1 //===-- StackFrameList.cpp ------------------------------------------------===//
2 //
3 // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4 // See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
5 // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
6 //
7 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
9 #include "lldb/Target/StackFrameList.h"
10 #include "lldb/Breakpoint/Breakpoint.h"
11 #include "lldb/Breakpoint/BreakpointLocation.h"
12 #include "lldb/Core/Debugger.h"
13 #include "lldb/Core/SourceManager.h"
14 #include "lldb/Core/StreamFile.h"
15 #include "lldb/Symbol/Block.h"
16 #include "lldb/Symbol/Function.h"
17 #include "lldb/Symbol/Symbol.h"
18 #include "lldb/Target/Process.h"
19 #include "lldb/Target/RegisterContext.h"
20 #include "lldb/Target/StackFrame.h"
21 #include "lldb/Target/StackFrameRecognizer.h"
22 #include "lldb/Target/StopInfo.h"
23 #include "lldb/Target/Target.h"
24 #include "lldb/Target/Thread.h"
25 #include "lldb/Target/Unwind.h"
26 #include "lldb/Utility/LLDBLog.h"
27 #include "lldb/Utility/Log.h"
28 #include "llvm/ADT/SmallPtrSet.h"
30 #include <memory>
32 //#define DEBUG_STACK_FRAMES 1
34 using namespace lldb;
35 using namespace lldb_private;
37 // StackFrameList constructor
38 StackFrameList::StackFrameList(Thread &thread,
39                                const lldb::StackFrameListSP &prev_frames_sp,
40                                bool show_inline_frames)
41     : m_thread(thread), m_prev_frames_sp(prev_frames_sp), m_mutex(), m_frames(),
42       m_selected_frame_idx(), m_concrete_frames_fetched(0),
43       m_current_inlined_depth(UINT32_MAX),
44       m_current_inlined_pc(LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS),
45       m_show_inlined_frames(show_inline_frames) {
46   if (prev_frames_sp) {
47     m_current_inlined_depth = prev_frames_sp->m_current_inlined_depth;
48     m_current_inlined_pc = prev_frames_sp->m_current_inlined_pc;
49   }
50 }
52 StackFrameList::~StackFrameList() {
53   // Call clear since this takes a lock and clears the stack frame list in case
54   // another thread is currently using this stack frame list
55   Clear();
56 }
58 void StackFrameList::CalculateCurrentInlinedDepth() {
59   uint32_t cur_inlined_depth = GetCurrentInlinedDepth();
60   if (cur_inlined_depth == UINT32_MAX) {
61     ResetCurrentInlinedDepth();
62   }
63 }
65 uint32_t StackFrameList::GetCurrentInlinedDepth() {
66   if (m_show_inlined_frames && m_current_inlined_pc != LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS) {
67     lldb::addr_t cur_pc = m_thread.GetRegisterContext()->GetPC();
68     if (cur_pc != m_current_inlined_pc) {
69       m_current_inlined_pc = LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS;
70       m_current_inlined_depth = UINT32_MAX;
71       Log *log = GetLog(LLDBLog::Step);
72       if (log && log->GetVerbose())
73         LLDB_LOGF(
74             log,
75             "GetCurrentInlinedDepth: invalidating current inlined depth.\n");
76     }
77     return m_current_inlined_depth;
78   } else {
79     return UINT32_MAX;
80   }
81 }
83 void StackFrameList::ResetCurrentInlinedDepth() {
84   if (!m_show_inlined_frames)
85     return;
87   std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> guard(m_mutex);
89   GetFramesUpTo(0, DoNotAllowInterruption);
90   if (m_frames.empty())
91     return;
92   if (!m_frames[0]->IsInlined()) {
93     m_current_inlined_depth = UINT32_MAX;
94     m_current_inlined_pc = LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS;
95     Log *log = GetLog(LLDBLog::Step);
96     if (log && log->GetVerbose())
97       LLDB_LOGF(
98           log,
99           "ResetCurrentInlinedDepth: Invalidating current inlined depth.\n");
100     return;
101   }
103   // We only need to do something special about inlined blocks when we are
104   // at the beginning of an inlined function:
105   // FIXME: We probably also have to do something special if the PC is at
106   // the END of an inlined function, which coincides with the end of either
107   // its containing function or another inlined function.
109   Block *block_ptr = m_frames[0]->GetFrameBlock();
110   if (!block_ptr)
111     return;
113   Address pc_as_address;
114   lldb::addr_t curr_pc = m_thread.GetRegisterContext()->GetPC();
115   pc_as_address.SetLoadAddress(curr_pc, &(m_thread.GetProcess()->GetTarget()));
116   AddressRange containing_range;
117   if (!block_ptr->GetRangeContainingAddress(pc_as_address, containing_range) ||
118       pc_as_address != containing_range.GetBaseAddress())
119     return;
121   // If we got here because of a breakpoint hit, then set the inlined depth
122   // depending on where the breakpoint was set. If we got here because of a
123   // crash, then set the inlined depth to the deepest most block.  Otherwise,
124   // we stopped here naturally as the result of a step, so set ourselves in the
125   // containing frame of the whole set of nested inlines, so the user can then
126   // "virtually" step into the frames one by one, or next over the whole mess.
