1 //===-- Type.cpp ------------------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
2 //
3 // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4 // See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
5 // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
6 //
7 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
9 #include <stdio.h>
11 #include "lldb/Core/Module.h"
12 #include "lldb/Utility/DataBufferHeap.h"
13 #include "lldb/Utility/DataExtractor.h"
14 #include "lldb/Utility/Log.h"
15 #include "lldb/Utility/Scalar.h"
16 #include "lldb/Utility/StreamString.h"
18 #include "lldb/Symbol/CompilerType.h"
19 #include "lldb/Symbol/ObjectFile.h"
20 #include "lldb/Symbol/SymbolContextScope.h"
21 #include "lldb/Symbol/SymbolFile.h"
22 #include "lldb/Symbol/SymbolVendor.h"
23 #include "lldb/Symbol/Type.h"
24 #include "lldb/Symbol/TypeList.h"
25 #include "lldb/Symbol/TypeSystem.h"
27 #include "lldb/Target/ExecutionContext.h"
28 #include "lldb/Target/Process.h"
29 #include "lldb/Target/Target.h"
31 #include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
33 using namespace lldb;
34 using namespace lldb_private;
36 bool lldb_private::contextMatches(llvm::ArrayRef<CompilerContext> context_chain,
37                                   llvm::ArrayRef<CompilerContext> pattern) {
38   auto ctx = context_chain.begin();
39   auto ctx_end = context_chain.end();
40   for (const CompilerContext &pat : pattern) {
41     // Early exit if the pattern is too long.
42     if (ctx == ctx_end)
43       return false;
44     if (*ctx != pat) {
45       // Skip any number of module matches.
46       if (pat.kind == CompilerContextKind::AnyModule) {
47         // Greedily match 0..n modules.
48         ctx = std::find_if(ctx, ctx_end, [](const CompilerContext &ctx) {
49           return ctx.kind != CompilerContextKind::Module;
50         });
51         continue;
52       }
53       // See if there is a kind mismatch; they should have 1 bit in common.
54       if (((uint16_t)ctx->kind & (uint16_t)pat.kind) == 0)
55         return false;
56       // The name is ignored for AnyModule, but not for AnyType.
57       if (pat.kind != CompilerContextKind::AnyModule && ctx->name != pat.name)
58         return false;
59     }
60     ++ctx;
61   }
62   return true;
63 }
65 void CompilerContext::Dump() const {
66   switch (kind) {
67   default:
68     printf("Invalid");
69     break;
70   case CompilerContextKind::TranslationUnit:
71     printf("TranslationUnit");
72     break;
73   case CompilerContextKind::Module:
74     printf("Module");
75     break;
76   case CompilerContextKind::Namespace:
77     printf("Namespace");
78     break;
79   case CompilerContextKind::Class:
80     printf("Class");
81     break;
82   case CompilerContextKind::Struct:
83     printf("Structure");
84     break;
85   case CompilerContextKind::Union:
86     printf("Union");
87     break;
88   case CompilerContextKind::Function:
89     printf("Function");
90     break;
91   case CompilerContextKind::Variable:
92     printf("Variable");
93     break;
94   case CompilerContextKind::Enum:
95     printf("Enumeration");
96     break;
97   case CompilerContextKind::Typedef:
98     printf("Typedef");
99     break;
100   case CompilerContextKind::AnyModule:
101     printf("AnyModule");
102     break;
103   case CompilerContextKind::AnyType:
104     printf("AnyType");
105     break;
106   }
107   printf("(\"%s\")\n", name.GetCString());
108 }
110 class TypeAppendVisitor {
111 public:
112   TypeAppendVisitor(TypeListImpl &type_list) : m_type_list(type_list) {}
114   bool operator()(const lldb::TypeSP &type) {
115     m_type_list.Append(TypeImplSP(new TypeImpl(type)));
116     return true;
117   }
119 private:
120   TypeListImpl &m_type_list;
121 };
123 void TypeListImpl::Append(const lldb_private::TypeList &type_list) {
124   TypeAppendVisitor cb(*this);
125   type_list.ForEach(cb);
126 }
128 SymbolFileType::SymbolFileType(SymbolFile &symbol_file,
129                                const lldb::TypeSP &type_sp)
130     : UserID(type_sp ? type_sp->GetID() : LLDB_INVALID_UID),
131       m_symbol_file(symbol_file), m_type_sp(type_sp) {}
133 Type *SymbolFileType::GetType() {
134   if (!m_type_sp) {
135     Type *resolved_type = m_symbol_file.ResolveTypeUID(GetID());
136     if (resolved_type)
137       m_type_sp = resolved_type->shared_from_this();
138   }
139   return m_type_sp.get();
140 }
142 Type::Type(lldb::user_id_t uid, SymbolFile *symbol_file, ConstString name,
143            llvm::Optional<uint64_t> byte_size, SymbolContextScope *context,
