1 //===-- ValueObjectPrinter.cpp -----------------------------------*- C++-*-===//
2 //
3 // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4 // See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
5 // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
6 //
7 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
9 #include "lldb/DataFormatters/ValueObjectPrinter.h"
11 #include "lldb/Core/ValueObject.h"
12 #include "lldb/DataFormatters/DataVisualization.h"
13 #include "lldb/Interpreter/CommandInterpreter.h"
14 #include "lldb/Target/Language.h"
15 #include "lldb/Target/Target.h"
16 #include "lldb/Utility/Stream.h"
18 using namespace lldb;
19 using namespace lldb_private;
21 ValueObjectPrinter::ValueObjectPrinter(ValueObject *valobj, Stream *s) {
22   if (valobj) {
23     DumpValueObjectOptions options(*valobj);
24     Init(valobj, s, options, m_options.m_max_ptr_depth, 0, nullptr);
25   } else {
26     DumpValueObjectOptions options;
27     Init(valobj, s, options, m_options.m_max_ptr_depth, 0, nullptr);
28   }
29 }
31 ValueObjectPrinter::ValueObjectPrinter(ValueObject *valobj, Stream *s,
32                                        const DumpValueObjectOptions &options) {
33   Init(valobj, s, options, m_options.m_max_ptr_depth, 0, nullptr);
34 }
36 ValueObjectPrinter::ValueObjectPrinter(
37     ValueObject *valobj, Stream *s, const DumpValueObjectOptions &options,
38     const DumpValueObjectOptions::PointerDepth &ptr_depth, uint32_t curr_depth,
39     InstancePointersSetSP printed_instance_pointers) {
40   Init(valobj, s, options, ptr_depth, curr_depth, printed_instance_pointers);
41 }
43 void ValueObjectPrinter::Init(
44     ValueObject *valobj, Stream *s, const DumpValueObjectOptions &options,
45     const DumpValueObjectOptions::PointerDepth &ptr_depth, uint32_t curr_depth,
46     InstancePointersSetSP printed_instance_pointers) {
47   m_orig_valobj = valobj;
48   m_valobj = nullptr;
49   m_stream = s;
50   m_options = options;
51   m_ptr_depth = ptr_depth;
52   m_curr_depth = curr_depth;
53   assert(m_orig_valobj && "cannot print a NULL ValueObject");
54   assert(m_stream && "cannot print to a NULL Stream");
55   m_should_print = eLazyBoolCalculate;
56   m_is_nil = eLazyBoolCalculate;
57   m_is_uninit = eLazyBoolCalculate;
58   m_is_ptr = eLazyBoolCalculate;
59   m_is_ref = eLazyBoolCalculate;
60   m_is_aggregate = eLazyBoolCalculate;
61   m_is_instance_ptr = eLazyBoolCalculate;
62   m_summary_formatter = {nullptr, false};
63   m_value.assign("");
64   m_summary.assign("");
65   m_error.assign("");
66   m_val_summary_ok = false;
67   m_printed_instance_pointers =
68       printed_instance_pointers
69           ? printed_instance_pointers
70           : InstancePointersSetSP(new InstancePointersSet());
71 }
73 bool ValueObjectPrinter::PrintValueObject() {
74   if (!GetMostSpecializedValue() || m_valobj == nullptr)
75     return false;
77   if (ShouldPrintValueObject()) {
78     PrintLocationIfNeeded();
79     m_stream->Indent();
81     PrintDecl();
82   }
84   bool value_printed = false;
85   bool summary_printed = false;
87   m_val_summary_ok =
88       PrintValueAndSummaryIfNeeded(value_printed, summary_printed);
90   if (m_val_summary_ok)
91     PrintChildrenIfNeeded(value_printed, summary_printed);
92   else
93     m_stream->EOL();
95   return true;
96 }
98 bool ValueObjectPrinter::GetMostSpecializedValue() {
99   if (m_valobj)
100     return true;
101   bool update_success = m_orig_valobj->UpdateValueIfNeeded(true);
102   if (!update_success) {
103     m_valobj = m_orig_valobj;
104   } else {
105     if (m_orig_valobj->IsDynamic()) {
106       if (m_options.m_use_dynamic == eNoDynamicValues) {
107         ValueObject *static_value = m_orig_valobj->GetStaticValue().get();
108         if (static_value)
109           m_valobj = static_value;
110         else
111           m_valobj = m_orig_valobj;
112       } else
113         m_valobj = m_orig_valobj;
114     } else {
115       if (m_options.m_use_dynamic != eNoDynamicValues) {
116         ValueObject *dynamic_value =
117             m_orig_valobj->GetDynamicValue(m_options.m_use_dynamic).get();
118         if (dynamic_value)
119           m_valobj = dynamic_value;
120         else
