1 //===-- OptionValueDictionary.cpp -----------------------------------------===//
2 //
3 // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4 // See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
5 // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
6 //
7 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
9 #include "lldb/Interpreter/OptionValueDictionary.h"
11 #include "lldb/DataFormatters/FormatManager.h"
12 #include "lldb/Interpreter/OptionValueEnumeration.h"
13 #include "lldb/Interpreter/OptionValueString.h"
14 #include "lldb/Utility/Args.h"
15 #include "lldb/Utility/State.h"
16 #include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
18 using namespace lldb;
19 using namespace lldb_private;
21 void OptionValueDictionary::DumpValue(const ExecutionContext *exe_ctx,
22                                       Stream &strm, uint32_t dump_mask) {
23   const Type dict_type = ConvertTypeMaskToType(m_type_mask);
24   if (dump_mask & eDumpOptionType) {
25     if (m_type_mask != eTypeInvalid)
26       strm.Printf("(%s of %ss)", GetTypeAsCString(),
27                   GetBuiltinTypeAsCString(dict_type));
28     else
29       strm.Printf("(%s)", GetTypeAsCString());
30   }
31   if (dump_mask & eDumpOptionValue) {
32     const bool one_line = dump_mask & eDumpOptionCommand;
33     if (dump_mask & eDumpOptionType)
34       strm.PutCString(" =");
36     collection::iterator pos, end = m_values.end();
38     if (!one_line)
39       strm.IndentMore();
41     for (pos = m_values.begin(); pos != end; ++pos) {
42       OptionValue *option_value = pos->second.get();
44       if (one_line)
45         strm << ' ';
46       else
47         strm.EOL();
49       strm.Indent(pos->first.GetStringRef());
51       const uint32_t extra_dump_options = m_raw_value_dump ? eDumpOptionRaw : 0;
52       switch (dict_type) {
53       default:
54       case eTypeArray:
55       case eTypeDictionary:
56       case eTypeProperties:
57       case eTypeFileSpecList:
58       case eTypePathMap:
59         strm.PutChar(' ');
60         option_value->DumpValue(exe_ctx, strm, dump_mask | extra_dump_options);
61         break;
63       case eTypeBoolean:
64       case eTypeChar:
65       case eTypeEnum:
66       case eTypeFileLineColumn:
67       case eTypeFileSpec:
68       case eTypeFormat:
69       case eTypeSInt64:
70       case eTypeString:
71       case eTypeUInt64:
72       case eTypeUUID:
73         // No need to show the type for dictionaries of simple items
74         strm.PutCString("=");
75         option_value->DumpValue(exe_ctx, strm,
76                                 (dump_mask & (~eDumpOptionType)) |
77                                     extra_dump_options);
78         break;
79       }
80     }
81     if (!one_line)
82       strm.IndentLess();
83   }
84 }
86 llvm::json::Value
87 OptionValueDictionary::ToJSON(const ExecutionContext *exe_ctx) {
88   llvm::json::Object dict;
89   for (const auto &value : m_values) {
90     dict.try_emplace(value.first.GetCString(), value.second->ToJSON(exe_ctx));
91   }
92   return dict;
93 }
95 size_t OptionValueDictionary::GetArgs(Args &args) const {
96   args.Clear();
97   collection::const_iterator pos, end = m_values.end();
98   for (pos = m_values.begin(); pos != end; ++pos) {
99     StreamString strm;
100     strm.Printf("%s=", pos->first.GetCString());
101     pos->second->DumpValue(nullptr, strm, eDumpOptionValue | eDumpOptionRaw);
102     args.AppendArgument(strm.GetString());
103   }
104   return args.GetArgumentCount();
105 }
107 Status OptionValueDictionary::SetArgs(const Args &args,
108                                       VarSetOperationType op) {
109   Status error;
110   const size_t argc = args.GetArgumentCount();
111   switch (op) {
112   case eVarSetOperationClear:
113     Clear();
114     break;
116   case eVarSetOperationAppend:
117   case eVarSetOperationReplace:
118   case eVarSetOperationAssign:
119     if (argc == 0) {
120       error.SetErrorString(
121           "assign operation takes one or more key=value arguments");
