1 //===-- FormatManager.cpp -------------------------------------------------===//
2 //
3 // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4 // See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
5 // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
6 //
7 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
9 #include "lldb/DataFormatters/FormatManager.h"
11 #include "lldb/Core/Debugger.h"
12 #include "lldb/DataFormatters/FormattersHelpers.h"
13 #include "lldb/DataFormatters/LanguageCategory.h"
14 #include "lldb/Target/ExecutionContext.h"
15 #include "lldb/Target/Language.h"
16 #include "lldb/Utility/LLDBLog.h"
17 #include "lldb/Utility/Log.h"
18 #include "llvm/ADT/STLExtras.h"
20 using namespace lldb;
21 using namespace lldb_private;
22 using namespace lldb_private::formatters;
24 struct FormatInfo {
25   Format format;
26   const char format_char;  // One or more format characters that can be used for
27                            // this format.
28   const char *format_name; // Long format name that can be used to specify the
29                            // current format
30 };
32 static constexpr FormatInfo g_format_infos[] = {
33     {eFormatDefault, '\0', "default"},
34     {eFormatBoolean, 'B', "boolean"},
35     {eFormatBinary, 'b', "binary"},
36     {eFormatBytes, 'y', "bytes"},
37     {eFormatBytesWithASCII, 'Y', "bytes with ASCII"},
38     {eFormatChar, 'c', "character"},
39     {eFormatCharPrintable, 'C', "printable character"},
40     {eFormatComplexFloat, 'F', "complex float"},
41     {eFormatCString, 's', "c-string"},
42     {eFormatDecimal, 'd', "decimal"},
43     {eFormatEnum, 'E', "enumeration"},
44     {eFormatHex, 'x', "hex"},
45     {eFormatHexUppercase, 'X', "uppercase hex"},
46     {eFormatFloat, 'f', "float"},
47     {eFormatOctal, 'o', "octal"},
48     {eFormatOSType, 'O', "OSType"},
49     {eFormatUnicode16, 'U', "unicode16"},
50     {eFormatUnicode32, '\0', "unicode32"},
51     {eFormatUnsigned, 'u', "unsigned decimal"},
52     {eFormatPointer, 'p', "pointer"},
53     {eFormatVectorOfChar, '\0', "char[]"},
54     {eFormatVectorOfSInt8, '\0', "int8_t[]"},
55     {eFormatVectorOfUInt8, '\0', "uint8_t[]"},
56     {eFormatVectorOfSInt16, '\0', "int16_t[]"},
57     {eFormatVectorOfUInt16, '\0', "uint16_t[]"},
58     {eFormatVectorOfSInt32, '\0', "int32_t[]"},
59     {eFormatVectorOfUInt32, '\0', "uint32_t[]"},
60     {eFormatVectorOfSInt64, '\0', "int64_t[]"},
61     {eFormatVectorOfUInt64, '\0', "uint64_t[]"},
62     {eFormatVectorOfFloat16, '\0', "float16[]"},
63     {eFormatVectorOfFloat32, '\0', "float32[]"},
64     {eFormatVectorOfFloat64, '\0', "float64[]"},
65     {eFormatVectorOfUInt128, '\0', "uint128_t[]"},
66     {eFormatComplexInteger, 'I', "complex integer"},
67     {eFormatCharArray, 'a', "character array"},
68     {eFormatAddressInfo, 'A', "address"},
69     {eFormatHexFloat, '\0', "hex float"},
70     {eFormatInstruction, 'i', "instruction"},
71     {eFormatVoid, 'v', "void"},
72     {eFormatUnicode8, 'u', "unicode8"},
73 };
75 static_assert((sizeof(g_format_infos) / sizeof(g_format_infos[0])) ==
76                   kNumFormats,
77               "All formats must have a corresponding info entry.");
79 static uint32_t g_num_format_infos = llvm::array_lengthof(g_format_infos);
81 static bool GetFormatFromFormatChar(char format_char, Format &format) {
82   for (uint32_t i = 0; i < g_num_format_infos; ++i) {
83     if (g_format_infos[i].format_char == format_char) {
84       format = g_format_infos[i].format;
85       return true;
86     }
87   }
88   format = eFormatInvalid;
89   return false;
90 }
92 static bool GetFormatFromFormatName(llvm::StringRef format_name,
93                                     bool partial_match_ok, Format &format) {
94   uint32_t i;
95   for (i = 0; i < g_num_format_infos; ++i) {
96     if (format_name.equals_insensitive(g_format_infos[i].format_name)) {
97       format = g_format_infos[i].format;
98       return true;
99     }
