1 //===-- ProcessLaunchInfo.cpp -----------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
2 //
3 // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4 // See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
5 // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
6 //
7 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
9 #include <climits>
11 #include "lldb/Host/Config.h"
12 #include "lldb/Host/FileAction.h"
13 #include "lldb/Host/FileSystem.h"
14 #include "lldb/Host/HostInfo.h"
15 #include "lldb/Host/ProcessLaunchInfo.h"
16 #include "lldb/Utility/Log.h"
17 #include "lldb/Utility/StreamString.h"
19 #include "llvm/Support/ConvertUTF.h"
20 #include "llvm/Support/FileSystem.h"
22 #if !defined(_WIN32)
23 #include <limits.h>
24 #endif
26 using namespace lldb;
27 using namespace lldb_private;
29 // ProcessLaunchInfo member functions
31 ProcessLaunchInfo::ProcessLaunchInfo()
32     : ProcessInfo(), m_working_dir(), m_plugin_name(), m_flags(0),
33       m_file_actions(), m_pty(new PseudoTerminal), m_resume_count(0),
34       m_monitor_callback(nullptr), m_monitor_callback_baton(nullptr),
35       m_monitor_signals(false), m_listener_sp(), m_hijack_listener_sp() {}
37 ProcessLaunchInfo::ProcessLaunchInfo(const FileSpec &stdin_file_spec,
38                                      const FileSpec &stdout_file_spec,
39                                      const FileSpec &stderr_file_spec,
40                                      const FileSpec &working_directory,
41                                      uint32_t launch_flags)
42     : ProcessInfo(), m_working_dir(), m_plugin_name(), m_flags(launch_flags),
43       m_file_actions(), m_pty(new PseudoTerminal), m_resume_count(0),
44       m_monitor_callback(nullptr), m_monitor_callback_baton(nullptr),
45       m_monitor_signals(false), m_listener_sp(), m_hijack_listener_sp() {
46   if (stdin_file_spec) {
47     FileAction file_action;
48     const bool read = true;
49     const bool write = false;
50     if (file_action.Open(STDIN_FILENO, stdin_file_spec, read, write))
51       AppendFileAction(file_action);
52   }
53   if (stdout_file_spec) {
54     FileAction file_action;
55     const bool read = false;
56     const bool write = true;
57     if (file_action.Open(STDOUT_FILENO, stdout_file_spec, read, write))
58       AppendFileAction(file_action);
59   }
60   if (stderr_file_spec) {
61     FileAction file_action;
62     const bool read = false;
63     const bool write = true;
64     if (file_action.Open(STDERR_FILENO, stderr_file_spec, read, write))
65       AppendFileAction(file_action);
66   }
67   if (working_directory)
68     SetWorkingDirectory(working_directory);
69 }
71 bool ProcessLaunchInfo::AppendCloseFileAction(int fd) {
72   FileAction file_action;
73   if (file_action.Close(fd)) {
74     AppendFileAction(file_action);
75     return true;
76   }
77   return false;
78 }
80 bool ProcessLaunchInfo::AppendDuplicateFileAction(int fd, int dup_fd) {
81   FileAction file_action;
82   if (file_action.Duplicate(fd, dup_fd)) {
83     AppendFileAction(file_action);
84     return true;
85   }
86   return false;
87 }
89 bool ProcessLaunchInfo::AppendOpenFileAction(int fd, const FileSpec &file_spec,
90                                              bool read, bool write) {
91   FileAction file_action;
92   if (file_action.Open(fd, file_spec, read, write)) {
93     AppendFileAction(file_action);
94     return true;
95   }
96   return false;
97 }
99 bool ProcessLaunchInfo::AppendSuppressFileAction(int fd, bool read,
100                                                  bool write) {
101   FileAction file_action;
102   if (file_action.Open(fd, FileSpec(FileSystem::DEV_NULL), read, write)) {
103     AppendFileAction(file_action);
104     return true;
105   }
106   return false;
107 }
