10b57cec5SDimitry Andric //===-- SBThread.h ----------------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
20b57cec5SDimitry Andric //
30b57cec5SDimitry Andric // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
40b57cec5SDimitry Andric // See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
50b57cec5SDimitry Andric // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
60b57cec5SDimitry Andric //
70b57cec5SDimitry Andric //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
80b57cec5SDimitry Andric 
95ffd83dbSDimitry Andric #ifndef LLDB_API_SBTHREAD_H
105ffd83dbSDimitry Andric #define LLDB_API_SBTHREAD_H
110b57cec5SDimitry Andric 
120b57cec5SDimitry Andric #include "lldb/API/SBDefines.h"
130b57cec5SDimitry Andric 
14fe6060f1SDimitry Andric #include <cstdio>
150b57cec5SDimitry Andric 
1606c3fb27SDimitry Andric namespace lldb_private {
1706c3fb27SDimitry Andric namespace python {
1806c3fb27SDimitry Andric class SWIGBridge;
1906c3fb27SDimitry Andric }
2006c3fb27SDimitry Andric } // namespace lldb_private
2106c3fb27SDimitry Andric 
220b57cec5SDimitry Andric namespace lldb {
230b57cec5SDimitry Andric 
240b57cec5SDimitry Andric class SBFrame;
250b57cec5SDimitry Andric 
260b57cec5SDimitry Andric class LLDB_API SBThread {
270b57cec5SDimitry Andric public:
280b57cec5SDimitry Andric   enum {
290b57cec5SDimitry Andric     eBroadcastBitStackChanged = (1 << 0),
300b57cec5SDimitry Andric     eBroadcastBitThreadSuspended = (1 << 1),
310b57cec5SDimitry Andric     eBroadcastBitThreadResumed = (1 << 2),
320b57cec5SDimitry Andric     eBroadcastBitSelectedFrameChanged = (1 << 3),
330b57cec5SDimitry Andric     eBroadcastBitThreadSelected = (1 << 4)
340b57cec5SDimitry Andric   };
350b57cec5SDimitry Andric 
360b57cec5SDimitry Andric   static const char *GetBroadcasterClassName();
370b57cec5SDimitry Andric 
380b57cec5SDimitry Andric   SBThread();
390b57cec5SDimitry Andric 
400b57cec5SDimitry Andric   SBThread(const lldb::SBThread &thread);
410b57cec5SDimitry Andric 
420b57cec5SDimitry Andric   ~SBThread();
430b57cec5SDimitry Andric 
440b57cec5SDimitry Andric   lldb::SBQueue GetQueue() const;
450b57cec5SDimitry Andric 
460b57cec5SDimitry Andric   explicit operator bool() const;
470b57cec5SDimitry Andric 
480b57cec5SDimitry Andric   bool IsValid() const;
490b57cec5SDimitry Andric 
500b57cec5SDimitry Andric   void Clear();
510b57cec5SDimitry Andric 
520b57cec5SDimitry Andric   lldb::StopReason GetStopReason();
530b57cec5SDimitry Andric 
540b57cec5SDimitry Andric   /// Get the number of words associated with the stop reason.
550b57cec5SDimitry Andric   /// See also GetStopReasonDataAtIndex().
560b57cec5SDimitry Andric   size_t GetStopReasonDataCount();
570b57cec5SDimitry Andric 
580b57cec5SDimitry Andric   /// Get information associated with a stop reason.
590b57cec5SDimitry Andric   ///
600b57cec5SDimitry Andric   /// Breakpoint stop reasons will have data that consists of pairs of
610b57cec5SDimitry Andric   /// breakpoint IDs followed by the breakpoint location IDs (they always come
620b57cec5SDimitry Andric   /// in pairs).