100   }
102   if (partial_match_ok) {
103     for (i = 0; i < g_num_format_infos; ++i) {
104       if (llvm::StringRef(g_format_infos[i].format_name)
105               .startswith_insensitive(format_name)) {
106         format = g_format_infos[i].format;
107         return true;
108       }
109     }
110   }
111   format = eFormatInvalid;
112   return false;
113 }
115 void FormatManager::Changed() {
116   ++m_last_revision;
117   m_format_cache.Clear();
118   std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> guard(m_language_categories_mutex);
119   for (auto &iter : m_language_categories_map) {
120     if (iter.second)
121       iter.second->GetFormatCache().Clear();
122   }
123 }
125 bool FormatManager::GetFormatFromCString(const char *format_cstr,
126                                          bool partial_match_ok,
127                                          lldb::Format &format) {
128   bool success = false;
129   if (format_cstr && format_cstr[0]) {
130     if (format_cstr[1] == '\0') {
131       success = GetFormatFromFormatChar(format_cstr[0], format);
132       if (success)
133         return true;
134     }
136     success = GetFormatFromFormatName(format_cstr, partial_match_ok, format);
137   }
138   if (!success)
139     format = eFormatInvalid;
140   return success;
141 }
143 char FormatManager::GetFormatAsFormatChar(lldb::Format format) {
144   for (uint32_t i = 0; i < g_num_format_infos; ++i) {
145     if (g_format_infos[i].format == format)
146       return g_format_infos[i].format_char;
147   }
148   return '\0';
149 }
151 const char *FormatManager::GetFormatAsCString(Format format) {
152   if (format >= eFormatDefault && format < kNumFormats)
153     return g_format_infos[format].format_name;
154   return nullptr;
155 }
157 void FormatManager::EnableAllCategories() {
158   m_categories_map.EnableAllCategories();
159   std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> guard(m_language_categories_mutex);
160   for (auto &iter : m_language_categories_map) {
161     if (iter.second)
162       iter.second->Enable();
163   }
164 }
166 void FormatManager::DisableAllCategories() {
167   m_categories_map.DisableAllCategories();
168   std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> guard(m_language_categories_mutex);
169   for (auto &iter : m_language_categories_map) {
170     if (iter.second)
171       iter.second->Disable();
172   }
173 }
175 void FormatManager::GetPossibleMatches(
176     ValueObject &valobj, CompilerType compiler_type,
177     lldb::DynamicValueType use_dynamic, FormattersMatchVector &entries,
178     bool did_strip_ptr, bool did_strip_ref, bool did_strip_typedef,
179     bool root_level) {
180   compiler_type = compiler_type.GetTypeForFormatters();
181   ConstString type_name(compiler_type.GetTypeName());
182   if (valobj.GetBitfieldBitSize() > 0) {
183     StreamString sstring;
184     sstring.Printf("%s:%d", type_name.AsCString(), valobj.GetBitfieldBitSize());
185     ConstString bitfieldname(sstring.GetString());
186     entries.push_back(
187         {bitfieldname, did_strip_ptr, did_strip_ref, did_strip_typedef});
188   }
190   if (!compiler_type.IsMeaninglessWithoutDynamicResolution()) {
191     entries.push_back(
192         {type_name, did_strip_ptr, did_strip_ref, did_strip_typedef});
194     ConstString display_type_name(compiler_type.GetTypeName());
195     if (display_type_name != type_name)
196       entries.push_back({display_type_name, did_strip_ptr,
197                          did_strip_ref, did_strip_typedef});
198   }
200   for (bool is_rvalue_ref = true, j = true;
201        j && compiler_type.IsReferenceType(nullptr, &is_rvalue_ref); j = false) {
202     CompilerType non_ref_type = compiler_type.GetNonReferenceType();
203     GetPossibleMatches(
204         valobj, non_ref_type,
205         use_dynamic, entries, did_strip_ptr, true, did_strip_typedef);
206     if (non_ref_type.IsTypedefType()) {
207       CompilerType deffed_referenced_type = non_ref_type.GetTypedefedType();
