1 //===-- lldb-enumerations.h -------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
2 //
3 // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4 // See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
5 // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
6 //
7 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
12 #include <cstdint>
13 #include <type_traits>
15 #ifndef SWIG
16 // Macro to enable bitmask operations on an enum.  Without this, Enum | Enum
17 // gets promoted to an int, so you have to say Enum a = Enum(eFoo | eBar).  If
18 // you mark Enum with LLDB_MARK_AS_BITMASK_ENUM(Enum), however, you can simply
19 // write Enum a = eFoo | eBar.
20 // Unfortunately, swig<3.0 doesn't recognise the constexpr keyword, so remove
21 // this entire block, as it is not necessary for swig processing.
22 #define LLDB_MARK_AS_BITMASK_ENUM(Enum)                                        \
23   constexpr Enum operator|(Enum a, Enum b) {                                   \
24     return static_cast<Enum>(                                                  \
25         static_cast<std::underlying_type<Enum>::type>(a) |                     \
26         static_cast<std::underlying_type<Enum>::type>(b));                     \
27   }                                                                            \
28   constexpr Enum operator&(Enum a, Enum b) {                                   \
29     return static_cast<Enum>(                                                  \
30         static_cast<std::underlying_type<Enum>::type>(a) &                     \
31         static_cast<std::underlying_type<Enum>::type>(b));                     \
32   }                                                                            \
33   constexpr Enum operator~(Enum a) {                                           \
34     return static_cast<Enum>(                                                  \
35         ~static_cast<std::underlying_type<Enum>::type>(a));                    \
36   }                                                                            \
37   inline Enum &operator|=(Enum &a, Enum b) {                                   \
38     a = a | b;                                                                 \
39     return a;                                                                  \
40   }                                                                            \
41   inline Enum &operator&=(Enum &a, Enum b) {                                   \
42     a = a & b;                                                                 \
43     return a;                                                                  \
44   }
45 #else
47 #endif
49 #ifndef SWIG
50 // With MSVC, the default type of an enum is always signed, even if one of the
51 // enumerator values is too large to fit into a signed integer but would
52 // otherwise fit into an unsigned integer.  As a result of this, all of LLDB's
53 // flag-style enumerations that specify something like eValueFoo = 1u << 31
54 // result in negative values.  This usually just results in a benign warning,
55 // but in a few places we actually do comparisons on the enum values, which
56 // would cause a real bug.  Furthermore, there's no way to silence only this
57 // warning, as it's part of -Wmicrosoft which also catches a whole slew of
58 // other useful issues.
59 //
60 // To make matters worse, early versions of SWIG don't recognize the syntax of
61 // specifying the underlying type of an enum (and Python doesn't care anyway)
62 // so we need a way to specify the underlying type when the enum is being used
63 // from C++ code, but just use a regular enum when swig is pre-processing.
64 #define FLAGS_ENUM(Name) enum Name : unsigned
65 #define FLAGS_ANONYMOUS_ENUM() enum : unsigned
66 #else
67 #define FLAGS_ENUM(Name) enum Name
68 #define FLAGS_ANONYMOUS_ENUM() enum
69 #endif
71 namespace lldb {
73 /// Process and Thread States.
74 enum StateType {
75   eStateInvalid = 0,
76   eStateUnloaded,  ///< Process is object is valid, but not currently loaded
77   eStateConnected, ///< Process is connected to remote debug services, but not
78                    /// launched or attached to anything yet
79   eStateAttaching, ///< Process is currently trying to attach
80   eStateLaunching, ///< Process is in the process of launching
81   // The state changes eStateAttaching and eStateLaunching are both sent while
82   // the private state thread is either not yet started or paused. For that
83   // reason, they should only be signaled as public state changes, and not
84   // private state changes.
85   eStateStopped,   ///< Process or thread is stopped and can be examined.
86   eStateRunning,   ///< Process or thread is running and can't be examined.
87   eStateStepping,  ///< Process or thread is in the process of stepping and can
88                    /// not be examined.
89   eStateCrashed,   ///< Process or thread has crashed and can be examined.
90   eStateDetached,  ///< Process has been detached and can't be examined.
91   eStateExited,    ///< Process has exited and can't be examined.
92   eStateSuspended, ///< Process or thread is in a suspended state as far
93                    ///< as the debugger is concerned while other processes
94                    ///< or threads get the chance to run.
95   kLastStateType = eStateSuspended
96 };
98 /// Launch Flags.
99 FLAGS_ENUM(LaunchFlags){
100     eLaunchFlagNone = 0u,
101     eLaunchFlagExec = (1u << 0),  ///< Exec when launching and turn the calling
102                                   /// process into a new process
103     eLaunchFlagDebug = (1u << 1), ///< Stop as soon as the process launches to
104                                   /// allow the process to be debugged
105     eLaunchFlagStopAtEntry = (1u
106                               << 2), ///< Stop at the program entry point
107                                      /// instead of auto-continuing when
108                                      /// launching or attaching at entry point
109     eLaunchFlagDisableASLR =
110         (1u << 3), ///< Disable Address Space Layout Randomization
111     eLaunchFlagDisableSTDIO =
112         (1u << 4), ///< Disable stdio for inferior process (e.g. for a GUI app)
113     eLaunchFlagLaunchInTTY =
114         (1u << 5), ///< Launch the process in a new TTY if supported by the host
115     eLaunchFlagLaunchInShell =
116         (1u << 6), ///< Launch the process inside a shell to get shell expansion
117     eLaunchFlagLaunchInSeparateProcessGroup =
118         (1u << 7), ///< Launch the process in a separate process group
119                    ///< If you are going to hand the process off (e.g. to
120                    ///< debugserver)
121     eLaunchFlagDontSetExitStatus = (1u << 8),
122     ///< set this flag so lldb & the handee don't race to set its exit status.
123     eLaunchFlagDetachOnError = (1u << 9), ///< If set, then the client stub
124                                           ///< should detach rather than killing
125                                           ///< the debugee
126                                           ///< if it loses connection with lldb.
127     eLaunchFlagShellExpandArguments =
128         (1u << 10), ///< Perform shell-style argument expansion
129     eLaunchFlagCloseTTYOnExit = (1u << 11), ///< Close the open TTY on exit
130     eLaunchFlagInheritTCCFromParent =
131         (1u << 12), ///< Don't make the inferior responsible for its own TCC
132                     ///< permissions but instead inherit them from its parent.
133 };
135 /// Thread Run Modes.
136 enum RunMode { eOnlyThisThread, eAllThreads, eOnlyDuringStepping };
138 /// Byte ordering definitions.
139 enum ByteOrder {
140   eByteOrderInvalid = 0,
141   eByteOrderBig = 1,
142   eByteOrderPDP = 2,
143   eByteOrderLittle = 4
144 };
146 /// Register encoding definitions.
147 enum Encoding {
148   eEncodingInvalid = 0,
149   eEncodingUint,    ///< unsigned integer
150   eEncodingSint,    ///< signed integer
151   eEncodingIEEE754, ///< float
152   eEncodingVector   ///< vector registers
153 };
155 /// Display format definitions.
156 enum Format {
157   eFormatDefault = 0,
158   eFormatInvalid = 0,
159   eFormatBoolean,
160   eFormatBinary,
161   eFormatBytes,
162   eFormatBytesWithASCII,
163   eFormatChar,
164   eFormatCharPrintable, ///< Only printable characters, '.' if not printable
165   eFormatComplex,       ///< Floating point complex type
166   eFormatComplexFloat = eFormatComplex,
167   eFormatCString, ///< NULL terminated C strings
168   eFormatDecimal,
169   eFormatEnum,
170   eFormatHex,
171   eFormatHexUppercase,
172   eFormatFloat,
173   eFormatOctal,
174   eFormatOSType, ///< OS character codes encoded into an integer 'PICT' 'text'
175                  ///< etc...
