1 //===-- OptionValueFileSpec.cpp ---------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
2 //
3 // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4 // See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
5 // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
6 //
7 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
9 #include "lldb/Interpreter/OptionValueFileSpec.h"
11 #include "lldb/DataFormatters/FormatManager.h"
12 #include "lldb/Host/FileSystem.h"
13 #include "lldb/Interpreter/CommandCompletions.h"
14 #include "lldb/Interpreter/CommandInterpreter.h"
15 #include "lldb/Utility/Args.h"
16 #include "lldb/Utility/State.h"
18 using namespace lldb;
19 using namespace lldb_private;
21 OptionValueFileSpec::OptionValueFileSpec(bool resolve)
22     : OptionValue(), m_current_value(), m_default_value(), m_data_sp(),
23       m_data_mod_time(),
24       m_completion_mask(CommandCompletions::eDiskFileCompletion),
25       m_resolve(resolve) {}
27 OptionValueFileSpec::OptionValueFileSpec(const FileSpec &value, bool resolve)
28     : OptionValue(), m_current_value(value), m_default_value(value),
29       m_data_sp(), m_data_mod_time(),
30       m_completion_mask(CommandCompletions::eDiskFileCompletion),
31       m_resolve(resolve) {}
33 OptionValueFileSpec::OptionValueFileSpec(const FileSpec &current_value,
34                                          const FileSpec &default_value,
35                                          bool resolve)
36     : OptionValue(), m_current_value(current_value),
37       m_default_value(default_value), m_data_sp(), m_data_mod_time(),
38       m_completion_mask(CommandCompletions::eDiskFileCompletion),
39       m_resolve(resolve) {}
41 void OptionValueFileSpec::DumpValue(const ExecutionContext *exe_ctx,
42                                     Stream &strm, uint32_t dump_mask) {
43   if (dump_mask & eDumpOptionType)
44     strm.Printf("(%s)", GetTypeAsCString());
45   if (dump_mask & eDumpOptionValue) {
46     if (dump_mask & eDumpOptionType)
47       strm.PutCString(" = ");
49     if (m_current_value) {
50       strm << '"' << m_current_value.GetPath().c_str() << '"';
51     }
52   }
53 }
55 Status OptionValueFileSpec::SetValueFromString(llvm::StringRef value,
56                                                VarSetOperationType op) {
57   Status error;
58   switch (op) {
59   case eVarSetOperationClear:
60     Clear();
61     NotifyValueChanged();
62     break;
64   case eVarSetOperationReplace:
65   case eVarSetOperationAssign:
66     if (value.size() > 0) {
67       // The setting value may have whitespace, double-quotes, or single-quotes
68       // around the file path to indicate that internal spaces are not word
69       // breaks.  Strip off any ws & quotes from the start and end of the file
70       // path - we aren't doing any word // breaking here so the quoting is
71       // unnecessary.  NB this will cause a problem if someone tries to specify
72       // a file path that legitimately begins or ends with a " or ' character,
73       // or whitespace.
74       value = value.trim("\"' \t");
75       m_value_was_set = true;
76       m_current_value.SetFile(value.str(), FileSpec::Style::native);
77       if (m_resolve)
78         FileSystem::Instance().Resolve(m_current_value);
79       m_data_sp.reset();
80       m_data_mod_time = llvm::sys::TimePoint<>();
81       NotifyValueChanged();
82     } else {
83       error.SetErrorString("invalid value string");
84     }
85     break;
87   case eVarSetOperationInsertBefore:
88   case eVarSetOperationInsertAfter:
89   case eVarSetOperationRemove:
90   case eVarSetOperationAppend:
91   case eVarSetOperationInvalid:
92     error = OptionValue::SetValueFromString(value, op);
93     break;
94   }
95   return error;
96 }
98 lldb::OptionValueSP OptionValueFileSpec::DeepCopy() const {
99   return OptionValueSP(new OptionValueFileSpec(*this));
100 }
102 void OptionValueFileSpec::AutoComplete(CommandInterpreter &interpreter,
103                                        CompletionRequest &request) {
104   CommandCompletions::InvokeCommonCompletionCallbacks(
105       interpreter, m_completion_mask, request, nullptr);
106 }
108 const lldb::DataBufferSP &OptionValueFileSpec::GetFileContents() {
109   if (m_current_value) {
110     const auto file_mod_time = FileSystem::Instance().GetModificationTime(m_current_value);
111     if (m_data_sp && m_data_mod_time == file_mod_time)
112       return m_data_sp;
113     m_data_sp =
114         FileSystem::Instance().CreateDataBuffer(m_current_value.GetPath());
115     m_data_mod_time = file_mod_time;
116   }
117   return m_data_sp;
118 }