1 //===-- CommandInterpreter.cpp --------------------------------------------===//
2 //
3 // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4 // See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
5 // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
6 //
7 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
9 #include <limits>
10 #include <memory>
11 #include <stdlib.h>
12 #include <string>
13 #include <vector>
15 #include "Commands/CommandObjectApropos.h"
16 #include "Commands/CommandObjectBreakpoint.h"
17 #include "Commands/CommandObjectCommands.h"
18 #include "Commands/CommandObjectDisassemble.h"
19 #include "Commands/CommandObjectExpression.h"
20 #include "Commands/CommandObjectFrame.h"
21 #include "Commands/CommandObjectGUI.h"
22 #include "Commands/CommandObjectHelp.h"
23 #include "Commands/CommandObjectLanguage.h"
24 #include "Commands/CommandObjectLog.h"
25 #include "Commands/CommandObjectMemory.h"
26 #include "Commands/CommandObjectPlatform.h"
27 #include "Commands/CommandObjectPlugin.h"
28 #include "Commands/CommandObjectProcess.h"
29 #include "Commands/CommandObjectQuit.h"
30 #include "Commands/CommandObjectRegexCommand.h"
31 #include "Commands/CommandObjectRegister.h"
32 #include "Commands/CommandObjectReproducer.h"
33 #include "Commands/CommandObjectScript.h"
34 #include "Commands/CommandObjectSession.h"
35 #include "Commands/CommandObjectSettings.h"
36 #include "Commands/CommandObjectSource.h"
37 #include "Commands/CommandObjectStats.h"
38 #include "Commands/CommandObjectTarget.h"
39 #include "Commands/CommandObjectThread.h"
40 #include "Commands/CommandObjectTrace.h"
41 #include "Commands/CommandObjectType.h"
42 #include "Commands/CommandObjectVersion.h"
43 #include "Commands/CommandObjectWatchpoint.h"
45 #include "lldb/Core/Debugger.h"
46 #include "lldb/Core/PluginManager.h"
47 #include "lldb/Core/StreamFile.h"
48 #include "lldb/Utility/Log.h"
49 #include "lldb/Utility/Reproducer.h"
50 #include "lldb/Utility/State.h"
51 #include "lldb/Utility/Stream.h"
52 #include "lldb/Utility/Timer.h"
54 #include "lldb/Host/Config.h"
56 #include "lldb/Host/Editline.h"
57 #endif
58 #include "lldb/Host/File.h"
59 #include "lldb/Host/FileCache.h"
60 #include "lldb/Host/Host.h"
61 #include "lldb/Host/HostInfo.h"
63 #include "lldb/Interpreter/CommandCompletions.h"
64 #include "lldb/Interpreter/CommandInterpreter.h"
65 #include "lldb/Interpreter/CommandReturnObject.h"
66 #include "lldb/Interpreter/OptionValueProperties.h"
67 #include "lldb/Interpreter/Options.h"
68 #include "lldb/Interpreter/Property.h"
69 #include "lldb/Utility/Args.h"
71 #include "lldb/Target/Language.h"
72 #include "lldb/Target/Process.h"
73 #include "lldb/Target/StopInfo.h"
74 #include "lldb/Target/TargetList.h"
75 #include "lldb/Target/Thread.h"
76 #include "lldb/Target/UnixSignals.h"
78 #include "llvm/ADT/STLExtras.h"
79 #include "llvm/ADT/SmallString.h"
80 #include "llvm/Support/FormatAdapters.h"
81 #include "llvm/Support/Path.h"
82 #include "llvm/Support/PrettyStackTrace.h"
83 #include "llvm/Support/ScopedPrinter.h"
85 using namespace lldb;
86 using namespace lldb_private;
88 static const char *k_white_space = " \t\v";
90 static constexpr const char *InitFileWarning =
91     "There is a .lldbinit file in the current directory which is not being "
92     "read.\n"
93     "To silence this warning without sourcing in the local .lldbinit,\n"
94     "add the following to the lldbinit file in your home directory:\n"
95     "    settings set target.load-cwd-lldbinit false\n"
96     "To allow lldb to source .lldbinit files in the current working "
97     "directory,\n"
98     "set the value of this variable to true.  Only do so if you understand "
99     "and\n"
100     "accept the security risk.";
102 #define LLDB_PROPERTIES_interpreter
103 #include "InterpreterProperties.inc"
105 enum {
106 #define LLDB_PROPERTIES_interpreter
107 #include "InterpreterPropertiesEnum.inc"
108 };
110 ConstString &CommandInterpreter::GetStaticBroadcasterClass() {
111   static ConstString class_name("lldb.commandInterpreter");
112   return class_name;
113 }
115 CommandInterpreter::CommandInterpreter(Debugger &debugger,
116                                        bool synchronous_execution)
117     : Broadcaster(debugger.GetBroadcasterManager(),
118                   CommandInterpreter::GetStaticBroadcasterClass().AsCString()),
119       Properties(OptionValuePropertiesSP(
120           new OptionValueProperties(ConstString("interpreter")))),
121       IOHandlerDelegate(IOHandlerDelegate::Completion::LLDBCommand),
122       m_debugger(debugger), m_synchronous_execution(true),
123       m_skip_lldbinit_files(false), m_skip_app_init_files(false),
124       m_command_io_handler_sp(), m_comment_char('#'),
125       m_batch_command_mode(false), m_truncation_warning(eNoTruncation),
126       m_command_source_depth(0), m_result(), m_transcript_stream() {
127   SetEventName(eBroadcastBitThreadShouldExit, "thread-should-exit");
128   SetEventName(eBroadcastBitResetPrompt, "reset-prompt");
129   SetEventName(eBroadcastBitQuitCommandReceived, "quit");
130   SetSynchronous(synchronous_execution);
131   CheckInWithManager();
132   m_collection_sp->Initialize(g_interpreter_properties);
133 }
135 bool CommandInterpreter::GetExpandRegexAliases() const {
136   const uint32_t idx = ePropertyExpandRegexAliases;
137   return m_collection_sp->GetPropertyAtIndexAsBoolean(
138       nullptr, idx, g_interpreter_properties[idx].default_uint_value != 0);
139 }
141 bool CommandInterpreter::GetPromptOnQuit() const {
142   const uint32_t idx = ePropertyPromptOnQuit;
143   return m_collection_sp->GetPropertyAtIndexAsBoolean(
144       nullptr, idx, g_interpreter_properties[idx].default_uint_value != 0);
145 }
147 void CommandInterpreter::SetPromptOnQuit(bool enable) {
148   const uint32_t idx = ePropertyPromptOnQuit;
149   m_collection_sp->SetPropertyAtIndexAsBoolean(nullptr, idx, enable);
150 }
152 bool CommandInterpreter::GetSaveSessionOnQuit() const {
153   const uint32_t idx = ePropertySaveSessionOnQuit;
154   return m_collection_sp->GetPropertyAtIndexAsBoolean(
155       nullptr, idx, g_interpreter_properties[idx].default_uint_value != 0);
156 }
158 void CommandInterpreter::SetSaveSessionOnQuit(bool enable) {
159   const uint32_t idx = ePropertySaveSessionOnQuit;
160   m_collection_sp->SetPropertyAtIndexAsBoolean(nullptr, idx, enable);
161 }
163 bool CommandInterpreter::GetEchoCommands() const {
164   const uint32_t idx = ePropertyEchoCommands;
165   return m_collection_sp->GetPropertyAtIndexAsBoolean(
166       nullptr, idx, g_interpreter_properties[idx].default_uint_value != 0);
167 }
169 void CommandInterpreter::SetEchoCommands(bool enable) {
170   const uint32_t idx = ePropertyEchoCommands;
171   m_collection_sp->SetPropertyAtIndexAsBoolean(nullptr, idx, enable);
172 }
174 bool CommandInterpreter::GetEchoCommentCommands() const {
175   const uint32_t idx = ePropertyEchoCommentCommands;
176   return m_collection_sp->GetPropertyAtIndexAsBoolean(
177       nullptr, idx, g_interpreter_properties[idx].default_uint_value != 0);
178 }
180 void CommandInterpreter::SetEchoCommentCommands(bool enable) {
181   const uint32_t idx = ePropertyEchoCommentCommands;
182   m_collection_sp->SetPropertyAtIndexAsBoolean(nullptr, idx, enable);
183 }
185 void CommandInterpreter::AllowExitCodeOnQuit(bool allow) {
186   m_allow_exit_code = allow;
187   if (!allow)
188     m_quit_exit_code.reset();
189 }
191 bool CommandInterpreter::SetQuitExitCode(int exit_code) {
192   if (!m_allow_exit_code)
193     return false;
194   m_quit_exit_code = exit_code;
195   return true;
196 }
198 int CommandInterpreter::GetQuitExitCode(bool &exited) const {
199   exited = m_quit_exit_code.hasValue();
200   if (exited)
201     return *m_quit_exit_code;
202   return 0;
203 }
205 void CommandInterpreter::ResolveCommand(const char *command_line,
206                                         CommandReturnObject &result) {
207   std::string command = command_line;
208   if (ResolveCommandImpl(command, result) != nullptr) {
209     result.AppendMessageWithFormat("%s", command.c_str());
210     result.SetStatus(eReturnStatusSuccessFinishResult);
211   }
212 }
214 bool CommandInterpreter::GetStopCmdSourceOnError() const {
215   const uint32_t idx = ePropertyStopCmdSourceOnError;
216   return m_collection_sp->GetPropertyAtIndexAsBoolean(
217       nullptr, idx, g_interpreter_properties[idx].default_uint_value != 0);
218 }
220 bool CommandInterpreter::GetSpaceReplPrompts() const {
221   const uint32_t idx = ePropertySpaceReplPrompts;
222   return m_collection_sp->GetPropertyAtIndexAsBoolean(
223       nullptr, idx, g_interpreter_properties[idx].default_uint_value != 0);
224 }
226 void CommandInterpreter::Initialize() {
229   CommandReturnObject result(m_debugger.GetUseColor());
231   LoadCommandDictionary();
233   // An alias arguments vector to reuse - reset it before use...
234   OptionArgVectorSP alias_arguments_vector_sp(new OptionArgVector);
236   // Set up some initial aliases.
237   CommandObjectSP cmd_obj_sp = GetCommandSPExact("quit");
238   if (cmd_obj_sp) {
239     AddAlias("q", cmd_obj_sp);
240     AddAlias("exit", cmd_obj_sp);
241   }
243   cmd_obj_sp = GetCommandSPExact("_regexp-attach");
244   if (cmd_obj_sp)
245     AddAlias("attach", cmd_obj_sp)->SetSyntax(cmd_obj_sp->GetSyntax());
247   cmd_obj_sp = GetCommandSPExact("process detach");
248   if (cmd_obj_sp) {
249     AddAlias("detach", cmd_obj_sp);
250   }
252   cmd_obj_sp = GetCommandSPExact("process continue");
253   if (cmd_obj_sp) {
254     AddAlias("c", cmd_obj_sp);
255     AddAlias("continue", cmd_obj_sp);
256   }
258   cmd_obj_sp = GetCommandSPExact("_regexp-break");
259   if (cmd_obj_sp)
260     AddAlias("b", cmd_obj_sp)->SetSyntax(cmd_obj_sp->GetSyntax());
262   cmd_obj_sp = GetCommandSPExact("_regexp-tbreak");
263   if (cmd_obj_sp)
264     AddAlias("tbreak", cmd_obj_sp)->SetSyntax(cmd_obj_sp->GetSyntax());
266   cmd_obj_sp = GetCommandSPExact("thread step-inst");
267   if (cmd_obj_sp) {
268     AddAlias("stepi", cmd_obj_sp);
269     AddAlias("si", cmd_obj_sp);
270   }
272   cmd_obj_sp = GetCommandSPExact("thread step-inst-over");
273   if (cmd_obj_sp) {
274     AddAlias("nexti", cmd_obj_sp);
275     AddAlias("ni", cmd_obj_sp);
276   }
278   cmd_obj_sp = GetCommandSPExact("thread step-in");
279   if (cmd_obj_sp) {
280     AddAlias("s", cmd_obj_sp);
281     AddAlias("step", cmd_obj_sp);
282     CommandAlias *sif_alias = AddAlias(
283         "sif", cmd_obj_sp, "--end-linenumber block --step-in-target %1");
284     if (sif_alias) {
285       sif_alias->SetHelp("Step through the current block, stopping if you step "
286                          "directly into a function whose name matches the "
287                          "TargetFunctionName.");
288       sif_alias->SetSyntax("sif <TargetFunctionName>");
289     }
290   }
292   cmd_obj_sp = GetCommandSPExact("thread step-over");
293   if (cmd_obj_sp) {
294     AddAlias("n", cmd_obj_sp);
295     AddAlias("next", cmd_obj_sp);
296   }
298   cmd_obj_sp = GetCommandSPExact("thread step-out");
299   if (cmd_obj_sp) {
300     AddAlias("finish", cmd_obj_sp);
301   }
303   cmd_obj_sp = GetCommandSPExact("frame select");
304   if (cmd_obj_sp) {
305     AddAlias("f", cmd_obj_sp);
306   }
308   cmd_obj_sp = GetCommandSPExact("thread select");
309   if (cmd_obj_sp) {
310     AddAlias("t", cmd_obj_sp);
311   }
313   cmd_obj_sp = GetCommandSPExact("_regexp-jump");
314   if (cmd_obj_sp) {
315     AddAlias("j", cmd_obj_sp)->SetSyntax(cmd_obj_sp->GetSyntax());
316     AddAlias("jump", cmd_obj_sp)->SetSyntax(cmd_obj_sp->GetSyntax());
317   }
319   cmd_obj_sp = GetCommandSPExact("_regexp-list");
320   if (cmd_obj_sp) {
321     AddAlias("l", cmd_obj_sp)->SetSyntax(cmd_obj_sp->GetSyntax());
322     AddAlias("list", cmd_obj_sp)->SetSyntax(cmd_obj_sp->GetSyntax());
323   }
325   cmd_obj_sp = GetCommandSPExact("_regexp-env");
326   if (cmd_obj_sp)
327     AddAlias("env", cmd_obj_sp)->SetSyntax(cmd_obj_sp->GetSyntax());
329   cmd_obj_sp = GetCommandSPExact("memory read");
330   if (cmd_obj_sp)
331     AddAlias("x", cmd_obj_sp);
333   cmd_obj_sp = GetCommandSPExact("_regexp-up");
334   if (cmd_obj_sp)
335     AddAlias("up", cmd_obj_sp)->SetSyntax(cmd_obj_sp->GetSyntax());
337   cmd_obj_sp = GetCommandSPExact("_regexp-down");
338   if (cmd_obj_sp)
339     AddAlias("down", cmd_obj_sp)->SetSyntax(cmd_obj_sp->GetSyntax());
341   cmd_obj_sp = GetCommandSPExact("_regexp-display");
342   if (cmd_obj_sp)
343     AddAlias("display", cmd_obj_sp)->SetSyntax(cmd_obj_sp->GetSyntax());
345   cmd_obj_sp = GetCommandSPExact("disassemble");
346   if (cmd_obj_sp)
347     AddAlias("dis", cmd_obj_sp);
349   cmd_obj_sp = GetCommandSPExact("disassemble");
350   if (cmd_obj_sp)
351     AddAlias("di", cmd_obj_sp);
353   cmd_obj_sp = GetCommandSPExact("_regexp-undisplay");
354   if (cmd_obj_sp)
355     AddAlias("undisplay", cmd_obj_sp)->SetSyntax(cmd_obj_sp->GetSyntax());
357   cmd_obj_sp = GetCommandSPExact("_regexp-bt");
358   if (cmd_obj_sp)
359     AddAlias("bt", cmd_obj_sp)->SetSyntax(cmd_obj_sp->GetSyntax());
361   cmd_obj_sp = GetCommandSPExact("target create");
362   if (cmd_obj_sp)
363     AddAlias("file", cmd_obj_sp);
365   cmd_obj_sp = GetCommandSPExact("target modules");
366   if (cmd_obj_sp)
367     AddAlias("image", cmd_obj_sp);
369   alias_arguments_vector_sp = std::make_shared<OptionArgVector>();
371   cmd_obj_sp = GetCommandSPExact("expression");
372   if (cmd_obj_sp) {
373     AddAlias("p", cmd_obj_sp, "--")->SetHelpLong("");
374     AddAlias("print", cmd_obj_sp, "--")->SetHelpLong("");
375     AddAlias("call", cmd_obj_sp, "--")->SetHelpLong("");
376     if (auto *po = AddAlias("po", cmd_obj_sp, "-O --")) {
377       po->SetHelp("Evaluate an expression on the current thread.  Displays any "
378                   "returned value with formatting "
379                   "controlled by the type's author.");
380       po->SetHelpLong("");
381     }
382     CommandAlias *parray_alias =
383         AddAlias("parray", cmd_obj_sp, "--element-count %1 --");
384     if (parray_alias) {
385         parray_alias->SetHelp
386           ("parray <COUNT> <EXPRESSION> -- lldb will evaluate EXPRESSION "
387            "to get a typed-pointer-to-an-array in memory, and will display "
388            "COUNT elements of that type from the array.");
389         parray_alias->SetHelpLong("");
390     }
391     CommandAlias *poarray_alias = AddAlias("poarray", cmd_obj_sp,
392              "--object-description --element-count %1 --");
393     if (poarray_alias) {
394       poarray_alias->SetHelp("poarray <COUNT> <EXPRESSION> -- lldb will "
395           "evaluate EXPRESSION to get the address of an array of COUNT "
396           "objects in memory, and will call po on them.");
397       poarray_alias->SetHelpLong("");
398     }
399   }
401   cmd_obj_sp = GetCommandSPExact("platform shell");
402   if (cmd_obj_sp) {
403     CommandAlias *shell_alias = AddAlias("shell", cmd_obj_sp, " --host --");
404     if (shell_alias) {
405       shell_alias->SetHelp("Run a shell command on the host.");
406       shell_alias->SetHelpLong("");
407       shell_alias->SetSyntax("shell <shell-command>");
408     }
409   }
411   cmd_obj_sp = GetCommandSPExact("process kill");
412   if (cmd_obj_sp) {
413     AddAlias("kill", cmd_obj_sp);
414   }
416   cmd_obj_sp = GetCommandSPExact("process launch");
417   if (cmd_obj_sp) {
418     alias_arguments_vector_sp = std::make_shared<OptionArgVector>();
419 #if defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__) || defined(__aarch64__)
420     AddAlias("r", cmd_obj_sp, "--");
421     AddAlias("run", cmd_obj_sp, "--");
422 #else
423 #if defined(__APPLE__)
424     std::string shell_option;
425     shell_option.append("--shell-expand-args");
426     shell_option.append(" true");
427     shell_option.append(" --");
428     AddAlias("r", cmd_obj_sp, "--shell-expand-args true --");
429     AddAlias("run", cmd_obj_sp, "--shell-expand-args true --");
430 #else
431     StreamString defaultshell;
432     defaultshell.Printf("--shell=%s --",
433                         HostInfo::GetDefaultShell().GetPath().c_str());
434     AddAlias("r", cmd_obj_sp, defaultshell.GetString());
435     AddAlias("run", cmd_obj_sp, defaultshell.GetString());
436 #endif
437 #endif
438   }
440   cmd_obj_sp = GetCommandSPExact("target symbols add");
441   if (cmd_obj_sp) {
442     AddAlias("add-dsym", cmd_obj_sp);
443   }
445   cmd_obj_sp = GetCommandSPExact("breakpoint set");
446   if (cmd_obj_sp) {
447     AddAlias("rbreak", cmd_obj_sp, "--func-regex %1");
448   }
450   cmd_obj_sp = GetCommandSPExact("frame variable");
451   if (cmd_obj_sp) {
452     AddAlias("v", cmd_obj_sp);
453     AddAlias("var", cmd_obj_sp);
454     AddAlias("vo", cmd_obj_sp, "--object-description");
455   }
457   cmd_obj_sp = GetCommandSPExact("register");
458   if (cmd_obj_sp) {
459     AddAlias("re", cmd_obj_sp);
460   }
462   cmd_obj_sp = GetCommandSPExact("session history");
463   if (cmd_obj_sp) {
464     AddAlias("history", cmd_obj_sp);
465   }
466 }
468 void CommandInterpreter::Clear() {
469   m_command_io_handler_sp.reset();
470 }
472 const char *CommandInterpreter::ProcessEmbeddedScriptCommands(const char *arg) {
473   // This function has not yet been implemented.