144            user_id_t encoding_uid, EncodingDataType encoding_uid_type,
145            const Declaration &decl, const CompilerType &compiler_type,
146            ResolveState compiler_type_resolve_state)
147     : std::enable_shared_from_this<Type>(), UserID(uid), m_name(name),
148       m_symbol_file(symbol_file), m_context(context), m_encoding_type(nullptr),
149       m_encoding_uid(encoding_uid), m_encoding_uid_type(encoding_uid_type),
150       m_decl(decl), m_compiler_type(compiler_type),
151       m_compiler_type_resolve_state(
152           compiler_type ? compiler_type_resolve_state
153                         : ResolveState::Unresolved),
154       m_is_complete_objc_class(false) {
155   if (byte_size) {
156     m_byte_size = *byte_size;
157     m_byte_size_has_value = true;
158   } else {
159     m_byte_size = 0;
160     m_byte_size_has_value = false;
161   }
162 }
164 Type::Type()
165     : std::enable_shared_from_this<Type>(), UserID(0), m_name("<INVALID TYPE>"),
166       m_symbol_file(nullptr), m_context(nullptr), m_encoding_type(nullptr),
167       m_encoding_uid(LLDB_INVALID_UID), m_encoding_uid_type(eEncodingInvalid),
168       m_compiler_type_resolve_state(ResolveState::Unresolved) {
169   m_byte_size = 0;
170   m_byte_size_has_value = false;
171 }
173 void Type::GetDescription(Stream *s, lldb::DescriptionLevel level,
174                           bool show_name) {
175   *s << "id = " << (const UserID &)*this;
177   // Call the name accessor to make sure we resolve the type name
178   if (show_name) {
179     ConstString type_name = GetName();
180     if (type_name) {
181       *s << ", name = \"" << type_name << '"';
182       ConstString qualified_type_name(GetQualifiedName());
183       if (qualified_type_name != type_name) {
184         *s << ", qualified = \"" << qualified_type_name << '"';
185       }
186     }
187   }
189   // Call the get byte size accesor so we resolve our byte size
190   if (GetByteSize())
191     s->Printf(", byte-size = %" PRIu64, m_byte_size);
192   bool show_fullpaths = (level == lldb::eDescriptionLevelVerbose);
193   m_decl.Dump(s, show_fullpaths);
195   if (m_compiler_type.IsValid()) {
196     *s << ", compiler_type = \"";
197     GetForwardCompilerType().DumpTypeDescription(s);
198     *s << '"';
199   } else if (m_encoding_uid != LLDB_INVALID_UID) {
200     s->Printf(", type_uid = 0x%8.8" PRIx64, m_encoding_uid);
201     switch (m_encoding_uid_type) {
202     case eEncodingInvalid:
203       break;
204     case eEncodingIsUID:
205       s->PutCString(" (unresolved type)");
206       break;
207     case eEncodingIsConstUID:
208       s->PutCString(" (unresolved const type)");
209       break;
210     case eEncodingIsRestrictUID:
211       s->PutCString(" (unresolved restrict type)");
212       break;
213     case eEncodingIsVolatileUID:
214       s->PutCString(" (unresolved volatile type)");
215       break;
216     case eEncodingIsAtomicUID:
217       s->PutCString(" (unresolved atomic type)");
218       break;
219     case eEncodingIsTypedefUID:
220       s->PutCString(" (unresolved typedef)");
221       break;
222     case eEncodingIsPointerUID:
223       s->PutCString(" (unresolved pointer)");
224       break;
225     case eEncodingIsLValueReferenceUID:
226       s->PutCString(" (unresolved L value reference)");
227       break;
228     case eEncodingIsRValueReferenceUID:
229       s->PutCString(" (unresolved R value reference)");
230       break;
231     case eEncodingIsSyntheticUID:
232       s->PutCString(" (synthetic type)");
233       break;
234     }
235   }
236 }
238 void Type::Dump(Stream *s, bool show_context) {
239   s->Printf("%p: ", static_cast<void *>(this));
240   s->Indent();
241   *s << "Type" << static_cast<const UserID &>(*this) << ' ';
242   if (m_name)
243     *s << ", name = \"" << m_name << "\"";
245   if (m_byte_size_has_value)
246     s->Printf(", size = %" PRIu64, m_byte_size);
248   if (show_context && m_context != nullptr) {
249     s->PutCString(", context = ( ");
250     m_context->DumpSymbolContext(s);
251     s->PutCString(" )");
252   }
254   bool show_fullpaths = false;
255   m_decl.Dump(s, show_fullpaths);
257   if (m_compiler_type.IsValid()) {
258     *s << ", compiler_type = " << m_compiler_type.GetOpaqueQualType() << ' ';
259     GetForwardCompilerType().DumpTypeDescription(s);
260   } else if (m_encoding_uid != LLDB_INVALID_UID) {
261     s->Format(", type_data = {0:x-16}", m_encoding_uid);
262     switch (m_encoding_uid_type) {
263     case eEncodingInvalid:
264       break;
265     case eEncodingIsUID:
