1 //===-- CommandObject.cpp -------------------------------------------------===//
2 //
3 // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4 // See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
5 // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
6 //
7 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
9 #include "lldb/Interpreter/CommandObject.h"
11 #include <map>
12 #include <sstream>
13 #include <string>
15 #include <cctype>
16 #include <cstdlib>
18 #include "lldb/Core/Address.h"
19 #include "lldb/Interpreter/Options.h"
20 #include "lldb/Utility/ArchSpec.h"
21 #include "llvm/ADT/ScopeExit.h"
23 // These are for the Sourcename completers.
24 // FIXME: Make a separate file for the completers.
25 #include "lldb/Core/FileSpecList.h"
26 #include "lldb/DataFormatters/FormatManager.h"
27 #include "lldb/Target/Process.h"
28 #include "lldb/Target/Target.h"
29 #include "lldb/Utility/FileSpec.h"
31 #include "lldb/Target/Language.h"
33 #include "lldb/Interpreter/CommandInterpreter.h"
34 #include "lldb/Interpreter/CommandReturnObject.h"
36 using namespace lldb;
37 using namespace lldb_private;
39 // CommandObject
41 CommandObject::CommandObject(CommandInterpreter &interpreter,
42                              llvm::StringRef name, llvm::StringRef help,
43                              llvm::StringRef syntax, uint32_t flags)
44     : m_interpreter(interpreter), m_cmd_name(std::string(name)),
45       m_flags(flags), m_deprecated_command_override_callback(nullptr),
46       m_command_override_callback(nullptr), m_command_override_baton(nullptr) {
47   m_cmd_help_short = std::string(help);
48   m_cmd_syntax = std::string(syntax);
49 }
51 Debugger &CommandObject::GetDebugger() { return m_interpreter.GetDebugger(); }
53 llvm::StringRef CommandObject::GetHelp() { return m_cmd_help_short; }
55 llvm::StringRef CommandObject::GetHelpLong() { return m_cmd_help_long; }
57 llvm::StringRef CommandObject::GetSyntax() {
58   if (!m_cmd_syntax.empty())
59     return m_cmd_syntax;
61   StreamString syntax_str;
62   syntax_str.PutCString(GetCommandName());
64   if (!IsDashDashCommand() && GetOptions() != nullptr)
65     syntax_str.PutCString(" <cmd-options>");
67   if (!m_arguments.empty()) {
68     syntax_str.PutCString(" ");
70     if (!IsDashDashCommand() && WantsRawCommandString() && GetOptions() &&
71         GetOptions()->NumCommandOptions())
72       syntax_str.PutCString("-- ");
73     GetFormattedCommandArguments(syntax_str);
74   }
75   m_cmd_syntax = std::string(syntax_str.GetString());
77   return m_cmd_syntax;
78 }
80 llvm::StringRef CommandObject::GetCommandName() const { return m_cmd_name; }
82 void CommandObject::SetCommandName(llvm::StringRef name) {
83   m_cmd_name = std::string(name);
84 }
86 void CommandObject::SetHelp(llvm::StringRef str) {
87   m_cmd_help_short = std::string(str);
88 }
90 void CommandObject::SetHelpLong(llvm::StringRef str) {
91   m_cmd_help_long = std::string(str);
92 }
94 void CommandObject::SetSyntax(llvm::StringRef str) {
95   m_cmd_syntax = std::string(str);
96 }
98 Options *CommandObject::GetOptions() {
99   // By default commands don't have options unless this virtual function is
100   // overridden by base classes.
101   return nullptr;
102 }
104 bool CommandObject::ParseOptions(Args &args, CommandReturnObject &result) {
105   // See if the subclass has options?
106   Options *options = GetOptions();
107   if (options != nullptr) {
108     Status error;
110     auto exe_ctx = GetCommandInterpreter().GetExecutionContext();
111     options->NotifyOptionParsingStarting(&exe_ctx);
113     const bool require_validation = true;
114     llvm::Expected<Args> args_or = options->Parse(
115         args, &exe_ctx, GetCommandInterpreter().GetPlatform(true),
116         require_validation);
118     if (args_or) {
119       args = std::move(*args_or);
120       error = options->NotifyOptionParsingFinished(&exe_ctx);
121     } else
122       error = args_or.takeError();
124     if (error.Success()) {
125       if (options->VerifyOptions(result))
126         return true;
127     } else {
128       const char *error_cstr = error.AsCString();
129       if (error_cstr) {
130         // We got an error string, lets use that
131         result.AppendError(error_cstr);
132       } else {
133         // No error string, output the usage information into result
134         options->GenerateOptionUsage(
135             result.GetErrorStream(), *this,
136             GetCommandInterpreter().GetDebugger().GetTerminalWidth());
137       }
138     }
139     result.SetStatus(eReturnStatusFailed);
140     return false;
141   }
142   return true;
143 }
145 bool CommandObject::CheckRequirements(CommandReturnObject &result) {
146   // Nothing should be stored in m_exe_ctx between running commands as
147   // m_exe_ctx has shared pointers to the target, process, thread and frame and
148   // we don't want any CommandObject instances to keep any of these objects
149   // around longer than for a single command. Every command should call
150   // CommandObject::Cleanup() after it has completed.
151   assert(!m_exe_ctx.GetTargetPtr());
152   assert(!m_exe_ctx.GetProcessPtr());
153   assert(!m_exe_ctx.GetThreadPtr());
154   assert(!m_exe_ctx.GetFramePtr());
156   // Lock down the interpreter's execution context prior to running the command
157   // so we guarantee the selected target, process, thread and frame can't go
158   // away during the execution
159   m_exe_ctx = m_interpreter.GetExecutionContext();
161   const uint32_t flags = GetFlags().Get();
162   if (flags & (eCommandRequiresTarget | eCommandRequiresProcess |
163                eCommandRequiresThread | eCommandRequiresFrame |
164                eCommandTryTargetAPILock)) {
166     if ((flags & eCommandRequiresTarget) && !m_exe_ctx.HasTargetScope()) {
167       result.AppendError(GetInvalidTargetDescription());
168       return false;
169     }
171     if ((flags & eCommandRequiresProcess) && !m_exe_ctx.HasProcessScope()) {
172       if (!m_exe_ctx.HasTargetScope())
173         result.AppendError(GetInvalidTargetDescription());
174       else
175         result.AppendError(GetInvalidProcessDescription());
176       return false;
177     }
179     if ((flags & eCommandRequiresThread) && !m_exe_ctx.HasThreadScope()) {
180       if (!m_exe_ctx.HasTargetScope())
181         result.AppendError(GetInvalidTargetDescription());
182       else if (!m_exe_ctx.HasProcessScope())
183         result.AppendError(GetInvalidProcessDescription());
184       else
185         result.AppendError(GetInvalidThreadDescription());
186       return false;
187     }
189     if ((flags & eCommandRequiresFrame) && !m_exe_ctx.HasFrameScope()) {
190       if (!m_exe_ctx.HasTargetScope())
191         result.AppendError(GetInvalidTargetDescription());
192       else if (!m_exe_ctx.HasProcessScope())
193         result.AppendError(GetInvalidProcessDescription());
194       else if (!m_exe_ctx.HasThreadScope())
195         result.AppendError(GetInvalidThreadDescription());
196       else
197         result.AppendError(GetInvalidFrameDescription());
198       return false;
199     }
201     if ((flags & eCommandRequiresRegContext) &&
202         (m_exe_ctx.GetRegisterContext() == nullptr)) {
203       result.AppendError(GetInvalidRegContextDescription());
204       return false;
205     }
207     if (flags & eCommandTryTargetAPILock) {
208       Target *target = m_exe_ctx.GetTargetPtr();
209       if (target)
210         m_api_locker =
211             std::unique_lock<std::recursive_mutex>(target->GetAPIMutex());
212     }
213   }
215   if (GetFlags().AnySet(eCommandProcessMustBeLaunched |
216                         eCommandProcessMustBePaused)) {
217     Process *process = m_interpreter.GetExecutionContext().GetProcessPtr();
218     if (process == nullptr) {
219       // A process that is not running is considered paused.