121           m_valobj = m_orig_valobj;
122       } else
123         m_valobj = m_orig_valobj;
124     }
126     if (m_valobj->IsSynthetic()) {
127       if (!m_options.m_use_synthetic) {
128         ValueObject *non_synthetic = m_valobj->GetNonSyntheticValue().get();
129         if (non_synthetic)
130           m_valobj = non_synthetic;
131       }
132     } else {
133       if (m_options.m_use_synthetic) {
134         ValueObject *synthetic = m_valobj->GetSyntheticValue().get();
135         if (synthetic)
136           m_valobj = synthetic;
137       }
138     }
139   }
140   m_compiler_type = m_valobj->GetCompilerType();
141   m_type_flags = m_compiler_type.GetTypeInfo();
142   return true;
143 }
145 const char *ValueObjectPrinter::GetDescriptionForDisplay() {
146   const char *str = m_valobj->GetObjectDescription();
147   if (!str)
148     str = m_valobj->GetSummaryAsCString();
149   if (!str)
150     str = m_valobj->GetValueAsCString();
151   return str;
152 }
154 const char *ValueObjectPrinter::GetRootNameForDisplay(const char *if_fail) {
155   const char *root_valobj_name = m_options.m_root_valobj_name.empty()
156                                      ? m_valobj->GetName().AsCString()
157                                      : m_options.m_root_valobj_name.c_str();
158   return root_valobj_name ? root_valobj_name : if_fail;
159 }
161 bool ValueObjectPrinter::ShouldPrintValueObject() {
162   if (m_should_print == eLazyBoolCalculate)
163     m_should_print =
164         (!m_options.m_flat_output || m_type_flags.Test(eTypeHasValue))
165             ? eLazyBoolYes
166             : eLazyBoolNo;
167   return m_should_print == eLazyBoolYes;
168 }
170 bool ValueObjectPrinter::IsNil() {
171   if (m_is_nil == eLazyBoolCalculate)
172     m_is_nil = m_valobj->IsNilReference() ? eLazyBoolYes : eLazyBoolNo;
173   return m_is_nil == eLazyBoolYes;
174 }
176 bool ValueObjectPrinter::IsUninitialized() {
177   if (m_is_uninit == eLazyBoolCalculate)
178     m_is_uninit =
179         m_valobj->IsUninitializedReference() ? eLazyBoolYes : eLazyBoolNo;
180   return m_is_uninit == eLazyBoolYes;
181 }
183 bool ValueObjectPrinter::IsPtr() {
184   if (m_is_ptr == eLazyBoolCalculate)
185     m_is_ptr = m_type_flags.Test(eTypeIsPointer) ? eLazyBoolYes : eLazyBoolNo;
186   return m_is_ptr == eLazyBoolYes;
187 }
189 bool ValueObjectPrinter::IsRef() {
190   if (m_is_ref == eLazyBoolCalculate)
191     m_is_ref = m_type_flags.Test(eTypeIsReference) ? eLazyBoolYes : eLazyBoolNo;
192   return m_is_ref == eLazyBoolYes;
193 }
195 bool ValueObjectPrinter::IsAggregate() {
196   if (m_is_aggregate == eLazyBoolCalculate)
197     m_is_aggregate =
198         m_type_flags.Test(eTypeHasChildren) ? eLazyBoolYes : eLazyBoolNo;
199   return m_is_aggregate == eLazyBoolYes;
200 }
202 bool ValueObjectPrinter::IsInstancePointer() {
203   // you need to do this check on the value's clang type
204   if (m_is_instance_ptr == eLazyBoolCalculate)
205     m_is_instance_ptr = (m_valobj->GetValue().GetCompilerType().GetTypeInfo() &
206                          eTypeInstanceIsPointer) != 0
207                             ? eLazyBoolYes
208                             : eLazyBoolNo;
209   if ((eLazyBoolYes == m_is_instance_ptr) && m_valobj->IsBaseClass())
210     m_is_instance_ptr = eLazyBoolNo;
211   return m_is_instance_ptr == eLazyBoolYes;
212 }
214 bool ValueObjectPrinter::PrintLocationIfNeeded() {
215   if (m_options.m_show_location) {
216     m_stream->Printf("%s: ", m_valobj->GetLocationAsCString());
217     return true;
218   }
219   return false;
220 }
222 void ValueObjectPrinter::PrintDecl() {
223   bool show_type = true;
224   // if we are at the root-level and been asked to hide the root's type, then
225   // hide it
226   if (m_curr_depth == 0 && m_options.m_hide_root_type)
227     show_type = false;
228   else
229     // otherwise decide according to the usual rules (asked to show types -
230     // always at the root level)
231     show_type = m_options.m_show_types ||
232                 (m_curr_depth == 0 && !m_options.m_flat_output);
234   StreamString typeName;
236   // always show the type at the root level if it is invalid
237   if (show_type) {
238     // Some ValueObjects don't have types (like registers sets). Only print the
