1 //===- llvm/ADT/SmallSet.h - 'Normally small' sets --------------*- C++ -*-===//
2 //
3 // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4 // See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
5 // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
6 //
7 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
8 ///
9 /// \file
10 /// This file defines the SmallSet class.
11 ///
12 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
17 #include "llvm/ADT/SmallPtrSet.h"
18 #include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"
19 #include "llvm/ADT/STLExtras.h"
20 #include "llvm/ADT/iterator.h"
21 #include "llvm/Support/Compiler.h"
22 #include "llvm/Support/type_traits.h"
23 #include <cstddef>
24 #include <functional>
25 #include <set>
26 #include <type_traits>
27 #include <utility>
29 namespace llvm {
31 /// SmallSetIterator - This class implements a const_iterator for SmallSet by
32 /// delegating to the underlying SmallVector or Set iterators.
33 template <typename T, unsigned N, typename C>
34 class SmallSetIterator
35     : public iterator_facade_base<SmallSetIterator<T, N, C>,
36                                   std::forward_iterator_tag, T> {
37 private:
38   using SetIterTy = typename std::set<T, C>::const_iterator;
39   using VecIterTy = typename SmallVector<T, N>::const_iterator;
40   using SelfTy = SmallSetIterator<T, N, C>;
42   /// Iterators to the parts of the SmallSet containing the data. They are set
43   /// depending on isSmall.
44   union {
45     SetIterTy SetIter;
46     VecIterTy VecIter;
47   };
49   bool isSmall;
51 public:
52   SmallSetIterator(SetIterTy SetIter) : SetIter(SetIter), isSmall(false) {}
54   SmallSetIterator(VecIterTy VecIter) : VecIter(VecIter), isSmall(true) {}
56   // Spell out destructor, copy/move constructor and assignment operators for
57   // MSVC STL, where set<T>::const_iterator is not trivially copy constructible.
58   ~SmallSetIterator() {
59     if (isSmall)
60       VecIter.~VecIterTy();
61     else
62       SetIter.~SetIterTy();
63   }
65   SmallSetIterator(const SmallSetIterator &Other) : isSmall(Other.isSmall) {
66     if (isSmall)
67       VecIter = Other.VecIter;
68     else
69       // Use placement new, to make sure SetIter is properly constructed, even
70       // if it is not trivially copy-able (e.g. in MSVC).
71       new (&SetIter) SetIterTy(Other.SetIter);
72   }
74   SmallSetIterator(SmallSetIterator &&Other) : isSmall(Other.isSmall) {
75     if (isSmall)
76       VecIter = std::move(Other.VecIter);
77     else
78       // Use placement new, to make sure SetIter is properly constructed, even
79       // if it is not trivially copy-able (e.g. in MSVC).
80       new (&SetIter) SetIterTy(std::move(Other.SetIter));
81   }
83   SmallSetIterator& operator=(const SmallSetIterator& Other) {
84     // Call destructor for SetIter, so it gets properly destroyed if it is
85     // not trivially destructible in case we are setting VecIter.
86     if (!isSmall)
87       SetIter.~SetIterTy();
89     isSmall = Other.isSmall;
90     if (isSmall)
91       VecIter = Other.VecIter;
92     else
93       new (&SetIter) SetIterTy(Other.SetIter);
94     return *this;
95   }
97   SmallSetIterator& operator=(SmallSetIterator&& Other) {
98     // Call destructor for SetIter, so it gets properly destroyed if it is
99     // not trivially destructible in case we are setting VecIter.
100     if (!isSmall)
101       SetIter.~SetIterTy();
103     isSmall = Other.isSmall;
104     if (isSmall)
105       VecIter = std::move(Other.VecIter);
106     else
107       new (&SetIter) SetIterTy(std::move(Other.SetIter));
108     return *this;
109   }
111   bool operator==(const SmallSetIterator &RHS) const {
112     if (isSmall != RHS.isSmall)
113       return false;
114     if (isSmall)
115       return VecIter == RHS.VecIter;
116     return SetIter == RHS.SetIter;
117   }
119   SmallSetIterator &operator++() { // Preincrement
120     if (isSmall)
121       VecIter++;
122     else
123       SetIter++;
124     return *this;
125   }
127   const T &operator*() const { return isSmall ? *VecIter : *SetIter; }
128 };
130 /// SmallSet - This maintains a set of unique values, optimizing for the case
131 /// when the set is small (less than N).  In this case, the set can be
132 /// maintained with no mallocs.  If the set gets large, we expand to using an
133 /// std::set to maintain reasonable lookup times.
134 template <typename T, unsigned N, typename C = std::less<T>>
135 class SmallSet {
136   /// Use a SmallVector to hold the elements here (even though it will never
137   /// reach its 'large' stage) to avoid calling the default ctors of elements
138   /// we will never use.