208       deffed_referenced_type =
209           is_rvalue_ref ? deffed_referenced_type.GetRValueReferenceType()
210                         : deffed_referenced_type.GetLValueReferenceType();
211       GetPossibleMatches(
212           valobj, deffed_referenced_type,
213           use_dynamic, entries, did_strip_ptr, did_strip_ref,
214           true); // this is not exactly the usual meaning of stripping typedefs
215     }
216   }
218   if (compiler_type.IsPointerType()) {
219     CompilerType non_ptr_type = compiler_type.GetPointeeType();
220     GetPossibleMatches(
221         valobj, non_ptr_type,
222         use_dynamic, entries, true, did_strip_ref, did_strip_typedef);
223     if (non_ptr_type.IsTypedefType()) {
224       CompilerType deffed_pointed_type =
225           non_ptr_type.GetTypedefedType().GetPointerType();
226       const bool stripped_typedef = true;
227       GetPossibleMatches(
228           valobj, deffed_pointed_type,
229           use_dynamic, entries, did_strip_ptr, did_strip_ref,
230           stripped_typedef); // this is not exactly the usual meaning of
231                              // stripping typedefs
232     }
233   }
235   // For arrays with typedef-ed elements, we add a candidate with the typedef
236   // stripped.
237   uint64_t array_size;
238   if (compiler_type.IsArrayType(nullptr, &array_size, nullptr)) {
239     ExecutionContext exe_ctx(valobj.GetExecutionContextRef());
240     CompilerType element_type = compiler_type.GetArrayElementType(
241         exe_ctx.GetBestExecutionContextScope());
242     if (element_type.IsTypedefType()) {
243       // Get the stripped element type and compute the stripped array type
244       // from it.
245       CompilerType deffed_array_type =
246           element_type.GetTypedefedType().GetArrayType(array_size);
247       const bool stripped_typedef = true;
248       GetPossibleMatches(
249           valobj, deffed_array_type,
250           use_dynamic, entries, did_strip_ptr, did_strip_ref,
251           stripped_typedef); // this is not exactly the usual meaning of
252                              // stripping typedefs
253     }
254   }
256   for (lldb::LanguageType language_type :
257        GetCandidateLanguages(valobj.GetObjectRuntimeLanguage())) {
258     if (Language *language = Language::FindPlugin(language_type)) {
259       for (ConstString candidate :
260            language->GetPossibleFormattersMatches(valobj, use_dynamic)) {
261         entries.push_back(
262             {candidate,
263              did_strip_ptr, did_strip_ref, did_strip_typedef});
264       }
265     }
266   }
268   // try to strip typedef chains
269   if (compiler_type.IsTypedefType()) {
270     CompilerType deffed_type = compiler_type.GetTypedefedType();
271     GetPossibleMatches(
272         valobj, deffed_type,
273         use_dynamic, entries, did_strip_ptr, did_strip_ref, true);
274   }
276   if (root_level) {
277     do {
278       if (!compiler_type.IsValid())
279         break;
281       CompilerType unqual_compiler_ast_type =
282           compiler_type.GetFullyUnqualifiedType();
283       if (!unqual_compiler_ast_type.IsValid())
284         break;
285       if (unqual_compiler_ast_type.GetOpaqueQualType() !=
286           compiler_type.GetOpaqueQualType())
287         GetPossibleMatches(valobj, unqual_compiler_ast_type,
288                            use_dynamic, entries, did_strip_ptr, did_strip_ref,
289                            did_strip_typedef);
290     } while (false);
292     // if all else fails, go to static type
293     if (valobj.IsDynamic()) {
294       lldb::ValueObjectSP static_value_sp(valobj.GetStaticValue());
295       if (static_value_sp)
296         GetPossibleMatches(
297             *static_value_sp.get(), static_value_sp->GetCompilerType(),
298             use_dynamic, entries, did_strip_ptr, did_strip_ref,
299             did_strip_typedef, true);
300     }
301   }
302 }
