1 //===-- ObjectFile.cpp ------------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
2 //
3 // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4 // See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
5 // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
6 //
7 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
9 #include "lldb/Symbol/ObjectFile.h"
10 #include "lldb/Core/Module.h"
11 #include "lldb/Core/ModuleSpec.h"
12 #include "lldb/Core/PluginManager.h"
13 #include "lldb/Core/Section.h"
14 #include "lldb/Symbol/CallFrameInfo.h"
15 #include "lldb/Symbol/ObjectContainer.h"
16 #include "lldb/Symbol/SymbolFile.h"
17 #include "lldb/Target/Process.h"
18 #include "lldb/Target/SectionLoadList.h"
19 #include "lldb/Target/Target.h"
20 #include "lldb/Utility/DataBuffer.h"
21 #include "lldb/Utility/DataBufferHeap.h"
22 #include "lldb/Utility/Log.h"
23 #include "lldb/Utility/Timer.h"
24 #include "lldb/lldb-private.h"
26 using namespace lldb;
27 using namespace lldb_private;
29 char ObjectFile::ID;
31 ObjectFileSP
32 ObjectFile::FindPlugin(const lldb::ModuleSP &module_sp, const FileSpec *file,
33                        lldb::offset_t file_offset, lldb::offset_t file_size,
34                        DataBufferSP &data_sp, lldb::offset_t &data_offset) {
35   ObjectFileSP object_file_sp;
37   if (module_sp) {
38     static Timer::Category func_cat(LLVM_PRETTY_FUNCTION);
39     Timer scoped_timer(
40         func_cat,
41         "ObjectFile::FindPlugin (module = %s, file = %p, file_offset = "
42         "0x%8.8" PRIx64 ", file_size = 0x%8.8" PRIx64 ")",
43         module_sp->GetFileSpec().GetPath().c_str(),
44         static_cast<const void *>(file), static_cast<uint64_t>(file_offset),
45         static_cast<uint64_t>(file_size));
46     if (file) {
47       FileSpec archive_file;
48       ObjectContainerCreateInstance create_object_container_callback;
50       const bool file_exists = FileSystem::Instance().Exists(*file);
51       if (!data_sp) {
52         // We have an object name which most likely means we have a .o file in
53         // a static archive (.a file). Try and see if we have a cached archive
54         // first without reading any data first
55         if (file_exists && module_sp->GetObjectName()) {
56           for (uint32_t idx = 0;
57                (create_object_container_callback =
58                     PluginManager::GetObjectContainerCreateCallbackAtIndex(
59                         idx)) != nullptr;
60                ++idx) {
61             std::unique_ptr<ObjectContainer> object_container_up(
62                 create_object_container_callback(module_sp, data_sp,
63                                                  data_offset, file, file_offset,
64                                                  file_size));
66             if (object_container_up)
67               object_file_sp = object_container_up->GetObjectFile(file);
69             if (object_file_sp.get())
70               return object_file_sp;
71           }
72         }
73         // Ok, we didn't find any containers that have a named object, now lets
74         // read the first 512 bytes from the file so the object file and object
75         // container plug-ins can use these bytes to see if they can parse this
76         // file.
77         if (file_size > 0) {
78           data_sp = FileSystem::Instance().CreateDataBuffer(file->GetPath(),
79                                                             512, file_offset);
80           data_offset = 0;
81         }
82       }
84       if (!data_sp || data_sp->GetByteSize() == 0) {
85         // Check for archive file with format "/path/to/archive.a(object.o)"
86         llvm::SmallString<256> path_with_object;
87         module_sp->GetFileSpec().GetPath(path_with_object);
89         ConstString archive_object;
90         const bool must_exist = true;
91         if (ObjectFile::SplitArchivePathWithObject(
92                 path_with_object, archive_file, archive_object, must_exist)) {
93           file_size = FileSystem::Instance().GetByteSize(archive_file);
94           if (file_size > 0) {
95             file = &archive_file;
96             module_sp->SetFileSpecAndObjectName(archive_file, archive_object);
97             // Check if this is a object container by iterating through all
98             // object container plugin instances and then trying to get an
99             // object file from the container plugins since we had a name.
100             // Also, don't read
101             // ANY data in case there is data cached in the container plug-ins
102             // (like BSD archives caching the contained objects within an
103             // file).