266       s->PutCString(" (unresolved type)");
267       break;
268     case eEncodingIsConstUID:
269       s->PutCString(" (unresolved const type)");
270       break;
271     case eEncodingIsRestrictUID:
272       s->PutCString(" (unresolved restrict type)");
273       break;
274     case eEncodingIsVolatileUID:
275       s->PutCString(" (unresolved volatile type)");
276       break;
277     case eEncodingIsAtomicUID:
278       s->PutCString(" (unresolved atomic type)");
279       break;
280     case eEncodingIsTypedefUID:
281       s->PutCString(" (unresolved typedef)");
282       break;
283     case eEncodingIsPointerUID:
284       s->PutCString(" (unresolved pointer)");
285       break;
286     case eEncodingIsLValueReferenceUID:
287       s->PutCString(" (unresolved L value reference)");
288       break;
289     case eEncodingIsRValueReferenceUID:
290       s->PutCString(" (unresolved R value reference)");
291       break;
292     case eEncodingIsSyntheticUID:
293       s->PutCString(" (synthetic type)");
294       break;
295     }
296   }
298   //
299   //  if (m_access)
300   //      s->Printf(", access = %u", m_access);
301   s->EOL();
302 }
304 ConstString Type::GetName() {
305   if (!m_name)
306     m_name = GetForwardCompilerType().GetConstTypeName();
307   return m_name;
308 }
310 void Type::DumpTypeName(Stream *s) { GetName().Dump(s, "<invalid-type-name>"); }
312 void Type::DumpValue(ExecutionContext *exe_ctx, Stream *s,
313                      const DataExtractor &data, uint32_t data_byte_offset,
314                      bool show_types, bool show_summary, bool verbose,
315                      lldb::Format format) {
316   if (ResolveClangType(ResolveState::Forward)) {
317     if (show_types) {
318       s->PutChar('(');
319       if (verbose)
320         s->Printf("Type{0x%8.8" PRIx64 "} ", GetID());
321       DumpTypeName(s);
322       s->PutCString(") ");
323     }
325     GetForwardCompilerType().DumpValue(
326         exe_ctx, s, format == lldb::eFormatDefault ? GetFormat() : format, data,
327         data_byte_offset, GetByteSize().getValueOr(0),
328         0, // Bitfield bit size
329         0, // Bitfield bit offset
330         show_types, show_summary, verbose, 0);
331   }
332 }
334 Type *Type::GetEncodingType() {
335   if (m_encoding_type == nullptr && m_encoding_uid != LLDB_INVALID_UID)
336     m_encoding_type = m_symbol_file->ResolveTypeUID(m_encoding_uid);
337   return m_encoding_type;
338 }
340 llvm::Optional<uint64_t> Type::GetByteSize() {
341   if (m_byte_size_has_value)
342     return m_byte_size;
344   switch (m_encoding_uid_type) {
345   case eEncodingInvalid:
346   case eEncodingIsSyntheticUID:
347     break;
348   case eEncodingIsUID:
349   case eEncodingIsConstUID:
350   case eEncodingIsRestrictUID:
351   case eEncodingIsVolatileUID:
352   case eEncodingIsAtomicUID:
353   case eEncodingIsTypedefUID: {
354     Type *encoding_type = GetEncodingType();
355     if (encoding_type)
356       if (llvm::Optional<uint64_t> size = encoding_type->GetByteSize()) {
357         m_byte_size = *size;
358         m_byte_size_has_value = true;
359         return m_byte_size;
360       }
362     if (llvm::Optional<uint64_t> size =
363             GetLayoutCompilerType().GetByteSize(nullptr)) {
364       m_byte_size = *size;
365       m_byte_size_has_value = true;
366         return m_byte_size;
367     }
368   } break;
370     // If we are a pointer or reference, then this is just a pointer size;
371     case eEncodingIsPointerUID:
372     case eEncodingIsLValueReferenceUID:
373     case eEncodingIsRValueReferenceUID: {
374       if (ArchSpec arch = m_symbol_file->GetObjectFile()->GetArchitecture()) {
375         m_byte_size = arch.GetAddressByteSize();
376         m_byte_size_has_value = true;
377       }
378     } break;
379   }
380   return {};
381 }
383 uint32_t Type::GetNumChildren(bool omit_empty_base_classes) {
384   return GetForwardCompilerType().GetNumChildren(omit_empty_base_classes, nullptr);
385 }
387 bool Type::IsAggregateType() {
388   return GetForwardCompilerType().IsAggregateType();
389 }
391 lldb::TypeSP Type::GetTypedefType() {
392   lldb::TypeSP type_sp;
393   if (IsTypedef()) {
394     Type *typedef_type = m_symbol_file->ResolveTypeUID(m_encoding_uid);
395     if (typedef_type)
396       type_sp = typedef_type->shared_from_this();
397   }
398   return type_sp;
399 }
401 lldb::Format Type::GetFormat() { return GetForwardCompilerType().GetFormat(); }
403 lldb::Encoding Type::GetEncoding(uint64_t &count) {
404   // Make sure we resolve our type if it already hasn't been.