127   // Note: We don't have to handle being somewhere in the middle of the stack
128   // here, since ResetCurrentInlinedDepth doesn't get called if there is a
129   // valid inlined depth set.
130   StopInfoSP stop_info_sp = m_thread.GetStopInfo();
131   if (!stop_info_sp)
132     return;
133   switch (stop_info_sp->GetStopReason()) {
134   case eStopReasonWatchpoint:
135   case eStopReasonException:
136   case eStopReasonExec:
137   case eStopReasonFork:
138   case eStopReasonVFork:
139   case eStopReasonVForkDone:
140   case eStopReasonSignal:
141     // In all these cases we want to stop in the deepest frame.
142     m_current_inlined_pc = curr_pc;
143     m_current_inlined_depth = 0;
144     break;
145   case eStopReasonBreakpoint: {
146     // FIXME: Figure out what this break point is doing, and set the inline
147     // depth appropriately.  Be careful to take into account breakpoints that
148     // implement step over prologue, since that should do the default
149     // calculation. For now, if the breakpoints corresponding to this hit are
150     // all internal, I set the stop location to the top of the inlined stack,
151     // since that will make things like stepping over prologues work right.
152     // But if there are any non-internal breakpoints I do to the bottom of the
153     // stack, since that was the old behavior.
154     uint32_t bp_site_id = stop_info_sp->GetValue();
155     BreakpointSiteSP bp_site_sp(
156         m_thread.GetProcess()->GetBreakpointSiteList().FindByID(bp_site_id));
157     bool all_internal = true;
158     if (bp_site_sp) {
159       uint32_t num_owners = bp_site_sp->GetNumberOfOwners();
160       for (uint32_t i = 0; i < num_owners; i++) {
161         Breakpoint &bp_ref = bp_site_sp->GetOwnerAtIndex(i)->GetBreakpoint();
162         if (!bp_ref.IsInternal()) {
163           all_internal = false;
164         }
165       }
166     }
167     if (!all_internal) {
168       m_current_inlined_pc = curr_pc;
169       m_current_inlined_depth = 0;
170       break;
171     }
172   }
173     [[fallthrough]];
174   default: {
175     // Otherwise, we should set ourselves at the container of the inlining, so
176     // that the user can descend into them. So first we check whether we have
177     // more than one inlined block sharing this PC:
178     int num_inlined_functions = 0;
180     for (Block *container_ptr = block_ptr->GetInlinedParent();
181          container_ptr != nullptr;
182          container_ptr = container_ptr->GetInlinedParent()) {
183       if (!container_ptr->GetRangeContainingAddress(pc_as_address,
184                                                     containing_range))
185         break;
186       if (pc_as_address != containing_range.GetBaseAddress())
187         break;
189       num_inlined_functions++;
190     }
191     m_current_inlined_pc = curr_pc;
192     m_current_inlined_depth = num_inlined_functions + 1;
193     Log *log = GetLog(LLDBLog::Step);
194     if (log && log->GetVerbose())
195       LLDB_LOGF(log,
196                 "ResetCurrentInlinedDepth: setting inlined "
197                 "depth: %d 0x%" PRIx64 ".\n",
198                 m_current_inlined_depth, curr_pc);
200     break;
201   }
202   }
203 }
205 bool StackFrameList::DecrementCurrentInlinedDepth() {
206   if (m_show_inlined_frames) {
207     uint32_t current_inlined_depth = GetCurrentInlinedDepth();
208     if (current_inlined_depth != UINT32_MAX) {
209       if (current_inlined_depth > 0) {
210         m_current_inlined_depth--;
211         return true;
212       }
213     }
214   }
215   return false;
216 }
218 void StackFrameList::SetCurrentInlinedDepth(uint32_t new_depth) {
219   m_current_inlined_depth = new_depth;
220   if (new_depth == UINT32_MAX)
221     m_current_inlined_pc = LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS;
222   else
223     m_current_inlined_pc = m_thread.GetRegisterContext()->GetPC();
224 }
226 void StackFrameList::GetOnlyConcreteFramesUpTo(uint32_t end_idx,
227                                                Unwind &unwinder) {
228   assert(m_thread.IsValid() && "Expected valid thread");
229   assert(m_frames.size() <= end_idx && "Expected there to be frames to fill");
231   if (end_idx < m_concrete_frames_fetched)
232     return;
234   uint32_t num_frames = unwinder.GetFramesUpTo(end_idx);
235   if (num_frames <= end_idx + 1) {
236     // Done unwinding.
237     m_concrete_frames_fetched = UINT32_MAX;
238   }
240   // Don't create the frames eagerly. Defer this work to GetFrameAtIndex,
241   // which can lazily query the unwinder to create frames.
