1 //===-- LanguageRuntime.cpp -----------------------------------------------===//
2 //
3 // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4 // See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
5 // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
6 //
7 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
9 #include "lldb/Target/LanguageRuntime.h"
10 #include "lldb/Core/PluginManager.h"
11 #include "lldb/Core/SearchFilter.h"
12 #include "lldb/Interpreter/CommandInterpreter.h"
13 #include "lldb/Target/Language.h"
14 #include "lldb/Target/Target.h"
16 using namespace lldb;
17 using namespace lldb_private;
19 char LanguageRuntime::ID = 0;
21 ExceptionSearchFilter::ExceptionSearchFilter(const lldb::TargetSP &target_sp,
22                                              lldb::LanguageType language,
23                                              bool update_module_list)
24     : SearchFilter(target_sp, FilterTy::Exception), m_language(language),
25       m_language_runtime(nullptr), m_filter_sp() {
26   if (update_module_list)
27     UpdateModuleListIfNeeded();
28 }
30 bool ExceptionSearchFilter::ModulePasses(const lldb::ModuleSP &module_sp) {
31   UpdateModuleListIfNeeded();
32   if (m_filter_sp)
33     return m_filter_sp->ModulePasses(module_sp);
34   return false;
35 }
37 bool ExceptionSearchFilter::ModulePasses(const FileSpec &spec) {
38   UpdateModuleListIfNeeded();
39   if (m_filter_sp)
40     return m_filter_sp->ModulePasses(spec);
41   return false;
42 }
44 void ExceptionSearchFilter::Search(Searcher &searcher) {
45   UpdateModuleListIfNeeded();
46   if (m_filter_sp)
47     m_filter_sp->Search(searcher);
48 }
50 void ExceptionSearchFilter::GetDescription(Stream *s) {
51   UpdateModuleListIfNeeded();
52   if (m_filter_sp)
53     m_filter_sp->GetDescription(s);
54 }
56 void ExceptionSearchFilter::UpdateModuleListIfNeeded() {
57   ProcessSP process_sp(m_target_sp->GetProcessSP());
58   if (process_sp) {
59     bool refreash_filter = !m_filter_sp;
60     if (m_language_runtime == nullptr) {
61       m_language_runtime = process_sp->GetLanguageRuntime(m_language);
62       refreash_filter = true;
63     } else {
64       LanguageRuntime *language_runtime =
65           process_sp->GetLanguageRuntime(m_language);
66       if (m_language_runtime != language_runtime) {
67         m_language_runtime = language_runtime;
68         refreash_filter = true;
69       }
70     }
72     if (refreash_filter && m_language_runtime) {
73       m_filter_sp = m_language_runtime->CreateExceptionSearchFilter();
74     }
75   } else {
76     m_filter_sp.reset();
77     m_language_runtime = nullptr;
78   }
79 }
81 SearchFilterSP ExceptionSearchFilter::DoCreateCopy() {
82   return SearchFilterSP(
83       new ExceptionSearchFilter(TargetSP(), m_language, false));
84 }
86 SearchFilter *ExceptionSearchFilter::CreateFromStructuredData(
87     Target &target, const StructuredData::Dictionary &data_dict,
88     Status &error) {
89   SearchFilter *result = nullptr;
90   return result;
91 }
93 StructuredData::ObjectSP ExceptionSearchFilter::SerializeToStructuredData() {
94   StructuredData::ObjectSP result_sp;
96   return result_sp;
97 }
99 // The Target is the one that knows how to create breakpoints, so this function
100 // is meant to be used either by the target or internally in
101 // Set/ClearExceptionBreakpoints.