239     // type if there is one to print
240     ConstString type_name;
241     if (m_compiler_type.IsValid()) {
242       if (m_options.m_use_type_display_name)
243         type_name = m_valobj->GetDisplayTypeName();
244       else
245         type_name = m_valobj->GetQualifiedTypeName();
246     } else {
247       // only show an invalid type name if the user explicitly triggered
248       // show_type
249       if (m_options.m_show_types)
250         type_name = ConstString("<invalid type>");
251       else
252         type_name.Clear();
253     }
255     if (type_name) {
256       std::string type_name_str(type_name.GetCString());
257       if (m_options.m_hide_pointer_value) {
258         for (auto iter = type_name_str.find(" *"); iter != std::string::npos;
259              iter = type_name_str.find(" *")) {
260           type_name_str.erase(iter, 2);
261         }
262       }
263       typeName.Printf("%s", type_name_str.c_str());
264     }
265   }
267   StreamString varName;
269   if (m_options.m_flat_output) {
270     // If we are showing types, also qualify the C++ base classes
271     const bool qualify_cxx_base_classes = show_type;
272     if (!m_options.m_hide_name) {
273       m_valobj->GetExpressionPath(varName, qualify_cxx_base_classes);
274     }
275   } else if (!m_options.m_hide_name) {
276     const char *name_cstr = GetRootNameForDisplay("");
277     varName.Printf("%s", name_cstr);
278   }
280   bool decl_printed = false;
281   if (!m_options.m_decl_printing_helper) {
282     // if the user didn't give us a custom helper, pick one based upon the
283     // language, either the one that this printer is bound to, or the preferred
284     // one for the ValueObject
285     lldb::LanguageType lang_type =
286         (m_options.m_varformat_language == lldb::eLanguageTypeUnknown)
287             ? m_valobj->GetPreferredDisplayLanguage()
288             : m_options.m_varformat_language;
289     if (Language *lang_plugin = Language::FindPlugin(lang_type)) {
290       m_options.m_decl_printing_helper = lang_plugin->GetDeclPrintingHelper();
291     }
292   }
294   if (m_options.m_decl_printing_helper) {
295     ConstString type_name_cstr(typeName.GetString());
296     ConstString var_name_cstr(varName.GetString());
298     StreamString dest_stream;
299     if (m_options.m_decl_printing_helper(type_name_cstr, var_name_cstr,
300                                          m_options, dest_stream)) {
301       decl_printed = true;
302       m_stream->PutCString(dest_stream.GetString());
303     }
304   }
306   // if the helper failed, or there is none, do a default thing
307   if (!decl_printed) {
308     if (!typeName.Empty())
309       m_stream->Printf("(%s) ", typeName.GetData());
310     if (!varName.Empty())
311       m_stream->Printf("%s =", varName.GetData());
312     else if (!m_options.m_hide_name)
313       m_stream->Printf(" =");
314   }
315 }
317 bool ValueObjectPrinter::CheckScopeIfNeeded() {
318   if (m_options.m_scope_already_checked)
319     return true;
320   return m_valobj->IsInScope();
321 }
323 TypeSummaryImpl *ValueObjectPrinter::GetSummaryFormatter(bool null_if_omitted) {
324   if (!m_summary_formatter.second) {
325     TypeSummaryImpl *entry = m_options.m_summary_sp
326                                  ? m_options.m_summary_sp.get()
327                                  : m_valobj->GetSummaryFormat().get();
329     if (m_options.m_omit_summary_depth > 0)
330       entry = nullptr;
331     m_summary_formatter.first = entry;
332     m_summary_formatter.second = true;
333   }
334   if (m_options.m_omit_summary_depth > 0 && null_if_omitted)
335     return nullptr;
336   return m_summary_formatter.first;
337 }
339 static bool IsPointerValue(const CompilerType &type) {
340   Flags type_flags(type.GetTypeInfo());
341   if (type_flags.AnySet(eTypeInstanceIsPointer | eTypeIsPointer))
342     return type_flags.AllClear(eTypeIsBuiltIn);
343   return false;
344 }
346 void ValueObjectPrinter::GetValueSummaryError(std::string &value,
347                                               std::string &summary,
348                                               std::string &error) {
349   lldb::Format format = m_options.m_format;