475   // Look for any embedded script command
476   // If found,
477   //    get interpreter object from the command dictionary,
478   //    call execute_one_command on it,
479   //    get the results as a string,
480   //    substitute that string for current stuff.
482   return arg;
483 }
485 #define REGISTER_COMMAND_OBJECT(NAME, CLASS)                                   \
486   m_command_dict[NAME] = std::make_shared<CLASS>(*this);
488 void CommandInterpreter::LoadCommandDictionary() {
491   REGISTER_COMMAND_OBJECT("apropos", CommandObjectApropos);
492   REGISTER_COMMAND_OBJECT("breakpoint", CommandObjectMultiwordBreakpoint);
493   REGISTER_COMMAND_OBJECT("command", CommandObjectMultiwordCommands);
494   REGISTER_COMMAND_OBJECT("disassemble", CommandObjectDisassemble);
495   REGISTER_COMMAND_OBJECT("expression", CommandObjectExpression);
496   REGISTER_COMMAND_OBJECT("frame", CommandObjectMultiwordFrame);
497   REGISTER_COMMAND_OBJECT("gui", CommandObjectGUI);
498   REGISTER_COMMAND_OBJECT("help", CommandObjectHelp);
499   REGISTER_COMMAND_OBJECT("log", CommandObjectLog);
500   REGISTER_COMMAND_OBJECT("memory", CommandObjectMemory);
501   REGISTER_COMMAND_OBJECT("platform", CommandObjectPlatform);
502   REGISTER_COMMAND_OBJECT("plugin", CommandObjectPlugin);
503   REGISTER_COMMAND_OBJECT("process", CommandObjectMultiwordProcess);
504   REGISTER_COMMAND_OBJECT("quit", CommandObjectQuit);
505   REGISTER_COMMAND_OBJECT("register", CommandObjectRegister);
506   REGISTER_COMMAND_OBJECT("reproducer", CommandObjectReproducer);
507   REGISTER_COMMAND_OBJECT("script", CommandObjectScript);
508   REGISTER_COMMAND_OBJECT("settings", CommandObjectMultiwordSettings);
509   REGISTER_COMMAND_OBJECT("session", CommandObjectSession);
510   REGISTER_COMMAND_OBJECT("source", CommandObjectMultiwordSource);
511   REGISTER_COMMAND_OBJECT("statistics", CommandObjectStats);
512   REGISTER_COMMAND_OBJECT("target", CommandObjectMultiwordTarget);
513   REGISTER_COMMAND_OBJECT("thread", CommandObjectMultiwordThread);
514   REGISTER_COMMAND_OBJECT("trace", CommandObjectTrace);
515   REGISTER_COMMAND_OBJECT("type", CommandObjectType);
516   REGISTER_COMMAND_OBJECT("version", CommandObjectVersion);
517   REGISTER_COMMAND_OBJECT("watchpoint", CommandObjectMultiwordWatchpoint);
518   REGISTER_COMMAND_OBJECT("language", CommandObjectLanguage);
520   // clang-format off
521   const char *break_regexes[][2] = {
522       {"^(.*[^[:space:]])[[:space:]]*:[[:space:]]*([[:digit:]]+)[[:space:]]*:[[:space:]]*([[:digit:]]+)[[:space:]]*$",
523        "breakpoint set --file '%1' --line %2 --column %3"},
524       {"^(.*[^[:space:]])[[:space:]]*:[[:space:]]*([[:digit:]]+)[[:space:]]*$",
525        "breakpoint set --file '%1' --line %2"},
526       {"^/([^/]+)/$", "breakpoint set --source-pattern-regexp '%1'"},
527       {"^([[:digit:]]+)[[:space:]]*$", "breakpoint set --line %1"},
528       {"^\\*?(0x[[:xdigit:]]+)[[:space:]]*$", "breakpoint set --address %1"},
529       {"^[\"']?([-+]?\\[.*\\])[\"']?[[:space:]]*$",
530        "breakpoint set --name '%1'"},
531       {"^(-.*)$", "breakpoint set %1"},
532       {"^(.*[^[:space:]])`(.*[^[:space:]])[[:space:]]*$",
533        "breakpoint set --name '%2' --shlib '%1'"},
534       {"^\\&(.*[^[:space:]])[[:space:]]*$",
535        "breakpoint set --name '%1' --skip-prologue=0"},
536       {"^[\"']?(.*[^[:space:]\"'])[\"']?[[:space:]]*$",
537        "breakpoint set --name '%1'"}};
538   // clang-format on
540   size_t num_regexes = llvm::array_lengthof(break_regexes);
542   std::unique_ptr<CommandObjectRegexCommand> break_regex_cmd_up(
543       new CommandObjectRegexCommand(
544           *this, "_regexp-break",
545           "Set a breakpoint using one of several shorthand formats.",
546           "\n"
547           "_regexp-break <filename>:<linenum>:<colnum>\n"
548           "              main.c:12:21          // Break at line 12 and column "
549           "21 of main.c\n\n"
550           "_regexp-break <filename>:<linenum>\n"
551           "              main.c:12             // Break at line 12 of "
552           "main.c\n\n"
553           "_regexp-break <linenum>\n"
554           "              12                    // Break at line 12 of current "
555           "file\n\n"
556           "_regexp-break 0x<address>\n"
557           "              0x1234000             // Break at address "
558           "0x1234000\n\n"
559           "_regexp-break <name>\n"
560           "              main                  // Break in 'main' after the "
561           "prologue\n\n"
562           "_regexp-break &<name>\n"
563           "              &main                 // Break at first instruction "
564           "in 'main'\n\n"
565           "_regexp-break <module>`<name>\n"
566           "              libc.so`malloc        // Break in 'malloc' from "
567           "'libc.so'\n\n"
568           "_regexp-break /<source-regex>/\n"
569           "              /break here/          // Break on source lines in "
570           "current file\n"
571           "                                    // containing text 'break "
572           "here'.\n",
573           3,
574           CommandCompletions::eSymbolCompletion |
575               CommandCompletions::eSourceFileCompletion,
576           false));
578   if (break_regex_cmd_up) {
579     bool success = true;
580     for (size_t i = 0; i < num_regexes; i++) {
581       success = break_regex_cmd_up->AddRegexCommand(break_regexes[i][0],
582                                                     break_regexes[i][1]);
583       if (!success)
584         break;
585     }
586     success =
587         break_regex_cmd_up->AddRegexCommand("^$", "breakpoint list --full");
589     if (success) {
590       CommandObjectSP break_regex_cmd_sp(break_regex_cmd_up.release());
591       m_command_dict[std::string(break_regex_cmd_sp->GetCommandName())] =
592           break_regex_cmd_sp;
593     }
594   }
596   std::unique_ptr<CommandObjectRegexCommand> tbreak_regex_cmd_up(
597       new CommandObjectRegexCommand(
598           *this, "_regexp-tbreak",
599           "Set a one-shot breakpoint using one of several shorthand formats.",
600           "\n"
601           "_regexp-break <filename>:<linenum>:<colnum>\n"
602           "              main.c:12:21          // Break at line 12 and column "
603           "21 of main.c\n\n"
604           "_regexp-break <filename>:<linenum>\n"
605           "              main.c:12             // Break at line 12 of "
606           "main.c\n\n"
607           "_regexp-break <linenum>\n"
608           "              12                    // Break at line 12 of current "
609           "file\n\n"
610           "_regexp-break 0x<address>\n"
611           "              0x1234000             // Break at address "
612           "0x1234000\n\n"
613           "_regexp-break <name>\n"
614           "              main                  // Break in 'main' after the "
615           "prologue\n\n"
616           "_regexp-break &<name>\n"
617           "              &main                 // Break at first instruction "
618           "in 'main'\n\n"
619           "_regexp-break <module>`<name>\n"
620           "              libc.so`malloc        // Break in 'malloc' from "
621           "'libc.so'\n\n"
622           "_regexp-break /<source-regex>/\n"
623           "              /break here/          // Break on source lines in "
624           "current file\n"
625           "                                    // containing text 'break "
626           "here'.\n",
627           2,
628           CommandCompletions::eSymbolCompletion |
629               CommandCompletions::eSourceFileCompletion,
630           false));
632   if (tbreak_regex_cmd_up) {
633     bool success = true;
634     for (size_t i = 0; i < num_regexes; i++) {
635       std::string command = break_regexes[i][1];
636       command += " -o 1";
637       success =
638           tbreak_regex_cmd_up->AddRegexCommand(break_regexes[i][0], command);
639       if (!success)
640         break;
641     }
642     success =
643         tbreak_regex_cmd_up->AddRegexCommand("^$", "breakpoint list --full");
645     if (success) {
646       CommandObjectSP tbreak_regex_cmd_sp(tbreak_regex_cmd_up.release());
647       m_command_dict[std::string(tbreak_regex_cmd_sp->GetCommandName())] =
648           tbreak_regex_cmd_sp;
649     }
650   }
652   std::unique_ptr<CommandObjectRegexCommand> attach_regex_cmd_up(
653       new CommandObjectRegexCommand(
654           *this, "_regexp-attach", "Attach to process by ID or name.",
655           "_regexp-attach <pid> | <process-name>", 2, 0, false));
656   if (attach_regex_cmd_up) {
657     if (attach_regex_cmd_up->AddRegexCommand("^([0-9]+)[[:space:]]*$",
658                                              "process attach --pid %1") &&
659         attach_regex_cmd_up->AddRegexCommand(
660             "^(-.*|.* -.*)$", "process attach %1") && // Any options that are
661                                                       // specified get passed to
662                                                       // 'process attach'
663         attach_regex_cmd_up->AddRegexCommand("^(.+)$",
664                                              "process attach --name '%1'") &&
665         attach_regex_cmd_up->AddRegexCommand("^$", "process attach")) {
666       CommandObjectSP attach_regex_cmd_sp(attach_regex_cmd_up.release());
667       m_command_dict[std::string(attach_regex_cmd_sp->GetCommandName())] =
668           attach_regex_cmd_sp;
669     }
670   }
672   std::unique_ptr<CommandObjectRegexCommand> down_regex_cmd_up(
673       new CommandObjectRegexCommand(*this, "_regexp-down",
674                                     "Select a newer stack frame.  Defaults to "
675                                     "moving one frame, a numeric argument can "
676                                     "specify an arbitrary number.",
677                                     "_regexp-down [<count>]", 2, 0, false));
678   if (down_regex_cmd_up) {
679     if (down_regex_cmd_up->AddRegexCommand("^$", "frame select -r -1") &&
680         down_regex_cmd_up->AddRegexCommand("^([0-9]+)$",
681                                            "frame select -r -%1")) {
682       CommandObjectSP down_regex_cmd_sp(down_regex_cmd_up.release());
683       m_command_dict[std::string(down_regex_cmd_sp->GetCommandName())] =
684           down_regex_cmd_sp;
685     }
686   }
688   std::unique_ptr<CommandObjectRegexCommand> up_regex_cmd_up(
689       new CommandObjectRegexCommand(
690           *this, "_regexp-up",
691           "Select an older stack frame.  Defaults to moving one "
692           "frame, a numeric argument can specify an arbitrary number.",
693           "_regexp-up [<count>]", 2, 0, false));
694   if (up_regex_cmd_up) {
695     if (up_regex_cmd_up->AddRegexCommand("^$", "frame select -r 1") &&
696         up_regex_cmd_up->AddRegexCommand("^([0-9]+)$", "frame select -r %1")) {
697       CommandObjectSP up_regex_cmd_sp(up_regex_cmd_up.release());
698       m_command_dict[std::string(up_regex_cmd_sp->GetCommandName())] =
699           up_regex_cmd_sp;
700     }
701   }
703   std::unique_ptr<CommandObjectRegexCommand> display_regex_cmd_up(
704       new CommandObjectRegexCommand(
705           *this, "_regexp-display",
706           "Evaluate an expression at every stop (see 'help target stop-hook'.)",
707           "_regexp-display expression", 2, 0, false));
708   if (display_regex_cmd_up) {
709     if (display_regex_cmd_up->AddRegexCommand(
710             "^(.+)$", "target stop-hook add -o \"expr -- %1\"")) {
711       CommandObjectSP display_regex_cmd_sp(display_regex_cmd_up.release());
712       m_command_dict[std::string(display_regex_cmd_sp->GetCommandName())] =
713           display_regex_cmd_sp;
714     }
715   }
717   std::unique_ptr<CommandObjectRegexCommand> undisplay_regex_cmd_up(
718       new CommandObjectRegexCommand(*this, "_regexp-undisplay",
719                                     "Stop displaying expression at every "
720                                     "stop (specified by stop-hook index.)",
721                                     "_regexp-undisplay stop-hook-number", 2, 0,
722                                     false));
723   if (undisplay_regex_cmd_up) {
724     if (undisplay_regex_cmd_up->AddRegexCommand("^([0-9]+)$",
725                                                 "target stop-hook delete %1")) {
726       CommandObjectSP undisplay_regex_cmd_sp(undisplay_regex_cmd_up.release());
727       m_command_dict[std::string(undisplay_regex_cmd_sp->GetCommandName())] =
728           undisplay_regex_cmd_sp;
729     }
730   }
732   std::unique_ptr<CommandObjectRegexCommand> connect_gdb_remote_cmd_up(
733       new CommandObjectRegexCommand(
734           *this, "gdb-remote",
735           "Connect to a process via remote GDB server.  "
736           "If no host is specifed, localhost is assumed.",
737           "gdb-remote [<hostname>:]<portnum>", 2, 0, false));
738   if (connect_gdb_remote_cmd_up) {
739     if (connect_gdb_remote_cmd_up->AddRegexCommand(
740             "^([^:]+|\\[[0-9a-fA-F:]+.*\\]):([0-9]+)$",
741             "process connect --plugin gdb-remote connect://%1:%2") &&
742         connect_gdb_remote_cmd_up->AddRegexCommand(
743             "^([[:digit:]]+)$",
744             "process connect --plugin gdb-remote connect://localhost:%1")) {
745       CommandObjectSP command_sp(connect_gdb_remote_cmd_up.release());
746       m_command_dict[std::string(command_sp->GetCommandName())] = command_sp;
747     }
748   }
750   std::unique_ptr<CommandObjectRegexCommand> connect_kdp_remote_cmd_up(
751       new CommandObjectRegexCommand(
752           *this, "kdp-remote",
753           "Connect to a process via remote KDP server.  "
754           "If no UDP port is specified, port 41139 is "
755           "assumed.",
756           "kdp-remote <hostname>[:<portnum>]", 2, 0, false));
757   if (connect_kdp_remote_cmd_up) {
758     if (connect_kdp_remote_cmd_up->AddRegexCommand(
759             "^([^:]+:[[:digit:]]+)$",
760             "process connect --plugin kdp-remote udp://%1") &&
761         connect_kdp_remote_cmd_up->AddRegexCommand(
762             "^(.+)$", "process connect --plugin kdp-remote udp://%1:41139")) {
763       CommandObjectSP command_sp(connect_kdp_remote_cmd_up.release());
764       m_command_dict[std::string(command_sp->GetCommandName())] = command_sp;
765     }
766   }
768   std::unique_ptr<CommandObjectRegexCommand> bt_regex_cmd_up(
769       new CommandObjectRegexCommand(
770           *this, "_regexp-bt",
771           "Show the current thread's call stack.  Any numeric argument "
772           "displays at most that many "
773           "frames.  The argument 'all' displays all threads.  Use 'settings"
774           " set frame-format' to customize the printing of individual frames "
775           "and 'settings set thread-format' to customize the thread header.",
776           "bt [<digit> | all]", 2, 0, false));
777   if (bt_regex_cmd_up) {
778     // accept but don't document "bt -c <number>" -- before bt was a regex
779     // command if you wanted to backtrace three frames you would do "bt -c 3"
780     // but the intention is to have this emulate the gdb "bt" command and so
781     // now "bt 3" is the preferred form, in line with gdb.