139   SmallVector<T, N> Vector;
140   std::set<T, C> Set;
142   using VIterator = typename SmallVector<T, N>::const_iterator;
143   using SIterator = typename std::set<T, C>::const_iterator;
144   using mutable_iterator = typename SmallVector<T, N>::iterator;
146   // In small mode SmallPtrSet uses linear search for the elements, so it is
147   // not a good idea to choose this value too high. You may consider using a
148   // DenseSet<> instead if you expect many elements in the set.
149   static_assert(N <= 32, "N should be small");
151 public:
152   using size_type = size_t;
153   using const_iterator = SmallSetIterator<T, N, C>;
155   SmallSet() = default;
157   [[nodiscard]] bool empty() const { return Vector.empty() && Set.empty(); }
159   size_type size() const {
160     return isSmall() ? Vector.size() : Set.size();
161   }
163   /// count - Return 1 if the element is in the set, 0 otherwise.
164   size_type count(const T &V) const {
165     if (isSmall()) {
166       // Since the collection is small, just do a linear search.
167       return vfind(V) == Vector.end() ? 0 : 1;
168     } else {
169       return Set.count(V);
170     }
171   }
173   /// insert - Insert an element into the set if it isn't already there.
174   /// Returns a pair. The first value of it is an iterator to the inserted
175   /// element or the existing element in the set. The second value is true
176   /// if the element is inserted (it was not in the set before).
177   std::pair<const_iterator, bool> insert(const T &V) {
178     if (!isSmall()) {
179       auto [I, Inserted] = Set.insert(V);
180       return std::make_pair(const_iterator(I), Inserted);
181     }
183     VIterator I = vfind(V);
184     if (I != Vector.end())    // Don't reinsert if it already exists.
185       return std::make_pair(const_iterator(I), false);
186     if (Vector.size() < N) {
187       Vector.push_back(V);
188       return std::make_pair(const_iterator(std::prev(Vector.end())), true);
189     }
191     // Otherwise, grow from vector to set.
192     while (!Vector.empty()) {
193       Set.insert(Vector.back());
194       Vector.pop_back();
195     }
196     return std::make_pair(const_iterator(Set.insert(V).first), true);
197   }
199   template <typename IterT>
200   void insert(IterT I, IterT E) {
201     for (; I != E; ++I)
202       insert(*I);
203   }
205   bool erase(const T &V) {
206     if (!isSmall())
207       return Set.erase(V);
208     for (mutable_iterator I = Vector.begin(), E = Vector.end(); I != E; ++I)
209       if (*I == V) {
210         Vector.erase(I);
211         return true;
212       }
213     return false;
214   }
216   void clear() {
217     Vector.clear();
218     Set.clear();
219   }
221   const_iterator begin() const {
222     if (isSmall())
223       return {Vector.begin()};
224     return {Set.begin()};
225   }
227   const_iterator end() const {
228     if (isSmall())
229       return {Vector.end()};
230     return {Set.end()};
231   }
233   /// Check if the SmallSet contains the given element.
234   bool contains(const T &V) const {
235     if (isSmall())
236       return vfind(V) != Vector.end();
237     return Set.find(V) != Set.end();
238   }
240 private:
241   bool isSmall() const { return Set.empty(); }
243   VIterator vfind(const T &V) const {
244     for (VIterator I = Vector.begin(), E = Vector.end(); I != E; ++I)
245       if (*I == V)
246         return I;
247     return Vector.end();
248   }
249 };
251 /// If this set is of pointer values, transparently switch over to using
252 /// SmallPtrSet for performance.
253 template <typename PointeeType, unsigned N>
254 class SmallSet<PointeeType*, N> : public SmallPtrSet<PointeeType*, N> {};
256 /// Equality comparison for SmallSet.
257 ///
258 /// Iterates over elements of LHS confirming that each element is also a member
259 /// of RHS, and that RHS contains no additional values.
260 /// Equivalent to N calls to RHS.count.
261 /// For small-set mode amortized complexity is O(N^2)
262 /// For large-set mode amortized complexity is linear, worst case is O(N^2) (if
263 /// every hash collides).
264 template <typename T, unsigned LN, unsigned RN, typename C>
265 bool operator==(const SmallSet<T, LN, C> &LHS, const SmallSet<T, RN, C> &RHS) {
266   if (LHS.size() != RHS.size())
267     return false;
269   // All elements in LHS must also be in RHS
270   return all_of(LHS, [&RHS](const T &E) { return RHS.count(E); });
271 }
273 /// Inequality comparison for SmallSet.
274 ///
275 /// Equivalent to !(LHS == RHS). See operator== for performance notes.
276 template <typename T, unsigned LN, unsigned RN, typename C>
277 bool operator!=(const SmallSet<T, LN, C> &LHS, const SmallSet<T, RN, C> &RHS) {
278   return !(LHS == RHS);
279 }
281 } // end namespace llvm
283 #endif // LLVM_ADT_SMALLSET_H