104             for (uint32_t idx = 0;
105                  (create_object_container_callback =
106                       PluginManager::GetObjectContainerCreateCallbackAtIndex(
107                           idx)) != nullptr;
108                  ++idx) {
109               std::unique_ptr<ObjectContainer> object_container_up(
110                   create_object_container_callback(module_sp, data_sp,
111                                                    data_offset, file,
112                                                    file_offset, file_size));
114               if (object_container_up)
115                 object_file_sp = object_container_up->GetObjectFile(file);
117               if (object_file_sp.get())
118                 return object_file_sp;
119             }
120             // We failed to find any cached object files in the container plug-
121             // ins, so lets read the first 512 bytes and try again below...
122             data_sp = FileSystem::Instance().CreateDataBuffer(
123                 archive_file.GetPath(), 512, file_offset);
124           }
125         }
126       }
128       if (data_sp && data_sp->GetByteSize() > 0) {
129         // Check if this is a normal object file by iterating through all
130         // object file plugin instances.
131         ObjectFileCreateInstance create_object_file_callback;
132         for (uint32_t idx = 0;
133              (create_object_file_callback =
134                   PluginManager::GetObjectFileCreateCallbackAtIndex(idx)) !=
135              nullptr;
136              ++idx) {
137           object_file_sp.reset(create_object_file_callback(
138               module_sp, data_sp, data_offset, file, file_offset, file_size));
139           if (object_file_sp.get())
140             return object_file_sp;
141         }
143         // Check if this is a object container by iterating through all object
144         // container plugin instances and then trying to get an object file
145         // from the container.
146         for (uint32_t idx = 0;
147              (create_object_container_callback =
148                   PluginManager::GetObjectContainerCreateCallbackAtIndex(
149                       idx)) != nullptr;
150              ++idx) {
151           std::unique_ptr<ObjectContainer> object_container_up(
152               create_object_container_callback(module_sp, data_sp, data_offset,
153                                                file, file_offset, file_size));
155           if (object_container_up)
156             object_file_sp = object_container_up->GetObjectFile(file);
158           if (object_file_sp.get())
159             return object_file_sp;
160         }
161       }
162     }
163   }
164   // We didn't find it, so clear our shared pointer in case it contains
165   // anything and return an empty shared pointer
166   object_file_sp.reset();
167   return object_file_sp;
168 }
170 ObjectFileSP ObjectFile::FindPlugin(const lldb::ModuleSP &module_sp,
171                                     const ProcessSP &process_sp,
172                                     lldb::addr_t header_addr,
173                                     DataBufferSP &data_sp) {
174   ObjectFileSP object_file_sp;
176   if (module_sp) {
177     static Timer::Category func_cat(LLVM_PRETTY_FUNCTION);
178     Timer scoped_timer(func_cat,
179                        "ObjectFile::FindPlugin (module = "
180                        "%s, process = %p, header_addr = "
181                        "0x%" PRIx64 ")",
182                        module_sp->GetFileSpec().GetPath().c_str(),
183                        static_cast<void *>(process_sp.get()), header_addr);
184     uint32_t idx;
186     // Check if this is a normal object file by iterating through all object
187     // file plugin instances.
188     ObjectFileCreateMemoryInstance create_callback;
189     for (idx = 0;
190          (create_callback =
191               PluginManager::GetObjectFileCreateMemoryCallbackAtIndex(idx)) !=
192          nullptr;
193          ++idx) {
194       object_file_sp.reset(
195           create_callback(module_sp, data_sp, process_sp, header_addr));
196       if (object_file_sp.get())
197         return object_file_sp;
198     }
199   }
201   // We didn't find it, so clear our shared pointer in case it contains
202   // anything and return an empty shared pointer
203   object_file_sp.reset();
204   return object_file_sp;