220       if (GetFlags().Test(eCommandProcessMustBeLaunched)) {
221         result.AppendError("Process must exist.");
222         return false;
223       }
224     } else {
225       StateType state = process->GetState();
226       switch (state) {
227       case eStateInvalid:
228       case eStateSuspended:
229       case eStateCrashed:
230       case eStateStopped:
231         break;
233       case eStateConnected:
234       case eStateAttaching:
235       case eStateLaunching:
236       case eStateDetached:
237       case eStateExited:
238       case eStateUnloaded:
239         if (GetFlags().Test(eCommandProcessMustBeLaunched)) {
240           result.AppendError("Process must be launched.");
241           return false;
242         }
243         break;
245       case eStateRunning:
246       case eStateStepping:
247         if (GetFlags().Test(eCommandProcessMustBePaused)) {
248           result.AppendError("Process is running.  Use 'process interrupt' to "
249                              "pause execution.");
250           return false;
251         }
252       }
253     }
254   }
256   if (GetFlags().Test(eCommandProcessMustBeTraced)) {
257     Target *target = m_exe_ctx.GetTargetPtr();
258     if (target && !target->GetTrace()) {
259       result.AppendError("Process is not being traced.");
260       return false;
261     }
262   }
264   return true;
265 }
267 void CommandObject::Cleanup() {
268   m_exe_ctx.Clear();
269   if (m_api_locker.owns_lock())
270     m_api_locker.unlock();
271 }
273 void CommandObject::HandleCompletion(CompletionRequest &request) {
275   m_exe_ctx = m_interpreter.GetExecutionContext();
276   auto reset_ctx = llvm::make_scope_exit([this]() { Cleanup(); });
278   // Default implementation of WantsCompletion() is !WantsRawCommandString().
279   // Subclasses who want raw command string but desire, for example, argument
280   // completion should override WantsCompletion() to return true, instead.
281   if (WantsRawCommandString() && !WantsCompletion()) {
282     // FIXME: Abstract telling the completion to insert the completion
283     // character.
284     return;
285   } else {
286     // Can we do anything generic with the options?
287     Options *cur_options = GetOptions();
288     CommandReturnObject result(m_interpreter.GetDebugger().GetUseColor());
289     OptionElementVector opt_element_vector;
291     if (cur_options != nullptr) {
292       opt_element_vector = cur_options->ParseForCompletion(
293           request.GetParsedLine(), request.GetCursorIndex());
295       bool handled_by_options = cur_options->HandleOptionCompletion(
296           request, opt_element_vector, GetCommandInterpreter());
297       if (handled_by_options)
298         return;
299     }
301     // If we got here, the last word is not an option or an option argument.
302     HandleArgumentCompletion(request, opt_element_vector);
303   }
304 }
306 bool CommandObject::HelpTextContainsWord(llvm::StringRef search_word,
307                                          bool search_short_help,
308                                          bool search_long_help,
309                                          bool search_syntax,
310                                          bool search_options) {
311   std::string options_usage_help;
313   bool found_word = false;
315   llvm::StringRef short_help = GetHelp();
316   llvm::StringRef long_help = GetHelpLong();
317   llvm::StringRef syntax_help = GetSyntax();
319   if (search_short_help && short_help.contains_insensitive(search_word))
320     found_word = true;
321   else if (search_long_help && long_help.contains_insensitive(search_word))
322     found_word = true;
323   else if (search_syntax && syntax_help.contains_insensitive(search_word))
324     found_word = true;
326   if (!found_word && search_options && GetOptions() != nullptr) {
327     StreamString usage_help;
328     GetOptions()->GenerateOptionUsage(
329         usage_help, *this,
330         GetCommandInterpreter().GetDebugger().GetTerminalWidth());
331     if (!usage_help.Empty()) {
332       llvm::StringRef usage_text = usage_help.GetString();
333       if (usage_text.contains_insensitive(search_word))
334         found_word = true;
335     }
336   }
338   return found_word;
339 }
341 bool CommandObject::ParseOptionsAndNotify(Args &args,
342                                           CommandReturnObject &result,
343                                           OptionGroupOptions &group_options,
344                                           ExecutionContext &exe_ctx) {
345   if (!ParseOptions(args, result))
346     return false;
348   Status error(group_options.NotifyOptionParsingFinished(&exe_ctx));
349   if (error.Fail()) {
350     result.AppendError(error.AsCString());
351     return false;
352   }
353   return true;
354 }
356 int CommandObject::GetNumArgumentEntries() { return m_arguments.size(); }
358 CommandObject::CommandArgumentEntry *
359 CommandObject::GetArgumentEntryAtIndex(int idx) {
360   if (static_cast<size_t>(idx) < m_arguments.size())
361     return &(m_arguments[idx]);
363   return nullptr;
364 }
366 const CommandObject::ArgumentTableEntry *
367 CommandObject::FindArgumentDataByType(CommandArgumentType arg_type) {
368   const ArgumentTableEntry *table = CommandObject::GetArgumentTable();
370   for (int i = 0; i < eArgTypeLastArg; ++i)
371     if (table[i].arg_type == arg_type)
372       return &(table[i]);
374   return nullptr;
375 }
377 void CommandObject::GetArgumentHelp(Stream &str, CommandArgumentType arg_type,
378                                     CommandInterpreter &interpreter) {
379   const ArgumentTableEntry *table = CommandObject::GetArgumentTable();
380   const ArgumentTableEntry *entry = &(table[arg_type]);
382   // The table is *supposed* to be kept in arg_type order, but someone *could*
383   // have messed it up...
