1 //===-- SBTraceCursor.h -----------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
2 //
3 // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4 // See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
5 // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
6 //
7 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
12 #include "lldb/API/SBDefines.h"
13 #include "lldb/API/SBError.h"
14 #include "lldb/API/SBExecutionContext.h"
16 namespace lldb {
18 class LLDB_API SBTraceCursor {
19 public:
20   /// Default constructor for an invalid \a SBTraceCursor object.
21   SBTraceCursor();
23   /// Set the direction to use in the \a SBTraceCursor::Next() method.
24   ///
25   /// \param[in] forwards
26   ///     If \b true, then the traversal will be forwards, otherwise backwards.
27   void SetForwards(bool forwards);
29   /// Check if the direction to use in the \a SBTraceCursor::Next() method is
30   /// forwards.
31   ///
32   /// \return
33   ///     \b true if the current direction is forwards, \b false if backwards.
34   bool IsForwards() const;
36   /// Move the cursor to the next item (instruction or error).
37   ///
38   /// Direction:
39   ///     The traversal is done following the current direction of the trace. If
40   ///     it is forwards, the instructions are visited forwards
41   ///     chronologically. Otherwise, the traversal is done in
42   ///     the opposite direction. By default, a cursor moves backwards unless
43   ///     changed with \a SBTraceCursor::SetForwards().
44   void Next();
46   /// \return
47   ///     \b true if the cursor is pointing to a valid item. \b false if the
48   ///     cursor has reached the end of the trace.
49   bool HasValue() const;
51   /// Instruction identifiers:
52   ///
53   /// When building complex higher level tools, fast random accesses in the
54   /// trace might be needed, for which each instruction requires a unique
55   /// identifier within its thread trace. For example, a tool might want to
56   /// repeatedly inspect random consecutive portions of a trace. This means that
57   /// it will need to first move quickly to the beginning of each section and
58   /// then start its iteration. Given that the number of instructions can be in
59   /// the order of hundreds of millions, fast random access is necessary.
60   ///
61   /// An example of such a tool could be an inspector of the call graph of a
62   /// trace, where each call is represented with its start and end instructions.
63   /// Inspecting all the instructions of a call requires moving to its first
64   /// instruction and then iterating until the last instruction, which following
65   /// the pattern explained above.
66   ///
67   /// Instead of using 0-based indices as identifiers, each Trace plug-in can
68   /// decide the nature of these identifiers and thus no assumptions can be made
69   /// regarding their ordering and sequentiality. The reason is that an
70   /// instruction might be encoded by the plug-in in a way that hides its actual
71   /// 0-based index in the trace, but it's still possible to efficiently find
72   /// it.
73   ///
74   /// Requirements:
75   /// - For a given thread, no two instructions have the same id.
76   /// - In terms of efficiency, moving the cursor to a given id should be as
77   ///   fast as possible, but not necessarily O(1). That's why the recommended
78   ///   way to traverse sequential instructions is to use the \a
79   ///   SBTraceCursor::Next() method and only use \a SBTraceCursor::GoToId(id)
80   ///   sparingly.
82   /// Make the cursor point to the item whose identifier is \p id.
83   ///
84   /// \return
85   ///     \b true if the given identifier exists and the cursor effectively
86   ///     moved to it. Otherwise, \b false is returned and the cursor now points
87   ///     to an invalid item, i.e. calling \a HasValue() will return \b false.
88   bool GoToId(lldb::user_id_t id);
90   /// \return
91   ///     \b true if and only if there's an instruction item with the given \p
92   ///     id.
93   bool HasId(lldb::user_id_t id) const;
95   /// \return
96   ///     A unique identifier for the instruction or error this cursor is
97   ///     pointing to.
98   lldb::user_id_t GetId() const;
99   /// \}
101   /// Make the cursor point to an item in the trace based on an origin point and
102   /// an offset.
103   ///
104   /// The resulting position of the trace is
105   ///     origin + offset
106   ///
107   /// If this resulting position would be out of bounds, the trace then points
108   /// to an invalid item, i.e. calling \a HasValue() returns \b false.
109   ///
110   /// \param[in] offset
111   ///     How many items to move forwards (if positive) or backwards (if
112   ///     negative) from the given origin point. For example, if origin is \b
113   ///     End, then a negative offset would move backward in the trace, but a
114   ///     positive offset would move past the trace to an invalid item.
115   ///
116   /// \param[in] origin
117   ///     The reference point to use when moving the cursor.
118   ///
119   /// \return
120   ///     \b true if and only if the cursor ends up pointing to a valid item.
121   bool Seek(int64_t offset, lldb::TraceCursorSeekType origin);
123   /// Trace item information (instructions, errors and events)
124   /// \{
126   /// \return
127   ///     The kind of item the cursor is pointing at.
128   lldb::TraceItemKind GetItemKind() const;
130   /// \return
131   ///     Whether the cursor points to an error or not.
132   bool IsError() const;
134   /// \return
135   ///     The error message the cursor is pointing at.
136   const char *GetError() const;
138   /// \return
139   ///     Whether the cursor points to an event or not.
140   bool IsEvent() const;
142   /// \return
143   ///     The specific kind of event the cursor is pointing at.
144   lldb::TraceEvent GetEventType() const;
146   /// \return
147   ///     A human-readable description of the event this cursor is pointing at.
148   const char *GetEventTypeAsString() const;
150   /// \return
151   ///     Whether the cursor points to an instruction.
152   bool IsInstruction() const;
154   /// \return
155   ///     The load address of the instruction the cursor is pointing at.
156   lldb::addr_t GetLoadAddress() const;
158   /// \return
159   ///    The requested CPU id, or LLDB_INVALID_CPU_ID if this information is
160   ///    not available for the current item.
161   lldb::cpu_id_t GetCPU() const;
163   bool IsValid() const;
165   explicit operator bool() const;
167 protected:
168   friend class SBTrace;
170   /// Create a cursor that initially points to the end of the trace, i.e. the
171   /// most recent item.
172   SBTraceCursor(lldb::TraceCursorSP trace_cursor_sp);
174   lldb::TraceCursorSP m_opaque_sp;
175 };
176 } // namespace lldb