109 const FileAction *ProcessLaunchInfo::GetFileActionAtIndex(size_t idx) const {
110   if (idx < m_file_actions.size())
111     return &m_file_actions[idx];
112   return nullptr;
113 }
115 const FileAction *ProcessLaunchInfo::GetFileActionForFD(int fd) const {
116   for (size_t idx = 0, count = m_file_actions.size(); idx < count; ++idx) {
117     if (m_file_actions[idx].GetFD() == fd)
118       return &m_file_actions[idx];
119   }
120   return nullptr;
121 }
123 const FileSpec &ProcessLaunchInfo::GetWorkingDirectory() const {
124   return m_working_dir;
125 }
127 void ProcessLaunchInfo::SetWorkingDirectory(const FileSpec &working_dir) {
128   m_working_dir = working_dir;
129 }
131 const char *ProcessLaunchInfo::GetProcessPluginName() const {
132   return (m_plugin_name.empty() ? nullptr : m_plugin_name.c_str());
133 }
135 void ProcessLaunchInfo::SetProcessPluginName(llvm::StringRef plugin) {
136   m_plugin_name = plugin;
137 }
139 const FileSpec &ProcessLaunchInfo::GetShell() const { return m_shell; }
141 void ProcessLaunchInfo::SetShell(const FileSpec &shell) {
142   m_shell = shell;
143   if (m_shell) {
144     FileSystem::Instance().ResolveExecutableLocation(m_shell);
145     m_flags.Set(lldb::eLaunchFlagLaunchInShell);
146   } else
147     m_flags.Clear(lldb::eLaunchFlagLaunchInShell);
148 }
150 void ProcessLaunchInfo::SetLaunchInSeparateProcessGroup(bool separate) {
151   if (separate)
152     m_flags.Set(lldb::eLaunchFlagLaunchInSeparateProcessGroup);
153   else
154     m_flags.Clear(lldb::eLaunchFlagLaunchInSeparateProcessGroup);
155 }
157 void ProcessLaunchInfo::SetShellExpandArguments(bool expand) {
158   if (expand)
159     m_flags.Set(lldb::eLaunchFlagShellExpandArguments);
160   else
161     m_flags.Clear(lldb::eLaunchFlagShellExpandArguments);
162 }
164 void ProcessLaunchInfo::Clear() {
165   ProcessInfo::Clear();
166   m_working_dir.Clear();
167   m_plugin_name.clear();
168   m_shell.Clear();
169   m_flags.Clear();
170   m_file_actions.clear();
171   m_resume_count = 0;
172   m_listener_sp.reset();
173   m_hijack_listener_sp.reset();
174 }
176 void ProcessLaunchInfo::SetMonitorProcessCallback(
177     const Host::MonitorChildProcessCallback &callback, bool monitor_signals) {
178   m_monitor_callback = callback;
179   m_monitor_signals = monitor_signals;
180 }
182 bool ProcessLaunchInfo::NoOpMonitorCallback(lldb::pid_t pid, bool exited, int signal, int status) {
183   Log *log = lldb_private::GetLogIfAllCategoriesSet(LIBLLDB_LOG_PROCESS);
184   LLDB_LOG(log, "pid = {0}, exited = {1}, signal = {2}, status = {3}", pid,
185            exited, signal, status);
186   return true;
187 }
189 bool ProcessLaunchInfo::MonitorProcess() const {
190   if (m_monitor_callback && ProcessIDIsValid()) {
191     llvm::Expected<HostThread> maybe_thread =
192     Host::StartMonitoringChildProcess(m_monitor_callback, GetProcessID(),
193                                       m_monitor_signals);
194     if (!maybe_thread)
195       LLDB_LOG(lldb_private::GetLogIfAllCategoriesSet(LIBLLDB_LOG_HOST),
196                "failed to launch host thread: {}",
197                llvm::toString(maybe_thread.takeError()));
198     return true;
199   }
200   return false;
201 }
203 void ProcessLaunchInfo::SetDetachOnError(bool enable) {
204   if (enable)
205     m_flags.Set(lldb::eLaunchFlagDetachOnError);
206   else
207     m_flags.Clear(lldb::eLaunchFlagDetachOnError);
208 }
210 llvm::Error ProcessLaunchInfo::SetUpPtyRedirection() {
211   Log *log = GetLogIfAllCategoriesSet(LIBLLDB_LOG_PROCESS);
212   LLDB_LOG(log, "Generating a pty to use for stdin/out/err");
214   int open_flags = O_RDWR | O_NOCTTY;
215 #if !defined(_WIN32)
216   // We really shouldn't be specifying platform specific flags that are
217   // intended for a system call in generic code.  But this will have to
218   // do for now.