782     if (bt_regex_cmd_up->AddRegexCommand("^([[:digit:]]+)[[:space:]]*$",
783                                          "thread backtrace -c %1") &&
784         bt_regex_cmd_up->AddRegexCommand("^-c ([[:digit:]]+)[[:space:]]*$",
785                                          "thread backtrace -c %1") &&
786         bt_regex_cmd_up->AddRegexCommand("^all[[:space:]]*$", "thread backtrace all") &&
787         bt_regex_cmd_up->AddRegexCommand("^[[:space:]]*$", "thread backtrace")) {
788       CommandObjectSP command_sp(bt_regex_cmd_up.release());
789       m_command_dict[std::string(command_sp->GetCommandName())] = command_sp;
790     }
791   }
793   std::unique_ptr<CommandObjectRegexCommand> list_regex_cmd_up(
794       new CommandObjectRegexCommand(
795           *this, "_regexp-list",
796           "List relevant source code using one of several shorthand formats.",
797           "\n"
798           "_regexp-list <file>:<line>   // List around specific file/line\n"
799           "_regexp-list <line>          // List current file around specified "
800           "line\n"
801           "_regexp-list <function-name> // List specified function\n"
802           "_regexp-list 0x<address>     // List around specified address\n"
803           "_regexp-list -[<count>]      // List previous <count> lines\n"
804           "_regexp-list                 // List subsequent lines",
805           2, CommandCompletions::eSourceFileCompletion, false));
806   if (list_regex_cmd_up) {
807     if (list_regex_cmd_up->AddRegexCommand("^([0-9]+)[[:space:]]*$",
808                                            "source list --line %1") &&
809         list_regex_cmd_up->AddRegexCommand(
810             "^(.*[^[:space:]])[[:space:]]*:[[:space:]]*([[:digit:]]+)[[:space:]"
811             "]*$",
812             "source list --file '%1' --line %2") &&
813         list_regex_cmd_up->AddRegexCommand(
814             "^\\*?(0x[[:xdigit:]]+)[[:space:]]*$",
815             "source list --address %1") &&
816         list_regex_cmd_up->AddRegexCommand("^-[[:space:]]*$",
817                                            "source list --reverse") &&
818         list_regex_cmd_up->AddRegexCommand(
819             "^-([[:digit:]]+)[[:space:]]*$",
820             "source list --reverse --count %1") &&
821         list_regex_cmd_up->AddRegexCommand("^(.+)$",
822                                            "source list --name \"%1\"") &&
823         list_regex_cmd_up->AddRegexCommand("^$", "source list")) {
824       CommandObjectSP list_regex_cmd_sp(list_regex_cmd_up.release());
825       m_command_dict[std::string(list_regex_cmd_sp->GetCommandName())] =
826           list_regex_cmd_sp;
827     }
828   }
830   std::unique_ptr<CommandObjectRegexCommand> env_regex_cmd_up(
831       new CommandObjectRegexCommand(
832           *this, "_regexp-env",
833           "Shorthand for viewing and setting environment variables.",
834           "\n"
835           "_regexp-env                  // Show environment\n"
836           "_regexp-env <name>=<value>   // Set an environment variable",
837           2, 0, false));
838   if (env_regex_cmd_up) {
839     if (env_regex_cmd_up->AddRegexCommand("^$",
840                                           "settings show target.env-vars") &&
841         env_regex_cmd_up->AddRegexCommand("^([A-Za-z_][A-Za-z_0-9]*=.*)$",
842                                           "settings set target.env-vars %1")) {
843       CommandObjectSP env_regex_cmd_sp(env_regex_cmd_up.release());
844       m_command_dict[std::string(env_regex_cmd_sp->GetCommandName())] =
845           env_regex_cmd_sp;
846     }
847   }
849   std::unique_ptr<CommandObjectRegexCommand> jump_regex_cmd_up(
850       new CommandObjectRegexCommand(
851           *this, "_regexp-jump", "Set the program counter to a new address.",
852           "\n"
853           "_regexp-jump <line>\n"
854           "_regexp-jump +<line-offset> | -<line-offset>\n"
855           "_regexp-jump <file>:<line>\n"
856           "_regexp-jump *<addr>\n",
857           2, 0, false));
858   if (jump_regex_cmd_up) {
859     if (jump_regex_cmd_up->AddRegexCommand("^\\*(.*)$",
860                                            "thread jump --addr %1") &&
861         jump_regex_cmd_up->AddRegexCommand("^([0-9]+)$",
862                                            "thread jump --line %1") &&
863         jump_regex_cmd_up->AddRegexCommand("^([^:]+):([0-9]+)$",
864                                            "thread jump --file %1 --line %2") &&
865         jump_regex_cmd_up->AddRegexCommand("^([+\\-][0-9]+)$",
866                                            "thread jump --by %1")) {
867       CommandObjectSP jump_regex_cmd_sp(jump_regex_cmd_up.release());
868       m_command_dict[std::string(jump_regex_cmd_sp->GetCommandName())] =
869           jump_regex_cmd_sp;
870     }
871   }
872 }
874 int CommandInterpreter::GetCommandNamesMatchingPartialString(
875     const char *cmd_str, bool include_aliases, StringList &matches,
876     StringList &descriptions) {
877   AddNamesMatchingPartialString(m_command_dict, cmd_str, matches,
878                                 &descriptions);
880   if (include_aliases) {
881     AddNamesMatchingPartialString(m_alias_dict, cmd_str, matches,
882                                   &descriptions);
883   }
885   return matches.GetSize();
886 }
888 CommandObjectSP
889 CommandInterpreter::GetCommandSP(llvm::StringRef cmd_str, bool include_aliases,
890                                  bool exact, StringList *matches,
891                                  StringList *descriptions) const {
892   CommandObjectSP command_sp;
894   std::string cmd = std::string(cmd_str);
896   if (HasCommands()) {
897     auto pos = m_command_dict.find(cmd);
898     if (pos != m_command_dict.end())
899       command_sp = pos->second;
900   }
902   if (include_aliases && HasAliases()) {
903     auto alias_pos = m_alias_dict.find(cmd);
904     if (alias_pos != m_alias_dict.end())
905       command_sp = alias_pos->second;
906   }
908   if (HasUserCommands()) {
909     auto pos = m_user_dict.find(cmd);
910     if (pos != m_user_dict.end())
911       command_sp = pos->second;
912   }
914   if (!exact && !command_sp) {
915     // We will only get into here if we didn't find any exact matches.
917     CommandObjectSP user_match_sp, alias_match_sp, real_match_sp;
919     StringList local_matches;
920     if (matches == nullptr)
921       matches = &local_matches;
923     unsigned int num_cmd_matches = 0;
924     unsigned int num_alias_matches = 0;
925     unsigned int num_user_matches = 0;
927     // Look through the command dictionaries one by one, and if we get only one
928     // match from any of them in toto, then return that, otherwise return an
929     // empty CommandObjectSP and the list of matches.
931     if (HasCommands()) {
932       num_cmd_matches = AddNamesMatchingPartialString(m_command_dict, cmd_str,
933                                                       *matches, descriptions);
934     }
936     if (num_cmd_matches == 1) {
937       cmd.assign(matches->GetStringAtIndex(0));
938       auto pos = m_command_dict.find(cmd);
939       if (pos != m_command_dict.end())
940         real_match_sp = pos->second;
941     }
943     if (include_aliases && HasAliases()) {
944       num_alias_matches = AddNamesMatchingPartialString(m_alias_dict, cmd_str,
945                                                         *matches, descriptions);
946     }
948     if (num_alias_matches == 1) {
949       cmd.assign(matches->GetStringAtIndex(num_cmd_matches));
950       auto alias_pos = m_alias_dict.find(cmd);
951       if (alias_pos != m_alias_dict.end())
952         alias_match_sp = alias_pos->second;
953     }
955     if (HasUserCommands()) {
956       num_user_matches = AddNamesMatchingPartialString(m_user_dict, cmd_str,
957                                                        *matches, descriptions);
958     }
960     if (num_user_matches == 1) {
961       cmd.assign(
962           matches->GetStringAtIndex(num_cmd_matches + num_alias_matches));
964       auto pos = m_user_dict.find(cmd);
965       if (pos != m_user_dict.end())
966         user_match_sp = pos->second;
967     }
969     // If we got exactly one match, return that, otherwise return the match
970     // list.
972     if (num_user_matches + num_cmd_matches + num_alias_matches == 1) {
973       if (num_cmd_matches)
974         return real_match_sp;
975       else if (num_alias_matches)
976         return alias_match_sp;
977       else
978         return user_match_sp;
979     }
980   } else if (matches && command_sp) {
981     matches->AppendString(cmd_str);
982     if (descriptions)
983       descriptions->AppendString(command_sp->GetHelp());
984   }
986   return command_sp;
987 }
989 bool CommandInterpreter::AddCommand(llvm::StringRef name,
990                                     const lldb::CommandObjectSP &cmd_sp,
991                                     bool can_replace) {
992   if (cmd_sp.get())
993     lldbassert((this == &cmd_sp->GetCommandInterpreter()) &&
994                "tried to add a CommandObject from a different interpreter");
996   if (name.empty())
997     return false;
999   std::string name_sstr(name);
1000   auto name_iter = m_command_dict.find(name_sstr);
1001   if (name_iter != m_command_dict.end()) {
1002     if (!can_replace || !name_iter->second->IsRemovable())
1003       return false;
1004     name_iter->second = cmd_sp;
1005   } else {
1006     m_command_dict[name_sstr] = cmd_sp;
1007   }
1008   return true;
1009 }
1011 bool CommandInterpreter::AddUserCommand(llvm::StringRef name,
1012                                         const lldb::CommandObjectSP &cmd_sp,
1013                                         bool can_replace) {
1014   if (cmd_sp.get())
1015     lldbassert((this == &cmd_sp->GetCommandInterpreter()) &&
1016                "tried to add a CommandObject from a different interpreter");
1018   if (!name.empty()) {
1019     // do not allow replacement of internal commands
1020     if (CommandExists(name)) {
1021       if (!can_replace)
1022         return false;
1023       if (!m_command_dict[std::string(name)]->IsRemovable())
1024         return false;
1025     }
1027     if (UserCommandExists(name)) {
1028       if (!can_replace)
1029         return false;
1030       if (!m_user_dict[std::string(name)]->IsRemovable())
1031         return false;
1032     }
1034     m_user_dict[std::string(name)] = cmd_sp;
1035     return true;
1036   }
1037   return false;
1038 }
1040 CommandObjectSP
1041 CommandInterpreter::GetCommandSPExact(llvm::StringRef cmd_str,
1042                                       bool include_aliases) const {
1043   // Break up the command string into words, in case it's a multi-word command.
1044   Args cmd_words(cmd_str);
1046   if (cmd_str.empty())
1047     return {};
1049   if (cmd_words.GetArgumentCount() == 1)
1050     return GetCommandSP(cmd_str, include_aliases, true);
1052   // We have a multi-word command (seemingly), so we need to do more work.
1053   // First, get the cmd_obj_sp for the first word in the command.
1054   CommandObjectSP cmd_obj_sp =
1055       GetCommandSP(cmd_words.GetArgumentAtIndex(0), include_aliases, true);
1056   if (!cmd_obj_sp)
1057     return {};
1059   // Loop through the rest of the words in the command (everything passed in
1060   // was supposed to be part of a command name), and find the appropriate
1061   // sub-command SP for each command word....
1062   size_t end = cmd_words.GetArgumentCount();
1063   for (size_t i = 1; i < end; ++i) {
1064     if (!cmd_obj_sp->IsMultiwordObject()) {
1065       // We have more words in the command name, but we don't have a
1066       // multiword object. Fail and return.
1067       return {};
1068     }
1070     cmd_obj_sp = cmd_obj_sp->GetSubcommandSP(cmd_words.GetArgumentAtIndex(i));
1071     if (!cmd_obj_sp) {
1072       // The sub-command name was invalid.  Fail and return.
1073       return {};
1074     }
1075   }
1077   // We successfully looped through all the command words and got valid
1078   // command objects for them.
1079   return cmd_obj_sp;
1080 }
1082 CommandObject *
1083 CommandInterpreter::GetCommandObject(llvm::StringRef cmd_str,
1084                                      StringList *matches,
1085                                      StringList *descriptions) const {
1086   CommandObject *command_obj =
1087       GetCommandSP(cmd_str, false, true, matches, descriptions).get();
1089   // If we didn't find an exact match to the command string in the commands,
1090   // look in the aliases.
1092   if (command_obj)
1093     return command_obj;
1095   command_obj = GetCommandSP(cmd_str, true, true, matches, descriptions).get();
1097   if (command_obj)
1098     return command_obj;
1100   // If there wasn't an exact match then look for an inexact one in just the
1101   // commands
1102   command_obj = GetCommandSP(cmd_str, false, false, nullptr).get();
1104   // Finally, if there wasn't an inexact match among the commands, look for an
1105   // inexact match in both the commands and aliases.