630b57cec5SDimitry Andric   ///
640b57cec5SDimitry Andric   /// Stop Reason              Count Data Type
650b57cec5SDimitry Andric   /// ======================== ===== =========================================
660b57cec5SDimitry Andric   /// eStopReasonNone          0
670b57cec5SDimitry Andric   /// eStopReasonTrace         0
680b57cec5SDimitry Andric   /// eStopReasonBreakpoint    N     duple: {breakpoint id, location id}
690b57cec5SDimitry Andric   /// eStopReasonWatchpoint    1     watchpoint id
700b57cec5SDimitry Andric   /// eStopReasonSignal        1     unix signal number
710b57cec5SDimitry Andric   /// eStopReasonException     N     exception data
720b57cec5SDimitry Andric   /// eStopReasonExec          0
73fe6060f1SDimitry Andric   /// eStopReasonFork          1     pid of the child process
74fe6060f1SDimitry Andric   /// eStopReasonVFork         1     pid of the child process
75fe6060f1SDimitry Andric   /// eStopReasonVForkDone     0
760b57cec5SDimitry Andric   /// eStopReasonPlanComplete  0
770b57cec5SDimitry Andric   uint64_t GetStopReasonDataAtIndex(uint32_t idx);
780b57cec5SDimitry Andric 
790b57cec5SDimitry Andric   bool GetStopReasonExtendedInfoAsJSON(lldb::SBStream &stream);
800b57cec5SDimitry Andric 
810b57cec5SDimitry Andric   SBThreadCollection
820b57cec5SDimitry Andric   GetStopReasonExtendedBacktraces(InstrumentationRuntimeType type);
830b57cec5SDimitry Andric 
8406c3fb27SDimitry Andric   size_t GetStopDescription(char *dst_or_null, size_t dst_len);
850b57cec5SDimitry Andric 
860b57cec5SDimitry Andric   SBValue GetStopReturnValue();
870b57cec5SDimitry Andric 
880b57cec5SDimitry Andric   lldb::tid_t GetThreadID() const;
890b57cec5SDimitry Andric 
900b57cec5SDimitry Andric   uint32_t GetIndexID() const;
910b57cec5SDimitry Andric 
920b57cec5SDimitry Andric   const char *GetName() const;
930b57cec5SDimitry Andric 
940b57cec5SDimitry Andric   const char *GetQueueName() const;
950b57cec5SDimitry Andric 
960b57cec5SDimitry Andric   lldb::queue_id_t GetQueueID() const;
970b57cec5SDimitry Andric 
980b57cec5SDimitry Andric   bool GetInfoItemByPathAsString(const char *path, SBStream &strm);
990b57cec5SDimitry Andric 
1000b57cec5SDimitry Andric   void StepOver(lldb::RunMode stop_other_threads = lldb::eOnlyDuringStepping);
1010b57cec5SDimitry Andric 
1020b57cec5SDimitry Andric   void StepOver(lldb::RunMode stop_other_threads, SBError &error);
1030b57cec5SDimitry Andric 
1040b57cec5SDimitry Andric   void StepInto(lldb::RunMode stop_other_threads = lldb::eOnlyDuringStepping);
1050b57cec5SDimitry Andric 
1060b57cec5SDimitry Andric   void StepInto(const char *target_name,
1070b57cec5SDimitry Andric                 lldb::RunMode stop_other_threads = lldb::eOnlyDuringStepping);
1080b57cec5SDimitry Andric 
1090b57cec5SDimitry Andric   void StepInto(const char *target_name, uint32_t end_line, SBError &error,
1100b57cec5SDimitry Andric                 lldb::RunMode stop_other_threads = lldb::eOnlyDuringStepping);
1110b57cec5SDimitry Andric 
1120b57cec5SDimitry Andric   void StepOut();
1130b57cec5SDimitry Andric 
1140b57cec5SDimitry Andric   void StepOut(SBError &error);
1150b57cec5SDimitry Andric 
1160b57cec5SDimitry Andric   void StepOutOfFrame(SBFrame &frame);
1170b57cec5SDimitry Andric 
1180b57cec5SDimitry Andric   void StepOutOfFrame(SBFrame &frame, SBError &error);
1190b57cec5SDimitry Andric 
1200b57cec5SDimitry Andric   void StepInstruction(bool step_over);
1210b57cec5SDimitry Andric 
1220b57cec5SDimitry Andric   void StepInstruction(bool step_over, SBError &error);
1230b57cec5SDimitry Andric 
1240b57cec5SDimitry Andric   SBError StepOverUntil(lldb::SBFrame &frame, lldb::SBFileSpec &file_spec,
1250b57cec5SDimitry Andric                         uint32_t line);
1260b57cec5SDimitry Andric 
1270b57cec5SDimitry Andric   SBError StepUsingScriptedThreadPlan(const char *script_class_name);
1280b57cec5SDimitry Andric 
1290b57cec5SDimitry Andric   SBError StepUsingScriptedThreadPlan(const char *script_class_name,
1300b57cec5SDimitry Andric                                       bool resume_immediately);
1310b57cec5SDimitry Andric 
1329dba64beSDimitry Andric   SBError StepUsingScriptedThreadPlan(const char *script_class_name,
1339dba64beSDimitry Andric                                       lldb::SBStructuredData &args_data,
1349dba64beSDimitry Andric                                       bool resume_immediately);