176   eFormatUnicode16,
177   eFormatUnicode32,
178   eFormatUnsigned,
179   eFormatPointer,
180   eFormatVectorOfChar,
181   eFormatVectorOfSInt8,
182   eFormatVectorOfUInt8,
183   eFormatVectorOfSInt16,
184   eFormatVectorOfUInt16,
185   eFormatVectorOfSInt32,
186   eFormatVectorOfUInt32,
187   eFormatVectorOfSInt64,
188   eFormatVectorOfUInt64,
189   eFormatVectorOfFloat16,
190   eFormatVectorOfFloat32,
191   eFormatVectorOfFloat64,
192   eFormatVectorOfUInt128,
193   eFormatComplexInteger, ///< Integer complex type
194   eFormatCharArray,      ///< Print characters with no single quotes, used for
195                          ///< character arrays that can contain non printable
196                          ///< characters
197   eFormatAddressInfo,    ///< Describe what an address points to (func + offset
198                       ///< with file/line, symbol + offset, data, etc)
199   eFormatHexFloat,    ///< ISO C99 hex float string
200   eFormatInstruction, ///< Disassemble an opcode
201   eFormatVoid,        ///< Do not print this
202   eFormatUnicode8,
203   kNumFormats
204 };
206 /// Description levels for "void GetDescription(Stream *, DescriptionLevel)"
207 /// calls.
208 enum DescriptionLevel {
209   eDescriptionLevelBrief = 0,
210   eDescriptionLevelFull,
211   eDescriptionLevelVerbose,
212   eDescriptionLevelInitial,
213   kNumDescriptionLevels
214 };
216 /// Script interpreter types.
217 enum ScriptLanguage {
218   eScriptLanguageNone = 0,
219   eScriptLanguagePython,
220   eScriptLanguageLua,
221   eScriptLanguageUnknown,
222   eScriptLanguageDefault = eScriptLanguageLua
223 };
225 /// Register numbering types.
226 // See RegisterContext::ConvertRegisterKindToRegisterNumber to convert any of
227 // these to the lldb internal register numbering scheme (eRegisterKindLLDB).
228 enum RegisterKind {
229   eRegisterKindEHFrame = 0, ///< the register numbers seen in eh_frame
230   eRegisterKindDWARF,       ///< the register numbers seen DWARF
231   eRegisterKindGeneric, ///< insn ptr reg, stack ptr reg, etc not specific to
232                         ///< any particular target
233   eRegisterKindProcessPlugin, ///< num used by the process plugin - e.g. by the
234                               ///< remote gdb-protocol stub program
235   eRegisterKindLLDB,          ///< lldb's internal register numbers
236   kNumRegisterKinds
237 };
239 /// Thread stop reasons.
240 enum StopReason {
241   eStopReasonInvalid = 0,
242   eStopReasonNone,
243   eStopReasonTrace,
244   eStopReasonBreakpoint,
245   eStopReasonWatchpoint,
246   eStopReasonSignal,
247   eStopReasonException,
248   eStopReasonExec, ///< Program was re-exec'ed
249   eStopReasonPlanComplete,
250   eStopReasonThreadExiting,
251   eStopReasonInstrumentation,
252   eStopReasonProcessorTrace,
253   eStopReasonFork,
254   eStopReasonVFork,
255   eStopReasonVForkDone,
256 };
258 /// Command Return Status Types.
259 enum ReturnStatus {
260   eReturnStatusInvalid,
261   eReturnStatusSuccessFinishNoResult,
262   eReturnStatusSuccessFinishResult,
263   eReturnStatusSuccessContinuingNoResult,
264   eReturnStatusSuccessContinuingResult,
265   eReturnStatusStarted,
266   eReturnStatusFailed,
267   eReturnStatusQuit
268 };
270 /// The results of expression evaluation.
271 enum ExpressionResults {
272   eExpressionCompleted = 0,
273   eExpressionSetupError,
274   eExpressionParseError,
275   eExpressionDiscarded,
276   eExpressionInterrupted,
277   eExpressionHitBreakpoint,
278   eExpressionTimedOut,
279   eExpressionResultUnavailable,
280   eExpressionStoppedForDebug,
281   eExpressionThreadVanished
282 };
284 enum SearchDepth {
285   eSearchDepthInvalid = 0,
286   eSearchDepthTarget,
287   eSearchDepthModule,
288   eSearchDepthCompUnit,
289   eSearchDepthFunction,
290   eSearchDepthBlock,
291   eSearchDepthAddress,
292   kLastSearchDepthKind = eSearchDepthAddress
293 };
295 /// Connection Status Types.
296 enum ConnectionStatus {
297   eConnectionStatusSuccess,        ///< Success
298   eConnectionStatusEndOfFile,      ///< End-of-file encountered
299   eConnectionStatusError,          ///< Check GetError() for details
300   eConnectionStatusTimedOut,       ///< Request timed out
301   eConnectionStatusNoConnection,   ///< No connection
302   eConnectionStatusLostConnection, ///< Lost connection while connected to a
303                                    ///< valid connection
304   eConnectionStatusInterrupted ///< Interrupted read
305 };
307 enum ErrorType {
308   eErrorTypeInvalid,
309   eErrorTypeGeneric,    ///< Generic errors that can be any value.
310   eErrorTypeMachKernel, ///< Mach kernel error codes.
311   eErrorTypePOSIX,      ///< POSIX error codes.
312   eErrorTypeExpression, ///< These are from the ExpressionResults enum.
313   eErrorTypeWin32       ///< Standard Win32 error codes.
314 };
316 enum ValueType {
317   eValueTypeInvalid = 0,
318   eValueTypeVariableGlobal = 1,   ///< globals variable
319   eValueTypeVariableStatic = 2,   ///< static variable
320   eValueTypeVariableArgument = 3, ///< function argument variables
321   eValueTypeVariableLocal = 4,    ///< function local variables
322   eValueTypeRegister = 5,         ///< stack frame register value
323   eValueTypeRegisterSet = 6, ///< A collection of stack frame register values
324   eValueTypeConstResult = 7, ///< constant result variables
325   eValueTypeVariableThreadLocal = 8 ///< thread local storage variable
326 };
328 /// Token size/granularities for Input Readers.
330 enum InputReaderGranularity {
331   eInputReaderGranularityInvalid = 0,
332   eInputReaderGranularityByte,
333   eInputReaderGranularityWord,
334   eInputReaderGranularityLine,
335   eInputReaderGranularityAll
336 };
338 /// These mask bits allow a common interface for queries that can
339 /// limit the amount of information that gets parsed to only the
340 /// information that is requested. These bits also can indicate what
341 /// actually did get resolved during query function calls.
342 ///
343 /// Each definition corresponds to a one of the member variables
344 /// in this class, and requests that that item be resolved, or
345 /// indicates that the member did get resolved.