122       return error;
123     }
124     for (const auto &entry : args) {
125       if (entry.ref().empty()) {
126         error.SetErrorString("empty argument");
127         return error;
128       }
129       if (!entry.ref().contains('=')) {
130         error.SetErrorString(
131             "assign operation takes one or more key=value arguments");
132         return error;
133       }
135       llvm::StringRef key, value;
136       std::tie(key, value) = entry.ref().split('=');
137       bool key_valid = false;
138       if (key.empty()) {
139         error.SetErrorString("empty dictionary key");
140         return error;
141       }
143       if (key.front() == '[') {
144         // Key name starts with '[', so the key value must be in single or
145         // double quotes like: ['<key>'] ["<key>"]
146         if ((key.size() > 2) && (key.back() == ']')) {
147           // Strip leading '[' and trailing ']'
148           key = key.substr(1, key.size() - 2);
149           const char quote_char = key.front();
150           if ((quote_char == '\'') || (quote_char == '"')) {
151             if ((key.size() > 2) && (key.back() == quote_char)) {
152               // Strip the quotes
153               key = key.substr(1, key.size() - 2);
154               key_valid = true;
155             }
156           } else {
157             // square brackets, no quotes
158             key_valid = true;
159           }
160         }
161       } else {
162         // No square brackets or quotes
163         key_valid = true;
164       }
165       if (!key_valid) {
166         error.SetErrorStringWithFormat(
167             "invalid key \"%s\", the key must be a bare string or "
168             "surrounded by brackets with optional quotes: [<key>] or "
169             "['<key>'] or [\"<key>\"]",
170             key.str().c_str());
171         return error;
172       }
174       if (m_type_mask == 1u << eTypeEnum) {
175         auto enum_value =
176             std::make_shared<OptionValueEnumeration>(m_enum_values, 0);
177         error = enum_value->SetValueFromString(value);
178         if (error.Fail())
179           return error;
180         m_value_was_set = true;
181         SetValueForKey(ConstString(key), enum_value, true);
182       } else {
183         lldb::OptionValueSP value_sp(CreateValueFromCStringForTypeMask(
184             value.str().c_str(), m_type_mask, error));
185         if (value_sp) {
186           if (error.Fail())
187             return error;
188           m_value_was_set = true;
189           SetValueForKey(ConstString(key), value_sp, true);
190         } else {
191           error.SetErrorString("dictionaries that can contain multiple types "
192                                "must subclass OptionValueArray");
193         }
194       }
195     }
196     break;
198   case eVarSetOperationRemove:
199     if (argc > 0) {
200       for (size_t i = 0; i < argc; ++i) {
201         ConstString key(args.GetArgumentAtIndex(i));
202         if (!DeleteValueForKey(key)) {
203           error.SetErrorStringWithFormat(
204               "no value found named '%s', aborting remove operation",
205               key.GetCString());
206           break;
207         }
208       }
209     } else {
210       error.SetErrorString("remove operation takes one or more key arguments");
211     }
212     break;
214   case eVarSetOperationInsertBefore:
215   case eVarSetOperationInsertAfter:
216   case eVarSetOperationInvalid:
217     error = OptionValue::SetValueFromString(llvm::StringRef(), op);
218     break;
219   }
220   return error;
221 }
223 Status OptionValueDictionary::SetValueFromString(llvm::StringRef value,
224                                                  VarSetOperationType op) {
225   Args args(value.str());
226   Status error = SetArgs(args, op);
227   if (error.Success())
228     NotifyValueChanged();
229   return error;
230 }
232 lldb::OptionValueSP
233 OptionValueDictionary::GetSubValue(const ExecutionContext *exe_ctx,
