1 //===- llvm/ADT/StringExtras.h - Useful string functions --------*- C++ -*-===//
2 //
3 // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4 // See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
5 // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
6 //
7 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
8 //
9 // This file contains some functions that are useful when dealing with strings.
10 //
11 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
16 #include "llvm/ADT/ArrayRef.h"
17 #include "llvm/ADT/SmallString.h"
18 #include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
19 #include "llvm/ADT/Twine.h"
20 #include <cassert>
21 #include <cstddef>
22 #include <cstdint>
23 #include <cstdlib>
24 #include <cstring>
25 #include <iterator>
26 #include <string>
27 #include <utility>
29 namespace llvm {
31 template<typename T> class SmallVectorImpl;
32 class raw_ostream;
34 /// hexdigit - Return the hexadecimal character for the
35 /// given number \p X (which should be less than 16).
36 inline char hexdigit(unsigned X, bool LowerCase = false) {
37   const char HexChar = LowerCase ? 'a' : 'A';
38   return X < 10 ? '0' + X : HexChar + X - 10;
39 }
41 /// Given an array of c-style strings terminated by a null pointer, construct
42 /// a vector of StringRefs representing the same strings without the terminating
43 /// null string.
44 inline std::vector<StringRef> toStringRefArray(const char *const *Strings) {
45   std::vector<StringRef> Result;
46   while (*Strings)
47     Result.push_back(*Strings++);
48   return Result;
49 }
51 /// Construct a string ref from a boolean.
52 inline StringRef toStringRef(bool B) { return StringRef(B ? "true" : "false"); }
54 /// Construct a string ref from an array ref of unsigned chars.
55 inline StringRef toStringRef(ArrayRef<uint8_t> Input) {
56   return StringRef(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(Input.begin()), Input.size());
57 }
59 /// Construct a string ref from an array ref of unsigned chars.
60 inline ArrayRef<uint8_t> arrayRefFromStringRef(StringRef Input) {
61   return {Input.bytes_begin(), Input.bytes_end()};
62 }
64 /// Interpret the given character \p C as a hexadecimal digit and return its
65 /// value.
66 ///
67 /// If \p C is not a valid hex digit, -1U is returned.
68 inline unsigned hexDigitValue(char C) {
69   if (C >= '0' && C <= '9') return C-'0';
70   if (C >= 'a' && C <= 'f') return C-'a'+10U;
71   if (C >= 'A' && C <= 'F') return C-'A'+10U;
72   return -1U;
73 }
75 /// Checks if character \p C is one of the 10 decimal digits.
76 inline bool isDigit(char C) { return C >= '0' && C <= '9'; }
78 /// Checks if character \p C is a hexadecimal numeric character.
79 inline bool isHexDigit(char C) { return hexDigitValue(C) != -1U; }
81 /// Checks if character \p C is a valid letter as classified by "C" locale.
82 inline bool isAlpha(char C) {
83   return ('a' <= C && C <= 'z') || ('A' <= C && C <= 'Z');
84 }
86 /// Checks whether character \p C is either a decimal digit or an uppercase or
87 /// lowercase letter as classified by "C" locale.
88 inline bool isAlnum(char C) { return isAlpha(C) || isDigit(C); }
90 /// Checks whether character \p C is valid ASCII (high bit is zero).
91 inline bool isASCII(char C) { return static_cast<unsigned char>(C) <= 127; }
93 /// Checks whether all characters in S are ASCII.
94 inline bool isASCII(llvm::StringRef S) {
95   for (char C : S)
96     if (LLVM_UNLIKELY(!isASCII(C)))
97       return false;
98   return true;
99 }
101 /// Checks whether character \p C is printable.
102 ///
103 /// Locale-independent version of the C standard library isprint whose results
104 /// may differ on different platforms.
105 inline bool isPrint(char C) {
106   unsigned char UC = static_cast<unsigned char>(C);
107   return (0x20 <= UC) && (UC <= 0x7E);
108 }
110 /// Returns the corresponding lowercase character if \p x is uppercase.
111 inline char toLower(char x) {
112   if (x >= 'A' && x <= 'Z')
113     return x - 'A' + 'a';
114   return x;
115 }
117 /// Returns the corresponding uppercase character if \p x is lowercase.
118 inline char toUpper(char x) {
119   if (x >= 'a' && x <= 'z')
120     return x - 'a' + 'A';
121   return x;
122 }
124 inline std::string utohexstr(uint64_t X, bool LowerCase = false) {
125   char Buffer[17];
126   char *BufPtr = std::end(Buffer);
128   if (X == 0) *--BufPtr = '0';
130   while (X) {
131     unsigned char Mod = static_cast<unsigned char>(X) & 15;
132     *--BufPtr = hexdigit(Mod, LowerCase);
133     X >>= 4;
134   }
136   return std::string(BufPtr, std::end(Buffer));
137 }
139 /// Convert buffer \p Input to its hexadecimal representation.
140 /// The returned string is double the size of \p Input.