405   return GetForwardCompilerType().GetEncoding(count);
406 }
408 bool Type::DumpValueInMemory(ExecutionContext *exe_ctx, Stream *s,
409                              lldb::addr_t address, AddressType address_type,
410                              bool show_types, bool show_summary, bool verbose) {
411   if (address != LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS) {
412     DataExtractor data;
413     Target *target = nullptr;
414     if (exe_ctx)
415       target = exe_ctx->GetTargetPtr();
416     if (target)
417       data.SetByteOrder(target->GetArchitecture().GetByteOrder());
418     if (ReadFromMemory(exe_ctx, address, address_type, data)) {
419       DumpValue(exe_ctx, s, data, 0, show_types, show_summary, verbose);
420       return true;
421     }
422   }
423   return false;
424 }
426 bool Type::ReadFromMemory(ExecutionContext *exe_ctx, lldb::addr_t addr,
427                           AddressType address_type, DataExtractor &data) {
428   if (address_type == eAddressTypeFile) {
429     // Can't convert a file address to anything valid without more context
430     // (which Module it came from)
431     return false;
432   }
434   const uint64_t byte_size = GetByteSize().getValueOr(0);
435   if (data.GetByteSize() < byte_size) {
436     lldb::DataBufferSP data_sp(new DataBufferHeap(byte_size, '\0'));
437     data.SetData(data_sp);
438   }
440   uint8_t *dst = const_cast<uint8_t *>(data.PeekData(0, byte_size));
441   if (dst != nullptr) {
442     if (address_type == eAddressTypeHost) {
443       // The address is an address in this process, so just copy it
444       if (addr == 0)
445         return false;
446       memcpy(dst, reinterpret_cast<uint8_t *>(addr), byte_size);
447       return true;
448     } else {
449       if (exe_ctx) {
450         Process *process = exe_ctx->GetProcessPtr();
451         if (process) {
452           Status error;
453           return exe_ctx->GetProcessPtr()->ReadMemory(addr, dst, byte_size,
454                                                       error) == byte_size;
455         }
456       }
457     }
458   }
459   return false;
460 }
462 bool Type::WriteToMemory(ExecutionContext *exe_ctx, lldb::addr_t addr,
463                          AddressType address_type, DataExtractor &data) {
464   return false;
465 }
467 const Declaration &Type::GetDeclaration() const { return m_decl; }
469 bool Type::ResolveClangType(ResolveState compiler_type_resolve_state) {
470   // TODO: This needs to consider the correct type system to use.
471   Type *encoding_type = nullptr;
472   if (!m_compiler_type.IsValid()) {
473     encoding_type = GetEncodingType();
474     if (encoding_type) {
475       switch (m_encoding_uid_type) {
476       case eEncodingIsUID: {
477         CompilerType encoding_compiler_type =
478             encoding_type->GetForwardCompilerType();
479         if (encoding_compiler_type.IsValid()) {
480           m_compiler_type = encoding_compiler_type;
481           m_compiler_type_resolve_state =
482               encoding_type->m_compiler_type_resolve_state;
483         }
484       } break;
486       case eEncodingIsConstUID:
487         m_compiler_type =
488             encoding_type->GetForwardCompilerType().AddConstModifier();
489         break;
491       case eEncodingIsRestrictUID:
492         m_compiler_type =
493             encoding_type->GetForwardCompilerType().AddRestrictModifier();
494         break;
496       case eEncodingIsVolatileUID:
497         m_compiler_type =
498             encoding_type->GetForwardCompilerType().AddVolatileModifier();
499         break;
501       case eEncodingIsAtomicUID:
502         m_compiler_type =
503             encoding_type->GetForwardCompilerType().GetAtomicType();
504         break;
506       case eEncodingIsTypedefUID:
507         m_compiler_type = encoding_type->GetForwardCompilerType().CreateTypedef(
508             m_name.AsCString("__lldb_invalid_typedef_name"),
509             GetSymbolFile()->GetDeclContextContainingUID(GetID()));
510         m_name.Clear();
511         break;
513       case eEncodingIsPointerUID:
514         m_compiler_type =
515             encoding_type->GetForwardCompilerType().GetPointerType();
516         break;
518       case eEncodingIsLValueReferenceUID:
519         m_compiler_type =
520             encoding_type->GetForwardCompilerType().GetLValueReferenceType();
521         break;
523       case eEncodingIsRValueReferenceUID:
524         m_compiler_type =
525             encoding_type->GetForwardCompilerType().GetRValueReferenceType();
526         break;
528       default:
529         llvm_unreachable("Unhandled encoding_data_type.");
530       }
531     } else {
532       // We have no encoding type, return void?