350   // if I am printing synthetized elements, apply the format to those elements
351   // only
352   if (m_options.m_pointer_as_array)
353     m_valobj->GetValueAsCString(lldb::eFormatDefault, value);
354   else if (format != eFormatDefault && format != m_valobj->GetFormat())
355     m_valobj->GetValueAsCString(format, value);
356   else {
357     const char *val_cstr = m_valobj->GetValueAsCString();
358     if (val_cstr)
359       value.assign(val_cstr);
360   }
361   const char *err_cstr = m_valobj->GetError().AsCString();
362   if (err_cstr)
363     error.assign(err_cstr);
365   if (ShouldPrintValueObject()) {
366     if (IsNil())
367       summary.assign("nil");
368     else if (IsUninitialized())
369       summary.assign("<uninitialized>");
370     else if (m_options.m_omit_summary_depth == 0) {
371       TypeSummaryImpl *entry = GetSummaryFormatter();
372       if (entry)
373         m_valobj->GetSummaryAsCString(entry, summary,
374                                       m_options.m_varformat_language);
375       else {
376         const char *sum_cstr =
377             m_valobj->GetSummaryAsCString(m_options.m_varformat_language);
378         if (sum_cstr)
379           summary.assign(sum_cstr);
380       }
381     }
382   }
383 }
385 bool ValueObjectPrinter::PrintValueAndSummaryIfNeeded(bool &value_printed,
386                                                       bool &summary_printed) {
387   bool error_printed = false;
388   if (ShouldPrintValueObject()) {
389     if (!CheckScopeIfNeeded())
390       m_error.assign("out of scope");
391     if (m_error.empty()) {
392       GetValueSummaryError(m_value, m_summary, m_error);
393     }
394     if (m_error.size()) {
395       // we need to support scenarios in which it is actually fine for a value
396       // to have no type but - on the other hand - if we get an error *AND*
397       // have no type, we try to get out gracefully, since most often that
398       // combination means "could not resolve a type" and the default failure
399       // mode is quite ugly
400       if (!m_compiler_type.IsValid()) {
401         m_stream->Printf(" <could not resolve type>");
402         return false;
403       }
405       error_printed = true;
406       m_stream->Printf(" <%s>\n", m_error.c_str());
407     } else {
408       // Make sure we have a value and make sure the summary didn't specify
409       // that the value should not be printed - and do not print the value if
410       // this thing is nil (but show the value if the user passes a format
411       // explicitly)
412       TypeSummaryImpl *entry = GetSummaryFormatter();
413       if (!IsNil() && !IsUninitialized() && !m_value.empty() &&
414           (entry == nullptr ||
415            (entry->DoesPrintValue(m_valobj) ||
416             m_options.m_format != eFormatDefault) ||
417            m_summary.empty()) &&
418           !m_options.m_hide_value) {
419         if (m_options.m_hide_pointer_value &&
420             IsPointerValue(m_valobj->GetCompilerType())) {
421         } else {
422           m_stream->Printf(" %s", m_value.c_str());
423           value_printed = true;
424         }
425       }
427       if (m_summary.size()) {
428         m_stream->Printf(" %s", m_summary.c_str());
429         summary_printed = true;
430       }
431     }
432   }
433   return !error_printed;
434 }
436 bool ValueObjectPrinter::PrintObjectDescriptionIfNeeded(bool value_printed,
437                                                         bool summary_printed) {
438   if (ShouldPrintValueObject()) {
439     // let's avoid the overly verbose no description error for a nil thing
440     if (m_options.m_use_objc && !IsNil() && !IsUninitialized() &&
441         (!m_options.m_pointer_as_array)) {
442       if (!m_options.m_hide_value || !m_options.m_hide_name)
443         m_stream->Printf(" ");
444       const char *object_desc = nullptr;
445       if (value_printed || summary_printed)
446         object_desc = m_valobj->GetObjectDescription();
447       else
448         object_desc = GetDescriptionForDisplay();
449       if (object_desc && *object_desc) {
450         // If the description already ends with a \n don't add another one.