304 lldb::TypeFormatImplSP
305 FormatManager::GetFormatForType(lldb::TypeNameSpecifierImplSP type_sp) {
306   if (!type_sp)
307     return lldb::TypeFormatImplSP();
308   lldb::TypeFormatImplSP format_chosen_sp;
309   uint32_t num_categories = m_categories_map.GetCount();
310   lldb::TypeCategoryImplSP category_sp;
311   uint32_t prio_category = UINT32_MAX;
312   for (uint32_t category_id = 0; category_id < num_categories; category_id++) {
313     category_sp = GetCategoryAtIndex(category_id);
314     if (!category_sp->IsEnabled())
315       continue;
316     lldb::TypeFormatImplSP format_current_sp =
317         category_sp->GetFormatForType(type_sp);
318     if (format_current_sp &&
319         (format_chosen_sp.get() == nullptr ||
320          (prio_category > category_sp->GetEnabledPosition()))) {
321       prio_category = category_sp->GetEnabledPosition();
322       format_chosen_sp = format_current_sp;
323     }
324   }
325   return format_chosen_sp;
326 }
328 lldb::TypeSummaryImplSP
329 FormatManager::GetSummaryForType(lldb::TypeNameSpecifierImplSP type_sp) {
330   if (!type_sp)
331     return lldb::TypeSummaryImplSP();
332   lldb::TypeSummaryImplSP summary_chosen_sp;
333   uint32_t num_categories = m_categories_map.GetCount();
334   lldb::TypeCategoryImplSP category_sp;
335   uint32_t prio_category = UINT32_MAX;
336   for (uint32_t category_id = 0; category_id < num_categories; category_id++) {
337     category_sp = GetCategoryAtIndex(category_id);
338     if (!category_sp->IsEnabled())
339       continue;
340     lldb::TypeSummaryImplSP summary_current_sp =
341         category_sp->GetSummaryForType(type_sp);
342     if (summary_current_sp &&
343         (summary_chosen_sp.get() == nullptr ||
344          (prio_category > category_sp->GetEnabledPosition()))) {
345       prio_category = category_sp->GetEnabledPosition();
346       summary_chosen_sp = summary_current_sp;
347     }
348   }
349   return summary_chosen_sp;
350 }
352 lldb::TypeFilterImplSP
353 FormatManager::GetFilterForType(lldb::TypeNameSpecifierImplSP type_sp) {
354   if (!type_sp)
355     return lldb::TypeFilterImplSP();
356   lldb::TypeFilterImplSP filter_chosen_sp;
357   uint32_t num_categories = m_categories_map.GetCount();
358   lldb::TypeCategoryImplSP category_sp;
359   uint32_t prio_category = UINT32_MAX;
360   for (uint32_t category_id = 0; category_id < num_categories; category_id++) {
361     category_sp = GetCategoryAtIndex(category_id);
362     if (!category_sp->IsEnabled())
363       continue;
364     lldb::TypeFilterImplSP filter_current_sp(
365         (TypeFilterImpl *)category_sp->GetFilterForType(type_sp).get());
366     if (filter_current_sp &&
367         (filter_chosen_sp.get() == nullptr ||
368          (prio_category > category_sp->GetEnabledPosition()))) {
369       prio_category = category_sp->GetEnabledPosition();
370       filter_chosen_sp = filter_current_sp;
371     }
372   }
373   return filter_chosen_sp;
374 }
376 lldb::ScriptedSyntheticChildrenSP
377 FormatManager::GetSyntheticForType(lldb::TypeNameSpecifierImplSP type_sp) {
378   if (!type_sp)
379     return lldb::ScriptedSyntheticChildrenSP();
380   lldb::ScriptedSyntheticChildrenSP synth_chosen_sp;
381   uint32_t num_categories = m_categories_map.GetCount();
382   lldb::TypeCategoryImplSP category_sp;
383   uint32_t prio_category = UINT32_MAX;
384   for (uint32_t category_id = 0; category_id < num_categories; category_id++) {
385     category_sp = GetCategoryAtIndex(category_id);
386     if (!category_sp->IsEnabled())
387       continue;
388     lldb::ScriptedSyntheticChildrenSP synth_current_sp(
389         (ScriptedSyntheticChildren *)category_sp->GetSyntheticForType(type_sp)
390             .get());
391     if (synth_current_sp &&
392         (synth_chosen_sp.get() == nullptr ||
393          (prio_category > category_sp->GetEnabledPosition()))) {
394       prio_category = category_sp->GetEnabledPosition();
395       synth_chosen_sp = synth_current_sp;