1107   if (command_obj) {
1108     if (matches)
1109       matches->AppendString(command_obj->GetCommandName());
1110     if (descriptions)
1111       descriptions->AppendString(command_obj->GetHelp());
1112     return command_obj;
1113   }
1115   return GetCommandSP(cmd_str, true, false, matches, descriptions).get();
1116 }
1118 bool CommandInterpreter::CommandExists(llvm::StringRef cmd) const {
1119   return m_command_dict.find(std::string(cmd)) != m_command_dict.end();
1120 }
1122 bool CommandInterpreter::GetAliasFullName(llvm::StringRef cmd,
1123                                           std::string &full_name) const {
1124   bool exact_match =
1125       (m_alias_dict.find(std::string(cmd)) != m_alias_dict.end());
1126   if (exact_match) {
1127     full_name.assign(std::string(cmd));
1128     return exact_match;
1129   } else {
1130     StringList matches;
1131     size_t num_alias_matches;
1132     num_alias_matches =
1133         AddNamesMatchingPartialString(m_alias_dict, cmd, matches);
1134     if (num_alias_matches == 1) {
1135       // Make sure this isn't shadowing a command in the regular command space:
1136       StringList regular_matches;
1137       const bool include_aliases = false;
1138       const bool exact = false;
1139       CommandObjectSP cmd_obj_sp(
1140           GetCommandSP(cmd, include_aliases, exact, &regular_matches));
1141       if (cmd_obj_sp || regular_matches.GetSize() > 0)
1142         return false;
1143       else {
1144         full_name.assign(matches.GetStringAtIndex(0));
1145         return true;
1146       }
1147     } else
1148       return false;
1149   }
1150 }
1152 bool CommandInterpreter::AliasExists(llvm::StringRef cmd) const {
1153   return m_alias_dict.find(std::string(cmd)) != m_alias_dict.end();
1154 }
1156 bool CommandInterpreter::UserCommandExists(llvm::StringRef cmd) const {
1157   return m_user_dict.find(std::string(cmd)) != m_user_dict.end();
1158 }
1160 CommandAlias *
1161 CommandInterpreter::AddAlias(llvm::StringRef alias_name,
1162                              lldb::CommandObjectSP &command_obj_sp,
1163                              llvm::StringRef args_string) {
1164   if (command_obj_sp.get())
1165     lldbassert((this == &command_obj_sp->GetCommandInterpreter()) &&
1166                "tried to add a CommandObject from a different interpreter");
1168   std::unique_ptr<CommandAlias> command_alias_up(
1169       new CommandAlias(*this, command_obj_sp, args_string, alias_name));
1171   if (command_alias_up && command_alias_up->IsValid()) {
1172     m_alias_dict[std::string(alias_name)] =
1173         CommandObjectSP(command_alias_up.get());
1174     return command_alias_up.release();
1175   }
1177   return nullptr;
1178 }
1180 bool CommandInterpreter::RemoveAlias(llvm::StringRef alias_name) {
1181   auto pos = m_alias_dict.find(std::string(alias_name));
1182   if (pos != m_alias_dict.end()) {
1183     m_alias_dict.erase(pos);
1184     return true;
1185   }
1186   return false;
1187 }
1189 bool CommandInterpreter::RemoveCommand(llvm::StringRef cmd) {
1190   auto pos = m_command_dict.find(std::string(cmd));
1191   if (pos != m_command_dict.end()) {
1192     if (pos->second->IsRemovable()) {
1193       // Only regular expression objects or python commands are removable
1194       m_command_dict.erase(pos);
1195       return true;
1196     }
1197   }
1198   return false;
1199 }
1200 bool CommandInterpreter::RemoveUser(llvm::StringRef alias_name) {
1201   CommandObject::CommandMap::iterator pos =
1202       m_user_dict.find(std::string(alias_name));
1203   if (pos != m_user_dict.end()) {
1204     m_user_dict.erase(pos);
1205     return true;
1206   }
1207   return false;
1208 }
1210 void CommandInterpreter::GetHelp(CommandReturnObject &result,
1211                                  uint32_t cmd_types) {
1212   llvm::StringRef help_prologue(GetDebugger().GetIOHandlerHelpPrologue());
1213   if (!help_prologue.empty()) {
1214     OutputFormattedHelpText(result.GetOutputStream(), llvm::StringRef(),
1215                             help_prologue);
1216   }
1218   CommandObject::CommandMap::const_iterator pos;
1219   size_t max_len = FindLongestCommandWord(m_command_dict);
1221   if ((cmd_types & eCommandTypesBuiltin) == eCommandTypesBuiltin) {
1222     result.AppendMessage("Debugger commands:");
1223     result.AppendMessage("");
1225     for (pos = m_command_dict.begin(); pos != m_command_dict.end(); ++pos) {
1226       if (!(cmd_types & eCommandTypesHidden) &&
1227           (pos->first.compare(0, 1, "_") == 0))
1228         continue;
1230       OutputFormattedHelpText(result.GetOutputStream(), pos->first, "--",
1231                               pos->second->GetHelp(), max_len);
1232     }
1233     result.AppendMessage("");
1234   }
1236   if (!m_alias_dict.empty() &&
1237       ((cmd_types & eCommandTypesAliases) == eCommandTypesAliases)) {
1238     result.AppendMessageWithFormat(
1239         "Current command abbreviations "
1240         "(type '%shelp command alias' for more info):\n",
1241         GetCommandPrefix());
1242     result.AppendMessage("");
1243     max_len = FindLongestCommandWord(m_alias_dict);
1245     for (auto alias_pos = m_alias_dict.begin(); alias_pos != m_alias_dict.end();
1246          ++alias_pos) {
1247       OutputFormattedHelpText(result.GetOutputStream(), alias_pos->first, "--",
1248                               alias_pos->second->GetHelp(), max_len);
1249     }
1250     result.AppendMessage("");
1251   }
1253   if (!m_user_dict.empty() &&
1254       ((cmd_types & eCommandTypesUserDef) == eCommandTypesUserDef)) {
1255     result.AppendMessage("Current user-defined commands:");
1256     result.AppendMessage("");
1257     max_len = FindLongestCommandWord(m_user_dict);
1258     for (pos = m_user_dict.begin(); pos != m_user_dict.end(); ++pos) {
1259       OutputFormattedHelpText(result.GetOutputStream(), pos->first, "--",
1260                               pos->second->GetHelp(), max_len);
1261     }
1262     result.AppendMessage("");
1263   }
1265   result.AppendMessageWithFormat(
1266       "For more information on any command, type '%shelp <command-name>'.\n",
1267       GetCommandPrefix());
1268 }
1270 CommandObject *CommandInterpreter::GetCommandObjectForCommand(
1271     llvm::StringRef &command_string) {
1272   // This function finds the final, lowest-level, alias-resolved command object
1273   // whose 'Execute' function will eventually be invoked by the given command
1274   // line.
1276   CommandObject *cmd_obj = nullptr;
1277   size_t start = command_string.find_first_not_of(k_white_space);
1278   size_t end = 0;
1279   bool done = false;
1280   while (!done) {
1281     if (start != std::string::npos) {
1282       // Get the next word from command_string.
1283       end = command_string.find_first_of(k_white_space, start);
1284       if (end == std::string::npos)
1285         end = command_string.size();
1286       std::string cmd_word =
1287           std::string(command_string.substr(start, end - start));
1289       if (cmd_obj == nullptr)
1290         // Since cmd_obj is NULL we are on our first time through this loop.
1291         // Check to see if cmd_word is a valid command or alias.
1292         cmd_obj = GetCommandObject(cmd_word);
1293       else if (cmd_obj->IsMultiwordObject()) {
1294         // Our current object is a multi-word object; see if the cmd_word is a
1295         // valid sub-command for our object.
1296         CommandObject *sub_cmd_obj =
1297             cmd_obj->GetSubcommandObject(cmd_word.c_str());
1298         if (sub_cmd_obj)
1299           cmd_obj = sub_cmd_obj;
1300         else // cmd_word was not a valid sub-command word, so we are done
1301           done = true;
1302       } else
1303         // We have a cmd_obj and it is not a multi-word object, so we are done.
1304         done = true;
1306       // If we didn't find a valid command object, or our command object is not
1307       // a multi-word object, or we are at the end of the command_string, then
1308       // we are done.  Otherwise, find the start of the next word.
1310       if (!cmd_obj || !cmd_obj->IsMultiwordObject() ||
1311           end >= command_string.size())
1312         done = true;
1313       else
1314         start = command_string.find_first_not_of(k_white_space, end);
1315     } else
1316       // Unable to find any more words.
1317       done = true;
1318   }
1320   command_string = command_string.substr(end);
1321   return cmd_obj;
1322 }
1324 static const char *k_valid_command_chars =
1325     "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789-_";
1326 static void StripLeadingSpaces(std::string &s) {
1327   if (!s.empty()) {
1328     size_t pos = s.find_first_not_of(k_white_space);
1329     if (pos == std::string::npos)
1330       s.clear();
1331     else if (pos == 0)
1332       return;
1333     s.erase(0, pos);
1334   }
1335 }
1337 static size_t FindArgumentTerminator(const std::string &s) {
1338   const size_t s_len = s.size();
1339   size_t offset = 0;
1340   while (offset < s_len) {
1341     size_t pos = s.find("--", offset);
1342     if (pos == std::string::npos)
1343       break;
1344     if (pos > 0) {
1345       if (llvm::isSpace(s[pos - 1])) {
1346         // Check if the string ends "\s--" (where \s is a space character) or
1347         // if we have "\s--\s".
1348         if ((pos + 2 >= s_len) || llvm::isSpace(s[pos + 2])) {
1349           return pos;
1350         }
1351       }
1352     }
1353     offset = pos + 2;
1354   }
1355   return std::string::npos;
1356 }
1358 static bool ExtractCommand(std::string &command_string, std::string &command,
1359                            std::string &suffix, char &quote_char) {
1360   command.clear();
1361   suffix.clear();
1362   StripLeadingSpaces(command_string);
1364   bool result = false;
1365   quote_char = '\0';
1367   if (!command_string.empty()) {
1368     const char first_char = command_string[0];
1369     if (first_char == '\'' || first_char == '"') {
1370       quote_char = first_char;
1371       const size_t end_quote_pos = command_string.find(quote_char, 1);
1372       if (end_quote_pos == std::string::npos) {
1373         command.swap(command_string);
1374         command_string.erase();
1375       } else {
1376         command.assign(command_string, 1, end_quote_pos - 1);
1377         if (end_quote_pos + 1 < command_string.size())
1378           command_string.erase(0, command_string.find_first_not_of(
1379                                       k_white_space, end_quote_pos + 1));
1380         else
1381           command_string.erase();
1382       }
1383     } else {
1384       const size_t first_space_pos =
1385           command_string.find_first_of(k_white_space);
1386       if (first_space_pos == std::string::npos) {
1387         command.swap(command_string);
1388         command_string.erase();
1389       } else {
1390         command.assign(command_string, 0, first_space_pos);
1391         command_string.erase(0, command_string.find_first_not_of(
1392                                     k_white_space, first_space_pos));
1393       }
1394     }
1395     result = true;
1396   }
1398   if (!command.empty()) {
1399     // actual commands can't start with '-' or '_'
1400     if (command[0] != '-' && command[0] != '_') {
1401       size_t pos = command.find_first_not_of(k_valid_command_chars);
1402       if (pos > 0 && pos != std::string::npos) {
1403         suffix.assign(command.begin() + pos, command.end());
1404         command.erase(pos);
1405       }
1406     }
1407   }
1409   return result;
1410 }
1412 CommandObject *CommandInterpreter::BuildAliasResult(
1413     llvm::StringRef alias_name, std::string &raw_input_string,
1414     std::string &alias_result, CommandReturnObject &result) {
1415   CommandObject *alias_cmd_obj = nullptr;
1416   Args cmd_args(raw_input_string);
1417   alias_cmd_obj = GetCommandObject(alias_name);
1418   StreamString result_str;
1420   if (!alias_cmd_obj || !alias_cmd_obj->IsAlias()) {
1421     alias_result.clear();
1422     return alias_cmd_obj;
1423   }
1424   std::pair<CommandObjectSP, OptionArgVectorSP> desugared =
1425       ((CommandAlias *)alias_cmd_obj)->Desugar();
1426   OptionArgVectorSP option_arg_vector_sp = desugared.second;
1427   alias_cmd_obj = desugared.first.get();
1428   std::string alias_name_str = std::string(alias_name);
1429   if ((cmd_args.GetArgumentCount() == 0) ||
1430       (alias_name_str != cmd_args.GetArgumentAtIndex(0)))
1431     cmd_args.Unshift(alias_name_str);
1433   result_str.Printf("%s", alias_cmd_obj->GetCommandName().str().c_str());
1435   if (!option_arg_vector_sp.get()) {
1436     alias_result = std::string(result_str.GetString());
1437     return alias_cmd_obj;
1438   }
1439   OptionArgVector *option_arg_vector = option_arg_vector_sp.get();
1441   int value_type;
1442   std::string option;
1443   std::string value;
1444   for (const auto &entry : *option_arg_vector) {
1445     std::tie(option, value_type, value) = entry;
1446     if (option == "<argument>") {
1447       result_str.Printf(" %s", value.c_str());
1448       continue;
1449     }
1451     result_str.Printf(" %s", option.c_str());
1452     if (value_type == OptionParser::eNoArgument)
1453       continue;
1455     if (value_type != OptionParser::eOptionalArgument)
1456       result_str.Printf(" ");
1457     int index = GetOptionArgumentPosition(value.c_str());
1458     if (index == 0)
1459       result_str.Printf("%s", value.c_str());
1460     else if (static_cast<size_t>(index) >= cmd_args.GetArgumentCount()) {
1462       result.AppendErrorWithFormat("Not enough arguments provided; you "
1463                                    "need at least %d arguments to use "
1464                                    "this alias.\n",
1465                                    index);
1466       result.SetStatus(eReturnStatusFailed);
1467       return nullptr;
1468     } else {
1469       size_t strpos = raw_input_string.find(cmd_args.GetArgumentAtIndex(index));
1470       if (strpos != std::string::npos)
1471         raw_input_string = raw_input_string.erase(
1472             strpos, strlen(cmd_args.GetArgumentAtIndex(index)));
1473       result_str.Printf("%s", cmd_args.GetArgumentAtIndex(index));
1474     }
1475   }
1477   alias_result = std::string(result_str.GetString());
1478   return alias_cmd_obj;
1479 }
1481 Status CommandInterpreter::PreprocessCommand(std::string &command) {
1482   // The command preprocessor needs to do things to the command line before any
1483   // parsing of arguments or anything else is done. The only current stuff that
1484   // gets preprocessed is anything enclosed in backtick ('`') characters is
1485   // evaluated as an expression and the result of the expression must be a
1486   // scalar that can be substituted into the command. An example would be:
1487   // (lldb) memory read `$rsp + 20`
1488   Status error; // Status for any expressions that might not evaluate
1489   size_t start_backtick;
1490   size_t pos = 0;
1491   while ((start_backtick = command.find('`', pos)) != std::string::npos) {
1492     // Stop if an error was encountered during the previous iteration.
1493     if (error.Fail())
1494       break;
1496     if (start_backtick > 0 && command[start_backtick - 1] == '\\') {
1497       // The backtick was preceded by a '\' character, remove the slash and
1498       // don't treat the backtick as the start of an expression.
1499       command.erase(start_backtick - 1, 1);
1500       // No need to add one to start_backtick since we just deleted a char.
1501       pos = start_backtick;
1502       continue;
1503     }
1505     const size_t expr_content_start = start_backtick + 1;
1506     const size_t end_backtick = command.find('`', expr_content_start);
1508     if (end_backtick == std::string::npos) {
1509       // Stop if there's no end backtick.
1510       break;
1511     }
1513     if (end_backtick == expr_content_start) {
1514       // Skip over empty expression. (two backticks in a row)
1515       command.erase(start_backtick, 2);
1516       continue;
1517     }
1519     std::string expr_str(command, expr_content_start,
1520                          end_backtick - expr_content_start);
1522     ExecutionContext exe_ctx(GetExecutionContext());
1524     // Get a dummy target to allow for calculator mode while processing
1525     // backticks. This also helps break the infinite loop caused when target is
1526     // null.