451         size_t object_end = strlen(object_desc) - 1;
452         if (object_desc[object_end] == '\n')
453             m_stream->Printf("%s", object_desc);
454         else
455             m_stream->Printf("%s\n", object_desc);
456         return true;
457       } else if (!value_printed && !summary_printed)
458         return true;
459       else
460         return false;
461     }
462   }
463   return true;
464 }
466 bool DumpValueObjectOptions::PointerDepth::CanAllowExpansion() const {
467   switch (m_mode) {
468   case Mode::Always:
469   case Mode::Default:
470     return m_count > 0;
471   case Mode::Never:
472     return false;
473   }
474   return false;
475 }
477 bool ValueObjectPrinter::ShouldPrintChildren(
478     bool is_failed_description,
479     DumpValueObjectOptions::PointerDepth &curr_ptr_depth) {
480   const bool is_ref = IsRef();
481   const bool is_ptr = IsPtr();
482   const bool is_uninit = IsUninitialized();
484   if (is_uninit)
485     return false;
487   // if the user has specified an element count, always print children as it is
488   // explicit user demand being honored
489   if (m_options.m_pointer_as_array)
490     return true;
492   TypeSummaryImpl *entry = GetSummaryFormatter();
494   if (m_options.m_use_objc)
495     return false;
497   if (is_failed_description || m_curr_depth < m_options.m_max_depth) {
498     // We will show children for all concrete types. We won't show pointer
499     // contents unless a pointer depth has been specified. We won't reference
500     // contents unless the reference is the root object (depth of zero).
502     // Use a new temporary pointer depth in case we override the current
503     // pointer depth below...
505     if (is_ptr || is_ref) {
506       // We have a pointer or reference whose value is an address. Make sure
507       // that address is not NULL
508       AddressType ptr_address_type;
509       if (m_valobj->GetPointerValue(&ptr_address_type) == 0)
510         return false;
512       const bool is_root_level = m_curr_depth == 0;
514       if (is_ref && is_root_level) {
515         // If this is the root object (depth is zero) that we are showing and
516         // it is a reference, and no pointer depth has been supplied print out
517         // what it references. Don't do this at deeper depths otherwise we can
518         // end up with infinite recursion...
519         return true;
520       }
522       return curr_ptr_depth.CanAllowExpansion();
523     }
525     return (!entry || entry->DoesPrintChildren(m_valobj) || m_summary.empty());
526   }
527   return false;
528 }
530 bool ValueObjectPrinter::ShouldExpandEmptyAggregates() {
531   TypeSummaryImpl *entry = GetSummaryFormatter();
533   if (!entry)
534     return true;
536   return entry->DoesPrintEmptyAggregates();
537 }
539 ValueObject *ValueObjectPrinter::GetValueObjectForChildrenGeneration() {
540   return m_valobj;
541 }
543 void ValueObjectPrinter::PrintChildrenPreamble() {
544   if (m_options.m_flat_output) {
545     if (ShouldPrintValueObject())
546       m_stream->EOL();
547   } else {
548     if (ShouldPrintValueObject())
549       m_stream->PutCString(IsRef() ? ": {\n" : " {\n");
550     m_stream->IndentMore();
551   }
552 }
554 void ValueObjectPrinter::PrintChild(
555     ValueObjectSP child_sp,
556     const DumpValueObjectOptions::PointerDepth &curr_ptr_depth) {
557   const uint32_t consumed_depth = (!m_options.m_pointer_as_array) ? 1 : 0;
558   const bool does_consume_ptr_depth =
559       ((IsPtr() && !m_options.m_pointer_as_array) || IsRef());
561   DumpValueObjectOptions child_options(m_options);
562   child_options.SetFormat(m_options.m_format)
563       .SetSummary()
564       .SetRootValueObjectName();
565   child_options.SetScopeChecked(true)
566       .SetHideName(m_options.m_hide_name)
567       .SetHideValue(m_options.m_hide_value)
568       .SetOmitSummaryDepth(child_options.m_omit_summary_depth > 1
569                                ? child_options.m_omit_summary_depth -
570                                      consumed_depth
571                                : 0)