533       auto type_system_or_err =
534           m_symbol_file->GetTypeSystemForLanguage(eLanguageTypeC);
535       if (auto err = type_system_or_err.takeError()) {
536         LLDB_LOG_ERROR(
537             lldb_private::GetLogIfAnyCategoriesSet(LIBLLDB_LOG_SYMBOLS),
538             std::move(err),
539             "Unable to construct void type from ClangASTContext");
540       } else {
541         CompilerType void_compiler_type =
542             type_system_or_err->GetBasicTypeFromAST(eBasicTypeVoid);
543         switch (m_encoding_uid_type) {
544         case eEncodingIsUID:
545           m_compiler_type = void_compiler_type;
546           break;
548         case eEncodingIsConstUID:
549           m_compiler_type = void_compiler_type.AddConstModifier();
550           break;
552         case eEncodingIsRestrictUID:
553           m_compiler_type = void_compiler_type.AddRestrictModifier();
554           break;
556         case eEncodingIsVolatileUID:
557           m_compiler_type = void_compiler_type.AddVolatileModifier();
558           break;
560         case eEncodingIsAtomicUID:
561           m_compiler_type = void_compiler_type.GetAtomicType();
562           break;
564         case eEncodingIsTypedefUID:
565           m_compiler_type = void_compiler_type.CreateTypedef(
566               m_name.AsCString("__lldb_invalid_typedef_name"),
567               GetSymbolFile()->GetDeclContextContainingUID(GetID()));
568           break;
570         case eEncodingIsPointerUID:
571           m_compiler_type = void_compiler_type.GetPointerType();
572           break;
574         case eEncodingIsLValueReferenceUID:
575           m_compiler_type = void_compiler_type.GetLValueReferenceType();
576           break;
578         case eEncodingIsRValueReferenceUID:
579           m_compiler_type = void_compiler_type.GetRValueReferenceType();
580           break;
582         default:
583           llvm_unreachable("Unhandled encoding_data_type.");
584         }
585       }
586     }
588     // When we have a EncodingUID, our "m_flags.compiler_type_resolve_state" is
589     // set to eResolveStateUnresolved so we need to update it to say that we
590     // now have a forward declaration since that is what we created above.
591     if (m_compiler_type.IsValid())
592       m_compiler_type_resolve_state = ResolveState::Forward;
593   }
595   // Check if we have a forward reference to a class/struct/union/enum?
596   if (compiler_type_resolve_state == ResolveState::Layout ||
597       compiler_type_resolve_state == ResolveState::Full) {
598     // Check if we have a forward reference to a class/struct/union/enum?
599     if (m_compiler_type.IsValid() &&
600         m_compiler_type_resolve_state < compiler_type_resolve_state) {
601       m_compiler_type_resolve_state = ResolveState::Full;
602       if (!m_compiler_type.IsDefined()) {
603         // We have a forward declaration, we need to resolve it to a complete
604         // definition.
605         m_symbol_file->CompleteType(m_compiler_type);
606       }
607     }
608   }
610   // If we have an encoding type, then we need to make sure it is resolved
611   // appropriately.
612   if (m_encoding_uid != LLDB_INVALID_UID) {
613     if (encoding_type == nullptr)
614       encoding_type = GetEncodingType();
615     if (encoding_type) {
616       ResolveState encoding_compiler_type_resolve_state =
617           compiler_type_resolve_state;
619       if (compiler_type_resolve_state == ResolveState::Layout) {
620         switch (m_encoding_uid_type) {
621         case eEncodingIsPointerUID:
622         case eEncodingIsLValueReferenceUID:
623         case eEncodingIsRValueReferenceUID:
624           encoding_compiler_type_resolve_state = ResolveState::Forward;
625           break;
626         default:
627           break;
628         }
629       }
630       encoding_type->ResolveClangType(encoding_compiler_type_resolve_state);
631     }
632   }
633   return m_compiler_type.IsValid();
634 }
635 uint32_t Type::GetEncodingMask() {
636   uint32_t encoding_mask = 1u << m_encoding_uid_type;
637   Type *encoding_type = GetEncodingType();
638   assert(encoding_type != this);
639   if (encoding_type)
640     encoding_mask |= encoding_type->GetEncodingMask();
641   return encoding_mask;
642 }
644 CompilerType Type::GetFullCompilerType() {
645   ResolveClangType(ResolveState::Full);
646   return m_compiler_type;
647 }
649 CompilerType Type::GetLayoutCompilerType() {
650   ResolveClangType(ResolveState::Layout);
651   return m_compiler_type;
652 }
654 CompilerType Type::GetForwardCompilerType() {
655   ResolveClangType(ResolveState::Forward);
656   return m_compiler_type;
657 }
659 ConstString Type::GetQualifiedName() {
660   return GetForwardCompilerType().GetConstTypeName();
661 }
663 bool Type::GetTypeScopeAndBasename(const llvm::StringRef& name,
664                                    llvm::StringRef &scope,
665                                    llvm::StringRef &basename,
666                                    TypeClass &type_class) {
667   type_class = eTypeClassAny;
669   if (name.empty())
670     return false;
672   basename = name;
673   if (basename.consume_front("struct "))
674     type_class = eTypeClassStruct;
675   else if (basename.consume_front("class "))
676     type_class = eTypeClassClass;
677   else if (basename.consume_front("union "))
678     type_class = eTypeClassUnion;
679   else if (basename.consume_front("enum "))
680     type_class = eTypeClassEnumeration;
681   else if (basename.consume_front("typedef "))
682     type_class = eTypeClassTypedef;
684   size_t namespace_separator = basename.find("::");
685   if (namespace_separator == llvm::StringRef::npos)
686     return false;
688   size_t template_begin = basename.find('<');
689   while (namespace_separator != llvm::StringRef::npos) {
690     if (template_begin != llvm::StringRef::npos &&
691         namespace_separator > template_begin) {
692       size_t template_depth = 1;
693       llvm::StringRef template_arg =
694           basename.drop_front(template_begin + 1);
695       while (template_depth > 0 && !template_arg.empty()) {
696         if (template_arg.front() == '<')
697           template_depth++;
698         else if (template_arg.front() == '>')
699           template_depth--;
700         template_arg = template_arg.drop_front(1);
701       }
702       if (template_depth != 0)
703         return false; // We have an invalid type name. Bail out.