242   m_frames.resize(num_frames);
243 }
245 /// A sequence of calls that comprise some portion of a backtrace. Each frame
246 /// is represented as a pair of a callee (Function *) and an address within the
247 /// callee.
248 struct CallDescriptor {
249   Function *func;
250   CallEdge::AddrType address_type = CallEdge::AddrType::Call;
251   addr_t address = LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS;
252 };
253 using CallSequence = std::vector<CallDescriptor>;
255 /// Find the unique path through the call graph from \p begin (with return PC
256 /// \p return_pc) to \p end. On success this path is stored into \p path, and
257 /// on failure \p path is unchanged.
258 static void FindInterveningFrames(Function &begin, Function &end,
259                                   ExecutionContext &exe_ctx, Target &target,
260                                   addr_t return_pc, CallSequence &path,
261                                   ModuleList &images, Log *log) {
262   LLDB_LOG(log, "Finding frames between {0} and {1}, retn-pc={2:x}",
263            begin.GetDisplayName(), end.GetDisplayName(), return_pc);
265   // Find a non-tail calling edge with the correct return PC.
266   if (log)
267     for (const auto &edge : begin.GetCallEdges())
268       LLDB_LOG(log, "FindInterveningFrames: found call with retn-PC = {0:x}",
269                edge->GetReturnPCAddress(begin, target));
270   CallEdge *first_edge = begin.GetCallEdgeForReturnAddress(return_pc, target);
271   if (!first_edge) {
272     LLDB_LOG(log, "No call edge outgoing from {0} with retn-PC == {1:x}",
273              begin.GetDisplayName(), return_pc);
274     return;
275   }
277   // The first callee may not be resolved, or there may be nothing to fill in.
278   Function *first_callee = first_edge->GetCallee(images, exe_ctx);
279   if (!first_callee) {
280     LLDB_LOG(log, "Could not resolve callee");
281     return;
282   }
283   if (first_callee == &end) {
284     LLDB_LOG(log, "Not searching further, first callee is {0} (retn-PC: {1:x})",
285              end.GetDisplayName(), return_pc);
286     return;
287   }
289   // Run DFS on the tail-calling edges out of the first callee to find \p end.
290   // Fully explore the set of functions reachable from the first edge via tail
291   // calls in order to detect ambiguous executions.
292   struct DFS {
293     CallSequence active_path = {};
294     CallSequence solution_path = {};
295     llvm::SmallPtrSet<Function *, 2> visited_nodes = {};
296     bool ambiguous = false;
297     Function *end;
298     ModuleList &images;
299     Target &target;
300     ExecutionContext &context;
302     DFS(Function *end, ModuleList &images, Target &target,
303         ExecutionContext &context)
304         : end(end), images(images), target(target), context(context) {}
306     void search(CallEdge &first_edge, Function &first_callee,
307                 CallSequence &path) {
308       dfs(first_edge, first_callee);
309       if (!ambiguous)
310         path = std::move(solution_path);
311     }
313     void dfs(CallEdge &current_edge, Function &callee) {
314       // Found a path to the target function.
315       if (&callee == end) {
316         if (solution_path.empty())
317           solution_path = active_path;
318         else
319           ambiguous = true;
320         return;
321       }
323       // Terminate the search if tail recursion is found, or more generally if
324       // there's more than one way to reach a target. This errs on the side of
325       // caution: it conservatively stops searching when some solutions are
326       // still possible to save time in the average case.
327       if (!visited_nodes.insert(&callee).second) {
328         ambiguous = true;
329         return;
330       }
332       // Search the calls made from this callee.
333       active_path.push_back(CallDescriptor{&callee});
334       for (const auto &edge : callee.GetTailCallingEdges()) {
335         Function *next_callee = edge->GetCallee(images, context);
336         if (!next_callee)
337           continue;
339         std::tie(active_path.back().address_type, active_path.back().address) =
340             edge->GetCallerAddress(callee, target);
342         dfs(*edge, *next_callee);
343         if (ambiguous)
344           return;
345       }
346       active_path.pop_back();
347     }
348   };
350   DFS(&end, images, target, exe_ctx).search(*first_edge, *first_callee, path);
351 }
353 /// Given that \p next_frame will be appended to the frame list, synthesize
354 /// tail call frames between the current end of the list and \p next_frame.
355 /// If any frames are added, adjust the frame index of \p next_frame.
356 ///
357 ///   --------------
358 ///   |    ...     | <- Completed frames.
359 ///   --------------
360 ///   | prev_frame |
361 ///   --------------
362 ///   |    ...     | <- Artificial frames inserted here.
363 ///   --------------
364 ///   | next_frame |
365 ///   --------------
366 ///   |    ...     | <- Not-yet-visited frames.
367 ///   --------------
368 void StackFrameList::SynthesizeTailCallFrames(StackFrame &next_frame) {
369   // Cannot synthesize tail call frames when the stack is empty (there is no
370   // "previous" frame).