572       .SetElementCount(0);
574   if (child_sp.get()) {
575     ValueObjectPrinter child_printer(
576         child_sp.get(), m_stream, child_options,
577         does_consume_ptr_depth ? --curr_ptr_depth : curr_ptr_depth,
578         m_curr_depth + consumed_depth, m_printed_instance_pointers);
579     child_printer.PrintValueObject();
580   }
581 }
583 uint32_t ValueObjectPrinter::GetMaxNumChildrenToPrint(bool &print_dotdotdot) {
584   ValueObject *synth_m_valobj = GetValueObjectForChildrenGeneration();
586   if (m_options.m_pointer_as_array)
587     return m_options.m_pointer_as_array.m_element_count;
589   size_t num_children = synth_m_valobj->GetNumChildren();
590   print_dotdotdot = false;
591   if (num_children) {
592     const size_t max_num_children =
593         m_valobj->GetTargetSP()->GetMaximumNumberOfChildrenToDisplay();
595     if (num_children > max_num_children && !m_options.m_ignore_cap) {
596       print_dotdotdot = true;
597       return max_num_children;
598     }
599   }
600   return num_children;
601 }
603 void ValueObjectPrinter::PrintChildrenPostamble(bool print_dotdotdot) {
604   if (!m_options.m_flat_output) {
605     if (print_dotdotdot) {
606       m_valobj->GetTargetSP()
607           ->GetDebugger()
608           .GetCommandInterpreter()
609           .ChildrenTruncated();
610       m_stream->Indent("...\n");
611     }
612     m_stream->IndentLess();
613     m_stream->Indent("}\n");
614   }
615 }
617 bool ValueObjectPrinter::ShouldPrintEmptyBrackets(bool value_printed,
618                                                   bool summary_printed) {
619   ValueObject *synth_m_valobj = GetValueObjectForChildrenGeneration();
621   if (!IsAggregate())
622     return false;
624   if (!m_options.m_reveal_empty_aggregates) {
625     if (value_printed || summary_printed)
626       return false;
627   }
629   if (synth_m_valobj->MightHaveChildren())
630     return true;
632   if (m_val_summary_ok)
633     return false;
635   return true;
636 }
638 static constexpr size_t PhysicalIndexForLogicalIndex(size_t base, size_t stride,
639                                                      size_t logical) {
640   return base + logical * stride;
641 }
643 ValueObjectSP ValueObjectPrinter::GenerateChild(ValueObject *synth_valobj,
644                                                 size_t idx) {
645   if (m_options.m_pointer_as_array) {
646     // if generating pointer-as-array children, use GetSyntheticArrayMember
647     return synth_valobj->GetSyntheticArrayMember(
648         PhysicalIndexForLogicalIndex(
649             m_options.m_pointer_as_array.m_base_element,
650             m_options.m_pointer_as_array.m_stride, idx),
651         true);
652   } else {
653     // otherwise, do the usual thing
654     return synth_valobj->GetChildAtIndex(idx, true);
655   }
656 }
658 void ValueObjectPrinter::PrintChildren(
659     bool value_printed, bool summary_printed,
660     const DumpValueObjectOptions::PointerDepth &curr_ptr_depth) {
661   ValueObject *synth_m_valobj = GetValueObjectForChildrenGeneration();
663   bool print_dotdotdot = false;
664   size_t num_children = GetMaxNumChildrenToPrint(print_dotdotdot);
665   if (num_children) {
666     bool any_children_printed = false;
668     for (size_t idx = 0; idx < num_children; ++idx) {
669       if (ValueObjectSP child_sp = GenerateChild(synth_m_valobj, idx)) {
670         if (!any_children_printed) {
671           PrintChildrenPreamble();
672           any_children_printed = true;
673         }
674         PrintChild(child_sp, curr_ptr_depth);
675       }
676     }
678     if (any_children_printed)
679       PrintChildrenPostamble(print_dotdotdot);
680     else {
681       if (ShouldPrintEmptyBrackets(value_printed, summary_printed)) {
682         if (ShouldPrintValueObject())
683           m_stream->PutCString(" {}\n");
684         else
685           m_stream->EOL();
686       } else
687         m_stream->EOL();
688     }
689   } else if (ShouldPrintEmptyBrackets(value_printed, summary_printed)) {
690     // Aggregate, no children...