346 FLAGS_ENUM(SymbolContextItem){
347     /// Set when \a target is requested from a query, or was located
348     /// in query results
349     eSymbolContextTarget = (1u << 0),
350     /// Set when \a module is requested from a query, or was located
351     /// in query results
352     eSymbolContextModule = (1u << 1),
353     /// Set when \a comp_unit is requested from a query, or was
354     /// located in query results
355     eSymbolContextCompUnit = (1u << 2),
356     /// Set when \a function is requested from a query, or was located
357     /// in query results
358     eSymbolContextFunction = (1u << 3),
359     /// Set when the deepest \a block is requested from a query, or
360     /// was located in query results
361     eSymbolContextBlock = (1u << 4),
362     /// Set when \a line_entry is requested from a query, or was
363     /// located in query results
364     eSymbolContextLineEntry = (1u << 5),
365     /// Set when \a symbol is requested from a query, or was located
366     /// in query results
367     eSymbolContextSymbol = (1u << 6),
368     /// Indicates to try and lookup everything up during a routine
369     /// symbol context query.
370     eSymbolContextEverything = ((eSymbolContextSymbol << 1) - 1u),
371     /// Set when \a global or static variable is requested from a
372     /// query, or was located in query results.
373     /// eSymbolContextVariable is potentially expensive to lookup so
374     /// it isn't included in eSymbolContextEverything which stops it
375     /// from being used during frame PC lookups and many other
376     /// potential address to symbol context lookups.
377     eSymbolContextVariable = (1u << 7),
379     // Keep this last and up-to-date for what the last enum value is.
380     eSymbolContextLastItem = eSymbolContextVariable,
381 };
382 LLDB_MARK_AS_BITMASK_ENUM(SymbolContextItem)
384 FLAGS_ENUM(Permissions){ePermissionsWritable = (1u << 0),
385                         ePermissionsReadable = (1u << 1),
386                         ePermissionsExecutable = (1u << 2)};
389 enum InputReaderAction {
390   eInputReaderActivate, ///< reader is newly pushed onto the reader stack
391   eInputReaderAsynchronousOutputWritten, ///< an async output event occurred;
392                                          ///< the reader may want to do
393                                          ///< something
394   eInputReaderReactivate, ///< reader is on top of the stack again after another
395                           ///< reader was popped off
396   eInputReaderDeactivate, ///< another reader was pushed on the stack
397   eInputReaderGotToken,   ///< reader got one of its tokens (granularity)
398   eInputReaderInterrupt, ///< reader received an interrupt signal (probably from
399                          ///< a control-c)
400   eInputReaderEndOfFile, ///< reader received an EOF char (probably from a
401                          ///< control-d)
402   eInputReaderDone       ///< reader was just popped off the stack and is done
403 };
405 FLAGS_ENUM(BreakpointEventType){
406     eBreakpointEventTypeInvalidType = (1u << 0),
407     eBreakpointEventTypeAdded = (1u << 1),
408     eBreakpointEventTypeRemoved = (1u << 2),
409     eBreakpointEventTypeLocationsAdded = (1u << 3), ///< Locations added doesn't
410                                                     ///< get sent when the
411                                                     ///< breakpoint is created
412     eBreakpointEventTypeLocationsRemoved = (1u << 4),
413     eBreakpointEventTypeLocationsResolved = (1u << 5),
414     eBreakpointEventTypeEnabled = (1u << 6),
415     eBreakpointEventTypeDisabled = (1u << 7),
416     eBreakpointEventTypeCommandChanged = (1u << 8),
417     eBreakpointEventTypeConditionChanged = (1u << 9),
418     eBreakpointEventTypeIgnoreChanged = (1u << 10),
419     eBreakpointEventTypeThreadChanged = (1u << 11),
420     eBreakpointEventTypeAutoContinueChanged = (1u << 12)};
422 FLAGS_ENUM(WatchpointEventType){
423     eWatchpointEventTypeInvalidType = (1u << 0),
424     eWatchpointEventTypeAdded = (1u << 1),
425     eWatchpointEventTypeRemoved = (1u << 2),
426     eWatchpointEventTypeEnabled = (1u << 6),
427     eWatchpointEventTypeDisabled = (1u << 7),
428     eWatchpointEventTypeCommandChanged = (1u << 8),
429     eWatchpointEventTypeConditionChanged = (1u << 9),
430     eWatchpointEventTypeIgnoreChanged = (1u << 10),
431     eWatchpointEventTypeThreadChanged = (1u << 11),
432     eWatchpointEventTypeTypeChanged = (1u << 12)};
434 /// Programming language type.
435 ///
436 /// These enumerations use the same language enumerations as the DWARF
437 /// specification for ease of use and consistency.
438 /// The enum -> string code is in Language.cpp, don't change this
439 /// table without updating that code as well.
440 ///
441 /// This datatype is used in SBExpressionOptions::SetLanguage() which
442 /// makes this type API. Do not change its underlying storage type!
443 enum LanguageType {
444   eLanguageTypeUnknown = 0x0000,        ///< Unknown or invalid language value.
445   eLanguageTypeC89 = 0x0001,            ///< ISO C:1989.
446   eLanguageTypeC = 0x0002,              ///< Non-standardized C, such as K&R.
447   eLanguageTypeAda83 = 0x0003,          ///< ISO Ada:1983.
448   eLanguageTypeC_plus_plus = 0x0004,    ///< ISO C++:1998.
449   eLanguageTypeCobol74 = 0x0005,        ///< ISO Cobol:1974.
450   eLanguageTypeCobol85 = 0x0006,        ///< ISO Cobol:1985.
451   eLanguageTypeFortran77 = 0x0007,      ///< ISO Fortran 77.
452   eLanguageTypeFortran90 = 0x0008,      ///< ISO Fortran 90.
453   eLanguageTypePascal83 = 0x0009,       ///< ISO Pascal:1983.
454   eLanguageTypeModula2 = 0x000a,        ///< ISO Modula-2:1996.
455   eLanguageTypeJava = 0x000b,           ///< Java.
456   eLanguageTypeC99 = 0x000c,            ///< ISO C:1999.
457   eLanguageTypeAda95 = 0x000d,          ///< ISO Ada:1995.
458   eLanguageTypeFortran95 = 0x000e,      ///< ISO Fortran 95.
459   eLanguageTypePLI = 0x000f,            ///< ANSI PL/I:1976.
460   eLanguageTypeObjC = 0x0010,           ///< Objective-C.
461   eLanguageTypeObjC_plus_plus = 0x0011, ///< Objective-C++.
462   eLanguageTypeUPC = 0x0012,            ///< Unified Parallel C.
463   eLanguageTypeD = 0x0013,              ///< D.
464   eLanguageTypePython = 0x0014,         ///< Python.
465   // NOTE: The below are DWARF5 constants, subject to change upon
466   // completion of the DWARF5 specification
467   eLanguageTypeOpenCL = 0x0015,         ///< OpenCL.
468   eLanguageTypeGo = 0x0016,             ///< Go.
469   eLanguageTypeModula3 = 0x0017,        ///< Modula 3.
470   eLanguageTypeHaskell = 0x0018,        ///< Haskell.
471   eLanguageTypeC_plus_plus_03 = 0x0019, ///< ISO C++:2003.
472   eLanguageTypeC_plus_plus_11 = 0x001a, ///< ISO C++:2011.
473   eLanguageTypeOCaml = 0x001b,          ///< OCaml.
474   eLanguageTypeRust = 0x001c,           ///< Rust.
475   eLanguageTypeC11 = 0x001d,            ///< ISO C:2011.
476   eLanguageTypeSwift = 0x001e,          ///< Swift.
477   eLanguageTypeJulia = 0x001f,          ///< Julia.
478   eLanguageTypeDylan = 0x0020,          ///< Dylan.
479   eLanguageTypeC_plus_plus_14 = 0x0021, ///< ISO C++:2014.
480   eLanguageTypeFortran03 = 0x0022,      ///< ISO Fortran 2003.
481   eLanguageTypeFortran08 = 0x0023,      ///< ISO Fortran 2008.