704       if (template_arg.empty())
705         break; // The template ends at the end of the full name.
706       basename = template_arg;
707     } else {
708       basename = basename.drop_front(namespace_separator + 2);
709     }
710     template_begin = basename.find('<');
711     namespace_separator = basename.find("::");
712   }
713   if (basename.size() < name.size()) {
714     scope = name.take_front(name.size() - basename.size());
715     return true;
716   }
717   return false;
718 }
720 ModuleSP Type::GetModule() {
721   if (m_symbol_file)
722     return m_symbol_file->GetObjectFile()->GetModule();
723   return ModuleSP();
724 }
726 TypeAndOrName::TypeAndOrName(TypeSP &in_type_sp) {
727   if (in_type_sp) {
728     m_compiler_type = in_type_sp->GetForwardCompilerType();
729     m_type_name = in_type_sp->GetName();
730   }
731 }
733 TypeAndOrName::TypeAndOrName(const char *in_type_str)
734     : m_type_name(in_type_str) {}
736 TypeAndOrName::TypeAndOrName(ConstString &in_type_const_string)
737     : m_type_name(in_type_const_string) {}
739 bool TypeAndOrName::operator==(const TypeAndOrName &other) const {
740   if (m_compiler_type != other.m_compiler_type)
741     return false;
742   if (m_type_name != other.m_type_name)
743     return false;
744   return true;
745 }
747 bool TypeAndOrName::operator!=(const TypeAndOrName &other) const {
748   return !(*this == other);
749 }
751 ConstString TypeAndOrName::GetName() const {
752   if (m_type_name)
753     return m_type_name;
754   if (m_compiler_type)
755     return m_compiler_type.GetTypeName();
756   return ConstString("<invalid>");
757 }
759 void TypeAndOrName::SetName(ConstString type_name) {
760   m_type_name = type_name;
761 }
763 void TypeAndOrName::SetName(const char *type_name_cstr) {
764   m_type_name.SetCString(type_name_cstr);
765 }
767 void TypeAndOrName::SetTypeSP(lldb::TypeSP type_sp) {
768   if (type_sp) {
769     m_compiler_type = type_sp->GetForwardCompilerType();
770     m_type_name = type_sp->GetName();
771   } else
772     Clear();
773 }
775 void TypeAndOrName::SetCompilerType(CompilerType compiler_type) {
776   m_compiler_type = compiler_type;
777   if (m_compiler_type)
778     m_type_name = m_compiler_type.GetTypeName();
779 }
781 bool TypeAndOrName::IsEmpty() const {
782   return !((bool)m_type_name || (bool)m_compiler_type);
783 }
785 void TypeAndOrName::Clear() {
786   m_type_name.Clear();
787   m_compiler_type.Clear();
788 }
790 bool TypeAndOrName::HasName() const { return (bool)m_type_name; }
792 bool TypeAndOrName::HasCompilerType() const {
793   return m_compiler_type.IsValid();
794 }
796 TypeImpl::TypeImpl(const lldb::TypeSP &type_sp)
797     : m_module_wp(), m_static_type(), m_dynamic_type() {
798   SetType(type_sp);
799 }
801 TypeImpl::TypeImpl(const CompilerType &compiler_type)
802     : m_module_wp(), m_static_type(), m_dynamic_type() {
803   SetType(compiler_type);
804 }
806 TypeImpl::TypeImpl(const lldb::TypeSP &type_sp, const CompilerType &dynamic)
807     : m_module_wp(), m_static_type(), m_dynamic_type(dynamic) {
808   SetType(type_sp, dynamic);
809 }
811 TypeImpl::TypeImpl(const CompilerType &static_type,
812                    const CompilerType &dynamic_type)
813     : m_module_wp(), m_static_type(), m_dynamic_type() {
814   SetType(static_type, dynamic_type);
815 }
817 void TypeImpl::SetType(const lldb::TypeSP &type_sp) {
818   if (type_sp) {
819     m_static_type = type_sp->GetForwardCompilerType();
820     m_module_wp = type_sp->GetModule();
821   } else {
822     m_static_type.Clear();
823     m_module_wp = lldb::ModuleWP();
824   }
825 }
827 void TypeImpl::SetType(const CompilerType &compiler_type) {
828   m_module_wp = lldb::ModuleWP();
829   m_static_type = compiler_type;
830 }
832 void TypeImpl::SetType(const lldb::TypeSP &type_sp,
833                        const CompilerType &dynamic) {
834   SetType(type_sp);
835   m_dynamic_type = dynamic;
836 }
838 void TypeImpl::SetType(const CompilerType &compiler_type,
839                        const CompilerType &dynamic) {
840   m_module_wp = lldb::ModuleWP();
841   m_static_type = compiler_type;
842   m_dynamic_type = dynamic;
843 }
845 bool TypeImpl::CheckModule(lldb::ModuleSP &module_sp) const {
846   // Check if we have a module for this type. If we do and the shared pointer
847   // is can be successfully initialized with m_module_wp, return true. Else
848   // return false if we didn't have a module, or if we had a module and it has
849   // been deleted. Any functions doing anything with a TypeSP in this TypeImpl
850   // class should call this function and only do anything with the ivars if
851   // this function returns true. If we have a module, the "module_sp" will be
852   // filled in with a strong reference to the module so that the module will at
853   // least stay around long enough for the type query to succeed.