219   open_flags |= O_CLOEXEC;
220 #endif
221   if (!m_pty->OpenFirstAvailableMaster(open_flags, nullptr, 0)) {
222     return llvm::createStringError(llvm::inconvertibleErrorCode(),
223                                    "PTY::OpenFirstAvailableMaster failed");
224   }
225   const FileSpec slave_file_spec(m_pty->GetSlaveName(nullptr, 0));
227   // Only use the slave tty if we don't have anything specified for
228   // input and don't have an action for stdin
229   if (GetFileActionForFD(STDIN_FILENO) == nullptr)
230     AppendOpenFileAction(STDIN_FILENO, slave_file_spec, true, false);
232   // Only use the slave tty if we don't have anything specified for
233   // output and don't have an action for stdout
234   if (GetFileActionForFD(STDOUT_FILENO) == nullptr)
235     AppendOpenFileAction(STDOUT_FILENO, slave_file_spec, false, true);
237   // Only use the slave tty if we don't have anything specified for
238   // error and don't have an action for stderr
239   if (GetFileActionForFD(STDERR_FILENO) == nullptr)
240     AppendOpenFileAction(STDERR_FILENO, slave_file_spec, false, true);
241   return llvm::Error::success();
242 }
244 bool ProcessLaunchInfo::ConvertArgumentsForLaunchingInShell(
245     Status &error, bool localhost, bool will_debug,
246     bool first_arg_is_full_shell_command, int32_t num_resumes) {
247   error.Clear();
249   if (GetFlags().Test(eLaunchFlagLaunchInShell)) {
250     if (m_shell) {
251       std::string shell_executable = m_shell.GetPath();
253       const char **argv = GetArguments().GetConstArgumentVector();
254       if (argv == nullptr || argv[0] == nullptr)
255         return false;
256       Args shell_arguments;
257       std::string safe_arg;
258       shell_arguments.AppendArgument(shell_executable);
259       const llvm::Triple &triple = GetArchitecture().GetTriple();
260       if (triple.getOS() == llvm::Triple::Win32 &&
261           !triple.isWindowsCygwinEnvironment())
262         shell_arguments.AppendArgument(llvm::StringRef("/C"));
263       else
264         shell_arguments.AppendArgument(llvm::StringRef("-c"));
266       StreamString shell_command;
267       if (will_debug) {
268         // Add a modified PATH environment variable in case argv[0] is a
269         // relative path.
270         const char *argv0 = argv[0];
271         FileSpec arg_spec(argv0);
272         if (arg_spec.IsRelative()) {
273           // We have a relative path to our executable which may not work if we
274           // just try to run "a.out" (without it being converted to "./a.out")
275           FileSpec working_dir = GetWorkingDirectory();
276           // Be sure to put quotes around PATH's value in case any paths have
277           // spaces...
278           std::string new_path("PATH=\"");
279           const size_t empty_path_len = new_path.size();
281           if (working_dir) {
282             new_path += working_dir.GetPath();
283           } else {
284             llvm::SmallString<64> cwd;
285             if (! llvm::sys::fs::current_path(cwd))
286               new_path += cwd;
287           }
288           std::string curr_path;
289           if (HostInfo::GetEnvironmentVar("PATH", curr_path)) {
290             if (new_path.size() > empty_path_len)
291               new_path += ':';
292             new_path += curr_path;
293           }
294           new_path += "\" ";
295           shell_command.PutCString(new_path);
296         }
298         if (triple.getOS() != llvm::Triple::Win32 ||
299             triple.isWindowsCygwinEnvironment())
300           shell_command.PutCString("exec");
302         // Only Apple supports /usr/bin/arch being able to specify the
303         // architecture
304         if (GetArchitecture().IsValid() && // Valid architecture
305             GetArchitecture().GetTriple().getVendor() ==
306                 llvm::Triple::Apple && // Apple only
307             GetArchitecture().GetCore() !=
308                 ArchSpec::eCore_x86_64_x86_64h) // Don't do this for x86_64h
309         {
310           shell_command.Printf(" /usr/bin/arch -arch %s",
311                                GetArchitecture().GetArchitectureName());
312           // Set the resume count to 2:
313           // 1 - stop in shell
314           // 2 - stop in /usr/bin/arch
315           // 3 - then we will stop in our program
316           SetResumeCount(num_resumes + 1);
317         } else {
318           // Set the resume count to 1:
319           // 1 - stop in shell
320           // 2 - then we will stop in our program
321           SetResumeCount(num_resumes);
322         }
323       }
325       if (first_arg_is_full_shell_command) {
326         // There should only be one argument that is the shell command itself
327         // to be used as is
328         if (argv[0] && !argv[1])
329           shell_command.Printf("%s", argv[0]);
330         else
331           return false;
332       } else {
333         for (size_t i = 0; argv[i] != nullptr; ++i) {
334           const char *arg =
335               Args::GetShellSafeArgument(m_shell, argv[i], safe_arg);
336           shell_command.Printf(" %s", arg);
337         }
338       }
339       shell_arguments.AppendArgument(shell_command.GetString());
340       m_executable = m_shell;
341       m_arguments = shell_arguments;
342       return true;
343     } else {
344       error.SetErrorString("invalid shell path");
345     }
346   } else {
347     error.SetErrorString("not launching in shell");
348   }
349   return false;
350 }