1359dba64beSDimitry Andric 
1360b57cec5SDimitry Andric   SBError JumpToLine(lldb::SBFileSpec &file_spec, uint32_t line);
1370b57cec5SDimitry Andric 
1380b57cec5SDimitry Andric   void RunToAddress(lldb::addr_t addr);
1390b57cec5SDimitry Andric 
1400b57cec5SDimitry Andric   void RunToAddress(lldb::addr_t addr, SBError &error);
1410b57cec5SDimitry Andric 
1420b57cec5SDimitry Andric   SBError ReturnFromFrame(SBFrame &frame, SBValue &return_value);
1430b57cec5SDimitry Andric 
1440b57cec5SDimitry Andric   SBError UnwindInnermostExpression();
1450b57cec5SDimitry Andric 
1460b57cec5SDimitry Andric   /// LLDB currently supports process centric debugging which means when any
1470b57cec5SDimitry Andric   /// thread in a process stops, all other threads are stopped. The Suspend()
1480b57cec5SDimitry Andric   /// call here tells our process to suspend a thread and not let it run when
1490b57cec5SDimitry Andric   /// the other threads in a process are allowed to run. So when
1500b57cec5SDimitry Andric   /// SBProcess::Continue() is called, any threads that aren't suspended will
1510b57cec5SDimitry Andric   /// be allowed to run. If any of the SBThread functions for stepping are
1520b57cec5SDimitry Andric   /// called (StepOver, StepInto, StepOut, StepInstruction, RunToAddress), the
1530b57cec5SDimitry Andric   /// thread will not be allowed to run and these functions will simply return.
1540b57cec5SDimitry Andric   ///
1550b57cec5SDimitry Andric   /// Eventually we plan to add support for thread centric debugging where
1560b57cec5SDimitry Andric   /// each thread is controlled individually and each thread would broadcast
1570b57cec5SDimitry Andric   /// its state, but we haven't implemented this yet.
1580b57cec5SDimitry Andric   ///
1590b57cec5SDimitry Andric   /// Likewise the SBThread::Resume() call will again allow the thread to run
1600b57cec5SDimitry Andric   /// when the process is continued.
1610b57cec5SDimitry Andric   ///
1620b57cec5SDimitry Andric   /// Suspend() and Resume() functions are not currently reference counted, if
1630b57cec5SDimitry Andric   /// anyone has the need for them to be reference counted, please let us
1640b57cec5SDimitry Andric   /// know.
1650b57cec5SDimitry Andric   bool Suspend();
1660b57cec5SDimitry Andric 
1670b57cec5SDimitry Andric   bool Suspend(SBError &error);
1680b57cec5SDimitry Andric 
1690b57cec5SDimitry Andric   bool Resume();
1700b57cec5SDimitry Andric 
1710b57cec5SDimitry Andric   bool Resume(SBError &error);
1720b57cec5SDimitry Andric 
1730b57cec5SDimitry Andric   bool IsSuspended();
1740b57cec5SDimitry Andric 
1750b57cec5SDimitry Andric   bool IsStopped();
1760b57cec5SDimitry Andric 
1770b57cec5SDimitry Andric   uint32_t GetNumFrames();
1780b57cec5SDimitry Andric 
1790b57cec5SDimitry Andric   lldb::SBFrame GetFrameAtIndex(uint32_t idx);
1800b57cec5SDimitry Andric 
1810b57cec5SDimitry Andric   lldb::SBFrame GetSelectedFrame();
1820b57cec5SDimitry Andric 
1830b57cec5SDimitry Andric   lldb::SBFrame SetSelectedFrame(uint32_t frame_idx);
1840b57cec5SDimitry Andric 
1850b57cec5SDimitry Andric   static bool EventIsThreadEvent(const SBEvent &event);
1860b57cec5SDimitry Andric 
1870b57cec5SDimitry Andric   static SBFrame GetStackFrameFromEvent(const SBEvent &event);
1880b57cec5SDimitry Andric 
1890b57cec5SDimitry Andric   static SBThread GetThreadFromEvent(const SBEvent &event);
1900b57cec5SDimitry Andric 
1910b57cec5SDimitry Andric   lldb::SBProcess GetProcess();
1920b57cec5SDimitry Andric 
1930b57cec5SDimitry Andric   const lldb::SBThread &operator=(const lldb::SBThread &rhs);
1940b57cec5SDimitry Andric 
1950b57cec5SDimitry Andric   bool operator==(const lldb::SBThread &rhs) const;
1960b57cec5SDimitry Andric 
1970b57cec5SDimitry Andric   bool operator!=(const lldb::SBThread &rhs) const;
1980b57cec5SDimitry Andric 
1990b57cec5SDimitry Andric   bool GetDescription(lldb::SBStream &description) const;
2000b57cec5SDimitry Andric 
2010b57cec5SDimitry Andric   bool GetDescription(lldb::SBStream &description, bool stop_format) const;
2020b57cec5SDimitry Andric 
2035f757f3fSDimitry Andric   /// Similar to \a GetDescription() but the format of the description can be
2045f757f3fSDimitry Andric   /// configured via the \p format parameter. See
2055f757f3fSDimitry Andric   /// https://lldb.llvm.org/use/formatting.html for more information on format
2065f757f3fSDimitry Andric   /// strings.