205 }
207 size_t ObjectFile::GetModuleSpecifications(const FileSpec &file,
208                                            lldb::offset_t file_offset,
209                                            lldb::offset_t file_size,
210                                            ModuleSpecList &specs) {
211   DataBufferSP data_sp =
212       FileSystem::Instance().CreateDataBuffer(file.GetPath(), 512, file_offset);
213   if (data_sp) {
214     if (file_size == 0) {
215       const lldb::offset_t actual_file_size =
216           FileSystem::Instance().GetByteSize(file);
217       if (actual_file_size > file_offset)
218         file_size = actual_file_size - file_offset;
219     }
220     return ObjectFile::GetModuleSpecifications(file,        // file spec
221                                                data_sp,     // data bytes
222                                                0,           // data offset
223                                                file_offset, // file offset
224                                                file_size,   // file length
225                                                specs);
226   }
227   return 0;
228 }
230 size_t ObjectFile::GetModuleSpecifications(
231     const lldb_private::FileSpec &file, lldb::DataBufferSP &data_sp,
232     lldb::offset_t data_offset, lldb::offset_t file_offset,
233     lldb::offset_t file_size, lldb_private::ModuleSpecList &specs) {
234   const size_t initial_count = specs.GetSize();
235   ObjectFileGetModuleSpecifications callback;
236   uint32_t i;
237   // Try the ObjectFile plug-ins
238   for (i = 0;
239        (callback =
240             PluginManager::GetObjectFileGetModuleSpecificationsCallbackAtIndex(
241                 i)) != nullptr;
242        ++i) {
243     if (callback(file, data_sp, data_offset, file_offset, file_size, specs) > 0)
244       return specs.GetSize() - initial_count;
245   }
247   // Try the ObjectContainer plug-ins
248   for (i = 0;
249        (callback = PluginManager::
250             GetObjectContainerGetModuleSpecificationsCallbackAtIndex(i)) !=
251        nullptr;
252        ++i) {
253     if (callback(file, data_sp, data_offset, file_offset, file_size, specs) > 0)
254       return specs.GetSize() - initial_count;
255   }
256   return 0;
257 }
259 ObjectFile::ObjectFile(const lldb::ModuleSP &module_sp,
260                        const FileSpec *file_spec_ptr,
261                        lldb::offset_t file_offset, lldb::offset_t length,
262                        const lldb::DataBufferSP &data_sp,
263                        lldb::offset_t data_offset)
264     : ModuleChild(module_sp),
265       m_file(), // This file could be different from the original module's file
266       m_type(eTypeInvalid), m_strata(eStrataInvalid),
267       m_file_offset(file_offset), m_length(length), m_data(), m_process_wp(),
268       m_memory_addr(LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS), m_sections_up(), m_symtab_up(),
269       m_synthetic_symbol_idx(0) {
270   if (file_spec_ptr)
271     m_file = *file_spec_ptr;
272   if (data_sp)
273     m_data.SetData(data_sp, data_offset, length);
274   Log *log(lldb_private::GetLogIfAllCategoriesSet(LIBLLDB_LOG_OBJECT));
275   LLDB_LOGF(log,
276             "%p ObjectFile::ObjectFile() module = %p (%s), file = %s, "
277             "file_offset = 0x%8.8" PRIx64 ", size = %" PRIu64,
278             static_cast<void *>(this), static_cast<void *>(module_sp.get()),
279             module_sp->GetSpecificationDescription().c_str(),
280             m_file ? m_file.GetPath().c_str() : "<NULL>", m_file_offset,
281             m_length);
282 }
284 ObjectFile::ObjectFile(const lldb::ModuleSP &module_sp,
285                        const ProcessSP &process_sp, lldb::addr_t header_addr,
286                        DataBufferSP &header_data_sp)
287     : ModuleChild(module_sp), m_file(), m_type(eTypeInvalid),
288       m_strata(eStrataInvalid), m_file_offset(0), m_length(0), m_data(),
289       m_process_wp(process_sp), m_memory_addr(header_addr), m_sections_up(),
290       m_symtab_up(), m_synthetic_symbol_idx(0) {
291   if (header_data_sp)
292     m_data.SetData(header_data_sp, 0, header_data_sp->GetByteSize());
293   Log *log(lldb_private::GetLogIfAllCategoriesSet(LIBLLDB_LOG_OBJECT));
294   LLDB_LOGF(log,
295             "%p ObjectFile::ObjectFile() module = %p (%s), process = %p, "
296             "header_addr = 0x%" PRIx64,