385   if (entry->arg_type != arg_type)
386     entry = CommandObject::FindArgumentDataByType(arg_type);
388   if (!entry)
389     return;
391   StreamString name_str;
392   name_str.Printf("<%s>", entry->arg_name);
394   if (entry->help_function) {
395     llvm::StringRef help_text = entry->help_function();
396     if (!entry->help_function.self_formatting) {
397       interpreter.OutputFormattedHelpText(str, name_str.GetString(), "--",
398                                           help_text, name_str.GetSize());
399     } else {
400       interpreter.OutputHelpText(str, name_str.GetString(), "--", help_text,
401                                  name_str.GetSize());
402     }
403   } else
404     interpreter.OutputFormattedHelpText(str, name_str.GetString(), "--",
405                                         entry->help_text, name_str.GetSize());
406 }
408 const char *CommandObject::GetArgumentName(CommandArgumentType arg_type) {
409   const ArgumentTableEntry *entry =
410       &(CommandObject::GetArgumentTable()[arg_type]);
412   // The table is *supposed* to be kept in arg_type order, but someone *could*
413   // have messed it up...
415   if (entry->arg_type != arg_type)
416     entry = CommandObject::FindArgumentDataByType(arg_type);
418   if (entry)
419     return entry->arg_name;
421   return nullptr;
422 }
424 bool CommandObject::IsPairType(ArgumentRepetitionType arg_repeat_type) {
425   return (arg_repeat_type == eArgRepeatPairPlain) ||
426          (arg_repeat_type == eArgRepeatPairOptional) ||
427          (arg_repeat_type == eArgRepeatPairPlus) ||
428          (arg_repeat_type == eArgRepeatPairStar) ||
429          (arg_repeat_type == eArgRepeatPairRange) ||
430          (arg_repeat_type == eArgRepeatPairRangeOptional);
431 }
433 static CommandObject::CommandArgumentEntry
434 OptSetFiltered(uint32_t opt_set_mask,
435                CommandObject::CommandArgumentEntry &cmd_arg_entry) {
436   CommandObject::CommandArgumentEntry ret_val;
437   for (unsigned i = 0; i < cmd_arg_entry.size(); ++i)
438     if (opt_set_mask & cmd_arg_entry[i].arg_opt_set_association)
439       ret_val.push_back(cmd_arg_entry[i]);
440   return ret_val;
441 }
443 // Default parameter value of opt_set_mask is LLDB_OPT_SET_ALL, which means
444 // take all the argument data into account.  On rare cases where some argument
445 // sticks with certain option sets, this function returns the option set
446 // filtered args.
447 void CommandObject::GetFormattedCommandArguments(Stream &str,
448                                                  uint32_t opt_set_mask) {
449   int num_args = m_arguments.size();
450   for (int i = 0; i < num_args; ++i) {
451     if (i > 0)
452       str.Printf(" ");
453     CommandArgumentEntry arg_entry =
454         opt_set_mask == LLDB_OPT_SET_ALL
455             ? m_arguments[i]
456             : OptSetFiltered(opt_set_mask, m_arguments[i]);
457     // This argument is not associated with the current option set, so skip it.
458     if (arg_entry.empty())
459       continue;
460     int num_alternatives = arg_entry.size();
462     if ((num_alternatives == 2) && IsPairType(arg_entry[0].arg_repetition)) {
463       const char *first_name = GetArgumentName(arg_entry[0].arg_type);
464       const char *second_name = GetArgumentName(arg_entry[1].arg_type);
465       switch (arg_entry[0].arg_repetition) {
466       case eArgRepeatPairPlain:
467         str.Printf("<%s> <%s>", first_name, second_name);
468         break;
469       case eArgRepeatPairOptional:
470         str.Printf("[<%s> <%s>]", first_name, second_name);
471         break;
472       case eArgRepeatPairPlus:
473         str.Printf("<%s> <%s> [<%s> <%s> [...]]", first_name, second_name,
474                    first_name, second_name);
475         break;
476       case eArgRepeatPairStar:
477         str.Printf("[<%s> <%s> [<%s> <%s> [...]]]", first_name, second_name,
478                    first_name, second_name);
479         break;
480       case eArgRepeatPairRange:
481         str.Printf("<%s_1> <%s_1> ... <%s_n> <%s_n>", first_name, second_name,
482                    first_name, second_name);
483         break;
484       case eArgRepeatPairRangeOptional:
485         str.Printf("[<%s_1> <%s_1> ... <%s_n> <%s_n>]", first_name, second_name,
486                    first_name, second_name);
487         break;
488       // Explicitly test for all the rest of the cases, so if new types get
489       // added we will notice the missing case statement(s).
490       case eArgRepeatPlain:
491       case eArgRepeatOptional:
492       case eArgRepeatPlus:
493       case eArgRepeatStar:
494       case eArgRepeatRange:
495         // These should not be reached, as they should fail the IsPairType test
496         // above.
497         break;
498       }
499     } else {
500       StreamString names;
501       for (int j = 0; j < num_alternatives; ++j) {
502         if (j > 0)
503           names.Printf(" | ");
504         names.Printf("%s", GetArgumentName(arg_entry[j].arg_type));
505       }
507       std::string name_str = std::string(names.GetString());
508       switch (arg_entry[0].arg_repetition) {
509       case eArgRepeatPlain:
510         str.Printf("<%s>", name_str.c_str());
511         break;
512       case eArgRepeatPlus:
513         str.Printf("<%s> [<%s> [...]]", name_str.c_str(), name_str.c_str());
514         break;
515       case eArgRepeatStar:
516         str.Printf("[<%s> [<%s> [...]]]", name_str.c_str(), name_str.c_str());
517         break;
518       case eArgRepeatOptional:
519         str.Printf("[<%s>]", name_str.c_str());
520         break;
521       case eArgRepeatRange:
522         str.Printf("<%s_1> .. <%s_n>", name_str.c_str(), name_str.c_str());
523         break;
524       // Explicitly test for all the rest of the cases, so if new types get
525       // added we will notice the missing case statement(s).
526       case eArgRepeatPairPlain:
527       case eArgRepeatPairOptional:
528       case eArgRepeatPairPlus:
529       case eArgRepeatPairStar:
530       case eArgRepeatPairRange:
531       case eArgRepeatPairRangeOptional:
532         // These should not be hit, as they should pass the IsPairType test
533         // above, and control should have gone into the other branch of the if
534         // statement.