396     }
397   }
398   return synth_chosen_sp;
399 }
401 void FormatManager::ForEachCategory(TypeCategoryMap::ForEachCallback callback) {
402   m_categories_map.ForEach(callback);
403   std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> guard(m_language_categories_mutex);
404   for (const auto &entry : m_language_categories_map) {
405     if (auto category_sp = entry.second->GetCategory()) {
406       if (!callback(category_sp))
407         break;
408     }
409   }
410 }
412 lldb::TypeCategoryImplSP
413 FormatManager::GetCategory(ConstString category_name, bool can_create) {
414   if (!category_name)
415     return GetCategory(m_default_category_name);
416   lldb::TypeCategoryImplSP category;
417   if (m_categories_map.Get(category_name, category))
418     return category;
420   if (!can_create)
421     return lldb::TypeCategoryImplSP();
423   m_categories_map.Add(
424       category_name,
425       lldb::TypeCategoryImplSP(new TypeCategoryImpl(this, category_name)));
426   return GetCategory(category_name);
427 }
429 lldb::Format FormatManager::GetSingleItemFormat(lldb::Format vector_format) {
430   switch (vector_format) {
431   case eFormatVectorOfChar:
432     return eFormatCharArray;
434   case eFormatVectorOfSInt8:
435   case eFormatVectorOfSInt16:
436   case eFormatVectorOfSInt32:
437   case eFormatVectorOfSInt64:
438     return eFormatDecimal;
440   case eFormatVectorOfUInt8:
441   case eFormatVectorOfUInt16:
442   case eFormatVectorOfUInt32:
443   case eFormatVectorOfUInt64:
444   case eFormatVectorOfUInt128:
445     return eFormatHex;
447   case eFormatVectorOfFloat16:
448   case eFormatVectorOfFloat32:
449   case eFormatVectorOfFloat64:
450     return eFormatFloat;
452   default:
453     return lldb::eFormatInvalid;
454   }
455 }
457 bool FormatManager::ShouldPrintAsOneLiner(ValueObject &valobj) {
458   // if settings say no oneline whatsoever
459   if (valobj.GetTargetSP().get() &&
460       !valobj.GetTargetSP()->GetDebugger().GetAutoOneLineSummaries())
461     return false; // then don't oneline
463   // if this object has a summary, then ask the summary
464   if (valobj.GetSummaryFormat().get() != nullptr)
465     return valobj.GetSummaryFormat()->IsOneLiner();
467   // no children, no party
468   if (valobj.GetNumChildren() == 0)
469     return false;
471   // ask the type if it has any opinion about this eLazyBoolCalculate == no
472   // opinion; other values should be self explanatory
473   CompilerType compiler_type(valobj.GetCompilerType());
474   if (compiler_type.IsValid()) {
475     switch (compiler_type.ShouldPrintAsOneLiner(&valobj)) {
476     case eLazyBoolNo:
477       return false;
478     case eLazyBoolYes:
479       return true;
480     case eLazyBoolCalculate:
481       break;
482     }
483   }
485   size_t total_children_name_len = 0;
487   for (size_t idx = 0; idx < valobj.GetNumChildren(); idx++) {
488     bool is_synth_val = false;
489     ValueObjectSP child_sp(valobj.GetChildAtIndex(idx, true));
490     // something is wrong here - bail out
491     if (!child_sp)
492       return false;
494     // also ask the child's type if it has any opinion
495     CompilerType child_compiler_type(child_sp->GetCompilerType());
496     if (child_compiler_type.IsValid()) {
497       switch (child_compiler_type.ShouldPrintAsOneLiner(child_sp.get())) {
498       case eLazyBoolYes:
499       // an opinion of yes is only binding for the child, so keep going
500       case eLazyBoolCalculate:
501         break;
502       case eLazyBoolNo:
503         // but if the child says no, then it's a veto on the whole thing
504         return false;
505       }
506     }
508     // if we decided to define synthetic children for a type, we probably care
509     // enough to show them, but avoid nesting children in children
510     if (child_sp->GetSyntheticChildren().get() != nullptr) {
511       ValueObjectSP synth_sp(child_sp->GetSyntheticValue());
512       // wait.. wat? just get out of here..