1527     Target *exe_target = exe_ctx.GetTargetPtr();
1528     Target &target = exe_target ? *exe_target : m_debugger.GetDummyTarget();
1530     ValueObjectSP expr_result_valobj_sp;
1532     EvaluateExpressionOptions options;
1533     options.SetCoerceToId(false);
1534     options.SetUnwindOnError(true);
1535     options.SetIgnoreBreakpoints(true);
1536     options.SetKeepInMemory(false);
1537     options.SetTryAllThreads(true);
1538     options.SetTimeout(llvm::None);
1540     ExpressionResults expr_result =
1541         target.EvaluateExpression(expr_str.c_str(), exe_ctx.GetFramePtr(),
1542                                   expr_result_valobj_sp, options);
1544     if (expr_result == eExpressionCompleted) {
1545       Scalar scalar;
1546       if (expr_result_valobj_sp)
1547         expr_result_valobj_sp =
1548             expr_result_valobj_sp->GetQualifiedRepresentationIfAvailable(
1549                 expr_result_valobj_sp->GetDynamicValueType(), true);
1550       if (expr_result_valobj_sp->ResolveValue(scalar)) {
1551         command.erase(start_backtick, end_backtick - start_backtick + 1);
1552         StreamString value_strm;
1553         const bool show_type = false;
1554         scalar.GetValue(&value_strm, show_type);
1555         size_t value_string_size = value_strm.GetSize();
1556         if (value_string_size) {
1557           command.insert(start_backtick, std::string(value_strm.GetString()));
1558           pos = start_backtick + value_string_size;
1559           continue;
1560         } else {
1561           error.SetErrorStringWithFormat("expression value didn't result "
1562                                          "in a scalar value for the "
1563                                          "expression '%s'",
1564                                          expr_str.c_str());
1565           break;
1566         }
1567       } else {
1568         error.SetErrorStringWithFormat("expression value didn't result "
1569                                        "in a scalar value for the "
1570                                        "expression '%s'",
1571                                        expr_str.c_str());
1572         break;
1573       }
1575       continue;
1576     }
1578     if (expr_result_valobj_sp)
1579       error = expr_result_valobj_sp->GetError();
1581     if (error.Success()) {
1582       switch (expr_result) {
1583       case eExpressionSetupError:
1584         error.SetErrorStringWithFormat(
1585             "expression setup error for the expression '%s'", expr_str.c_str());
1586         break;
1587       case eExpressionParseError:
1588         error.SetErrorStringWithFormat(
1589             "expression parse error for the expression '%s'", expr_str.c_str());
1590         break;
1591       case eExpressionResultUnavailable:
1592         error.SetErrorStringWithFormat(
1593             "expression error fetching result for the expression '%s'",
1594             expr_str.c_str());
1595         break;
1596       case eExpressionCompleted:
1597         break;
1598       case eExpressionDiscarded:
1599         error.SetErrorStringWithFormat(
1600             "expression discarded for the expression '%s'", expr_str.c_str());
1601         break;
1602       case eExpressionInterrupted:
1603         error.SetErrorStringWithFormat(
1604             "expression interrupted for the expression '%s'", expr_str.c_str());
1605         break;
1606       case eExpressionHitBreakpoint:
1607         error.SetErrorStringWithFormat(
1608             "expression hit breakpoint for the expression '%s'",
1609             expr_str.c_str());
1610         break;
1611       case eExpressionTimedOut:
1612         error.SetErrorStringWithFormat(
1613             "expression timed out for the expression '%s'", expr_str.c_str());
1614         break;
1615       case eExpressionStoppedForDebug:
1616         error.SetErrorStringWithFormat("expression stop at entry point "
1617                                        "for debugging for the "
1618                                        "expression '%s'",
1619                                        expr_str.c_str());
1620         break;
1621       case eExpressionThreadVanished:
1622         error.SetErrorStringWithFormat(
1623             "expression thread vanished for the expression '%s'",
1624             expr_str.c_str());
1625         break;
1626       }
1627     }
1628   }
1629   return error;
1630 }
1632 bool CommandInterpreter::HandleCommand(const char *command_line,
1633                                        LazyBool lazy_add_to_history,
1634                                        CommandReturnObject &result,
1635                                        ExecutionContext *override_context,
1636                                        bool repeat_on_empty_command,
1637                                        bool no_context_switching)
1639 {
1641   std::string command_string(command_line);
1642   std::string original_command_string(command_line);
1644   Log *log(lldb_private::GetLogIfAllCategoriesSet(LIBLLDB_LOG_COMMANDS));
1645   llvm::PrettyStackTraceFormat stack_trace("HandleCommand(command = \"%s\")",
1646                                    command_line);
1648   LLDB_LOGF(log, "Processing command: %s", command_line);
1649   LLDB_SCOPED_TIMERF("Processing command: %s.", command_line);
1651   if (!no_context_switching)
1652     UpdateExecutionContext(override_context);
1654   if (WasInterrupted()) {
1655     result.AppendError("interrupted");
1656     result.SetStatus(eReturnStatusFailed);
1657     return false;
1658   }
1660   bool add_to_history;
1661   if (lazy_add_to_history == eLazyBoolCalculate)
1662     add_to_history = (m_command_source_depth == 0);
1663   else
1664     add_to_history = (lazy_add_to_history == eLazyBoolYes);
1666   m_transcript_stream << "(lldb) " << command_line << '\n';
1668   bool empty_command = false;
1669   bool comment_command = false;
1670   if (command_string.empty())
1671     empty_command = true;
1672   else {
1673     const char *k_space_characters = "\t\n\v\f\r ";
1675     size_t non_space = command_string.find_first_not_of(k_space_characters);
1676     // Check for empty line or comment line (lines whose first non-space
1677     // character is the comment character for this interpreter)
1678     if (non_space == std::string::npos)
1679       empty_command = true;
1680     else if (command_string[non_space] == m_comment_char)
1681       comment_command = true;
1682     else if (command_string[non_space] == CommandHistory::g_repeat_char) {
1683       llvm::StringRef search_str(command_string);
1684       search_str = search_str.drop_front(non_space);
1685       if (auto hist_str = m_command_history.FindString(search_str)) {
1686         add_to_history = false;
1687         command_string = std::string(*hist_str);
1688         original_command_string = std::string(*hist_str);
1689       } else {
1690         result.AppendErrorWithFormat("Could not find entry: %s in history",
1691                                      command_string.c_str());
1692         result.SetStatus(eReturnStatusFailed);
1693         return false;
1694       }
1695     }
1696   }
1698   if (empty_command) {
1699     if (repeat_on_empty_command) {
1700       if (m_command_history.IsEmpty()) {
1701         result.AppendError("empty command");
1702         result.SetStatus(eReturnStatusFailed);
1703         return false;
1704       } else {
1705         command_line = m_repeat_command.c_str();
1706         command_string = command_line;
1707         original_command_string = command_line;
1708         if (m_repeat_command.empty()) {
1709           result.AppendError("No auto repeat.");
1710           result.SetStatus(eReturnStatusFailed);
1711           return false;
1712         }
1713       }
1714       add_to_history = false;
1715     } else {
1716       result.SetStatus(eReturnStatusSuccessFinishNoResult);
1717       return true;
1718     }
1719   } else if (comment_command) {
1720     result.SetStatus(eReturnStatusSuccessFinishNoResult);
1721     return true;
1722   }
1724   Status error(PreprocessCommand(command_string));
1726   if (error.Fail()) {
1727     result.AppendError(error.AsCString());
1728     result.SetStatus(eReturnStatusFailed);
1729     return false;
1730   }
1732   // Phase 1.
1734   // Before we do ANY kind of argument processing, we need to figure out what
1735   // the real/final command object is for the specified command.  This gets
1736   // complicated by the fact that the user could have specified an alias, and,
1737   // in translating the alias, there may also be command options and/or even
1738   // data (including raw text strings) that need to be found and inserted into
1739   // the command line as part of the translation.  So this first step is plain
1740   // look-up and replacement, resulting in:
1741   //    1. the command object whose Execute method will actually be called
1742   //    2. a revised command string, with all substitutions and replacements
1743   //       taken care of
1744   // From 1 above, we can determine whether the Execute function wants raw
1745   // input or not.
1747   CommandObject *cmd_obj = ResolveCommandImpl(command_string, result);
1749   // Although the user may have abbreviated the command, the command_string now
1750   // has the command expanded to the full name.  For example, if the input was
1751   // "br s -n main", command_string is now "breakpoint set -n main".
1752   if (log) {
1753     llvm::StringRef command_name = cmd_obj ? cmd_obj->GetCommandName() : "<not found>";
1754     LLDB_LOGF(log, "HandleCommand, cmd_obj : '%s'", command_name.str().c_str());
1755     LLDB_LOGF(log, "HandleCommand, (revised) command_string: '%s'",
1756               command_string.c_str());
1757     const bool wants_raw_input =
1758         (cmd_obj != nullptr) ? cmd_obj->WantsRawCommandString() : false;
1759     LLDB_LOGF(log, "HandleCommand, wants_raw_input:'%s'",
1760               wants_raw_input ? "True" : "False");
1761   }
1763   // Phase 2.
1764   // Take care of things like setting up the history command & calling the
1765   // appropriate Execute method on the CommandObject, with the appropriate
1766   // arguments.
1768   if (cmd_obj != nullptr) {
1769     if (add_to_history) {
1770       Args command_args(command_string);
1771       const char *repeat_command = cmd_obj->GetRepeatCommand(command_args, 0);
1772       if (repeat_command != nullptr)
1773         m_repeat_command.assign(repeat_command);
1774       else
1775         m_repeat_command.assign(original_command_string);
1777       m_command_history.AppendString(original_command_string);
1778     }
1780     std::string remainder;
1781     const std::size_t actual_cmd_name_len = cmd_obj->GetCommandName().size();
1782     if (actual_cmd_name_len < command_string.length())
1783       remainder = command_string.substr(actual_cmd_name_len);
1785     // Remove any initial spaces
1786     size_t pos = remainder.find_first_not_of(k_white_space);
1787     if (pos != 0 && pos != std::string::npos)
1788       remainder.erase(0, pos);
1790     LLDB_LOGF(
1791         log, "HandleCommand, command line after removing command name(s): '%s'",
1792         remainder.c_str());
1794     cmd_obj->Execute(remainder.c_str(), result);
1795   }
1797   LLDB_LOGF(log, "HandleCommand, command %s",
1798             (result.Succeeded() ? "succeeded" : "did not succeed"));
1800   m_transcript_stream << result.GetOutputData();
1801   m_transcript_stream << result.GetErrorData();
1803   return result.Succeeded();
1804 }
1806 void CommandInterpreter::HandleCompletionMatches(CompletionRequest &request) {
1807   bool look_for_subcommand = false;
1809   // For any of the command completions a unique match will be a complete word.
1811   if (request.GetParsedLine().GetArgumentCount() == 0) {
1812     // We got nothing on the command line, so return the list of commands
1813     bool include_aliases = true;
1814     StringList new_matches, descriptions;
1815     GetCommandNamesMatchingPartialString("", include_aliases, new_matches,
1816                                          descriptions);
1817     request.AddCompletions(new_matches, descriptions);
1818   } else if (request.GetCursorIndex() == 0) {
1819     // The cursor is in the first argument, so just do a lookup in the
1820     // dictionary.
1821     StringList new_matches, new_descriptions;
1822     CommandObject *cmd_obj =
1823         GetCommandObject(request.GetParsedLine().GetArgumentAtIndex(0),
1824                          &new_matches, &new_descriptions);
1826     if (new_matches.GetSize() && cmd_obj && cmd_obj->IsMultiwordObject() &&
1827         new_matches.GetStringAtIndex(0) != nullptr &&
1828         strcmp(request.GetParsedLine().GetArgumentAtIndex(0),
1829                new_matches.GetStringAtIndex(0)) == 0) {
1830       if (request.GetParsedLine().GetArgumentCount() != 1) {
1831         look_for_subcommand = true;
1832         new_matches.DeleteStringAtIndex(0);
1833         new_descriptions.DeleteStringAtIndex(0);
1834         request.AppendEmptyArgument();
1835       }
1836     }
1837     request.AddCompletions(new_matches, new_descriptions);
1838   }
1840   if (request.GetCursorIndex() > 0 || look_for_subcommand) {
1841     // We are completing further on into a commands arguments, so find the
1842     // command and tell it to complete the command. First see if there is a
1843     // matching initial command:
1844     CommandObject *command_object =
1845         GetCommandObject(request.GetParsedLine().GetArgumentAtIndex(0));
1846     if (command_object) {
1847       request.ShiftArguments();
1848       command_object->HandleCompletion(request);
1849     }
1850   }
1851 }
1853 void CommandInterpreter::HandleCompletion(CompletionRequest &request) {
1855   UpdateExecutionContext(nullptr);
1857   // Don't complete comments, and if the line we are completing is just the
1858   // history repeat character, substitute the appropriate history line.
1859   llvm::StringRef first_arg = request.GetParsedLine().GetArgumentAtIndex(0);
1861   if (!first_arg.empty()) {
1862     if (first_arg.front() == m_comment_char)
1863       return;
1864     if (first_arg.front() == CommandHistory::g_repeat_char) {
1865       if (auto hist_str = m_command_history.FindString(first_arg))
1866         request.AddCompletion(*hist_str, "Previous command history event",
1867                               CompletionMode::RewriteLine);
1868       return;
1869     }
1870   }
1872   HandleCompletionMatches(request);
1873 }
1875 llvm::Optional<std::string>
1876 CommandInterpreter::GetAutoSuggestionForCommand(llvm::StringRef line) {
1877   if (line.empty())
1878     return llvm::None;
1879   const size_t s = m_command_history.GetSize();
1880   for (int i = s - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
1881     llvm::StringRef entry = m_command_history.GetStringAtIndex(i);
1882     if (entry.consume_front(line))
1883       return entry.str();
1884   }
1885   return llvm::None;
1886 }
1888 CommandInterpreter::~CommandInterpreter() {}
1890 void CommandInterpreter::UpdatePrompt(llvm::StringRef new_prompt) {
1891   EventSP prompt_change_event_sp(
1892       new Event(eBroadcastBitResetPrompt, new EventDataBytes(new_prompt)));
1893   ;
1894   BroadcastEvent(prompt_change_event_sp);
1895   if (m_command_io_handler_sp)
1896     m_command_io_handler_sp->SetPrompt(new_prompt);
1897 }
1899 bool CommandInterpreter::Confirm(llvm::StringRef message, bool default_answer) {
1900   // Check AutoConfirm first:
1901   if (m_debugger.GetAutoConfirm())
1902     return default_answer;
1904   IOHandlerConfirm *confirm =
1905       new IOHandlerConfirm(m_debugger, message, default_answer);
1906   IOHandlerSP io_handler_sp(confirm);
1907   m_debugger.RunIOHandlerSync(io_handler_sp);
1908   return confirm->GetResponse();
1909 }
1911 const CommandAlias *
1912 CommandInterpreter::GetAlias(llvm::StringRef alias_name) const {
1913   OptionArgVectorSP ret_val;
1915   auto pos = m_alias_dict.find(std::string(alias_name));
1916   if (pos != m_alias_dict.end())
1917     return (CommandAlias *)pos->second.get();
1919   return nullptr;
1920 }
1922 bool CommandInterpreter::HasCommands() const { return (!m_command_dict.empty()); }
1924 bool CommandInterpreter::HasAliases() const { return (!m_alias_dict.empty()); }
1926 bool CommandInterpreter::HasUserCommands() const { return (!m_user_dict.empty()); }
1928 bool CommandInterpreter::HasAliasOptions() const { return HasAliases(); }
1930 void CommandInterpreter::BuildAliasCommandArgs(CommandObject *alias_cmd_obj,
1931                                                const char *alias_name,
1932                                                Args &cmd_args,
1933                                                std::string &raw_input_string,
1934                                                CommandReturnObject &result) {
1935   OptionArgVectorSP option_arg_vector_sp =
1936       GetAlias(alias_name)->GetOptionArguments();
1938   bool wants_raw_input = alias_cmd_obj->WantsRawCommandString();
1940   // Make sure that the alias name is the 0th element in cmd_args
1941   std::string alias_name_str = alias_name;
1942   if (alias_name_str != cmd_args.GetArgumentAtIndex(0))
1943     cmd_args.Unshift(alias_name_str);
1945   Args new_args(alias_cmd_obj->GetCommandName());
1946   if (new_args.GetArgumentCount() == 2)
1947     new_args.Shift();
1949   if (option_arg_vector_sp.get()) {
1950     if (wants_raw_input) {
1951       // We have a command that both has command options and takes raw input.
1952       // Make *sure* it has a " -- " in the right place in the
1953       // raw_input_string.
1954       size_t pos = raw_input_string.find(" -- ");
1955       if (pos == std::string::npos) {
1956         // None found; assume it goes at the beginning of the raw input string
1957         raw_input_string.insert(0, " -- ");
1958       }
1959     }
1961     OptionArgVector *option_arg_vector = option_arg_vector_sp.get();
1962     const size_t old_size = cmd_args.GetArgumentCount();
1963     std::vector<bool> used(old_size + 1, false);
1965     used[0] = true;
1967     int value_type;
1968     std::string option;
1969     std::string value;
1970     for (const auto &option_entry : *option_arg_vector) {
1971       std::tie(option, value_type, value) = option_entry;
1972       if (option == "<argument>") {
1973         if (!wants_raw_input || (value != "--")) {
1974           // Since we inserted this above, make sure we don't insert it twice
1975           new_args.AppendArgument(value);
1976         }
1977         continue;
1978       }
1980       if (value_type != OptionParser::eOptionalArgument)
1981         new_args.AppendArgument(option);
1983       if (value == "<no-argument>")
1984         continue;
1986       int index = GetOptionArgumentPosition(value.c_str());
1987       if (index == 0) {
1988         // value was NOT a positional argument; must be a real value
1989         if (value_type != OptionParser::eOptionalArgument)
1990           new_args.AppendArgument(value);
1991         else {
1992           new_args.AppendArgument(option + value);
1993         }
1995       } else if (static_cast<size_t>(index) >= cmd_args.GetArgumentCount()) {
1996         result.AppendErrorWithFormat("Not enough arguments provided; you "
1997                                      "need at least %d arguments to use "
1998                                      "this alias.\n",
1999                                      index);
2000         result.SetStatus(eReturnStatusFailed);
2001         return;
2002       } else {
2003         // Find and remove cmd_args.GetArgumentAtIndex(i) from raw_input_string
2004         size_t strpos =
2005             raw_input_string.find(cmd_args.GetArgumentAtIndex(index));
2006         if (strpos != std::string::npos) {
2007           raw_input_string = raw_input_string.erase(
2008               strpos, strlen(cmd_args.GetArgumentAtIndex(index)));
2009         }
2011         if (value_type != OptionParser::eOptionalArgument)
2012           new_args.AppendArgument(cmd_args.GetArgumentAtIndex(index));
2013         else {
2014           new_args.AppendArgument(option + cmd_args.GetArgumentAtIndex(index));
2015         }
2016         used[index] = true;
2017       }
2018     }
2020     for (auto entry : llvm::enumerate(cmd_args.entries())) {
2021       if (!used[entry.index()] && !wants_raw_input)
2022         new_args.AppendArgument(entry.value().ref());
2023     }
2025     cmd_args.Clear();
2026     cmd_args.SetArguments(new_args.GetArgumentCount(),
2027                           new_args.GetConstArgumentVector());
2028   } else {
2029     result.SetStatus(eReturnStatusSuccessFinishNoResult);
2030     // This alias was not created with any options; nothing further needs to be
2031     // done, unless it is a command that wants raw input, in which case we need
2032     // to clear the rest of the data from cmd_args, since its in the raw input
2033     // string.
