1 //===-- TraceDumper.h -------------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
2 //
3 // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4 // See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
5 // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
6 //
7 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
9 #include "lldb/Target/TraceCursor.h"
11 #include "lldb/Symbol/SymbolContext.h"
16 namespace lldb_private {
18 /// Class that holds the configuration used by \a TraceDumper for
19 /// traversing and dumping instructions.
20 struct TraceDumperOptions {
21   /// If \b true, the cursor will be iterated forwards starting from the
22   /// oldest instruction. Otherwise, the iteration starts from the most
23   /// recent instruction.
24   bool forwards = false;
25   /// Dump only instruction addresses without disassembly nor symbol
26   /// information.
27   bool raw = false;
28   /// Dump in json format.
29   bool json = false;
30   /// When dumping in JSON format, pretty print the output.
31   bool pretty_print_json = false;
32   /// For each instruction, print the corresponding timestamp counter if
33   /// available.
34   bool show_tsc = false;
35   /// Dump the events that happened between instructions.
36   bool show_events = false;
37   /// Optional custom id to start traversing from.
38   llvm::Optional<uint64_t> id = llvm::None;
39   /// Optional number of instructions to skip from the starting position
40   /// of the cursor.
41   llvm::Optional<size_t> skip = llvm::None;
42 };
44 /// Class used to dump the instructions of a \a TraceCursor using its current
45 /// state and granularity.
46 class TraceDumper {
47 public:
48   /// Helper struct that holds symbol, disassembly and address information of an
49   /// instruction.
50   struct SymbolInfo {
51     SymbolContext sc;
52     Address address;
53     lldb::DisassemblerSP disassembler;
54     lldb::InstructionSP instruction;
55     lldb_private::ExecutionContext exe_ctx;
56   };
58   /// Helper struct that holds all the information we know about a trace item
59   struct TraceItem {
60     lldb::user_id_t id;
61     lldb::addr_t load_address;
62     llvm::Optional<uint64_t> tsc;
63     llvm::Optional<llvm::StringRef> error;
64     llvm::Optional<lldb::TraceEvent> event;
65     llvm::Optional<SymbolInfo> symbol_info;
66     llvm::Optional<SymbolInfo> prev_symbol_info;
67   };
69   /// Interface used to abstract away the format in which the instruction
70   /// information will be dumped.
71   class OutputWriter {
72   public:
73     virtual ~OutputWriter() = default;
75     /// Notify this writer that the cursor ran out of data.
76     virtual void NoMoreData() {}
78     /// Dump a trace item (instruction, error or event).
79     virtual void TraceItem(const TraceItem &item) = 0;
80   };
82   /// Create a instruction dumper for the cursor.
83   ///
84   /// \param[in] cursor
85   ///     The cursor whose instructions will be dumped.
86   ///
87   /// \param[in] s
88   ///     The stream where to dump the instructions to.
89   ///
90   /// \param[in] options
91   ///     Additional options for configuring the dumping.
92   TraceDumper(lldb::TraceCursorUP &&cursor_up, Stream &s,
93               const TraceDumperOptions &options);
95   /// Dump \a count instructions of the thread trace starting at the current
96   /// cursor position.
97   ///
98   /// This effectively moves the cursor to the next unvisited position, so that
99   /// a subsequent call to this method continues where it left off.
100   ///
101   /// \param[in] count
102   ///     The number of instructions to print.
103   ///
104   /// \return
105   ///     The instruction id of the last traversed instruction, or \b llvm::None
106   ///     if no instructions were visited.
107   llvm::Optional<lldb::user_id_t> DumpInstructions(size_t count);
109 private:
110   /// Create a trace item for the current position without symbol information.
111   TraceItem CreatRawTraceItem();
113   lldb::TraceCursorUP m_cursor_up;
114   TraceDumperOptions m_options;
115   std::unique_ptr<OutputWriter> m_writer_up;
116 };
118 } // namespace lldb_private