482   eLanguageTypeRenderScript = 0x0024,
483   eLanguageTypeBLISS = 0x0025,
484   eLanguageTypeKotlin = 0x0026,
485   eLanguageTypeZig = 0x0027,
486   eLanguageTypeCrystal = 0x0028,
487   eLanguageTypeC_plus_plus_17 = 0x002a, ///< ISO C++:2017.
488   eLanguageTypeC_plus_plus_20 = 0x002b, ///< ISO C++:2020.
489   eLanguageTypeC17 = 0x002c,
490   eLanguageTypeFortran18 = 0x002d,
491   eLanguageTypeAda2005 = 0x002e,
492   eLanguageTypeAda2012 = 0x002f,
493   eLanguageTypeHIP = 0x0030,
494   eLanguageTypeAssembly = 0x0031,
495   eLanguageTypeC_sharp = 0x0032,
496   eLanguageTypeMojo = 0x0033,
498   // Vendor Extensions
499   // Note: Language::GetNameForLanguageType
500   // assumes these can be used as indexes into array language_names, and
501   // Language::SetLanguageFromCString and Language::AsCString assume these can
502   // be used as indexes into array g_languages.
503   eLanguageTypeMipsAssembler, ///< Mips_Assembler.
504   // Mojo will move to the common list of languages once the DWARF committee
505   // creates a language code for it.
506   eNumLanguageTypes
507 };
509 enum InstrumentationRuntimeType {
510   eInstrumentationRuntimeTypeAddressSanitizer = 0x0000,
511   eInstrumentationRuntimeTypeThreadSanitizer = 0x0001,
512   eInstrumentationRuntimeTypeUndefinedBehaviorSanitizer = 0x0002,
513   eInstrumentationRuntimeTypeMainThreadChecker = 0x0003,
514   eInstrumentationRuntimeTypeSwiftRuntimeReporting = 0x0004,
515   eNumInstrumentationRuntimeTypes
516 };
518 enum DynamicValueType {
519   eNoDynamicValues = 0,
520   eDynamicCanRunTarget = 1,
521   eDynamicDontRunTarget = 2
522 };
524 enum StopShowColumn {
525   eStopShowColumnAnsiOrCaret = 0,
526   eStopShowColumnAnsi = 1,
527   eStopShowColumnCaret = 2,
528   eStopShowColumnNone = 3
529 };
531 enum AccessType {
532   eAccessNone,
533   eAccessPublic,
534   eAccessPrivate,
535   eAccessProtected,
536   eAccessPackage
537 };
539 enum CommandArgumentType {
540   eArgTypeAddress = 0,
541   eArgTypeAddressOrExpression,
542   eArgTypeAliasName,
543   eArgTypeAliasOptions,
544   eArgTypeArchitecture,
545   eArgTypeBoolean,
546   eArgTypeBreakpointID,
547   eArgTypeBreakpointIDRange,
548   eArgTypeBreakpointName,
549   eArgTypeByteSize,
550   eArgTypeClassName,
551   eArgTypeCommandName,
552   eArgTypeCount,
553   eArgTypeDescriptionVerbosity,
554   eArgTypeDirectoryName,
555   eArgTypeDisassemblyFlavor,
556   eArgTypeEndAddress,
557   eArgTypeExpression,
558   eArgTypeExpressionPath,
559   eArgTypeExprFormat,
560   eArgTypeFileLineColumn,
561   eArgTypeFilename,
562   eArgTypeFormat,
563   eArgTypeFrameIndex,
564   eArgTypeFullName,
565   eArgTypeFunctionName,
566   eArgTypeFunctionOrSymbol,
567   eArgTypeGDBFormat,
568   eArgTypeHelpText,
569   eArgTypeIndex,
570   eArgTypeLanguage,
571   eArgTypeLineNum,
572   eArgTypeLogCategory,
573   eArgTypeLogChannel,
574   eArgTypeMethod,
575   eArgTypeName,
576   eArgTypeNewPathPrefix,
577   eArgTypeNumLines,
578   eArgTypeNumberPerLine,
579   eArgTypeOffset,
580   eArgTypeOldPathPrefix,
581   eArgTypeOneLiner,
582   eArgTypePath,
583   eArgTypePermissionsNumber,
584   eArgTypePermissionsString,
585   eArgTypePid,
586   eArgTypePlugin,
587   eArgTypeProcessName,
588   eArgTypePythonClass,
589   eArgTypePythonFunction,
590   eArgTypePythonScript,
591   eArgTypeQueueName,
592   eArgTypeRegisterName,
593   eArgTypeRegularExpression,
594   eArgTypeRunArgs,
595   eArgTypeRunMode,
596   eArgTypeScriptedCommandSynchronicity,
597   eArgTypeScriptLang,
598   eArgTypeSearchWord,
599   eArgTypeSelector,
600   eArgTypeSettingIndex,
601   eArgTypeSettingKey,
602   eArgTypeSettingPrefix,
603   eArgTypeSettingVariableName,
604   eArgTypeShlibName,
605   eArgTypeSourceFile,
606   eArgTypeSortOrder,
607   eArgTypeStartAddress,
608   eArgTypeSummaryString,
609   eArgTypeSymbol,
610   eArgTypeThreadID,
611   eArgTypeThreadIndex,
612   eArgTypeThreadName,
613   eArgTypeTypeName,
614   eArgTypeUnsignedInteger,
615   eArgTypeUnixSignal,
616   eArgTypeVarName,
617   eArgTypeValue,
618   eArgTypeWidth,
619   eArgTypeNone,
620   eArgTypePlatform,
621   eArgTypeWatchpointID,
622   eArgTypeWatchpointIDRange,
623   eArgTypeWatchType,
624   eArgRawInput,
625   eArgTypeCommand,
626   eArgTypeColumnNum,
627   eArgTypeModuleUUID,
628   eArgTypeSaveCoreStyle,
629   eArgTypeLogHandler,
630   eArgTypeSEDStylePair,
631   eArgTypeRecognizerID,
632   eArgTypeConnectURL,
633   eArgTypeTargetID,
634   eArgTypeStopHookID,
635   eArgTypeCompletionType,
636   eArgTypeLastArg // Always keep this entry as the last entry in this
637                   // enumeration!!
638 };
640 /// Symbol types.
641 // Symbol holds the SymbolType in a 6-bit field (m_type), so if you get over 63
642 // entries you will have to resize that field.