371   if (m_frames.empty())
372     return;
374   TargetSP target_sp = next_frame.CalculateTarget();
375   if (!target_sp)
376     return;
378   lldb::RegisterContextSP next_reg_ctx_sp = next_frame.GetRegisterContext();
379   if (!next_reg_ctx_sp)
380     return;
382   Log *log = GetLog(LLDBLog::Step);
384   StackFrame &prev_frame = *m_frames.back().get();
386   // Find the functions prev_frame and next_frame are stopped in. The function
387   // objects are needed to search the lazy call graph for intervening frames.
388   Function *prev_func =
389       prev_frame.GetSymbolContext(eSymbolContextFunction).function;
390   if (!prev_func) {
391     LLDB_LOG(log, "SynthesizeTailCallFrames: can't find previous function");
392     return;
393   }
394   Function *next_func =
395       next_frame.GetSymbolContext(eSymbolContextFunction).function;
396   if (!next_func) {
397     LLDB_LOG(log, "SynthesizeTailCallFrames: can't find next function");
398     return;
399   }
401   // Try to find the unique sequence of (tail) calls which led from next_frame
402   // to prev_frame.
403   CallSequence path;
404   addr_t return_pc = next_reg_ctx_sp->GetPC();
405   Target &target = *target_sp.get();
406   ModuleList &images = next_frame.CalculateTarget()->GetImages();
407   ExecutionContext exe_ctx(target_sp, /*get_process=*/true);
408   exe_ctx.SetFramePtr(&next_frame);
409   FindInterveningFrames(*next_func, *prev_func, exe_ctx, target, return_pc,
410                         path, images, log);
412   // Push synthetic tail call frames.
413   for (auto calleeInfo : llvm::reverse(path)) {
414     Function *callee = calleeInfo.func;
415     uint32_t frame_idx = m_frames.size();
416     uint32_t concrete_frame_idx = next_frame.GetConcreteFrameIndex();
417     addr_t cfa = LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS;
418     bool cfa_is_valid = false;
419     addr_t pc = calleeInfo.address;
420     // If the callee address refers to the call instruction, we do not want to
421     // subtract 1 from this value.
422     const bool behaves_like_zeroth_frame =
423         calleeInfo.address_type == CallEdge::AddrType::Call;
424     SymbolContext sc;
425     callee->CalculateSymbolContext(&sc);
426     auto synth_frame = std::make_shared<StackFrame>(
427         m_thread.shared_from_this(), frame_idx, concrete_frame_idx, cfa,
428         cfa_is_valid, pc, StackFrame::Kind::Artificial,
429         behaves_like_zeroth_frame, &sc);
430     m_frames.push_back(synth_frame);
431     LLDB_LOG(log, "Pushed frame {0} at {1:x}", callee->GetDisplayName(), pc);
432   }
434   // If any frames were created, adjust next_frame's index.
435   if (!path.empty())
436     next_frame.SetFrameIndex(m_frames.size());
437 }
439 bool StackFrameList::GetFramesUpTo(uint32_t end_idx,
440                                    InterruptionControl allow_interrupt) {
441   // Do not fetch frames for an invalid thread.
442   bool was_interrupted = false;
443   if (!m_thread.IsValid())
444     return false;
446   // We've already gotten more frames than asked for, or we've already finished
447   // unwinding, return.
448   if (m_frames.size() > end_idx || GetAllFramesFetched())
449     return false;
451   Unwind &unwinder = m_thread.GetUnwinder();
453   if (!m_show_inlined_frames) {
454     GetOnlyConcreteFramesUpTo(end_idx, unwinder);
455     return false;
456   }
458 #if defined(DEBUG_STACK_FRAMES)
459   StreamFile s(stdout, false);
460 #endif
461   // If we are hiding some frames from the outside world, we need to add
462   // those onto the total count of frames to fetch.  However, we don't need
463   // to do that if end_idx is 0 since in that case we always get the first
464   // concrete frame and all the inlined frames below it...  And of course, if
465   // end_idx is UINT32_MAX that means get all, so just do that...
467   uint32_t inlined_depth = 0;
468   if (end_idx > 0 && end_idx != UINT32_MAX) {
469     inlined_depth = GetCurrentInlinedDepth();
470     if (inlined_depth != UINT32_MAX) {
471       if (end_idx > 0)
472         end_idx += inlined_depth;
473     }
474   }
476   StackFrameSP unwind_frame_sp;
477   Debugger &dbg = m_thread.GetProcess()->GetTarget().GetDebugger();
478   do {
479     uint32_t idx = m_concrete_frames_fetched++;
480     lldb::addr_t pc = LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS;
481     lldb::addr_t cfa = LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS;
482     bool behaves_like_zeroth_frame = (idx == 0);
483     if (idx == 0) {
484       // We might have already created frame zero, only create it if we need
485       // to.
