a3feSDimitry Andric     duration_cast<fs_nanoseconds>(FileTimeT::duration::max() - fs_seconds(max_seconds)).count();
18206c3fb27SDimitry Andric 
18306c3fb27SDimitry Andric template <class FileTimeT, class TimeT>
184*cb14a3feSDimitry Andric const typename FileTimeT::rep time_util_base<FileTimeT, TimeT, true>::min_seconds =
18506c3fb27SDimitry Andric     duration_cast<fs_seconds>(FileTimeT::duration::min()).count();
18606c3fb27SDimitry Andric 
18706c3fb27SDimitry Andric template <class FileTimeT, class TimeT>
188*cb14a3feSDimitry Andric const typename FileTimeT::rep time_util_base<FileTimeT, TimeT, true>::min_nsec_timespec =
189*cb14a3feSDimitry Andric     duration_cast<fs_nanoseconds>((FileTimeT::duration::min() - fs_seconds(min_seconds)) + fs_seconds(1)).count();
19006c3fb27SDimitry Andric 
19106c3fb27SDimitry Andric template <class FileTimeT, class TimeT, class TimeSpecT>
19206c3fb27SDimitry Andric struct time_util : time_util_base<FileTimeT, TimeT> {
19306c3fb27SDimitry Andric   using Base = time_util_base<FileTimeT, TimeT>;
19406c3fb27SDimitry Andric   using Base::max_nsec;
19506c3fb27SDimitry Andric   using Base::max_seconds;
19606c3fb27SDimitry Andric   using Base::min_nsec_timespec;
19706c3fb27SDimitry Andric   using Base::min_seconds;
19806c3fb27SDimitry Andric 
19906c3fb27SDimitry Andric   using typename Base::fs_duration;
20006c3fb27SDimitry Andric   using typename Base::fs_microseconds;
20106c3fb27SDimitry Andric   using typename Base::fs_nanoseconds;
20206c3fb27SDimitry Andric   using typename Base::fs_seconds;
20306c3fb27SDimitry Andric 
20406c3fb27SDimitry Andric public:
20506c3fb27SDimitry Andric   template <class CType, class ChronoType>
206*cb14a3feSDimitry Andric   static constexpr bool checked_set(CType* out, ChronoType time) {
20706c3fb27SDimitry Andric     using Lim = numeric_limits<CType>;
20806c3fb27SDimitry Andric     if (time > Lim::max() || time < Lim::min())
20906c3fb27SDimitry Andric       return false;
21006c3fb27SDimitry Andric     *out = static_cast<CType>(time);
21106c3fb27SDimitry Andric     return true;
21206c3fb27SDimitry Andric   }
21306c3fb27SDimitry Andric 
2145f757f3fSDimitry Andric   static constexpr bool is_representable(TimeSpecT tm) {
21506c3fb27SDimitry Andric     if (tm.tv_sec >= 0) {
216*cb14a3feSDimitry Andric       return tm.tv_sec < max_seconds || (tm.tv_sec == max_seconds && tm.tv_nsec <= max_nsec);
21706c3fb27SDimitry Andric     } else if (tm.tv_sec == (min_seconds - 1)) {
21806c3fb27SDimitry Andric       return tm.tv_nsec >= min_nsec_timespec;
21906c3fb27SDimitry Andric     } else {
22006c3fb27SDimitry Andric       return tm.tv_sec >= min_seconds;
22106c3fb27SDimitry Andric     }
22206c3fb27SDimitry Andric   }
22306c3fb27SDimitry Andric 
2245f757f3fSDimitry Andric   static constexpr bool is_representable(FileTimeT tm) {
22506c3fb27SDimitry Andric     auto secs  = duration_cast<fs_seconds>(tm.time_since_epoch());
22606c3fb27SDimitry Andric     auto nsecs = duration_cast<fs_nanoseconds>(tm.time_since_epoch() - secs);
22706c3fb27SDimitry Andric     if (nsecs.count() < 0) {
22806c3fb27SDimitry Andric       secs  = secs + fs_seconds(1);
22906c3fb27SDimitry Andric       nsecs = nsecs + fs_seconds(1);
23006c3fb27SDimitry Andric     }
23106c3fb27SDimitry Andric     using TLim = numeric_limits<TimeT>;
23206c3fb27SDimitry Andric     if (secs.count() >= 0)
23306c3fb27SDimitry Andric       return secs.count() <= TLim::max();