513       if (!synth_sp)
514         return false;
515       // but if we only have them to provide a value, keep going
516       if (!synth_sp->MightHaveChildren() &&
517           synth_sp->DoesProvideSyntheticValue())
518         is_synth_val = true;
519       else
520         return false;
521     }
523     total_children_name_len += child_sp->GetName().GetLength();
525     // 50 itself is a "randomly" chosen number - the idea is that
526     // overly long structs should not get this treatment
527     // FIXME: maybe make this a user-tweakable setting?
528     if (total_children_name_len > 50)
529       return false;
531     // if a summary is there..
532     if (child_sp->GetSummaryFormat()) {
533       // and it wants children, then bail out
534       if (child_sp->GetSummaryFormat()->DoesPrintChildren(child_sp.get()))
535         return false;
536     }
538     // if this child has children..
539     if (child_sp->GetNumChildren()) {
540       // ...and no summary...
541       // (if it had a summary and the summary wanted children, we would have
542       // bailed out anyway
543       //  so this only makes us bail out if this has no summary and we would
544       //  then print children)
545       if (!child_sp->GetSummaryFormat() && !is_synth_val) // but again only do
546                                                           // that if not a
547                                                           // synthetic valued
548                                                           // child
549         return false;                                     // then bail out
550     }
551   }
552   return true;
553 }
555 ConstString FormatManager::GetTypeForCache(ValueObject &valobj,
556                                            lldb::DynamicValueType use_dynamic) {
557   ValueObjectSP valobj_sp = valobj.GetQualifiedRepresentationIfAvailable(
558       use_dynamic, valobj.IsSynthetic());
559   if (valobj_sp && valobj_sp->GetCompilerType().IsValid()) {
560     if (!valobj_sp->GetCompilerType().IsMeaninglessWithoutDynamicResolution())
561       return valobj_sp->GetQualifiedTypeName();
562   }
563   return ConstString();
564 }
566 std::vector<lldb::LanguageType>
567 FormatManager::GetCandidateLanguages(lldb::LanguageType lang_type) {
568   switch (lang_type) {
569   case lldb::eLanguageTypeC:
570   case lldb::eLanguageTypeC89:
571   case lldb::eLanguageTypeC99:
572   case lldb::eLanguageTypeC11:
573   case lldb::eLanguageTypeC_plus_plus:
574   case lldb::eLanguageTypeC_plus_plus_03:
575   case lldb::eLanguageTypeC_plus_plus_11:
576   case lldb::eLanguageTypeC_plus_plus_14:
577     return {lldb::eLanguageTypeC_plus_plus, lldb::eLanguageTypeObjC};
578   default:
579     return {lang_type};
580   }
581   llvm_unreachable("Fully covered switch");
582 }
584 LanguageCategory *
585 FormatManager::GetCategoryForLanguage(lldb::LanguageType lang_type) {
586   std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> guard(m_language_categories_mutex);
587   auto iter = m_language_categories_map.find(lang_type),
588        end = m_language_categories_map.end();
589   if (iter != end)
590     return iter->second.get();
591   LanguageCategory *lang_category = new LanguageCategory(lang_type);
592   m_language_categories_map[lang_type] =
593       LanguageCategory::UniquePointer(lang_category);
594   return lang_category;
595 }
597 template <typename ImplSP>
598 ImplSP FormatManager::GetHardcoded(FormattersMatchData &match_data) {
599   ImplSP retval_sp;
600   for (lldb::LanguageType lang_type : match_data.GetCandidateLanguages()) {
601     if (LanguageCategory *lang_category = GetCategoryForLanguage(lang_type)) {
602       if (lang_category->GetHardcoded(*this, match_data, retval_sp))
603         return retval_sp;
604     }
605   }
606   return retval_sp;
607 }
609 template <typename ImplSP>
610 ImplSP FormatManager::Get(ValueObject &valobj,
611                           lldb::DynamicValueType use_dynamic) {
612   FormattersMatchData match_data(valobj, use_dynamic);