854   module_sp = m_module_wp.lock();
855   if (!module_sp) {
856     lldb::ModuleWP empty_module_wp;
857     // If either call to "std::weak_ptr::owner_before(...) value returns true,
858     // this indicates that m_module_wp once contained (possibly still does) a
859     // reference to a valid shared pointer. This helps us know if we had a
860     // valid reference to a section which is now invalid because the module it
861     // was in was deleted
862     if (empty_module_wp.owner_before(m_module_wp) ||
863         m_module_wp.owner_before(empty_module_wp)) {
864       // m_module_wp had a valid reference to a module, but all strong
865       // references have been released and the module has been deleted
866       return false;
867     }
868   }
869   // We either successfully locked the module, or didn't have one to begin with
870   return true;
871 }
873 bool TypeImpl::operator==(const TypeImpl &rhs) const {
874   return m_static_type == rhs.m_static_type &&
875          m_dynamic_type == rhs.m_dynamic_type;
876 }
878 bool TypeImpl::operator!=(const TypeImpl &rhs) const {
879   return !(*this == rhs);
880 }
882 bool TypeImpl::IsValid() const {
883   // just a name is not valid
884   ModuleSP module_sp;
885   if (CheckModule(module_sp))
886     return m_static_type.IsValid() || m_dynamic_type.IsValid();
887   return false;
888 }
890 TypeImpl::operator bool() const { return IsValid(); }
892 void TypeImpl::Clear() {
893   m_module_wp = lldb::ModuleWP();
894   m_static_type.Clear();
895   m_dynamic_type.Clear();
896 }
898 ConstString TypeImpl::GetName() const {
899   ModuleSP module_sp;
900   if (CheckModule(module_sp)) {
901     if (m_dynamic_type)
902       return m_dynamic_type.GetTypeName();
903     return m_static_type.GetTypeName();
904   }
905   return ConstString();
906 }
908 ConstString TypeImpl::GetDisplayTypeName() const {
909   ModuleSP module_sp;
910   if (CheckModule(module_sp)) {
911     if (m_dynamic_type)
912       return m_dynamic_type.GetDisplayTypeName();
913     return m_static_type.GetDisplayTypeName();
914   }
915   return ConstString();
916 }
918 TypeImpl TypeImpl::GetPointerType() const {
919   ModuleSP module_sp;
920   if (CheckModule(module_sp)) {
921     if (m_dynamic_type.IsValid()) {
922       return TypeImpl(m_static_type.GetPointerType(),
923                       m_dynamic_type.GetPointerType());
924     }
925     return TypeImpl(m_static_type.GetPointerType());
926   }
927   return TypeImpl();
928 }
930 TypeImpl TypeImpl::GetPointeeType() const {
931   ModuleSP module_sp;
932   if (CheckModule(module_sp)) {
933     if (m_dynamic_type.IsValid()) {
934       return TypeImpl(m_static_type.GetPointeeType(),
935                       m_dynamic_type.GetPointeeType());
936     }
937     return TypeImpl(m_static_type.GetPointeeType());
938   }
939   return TypeImpl();
940 }
942 TypeImpl TypeImpl::GetReferenceType() const {
943   ModuleSP module_sp;
944   if (CheckModule(module_sp)) {
945     if (m_dynamic_type.IsValid()) {
946       return TypeImpl(m_static_type.GetLValueReferenceType(),
947                       m_dynamic_type.GetLValueReferenceType());
948     }
949     return TypeImpl(m_static_type.GetLValueReferenceType());
950   }
951   return TypeImpl();
952 }
954 TypeImpl TypeImpl::GetTypedefedType() const {
955   ModuleSP module_sp;
956   if (CheckModule(module_sp)) {
957     if (m_dynamic_type.IsValid()) {
958       return TypeImpl(m_static_type.GetTypedefedType(),
959                       m_dynamic_type.GetTypedefedType());
960     }
961     return TypeImpl(m_static_type.GetTypedefedType());
962   }
963   return TypeImpl();
964 }
966 TypeImpl TypeImpl::GetDereferencedType() const {
967   ModuleSP module_sp;
968   if (CheckModule(module_sp)) {
969     if (m_dynamic_type.IsValid()) {
970       return TypeImpl(m_static_type.GetNonReferenceType(),
971                       m_dynamic_type.GetNonReferenceType());
972     }
973     return TypeImpl(m_static_type.GetNonReferenceType());
974   }
975   return TypeImpl();
976 }
978 TypeImpl TypeImpl::GetUnqualifiedType() const {
979   ModuleSP module_sp;
980   if (CheckModule(module_sp)) {
981     if (m_dynamic_type.IsValid()) {
982       return TypeImpl(m_static_type.GetFullyUnqualifiedType(),