23406c3fb27SDimitry Andric     return secs.count() >= TLim::min();
23506c3fb27SDimitry Andric   }
23606c3fb27SDimitry Andric 
237*cb14a3feSDimitry Andric   static constexpr FileTimeT convert_from_timespec(TimeSpecT tm) {
23806c3fb27SDimitry Andric     if (tm.tv_sec >= 0 || tm.tv_nsec == 0) {
239*cb14a3feSDimitry Andric       return FileTimeT(fs_seconds(tm.tv_sec) + duration_cast<fs_duration>(fs_nanoseconds(tm.tv_nsec)));
24006c3fb27SDimitry Andric     } else { // tm.tv_sec < 0
241*cb14a3feSDimitry Andric       auto adj_subsec = duration_cast<fs_duration>(fs_seconds(1) - fs_nanoseconds(tm.tv_nsec));
24206c3fb27SDimitry Andric       auto Dur        = fs_seconds(tm.tv_sec + 1) - adj_subsec;
24306c3fb27SDimitry Andric       return FileTimeT(Dur);
24406c3fb27SDimitry Andric     }
24506c3fb27SDimitry Andric   }
24606c3fb27SDimitry Andric 
24706c3fb27SDimitry Andric   template <class SubSecT>
248*cb14a3feSDimitry Andric   static constexpr bool set_times_checked(TimeT* sec_out, SubSecT* subsec_out, FileTimeT tp) {
24906c3fb27SDimitry Andric     auto dur        = tp.time_since_epoch();
25006c3fb27SDimitry Andric     auto sec_dur    = duration_cast<fs_seconds>(dur);
25106c3fb27SDimitry Andric     auto subsec_dur = duration_cast<fs_nanoseconds>(dur - sec_dur);
25206c3fb27SDimitry Andric     // The tv_nsec and tv_usec fields must not be negative so adjust accordingly
25306c3fb27SDimitry Andric     if (subsec_dur.count() < 0) {
25406c3fb27SDimitry Andric       if (sec_dur.count() > min_seconds) {
25506c3fb27SDimitry Andric         sec_dur    = sec_dur - fs_seconds(1);
25606c3fb27SDimitry Andric         subsec_dur = subsec_dur + fs_seconds(1);
25706c3fb27SDimitry Andric       } else {
25806c3fb27SDimitry Andric         subsec_dur = fs_nanoseconds::zero();
25906c3fb27SDimitry Andric       }
26006c3fb27SDimitry Andric     }
261*cb14a3feSDimitry Andric     return checked_set(sec_out, sec_dur.count()) && checked_set(subsec_out, subsec_dur.count());
26206c3fb27SDimitry Andric   }
263*cb14a3feSDimitry Andric   static constexpr bool convert_to_timespec(TimeSpecT& dest, FileTimeT tp) {
26406c3fb27SDimitry Andric     if (!is_representable(tp))
26506c3fb27SDimitry Andric       return false;
26606c3fb27SDimitry Andric     return set_times_checked(&dest.tv_sec, &dest.tv_nsec, tp);
26706c3fb27SDimitry Andric   }
26806c3fb27SDimitry Andric };
26906c3fb27SDimitry Andric 
27006c3fb27SDimitry Andric #if defined(_LIBCPP_WIN32API)
27106c3fb27SDimitry Andric using fs_time = time_util<file_time_type, int64_t, TimeSpec>;
27206c3fb27SDimitry Andric #else
27306c3fb27SDimitry Andric using fs_time = time_util<file_time_type, time_t, TimeSpec>;
27406c3fb27SDimitry Andric #endif
27506c3fb27SDimitry Andric 
27606c3fb27SDimitry Andric #if defined(__APPLE__)
27706c3fb27SDimitry Andric inline TimeSpec extract_mtime(StatT const& st) { return st.st_mtimespec; }
27806c3fb27SDimitry Andric inline TimeSpec extract_atime(StatT const& st) { return st.st_atimespec; }
27906c3fb27SDimitry Andric #elif defined(__MVS__)
28006c3fb27SDimitry Andric inline TimeSpec extract_mtime(StatT const& st) {
28106c3fb27SDimitry Andric   TimeSpec TS = {st.st_mtime, 0};
28206c3fb27SDimitry Andric   return TS;
28306c3fb27SDimitry Andric }
28406c3fb27SDimitry Andric inline TimeSpec extract_atime(StatT const& st) {
28506c3fb27SDimitry Andric   TimeSpec TS = {st.st_atime, 0};
28606c3fb27SDimitry Andric   return TS;
28706c3fb27SDimitry Andric }