486       if (m_frames.empty()) {
487         RegisterContextSP reg_ctx_sp(m_thread.GetRegisterContext());
489         if (reg_ctx_sp) {
490           const bool success = unwinder.GetFrameInfoAtIndex(
491               idx, cfa, pc, behaves_like_zeroth_frame);
492           // There shouldn't be any way not to get the frame info for frame
493           // 0. But if the unwinder can't make one, lets make one by hand
494           // with the SP as the CFA and see if that gets any further.
495           if (!success) {
496             cfa = reg_ctx_sp->GetSP();
497             pc = reg_ctx_sp->GetPC();
498           }
500           unwind_frame_sp = std::make_shared<StackFrame>(
501               m_thread.shared_from_this(), m_frames.size(), idx, reg_ctx_sp,
502               cfa, pc, behaves_like_zeroth_frame, nullptr);
503           m_frames.push_back(unwind_frame_sp);
504         }
505       } else {
506         unwind_frame_sp = m_frames.front();
507         cfa = unwind_frame_sp->m_id.GetCallFrameAddress();
508       }
509     } else {
510       // Check for interruption when building the frames.
511       // Do the check in idx > 0 so that we'll always create a 0th frame.
512       if (allow_interrupt
513           && INTERRUPT_REQUESTED(dbg, "Interrupted having fetched {0} frames",
514                                  m_frames.size())) {
515           was_interrupted = true;
516           break;
517       }
519       const bool success =
520           unwinder.GetFrameInfoAtIndex(idx, cfa, pc, behaves_like_zeroth_frame);
521       if (!success) {
522         // We've gotten to the end of the stack.
523         SetAllFramesFetched();
524         break;
525       }
526       const bool cfa_is_valid = true;
527       unwind_frame_sp = std::make_shared<StackFrame>(
528           m_thread.shared_from_this(), m_frames.size(), idx, cfa, cfa_is_valid,
529           pc, StackFrame::Kind::Regular, behaves_like_zeroth_frame, nullptr);
531       // Create synthetic tail call frames between the previous frame and the
532       // newly-found frame. The new frame's index may change after this call,
533       // although its concrete index will stay the same.
534       SynthesizeTailCallFrames(*unwind_frame_sp.get());
536       m_frames.push_back(unwind_frame_sp);
537     }
539     assert(unwind_frame_sp);
540     SymbolContext unwind_sc = unwind_frame_sp->GetSymbolContext(
541         eSymbolContextBlock | eSymbolContextFunction);
542     Block *unwind_block = unwind_sc.block;
543     TargetSP target_sp = m_thread.CalculateTarget();
544     if (unwind_block) {
545       Address curr_frame_address(
546           unwind_frame_sp->GetFrameCodeAddressForSymbolication());
548       SymbolContext next_frame_sc;
549       Address next_frame_address;
551       while (unwind_sc.GetParentOfInlinedScope(
552           curr_frame_address, next_frame_sc, next_frame_address)) {
553         next_frame_sc.line_entry.ApplyFileMappings(target_sp);
554         behaves_like_zeroth_frame = false;
555         StackFrameSP frame_sp(new StackFrame(
556             m_thread.shared_from_this(), m_frames.size(), idx,
557             unwind_frame_sp->GetRegisterContextSP(), cfa, next_frame_address,
558             behaves_like_zeroth_frame, &next_frame_sc));
560         m_frames.push_back(frame_sp);
561         unwind_sc = next_frame_sc;
562         curr_frame_address = next_frame_address;
563       }
564     }
565   } while (m_frames.size() - 1 < end_idx);
567   // Don't try to merge till you've calculated all the frames in this stack.
568   if (GetAllFramesFetched() && m_prev_frames_sp) {
569     StackFrameList *prev_frames = m_prev_frames_sp.get();
570     StackFrameList *curr_frames = this;
572 #if defined(DEBUG_STACK_FRAMES)
573     s.PutCString("\nprev_frames:\n");
574     prev_frames->Dump(&s);
575     s.PutCString("\ncurr_frames:\n");
576     curr_frames->Dump(&s);
577     s.EOL();
578 #endif
579     size_t curr_frame_num, prev_frame_num;
581     for (curr_frame_num = curr_frames->m_frames.size(),
582         prev_frame_num = prev_frames->m_frames.size();
583          curr_frame_num > 0 && prev_frame_num > 0;
584          --curr_frame_num, --prev_frame_num) {
585       const size_t curr_frame_idx = curr_frame_num - 1;
586       const size_t prev_frame_idx = prev_frame_num - 1;
587       StackFrameSP curr_frame_sp(curr_frames->m_frames[curr_frame_idx]);
588       StackFrameSP prev_frame_sp(prev_frames->m_frames[prev_frame_idx]);
590 #if defined(DEBUG_STACK_FRAMES)
591       s.Printf("\n\nCurr frame #%u ", curr_frame_idx);
592       if (curr_frame_sp)
593         curr_frame_sp->Dump(&s, true, false);
594       else
595         s.PutCString("NULL");
596       s.Printf("\nPrev frame #%u ", prev_frame_idx);
597       if (prev_frame_sp)
598         prev_frame_sp->Dump(&s, true, false);
599       else
600         s.PutCString("NULL");
601 #endif
603       StackFrame *curr_frame = curr_frame_sp.get();
604       StackFrame *prev_frame = prev_frame_sp.get();
606       if (curr_frame == nullptr || prev_frame == nullptr)
607         break;
609       // Check the stack ID to make sure they are equal.