535         break;
536       }
537     }
538   }
539 }
541 CommandArgumentType
542 CommandObject::LookupArgumentName(llvm::StringRef arg_name) {
543   CommandArgumentType return_type = eArgTypeLastArg;
545   arg_name = arg_name.ltrim('<').rtrim('>');
547   const ArgumentTableEntry *table = GetArgumentTable();
548   for (int i = 0; i < eArgTypeLastArg; ++i)
549     if (arg_name == table[i].arg_name)
550       return_type = GetArgumentTable()[i].arg_type;
552   return return_type;
553 }
555 static llvm::StringRef RegisterNameHelpTextCallback() {
556   return "Register names can be specified using the architecture specific "
557          "names.  "
558          "They can also be specified using generic names.  Not all generic "
559          "entities have "
560          "registers backing them on all architectures.  When they don't the "
561          "generic name "
562          "will return an error.\n"
563          "The generic names defined in lldb are:\n"
564          "\n"
565          "pc       - program counter register\n"
566          "ra       - return address register\n"
567          "fp       - frame pointer register\n"
568          "sp       - stack pointer register\n"
569          "flags    - the flags register\n"
570          "arg{1-6} - integer argument passing registers.\n";
571 }
573 static llvm::StringRef BreakpointIDHelpTextCallback() {
574   return "Breakpoints are identified using major and minor numbers; the major "
575          "number corresponds to the single entity that was created with a "
576          "'breakpoint "
577          "set' command; the minor numbers correspond to all the locations that "
578          "were "
579          "actually found/set based on the major breakpoint.  A full breakpoint "
580          "ID might "
581          "look like 3.14, meaning the 14th location set for the 3rd "
582          "breakpoint.  You "
583          "can specify all the locations of a breakpoint by just indicating the "
584          "major "
585          "breakpoint number. A valid breakpoint ID consists either of just the "
586          "major "
587          "number, or the major number followed by a dot and the location "
588          "number (e.g. "
589          "3 or 3.2 could both be valid breakpoint IDs.)";
590 }
592 static llvm::StringRef BreakpointIDRangeHelpTextCallback() {
593   return "A 'breakpoint ID list' is a manner of specifying multiple "
594          "breakpoints. "
595          "This can be done through several mechanisms.  The easiest way is to "
596          "just "
597          "enter a space-separated list of breakpoint IDs.  To specify all the "
598          "breakpoint locations under a major breakpoint, you can use the major "
599          "breakpoint number followed by '.*', eg. '5.*' means all the "
600          "locations under "
601          "breakpoint 5.  You can also indicate a range of breakpoints by using "
602          "<start-bp-id> - <end-bp-id>.  The start-bp-id and end-bp-id for a "
603          "range can "
604          "be any valid breakpoint IDs.  It is not legal, however, to specify a "
605          "range "
606          "using specific locations that cross major breakpoint numbers.  I.e. "
607          "3.2 - 3.7"
608          " is legal; 2 - 5 is legal; but 3.2 - 4.4 is not legal.";
609 }
611 static llvm::StringRef BreakpointNameHelpTextCallback() {
612   return "A name that can be added to a breakpoint when it is created, or "
613          "later "
614          "on with the \"breakpoint name add\" command.  "
615          "Breakpoint names can be used to specify breakpoints in all the "
616          "places breakpoint IDs "
617          "and breakpoint ID ranges can be used.  As such they provide a "
618          "convenient way to group breakpoints, "
619          "and to operate on breakpoints you create without having to track the "
620          "breakpoint number.  "
621          "Note, the attributes you set when using a breakpoint name in a "
622          "breakpoint command don't "
623          "adhere to the name, but instead are set individually on all the "
624          "breakpoints currently tagged with that "
625          "name.  Future breakpoints "
626          "tagged with that name will not pick up the attributes previously "
627          "given using that name.  "
628          "In order to distinguish breakpoint names from breakpoint IDs and "
629          "ranges, "
630          "names must start with a letter from a-z or A-Z and cannot contain "
631          "spaces, \".\" or \"-\".  "
632          "Also, breakpoint names can only be applied to breakpoints, not to "
633          "breakpoint locations.";
634 }
636 static llvm::StringRef GDBFormatHelpTextCallback() {
637   return "A GDB format consists of a repeat count, a format letter and a size "
638          "letter. "
639          "The repeat count is optional and defaults to 1. The format letter is "
640          "optional "
641          "and defaults to the previous format that was used. The size letter "
642          "is optional "
643          "and defaults to the previous size that was used.\n"
644          "\n"
645          "Format letters include:\n"
646          "o - octal\n"
647          "x - hexadecimal\n"
648          "d - decimal\n"
649          "u - unsigned decimal\n"
650          "t - binary\n"
651          "f - float\n"
652          "a - address\n"
653          "i - instruction\n"
654          "c - char\n"
655          "s - string\n"
656          "T - OSType\n"
657          "A - float as hex\n"
658          "\n"
659          "Size letters include:\n"
660          "b - 1 byte  (byte)\n"
661          "h - 2 bytes (halfword)\n"
662          "w - 4 bytes (word)\n"
663          "g - 8 bytes (giant)\n"
664          "\n"
665          "Example formats:\n"
666          "32xb - show 32 1 byte hexadecimal integer values\n"
667          "16xh - show 16 2 byte hexadecimal integer values\n"
668          "64   - show 64 2 byte hexadecimal integer values (format and size "
669          "from the last format)\n"
670          "dw   - show 1 4 byte decimal integer value\n";
671 }
673 static llvm::StringRef FormatHelpTextCallback() {
674   static std::string help_text;
676   if (!help_text.empty())
677     return help_text;
679   StreamString sstr;
680   sstr << "One of the format names (or one-character names) that can be used "
681           "to show a variable's value:\n";
682   for (Format f = eFormatDefault; f < kNumFormats; f = Format(f + 1)) {
683     if (f != eFormatDefault)
684       sstr.PutChar('\n');
686     char format_char = FormatManager::GetFormatAsFormatChar(f);
687     if (format_char)
688       sstr.Printf("'%c' or ", format_char);
690     sstr.Printf("\"%s\"", FormatManager::GetFormatAsCString(f));
691   }
693   sstr.Flush();
695   help_text = std::string(sstr.GetString());
697   return help_text;
698 }
700 static llvm::StringRef LanguageTypeHelpTextCallback() {
701   static std::string help_text;
703   if (!help_text.empty())
704     return help_text;
706   StreamString sstr;
707   sstr << "One of the following languages:\n";
709   Language::PrintAllLanguages(sstr, "  ", "\n");
711   sstr.Flush();
713   help_text = std::string(sstr.GetString());
715   return help_text;
716 }
718 static llvm::StringRef SummaryStringHelpTextCallback() {
719   return "A summary string is a way to extract information from variables in "
720          "order to present them using a summary.\n"
721          "Summary strings contain static text, variables, scopes and control "
722          "sequences:\n"
723          "  - Static text can be any sequence of non-special characters, i.e. "
724          "anything but '{', '}', '$', or '\\'.\n"
725          "  - Variables are sequences of characters beginning with ${, ending "
726          "with } and that contain symbols in the format described below.\n"
727          "  - Scopes are any sequence of text between { and }. Anything "
728          "included in a scope will only appear in the output summary if there "
729          "were no errors.\n"
730          "  - Control sequences are the usual C/C++ '\\a', '\\n', ..., plus "
731          "'\\$', '\\{' and '\\}'.\n"
732          "A summary string works by copying static text verbatim, turning "
733          "control sequences into their character counterpart, expanding "
734          "variables and trying to expand scopes.\n"
735          "A variable is expanded by giving it a value other than its textual "
736          "representation, and the way this is done depends on what comes after "
737          "the ${ marker.\n"
738          "The most common sequence if ${var followed by an expression path, "
739          "which is the text one would type to access a member of an aggregate "
740          "types, given a variable of that type"
741          " (e.g. if type T has a member named x, which has a member named y, "
742          "and if t is of type T, the expression path would be .x.y and the way "
743          "to fit that into a summary string would be"
744          " ${var.x.y}). You can also use ${*var followed by an expression path "
745          "and in that case the object referred by the path will be "
746          "dereferenced before being displayed."