2075f757f3fSDimitry Andric   ///
2085f757f3fSDimitry Andric   /// \param[in] format
2095f757f3fSDimitry Andric   ///   The format to use for generating the description.
2105f757f3fSDimitry Andric   ///
2115f757f3fSDimitry Andric   /// \param[out] output
2125f757f3fSDimitry Andric   ///   The stream where the description will be written to.
2135f757f3fSDimitry Andric   ///
2145f757f3fSDimitry Andric   /// \return
2155f757f3fSDimitry Andric   ///   An error object with an error message in case of failures.
2165f757f3fSDimitry Andric   SBError GetDescriptionWithFormat(const SBFormat &format, SBStream &output);
2175f757f3fSDimitry Andric 
2180b57cec5SDimitry Andric   bool GetStatus(lldb::SBStream &status) const;
2190b57cec5SDimitry Andric 
2200b57cec5SDimitry Andric   SBThread GetExtendedBacktraceThread(const char *type);
2210b57cec5SDimitry Andric 
2220b57cec5SDimitry Andric   uint32_t GetExtendedBacktraceOriginatingIndexID();
2230b57cec5SDimitry Andric 
2240b57cec5SDimitry Andric   SBValue GetCurrentException();
2250b57cec5SDimitry Andric 
2260b57cec5SDimitry Andric   SBThread GetCurrentExceptionBacktrace();
2270b57cec5SDimitry Andric 
2280b57cec5SDimitry Andric   bool SafeToCallFunctions();
2290b57cec5SDimitry Andric 
2301fd87a68SDimitry Andric   SBValue GetSiginfo();
23104eeddc0SDimitry Andric 
2320b57cec5SDimitry Andric private:
2330b57cec5SDimitry Andric   friend class SBBreakpoint;
2340b57cec5SDimitry Andric   friend class SBBreakpointLocation;
2350b57cec5SDimitry Andric   friend class SBBreakpointCallbackBaton;
2360b57cec5SDimitry Andric   friend class SBExecutionContext;
2370b57cec5SDimitry Andric   friend class SBFrame;
2380b57cec5SDimitry Andric   friend class SBProcess;
2390b57cec5SDimitry Andric   friend class SBDebugger;
2400b57cec5SDimitry Andric   friend class SBValue;
2410b57cec5SDimitry Andric   friend class lldb_private::QueueImpl;
2420b57cec5SDimitry Andric   friend class SBQueueItem;
24306c3fb27SDimitry Andric   friend class SBThreadCollection;
2440b57cec5SDimitry Andric   friend class SBThreadPlan;
245fe6060f1SDimitry Andric   friend class SBTrace;
2460b57cec5SDimitry Andric 
24706c3fb27SDimitry Andric   friend class lldb_private::python::SWIGBridge;
24806c3fb27SDimitry Andric 
24906c3fb27SDimitry Andric   SBThread(const lldb::ThreadSP &lldb_object_sp);
25006c3fb27SDimitry Andric 
2510b57cec5SDimitry Andric   void SetThread(const lldb::ThreadSP &lldb_object_sp);
2520b57cec5SDimitry Andric 
2530b57cec5SDimitry Andric   SBError ResumeNewPlan(lldb_private::ExecutionContext &exe_ctx,
2540b57cec5SDimitry Andric                         lldb_private::ThreadPlan *new_plan);
2550b57cec5SDimitry Andric 
2560b57cec5SDimitry Andric   lldb::ExecutionContextRefSP m_opaque_sp;
2570b57cec5SDimitry Andric 
2580b57cec5SDimitry Andric   lldb_private::Thread *operator->();
2590b57cec5SDimitry Andric 
2600b57cec5SDimitry Andric   lldb_private::Thread *get();
2610b57cec5SDimitry Andric };
2620b57cec5SDimitry Andric 
2630b57cec5SDimitry Andric } // namespace lldb
2640b57cec5SDimitry Andric 
2655ffd83dbSDimitry Andric #endif // LLDB_API_SBTHREAD_H