613   if (ImplSP retval_sp = GetCached<ImplSP>(match_data))
614     return retval_sp;
616   Log *log = GetLog(LLDBLog::DataFormatters);
618   LLDB_LOGF(log, "[%s] Search failed. Giving language a chance.", __FUNCTION__);
619   for (lldb::LanguageType lang_type : match_data.GetCandidateLanguages()) {
620     if (LanguageCategory *lang_category = GetCategoryForLanguage(lang_type)) {
621       ImplSP retval_sp;
622       if (lang_category->Get(match_data, retval_sp))
623         if (retval_sp) {
624           LLDB_LOGF(log, "[%s] Language search success. Returning.",
625                     __FUNCTION__);
626           return retval_sp;
627         }
628     }
629   }
631   LLDB_LOGF(log, "[%s] Search failed. Giving hardcoded a chance.",
632             __FUNCTION__);
633   return GetHardcoded<ImplSP>(match_data);
634 }
636 template <typename ImplSP>
637 ImplSP FormatManager::GetCached(FormattersMatchData &match_data) {
638   ImplSP retval_sp;
639   Log *log = GetLog(LLDBLog::DataFormatters);
640   if (match_data.GetTypeForCache()) {
641     LLDB_LOGF(log, "\n\n[%s] Looking into cache for type %s", __FUNCTION__,
642               match_data.GetTypeForCache().AsCString("<invalid>"));
643     if (m_format_cache.Get(match_data.GetTypeForCache(), retval_sp)) {
644       if (log) {
645         LLDB_LOGF(log, "[%s] Cache search success. Returning.", __FUNCTION__);
646         LLDB_LOGV(log, "Cache hits: {0} - Cache Misses: {1}",
647                   m_format_cache.GetCacheHits(),
648                   m_format_cache.GetCacheMisses());
649       }
650       return retval_sp;
651     }
652     LLDB_LOGF(log, "[%s] Cache search failed. Going normal route",
653               __FUNCTION__);
654   }
656   m_categories_map.Get(match_data, retval_sp);
657   if (match_data.GetTypeForCache() && (!retval_sp || !retval_sp->NonCacheable())) {
658     LLDB_LOGF(log, "[%s] Caching %p for type %s", __FUNCTION__,
659               static_cast<void *>(retval_sp.get()),
660               match_data.GetTypeForCache().AsCString("<invalid>"));
661     m_format_cache.Set(match_data.GetTypeForCache(), retval_sp);
662   }
663   LLDB_LOGV(log, "Cache hits: {0} - Cache Misses: {1}",
664             m_format_cache.GetCacheHits(), m_format_cache.GetCacheMisses());
665   return retval_sp;
666 }
668 lldb::TypeFormatImplSP
669 FormatManager::GetFormat(ValueObject &valobj,
670                          lldb::DynamicValueType use_dynamic) {
671   return Get<lldb::TypeFormatImplSP>(valobj, use_dynamic);
672 }
674 lldb::TypeSummaryImplSP
675 FormatManager::GetSummaryFormat(ValueObject &valobj,
676                                 lldb::DynamicValueType use_dynamic) {
677   return Get<lldb::TypeSummaryImplSP>(valobj, use_dynamic);
678 }
680 lldb::SyntheticChildrenSP
681 FormatManager::GetSyntheticChildren(ValueObject &valobj,
682                                     lldb::DynamicValueType use_dynamic) {
683   return Get<lldb::SyntheticChildrenSP>(valobj, use_dynamic);
684 }
686 FormatManager::FormatManager()
687     : m_last_revision(0), m_format_cache(), m_language_categories_mutex(),
688       m_language_categories_map(), m_named_summaries_map(this),
689       m_categories_map(this), m_default_category_name(ConstString("default")),
690       m_system_category_name(ConstString("system")),
691       m_vectortypes_category_name(ConstString("VectorTypes")) {
692   LoadSystemFormatters();
693   LoadVectorFormatters();
695   EnableCategory(m_vectortypes_category_name, TypeCategoryMap::Last,
696                  lldb::eLanguageTypeObjC_plus_plus);
697   EnableCategory(m_system_category_name, TypeCategoryMap::Last,
698                  lldb::eLanguageTypeObjC_plus_plus);
699 }
701 void FormatManager::LoadSystemFormatters() {
702   TypeSummaryImpl::Flags string_flags;
703   string_flags.SetCascades(true)
704       .SetSkipPointers(true)
705       .SetSkipReferences(false)
706       .SetDontShowChildren(true)
707       .SetDontShowValue(false)
708       .SetShowMembersOneLiner(false)
709       .SetHideItemNames(false);