747          " If the object is not a pointer, doing so will cause an error. For "
748          "additional details on expression paths, you can type 'help "
749          "expr-path'. \n"
750          "By default, summary strings attempt to display the summary for any "
751          "variable they reference, and if that fails the value. If neither can "
752          "be shown, nothing is displayed."
753          "In a summary string, you can also use an array index [n], or a "
754          "slice-like range [n-m]. This can have two different meanings "
755          "depending on what kind of object the expression"
756          " path refers to:\n"
757          "  - if it is a scalar type (any basic type like int, float, ...) the "
758          "expression is a bitfield, i.e. the bits indicated by the indexing "
759          "operator are extracted out of the number"
760          " and displayed as an individual variable\n"
761          "  - if it is an array or pointer the array items indicated by the "
762          "indexing operator are shown as the result of the variable. if the "
763          "expression is an array, real array items are"
764          " printed; if it is a pointer, the pointer-as-array syntax is used to "
765          "obtain the values (this means, the latter case can have no range "
766          "checking)\n"
767          "If you are trying to display an array for which the size is known, "
768          "you can also use [] instead of giving an exact range. This has the "
769          "effect of showing items 0 thru size - 1.\n"
770          "Additionally, a variable can contain an (optional) format code, as "
771          "in ${var.x.y%code}, where code can be any of the valid formats "
772          "described in 'help format', or one of the"
773          " special symbols only allowed as part of a variable:\n"
774          "    %V: show the value of the object by default\n"
775          "    %S: show the summary of the object by default\n"
776          "    %@: show the runtime-provided object description (for "
777          "Objective-C, it calls NSPrintForDebugger; for C/C++ it does "
778          "nothing)\n"
779          "    %L: show the location of the object (memory address or a "
780          "register name)\n"
781          "    %#: show the number of children of the object\n"
782          "    %T: show the type of the object\n"
783          "Another variable that you can use in summary strings is ${svar . "
784          "This sequence works exactly like ${var, including the fact that "
785          "${*svar is an allowed sequence, but uses"
786          " the object's synthetic children provider instead of the actual "
787          "objects. For instance, if you are using STL synthetic children "
788          "providers, the following summary string would"
789          " count the number of actual elements stored in an std::list:\n"
790          "type summary add -s \"${svar%#}\" -x \"std::list<\"";
791 }
793 static llvm::StringRef ExprPathHelpTextCallback() {
794   return "An expression path is the sequence of symbols that is used in C/C++ "
795          "to access a member variable of an aggregate object (class).\n"
796          "For instance, given a class:\n"
797          "  class foo {\n"
798          "      int a;\n"
799          "      int b; .\n"
800          "      foo* next;\n"
801          "  };\n"
802          "the expression to read item b in the item pointed to by next for foo "
803          "aFoo would be aFoo.next->b.\n"
804          "Given that aFoo could just be any object of type foo, the string "
805          "'.next->b' is the expression path, because it can be attached to any "
806          "foo instance to achieve the effect.\n"
807          "Expression paths in LLDB include dot (.) and arrow (->) operators, "
808          "and most commands using expression paths have ways to also accept "
809          "the star (*) operator.\n"
810          "The meaning of these operators is the same as the usual one given to "
811          "them by the C/C++ standards.\n"
812          "LLDB also has support for indexing ([ ]) in expression paths, and "
813          "extends the traditional meaning of the square brackets operator to "
814          "allow bitfield extraction:\n"
815          "for objects of native types (int, float, char, ...) saying '[n-m]' "
816          "as an expression path (where n and m are any positive integers, e.g. "
817          "[3-5]) causes LLDB to extract"
818          " bits n thru m from the value of the variable. If n == m, [n] is "
819          "also allowed as a shortcut syntax. For arrays and pointers, "
820          "expression paths can only contain one index"
821          " and the meaning of the operation is the same as the one defined by "
822          "C/C++ (item extraction). Some commands extend bitfield-like syntax "
823          "for arrays and pointers with the"
824          " meaning of array slicing (taking elements n thru m inside the array "
825          "or pointed-to memory).";
826 }
828 void CommandObject::FormatLongHelpText(Stream &output_strm,
829                                        llvm::StringRef long_help) {
830   CommandInterpreter &interpreter = GetCommandInterpreter();
831   std::stringstream lineStream{std::string(long_help)};
832   std::string line;
833   while (std::getline(lineStream, line)) {
834     if (line.empty()) {
835       output_strm << "\n";
836       continue;
837     }
838     size_t result = line.find_first_not_of(" \t");
839     if (result == std::string::npos) {
840       result = 0;
841     }
842     std::string whitespace_prefix = line.substr(0, result);
843     std::string remainder = line.substr(result);
844     interpreter.OutputFormattedHelpText(output_strm, whitespace_prefix,
845                                         remainder);
846   }
847 }
849 void CommandObject::GenerateHelpText(CommandReturnObject &result) {
850   GenerateHelpText(result.GetOutputStream());
852   result.SetStatus(eReturnStatusSuccessFinishNoResult);
853 }
855 void CommandObject::GenerateHelpText(Stream &output_strm) {
856   CommandInterpreter &interpreter = GetCommandInterpreter();
857   std::string help_text(GetHelp());
858   if (WantsRawCommandString()) {
859     help_text.append("  Expects 'raw' input (see 'help raw-input'.)");
860   }
861   interpreter.OutputFormattedHelpText(output_strm, "", help_text);
862   output_strm << "\nSyntax: " << GetSyntax() << "\n";
863   Options *options = GetOptions();
864   if (options != nullptr) {
865     options->GenerateOptionUsage(
866         output_strm, *this,
867         GetCommandInterpreter().GetDebugger().GetTerminalWidth());
868   }
869   llvm::StringRef long_help = GetHelpLong();
870   if (!long_help.empty()) {
871     FormatLongHelpText(output_strm, long_help);
872   }
873   if (!IsDashDashCommand() && options && options->NumCommandOptions() > 0) {
874     if (WantsRawCommandString() && !WantsCompletion()) {
875       // Emit the message about using ' -- ' between the end of the command
876       // options and the raw input conditionally, i.e., only if the command
877       // object does not want completion.