297             static_cast<void *>(this), static_cast<void *>(module_sp.get()),
298             module_sp->GetSpecificationDescription().c_str(),
299             static_cast<void *>(process_sp.get()), m_memory_addr);
300 }
302 ObjectFile::~ObjectFile() {
303   Log *log(lldb_private::GetLogIfAllCategoriesSet(LIBLLDB_LOG_OBJECT));
304   LLDB_LOGF(log, "%p ObjectFile::~ObjectFile ()\n", static_cast<void *>(this));
305 }
307 bool ObjectFile::SetModulesArchitecture(const ArchSpec &new_arch) {
308   ModuleSP module_sp(GetModule());
309   if (module_sp)
310     return module_sp->SetArchitecture(new_arch);
311   return false;
312 }
314 AddressClass ObjectFile::GetAddressClass(addr_t file_addr) {
315   Symtab *symtab = GetSymtab();
316   if (symtab) {
317     Symbol *symbol = symtab->FindSymbolContainingFileAddress(file_addr);
318     if (symbol) {
319       if (symbol->ValueIsAddress()) {
320         const SectionSP section_sp(symbol->GetAddressRef().GetSection());
321         if (section_sp) {
322           const SectionType section_type = section_sp->GetType();
323           switch (section_type) {
324           case eSectionTypeInvalid:
325             return AddressClass::eUnknown;
326           case eSectionTypeCode:
327             return AddressClass::eCode;
328           case eSectionTypeContainer:
329             return AddressClass::eUnknown;
330           case eSectionTypeData:
331           case eSectionTypeDataCString:
332           case eSectionTypeDataCStringPointers:
333           case eSectionTypeDataSymbolAddress:
334           case eSectionTypeData4:
335           case eSectionTypeData8:
336           case eSectionTypeData16:
337           case eSectionTypeDataPointers:
338           case eSectionTypeZeroFill:
339           case eSectionTypeDataObjCMessageRefs:
340           case eSectionTypeDataObjCCFStrings:
341           case eSectionTypeGoSymtab:
342             return AddressClass::eData;
343           case eSectionTypeDebug:
344           case eSectionTypeDWARFDebugAbbrev:
345           case eSectionTypeDWARFDebugAbbrevDwo:
346           case eSectionTypeDWARFDebugAddr:
347           case eSectionTypeDWARFDebugAranges:
348           case eSectionTypeDWARFDebugCuIndex:
349           case eSectionTypeDWARFDebugFrame:
350           case eSectionTypeDWARFDebugInfo:
351           case eSectionTypeDWARFDebugInfoDwo:
352           case eSectionTypeDWARFDebugLine:
353           case eSectionTypeDWARFDebugLineStr:
354           case eSectionTypeDWARFDebugLoc:
355           case eSectionTypeDWARFDebugLocDwo:
356           case eSectionTypeDWARFDebugLocLists:
357           case eSectionTypeDWARFDebugLocListsDwo:
358           case eSectionTypeDWARFDebugMacInfo:
359           case eSectionTypeDWARFDebugMacro:
360           case eSectionTypeDWARFDebugNames:
361           case eSectionTypeDWARFDebugPubNames:
362           case eSectionTypeDWARFDebugPubTypes:
363           case eSectionTypeDWARFDebugRanges:
364           case eSectionTypeDWARFDebugRngLists:
365           case eSectionTypeDWARFDebugRngListsDwo:
366           case eSectionTypeDWARFDebugStr:
367           case eSectionTypeDWARFDebugStrDwo:
368           case eSectionTypeDWARFDebugStrOffsets:
369           case eSectionTypeDWARFDebugStrOffsetsDwo:
370           case eSectionTypeDWARFDebugTypes:
371           case eSectionTypeDWARFDebugTypesDwo:
372           case eSectionTypeDWARFAppleNames:
373           case eSectionTypeDWARFAppleTypes:
374           case eSectionTypeDWARFAppleNamespaces:
375           case eSectionTypeDWARFAppleObjC:
376           case eSectionTypeDWARFGNUDebugAltLink:
377             return AddressClass::eDebug;
378           case eSectionTypeEHFrame:
379           case eSectionTypeARMexidx:
380           case eSectionTypeARMextab:
381           case eSectionTypeCompactUnwind:
382             return AddressClass::eRuntime;
383           case eSectionTypeELFSymbolTable:
384           case eSectionTypeELFDynamicSymbols:
385           case eSectionTypeELFRelocationEntries:
386           case eSectionTypeELFDynamicLinkInfo:
387           case eSectionTypeOther:
388             return AddressClass::eUnknown;
389           case eSectionTypeAbsoluteAddress:
390             // In case of absolute sections decide the address class based on
391             // the symbol type because the section type isn't specify if it is
392             // a code or a data section.