102 class ExceptionBreakpointResolver : public BreakpointResolver {
103 public:
104   ExceptionBreakpointResolver(lldb::LanguageType language, bool catch_bp,
105                               bool throw_bp)
106       : BreakpointResolver(nullptr, BreakpointResolver::ExceptionResolver),
107         m_language(language), m_language_runtime(nullptr), m_catch_bp(catch_bp),
108         m_throw_bp(throw_bp) {}
110   ~ExceptionBreakpointResolver() override = default;
112   Searcher::CallbackReturn SearchCallback(SearchFilter &filter,
113                                           SymbolContext &context,
114                                           Address *addr) override {
116     if (SetActualResolver())
117       return m_actual_resolver_sp->SearchCallback(filter, context, addr);
118     else
119       return eCallbackReturnStop;
120   }
122   lldb::SearchDepth GetDepth() override {
123     if (SetActualResolver())
124       return m_actual_resolver_sp->GetDepth();
125     else
126       return lldb::eSearchDepthTarget;
127   }
129   void GetDescription(Stream *s) override {
130     Language *language_plugin = Language::FindPlugin(m_language);
131     if (language_plugin)
132       language_plugin->GetExceptionResolverDescription(m_catch_bp, m_throw_bp,
133                                                        *s);
134     else
135       Language::GetDefaultExceptionResolverDescription(m_catch_bp, m_throw_bp,
136                                                        *s);
138     SetActualResolver();
139     if (m_actual_resolver_sp) {
140       s->Printf(" using: ");
141       m_actual_resolver_sp->GetDescription(s);
142     } else
143       s->Printf(" the correct runtime exception handler will be determined "
144                 "when you run");
145   }
147   void Dump(Stream *s) const override {}
149   /// Methods for support type inquiry through isa, cast, and dyn_cast:
150   static inline bool classof(const BreakpointResolverName *) { return true; }
151   static inline bool classof(const BreakpointResolver *V) {
152     return V->getResolverID() == BreakpointResolver::ExceptionResolver;
153   }
155 protected:
156   BreakpointResolverSP CopyForBreakpoint(BreakpointSP &breakpoint) override {
157     BreakpointResolverSP ret_sp(
158         new ExceptionBreakpointResolver(m_language, m_catch_bp, m_throw_bp));
159     ret_sp->SetBreakpoint(breakpoint);
160     return ret_sp;
161   }
163   bool SetActualResolver() {
164     BreakpointSP breakpoint_sp = GetBreakpoint();
165     if (breakpoint_sp) {
166       ProcessSP process_sp = breakpoint_sp->GetTarget().GetProcessSP();
167       if (process_sp) {
168         bool refreash_resolver = !m_actual_resolver_sp;
169         if (m_language_runtime == nullptr) {
170           m_language_runtime = process_sp->GetLanguageRuntime(m_language);
171           refreash_resolver = true;
172         } else {
173           LanguageRuntime *language_runtime =
174               process_sp->GetLanguageRuntime(m_language);
175           if (m_language_runtime != language_runtime) {
176             m_language_runtime = language_runtime;
177             refreash_resolver = true;
178           }
179         }
181         if (refreash_resolver && m_language_runtime) {
182           m_actual_resolver_sp = m_language_runtime->CreateExceptionResolver(
183               breakpoint_sp, m_catch_bp, m_throw_bp);
184         }
185       } else {
186         m_actual_resolver_sp.reset();
187         m_language_runtime = nullptr;
188       }
189     } else {
190       m_actual_resolver_sp.reset();
191       m_language_runtime = nullptr;
192     }
193     return (bool)m_actual_resolver_sp;
194   }
196   lldb::BreakpointResolverSP m_actual_resolver_sp;
197   lldb::LanguageType m_language;
198   LanguageRuntime *m_language_runtime;
199   bool m_catch_bp;
200   bool m_throw_bp;
201 };
203 LanguageRuntime *LanguageRuntime::FindPlugin(Process *process,
204                                              lldb::LanguageType language) {