878       interpreter.OutputFormattedHelpText(
879           output_strm, "", "",
880           "\nImportant Note: Because this command takes 'raw' input, if you "
881           "use any command options"
882           " you must use ' -- ' between the end of the command options and the "
883           "beginning of the raw input.",
884           1);
885     } else if (GetNumArgumentEntries() > 0) {
886       // Also emit a warning about using "--" in case you are using a command
887       // that takes options and arguments.
888       interpreter.OutputFormattedHelpText(
889           output_strm, "", "",
890           "\nThis command takes options and free-form arguments.  If your "
891           "arguments resemble"
892           " option specifiers (i.e., they start with a - or --), you must use "
893           "' -- ' between"
894           " the end of the command options and the beginning of the arguments.",
895           1);
896     }
897   }
898 }
900 void CommandObject::AddIDsArgumentData(CommandArgumentEntry &arg,
901                                        CommandArgumentType ID,
902                                        CommandArgumentType IDRange) {
903   CommandArgumentData id_arg;
904   CommandArgumentData id_range_arg;
906   // Create the first variant for the first (and only) argument for this
907   // command.
908   id_arg.arg_type = ID;
909   id_arg.arg_repetition = eArgRepeatOptional;
911   // Create the second variant for the first (and only) argument for this
912   // command.
913   id_range_arg.arg_type = IDRange;
914   id_range_arg.arg_repetition = eArgRepeatOptional;
916   // The first (and only) argument for this command could be either an id or an
917   // id_range. Push both variants into the entry for the first argument for
918   // this command.
919   arg.push_back(id_arg);
920   arg.push_back(id_range_arg);
921 }
923 const char *CommandObject::GetArgumentTypeAsCString(
924     const lldb::CommandArgumentType arg_type) {
925   assert(arg_type < eArgTypeLastArg &&
926          "Invalid argument type passed to GetArgumentTypeAsCString");
927   return GetArgumentTable()[arg_type].arg_name;
928 }
930 const char *CommandObject::GetArgumentDescriptionAsCString(
931     const lldb::CommandArgumentType arg_type) {
932   assert(arg_type < eArgTypeLastArg &&
933          "Invalid argument type passed to GetArgumentDescriptionAsCString");
934   return GetArgumentTable()[arg_type].help_text;
935 }
937 Target &CommandObject::GetDummyTarget() {
938   return m_interpreter.GetDebugger().GetDummyTarget();
939 }
941 Target &CommandObject::GetSelectedOrDummyTarget(bool prefer_dummy) {
942   return m_interpreter.GetDebugger().GetSelectedOrDummyTarget(prefer_dummy);
943 }
945 Target &CommandObject::GetSelectedTarget() {
946   assert(m_flags.AnySet(eCommandRequiresTarget | eCommandProcessMustBePaused |
947                         eCommandProcessMustBeLaunched | eCommandRequiresFrame |
948                         eCommandRequiresThread | eCommandRequiresProcess |
949                         eCommandRequiresRegContext) &&
950          "GetSelectedTarget called from object that may have no target");
951   return *m_interpreter.GetDebugger().GetSelectedTarget();
952 }
954 Thread *CommandObject::GetDefaultThread() {
955   Thread *thread_to_use = m_exe_ctx.GetThreadPtr();
956   if (thread_to_use)
957     return thread_to_use;
959   Process *process = m_exe_ctx.GetProcessPtr();
960   if (!process) {
961     Target *target = m_exe_ctx.GetTargetPtr();
962     if (!target) {
963       target = m_interpreter.GetDebugger().GetSelectedTarget().get();
964     }
965     if (target)
966       process = target->GetProcessSP().get();
967   }
969   if (process)
970     return process->GetThreadList().GetSelectedThread().get();
971   else
972     return nullptr;
973 }
975 bool CommandObjectParsed::Execute(const char *args_string,
976                                   CommandReturnObject &result) {
977   bool handled = false;
978   Args cmd_args(args_string);
979   if (HasOverrideCallback()) {
980     Args full_args(GetCommandName());
981     full_args.AppendArguments(cmd_args);
982     handled =
983         InvokeOverrideCallback(full_args.GetConstArgumentVector(), result);
984   }
985   if (!handled) {
986     for (auto entry : llvm::enumerate(cmd_args.entries())) {
987       if (!entry.value().ref().empty() && entry.value().ref().front() == '`') {
988         cmd_args.ReplaceArgumentAtIndex(
989             entry.index(),
990             m_interpreter.ProcessEmbeddedScriptCommands(entry.value().c_str()));
991       }
992     }
994     if (CheckRequirements(result)) {
995       if (ParseOptions(cmd_args, result)) {
996         // Call the command-specific version of 'Execute', passing it the
997         // already processed arguments.