983                       m_dynamic_type.GetFullyUnqualifiedType());
984     }
985     return TypeImpl(m_static_type.GetFullyUnqualifiedType());
986   }
987   return TypeImpl();
988 }
990 TypeImpl TypeImpl::GetCanonicalType() const {
991   ModuleSP module_sp;
992   if (CheckModule(module_sp)) {
993     if (m_dynamic_type.IsValid()) {
994       return TypeImpl(m_static_type.GetCanonicalType(),
995                       m_dynamic_type.GetCanonicalType());
996     }
997     return TypeImpl(m_static_type.GetCanonicalType());
998   }
999   return TypeImpl();
1000 }
1002 CompilerType TypeImpl::GetCompilerType(bool prefer_dynamic) {
1003   ModuleSP module_sp;
1004   if (CheckModule(module_sp)) {
1005     if (prefer_dynamic) {
1006       if (m_dynamic_type.IsValid())
1007         return m_dynamic_type;
1008     }
1009     return m_static_type;
1010   }
1011   return CompilerType();
1012 }
1014 TypeSystem *TypeImpl::GetTypeSystem(bool prefer_dynamic) {
1015   ModuleSP module_sp;
1016   if (CheckModule(module_sp)) {
1017     if (prefer_dynamic) {
1018       if (m_dynamic_type.IsValid())
1019         return m_dynamic_type.GetTypeSystem();
1020     }
1021     return m_static_type.GetTypeSystem();
1022   }
1023   return nullptr;
1024 }
1026 bool TypeImpl::GetDescription(lldb_private::Stream &strm,
1027                               lldb::DescriptionLevel description_level) {
1028   ModuleSP module_sp;
1029   if (CheckModule(module_sp)) {
1030     if (m_dynamic_type.IsValid()) {
1031       strm.Printf("Dynamic:\n");
1032       m_dynamic_type.DumpTypeDescription(&strm);
1033       strm.Printf("\nStatic:\n");
1034     }
1035     m_static_type.DumpTypeDescription(&strm);
1036   } else {
1037     strm.PutCString("Invalid TypeImpl module for type has been deleted\n");
1038   }
1039   return true;
1040 }
1042 bool TypeMemberFunctionImpl::IsValid() {
1043   return m_type.IsValid() && m_kind != lldb::eMemberFunctionKindUnknown;
1044 }
1046 ConstString TypeMemberFunctionImpl::GetName() const { return m_name; }
1048 ConstString TypeMemberFunctionImpl::GetMangledName() const {
1049   return m_decl.GetMangledName();
1050 }
1052 CompilerType TypeMemberFunctionImpl::GetType() const { return m_type; }
1054 lldb::MemberFunctionKind TypeMemberFunctionImpl::GetKind() const {
1055   return m_kind;
1056 }
1058 bool TypeMemberFunctionImpl::GetDescription(Stream &stream) {
1059   switch (m_kind) {
1060   case lldb::eMemberFunctionKindUnknown:
1061     return false;
1062   case lldb::eMemberFunctionKindConstructor:
1063     stream.Printf("constructor for %s",
1064                   m_type.GetTypeName().AsCString("<unknown>"));
1065     break;
1066   case lldb::eMemberFunctionKindDestructor:
1067     stream.Printf("destructor for %s",
1068                   m_type.GetTypeName().AsCString("<unknown>"));
1069     break;
1070   case lldb::eMemberFunctionKindInstanceMethod:
1071     stream.Printf("instance method %s of type %s", m_name.AsCString(),
1072                   m_decl.GetDeclContext().GetName().AsCString());
1073     break;
1074   case lldb::eMemberFunctionKindStaticMethod:
1075     stream.Printf("static method %s of type %s", m_name.AsCString(),
1076                   m_decl.GetDeclContext().GetName().AsCString());
1077     break;
1078   }
1079   return true;
1080 }
1082 CompilerType TypeMemberFunctionImpl::GetReturnType() const {
1083   if (m_type)
1084     return m_type.GetFunctionReturnType();
1085   return m_decl.GetFunctionReturnType();
1086 }
1088 size_t TypeMemberFunctionImpl::GetNumArguments() const {
1089   if (m_type)
1090     return m_type.GetNumberOfFunctionArguments();
1091   else
1092     return m_decl.GetNumFunctionArguments();
1093 }
1095 CompilerType TypeMemberFunctionImpl::GetArgumentAtIndex(size_t idx) const {
1096   if (m_type)
1097     return m_type.GetFunctionArgumentAtIndex(idx);
1098   else
1099     return m_decl.GetFunctionArgumentType(idx);
1100 }
1102 TypeEnumMemberImpl::TypeEnumMemberImpl(const lldb::TypeImplSP &integer_type_sp,
1103                                        ConstString name,
1104                                        const llvm::APSInt &value)
1105     : m_integer_type_sp(integer_type_sp), m_name(name), m_value(value),
1106       m_valid((bool)name && (bool)integer_type_sp)
1108 {}