610       if (curr_frame->GetStackID() != prev_frame->GetStackID())
611         break;
613       prev_frame->UpdatePreviousFrameFromCurrentFrame(*curr_frame);
614       // Now copy the fixed up previous frame into the current frames so the
615       // pointer doesn't change.
616       m_frames[curr_frame_idx] = prev_frame_sp;
618 #if defined(DEBUG_STACK_FRAMES)
619       s.Printf("\n    Copying previous frame to current frame");
620 #endif
621     }
622     // We are done with the old stack frame list, we can release it now.
623     m_prev_frames_sp.reset();
624   }
626 #if defined(DEBUG_STACK_FRAMES)
627   s.PutCString("\n\nNew frames:\n");
628   Dump(&s);
629   s.EOL();
630 #endif
631   // Don't report interrupted if we happen to have gotten all the frames:
632   if (!GetAllFramesFetched())
633     return was_interrupted;
634   return false;
635 }
637 uint32_t StackFrameList::GetNumFrames(bool can_create) {
638   std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> guard(m_mutex);
640   if (can_create) {
641     // Don't allow interrupt or we might not return the correct count
642     GetFramesUpTo(UINT32_MAX, DoNotAllowInterruption);
643   }
644   return GetVisibleStackFrameIndex(m_frames.size());
645 }
647 void StackFrameList::Dump(Stream *s) {
648   if (s == nullptr)
649     return;
651   std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> guard(m_mutex);
653   const_iterator pos, begin = m_frames.begin(), end = m_frames.end();
654   for (pos = begin; pos != end; ++pos) {
655     StackFrame *frame = (*pos).get();
656     s->Printf("%p: ", static_cast<void *>(frame));
657     if (frame) {
658       frame->GetStackID().Dump(s);
659       frame->DumpUsingSettingsFormat(s);
660     } else
661       s->Printf("frame #%u", (uint32_t)std::distance(begin, pos));
662     s->EOL();
663   }
664   s->EOL();
665 }
667 StackFrameSP StackFrameList::GetFrameAtIndex(uint32_t idx) {
668   StackFrameSP frame_sp;
669   std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> guard(m_mutex);
670   uint32_t original_idx = idx;
672   uint32_t inlined_depth = GetCurrentInlinedDepth();
673   if (inlined_depth != UINT32_MAX)
674     idx += inlined_depth;
676   if (idx < m_frames.size())
677     frame_sp = m_frames[idx];
679   if (frame_sp)
680     return frame_sp;
682   // GetFramesUpTo will fill m_frames with as many frames as you asked for, if
683   // there are that many.  If there weren't then you asked for too many frames.
684   // GetFramesUpTo returns true if interrupted:
685   if (GetFramesUpTo(idx)) {
686     Log *log = GetLog(LLDBLog::Thread);
687     LLDB_LOG(log, "GetFrameAtIndex was interrupted");
688     return {};
689   }
691   if (idx < m_frames.size()) {
692     if (m_show_inlined_frames) {
693       // When inline frames are enabled we actually create all the frames in
694       // GetFramesUpTo.
695       frame_sp = m_frames[idx];
696     } else {
697       addr_t pc, cfa;
698       bool behaves_like_zeroth_frame = (idx == 0);
699       if (m_thread.GetUnwinder().GetFrameInfoAtIndex(
700               idx, cfa, pc, behaves_like_zeroth_frame)) {
701         const bool cfa_is_valid = true;
702         frame_sp = std::make_shared<StackFrame>(
703             m_thread.shared_from_this(), idx, idx, cfa, cfa_is_valid, pc,
704             StackFrame::Kind::Regular, behaves_like_zeroth_frame, nullptr);
706         Function *function =
707             frame_sp->GetSymbolContext(eSymbolContextFunction).function;
708         if (function) {
709           // When we aren't showing inline functions we always use the top
710           // most function block as the scope.
711           frame_sp->SetSymbolContextScope(&function->GetBlock(false));
712         } else {
713           // Set the symbol scope from the symbol regardless if it is nullptr
714           // or valid.
715           frame_sp->SetSymbolContextScope(
716               frame_sp->GetSymbolContext(eSymbolContextSymbol).symbol);
717         }
718         SetFrameAtIndex(idx, frame_sp);
719       }
720     }
721   } else if (original_idx == 0) {
722     // There should ALWAYS be a frame at index 0.  If something went wrong with
723     // the CurrentInlinedDepth such that there weren't as many frames as we
724     // thought taking that into account, then reset the current inlined depth
725     // and return the real zeroth frame.