998         if (cmd_args.GetArgumentCount() != 0 && m_arguments.empty()) {
999           result.AppendErrorWithFormatv("'{0}' doesn't take any arguments.",
1000                                         GetCommandName());
1001           return false;
1002         }
1003         handled = DoExecute(cmd_args, result);
1004       }
1005     }
1007     Cleanup();
1008   }
1009   return handled;
1010 }
1012 bool CommandObjectRaw::Execute(const char *args_string,
1013                                CommandReturnObject &result) {
1014   bool handled = false;
1015   if (HasOverrideCallback()) {
1016     std::string full_command(GetCommandName());
1017     full_command += ' ';
1018     full_command += args_string;
1019     const char *argv[2] = {nullptr, nullptr};
1020     argv[0] = full_command.c_str();
1021     handled = InvokeOverrideCallback(argv, result);
1022   }
1023   if (!handled) {
1024     if (CheckRequirements(result))
1025       handled = DoExecute(args_string, result);
1027     Cleanup();
1028   }
1029   return handled;
1030 }
1032 static llvm::StringRef arch_helper() {
1033   static StreamString g_archs_help;
1034   if (g_archs_help.Empty()) {
1035     StringList archs;
1037     ArchSpec::ListSupportedArchNames(archs);
1038     g_archs_help.Printf("These are the supported architecture names:\n");
1039     archs.Join("\n", g_archs_help);
1040   }
1041   return g_archs_help.GetString();
1042 }
1044 static constexpr CommandObject::ArgumentTableEntry g_arguments_data[] = {
1045     // clang-format off
1046     { eArgTypeAddress, "address", CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, { nullptr, false }, "A valid address in the target program's execution space." },
1047     { eArgTypeAddressOrExpression, "address-expression", CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, { nullptr, false }, "An expression that resolves to an address." },
1048     { eArgTypeAliasName, "alias-name", CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, { nullptr, false }, "The name of an abbreviation (alias) for a debugger command." },
1049     { eArgTypeAliasOptions, "options-for-aliased-command", CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, { nullptr, false }, "Command options to be used as part of an alias (abbreviation) definition.  (See 'help commands alias' for more information.)" },
1050     { eArgTypeArchitecture, "arch", CommandCompletions::eArchitectureCompletion, { arch_helper, true }, "The architecture name, e.g. i386 or x86_64." },
1051     { eArgTypeBoolean, "boolean", CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, { nullptr, false }, "A Boolean value: 'true' or 'false'" },
1052     { eArgTypeBreakpointID, "breakpt-id", CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, { BreakpointIDHelpTextCallback, false }, nullptr },
1053     { eArgTypeBreakpointIDRange, "breakpt-id-list", CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, { BreakpointIDRangeHelpTextCallback, false }, nullptr },
1054     { eArgTypeBreakpointName, "breakpoint-name", CommandCompletions::eBreakpointNameCompletion, { BreakpointNameHelpTextCallback, false }, nullptr },
1055     { eArgTypeByteSize, "byte-size", CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, { nullptr, false }, "Number of bytes to use." },
1056     { eArgTypeClassName, "class-name", CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, { nullptr, false }, "Then name of a class from the debug information in the program." },
1057     { eArgTypeCommandName, "cmd-name", CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, { nullptr, false }, "A debugger command (may be multiple words), without any options or arguments." },
1058     { eArgTypeCount, "count", CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, { nullptr, false }, "An unsigned integer." },
1059     { eArgTypeDirectoryName, "directory", CommandCompletions::eDiskDirectoryCompletion, { nullptr, false }, "A directory name." },
1060     { eArgTypeDisassemblyFlavor, "disassembly-flavor", CommandCompletions::eDisassemblyFlavorCompletion, { nullptr, false }, "A disassembly flavor recognized by your disassembly plugin.  Currently the only valid options are \"att\" and \"intel\" for Intel targets" },
1061     { eArgTypeDescriptionVerbosity, "description-verbosity", CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, { nullptr, false }, "How verbose the output of 'po' should be." },
1062     { eArgTypeEndAddress, "end-address", CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, { nullptr, false }, "Help text goes here." },
1063     { eArgTypeExpression, "expr", CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, { nullptr, false }, "Help text goes here." },
1064     { eArgTypeExpressionPath, "expr-path", CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, { ExprPathHelpTextCallback, true }, nullptr },
1065     { eArgTypeExprFormat, "expression-format", CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, { nullptr, false }, "[ [bool|b] | [bin] | [char|c] | [oct|o] | [dec|i|d|u] | [hex|x] | [float|f] | [cstr|s] ]" },
1066     { eArgTypeFilename, "filename", CommandCompletions::eDiskFileCompletion, { nullptr, false }, "The name of a file (can include path)." },
1067     { eArgTypeFormat, "format", CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, { FormatHelpTextCallback, true }, nullptr },
1068     { eArgTypeFrameIndex, "frame-index", CommandCompletions::eFrameIndexCompletion, { nullptr, false }, "Index into a thread's list of frames." },
1069     { eArgTypeFullName, "fullname", CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, { nullptr, false }, "Help text goes here." },
1070     { eArgTypeFunctionName, "function-name", CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, { nullptr, false }, "The name of a function." },
1071     { eArgTypeFunctionOrSymbol, "function-or-symbol", CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, { nullptr, false }, "The name of a function or symbol." },
1072     { eArgTypeGDBFormat, "gdb-format", CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, { GDBFormatHelpTextCallback, true }, nullptr },
1073     { eArgTypeHelpText, "help-text", CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, { nullptr, false }, "Text to be used as help for some other entity in LLDB" },
1074     { eArgTypeIndex, "index", CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, { nullptr, false }, "An index into a list." },
1075     { eArgTypeLanguage, "source-language", CommandCompletions::eTypeLanguageCompletion, { LanguageTypeHelpTextCallback, true }, nullptr },
1076     { eArgTypeLineNum, "linenum", CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, { nullptr, false }, "Line number in a source file." },
1077     { eArgTypeFileLineColumn, "linespec", CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, { nullptr, false }, "A source specifier in the form file:line[:column]" },
1078     { eArgTypeLogCategory, "log-category", CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, { nullptr, false }, "The name of a category within a log channel, e.g. all (try \"log list\" to see a list of all channels and their categories." },
1079     { eArgTypeLogChannel, "log-channel", CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, { nullptr, false }, "The name of a log channel, e.g. process.gdb-remote (try \"log list\" to see a list of all channels and their categories)." },
1080     { eArgTypeMethod, "method", CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, { nullptr, false }, "A C++ method name." },
1081     { eArgTypeName, "name", CommandCompletions::eTypeCategoryNameCompletion, { nullptr, false }, "Help text goes here." },
1082     { eArgTypeNewPathPrefix, "new-path-prefix", CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, { nullptr, false }, "Help text goes here." },
1083     { eArgTypeNumLines, "num-lines", CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, { nullptr, false }, "The number of lines to use." },
1084     { eArgTypeNumberPerLine, "number-per-line", CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, { nullptr, false }, "The number of items per line to display." },
1085     { eArgTypeOffset, "offset", CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, { nullptr, false }, "Help text goes here." },
1086     { eArgTypeOldPathPrefix, "old-path-prefix", CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, { nullptr, false }, "Help text goes here." },
1087     { eArgTypeOneLiner, "one-line-command", CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, { nullptr, false }, "A command that is entered as a single line of text." },
1088     { eArgTypePath, "path", CommandCompletions::eDiskFileCompletion, { nullptr, false }, "Path." },
1089     { eArgTypePermissionsNumber, "perms-numeric", CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, { nullptr, false }, "Permissions given as an octal number (e.g. 755)." },
1090     { eArgTypePermissionsString, "perms=string", CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, { nullptr, false }, "Permissions given as a string value (e.g. rw-r-xr--)." },