643 enum SymbolType {
644   eSymbolTypeAny = 0,
645   eSymbolTypeInvalid = 0,
646   eSymbolTypeAbsolute,
647   eSymbolTypeCode,
648   eSymbolTypeResolver,
649   eSymbolTypeData,
650   eSymbolTypeTrampoline,
651   eSymbolTypeRuntime,
652   eSymbolTypeException,
653   eSymbolTypeSourceFile,
654   eSymbolTypeHeaderFile,
655   eSymbolTypeObjectFile,
656   eSymbolTypeCommonBlock,
657   eSymbolTypeBlock,
658   eSymbolTypeLocal,
659   eSymbolTypeParam,
660   eSymbolTypeVariable,
661   eSymbolTypeVariableType,
662   eSymbolTypeLineEntry,
663   eSymbolTypeLineHeader,
664   eSymbolTypeScopeBegin,
665   eSymbolTypeScopeEnd,
666   eSymbolTypeAdditional, ///< When symbols take more than one entry, the extra
667                          ///< entries get this type
668   eSymbolTypeCompiler,
669   eSymbolTypeInstrumentation,
670   eSymbolTypeUndefined,
671   eSymbolTypeObjCClass,
672   eSymbolTypeObjCMetaClass,
673   eSymbolTypeObjCIVar,
674   eSymbolTypeReExported
675 };
677 enum SectionType {
678   eSectionTypeInvalid,
679   eSectionTypeCode,
680   eSectionTypeContainer, ///< The section contains child sections
681   eSectionTypeData,
682   eSectionTypeDataCString,         ///< Inlined C string data
683   eSectionTypeDataCStringPointers, ///< Pointers to C string data
684   eSectionTypeDataSymbolAddress,   ///< Address of a symbol in the symbol table
685   eSectionTypeData4,
686   eSectionTypeData8,
687   eSectionTypeData16,
688   eSectionTypeDataPointers,
689   eSectionTypeDebug,
690   eSectionTypeZeroFill,
691   eSectionTypeDataObjCMessageRefs, ///< Pointer to function pointer + selector
692   eSectionTypeDataObjCCFStrings,   ///< Objective-C const CFString/NSString
693                                    ///< objects
694   eSectionTypeDWARFDebugAbbrev,
695   eSectionTypeDWARFDebugAddr,
696   eSectionTypeDWARFDebugAranges,
697   eSectionTypeDWARFDebugCuIndex,
698   eSectionTypeDWARFDebugFrame,
699   eSectionTypeDWARFDebugInfo,
700   eSectionTypeDWARFDebugLine,
701   eSectionTypeDWARFDebugLoc,
702   eSectionTypeDWARFDebugMacInfo,
703   eSectionTypeDWARFDebugMacro,
704   eSectionTypeDWARFDebugPubNames,
705   eSectionTypeDWARFDebugPubTypes,
706   eSectionTypeDWARFDebugRanges,
707   eSectionTypeDWARFDebugStr,
708   eSectionTypeDWARFDebugStrOffsets,
709   eSectionTypeDWARFAppleNames,
710   eSectionTypeDWARFAppleTypes,
711   eSectionTypeDWARFAppleNamespaces,
712   eSectionTypeDWARFAppleObjC,
713   eSectionTypeELFSymbolTable,       ///< Elf SHT_SYMTAB section
714   eSectionTypeELFDynamicSymbols,    ///< Elf SHT_DYNSYM section
715   eSectionTypeELFRelocationEntries, ///< Elf SHT_REL or SHT_REL section
716   eSectionTypeELFDynamicLinkInfo,   ///< Elf SHT_DYNAMIC section
717   eSectionTypeEHFrame,
718   eSectionTypeARMexidx,
719   eSectionTypeARMextab,
720   eSectionTypeCompactUnwind, ///< compact unwind section in Mach-O,
721                              ///< __TEXT,__unwind_info
722   eSectionTypeGoSymtab,
723   eSectionTypeAbsoluteAddress, ///< Dummy section for symbols with absolute
724                                ///< address
725   eSectionTypeDWARFGNUDebugAltLink,
726   eSectionTypeDWARFDebugTypes, ///< DWARF .debug_types section
727   eSectionTypeDWARFDebugNames, ///< DWARF v5 .debug_names
728   eSectionTypeOther,
729   eSectionTypeDWARFDebugLineStr,  ///< DWARF v5 .debug_line_str
730   eSectionTypeDWARFDebugRngLists, ///< DWARF v5 .debug_rnglists
731   eSectionTypeDWARFDebugLocLists, ///< DWARF v5 .debug_loclists
732   eSectionTypeDWARFDebugAbbrevDwo,
733   eSectionTypeDWARFDebugInfoDwo,
734   eSectionTypeDWARFDebugStrDwo,
735   eSectionTypeDWARFDebugStrOffsetsDwo,
736   eSectionTypeDWARFDebugTypesDwo,
737   eSectionTypeDWARFDebugRngListsDwo,
738   eSectionTypeDWARFDebugLocDwo,
739   eSectionTypeDWARFDebugLocListsDwo,
740   eSectionTypeDWARFDebugTuIndex,
741   eSectionTypeCTF,
742 };
744 FLAGS_ENUM(EmulateInstructionOptions){
745     eEmulateInstructionOptionNone = (0u),
746     eEmulateInstructionOptionAutoAdvancePC = (1u << 0),
747     eEmulateInstructionOptionIgnoreConditions = (1u << 1)};
749 FLAGS_ENUM(FunctionNameType){
750     eFunctionNameTypeNone = 0u,
751     eFunctionNameTypeAuto =
752         (1u << 1), ///< Automatically figure out which FunctionNameType
753                    ///< bits to set based on the function name.
754     eFunctionNameTypeFull = (1u << 2), ///< The function name.
755     ///< For C this is the same as just the name of the function For C++ this is
756     ///< the mangled or demangled version of the mangled name. For ObjC this is
757     ///< the full function signature with the + or - and the square brackets and
758     ///< the class and selector
759     eFunctionNameTypeBase = (1u
760                              << 3), ///< The function name only, no namespaces
761                                     ///< or arguments and no class
762                                     ///< methods or selectors will be searched.
763     eFunctionNameTypeMethod = (1u << 4), ///< Find function by method name (C++)
764                                          ///< with no namespace or arguments
765     eFunctionNameTypeSelector =
766         (1u << 5), ///< Find function by selector name (ObjC) names
767     eFunctionNameTypeAny =
768         eFunctionNameTypeAuto ///< DEPRECATED: use eFunctionNameTypeAuto
769 };
772 /// Basic types enumeration for the public API SBType::GetBasicType().
773 enum BasicType {
774   eBasicTypeInvalid = 0,
775   eBasicTypeVoid = 1,
776   eBasicTypeChar,
777   eBasicTypeSignedChar,
778   eBasicTypeUnsignedChar,
779   eBasicTypeWChar,
780   eBasicTypeSignedWChar,
781   eBasicTypeUnsignedWChar,
782   eBasicTypeChar16,
783   eBasicTypeChar32,
784   eBasicTypeChar8,
785   eBasicTypeShort,
786   eBasicTypeUnsignedShort,
787   eBasicTypeInt,
788   eBasicTypeUnsignedInt,
789   eBasicTypeLong,
790   eBasicTypeUnsignedLong,
791   eBasicTypeLongLong,
792   eBasicTypeUnsignedLongLong,
793   eBasicTypeInt128,
794   eBasicTypeUnsignedInt128,
795   eBasicTypeBool,
796   eBasicTypeHalf,
797   eBasicTypeFloat,
798   eBasicTypeDouble,
799   eBasicTypeLongDouble,
800   eBasicTypeFloatComplex,
801   eBasicTypeDoubleComplex,
802   eBasicTypeLongDoubleComplex,
803   eBasicTypeObjCID,
804   eBasicTypeObjCClass,
805   eBasicTypeObjCSel,
806   eBasicTypeNullPtr,
807   eBasicTypeOther
808 };
810 /// Deprecated
811 enum TraceType {
812   eTraceTypeNone = 0,
814   /// Intel Processor Trace
815   eTraceTypeProcessorTrace
816 };
818 enum StructuredDataType {
819   eStructuredDataTypeInvalid = -1,
820   eStructuredDataTypeNull = 0,
821   eStructuredDataTypeGeneric,
822   eStructuredDataTypeArray,
823   eStructuredDataTypeInteger,
824   eStructuredDataTypeFloat,
825   eStructuredDataTypeBoolean,
826   eStructuredDataTypeString,
827   eStructuredDataTypeDictionary,
828   eStructuredDataTypeSignedInteger,
829   eStructuredDataTypeUnsignedInteger = eStructuredDataTypeInteger,
830 };
832 FLAGS_ENUM(TypeClass){
833     eTypeClassInvalid = (0u), eTypeClassArray = (1u << 0),
834     eTypeClassBlockPointer = (1u << 1), eTypeClassBuiltin = (1u << 2),
835     eTypeClassClass = (1u << 3), eTypeClassComplexFloat = (1u << 4),
836     eTypeClassComplexInteger = (1u << 5), eTypeClassEnumeration = (1u << 6),
837     eTypeClassFunction = (1u << 7), eTypeClassMemberPointer = (1u << 8),
838     eTypeClassObjCObject = (1u << 9), eTypeClassObjCInterface = (1u << 10),
839     eTypeClassObjCObjectPointer = (1u << 11), eTypeClassPointer = (1u << 12),
840     eTypeClassReference = (1u << 13), eTypeClassStruct = (1u << 14),
841     eTypeClassTypedef = (1u << 15), eTypeClassUnion = (1u << 16),
842     eTypeClassVector = (1u << 17),
843     // Define the last type class as the MSBit of a 32 bit value
844     eTypeClassOther = (1u << 31),
845     // Define a mask that can be used for any type when finding types
846     eTypeClassAny = (0xffffffffu)};
849 enum TemplateArgumentKind {
850   eTemplateArgumentKindNull = 0,
851   eTemplateArgumentKindType,
852   eTemplateArgumentKindDeclaration,
853   eTemplateArgumentKindIntegral,
854   eTemplateArgumentKindTemplate,
855   eTemplateArgumentKindTemplateExpansion,
856   eTemplateArgumentKindExpression,
857   eTemplateArgumentKindPack,
858   eTemplateArgumentKindNullPtr,
859 };
861 /// Type of match to be performed when looking for a formatter for a data type.