234                                    llvm::StringRef name, bool will_modify,
235                                    Status &error) const {
236   lldb::OptionValueSP value_sp;
237   if (name.empty())
238     return nullptr;
240   llvm::StringRef left, temp;
241   std::tie(left, temp) = name.split('[');
242   if (left.size() == name.size()) {
243     error.SetErrorStringWithFormat("invalid value path '%s', %s values only "
244       "support '[<key>]' subvalues where <key> "
245       "a string value optionally delimited by "
246       "single or double quotes",
247       name.str().c_str(), GetTypeAsCString());
248     return nullptr;
249   }
250   assert(!temp.empty());
252   llvm::StringRef key, quote_char;
254   if (temp[0] == '\"' || temp[0] == '\'') {
255     quote_char = temp.take_front();
256     temp = temp.drop_front();
257   }
259   llvm::StringRef sub_name;
260   std::tie(key, sub_name) = temp.split(']');
262   if (!key.consume_back(quote_char) || key.empty()) {
263     error.SetErrorStringWithFormat("invalid value path '%s', "
264       "key names must be formatted as ['<key>'] where <key> "
265       "is a string that doesn't contain quotes and the quote"
266       " char is optional", name.str().c_str());
267     return nullptr;
268   }
270   value_sp = GetValueForKey(ConstString(key));
271   if (!value_sp) {
272     error.SetErrorStringWithFormat(
273       "dictionary does not contain a value for the key name '%s'",
274       key.str().c_str());
275     return nullptr;
276   }
278   if (sub_name.empty())
279     return value_sp;
280   return value_sp->GetSubValue(exe_ctx, sub_name, will_modify, error);
281 }
283 Status OptionValueDictionary::SetSubValue(const ExecutionContext *exe_ctx,
284                                           VarSetOperationType op,
285                                           llvm::StringRef name,
286                                           llvm::StringRef value) {
287   Status error;
288   const bool will_modify = true;
289   lldb::OptionValueSP value_sp(GetSubValue(exe_ctx, name, will_modify, error));
290   if (value_sp)
291     error = value_sp->SetValueFromString(value, op);
292   else {
293     if (error.AsCString() == nullptr)
294       error.SetErrorStringWithFormat("invalid value path '%s'", name.str().c_str());
295   }
296   return error;
297 }
299 lldb::OptionValueSP
300 OptionValueDictionary::GetValueForKey(ConstString key) const {
301   lldb::OptionValueSP value_sp;
302   collection::const_iterator pos = m_values.find(key);
303   if (pos != m_values.end())
304     value_sp = pos->second;
305   return value_sp;
306 }
308 bool OptionValueDictionary::SetValueForKey(ConstString key,
309                                            const lldb::OptionValueSP &value_sp,
310                                            bool can_replace) {
311   // Make sure the value_sp object is allowed to contain values of the type
312   // passed in...
313   if (value_sp && (m_type_mask & value_sp->GetTypeAsMask())) {
314     if (!can_replace) {
315       collection::const_iterator pos = m_values.find(key);
316       if (pos != m_values.end())
317         return false;
318     }
319     m_values[key] = value_sp;
320     return true;
321   }
322   return false;
323 }
325 bool OptionValueDictionary::DeleteValueForKey(ConstString key) {
326   collection::iterator pos = m_values.find(key);
327   if (pos != m_values.end()) {
328     m_values.erase(pos);
329     return true;
330   }
331   return false;
332 }
334 OptionValueSP
335 OptionValueDictionary::DeepCopy(const OptionValueSP &new_parent) const {
336   auto copy_sp = OptionValue::DeepCopy(new_parent);
337   // copy_sp->GetAsDictionary cannot be used here as it doesn't work for derived
338   // types that override GetType returning a different value.
339   auto *dict_value_ptr = static_cast<OptionValueDictionary *>(copy_sp.get());
340   lldbassert(dict_value_ptr);
342   for (auto &value : dict_value_ptr->m_values)
343     value.second = value.second->DeepCopy(copy_sp);
345   return copy_sp;
346 }