1091     { eArgTypePid, "pid", CommandCompletions::eProcessIDCompletion, { nullptr, false }, "The process ID number." },
1092     { eArgTypePlugin, "plugin", CommandCompletions::eProcessPluginCompletion, { nullptr, false }, "Help text goes here." },
1093     { eArgTypeProcessName, "process-name", CommandCompletions::eProcessNameCompletion, { nullptr, false }, "The name of the process." },
1094     { eArgTypePythonClass, "python-class", CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, { nullptr, false }, "The name of a Python class." },
1095     { eArgTypePythonFunction, "python-function", CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, { nullptr, false }, "The name of a Python function." },
1096     { eArgTypePythonScript, "python-script", CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, { nullptr, false }, "Source code written in Python." },
1097     { eArgTypeQueueName, "queue-name", CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, { nullptr, false }, "The name of the thread queue." },
1098     { eArgTypeRegisterName, "register-name", CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, { RegisterNameHelpTextCallback, true }, nullptr },
1099     { eArgTypeRegularExpression, "regular-expression", CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, { nullptr, false }, "A POSIX-compliant extended regular expression." },
1100     { eArgTypeRunArgs, "run-args", CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, { nullptr, false }, "Arguments to be passed to the target program when it starts executing." },
1101     { eArgTypeRunMode, "run-mode", CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, { nullptr, false }, "Help text goes here." },
1102     { eArgTypeScriptedCommandSynchronicity, "script-cmd-synchronicity", CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, { nullptr, false }, "The synchronicity to use to run scripted commands with regard to LLDB event system." },
1103     { eArgTypeScriptLang, "script-language", CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, { nullptr, false }, "The scripting language to be used for script-based commands.  Supported languages are python and lua." },
1104     { eArgTypeSearchWord, "search-word", CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, { nullptr, false }, "Any word of interest for search purposes." },
1105     { eArgTypeSelector, "selector", CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, { nullptr, false }, "An Objective-C selector name." },
1106     { eArgTypeSettingIndex, "setting-index", CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, { nullptr, false }, "An index into a settings variable that is an array (try 'settings list' to see all the possible settings variables and their types)." },
1107     { eArgTypeSettingKey, "setting-key", CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, { nullptr, false }, "A key into a settings variables that is a dictionary (try 'settings list' to see all the possible settings variables and their types)." },
1108     { eArgTypeSettingPrefix, "setting-prefix", CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, { nullptr, false }, "The name of a settable internal debugger variable up to a dot ('.'), e.g. 'target.process.'" },
1109     { eArgTypeSettingVariableName, "setting-variable-name", CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, { nullptr, false }, "The name of a settable internal debugger variable.  Type 'settings list' to see a complete list of such variables." },
1110     { eArgTypeShlibName, "shlib-name", CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, { nullptr, false }, "The name of a shared library." },
1111     { eArgTypeSourceFile, "source-file", CommandCompletions::eSourceFileCompletion, { nullptr, false }, "The name of a source file.." },
1112     { eArgTypeSortOrder, "sort-order", CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, { nullptr, false }, "Specify a sort order when dumping lists." },
1113     { eArgTypeStartAddress, "start-address", CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, { nullptr, false }, "Help text goes here." },
1114     { eArgTypeSummaryString, "summary-string", CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, { SummaryStringHelpTextCallback, true }, nullptr },
1115     { eArgTypeSymbol, "symbol", CommandCompletions::eSymbolCompletion, { nullptr, false }, "Any symbol name (function name, variable, argument, etc.)" },
1116     { eArgTypeThreadID, "thread-id", CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, { nullptr, false }, "Thread ID number." },
1117     { eArgTypeThreadIndex, "thread-index", CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, { nullptr, false }, "Index into the process' list of threads." },
1118     { eArgTypeThreadName, "thread-name", CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, { nullptr, false }, "The thread's name." },
1119     { eArgTypeTypeName, "type-name", CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, { nullptr, false }, "A type name." },
1120     { eArgTypeUnsignedInteger, "unsigned-integer", CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, { nullptr, false }, "An unsigned integer." },
1121     { eArgTypeUnixSignal, "unix-signal", CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, { nullptr, false }, "A valid Unix signal name or number (e.g. SIGKILL, KILL or 9)." },
1122     { eArgTypeVarName, "variable-name", CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, { nullptr, false }, "The name of a variable in your program." },
1123     { eArgTypeValue, "value", CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, { nullptr, false }, "A value could be anything, depending on where and how it is used." },
1124     { eArgTypeWidth, "width", CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, { nullptr, false }, "Help text goes here." },
1125     { eArgTypeNone, "none", CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, { nullptr, false }, "No help available for this." },
1126     { eArgTypePlatform, "platform-name", CommandCompletions::ePlatformPluginCompletion, { nullptr, false }, "The name of an installed platform plug-in . Type 'platform list' to see a complete list of installed platforms." },
1127     { eArgTypeWatchpointID, "watchpt-id", CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, { nullptr, false }, "Watchpoint IDs are positive integers." },
1128     { eArgTypeWatchpointIDRange, "watchpt-id-list", CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, { nullptr, false }, "For example, '1-3' or '1 to 3'." },
1129     { eArgTypeWatchType, "watch-type", CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, { nullptr, false }, "Specify the type for a watchpoint." },
1130     { eArgRawInput, "raw-input", CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, { nullptr, false }, "Free-form text passed to a command without prior interpretation, allowing spaces without requiring quotes.  To pass arguments and free form text put two dashes ' -- ' between the last argument and any raw input." },
1131     { eArgTypeCommand, "command", CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, { nullptr, false }, "An LLDB Command line command element." },
1132     { eArgTypeColumnNum, "column", CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, { nullptr, false }, "Column number in a source file." },
1133     { eArgTypeModuleUUID, "module-uuid", CommandCompletions::eModuleUUIDCompletion, { nullptr, false }, "A module UUID value." },
1134     { eArgTypeSaveCoreStyle, "corefile-style", CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, { nullptr, false }, "The type of corefile that lldb will try to create, dependant on this target's capabilities." },
1135     { eArgTypeLogHandler, "log-handler", CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, { nullptr, false }, "The log handle that will be used to write out log messages." },
1136     { eArgTypeSEDStylePair, "substitution-pair", CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, { nullptr, false }, "A sed-style pattern and target pair." },
1137     { eArgTypeRecognizerID, "frame-recognizer-id", CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, { nullptr, false }, "The ID for a stack frame recognizer." },
1138     { eArgTypeConnectURL, "process-connect-url", CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, { nullptr, false }, "A URL-style specification for a remote connection." },
1139     { eArgTypeTargetID, "target-id", CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, { nullptr, false }, "The index ID for an lldb Target." },
1140     { eArgTypeStopHookID, "stop-hook-id", CommandCompletions::eNoCompletion, { nullptr, false }, "The ID you receive when you create a stop-hook." }
1141     // clang-format on
1142 };
1144 static_assert(
1145     (sizeof(g_arguments_data) / sizeof(CommandObject::ArgumentTableEntry)) ==
1146         eArgTypeLastArg,
1147     "g_arguments_data out of sync with CommandArgumentType enumeration");
1149 const CommandObject::ArgumentTableEntry *CommandObject::GetArgumentTable() {
1150   return g_arguments_data;
1151 }