862 /// Used by classes like SBTypeNameSpecifier or lldb_private::TypeMatcher.
863 enum FormatterMatchType {
864   eFormatterMatchExact,
865   eFormatterMatchRegex,
866   eFormatterMatchCallback,
868   eLastFormatterMatchType = eFormatterMatchCallback,
869 };
871 /// Options that can be set for a formatter to alter its behavior. Not
872 /// all of these are applicable to all formatter types.
873 FLAGS_ENUM(TypeOptions){eTypeOptionNone = (0u),
874                         eTypeOptionCascade = (1u << 0),
875                         eTypeOptionSkipPointers = (1u << 1),
876                         eTypeOptionSkipReferences = (1u << 2),
877                         eTypeOptionHideChildren = (1u << 3),
878                         eTypeOptionHideValue = (1u << 4),
879                         eTypeOptionShowOneLiner = (1u << 5),
880                         eTypeOptionHideNames = (1u << 6),
881                         eTypeOptionNonCacheable = (1u << 7),
882                         eTypeOptionHideEmptyAggregates = (1u << 8),
883                         eTypeOptionFrontEndWantsDereference = (1u << 9)};
885 /// This is the return value for frame comparisons.  If you are comparing frame
886 /// A to frame B the following cases arise:
887 ///
888 ///    1) When frame A pushes frame B (or a frame that ends up pushing
889 ///       B) A is Older than B.
890 ///
891 ///    2) When frame A pushed frame B (or if frameA is on the stack
892 ///       but B is not) A is Younger than B.
893 ///
894 ///    3) When frame A and frame B have the same StackID, they are
895 ///       Equal.
896 ///
897 ///    4) When frame A and frame B have the same immediate parent
898 ///       frame, but are not equal, the comparison yields SameParent.
899 ///
900 ///    5) If the two frames are on different threads or processes the
901 ///       comparison is Invalid.
902 ///
903 ///    6) If for some reason we can't figure out what went on, we
904 ///       return Unknown.
905 enum FrameComparison {
906   eFrameCompareInvalid,
907   eFrameCompareUnknown,
908   eFrameCompareEqual,
909   eFrameCompareSameParent,
910   eFrameCompareYounger,
911   eFrameCompareOlder
912 };
914 /// File Permissions.
915 ///
916 /// Designed to mimic the unix file permission bits so they can be used with
917 /// functions that set 'mode_t' to certain values for permissions.
918 FLAGS_ENUM(FilePermissions){
919     eFilePermissionsUserRead = (1u << 8),
920     eFilePermissionsUserWrite = (1u << 7),
921     eFilePermissionsUserExecute = (1u << 6),
922     eFilePermissionsGroupRead = (1u << 5),
923     eFilePermissionsGroupWrite = (1u << 4),
924     eFilePermissionsGroupExecute = (1u << 3),
925     eFilePermissionsWorldRead = (1u << 2),
926     eFilePermissionsWorldWrite = (1u << 1),
927     eFilePermissionsWorldExecute = (1u << 0),
929     eFilePermissionsUserRW = (eFilePermissionsUserRead |
930                               eFilePermissionsUserWrite | 0),
931     eFileFilePermissionsUserRX = (eFilePermissionsUserRead | 0 |
932                                   eFilePermissionsUserExecute),
933     eFilePermissionsUserRWX = (eFilePermissionsUserRead |
934                                eFilePermissionsUserWrite |
935                                eFilePermissionsUserExecute),
937     eFilePermissionsGroupRW = (eFilePermissionsGroupRead |
938                                eFilePermissionsGroupWrite | 0),
939     eFilePermissionsGroupRX = (eFilePermissionsGroupRead | 0 |
940                                eFilePermissionsGroupExecute),
941     eFilePermissionsGroupRWX = (eFilePermissionsGroupRead |
942                                 eFilePermissionsGroupWrite |
943                                 eFilePermissionsGroupExecute),
945     eFilePermissionsWorldRW = (eFilePermissionsWorldRead |
946                                eFilePermissionsWorldWrite | 0),
947     eFilePermissionsWorldRX = (eFilePermissionsWorldRead | 0 |
948                                eFilePermissionsWorldExecute),
949     eFilePermissionsWorldRWX = (eFilePermissionsWorldRead |
950                                 eFilePermissionsWorldWrite |
951                                 eFilePermissionsWorldExecute),
953     eFilePermissionsEveryoneR = (eFilePermissionsUserRead |
954                                  eFilePermissionsGroupRead |
955                                  eFilePermissionsWorldRead),
956     eFilePermissionsEveryoneW = (eFilePermissionsUserWrite |
957                                  eFilePermissionsGroupWrite |
958                                  eFilePermissionsWorldWrite),
959     eFilePermissionsEveryoneX = (eFilePermissionsUserExecute |
960                                  eFilePermissionsGroupExecute |
961                                  eFilePermissionsWorldExecute),
963     eFilePermissionsEveryoneRW = (eFilePermissionsEveryoneR |
964                                   eFilePermissionsEveryoneW | 0),
965     eFilePermissionsEveryoneRX = (eFilePermissionsEveryoneR | 0 |
966                                   eFilePermissionsEveryoneX),
967     eFilePermissionsEveryoneRWX = (eFilePermissionsEveryoneR |
968                                    eFilePermissionsEveryoneW |
969                                    eFilePermissionsEveryoneX),
970     eFilePermissionsFileDefault = eFilePermissionsUserRW,
971     eFilePermissionsDirectoryDefault = eFilePermissionsUserRWX,
972 };
974 /// Queue work item types.
975 ///
976 /// The different types of work that can be enqueued on a libdispatch aka Grand
977 /// Central Dispatch (GCD) queue.
978 enum QueueItemKind {
979   eQueueItemKindUnknown = 0,
980   eQueueItemKindFunction,
981   eQueueItemKindBlock
982 };
984 /// Queue type.