2034     if (wants_raw_input) {
2035       cmd_args.Clear();
2036       cmd_args.SetArguments(new_args.GetArgumentCount(),
2037                             new_args.GetConstArgumentVector());
2038     }
2039     return;
2040   }
2042   result.SetStatus(eReturnStatusSuccessFinishNoResult);
2043   return;
2044 }
2046 int CommandInterpreter::GetOptionArgumentPosition(const char *in_string) {
2047   int position = 0; // Any string that isn't an argument position, i.e. '%'
2048                     // followed by an integer, gets a position
2049                     // of zero.
2051   const char *cptr = in_string;
2053   // Does it start with '%'
2054   if (cptr[0] == '%') {
2055     ++cptr;
2057     // Is the rest of it entirely digits?
2058     if (isdigit(cptr[0])) {
2059       const char *start = cptr;
2060       while (isdigit(cptr[0]))
2061         ++cptr;
2063       // We've gotten to the end of the digits; are we at the end of the
2064       // string?
2065       if (cptr[0] == '\0')
2066         position = atoi(start);
2067     }
2068   }
2070   return position;
2071 }
2073 static void GetHomeInitFile(llvm::SmallVectorImpl<char> &init_file,
2074                             llvm::StringRef suffix = {}) {
2075   std::string init_file_name = ".lldbinit";
2076   if (!suffix.empty()) {
2077     init_file_name.append("-");
2078     init_file_name.append(suffix.str());
2079   }
2081   FileSystem::Instance().GetHomeDirectory(init_file);
2082   llvm::sys::path::append(init_file, init_file_name);
2084   FileSystem::Instance().Resolve(init_file);
2085 }
2087 static void GetHomeREPLInitFile(llvm::SmallVectorImpl<char> &init_file) {
2088   LanguageSet repl_languages = Language::GetLanguagesSupportingREPLs();
2089   LanguageType language = eLanguageTypeUnknown;
2090   if (auto main_repl_language = repl_languages.GetSingularLanguage())
2091     language = *main_repl_language;
2092   else
2093     return;
2095   std::string init_file_name =
2096       (llvm::Twine(".lldbinit-") +
2097        llvm::Twine(Language::GetNameForLanguageType(language)) +
2098        llvm::Twine("-repl"))
2099           .str();
2100   FileSystem::Instance().GetHomeDirectory(init_file);
2101   llvm::sys::path::append(init_file, init_file_name);
2102   FileSystem::Instance().Resolve(init_file);
2103 }
2105 static void GetCwdInitFile(llvm::SmallVectorImpl<char> &init_file) {
2106   llvm::StringRef s = ".lldbinit";
2107   init_file.assign(s.begin(), s.end());
2108   FileSystem::Instance().Resolve(init_file);
2109 }
2111 static LoadCWDlldbinitFile ShouldLoadCwdInitFile() {
2112   lldb::TargetPropertiesSP properties = Target::GetGlobalProperties();
2113   if (!properties)
2114     return eLoadCWDlldbinitFalse;
2115   return properties->GetLoadCWDlldbinitFile();
2116 }
2118 void CommandInterpreter::SourceInitFile(FileSpec file,
2119                                         CommandReturnObject &result) {
2120   assert(!m_skip_lldbinit_files);
2122   if (!FileSystem::Instance().Exists(file)) {
2123     result.SetStatus(eReturnStatusSuccessFinishNoResult);
2124     return;
2125   }
2127   // Use HandleCommand to 'source' the given file; this will do the actual
2128   // broadcasting of the commands back to any appropriate listener (see
2129   // CommandObjectSource::Execute for more details).
2130   const bool saved_batch = SetBatchCommandMode(true);
2131   ExecutionContext *ctx = nullptr;
2132   CommandInterpreterRunOptions options;
2133   options.SetSilent(true);
2134   options.SetPrintErrors(true);
2135   options.SetStopOnError(false);
2136   options.SetStopOnContinue(true);
2137   HandleCommandsFromFile(file, ctx, options, result);
2138   SetBatchCommandMode(saved_batch);
2139 }
2141 void CommandInterpreter::SourceInitFileCwd(CommandReturnObject &result) {
2142   if (m_skip_lldbinit_files) {
2143     result.SetStatus(eReturnStatusSuccessFinishNoResult);
2144     return;
2145   }
2147   llvm::SmallString<128> init_file;
2148   GetCwdInitFile(init_file);
2149   if (!FileSystem::Instance().Exists(init_file)) {
2150     result.SetStatus(eReturnStatusSuccessFinishNoResult);
2151     return;
2152   }
2154   LoadCWDlldbinitFile should_load = ShouldLoadCwdInitFile();
2156   switch (should_load) {
2157   case eLoadCWDlldbinitFalse:
2158     result.SetStatus(eReturnStatusSuccessFinishNoResult);
2159     break;
2160   case eLoadCWDlldbinitTrue:
2161     SourceInitFile(FileSpec(init_file.str()), result);
2162     break;
2163   case eLoadCWDlldbinitWarn: {
2164     llvm::SmallString<128> home_init_file;
2165     GetHomeInitFile(home_init_file);
2166     if (llvm::sys::path::parent_path(init_file) ==
2167         llvm::sys::path::parent_path(home_init_file)) {
2168       result.SetStatus(eReturnStatusSuccessFinishNoResult);
2169     } else {
2170       result.AppendError(InitFileWarning);
2171       result.SetStatus(eReturnStatusFailed);
2172     }
2173   }
2174   }
2175 }
2177 /// We will first see if there is an application specific ".lldbinit" file
2178 /// whose name is "~/.lldbinit" followed by a "-" and the name of the program.
2179 /// If this file doesn't exist, we fall back to the REPL init file or the
2180 /// default home init file in "~/.lldbinit".
2181 void CommandInterpreter::SourceInitFileHome(CommandReturnObject &result,
2182                                             bool is_repl) {
2183   if (m_skip_lldbinit_files) {
2184     result.SetStatus(eReturnStatusSuccessFinishNoResult);
2185     return;
2186   }
2188   llvm::SmallString<128> init_file;
2190   if (is_repl)
2191     GetHomeREPLInitFile(init_file);
2193   if (init_file.empty())
2194     GetHomeInitFile(init_file);
2196   if (!m_skip_app_init_files) {
2197     llvm::StringRef program_name =
2198         HostInfo::GetProgramFileSpec().GetFilename().GetStringRef();
2199     llvm::SmallString<128> program_init_file;
2200     GetHomeInitFile(program_init_file, program_name);
2201     if (FileSystem::Instance().Exists(program_init_file))
2202       init_file = program_init_file;
2203   }
2205   SourceInitFile(FileSpec(init_file.str()), result);
2206 }
2208 const char *CommandInterpreter::GetCommandPrefix() {
2209   const char *prefix = GetDebugger().GetIOHandlerCommandPrefix();
2210   return prefix == nullptr ? "" : prefix;
2211 }
2213 PlatformSP CommandInterpreter::GetPlatform(bool prefer_target_platform) {
2214   PlatformSP platform_sp;
2215   if (prefer_target_platform) {
2216     ExecutionContext exe_ctx(GetExecutionContext());
2217     Target *target = exe_ctx.GetTargetPtr();
2218     if (target)
2219       platform_sp = target->GetPlatform();
2220   }
2222   if (!platform_sp)
2223     platform_sp = m_debugger.GetPlatformList().GetSelectedPlatform();
2224   return platform_sp;
2225 }
2227 bool CommandInterpreter::DidProcessStopAbnormally() const {
2228   TargetSP target_sp = m_debugger.GetTargetList().GetSelectedTarget();
2229   if (!target_sp)
2230     return false;
2232   ProcessSP process_sp(target_sp->GetProcessSP());
2233   if (!process_sp)
2234     return false;
2236   if (eStateStopped != process_sp->GetState())
2237     return false;
2239   for (const auto &thread_sp : process_sp->GetThreadList().Threads()) {
2240     StopInfoSP stop_info = thread_sp->GetStopInfo();
2241     if (!stop_info)
2242       return false;
2244     const StopReason reason = stop_info->GetStopReason();
2245     if (reason == eStopReasonException || reason == eStopReasonInstrumentation)
2246       return true;
2248     if (reason == eStopReasonSignal) {
2249       const auto stop_signal = static_cast<int32_t>(stop_info->GetValue());
2250       UnixSignalsSP signals_sp = process_sp->GetUnixSignals();
2251       if (!signals_sp || !signals_sp->SignalIsValid(stop_signal))
2252         // The signal is unknown, treat it as abnormal.
2253         return true;
2255       const auto sigint_num = signals_sp->GetSignalNumberFromName("SIGINT");
2256       const auto sigstop_num = signals_sp->GetSignalNumberFromName("SIGSTOP");
2257       if ((stop_signal != sigint_num) && (stop_signal != sigstop_num))
2258         // The signal very likely implies a crash.
2259         return true;
2260     }
2261   }
2263   return false;
2264 }
2266 void CommandInterpreter::HandleCommands(const StringList &commands,
2267                                         ExecutionContext *override_context,
2268                                         CommandInterpreterRunOptions &options,
2269                                         CommandReturnObject &result) {
2270   size_t num_lines = commands.GetSize();
2272   // If we are going to continue past a "continue" then we need to run the
2273   // commands synchronously. Make sure you reset this value anywhere you return
2274   // from the function.
2276   bool old_async_execution = m_debugger.GetAsyncExecution();
2278   // If we've been given an execution context, set it at the start, but don't
2279   // keep resetting it or we will cause series of commands that change the
2280   // context, then do an operation that relies on that context to fail.
2282   if (override_context != nullptr)
2283     UpdateExecutionContext(override_context);
2285   if (!options.GetStopOnContinue()) {
2286     m_debugger.SetAsyncExecution(false);
2287   }
2289   for (size_t idx = 0; idx < num_lines && !WasInterrupted(); idx++) {
2290     const char *cmd = commands.GetStringAtIndex(idx);
2291     if (cmd[0] == '\0')
2292       continue;
2294     if (options.GetEchoCommands()) {
2295       // TODO: Add Stream support.
2296       result.AppendMessageWithFormat("%s %s\n",
2297                                      m_debugger.GetPrompt().str().c_str(), cmd);
2298     }
2300     CommandReturnObject tmp_result(m_debugger.GetUseColor());
2301     tmp_result.SetInteractive(result.GetInteractive());
2303     // If override_context is not NULL, pass no_context_switching = true for
2304     // HandleCommand() since we updated our context already.
2306     // We might call into a regex or alias command, in which case the
2307     // add_to_history will get lost.  This m_command_source_depth dingus is the
2308     // way we turn off adding to the history in that case, so set it up here.
2309     if (!options.GetAddToHistory())
2310       m_command_source_depth++;
2311     bool success =
2312         HandleCommand(cmd, options.m_add_to_history, tmp_result,
2313                       nullptr, /* override_context */
2314                       true,    /* repeat_on_empty_command */
2315                       override_context != nullptr /* no_context_switching */);
2316     if (!options.GetAddToHistory())
2317       m_command_source_depth--;
2319     if (options.GetPrintResults()) {
2320       if (tmp_result.Succeeded())
2321         result.AppendMessage(tmp_result.GetOutputData());
2322     }
2324     if (!success || !tmp_result.Succeeded()) {
2325       llvm::StringRef error_msg = tmp_result.GetErrorData();
2326       if (error_msg.empty())
2327         error_msg = "<unknown error>.\n";
2328       if (options.GetStopOnError()) {
2329         result.AppendErrorWithFormat(
2330             "Aborting reading of commands after command #%" PRIu64
2331             ": '%s' failed with %s",
2332             (uint64_t)idx, cmd, error_msg.str().c_str());
2333         result.SetStatus(eReturnStatusFailed);
2334         m_debugger.SetAsyncExecution(old_async_execution);
2335         return;
2336       } else if (options.GetPrintResults()) {
2337         result.AppendMessageWithFormat(
2338             "Command #%" PRIu64 " '%s' failed with %s", (uint64_t)idx + 1, cmd,
2339             error_msg.str().c_str());
2340       }
2341     }
2343     if (result.GetImmediateOutputStream())
2344       result.GetImmediateOutputStream()->Flush();
2346     if (result.GetImmediateErrorStream())
2347       result.GetImmediateErrorStream()->Flush();
2349     // N.B. Can't depend on DidChangeProcessState, because the state coming
2350     // into the command execution could be running (for instance in Breakpoint
2351     // Commands. So we check the return value to see if it is has running in
2352     // it.
2353     if ((tmp_result.GetStatus() == eReturnStatusSuccessContinuingNoResult) ||
2354         (tmp_result.GetStatus() == eReturnStatusSuccessContinuingResult)) {
2355       if (options.GetStopOnContinue()) {
2356         // If we caused the target to proceed, and we're going to stop in that
2357         // case, set the status in our real result before returning.  This is
2358         // an error if the continue was not the last command in the set of
2359         // commands to be run.
2360         if (idx != num_lines - 1)
2361           result.AppendErrorWithFormat(
2362               "Aborting reading of commands after command #%" PRIu64
2363               ": '%s' continued the target.\n",
2364               (uint64_t)idx + 1, cmd);
2365         else
2366           result.AppendMessageWithFormat("Command #%" PRIu64
2367                                          " '%s' continued the target.\n",
2368                                          (uint64_t)idx + 1, cmd);
2370         result.SetStatus(tmp_result.GetStatus());
2371         m_debugger.SetAsyncExecution(old_async_execution);
2373         return;
2374       }
2375     }
2377     // Also check for "stop on crash here:
2378     if (tmp_result.GetDidChangeProcessState() && options.GetStopOnCrash() &&
2379         DidProcessStopAbnormally()) {
2380       if (idx != num_lines - 1)
2381         result.AppendErrorWithFormat(
2382             "Aborting reading of commands after command #%" PRIu64
2383             ": '%s' stopped with a signal or exception.\n",
2384             (uint64_t)idx + 1, cmd);
2385       else
2386         result.AppendMessageWithFormat(
2387             "Command #%" PRIu64 " '%s' stopped with a signal or exception.\n",
2388             (uint64_t)idx + 1, cmd);
2390       result.SetStatus(tmp_result.GetStatus());
2391       m_debugger.SetAsyncExecution(old_async_execution);
2393       return;
2394     }
2395   }
2397   result.SetStatus(eReturnStatusSuccessFinishResult);
2398   m_debugger.SetAsyncExecution(old_async_execution);
2400   return;
2401 }
2403 // Make flags that we can pass into the IOHandler so our delegates can do the
2404 // right thing
2405 enum {
2406   eHandleCommandFlagStopOnContinue = (1u << 0),
2407   eHandleCommandFlagStopOnError = (1u << 1),
2408   eHandleCommandFlagEchoCommand = (1u << 2),
2409   eHandleCommandFlagEchoCommentCommand = (1u << 3),
2410   eHandleCommandFlagPrintResult = (1u << 4),
2411   eHandleCommandFlagPrintErrors = (1u << 5),
2412   eHandleCommandFlagStopOnCrash = (1u << 6)
2413 };
2415 void CommandInterpreter::HandleCommandsFromFile(
2416     FileSpec &cmd_file, ExecutionContext *context,
2417     CommandInterpreterRunOptions &options, CommandReturnObject &result) {
2418   if (!FileSystem::Instance().Exists(cmd_file)) {
2419     result.AppendErrorWithFormat(
2420         "Error reading commands from file %s - file not found.\n",
2421         cmd_file.GetFilename().AsCString("<Unknown>"));
2422     result.SetStatus(eReturnStatusFailed);
2423     return;
2424   }
2426   std::string cmd_file_path = cmd_file.GetPath();
2427   auto input_file_up =
2428       FileSystem::Instance().Open(cmd_file, File::eOpenOptionRead);
2429   if (!input_file_up) {
2430     std::string error = llvm::toString(input_file_up.takeError());
2431     result.AppendErrorWithFormatv(
2432         "error: an error occurred read file '{0}': {1}\n", cmd_file_path,
2433         llvm::fmt_consume(input_file_up.takeError()));
2434     result.SetStatus(eReturnStatusFailed);
2435     return;
2436   }
2437   FileSP input_file_sp = FileSP(std::move(input_file_up.get()));
2439   Debugger &debugger = GetDebugger();
2441   uint32_t flags = 0;
2443   if (options.m_stop_on_continue == eLazyBoolCalculate) {
2444     if (m_command_source_flags.empty()) {
2445       // Stop on continue by default
2446       flags |= eHandleCommandFlagStopOnContinue;
2447     } else if (m_command_source_flags.back() &
2448                eHandleCommandFlagStopOnContinue) {
2449       flags |= eHandleCommandFlagStopOnContinue;
2450     }
2451   } else if (options.m_stop_on_continue == eLazyBoolYes) {
2452     flags |= eHandleCommandFlagStopOnContinue;
2453   }
2455   if (options.m_stop_on_error == eLazyBoolCalculate) {
2456     if (m_command_source_flags.empty()) {
2457       if (GetStopCmdSourceOnError())
2458         flags |= eHandleCommandFlagStopOnError;
2459     } else if (m_command_source_flags.back() & eHandleCommandFlagStopOnError) {
2460       flags |= eHandleCommandFlagStopOnError;
2461     }
2462   } else if (options.m_stop_on_error == eLazyBoolYes) {
2463     flags |= eHandleCommandFlagStopOnError;
2464   }
2466   // stop-on-crash can only be set, if it is present in all levels of
2467   // pushed flag sets.