393             break;
394           }
395         }
396       }
398       const SymbolType symbol_type = symbol->GetType();
399       switch (symbol_type) {
400       case eSymbolTypeAny:
401         return AddressClass::eUnknown;
402       case eSymbolTypeAbsolute:
403         return AddressClass::eUnknown;
404       case eSymbolTypeCode:
405         return AddressClass::eCode;
406       case eSymbolTypeTrampoline:
407         return AddressClass::eCode;
408       case eSymbolTypeResolver:
409         return AddressClass::eCode;
410       case eSymbolTypeData:
411         return AddressClass::eData;
412       case eSymbolTypeRuntime:
413         return AddressClass::eRuntime;
414       case eSymbolTypeException:
415         return AddressClass::eRuntime;
416       case eSymbolTypeSourceFile:
417         return AddressClass::eDebug;
418       case eSymbolTypeHeaderFile:
419         return AddressClass::eDebug;
420       case eSymbolTypeObjectFile:
421         return AddressClass::eDebug;
422       case eSymbolTypeCommonBlock:
423         return AddressClass::eDebug;
424       case eSymbolTypeBlock:
425         return AddressClass::eDebug;
426       case eSymbolTypeLocal:
427         return AddressClass::eData;
428       case eSymbolTypeParam:
429         return AddressClass::eData;
430       case eSymbolTypeVariable:
431         return AddressClass::eData;
432       case eSymbolTypeVariableType:
433         return AddressClass::eDebug;
434       case eSymbolTypeLineEntry:
435         return AddressClass::eDebug;
436       case eSymbolTypeLineHeader:
437         return AddressClass::eDebug;
438       case eSymbolTypeScopeBegin:
439         return AddressClass::eDebug;
440       case eSymbolTypeScopeEnd:
441         return AddressClass::eDebug;
442       case eSymbolTypeAdditional:
443         return AddressClass::eUnknown;
444       case eSymbolTypeCompiler:
445         return AddressClass::eDebug;
446       case eSymbolTypeInstrumentation:
447         return AddressClass::eDebug;
448       case eSymbolTypeUndefined:
449         return AddressClass::eUnknown;
450       case eSymbolTypeObjCClass:
451         return AddressClass::eRuntime;
452       case eSymbolTypeObjCMetaClass:
453         return AddressClass::eRuntime;
454       case eSymbolTypeObjCIVar:
455         return AddressClass::eRuntime;
456       case eSymbolTypeReExported:
457         return AddressClass::eRuntime;
458       }
459     }
460   }
461   return AddressClass::eUnknown;
462 }
464 DataBufferSP ObjectFile::ReadMemory(const ProcessSP &process_sp,
465                                     lldb::addr_t addr, size_t byte_size) {
466   DataBufferSP data_sp;
467   if (process_sp) {
468     std::unique_ptr<DataBufferHeap> data_up(new DataBufferHeap(byte_size, 0));
469     Status error;
470     const size_t bytes_read = process_sp->ReadMemory(
471         addr, data_up->GetBytes(), data_up->GetByteSize(), error);
472     if (bytes_read == byte_size)
473       data_sp.reset(data_up.release());
474   }
475   return data_sp;
476 }
478 size_t ObjectFile::GetData(lldb::offset_t offset, size_t length,
479                            DataExtractor &data) const {
480   // The entire file has already been mmap'ed into m_data, so just copy from
481   // there as the back mmap buffer will be shared with shared pointers.
482   return data.SetData(m_data, offset, length);
483 }
485 size_t ObjectFile::CopyData(lldb::offset_t offset, size_t length,
486                             void *dst) const {
487   // The entire file has already been mmap'ed into m_data, so just copy from
488   // there Note that the data remains in target byte order.
489   return m_data.CopyData(offset, length, dst);
490 }
492 size_t ObjectFile::ReadSectionData(Section *section,
493                                    lldb::offset_t section_offset, void *dst,
494                                    size_t dst_len) {
495   assert(section);
496   section_offset *= section->GetTargetByteSize();
498   // If some other objectfile owns this data, pass this to them.