985 ///
986 /// libdispatch aka Grand Central Dispatch (GCD) queues can be either
987 /// serial (executing on one thread) or concurrent (executing on
988 /// multiple threads).
989 enum QueueKind {
990   eQueueKindUnknown = 0,
991   eQueueKindSerial,
992   eQueueKindConcurrent
993 };
995 /// Expression Evaluation Stages.
996 ///
997 /// These are the cancellable stages of expression evaluation, passed
998 /// to the expression evaluation callback, so that you can interrupt
999 /// expression evaluation at the various points in its lifecycle.
1000 enum ExpressionEvaluationPhase {
1001   eExpressionEvaluationParse = 0,
1002   eExpressionEvaluationIRGen,
1003   eExpressionEvaluationExecution,
1004   eExpressionEvaluationComplete
1005 };
1007 /// Architecture-agnostic categorization of instructions for traversing the
1008 /// control flow of a trace.
1009 ///
1010 /// A single instruction can match one or more of these categories.
1011 enum InstructionControlFlowKind {
1012   /// The instruction could not be classified.
1013   eInstructionControlFlowKindUnknown = 0,
1014   /// The instruction is something not listed below, i.e. it's a sequential
1015   /// instruction that doesn't affect the control flow of the program.
1016   eInstructionControlFlowKindOther,
1017   /// The instruction is a near (function) call.
1018   eInstructionControlFlowKindCall,
1019   /// The instruction is a near (function) return.
1020   eInstructionControlFlowKindReturn,
1021   /// The instruction is a near unconditional jump.
1022   eInstructionControlFlowKindJump,
1023   /// The instruction is a near conditional jump.
1024   eInstructionControlFlowKindCondJump,
1025   /// The instruction is a call-like far transfer.
1026   /// E.g. SYSCALL, SYSENTER, or FAR CALL.
1027   eInstructionControlFlowKindFarCall,
1028   /// The instruction is a return-like far transfer.
1029   /// E.g. SYSRET, SYSEXIT, IRET, or FAR RET.
1030   eInstructionControlFlowKindFarReturn,
1031   /// The instruction is a jump-like far transfer.
1032   /// E.g. FAR JMP.
1033   eInstructionControlFlowKindFarJump
1034 };
1036 /// Watchpoint Kind.
1037 ///
1038 /// Indicates what types of events cause the watchpoint to fire. Used by Native
1039 /// *Protocol-related classes.
1040 FLAGS_ENUM(WatchpointKind){eWatchpointKindWrite = (1u << 0),
1041                            eWatchpointKindRead = (1u << 1)};
1043 enum GdbSignal {
1044   eGdbSignalBadAccess = 0x91,
1045   eGdbSignalBadInstruction = 0x92,
1046   eGdbSignalArithmetic = 0x93,
1047   eGdbSignalEmulation = 0x94,
1048   eGdbSignalSoftware = 0x95,
1049   eGdbSignalBreakpoint = 0x96
1050 };
1052 /// Used with SBHostOS::GetLLDBPath (lldb::PathType) to find files that are
1053 /// related to LLDB on the current host machine. Most files are
1054 /// relative to LLDB or are in known locations.
1055 enum PathType {
1056   ePathTypeLLDBShlibDir, ///< The directory where the lldb.so (unix) or LLDB
1057                          ///< mach-o file in LLDB.framework (MacOSX) exists
1058   ePathTypeSupportExecutableDir, ///< Find LLDB support executable directory
1059                                  ///< (debugserver, etc)
1060   ePathTypeHeaderDir,            ///< Find LLDB header file directory
1061   ePathTypePythonDir,            ///< Find Python modules (PYTHONPATH) directory
1062   ePathTypeLLDBSystemPlugins,    ///< System plug-ins directory
1063   ePathTypeLLDBUserPlugins,      ///< User plug-ins directory
1064   ePathTypeLLDBTempSystemDir, ///< The LLDB temp directory for this system that
1065                               ///< will be cleaned up on exit
1066   ePathTypeGlobalLLDBTempSystemDir, ///< The LLDB temp directory for this
1067                                     ///< system, NOT cleaned up on a process
1068                                     ///< exit.
1069   ePathTypeClangDir ///< Find path to Clang builtin headers
1070 };
1072 /// Kind of member function.
1073 ///
1074 /// Used by the type system.
1075 enum MemberFunctionKind {
1076   eMemberFunctionKindUnknown = 0,    ///< Not sure what the type of this is
1077   eMemberFunctionKindConstructor,    ///< A function used to create instances
1078   eMemberFunctionKindDestructor,     ///< A function used to tear down existing
1079                                      ///< instances
1080   eMemberFunctionKindInstanceMethod, ///< A function that applies to a specific
1081                                      ///< instance
1082   eMemberFunctionKindStaticMethod ///< A function that applies to a type rather
1083                                   ///< than any instance
1084 };
1086 /// String matching algorithm used by SBTarget.
1087 enum MatchType { eMatchTypeNormal, eMatchTypeRegex, eMatchTypeStartsWith };
1089 /// Bitmask that describes details about a type.
1090 FLAGS_ENUM(TypeFlags){
1091     eTypeHasChildren = (1u << 0),       eTypeHasValue = (1u << 1),
1092     eTypeIsArray = (1u << 2),           eTypeIsBlock = (1u << 3),
1093     eTypeIsBuiltIn = (1u << 4),         eTypeIsClass = (1u << 5),
1094     eTypeIsCPlusPlus = (1u << 6),       eTypeIsEnumeration = (1u << 7),
1095     eTypeIsFuncPrototype = (1u << 8),   eTypeIsMember = (1u << 9),
1096     eTypeIsObjC = (1u << 10),           eTypeIsPointer = (1u << 11),
1097     eTypeIsReference = (1u << 12),      eTypeIsStructUnion = (1u << 13),
1098     eTypeIsTemplate = (1u << 14),       eTypeIsTypedef = (1u << 15),
1099     eTypeIsVector = (1u << 16),         eTypeIsScalar = (1u << 17),
1100     eTypeIsInteger = (1u << 18),        eTypeIsFloat = (1u << 19),
1101     eTypeIsComplex = (1u << 20),        eTypeIsSigned = (1u << 21),
1102     eTypeInstanceIsPointer = (1u << 22)};
1104 FLAGS_ENUM(CommandFlags){
1105     /// eCommandRequiresTarget
1106     ///
1107     /// Ensures a valid target is contained in m_exe_ctx prior to executing the
1108     /// command. If a target doesn't exist or is invalid, the command will fail
1109     /// and CommandObject::GetInvalidTargetDescription() will be returned as the
1110     /// error. CommandObject subclasses can override the virtual function for
1111     /// GetInvalidTargetDescription() to provide custom strings when needed.
1112     eCommandRequiresTarget = (1u << 0),
1113     /// eCommandRequiresProcess
1114     ///
1115     /// Ensures a valid process is contained in m_exe_ctx prior to executing the
1116     /// command. If a process doesn't exist or is invalid, the command will fail
1117     /// and CommandObject::GetInvalidProcessDescription() will be returned as
1118     /// the error. CommandObject subclasses can override the virtual function
1119     /// for GetInvalidProcessDescription() to provide custom strings when
1120     /// needed.
1121     eCommandRequiresProcess = (1u << 1),
1122     /// eCommandRequiresThread
1123     ///
1124     /// Ensures a valid thread is contained in m_exe_ctx prior to executing the
1125     /// command. If a thread doesn't exist or is invalid, the command will fail
1126     /// and CommandObject::GetInvalidThreadDescription() will be returned as the
1127     /// error. CommandObject subclasses can override the virtual function for
1128     /// GetInvalidThreadDescription() to provide custom strings when needed.