28806c3fb27SDimitry Andric #elif defined(_AIX)
28906c3fb27SDimitry Andric inline TimeSpec extract_mtime(StatT const& st) {
29006c3fb27SDimitry Andric   TimeSpec TS = {st.st_mtime, st.st_mtime_n};
29106c3fb27SDimitry Andric   return TS;
29206c3fb27SDimitry Andric }
29306c3fb27SDimitry Andric inline TimeSpec extract_atime(StatT const& st) {
29406c3fb27SDimitry Andric   TimeSpec TS = {st.st_atime, st.st_atime_n};
29506c3fb27SDimitry Andric   return TS;
29606c3fb27SDimitry Andric }
29706c3fb27SDimitry Andric #else
29806c3fb27SDimitry Andric inline TimeSpec extract_mtime(StatT const& st) { return st.st_mtim; }
29906c3fb27SDimitry Andric inline TimeSpec extract_atime(StatT const& st) { return st.st_atim; }
30006c3fb27SDimitry Andric #endif
30106c3fb27SDimitry Andric 
30206c3fb27SDimitry Andric #ifndef _LIBCPP_HAS_NO_FILESYSTEM
30306c3fb27SDimitry Andric 
30406c3fb27SDimitry Andric #  if !defined(_LIBCPP_WIN32API)
305*cb14a3feSDimitry Andric inline bool posix_utimes(const path& p, std::array<TimeSpec, 2> const& TS, error_code& ec) {
30606c3fb27SDimitry Andric   TimeVal ConvertedTS[2] = {make_timeval(TS[0]), make_timeval(TS[1])};
30706c3fb27SDimitry Andric   if (::utimes(p.c_str(), ConvertedTS) == -1) {
30806c3fb27SDimitry Andric     ec = capture_errno();
30906c3fb27SDimitry Andric     return true;
31006c3fb27SDimitry Andric   }
31106c3fb27SDimitry Andric   return false;
31206c3fb27SDimitry Andric }
31306c3fb27SDimitry Andric 
31406c3fb27SDimitry Andric #    if defined(_LIBCPP_USE_UTIMENSAT)
315*cb14a3feSDimitry Andric inline bool posix_utimensat(const path& p, std::array<TimeSpec, 2> const& TS, error_code& ec) {
31606c3fb27SDimitry Andric   if (::utimensat(AT_FDCWD, p.c_str(), TS.data(), 0) == -1) {
31706c3fb27SDimitry Andric     ec = capture_errno();
31806c3fb27SDimitry Andric     return true;
31906c3fb27SDimitry Andric   }
32006c3fb27SDimitry Andric   return false;
32106c3fb27SDimitry Andric }
32206c3fb27SDimitry Andric #    endif
32306c3fb27SDimitry Andric 
324*cb14a3feSDimitry Andric inline bool set_file_times(const path& p, std::array<TimeSpec, 2> const& TS, error_code& ec) {
32506c3fb27SDimitry Andric #    if !defined(_LIBCPP_USE_UTIMENSAT)
32606c3fb27SDimitry Andric   return posix_utimes(p, TS, ec);
32706c3fb27SDimitry Andric #    else
32806c3fb27SDimitry Andric   return posix_utimensat(p, TS, ec);
32906c3fb27SDimitry Andric #    endif
33006c3fb27SDimitry Andric }
33106c3fb27SDimitry Andric 
33206c3fb27SDimitry Andric #  endif // !_LIBCPP_WIN32API
33306c3fb27SDimitry Andric 
334*cb14a3feSDimitry Andric inline file_time_type __extract_last_write_time(const path& p, const StatT& st, error_code* ec) {
33506c3fb27SDimitry Andric   using detail::fs_time;
33606c3fb27SDimitry Andric   ErrorHandler<file_time_type> err("last_write_time", ec, &p);
33706c3fb27SDimitry Andric 
33806c3fb27SDimitry Andric   auto ts = detail::extract_mtime(st);
33906c3fb27SDimitry Andric   if (!fs_time::is_representable(ts))
34006c3fb27SDimitry Andric     return err.report(errc::value_too_large);
34106c3fb27SDimitry Andric 
34206c3fb27SDimitry Andric   return fs_time::convert_from_timespec(ts);
34306c3fb27SDimitry Andric }
34406c3fb27SDimitry Andric 
34506c3fb27SDimitry Andric #endif // !_LIBCPP_HAS_NO_FILESYSTEM
34606c3fb27SDimitry Andric 
34706c3fb27SDimitry Andric } // end namespace detail
34806c3fb27SDimitry Andric 
35006c3fb27SDimitry Andric 
35106c3fb27SDimitry Andric #endif // FILESYSTEM_TIME_UTILS_H