499   if (section->GetObjectFile() != this)
500     return section->GetObjectFile()->ReadSectionData(section, section_offset,
501                                                      dst, dst_len);
503   if (IsInMemory()) {
504     ProcessSP process_sp(m_process_wp.lock());
505     if (process_sp) {
506       Status error;
507       const addr_t base_load_addr =
508           section->GetLoadBaseAddress(&process_sp->GetTarget());
509       if (base_load_addr != LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS)
510         return process_sp->ReadMemory(base_load_addr + section_offset, dst,
511                                       dst_len, error);
512     }
513   } else {
514     if (!section->IsRelocated())
515       RelocateSection(section);
517     const lldb::offset_t section_file_size = section->GetFileSize();
518     if (section_offset < section_file_size) {
519       const size_t section_bytes_left = section_file_size - section_offset;
520       size_t section_dst_len = dst_len;
521       if (section_dst_len > section_bytes_left)
522         section_dst_len = section_bytes_left;
523       return CopyData(section->GetFileOffset() + section_offset,
524                       section_dst_len, dst);
525     } else {
526       if (section->GetType() == eSectionTypeZeroFill) {
527         const uint64_t section_size = section->GetByteSize();
528         const uint64_t section_bytes_left = section_size - section_offset;
529         uint64_t section_dst_len = dst_len;
530         if (section_dst_len > section_bytes_left)
531           section_dst_len = section_bytes_left;
532         memset(dst, 0, section_dst_len);
533         return section_dst_len;
534       }
535     }
536   }
537   return 0;
538 }
540 // Get the section data the file on disk
541 size_t ObjectFile::ReadSectionData(Section *section,
542                                    DataExtractor &section_data) {
543   // If some other objectfile owns this data, pass this to them.
544   if (section->GetObjectFile() != this)
545     return section->GetObjectFile()->ReadSectionData(section, section_data);
547   if (IsInMemory()) {
548     ProcessSP process_sp(m_process_wp.lock());
549     if (process_sp) {
550       const addr_t base_load_addr =
551           section->GetLoadBaseAddress(&process_sp->GetTarget());
552       if (base_load_addr != LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS) {
553         DataBufferSP data_sp(
554             ReadMemory(process_sp, base_load_addr, section->GetByteSize()));
555         if (data_sp) {
556           section_data.SetData(data_sp, 0, data_sp->GetByteSize());
557           section_data.SetByteOrder(process_sp->GetByteOrder());
558           section_data.SetAddressByteSize(process_sp->GetAddressByteSize());
559           return section_data.GetByteSize();
560         }
561       }
562     }
563     return GetData(section->GetFileOffset(), section->GetFileSize(),
564                    section_data);
565   } else {
566     // The object file now contains a full mmap'ed copy of the object file
567     // data, so just use this
568     if (!section->IsRelocated())
569       RelocateSection(section);
571     return GetData(section->GetFileOffset(), section->GetFileSize(),
572                    section_data);
573   }
574 }
576 bool ObjectFile::SplitArchivePathWithObject(llvm::StringRef path_with_object,
577                                             FileSpec &archive_file,
578                                             ConstString &archive_object,
579                                             bool must_exist) {
580   size_t len = path_with_object.size();
581   if (len < 2 || path_with_object.back() != ')')
582     return false;
583   llvm::StringRef archive = path_with_object.substr(0, path_with_object.rfind('('));
584   if (archive.empty())
585     return false;
586   llvm::StringRef object = path_with_object.substr(archive.size() + 1).drop_back();
587   archive_file.SetFile(archive, FileSpec::Style::native);
588   if (must_exist && !FileSystem::Instance().Exists(archive_file))
589     return false;
590   archive_object.SetString(object);
591   return true;
592 }
594 void ObjectFile::ClearSymtab() {
595   ModuleSP module_sp(GetModule());
596   if (module_sp) {
597     std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> guard(module_sp->GetMutex());
598     Log *log(lldb_private::GetLogIfAllCategoriesSet(LIBLLDB_LOG_OBJECT));
599     LLDB_LOGF(log, "%p ObjectFile::ClearSymtab () symtab = %p",
600               static_cast<void *>(this),
601               static_cast<void *>(m_symtab_up.get()));
602     m_symtab_up.reset();
603   }
604 }
606 SectionList *ObjectFile::GetSectionList(bool update_module_section_list) {