691     if (ShouldPrintValueObject()) {
692       // if it has a synthetic value, then don't print {}, the synthetic
693       // children are probably only being used to vend a value
694       if (m_valobj->DoesProvideSyntheticValue() ||
695           !ShouldExpandEmptyAggregates())
696         m_stream->PutCString("\n");
697       else
698         m_stream->PutCString(" {}\n");
699     }
700   } else {
701     if (ShouldPrintValueObject())
702       m_stream->EOL();
703   }
704 }
706 bool ValueObjectPrinter::PrintChildrenOneLiner(bool hide_names) {
707   if (!GetMostSpecializedValue() || m_valobj == nullptr)
708     return false;
710   ValueObject *synth_m_valobj = GetValueObjectForChildrenGeneration();
712   bool print_dotdotdot = false;
713   size_t num_children = GetMaxNumChildrenToPrint(print_dotdotdot);
715   if (num_children) {
716     m_stream->PutChar('(');
718     for (uint32_t idx = 0; idx < num_children; ++idx) {
719       lldb::ValueObjectSP child_sp(synth_m_valobj->GetChildAtIndex(idx, true));
720       if (child_sp)
721         child_sp = child_sp->GetQualifiedRepresentationIfAvailable(
722             m_options.m_use_dynamic, m_options.m_use_synthetic);
723       if (child_sp) {
724         if (idx)
725           m_stream->PutCString(", ");
726         if (!hide_names) {
727           const char *name = child_sp.get()->GetName().AsCString();
728           if (name && *name) {
729             m_stream->PutCString(name);
730             m_stream->PutCString(" = ");
731           }
732         }
733         child_sp->DumpPrintableRepresentation(
734             *m_stream, ValueObject::eValueObjectRepresentationStyleSummary,
735             m_options.m_format,
736             ValueObject::PrintableRepresentationSpecialCases::eDisable);
737       }
738     }
740     if (print_dotdotdot)
741       m_stream->PutCString(", ...)");
742     else
743       m_stream->PutChar(')');
744   }
745   return true;
746 }
748 void ValueObjectPrinter::PrintChildrenIfNeeded(bool value_printed,
749                                                bool summary_printed) {
750   // This flag controls whether we tried to display a description for this
751   // object and failed if that happens, we want to display the children if any.
752   bool is_failed_description =
753       !PrintObjectDescriptionIfNeeded(value_printed, summary_printed);
755   DumpValueObjectOptions::PointerDepth curr_ptr_depth = m_ptr_depth;
756   const bool print_children =
757       ShouldPrintChildren(is_failed_description, curr_ptr_depth);
758   const bool print_oneline =
759       (curr_ptr_depth.CanAllowExpansion() || m_options.m_show_types ||
760        !m_options.m_allow_oneliner_mode || m_options.m_flat_output ||
761        (m_options.m_pointer_as_array) || m_options.m_show_location)
762           ? false
763           : DataVisualization::ShouldPrintAsOneLiner(*m_valobj);
764   if (print_children && IsInstancePointer()) {
765     uint64_t instance_ptr_value = m_valobj->GetValueAsUnsigned(0);
766     if (m_printed_instance_pointers->count(instance_ptr_value)) {
767       // We already printed this instance-is-pointer thing, so don't expand it.
768       m_stream->PutCString(" {...}\n");
769       return;
770     } else {
771       // Remember this guy for future reference.
772       m_printed_instance_pointers->emplace(instance_ptr_value);
773     }
774   }
776   if (print_children) {
777     if (print_oneline) {
778       m_stream->PutChar(' ');
779       PrintChildrenOneLiner(false);
780       m_stream->EOL();
781     } else
782       PrintChildren(value_printed, summary_printed, curr_ptr_depth);
783   } else if (m_curr_depth >= m_options.m_max_depth && IsAggregate() &&
784              ShouldPrintValueObject()) {
785     m_stream->PutCString("{...}\n");
786   } else
787     m_stream->EOL();
788 }