1129     eCommandRequiresThread = (1u << 2),
1130     /// eCommandRequiresFrame
1131     ///
1132     /// Ensures a valid frame is contained in m_exe_ctx prior to executing the
1133     /// command. If a frame doesn't exist or is invalid, the command will fail
1134     /// and CommandObject::GetInvalidFrameDescription() will be returned as the
1135     /// error. CommandObject subclasses can override the virtual function for
1136     /// GetInvalidFrameDescription() to provide custom strings when needed.
1137     eCommandRequiresFrame = (1u << 3),
1138     /// eCommandRequiresRegContext
1139     ///
1140     /// Ensures a valid register context (from the selected frame if there is a
1141     /// frame in m_exe_ctx, or from the selected thread from m_exe_ctx) is
1142     /// available from m_exe_ctx prior to executing the command. If a target
1143     /// doesn't exist or is invalid, the command will fail and
1144     /// CommandObject::GetInvalidRegContextDescription() will be returned as the
1145     /// error. CommandObject subclasses can override the virtual function for
1146     /// GetInvalidRegContextDescription() to provide custom strings when needed.
1147     eCommandRequiresRegContext = (1u << 4),
1148     /// eCommandTryTargetAPILock
1149     ///
1150     /// Attempts to acquire the target lock if a target is selected in the
1151     /// command interpreter. If the command object fails to acquire the API
1152     /// lock, the command will fail with an appropriate error message.
1153     eCommandTryTargetAPILock = (1u << 5),
1154     /// eCommandProcessMustBeLaunched
1155     ///
1156     /// Verifies that there is a launched process in m_exe_ctx, if there isn't,
1157     /// the command will fail with an appropriate error message.
1158     eCommandProcessMustBeLaunched = (1u << 6),
1159     /// eCommandProcessMustBePaused
1160     ///
1161     /// Verifies that there is a paused process in m_exe_ctx, if there isn't,
1162     /// the command will fail with an appropriate error message.
1163     eCommandProcessMustBePaused = (1u << 7),
1164     /// eCommandProcessMustBeTraced
1165     ///
1166     /// Verifies that the process is being traced by a Trace plug-in, if it
1167     /// isn't the command will fail with an appropriate error message.
1168     eCommandProcessMustBeTraced = (1u << 8)};
1170 /// Whether a summary should cap how much data it returns to users or not.
1171 enum TypeSummaryCapping {
1172   eTypeSummaryCapped = true,
1173   eTypeSummaryUncapped = false
1174 };
1176 /// The result from a command interpreter run.
1177 enum CommandInterpreterResult {
1178   /// Command interpreter finished successfully.
1179   eCommandInterpreterResultSuccess,
1180   /// Stopped because the corresponding option was set and the inferior
1181   /// crashed.
1182   eCommandInterpreterResultInferiorCrash,
1183   /// Stopped because the corresponding option was set and a command returned
1184   /// an error.
1185   eCommandInterpreterResultCommandError,
1186   /// Stopped because quit was requested.
1187   eCommandInterpreterResultQuitRequested,
1188 };
1190 // Style of core file to create when calling SaveCore.
1191 enum SaveCoreStyle {
1192   eSaveCoreUnspecified = 0,
1193   eSaveCoreFull = 1,
1194   eSaveCoreDirtyOnly = 2,
1195   eSaveCoreStackOnly = 3,
1196 };
1198 /// Events that might happen during a trace session.
1199 enum TraceEvent {
1200   /// Tracing was disabled for some time due to a software trigger.
1201   eTraceEventDisabledSW,
1202   /// Tracing was disable for some time due to a hardware trigger.
1203   eTraceEventDisabledHW,
1204   /// Event due to CPU change for a thread. This event is also fired when
1205   /// suddenly it's not possible to identify the cpu of a given thread.
1206   eTraceEventCPUChanged,
1207   /// Event due to a CPU HW clock tick.
1208   eTraceEventHWClockTick,
1209   /// The underlying tracing technology emitted a synchronization event used by
1210   /// trace processors.
1211   eTraceEventSyncPoint,
1212 };
1214 // Enum used to identify which kind of item a \a TraceCursor is pointing at
1215 enum TraceItemKind {
1216   eTraceItemKindError = 0,
1217   eTraceItemKindEvent,
1218   eTraceItemKindInstruction,
1219 };
1221 /// Enum to indicate the reference point when invoking
1222 /// \a TraceCursor::Seek().
1223 /// The following values are inspired by \a std::istream::seekg.
1224 enum TraceCursorSeekType {
1225   /// The beginning of the trace, i.e the oldest item.
1226   eTraceCursorSeekTypeBeginning = 0,
1227   /// The current position in the trace.
1228   eTraceCursorSeekTypeCurrent,
1229   /// The end of the trace, i.e the most recent item.
1230   eTraceCursorSeekTypeEnd
1231 };
1233 /// Enum to control the verbosity level of `dwim-print` execution.
1234 enum DWIMPrintVerbosity {
1235   /// Run `dwim-print` with no verbosity.
1236   eDWIMPrintVerbosityNone,
1237   /// Print a message when `dwim-print` uses `expression` evaluation.
1238   eDWIMPrintVerbosityExpression,
1239   /// Always print a message indicating how `dwim-print` is evaluating its
1240   /// expression.
1241   eDWIMPrintVerbosityFull,
1242 };
1244 enum WatchpointValueKind {
1245   eWatchPointValueKindInvalid = 0,
1246   ///< Watchpoint was created watching a variable
1247   eWatchPointValueKindVariable = 1,
1248   ///< Watchpoint was created watching the result of an expression that was
1249   ///< evaluated at creation time.
1250   eWatchPointValueKindExpression = 2,
1251 };
1253 enum CompletionType {
1254   eNoCompletion = 0u,
1255   eSourceFileCompletion = (1u << 0),
1256   eDiskFileCompletion = (1u << 1),
1257   eDiskDirectoryCompletion = (1u << 2),
1258   eSymbolCompletion = (1u << 3),
1259   eModuleCompletion = (1u << 4),
1260   eSettingsNameCompletion = (1u << 5),
1261   ePlatformPluginCompletion = (1u << 6),
1262   eArchitectureCompletion = (1u << 7),
1263   eVariablePathCompletion = (1u << 8),
1264   eRegisterCompletion = (1u << 9),
1265   eBreakpointCompletion = (1u << 10),
1266   eProcessPluginCompletion = (1u << 11),
1267   eDisassemblyFlavorCompletion = (1u << 12),
1268   eTypeLanguageCompletion = (1u << 13),
1269   eFrameIndexCompletion = (1u << 14),
1270   eModuleUUIDCompletion = (1u << 15),
1271   eStopHookIDCompletion = (1u << 16),
1272   eThreadIndexCompletion = (1u << 17),
1273   eWatchpointIDCompletion = (1u << 18),
1274   eBreakpointNameCompletion = (1u << 19),
1275   eProcessIDCompletion = (1u << 20),
1276   eProcessNameCompletion = (1u << 21),
1277   eRemoteDiskFileCompletion = (1u << 22),
1278   eRemoteDiskDirectoryCompletion = (1u << 23),
1279   eTypeCategoryNameCompletion = (1u << 24),
1280   // This item serves two purposes.  It is the last element in the enum, so
1281   // you can add custom enums starting from here in your Option class. Also
1282   // if you & in this bit the base code will not process the option.
1283   eCustomCompletion = (1u << 25)
1284 };
1286 } // namespace lldb