726     if (m_frames.empty()) {
727       // Why do we have a thread with zero frames, that should not ever
728       // happen...
729       assert(!m_thread.IsValid() && "A valid thread has no frames.");
730     } else {
731       ResetCurrentInlinedDepth();
732       frame_sp = m_frames[original_idx];
733     }
734   }
736   return frame_sp;
737 }
739 StackFrameSP
740 StackFrameList::GetFrameWithConcreteFrameIndex(uint32_t unwind_idx) {
741   // First try assuming the unwind index is the same as the frame index. The
742   // unwind index is always greater than or equal to the frame index, so it is
743   // a good place to start. If we have inlined frames we might have 5 concrete
744   // frames (frame unwind indexes go from 0-4), but we might have 15 frames
745   // after we make all the inlined frames. Most of the time the unwind frame
746   // index (or the concrete frame index) is the same as the frame index.
747   uint32_t frame_idx = unwind_idx;
748   StackFrameSP frame_sp(GetFrameAtIndex(frame_idx));
749   while (frame_sp) {
750     if (frame_sp->GetFrameIndex() == unwind_idx)
751       break;
752     frame_sp = GetFrameAtIndex(++frame_idx);
753   }
754   return frame_sp;
755 }
757 static bool CompareStackID(const StackFrameSP &stack_sp,
758                            const StackID &stack_id) {
759   return stack_sp->GetStackID() < stack_id;
760 }
762 StackFrameSP StackFrameList::GetFrameWithStackID(const StackID &stack_id) {
763   StackFrameSP frame_sp;
765   if (stack_id.IsValid()) {
766     std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> guard(m_mutex);
767     uint32_t frame_idx = 0;
768     // Do a binary search in case the stack frame is already in our cache
769     collection::const_iterator begin = m_frames.begin();
770     collection::const_iterator end = m_frames.end();
771     if (begin != end) {
772       collection::const_iterator pos =
773           std::lower_bound(begin, end, stack_id, CompareStackID);
774       if (pos != end) {
775         if ((*pos)->GetStackID() == stack_id)
776           return *pos;
777       }
778     }
779     do {
780       frame_sp = GetFrameAtIndex(frame_idx);
781       if (frame_sp && frame_sp->GetStackID() == stack_id)
782         break;
783       frame_idx++;
784     } while (frame_sp);
785   }
786   return frame_sp;
787 }
789 bool StackFrameList::SetFrameAtIndex(uint32_t idx, StackFrameSP &frame_sp) {
790   if (idx >= m_frames.size())
791     m_frames.resize(idx + 1);
792   // Make sure allocation succeeded by checking bounds again
793   if (idx < m_frames.size()) {
794     m_frames[idx] = frame_sp;
795     return true;
796   }
797   return false; // resize failed, out of memory?
798 }
800 void StackFrameList::SelectMostRelevantFrame() {
801   // Don't call into the frame recognizers on the private state thread as
802   // they can cause code to run in the target, and that can cause deadlocks
803   // when fetching stop events for the expression.
804   if (m_thread.GetProcess()->CurrentThreadIsPrivateStateThread())
805     return;
807   Log *log = GetLog(LLDBLog::Thread);
809   // Only the top frame should be recognized.
810   StackFrameSP frame_sp = GetFrameAtIndex(0);
811   if (!frame_sp) {
812     LLDB_LOG(log, "Failed to construct Frame #0");
813     return;
814   }
816   RecognizedStackFrameSP recognized_frame_sp = frame_sp->GetRecognizedFrame();
818   if (!recognized_frame_sp) {
819     LLDB_LOG(log, "Frame #0 not recognized");
820     return;
821   }
823   if (StackFrameSP most_relevant_frame_sp =
824           recognized_frame_sp->GetMostRelevantFrame()) {
825     LLDB_LOG(log, "Found most relevant frame at index {0}",
826              most_relevant_frame_sp->GetFrameIndex());
827     SetSelectedFrame(most_relevant_frame_sp.get());
828   } else {
829     LLDB_LOG(log, "No relevant frame!");
830   }
831 }
833 uint32_t StackFrameList::GetSelectedFrameIndex(
834     SelectMostRelevant select_most_relevant) {
835   std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> guard(m_mutex);
836   if (!m_selected_frame_idx && select_most_relevant)
837     SelectMostRelevantFrame();
838   if (!m_selected_frame_idx) {
839     // If we aren't selecting the most relevant frame, and the selected frame
840     // isn't set, then don't force a selection here, just return 0.