607   if (m_sections_up == nullptr) {
608     if (update_module_section_list) {
609       ModuleSP module_sp(GetModule());
610       if (module_sp) {
611         std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> guard(module_sp->GetMutex());
612         CreateSections(*module_sp->GetUnifiedSectionList());
613       }
614     } else {
615       SectionList unified_section_list;
616       CreateSections(unified_section_list);
617     }
618   }
619   return m_sections_up.get();
620 }
622 lldb::SymbolType
623 ObjectFile::GetSymbolTypeFromName(llvm::StringRef name,
624                                   lldb::SymbolType symbol_type_hint) {
625   if (!name.empty()) {
626     if (name.startswith("_OBJC_")) {
627       // ObjC
628       if (name.startswith("_OBJC_CLASS_$_"))
629         return lldb::eSymbolTypeObjCClass;
630       if (name.startswith("_OBJC_METACLASS_$_"))
631         return lldb::eSymbolTypeObjCMetaClass;
632       if (name.startswith("_OBJC_IVAR_$_"))
633         return lldb::eSymbolTypeObjCIVar;
634     } else if (name.startswith(".objc_class_name_")) {
635       // ObjC v1
636       return lldb::eSymbolTypeObjCClass;
637     }
638   }
639   return symbol_type_hint;
640 }
642 ConstString ObjectFile::GetNextSyntheticSymbolName() {
643   StreamString ss;
644   ConstString file_name = GetModule()->GetFileSpec().GetFilename();
645   ss.Printf("___lldb_unnamed_symbol%u$$%s", ++m_synthetic_symbol_idx,
646             file_name.GetCString());
647   return ConstString(ss.GetString());
648 }
650 std::vector<ObjectFile::LoadableData>
651 ObjectFile::GetLoadableData(Target &target) {
652   std::vector<LoadableData> loadables;
653   SectionList *section_list = GetSectionList();
654   if (!section_list)
655     return loadables;
656   // Create a list of loadable data from loadable sections
657   size_t section_count = section_list->GetNumSections(0);
658   for (size_t i = 0; i < section_count; ++i) {
659     LoadableData loadable;
660     SectionSP section_sp = section_list->GetSectionAtIndex(i);
661     loadable.Dest =
662         target.GetSectionLoadList().GetSectionLoadAddress(section_sp);
663     if (loadable.Dest == LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS)
664       continue;
665     // We can skip sections like bss
666     if (section_sp->GetFileSize() == 0)
667       continue;
668     DataExtractor section_data;
669     section_sp->GetSectionData(section_data);
670     loadable.Contents = llvm::ArrayRef<uint8_t>(section_data.GetDataStart(),
671                                                 section_data.GetByteSize());
672     loadables.push_back(loadable);
673   }
674   return loadables;
675 }
677 std::unique_ptr<CallFrameInfo> ObjectFile::CreateCallFrameInfo() {
678   return {};
679 }
681 void ObjectFile::RelocateSection(lldb_private::Section *section)
682 {
683 }
685 DataBufferSP ObjectFile::MapFileData(const FileSpec &file, uint64_t Size,
686                                      uint64_t Offset) {
687   return FileSystem::Instance().CreateDataBuffer(file.GetPath(), Size, Offset);
688 }
690 void llvm::format_provider<ObjectFile::Type>::format(
691     const ObjectFile::Type &type, raw_ostream &OS, StringRef Style) {
692   switch (type) {
693   case ObjectFile::eTypeInvalid:
694     OS << "invalid";
695     break;
696   case ObjectFile::eTypeCoreFile:
697     OS << "core file";
698     break;
699   case ObjectFile::eTypeExecutable:
700     OS << "executable";
701     break;
702   case ObjectFile::eTypeDebugInfo:
703     OS << "debug info";
704     break;
705   case ObjectFile::eTypeDynamicLinker:
706     OS << "dynamic linker";
707     break;
708   case ObjectFile::eTypeObjectFile:
709     OS << "object file";
710     break;
711   case ObjectFile::eTypeSharedLibrary:
712     OS << "shared library";
713     break;
714   case ObjectFile::eTypeStubLibrary:
715     OS << "stub library";
716     break;
717   case ObjectFile::eTypeJIT:
718     OS << "jit";
719     break;
720   case ObjectFile::eTypeUnknown:
721     OS << "unknown";
722     break;
723   }
724 }
726 void llvm::format_provider<ObjectFile::Strata>::format(
727     const ObjectFile::Strata &strata, raw_ostream &OS, StringRef Style) {
728   switch (strata) {
729   case ObjectFile::eStrataInvalid:
730     OS << "invalid";
731     break;
732   case ObjectFile::eStrataUnknown:
733     OS << "unknown";
734     break;
735   case ObjectFile::eStrataUser:
736     OS << "user";
737     break;
738   case ObjectFile::eStrataKernel:
739     OS << "kernel";
740     break;
741   case ObjectFile::eStrataRawImage:
742     OS << "raw image";
743     break;
744   case ObjectFile::eStrataJIT:
745     OS << "jit";
746     break;
747   }
748 }