205   LanguageRuntimeCreateInstance create_callback;
206   for (uint32_t idx = 0;
207        (create_callback =
208             PluginManager::GetLanguageRuntimeCreateCallbackAtIndex(idx)) !=
209        nullptr;
210        ++idx) {
211     if (LanguageRuntime *runtime = create_callback(process, language))
212       return runtime;
213   }
214   return nullptr;
215 }
217 LanguageRuntime::LanguageRuntime(Process *process) : Runtime(process) {}
219 BreakpointPreconditionSP
220 LanguageRuntime::GetExceptionPrecondition(LanguageType language,
221                                           bool throw_bp) {
222   LanguageRuntimeCreateInstance create_callback;
223   for (uint32_t idx = 0;
224        (create_callback =
225             PluginManager::GetLanguageRuntimeCreateCallbackAtIndex(idx)) !=
226        nullptr;
227        idx++) {
228     if (auto precondition_callback =
229             PluginManager::GetLanguageRuntimeGetExceptionPreconditionAtIndex(
230                 idx)) {
231       if (BreakpointPreconditionSP precond =
232               precondition_callback(language, throw_bp))
233         return precond;
234     }
235   }
236   return BreakpointPreconditionSP();
237 }
239 BreakpointSP LanguageRuntime::CreateExceptionBreakpoint(
240     Target &target, lldb::LanguageType language, bool catch_bp, bool throw_bp,
241     bool is_internal) {
242   BreakpointResolverSP resolver_sp(
243       new ExceptionBreakpointResolver(language, catch_bp, throw_bp));
244   SearchFilterSP filter_sp(
245       new ExceptionSearchFilter(target.shared_from_this(), language));
246   bool hardware = false;
247   bool resolve_indirect_functions = false;
248   BreakpointSP exc_breakpt_sp(
249       target.CreateBreakpoint(filter_sp, resolver_sp, is_internal, hardware,
250                               resolve_indirect_functions));
251   if (exc_breakpt_sp) {
252     if (auto precond = GetExceptionPrecondition(language, throw_bp))
253       exc_breakpt_sp->SetPrecondition(precond);
255     if (is_internal)
256       exc_breakpt_sp->SetBreakpointKind("exception");
257   }
259   return exc_breakpt_sp;
260 }
262 UnwindPlanSP
263 LanguageRuntime::GetRuntimeUnwindPlan(Thread &thread, RegisterContext *regctx,
264                                       bool &behaves_like_zeroth_frame) {
265   ProcessSP process_sp = thread.GetProcess();
266   if (!process_sp.get())
267     return UnwindPlanSP();
268   if (process_sp->GetDisableLangRuntimeUnwindPlans() == true)
269     return UnwindPlanSP();
270   for (const lldb::LanguageType lang_type : Language::GetSupportedLanguages()) {
271     if (LanguageRuntime *runtime = process_sp->GetLanguageRuntime(lang_type)) {
272       UnwindPlanSP plan_sp = runtime->GetRuntimeUnwindPlan(
273           process_sp, regctx, behaves_like_zeroth_frame);
274       if (plan_sp.get())
275         return plan_sp;
276     }
277   }
278   return UnwindPlanSP();
279 }
281 void LanguageRuntime::InitializeCommands(CommandObject *parent) {
282   if (!parent)
283     return;
285   if (!parent->IsMultiwordObject())
286     return;
288   LanguageRuntimeCreateInstance create_callback;
290   for (uint32_t idx = 0;
291        (create_callback =
292             PluginManager::GetLanguageRuntimeCreateCallbackAtIndex(idx)) !=
293        nullptr;
294        ++idx) {
295     if (LanguageRuntimeGetCommandObject command_callback =
296             PluginManager::GetLanguageRuntimeGetCommandObjectAtIndex(idx)) {
297       CommandObjectSP command =
298           command_callback(parent->GetCommandInterpreter());
299       if (command) {
300         // the CommandObject vended by a Language plugin cannot be created once
301         // and cached because we may create multiple debuggers and need one
302         // instance of the command each - the implementing function is meant to
303         // create a new instance of the command each time it is invoked.
304         parent->LoadSubCommand(command->GetCommandName().str().c_str(), command);
305       }
306     }
307   }
308 }