841     if (!select_most_relevant)
842       return 0;
843     m_selected_frame_idx = 0;
844   }
845   return *m_selected_frame_idx;
846 }
848 uint32_t StackFrameList::SetSelectedFrame(lldb_private::StackFrame *frame) {
849   std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> guard(m_mutex);
850   const_iterator pos;
851   const_iterator begin = m_frames.begin();
852   const_iterator end = m_frames.end();
853   m_selected_frame_idx = 0;
855   for (pos = begin; pos != end; ++pos) {
856     if (pos->get() == frame) {
857       m_selected_frame_idx = std::distance(begin, pos);
858       uint32_t inlined_depth = GetCurrentInlinedDepth();
859       if (inlined_depth != UINT32_MAX)
860         m_selected_frame_idx = *m_selected_frame_idx - inlined_depth;
861       break;
862     }
863   }
865   SetDefaultFileAndLineToSelectedFrame();
866   return *m_selected_frame_idx;
867 }
869 bool StackFrameList::SetSelectedFrameByIndex(uint32_t idx) {
870   std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> guard(m_mutex);
871   StackFrameSP frame_sp(GetFrameAtIndex(idx));
872   if (frame_sp) {
873     SetSelectedFrame(frame_sp.get());
874     return true;
875   } else
876     return false;
877 }
879 void StackFrameList::SetDefaultFileAndLineToSelectedFrame() {
880   if (m_thread.GetID() ==
881       m_thread.GetProcess()->GetThreadList().GetSelectedThread()->GetID()) {
882     StackFrameSP frame_sp(
883         GetFrameAtIndex(GetSelectedFrameIndex(DoNoSelectMostRelevantFrame)));
884     if (frame_sp) {
885       SymbolContext sc = frame_sp->GetSymbolContext(eSymbolContextLineEntry);
886       if (sc.line_entry.file)
887         m_thread.CalculateTarget()->GetSourceManager().SetDefaultFileAndLine(
888             sc.line_entry.file, sc.line_entry.line);
889     }
890   }
891 }
893 // The thread has been run, reset the number stack frames to zero so we can
894 // determine how many frames we have lazily.
895 // Note, we don't actually re-use StackFrameLists, we always make a new
896 // StackFrameList every time we stop, and then copy frame information frame
897 // by frame from the old to the new StackFrameList.  So the comment above,
898 // does not describe how StackFrameLists are currently used.
899 // Clear is currently only used to clear the list in the destructor.
900 void StackFrameList::Clear() {
901   std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> guard(m_mutex);
902   m_frames.clear();
903   m_concrete_frames_fetched = 0;
904   m_selected_frame_idx.reset();
905 }
907 lldb::StackFrameSP
908 StackFrameList::GetStackFrameSPForStackFramePtr(StackFrame *stack_frame_ptr) {
909   const_iterator pos;
910   const_iterator begin = m_frames.begin();
911   const_iterator end = m_frames.end();
912   lldb::StackFrameSP ret_sp;
914   for (pos = begin; pos != end; ++pos) {
915     if (pos->get() == stack_frame_ptr) {
916       ret_sp = (*pos);
917       break;
918     }
919   }
920   return ret_sp;
921 }
923 size_t StackFrameList::GetStatus(Stream &strm, uint32_t first_frame,
924                                  uint32_t num_frames, bool show_frame_info,
925                                  uint32_t num_frames_with_source,
926                                  bool show_unique,
927                                  const char *selected_frame_marker) {
928   size_t num_frames_displayed = 0;
930   if (num_frames == 0)
931     return 0;
933   StackFrameSP frame_sp;
934   uint32_t frame_idx = 0;
935   uint32_t last_frame;
937   // Don't let the last frame wrap around...
938   if (num_frames == UINT32_MAX)
939     last_frame = UINT32_MAX;
940   else
941     last_frame = first_frame + num_frames;
943   StackFrameSP selected_frame_sp =
944       m_thread.GetSelectedFrame(DoNoSelectMostRelevantFrame);
945   const char *unselected_marker = nullptr;
946   std::string buffer;
947   if (selected_frame_marker) {
948     size_t len = strlen(selected_frame_marker);
949     buffer.insert(buffer.begin(), len, ' ');
950     unselected_marker = buffer.c_str();
951   }
952   const char *marker = nullptr;
954   for (frame_idx = first_frame; frame_idx < last_frame; ++frame_idx) {
955     frame_sp = GetFrameAtIndex(frame_idx);
956     if (!frame_sp)
957       break;
959     if (selected_frame_marker != nullptr) {
960       if (frame_sp == selected_frame_sp)
961         marker = selected_frame_marker;
962       else
963         marker = unselected_marker;
964     }
965     // Check for interruption here.  If we're fetching arguments, this loop
966     // can go slowly:
967     Debugger &dbg = m_thread.GetProcess()->GetTarget().GetDebugger();
968     if (INTERRUPT_REQUESTED(dbg,
969           "Interrupted dumping stack for thread {0:hex} with {1} shown.",
970           m_thread.GetID(), num_frames_displayed))
971       break;
974     if (!frame_sp->GetStatus(strm, show_frame_info,
975                              num_frames_with_source > (first_frame - frame_idx),
976                              show_unique, marker))
977       break;
978     ++num_frames_displayed;
979   }
981   strm.IndentLess();
982   return num_frames_displayed;
983 }