2468   if (options.GetStopOnCrash()) {
2469     if (m_command_source_flags.empty()) {
2470       flags |= eHandleCommandFlagStopOnCrash;
2471     } else if (m_command_source_flags.back() & eHandleCommandFlagStopOnCrash) {
2472       flags |= eHandleCommandFlagStopOnCrash;
2473     }
2474   }
2476   if (options.m_echo_commands == eLazyBoolCalculate) {
2477     if (m_command_source_flags.empty()) {
2478       // Echo command by default
2479       flags |= eHandleCommandFlagEchoCommand;
2480     } else if (m_command_source_flags.back() & eHandleCommandFlagEchoCommand) {
2481       flags |= eHandleCommandFlagEchoCommand;
2482     }
2483   } else if (options.m_echo_commands == eLazyBoolYes) {
2484     flags |= eHandleCommandFlagEchoCommand;
2485   }
2487   // We will only ever ask for this flag, if we echo commands in general.
2488   if (options.m_echo_comment_commands == eLazyBoolCalculate) {
2489     if (m_command_source_flags.empty()) {
2490       // Echo comments by default
2491       flags |= eHandleCommandFlagEchoCommentCommand;
2492     } else if (m_command_source_flags.back() &
2493                eHandleCommandFlagEchoCommentCommand) {
2494       flags |= eHandleCommandFlagEchoCommentCommand;
2495     }
2496   } else if (options.m_echo_comment_commands == eLazyBoolYes) {
2497     flags |= eHandleCommandFlagEchoCommentCommand;
2498   }
2500   if (options.m_print_results == eLazyBoolCalculate) {
2501     if (m_command_source_flags.empty()) {
2502       // Print output by default
2503       flags |= eHandleCommandFlagPrintResult;
2504     } else if (m_command_source_flags.back() & eHandleCommandFlagPrintResult) {
2505       flags |= eHandleCommandFlagPrintResult;
2506     }
2507   } else if (options.m_print_results == eLazyBoolYes) {
2508     flags |= eHandleCommandFlagPrintResult;
2509   }
2511   if (options.m_print_errors == eLazyBoolCalculate) {
2512     if (m_command_source_flags.empty()) {
2513       // Print output by default
2514       flags |= eHandleCommandFlagPrintErrors;
2515     } else if (m_command_source_flags.back() & eHandleCommandFlagPrintErrors) {
2516       flags |= eHandleCommandFlagPrintErrors;
2517     }
2518   } else if (options.m_print_errors == eLazyBoolYes) {
2519     flags |= eHandleCommandFlagPrintErrors;
2520   }
2522   if (flags & eHandleCommandFlagPrintResult) {
2523     debugger.GetOutputFile().Printf("Executing commands in '%s'.\n",
2524                                     cmd_file_path.c_str());
2525   }
2527   // Used for inheriting the right settings when "command source" might
2528   // have nested "command source" commands
2529   lldb::StreamFileSP empty_stream_sp;
2530   m_command_source_flags.push_back(flags);
2531   IOHandlerSP io_handler_sp(new IOHandlerEditline(
2532       debugger, IOHandler::Type::CommandInterpreter, input_file_sp,
2533       empty_stream_sp, // Pass in an empty stream so we inherit the top
2534                        // input reader output stream
2535       empty_stream_sp, // Pass in an empty stream so we inherit the top
2536                        // input reader error stream
2537       flags,
2538       nullptr, // Pass in NULL for "editline_name" so no history is saved,
2539                // or written
2540       debugger.GetPrompt(), llvm::StringRef(),
2541       false, // Not multi-line
2542       debugger.GetUseColor(), 0, *this, nullptr));
2543   const bool old_async_execution = debugger.GetAsyncExecution();
2545   // Set synchronous execution if we are not stopping on continue
2546   if ((flags & eHandleCommandFlagStopOnContinue) == 0)
2547     debugger.SetAsyncExecution(false);
2549   m_command_source_depth++;
2550   m_command_source_dirs.push_back(cmd_file.CopyByRemovingLastPathComponent());
2552   debugger.RunIOHandlerSync(io_handler_sp);
2553   if (!m_command_source_flags.empty())
2554     m_command_source_flags.pop_back();
2556   m_command_source_dirs.pop_back();
2557   m_command_source_depth--;
2559   result.SetStatus(eReturnStatusSuccessFinishNoResult);
2560   debugger.SetAsyncExecution(old_async_execution);
2561 }
2563 bool CommandInterpreter::GetSynchronous() { return m_synchronous_execution; }
2565 void CommandInterpreter::SetSynchronous(bool value) {
2566   // Asynchronous mode is not supported during reproducer replay.
2567   if (repro::Reproducer::Instance().GetLoader())
2568     return;
2569   m_synchronous_execution = value;
2570 }
2572 void CommandInterpreter::OutputFormattedHelpText(Stream &strm,
2573                                                  llvm::StringRef prefix,
2574                                                  llvm::StringRef help_text) {
2575   const uint32_t max_columns = m_debugger.GetTerminalWidth();
2577   size_t line_width_max = max_columns - prefix.size();
2578   if (line_width_max < 16)
2579     line_width_max = help_text.size() + prefix.size();
2581   strm.IndentMore(prefix.size());
2582   bool prefixed_yet = false;
2583   while (!help_text.empty()) {
2584     // Prefix the first line, indent subsequent lines to line up
2585     if (!prefixed_yet) {
2586       strm << prefix;
2587       prefixed_yet = true;
2588     } else
2589       strm.Indent();
2591     // Never print more than the maximum on one line.
2592     llvm::StringRef this_line = help_text.substr(0, line_width_max);
2594     // Always break on an explicit newline.
2595     std::size_t first_newline = this_line.find_first_of("\n");
2597     // Don't break on space/tab unless the text is too long to fit on one line.
2598     std::size_t last_space = llvm::StringRef::npos;
2599     if (this_line.size() != help_text.size())
2600       last_space = this_line.find_last_of(" \t");
2602     // Break at whichever condition triggered first.
2603     this_line = this_line.substr(0, std::min(first_newline, last_space));
2604     strm.PutCString(this_line);
2605     strm.EOL();
2607     // Remove whitespace / newlines after breaking.
2608     help_text = help_text.drop_front(this_line.size()).ltrim();
2609   }
2610   strm.IndentLess(prefix.size());
2611 }
2613 void CommandInterpreter::OutputFormattedHelpText(Stream &strm,
2614                                                  llvm::StringRef word_text,
2615                                                  llvm::StringRef separator,
2616                                                  llvm::StringRef help_text,
2617                                                  size_t max_word_len) {
2618   StreamString prefix_stream;
2619   prefix_stream.Printf("  %-*s %*s ", (int)max_word_len, word_text.data(),
2620                        (int)separator.size(), separator.data());
2621   OutputFormattedHelpText(strm, prefix_stream.GetString(), help_text);
2622 }
2624 void CommandInterpreter::OutputHelpText(Stream &strm, llvm::StringRef word_text,
2625                                         llvm::StringRef separator,
2626                                         llvm::StringRef help_text,
2627                                         uint32_t max_word_len) {
2628   int indent_size = max_word_len + separator.size() + 2;
2630   strm.IndentMore(indent_size);
2632   StreamString text_strm;
2633   text_strm.Printf("%-*s ", (int)max_word_len, word_text.data());
2634   text_strm << separator << " " << help_text;
2636   const uint32_t max_columns = m_debugger.GetTerminalWidth();
2638   llvm::StringRef text = text_strm.GetString();
2640   uint32_t chars_left = max_columns;
2642   auto nextWordLength = [](llvm::StringRef S) {
2643     size_t pos = S.find(' ');
2644     return pos == llvm::StringRef::npos ? S.size() : pos;
2645   };
2647   while (!text.empty()) {
2648     if (text.front() == '\n' ||
2649         (text.front() == ' ' && nextWordLength(text.ltrim(' ')) > chars_left)) {
2650       strm.EOL();
2651       strm.Indent();
2652       chars_left = max_columns - indent_size;
2653       if (text.front() == '\n')
2654         text = text.drop_front();
2655       else
2656         text = text.ltrim(' ');
2657     } else {
2658       strm.PutChar(text.front());
2659       --chars_left;
2660       text = text.drop_front();
2661     }
2662   }
2664   strm.EOL();
2665   strm.IndentLess(indent_size);
2666 }
2668 void CommandInterpreter::FindCommandsForApropos(
2669     llvm::StringRef search_word, StringList &commands_found,
2670     StringList &commands_help, CommandObject::CommandMap &command_map) {
2671   CommandObject::CommandMap::const_iterator pos;
2673   for (pos = command_map.begin(); pos != command_map.end(); ++pos) {
2674     llvm::StringRef command_name = pos->first;
2675     CommandObject *cmd_obj = pos->second.get();
2677     const bool search_short_help = true;
2678     const bool search_long_help = false;
2679     const bool search_syntax = false;
2680     const bool search_options = false;
2681     if (command_name.contains_lower(search_word) ||
2682         cmd_obj->HelpTextContainsWord(search_word, search_short_help,
2683                                       search_long_help, search_syntax,
2684                                       search_options)) {
2685       commands_found.AppendString(cmd_obj->GetCommandName());
2686       commands_help.AppendString(cmd_obj->GetHelp());
2687     }
2689     if (cmd_obj->IsMultiwordObject()) {
2690       CommandObjectMultiword *cmd_multiword = cmd_obj->GetAsMultiwordCommand();
2691       FindCommandsForApropos(search_word, commands_found, commands_help,
2692                              cmd_multiword->GetSubcommandDictionary());
2693     }
2694   }
2695 }
2697 void CommandInterpreter::FindCommandsForApropos(llvm::StringRef search_word,
2698                                                 StringList &commands_found,
2699                                                 StringList &commands_help,
2700                                                 bool search_builtin_commands,
2701                                                 bool search_user_commands,
2702                                                 bool search_alias_commands) {
2703   CommandObject::CommandMap::const_iterator pos;
2705   if (search_builtin_commands)
2706     FindCommandsForApropos(search_word, commands_found, commands_help,
2707                            m_command_dict);
2709   if (search_user_commands)
2710     FindCommandsForApropos(search_word, commands_found, commands_help,
2711                            m_user_dict);
2713   if (search_alias_commands)
2714     FindCommandsForApropos(search_word, commands_found, commands_help,
2715                            m_alias_dict);
2716 }
2718 void CommandInterpreter::UpdateExecutionContext(
2719     ExecutionContext *override_context) {
2720   if (override_context != nullptr) {
2721     m_exe_ctx_ref = *override_context;
2722   } else {
2723     const bool adopt_selected = true;
2724     m_exe_ctx_ref.SetTargetPtr(m_debugger.GetSelectedTarget().get(),
2725                                adopt_selected);
2726   }
2727 }
2729 void CommandInterpreter::GetProcessOutput() {
2730   TargetSP target_sp(m_debugger.GetTargetList().GetSelectedTarget());
2731   if (!target_sp)
2732     return;
2734   if (ProcessSP process_sp = target_sp->GetProcessSP())
2735     m_debugger.FlushProcessOutput(*process_sp, /*flush_stdout*/ true,
2736                                   /*flush_stderr*/ true);
2737 }
2739 void CommandInterpreter::StartHandlingCommand() {
2740   auto idle_state = CommandHandlingState::eIdle;
2741   if (m_command_state.compare_exchange_strong(
2742           idle_state, CommandHandlingState::eInProgress))
2743     lldbassert(m_iohandler_nesting_level == 0);
2744   else
2745     lldbassert(m_iohandler_nesting_level > 0);
2746   ++m_iohandler_nesting_level;
2747 }
2749 void CommandInterpreter::FinishHandlingCommand() {
2750   lldbassert(m_iohandler_nesting_level > 0);
2751   if (--m_iohandler_nesting_level == 0) {
2752     auto prev_state = m_command_state.exchange(CommandHandlingState::eIdle);
2753     lldbassert(prev_state != CommandHandlingState::eIdle);
2754   }
2755 }
2757 bool CommandInterpreter::InterruptCommand() {
2758   auto in_progress = CommandHandlingState::eInProgress;
2759   return m_command_state.compare_exchange_strong(
2760       in_progress, CommandHandlingState::eInterrupted);
2761 }
2763 bool CommandInterpreter::WasInterrupted() const {
2764   bool was_interrupted =
2765       (m_command_state == CommandHandlingState::eInterrupted);
2766   lldbassert(!was_interrupted || m_iohandler_nesting_level > 0);
2767   return was_interrupted;
2768 }
2770 void CommandInterpreter::PrintCommandOutput(Stream &stream,
2771                                             llvm::StringRef str) {
2772   // Split the output into lines and poll for interrupt requests
2773   const char *data = str.data();
2774   size_t size = str.size();
2775   while (size > 0 && !WasInterrupted()) {
2776     size_t chunk_size = 0;
2777     for (; chunk_size < size; ++chunk_size) {
2778       lldbassert(data[chunk_size] != '\0');
2779       if (data[chunk_size] == '\n') {
2780         ++chunk_size;
2781         break;
2782       }
2783     }
2784     chunk_size = stream.Write(data, chunk_size);
2785     lldbassert(size >= chunk_size);
2786     data += chunk_size;
2787     size -= chunk_size;
2788   }
2789   if (size > 0) {
2790     stream.Printf("\n... Interrupted.\n");
2791   }
2792 }
2794 bool CommandInterpreter::EchoCommandNonInteractive(
2795     llvm::StringRef line, const Flags &io_handler_flags) const {
2796   if (!io_handler_flags.Test(eHandleCommandFlagEchoCommand))
2797     return false;
2799   llvm::StringRef command = line.trim();
2800   if (command.empty())
2801     return true;
2803   if (command.front() == m_comment_char)
2804     return io_handler_flags.Test(eHandleCommandFlagEchoCommentCommand);
2806   return true;
2807 }
2809 void CommandInterpreter::IOHandlerInputComplete(IOHandler &io_handler,
2810                                                 std::string &line) {
2811     // If we were interrupted, bail out...
2812     if (WasInterrupted())
2813       return;
2815   const bool is_interactive = io_handler.GetIsInteractive();
2816   if (!is_interactive) {
2817     // When we are not interactive, don't execute blank lines. This will happen
2818     // sourcing a commands file. We don't want blank lines to repeat the
2819     // previous command and cause any errors to occur (like redefining an
2820     // alias, get an error and stop parsing the commands file).
2821     if (line.empty())
2822       return;
2824     // When using a non-interactive file handle (like when sourcing commands
2825     // from a file) we need to echo the command out so we don't just see the
2826     // command output and no command...
