1 //===-- BreakpointResolverAddress.cpp -------------------------------------===//
2 //
3 // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4 // See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
5 // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
6 //
7 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
9 #include "lldb/Breakpoint/BreakpointResolverAddress.h"
10 #include "lldb/Breakpoint/BreakpointLocation.h"
11 #include "lldb/Core/Module.h"
12 #include "lldb/Core/Section.h"
13 #include "lldb/Target/Process.h"
14 #include "lldb/Target/Target.h"
15 #include "lldb/Utility/LLDBLog.h"
16 #include "lldb/Utility/StreamString.h"
18 using namespace lldb;
19 using namespace lldb_private;
21 // BreakpointResolverAddress:
22 BreakpointResolverAddress::BreakpointResolverAddress(
23     const BreakpointSP &bkpt, const Address &addr, const FileSpec &module_spec)
24     : BreakpointResolver(bkpt, BreakpointResolver::AddressResolver),
25       m_addr(addr), m_resolved_addr(LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS),
26       m_module_filespec(module_spec) {}
28 BreakpointResolverAddress::BreakpointResolverAddress(const BreakpointSP &bkpt,
29                                                      const Address &addr)
30     : BreakpointResolver(bkpt, BreakpointResolver::AddressResolver),
31       m_addr(addr), m_resolved_addr(LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS) {}
33 BreakpointResolver *BreakpointResolverAddress::CreateFromStructuredData(
34     const BreakpointSP &bkpt, const StructuredData::Dictionary &options_dict,
35     Status &error) {
36   llvm::StringRef module_name;
37   lldb::offset_t addr_offset;
38   FileSpec module_filespec;
39   bool success;
41   success = options_dict.GetValueForKeyAsInteger(
42       GetKey(OptionNames::AddressOffset), addr_offset);
43   if (!success) {
44     error.SetErrorString("BRFL::CFSD: Couldn't find address offset entry.");
45     return nullptr;
46   }
47   Address address(addr_offset);
49   success = options_dict.HasKey(GetKey(OptionNames::ModuleName));
50   if (success) {
51     success = options_dict.GetValueForKeyAsString(
52         GetKey(OptionNames::ModuleName), module_name);
53     if (!success) {
54       error.SetErrorString("BRA::CFSD: Couldn't read module name entry.");
55       return nullptr;
56     }
57     module_filespec.SetFile(module_name, FileSpec::Style::native);
58   }
59   return new BreakpointResolverAddress(bkpt, address, module_filespec);
60 }
62 StructuredData::ObjectSP
63 BreakpointResolverAddress::SerializeToStructuredData() {
64   StructuredData::DictionarySP options_dict_sp(
65       new StructuredData::Dictionary());
66   SectionSP section_sp = m_addr.GetSection();
67   if (section_sp) {
68     ModuleSP module_sp = section_sp->GetModule();
69     ConstString module_name;
70     if (module_sp)
71       module_name.SetCString(module_name.GetCString());
73     options_dict_sp->AddStringItem(GetKey(OptionNames::ModuleName),
74                                    module_name.GetCString());
75     options_dict_sp->AddIntegerItem(GetKey(OptionNames::AddressOffset),
76                                     m_addr.GetOffset());
77   } else {
78     options_dict_sp->AddIntegerItem(GetKey(OptionNames::AddressOffset),
79                                     m_addr.GetOffset());
80     if (m_module_filespec) {
81       options_dict_sp->AddStringItem(GetKey(OptionNames::ModuleName),
82                                      m_module_filespec.GetPath());
83     }
84   }
86   return WrapOptionsDict(options_dict_sp);
87 }
89 void BreakpointResolverAddress::ResolveBreakpoint(SearchFilter &filter) {
90   // If the address is not section relative, then we should not try to re-
91   // resolve it, it is just some random address and we wouldn't know what to do
92   // on reload.  But if it is section relative, we need to re-resolve it since
93   // the section it's in may have shifted on re-run.
94   bool re_resolve = false;
95   if (m_addr.GetSection() || m_module_filespec)
96     re_resolve = true;
97   else if (GetBreakpoint()->GetNumLocations() == 0)
98     re_resolve = true;
100   if (re_resolve)
101     BreakpointResolver::ResolveBreakpoint(filter);
102 }
104 void BreakpointResolverAddress::ResolveBreakpointInModules(
105     SearchFilter &filter, ModuleList &modules) {
106   // See comment in ResolveBreakpoint.
107   bool re_resolve = false;
108   if (m_addr.GetSection())
109     re_resolve = true;
110   else if (GetBreakpoint()->GetNumLocations() == 0)
111     re_resolve = true;
113   if (re_resolve)
114     BreakpointResolver::ResolveBreakpointInModules(filter, modules);
115 }
117 Searcher::CallbackReturn BreakpointResolverAddress::SearchCallback(
118     SearchFilter &filter, SymbolContext &context, Address *addr) {
119   BreakpointSP breakpoint_sp = GetBreakpoint();
120   Breakpoint &breakpoint = *breakpoint_sp;
122   if (filter.AddressPasses(m_addr)) {
123     if (breakpoint.GetNumLocations() == 0) {
124       // If the address is just an offset, and we're given a module, see if we
125       // can find the appropriate module loaded in the binary, and fix up
126       // m_addr to use that.
127       if (!m_addr.IsSectionOffset() && m_module_filespec) {
128         Target &target = breakpoint.GetTarget();
129         ModuleSpec module_spec(m_module_filespec);
130         ModuleSP module_sp = target.GetImages().FindFirstModule(module_spec);
131         if (module_sp) {
132           Address tmp_address;
133           if (module_sp->ResolveFileAddress(m_addr.GetOffset(), tmp_address))
134             m_addr = tmp_address;
135         }
136       }
138       m_resolved_addr = m_addr.GetLoadAddress(&breakpoint.GetTarget());
139       BreakpointLocationSP bp_loc_sp(AddLocation(m_addr));
140       if (bp_loc_sp && !breakpoint.IsInternal()) {
141         StreamString s;
142         bp_loc_sp->GetDescription(&s, lldb::eDescriptionLevelVerbose);
143         Log *log = GetLog(LLDBLog::Breakpoints);
144         LLDB_LOGF(log, "Added location: %s\n", s.GetData());
145       }
146     } else {
147       BreakpointLocationSP loc_sp = breakpoint.GetLocationAtIndex(0);
148       lldb::addr_t cur_load_location =
149           m_addr.GetLoadAddress(&breakpoint.GetTarget());
150       if (cur_load_location != m_resolved_addr) {
151         m_resolved_addr = cur_load_location;
152         loc_sp->ClearBreakpointSite();
153         loc_sp->ResolveBreakpointSite();
154       }
155     }
156   }
157   return Searcher::eCallbackReturnStop;
158 }
160 lldb::SearchDepth BreakpointResolverAddress::GetDepth() {
161   return lldb::eSearchDepthTarget;
162 }
164 void BreakpointResolverAddress::GetDescription(Stream *s) {
165   s->PutCString("address = ");
166   m_addr.Dump(s, GetBreakpoint()->GetTarget().GetProcessSP().get(),
167               Address::DumpStyleModuleWithFileAddress,
168               Address::DumpStyleLoadAddress);
169 }
171 void BreakpointResolverAddress::Dump(Stream *s) const {}
173 lldb::BreakpointResolverSP
174 BreakpointResolverAddress::CopyForBreakpoint(BreakpointSP &breakpoint) {
175   lldb::BreakpointResolverSP ret_sp(
176       new BreakpointResolverAddress(breakpoint, m_addr));
177   return ret_sp;
178 }