711   TypeSummaryImpl::Flags string_array_flags;
712   string_array_flags.SetCascades(true)
713       .SetSkipPointers(true)
714       .SetSkipReferences(false)
715       .SetDontShowChildren(true)
716       .SetDontShowValue(true)
717       .SetShowMembersOneLiner(false)
718       .SetHideItemNames(false);
720   lldb::TypeSummaryImplSP string_format(
721       new StringSummaryFormat(string_flags, "${var%s}"));
723   lldb::TypeSummaryImplSP string_array_format(
724       new StringSummaryFormat(string_array_flags, "${var%char[]}"));
726   RegularExpression any_size_char_arr(R"(^((un)?signed )?char ?\[[0-9]+\]$)");
728   TypeCategoryImpl::SharedPointer sys_category_sp =
729       GetCategory(m_system_category_name);
731   sys_category_sp->GetRegexTypeSummariesContainer()->Add(
732       RegularExpression(R"(^(unsigned )?char ?(\*|\[\])$)"), string_format);
734   sys_category_sp->GetRegexTypeSummariesContainer()->Add(
735       std::move(any_size_char_arr), string_array_format);
737   lldb::TypeSummaryImplSP ostype_summary(
738       new StringSummaryFormat(TypeSummaryImpl::Flags()
739                                   .SetCascades(false)
740                                   .SetSkipPointers(true)
741                                   .SetSkipReferences(true)
742                                   .SetDontShowChildren(true)
743                                   .SetDontShowValue(false)
744                                   .SetShowMembersOneLiner(false)
745                                   .SetHideItemNames(false),
746                               "${var%O}"));
748   sys_category_sp->GetTypeSummariesContainer()->Add(ConstString("OSType"),
749                                                     ostype_summary);
751   TypeFormatImpl::Flags fourchar_flags;
752   fourchar_flags.SetCascades(true).SetSkipPointers(true).SetSkipReferences(
753       true);
755   AddFormat(sys_category_sp, lldb::eFormatOSType, ConstString("FourCharCode"),
756             fourchar_flags);
757 }
759 void FormatManager::LoadVectorFormatters() {
760   TypeCategoryImpl::SharedPointer vectors_category_sp =
761       GetCategory(m_vectortypes_category_name);
763   TypeSummaryImpl::Flags vector_flags;
764   vector_flags.SetCascades(true)
765       .SetSkipPointers(true)
766       .SetSkipReferences(false)
767       .SetDontShowChildren(true)
768       .SetDontShowValue(false)
769       .SetShowMembersOneLiner(true)
770       .SetHideItemNames(true);
772   AddStringSummary(vectors_category_sp, "${var.uint128}",
773                    ConstString("builtin_type_vec128"), vector_flags);
774   AddStringSummary(vectors_category_sp, "", ConstString("float[4]"),
775                    vector_flags);
776   AddStringSummary(vectors_category_sp, "", ConstString("int32_t[4]"),
777                    vector_flags);
778   AddStringSummary(vectors_category_sp, "", ConstString("int16_t[8]"),
779                    vector_flags);
780   AddStringSummary(vectors_category_sp, "", ConstString("vDouble"),
781                    vector_flags);
782   AddStringSummary(vectors_category_sp, "", ConstString("vFloat"),
783                    vector_flags);
784   AddStringSummary(vectors_category_sp, "", ConstString("vSInt8"),
785                    vector_flags);
786   AddStringSummary(vectors_category_sp, "", ConstString("vSInt16"),
787                    vector_flags);
788   AddStringSummary(vectors_category_sp, "", ConstString("vSInt32"),
789                    vector_flags);
790   AddStringSummary(vectors_category_sp, "", ConstString("vUInt16"),
791                    vector_flags);
792   AddStringSummary(vectors_category_sp, "", ConstString("vUInt8"),
793                    vector_flags);
794   AddStringSummary(vectors_category_sp, "", ConstString("vUInt16"),
795                    vector_flags);
796   AddStringSummary(vectors_category_sp, "", ConstString("vUInt32"),
797                    vector_flags);
798   AddStringSummary(vectors_category_sp, "", ConstString("vBool32"),
799                    vector_flags);
800 }