2827     if (EchoCommandNonInteractive(line, io_handler.GetFlags()))
2828       io_handler.GetOutputStreamFileSP()->Printf(
2829           "%s%s\n", io_handler.GetPrompt(), line.c_str());
2830   }
2832   StartHandlingCommand();
2834   lldb_private::CommandReturnObject result(m_debugger.GetUseColor());
2835   HandleCommand(line.c_str(), eLazyBoolCalculate, result);
2837   // Now emit the command output text from the command we just executed
2838   if ((result.Succeeded() &&
2839        io_handler.GetFlags().Test(eHandleCommandFlagPrintResult)) ||
2840       io_handler.GetFlags().Test(eHandleCommandFlagPrintErrors)) {
2841     // Display any STDOUT/STDERR _prior_ to emitting the command result text
2842     GetProcessOutput();
2844     if (!result.GetImmediateOutputStream()) {
2845       llvm::StringRef output = result.GetOutputData();
2846       PrintCommandOutput(*io_handler.GetOutputStreamFileSP(), output);
2847     }
2849     // Now emit the command error text from the command we just executed
2850     if (!result.GetImmediateErrorStream()) {
2851       llvm::StringRef error = result.GetErrorData();
2852       PrintCommandOutput(*io_handler.GetErrorStreamFileSP(), error);
2853     }
2854   }
2856   FinishHandlingCommand();
2858   switch (result.GetStatus()) {
2859   case eReturnStatusInvalid:
2860   case eReturnStatusSuccessFinishNoResult:
2861   case eReturnStatusSuccessFinishResult:
2862   case eReturnStatusStarted:
2863     break;
2865   case eReturnStatusSuccessContinuingNoResult:
2866   case eReturnStatusSuccessContinuingResult:
2867     if (io_handler.GetFlags().Test(eHandleCommandFlagStopOnContinue))
2868       io_handler.SetIsDone(true);
2869     break;
2871   case eReturnStatusFailed:
2872     m_result.IncrementNumberOfErrors();
2873     if (io_handler.GetFlags().Test(eHandleCommandFlagStopOnError)) {
2874       m_result.SetResult(lldb::eCommandInterpreterResultCommandError);
2875       io_handler.SetIsDone(true);
2876     }
2877     break;
2879   case eReturnStatusQuit:
2880     m_result.SetResult(lldb::eCommandInterpreterResultQuitRequested);
2881     io_handler.SetIsDone(true);
2882     break;
2883   }
2885   // Finally, if we're going to stop on crash, check that here:
2886   if (m_result.IsResult(lldb::eCommandInterpreterResultSuccess) &&
2887       result.GetDidChangeProcessState() &&
2888       io_handler.GetFlags().Test(eHandleCommandFlagStopOnCrash) &&
2889       DidProcessStopAbnormally()) {
2890     io_handler.SetIsDone(true);
2891     m_result.SetResult(lldb::eCommandInterpreterResultInferiorCrash);
2892   }
2893 }
2895 bool CommandInterpreter::IOHandlerInterrupt(IOHandler &io_handler) {
2896   ExecutionContext exe_ctx(GetExecutionContext());
2897   Process *process = exe_ctx.GetProcessPtr();
2899   if (InterruptCommand())
2900     return true;
2902   if (process) {
2903     StateType state = process->GetState();
2904     if (StateIsRunningState(state)) {
2905       process->Halt();
2906       return true; // Don't do any updating when we are running
2907     }
2908   }
2910   ScriptInterpreter *script_interpreter =
2911       m_debugger.GetScriptInterpreter(false);
2912   if (script_interpreter) {
2913     if (script_interpreter->Interrupt())
2914       return true;
2915   }
2916   return false;
2917 }
2919 bool CommandInterpreter::SaveTranscript(
2920     CommandReturnObject &result, llvm::Optional<std::string> output_file) {
2921   if (output_file == llvm::None || output_file->empty()) {
2922     std::string now = llvm::to_string(std::chrono::system_clock::now());
2923     std::replace(now.begin(), now.end(), ' ', '_');
2924     const std::string file_name = "lldb_session_" + now + ".log";
2925     FileSpec tmp = HostInfo::GetGlobalTempDir();
2926     tmp.AppendPathComponent(file_name);
2927     output_file = tmp.GetPath();
2928   }
2930   auto error_out = [&](llvm::StringRef error_message, std::string description) {
2931     LLDB_LOG(GetLogIfAllCategoriesSet(LIBLLDB_LOG_COMMANDS), "{0} ({1}:{2})",
2932              error_message, output_file, description);
2933     result.AppendErrorWithFormatv(
2934         "Failed to save session's transcripts to {0}!", *output_file);
2935     return false;
2936   };
2938   File::OpenOptions flags = File::eOpenOptionWrite |
2939                             File::eOpenOptionCanCreate |
2940                             File::eOpenOptionTruncate;
2942   auto opened_file = FileSystem::Instance().Open(FileSpec(*output_file), flags);
2944   if (!opened_file)
2945     return error_out("Unable to create file",
2946                      llvm::toString(opened_file.takeError()));
2948   FileUP file = std::move(opened_file.get());
2950   size_t byte_size = m_transcript_stream.GetSize();
2952   Status error = file->Write(m_transcript_stream.GetData(), byte_size);
2954   if (error.Fail() || byte_size != m_transcript_stream.GetSize())
2955     return error_out("Unable to write to destination file",
2956                      "Bytes written do not match transcript size.");
2958   result.AppendMessageWithFormat("Session's transcripts saved to %s\n",
2959                                  output_file->c_str());
2961   return true;
2962 }
2964 FileSpec CommandInterpreter::GetCurrentSourceDir() {
2965   if (m_command_source_dirs.empty())
2966     return {};
2967   return m_command_source_dirs.back();
2968 }
2970 void CommandInterpreter::GetLLDBCommandsFromIOHandler(
2971     const char *prompt, IOHandlerDelegate &delegate, void *baton) {
2972   Debugger &debugger = GetDebugger();
2973   IOHandlerSP io_handler_sp(
2974       new IOHandlerEditline(debugger, IOHandler::Type::CommandList,
2975                             "lldb", // Name of input reader for history
2976                             llvm::StringRef::withNullAsEmpty(prompt), // Prompt
2977                             llvm::StringRef(), // Continuation prompt
2978                             true,              // Get multiple lines
2979                             debugger.GetUseColor(),
2980                             0,         // Don't show line numbers
2981                             delegate,  // IOHandlerDelegate
2982                             nullptr)); // FileShadowCollector
2984   if (io_handler_sp) {
2985     io_handler_sp->SetUserData(baton);
2986     debugger.RunIOHandlerAsync(io_handler_sp);
2987   }
2988 }
2990 void CommandInterpreter::GetPythonCommandsFromIOHandler(
2991     const char *prompt, IOHandlerDelegate &delegate, void *baton) {
2992   Debugger &debugger = GetDebugger();
2993   IOHandlerSP io_handler_sp(
2994       new IOHandlerEditline(debugger, IOHandler::Type::PythonCode,
2995                             "lldb-python", // Name of input reader for history
2996                             llvm::StringRef::withNullAsEmpty(prompt), // Prompt
2997                             llvm::StringRef(), // Continuation prompt
2998                             true,              // Get multiple lines
2999                             debugger.GetUseColor(),
3000                             0,         // Don't show line numbers
3001                             delegate,  // IOHandlerDelegate
3002                             nullptr)); // FileShadowCollector
3004   if (io_handler_sp) {
3005     io_handler_sp->SetUserData(baton);
3006     debugger.RunIOHandlerAsync(io_handler_sp);
3007   }
3008 }
3010 bool CommandInterpreter::IsActive() {
3011   return m_debugger.IsTopIOHandler(m_command_io_handler_sp);
3012 }
3014 lldb::IOHandlerSP
3015 CommandInterpreter::GetIOHandler(bool force_create,
3016                                  CommandInterpreterRunOptions *options) {
3017   // Always re-create the IOHandlerEditline in case the input changed. The old
3018   // instance might have had a non-interactive input and now it does or vice
3019   // versa.
3020   if (force_create || !m_command_io_handler_sp) {
3021     // Always re-create the IOHandlerEditline in case the input changed. The
3022     // old instance might have had a non-interactive input and now it does or
3023     // vice versa.
3024     uint32_t flags = 0;
3026     if (options) {
3027       if (options->m_stop_on_continue == eLazyBoolYes)
3028         flags |= eHandleCommandFlagStopOnContinue;
3029       if (options->m_stop_on_error == eLazyBoolYes)
3030         flags |= eHandleCommandFlagStopOnError;
3031       if (options->m_stop_on_crash == eLazyBoolYes)
3032         flags |= eHandleCommandFlagStopOnCrash;
3033       if (options->m_echo_commands != eLazyBoolNo)
3034         flags |= eHandleCommandFlagEchoCommand;
3035       if (options->m_echo_comment_commands != eLazyBoolNo)
3036         flags |= eHandleCommandFlagEchoCommentCommand;
3037       if (options->m_print_results != eLazyBoolNo)
3038         flags |= eHandleCommandFlagPrintResult;
3039       if (options->m_print_errors != eLazyBoolNo)
3040         flags |= eHandleCommandFlagPrintErrors;
3041     } else {
3042       flags = eHandleCommandFlagEchoCommand | eHandleCommandFlagPrintResult |
3043               eHandleCommandFlagPrintErrors;
3044     }
3046     m_command_io_handler_sp = std::make_shared<IOHandlerEditline>(
3047         m_debugger, IOHandler::Type::CommandInterpreter,
3048         m_debugger.GetInputFileSP(), m_debugger.GetOutputStreamSP(),
3049         m_debugger.GetErrorStreamSP(), flags, "lldb", m_debugger.GetPrompt(),
3050         llvm::StringRef(), // Continuation prompt
3051         false, // Don't enable multiple line input, just single line commands
3052         m_debugger.GetUseColor(),
3053         0,     // Don't show line numbers
3054         *this, // IOHandlerDelegate
3055         GetDebugger().GetInputRecorder());
3056   }
3057   return m_command_io_handler_sp;
3058 }
3060 CommandInterpreterRunResult CommandInterpreter::RunCommandInterpreter(
3061     CommandInterpreterRunOptions &options) {
3062   // Always re-create the command interpreter when we run it in case any file
3063   // handles have changed.
3064   bool force_create = true;
3065   m_debugger.RunIOHandlerAsync(GetIOHandler(force_create, &options));
3066   m_result = CommandInterpreterRunResult();
3068   if (options.GetAutoHandleEvents())
3069     m_debugger.StartEventHandlerThread();
3071   if (options.GetSpawnThread()) {
3072     m_debugger.StartIOHandlerThread();
3073   } else {
3074     m_debugger.RunIOHandlers();
3076     if (options.GetAutoHandleEvents())
3077       m_debugger.StopEventHandlerThread();
3078   }
3080   return m_result;
3081 }
3083 CommandObject *
3084 CommandInterpreter::ResolveCommandImpl(std::string &command_line,
3085                                        CommandReturnObject &result) {
3086   std::string scratch_command(command_line); // working copy so we don't modify
3087                                              // command_line unless we succeed
3088   CommandObject *cmd_obj = nullptr;
3089   StreamString revised_command_line;
3090   bool wants_raw_input = false;
3091   size_t actual_cmd_name_len = 0;
3092   std::string next_word;
3093   StringList matches;
3094   bool done = false;
3095   while (!done) {
3096     char quote_char = '\0';
3097     std::string suffix;
3098     ExtractCommand(scratch_command, next_word, suffix, quote_char);
3099     if (cmd_obj == nullptr) {
3100       std::string full_name;
3101       bool is_alias = GetAliasFullName(next_word, full_name);
3102       cmd_obj = GetCommandObject(next_word, &matches);
3103       bool is_real_command =
3104           (!is_alias) || (cmd_obj != nullptr && !cmd_obj->IsAlias());
3105       if (!is_real_command) {
3106         matches.Clear();
3107         std::string alias_result;
3108         cmd_obj =
3109             BuildAliasResult(full_name, scratch_command, alias_result, result);
3110         revised_command_line.Printf("%s", alias_result.c_str());
3111         if (cmd_obj) {
3112           wants_raw_input = cmd_obj->WantsRawCommandString();
3113           actual_cmd_name_len = cmd_obj->GetCommandName().size();
3114         }
3115       } else {
3116         if (cmd_obj) {
3117           llvm::StringRef cmd_name = cmd_obj->GetCommandName();
3118           actual_cmd_name_len += cmd_name.size();
3119           revised_command_line.Printf("%s", cmd_name.str().c_str());
3120           wants_raw_input = cmd_obj->WantsRawCommandString();
3121         } else {
3122           revised_command_line.Printf("%s", next_word.c_str());
3123         }
3124       }
3125     } else {
3126       if (cmd_obj->IsMultiwordObject()) {
3127         CommandObject *sub_cmd_obj =
3128             cmd_obj->GetSubcommandObject(next_word.c_str());
3129         if (sub_cmd_obj) {
3130           // The subcommand's name includes the parent command's name, so
3131           // restart rather than append to the revised_command_line.
3132           llvm::StringRef sub_cmd_name = sub_cmd_obj->GetCommandName();
3133           actual_cmd_name_len = sub_cmd_name.size() + 1;
3134           revised_command_line.Clear();
3135           revised_command_line.Printf("%s", sub_cmd_name.str().c_str());
3136           cmd_obj = sub_cmd_obj;
3137           wants_raw_input = cmd_obj->WantsRawCommandString();
3138         } else {
3139           if (quote_char)
3140             revised_command_line.Printf(" %c%s%s%c", quote_char,
3141                                         next_word.c_str(), suffix.c_str(),
3142                                         quote_char);
3143           else
3144             revised_command_line.Printf(" %s%s", next_word.c_str(),
3145                                         suffix.c_str());
3146           done = true;
3147         }
3148       } else {
3149         if (quote_char)
3150           revised_command_line.Printf(" %c%s%s%c", quote_char,
3151                                       next_word.c_str(), suffix.c_str(),
3152                                       quote_char);
3153         else
3154           revised_command_line.Printf(" %s%s", next_word.c_str(),
3155                                       suffix.c_str());
3156         done = true;
3157       }
3158     }
3160     if (cmd_obj == nullptr) {
3161       const size_t num_matches = matches.GetSize();
3162       if (matches.GetSize() > 1) {
3163         StreamString error_msg;
3164         error_msg.Printf("Ambiguous command '%s'. Possible matches:\n",
3165                          next_word.c_str());
3167         for (uint32_t i = 0; i < num_matches; ++i) {
3168           error_msg.Printf("\t%s\n", matches.GetStringAtIndex(i));
3169         }
3170         result.AppendRawError(error_msg.GetString());
3171       } else {
3172         // We didn't have only one match, otherwise we wouldn't get here.
3173         lldbassert(num_matches == 0);
3174         result.AppendErrorWithFormat("'%s' is not a valid command.\n",
3175                                      next_word.c_str());
3176       }
3177       result.SetStatus(eReturnStatusFailed);
3178       return nullptr;
3179     }
3181     if (cmd_obj->IsMultiwordObject()) {
3182       if (!suffix.empty()) {
3183         result.AppendErrorWithFormat(
3184             "command '%s' did not recognize '%s%s%s' as valid (subcommand "
3185             "might be invalid).\n",
3186             cmd_obj->GetCommandName().str().c_str(),
3187             next_word.empty() ? "" : next_word.c_str(),
3188             next_word.empty() ? " -- " : " ", suffix.c_str());
3189         result.SetStatus(eReturnStatusFailed);
3190         return nullptr;
3191       }
3192     } else {
3193       // If we found a normal command, we are done
3194       done = true;
3195       if (!suffix.empty()) {
3196         switch (suffix[0]) {
3197         case '/':
3198           // GDB format suffixes
3199           {
3200             Options *command_options = cmd_obj->GetOptions();
3201             if (command_options &&
3202                 command_options->SupportsLongOption("gdb-format")) {
3203               std::string gdb_format_option("--gdb-format=");
3204               gdb_format_option += (suffix.c_str() + 1);
3206               std::string cmd = std::string(revised_command_line.GetString());
3207               size_t arg_terminator_idx = FindArgumentTerminator(cmd);
3208               if (arg_terminator_idx != std::string::npos) {
3209                 // Insert the gdb format option before the "--" that terminates
3210                 // options
3211                 gdb_format_option.append(1, ' ');
3212                 cmd.insert(arg_terminator_idx, gdb_format_option);
3213                 revised_command_line.Clear();
3214                 revised_command_line.PutCString(cmd);
3215               } else
3216                 revised_command_line.Printf(" %s", gdb_format_option.c_str());
3218               if (wants_raw_input &&
3219                   FindArgumentTerminator(cmd) == std::string::npos)
3220                 revised_command_line.PutCString(" --");
3221             } else {
3222               result.AppendErrorWithFormat(
3223                   "the '%s' command doesn't support the --gdb-format option\n",
3224                   cmd_obj->GetCommandName().str().c_str());
3225               result.SetStatus(eReturnStatusFailed);
3226               return nullptr;
3227             }
3228           }
3229           break;
3231         default:
3232           result.AppendErrorWithFormat(
3233               "unknown command shorthand suffix: '%s'\n", suffix.c_str());
3234           result.SetStatus(eReturnStatusFailed);
3235           return nullptr;
3236         }
3237       }
3238     }
3239     if (scratch_command.empty())
3240       done = true;
3241   }
3243   if (!scratch_command.empty())
3244     revised_command_line.Printf(" %s", scratch_command.c_str());
3246   if (cmd_obj != nullptr)
3247     command_line = std::string(revised_command_line.GetString());
3249   return cmd_obj;
3250 }