141 inline std::string toHex(StringRef Input, bool LowerCase = false) {
142   static const char *const LUT = "0123456789ABCDEF";
143   const uint8_t Offset = LowerCase ? 32 : 0;
144   size_t Length = Input.size();
146   std::string Output;
147   Output.reserve(2 * Length);
148   for (size_t i = 0; i < Length; ++i) {
149     const unsigned char c = Input[i];
150     Output.push_back(LUT[c >> 4] | Offset);
151     Output.push_back(LUT[c & 15] | Offset);
152   }
153   return Output;
154 }
156 inline std::string toHex(ArrayRef<uint8_t> Input, bool LowerCase = false) {
157   return toHex(toStringRef(Input), LowerCase);
158 }
160 inline uint8_t hexFromNibbles(char MSB, char LSB) {
161   unsigned U1 = hexDigitValue(MSB);
162   unsigned U2 = hexDigitValue(LSB);
163   assert(U1 != -1U && U2 != -1U);
165   return static_cast<uint8_t>((U1 << 4) | U2);
166 }
168 /// Convert hexadecimal string \p Input to its binary representation.
169 /// The return string is half the size of \p Input.
170 inline std::string fromHex(StringRef Input) {
171   if (Input.empty())
172     return std::string();
174   std::string Output;
175   Output.reserve((Input.size() + 1) / 2);
176   if (Input.size() % 2 == 1) {
177     Output.push_back(hexFromNibbles('0', Input.front()));
178     Input = Input.drop_front();
179   }
181   assert(Input.size() % 2 == 0);
182   while (!Input.empty()) {
183     uint8_t Hex = hexFromNibbles(Input[0], Input[1]);
184     Output.push_back(Hex);
185     Input = Input.drop_front(2);
186   }
187   return Output;
188 }
190 /// Convert the string \p S to an integer of the specified type using
191 /// the radix \p Base.  If \p Base is 0, auto-detects the radix.
192 /// Returns true if the number was successfully converted, false otherwise.
193 template <typename N> bool to_integer(StringRef S, N &Num, unsigned Base = 0) {
194   return !S.getAsInteger(Base, Num);
195 }
197 namespace detail {
198 template <typename N>
199 inline bool to_float(const Twine &T, N &Num, N (*StrTo)(const char *, char **)) {
200   SmallString<32> Storage;
201   StringRef S = T.toNullTerminatedStringRef(Storage);
202   char *End;
203   N Temp = StrTo(S.data(), &End);
204   if (*End != '\0')
205     return false;
206   Num = Temp;
207   return true;
208 }
209 }
211 inline bool to_float(const Twine &T, float &Num) {
212   return detail::to_float(T, Num, strtof);
213 }
215 inline bool to_float(const Twine &T, double &Num) {
216   return detail::to_float(T, Num, strtod);
217 }
219 inline bool to_float(const Twine &T, long double &Num) {
220   return detail::to_float(T, Num, strtold);
221 }
223 inline std::string utostr(uint64_t X, bool isNeg = false) {
224   char Buffer[21];
225   char *BufPtr = std::end(Buffer);
227   if (X == 0) *--BufPtr = '0';  // Handle special case...
229   while (X) {
230     *--BufPtr = '0' + char(X % 10);
231     X /= 10;
232   }
234   if (isNeg) *--BufPtr = '-';   // Add negative sign...
235   return std::string(BufPtr, std::end(Buffer));
236 }
238 inline std::string itostr(int64_t X) {
239   if (X < 0)
240     return utostr(static_cast<uint64_t>(-X), true);
241   else
242     return utostr(static_cast<uint64_t>(X));
243 }
245 /// StrInStrNoCase - Portable version of strcasestr.  Locates the first
246 /// occurrence of string 's1' in string 's2', ignoring case.  Returns
247 /// the offset of s2 in s1 or npos if s2 cannot be found.
248 StringRef::size_type StrInStrNoCase(StringRef s1, StringRef s2);
250 /// getToken - This function extracts one token from source, ignoring any
251 /// leading characters that appear in the Delimiters string, and ending the
252 /// token at any of the characters that appear in the Delimiters string.  If
253 /// there are no tokens in the source string, an empty string is returned.
254 /// The function returns a pair containing the extracted token and the
255 /// remaining tail string.
256 std::pair<StringRef, StringRef> getToken(StringRef Source,
257                                          StringRef Delimiters = " \t\n\v\f\r");
259 /// SplitString - Split up the specified string according to the specified
260 /// delimiters, appending the result fragments to the output list.
261 void SplitString(StringRef Source,
262                  SmallVectorImpl<StringRef> &OutFragments,
263                  StringRef Delimiters = " \t\n\v\f\r");
265 /// Returns the English suffix for an ordinal integer (-st, -nd, -rd, -th).
266 inline StringRef getOrdinalSuffix(unsigned Val) {
267   // It is critically important that we do this perfectly for
268   // user-written sequences with over 100 elements.
269   switch (Val % 100) {
270   case 11:
271   case 12:
272   case 13:
273     return "th";
274   default:
275     switch (Val % 10) {
276       case 1: return "st";
277       case 2: return "nd";
278       case 3: return "rd";
279       default: return "th";
280     }
281   }
282 }
284 /// Print each character of the specified string, escaping it if it is not
285 /// printable or if it is an escape char.
286 void printEscapedString(StringRef Name, raw_ostream &Out);
288 /// Print each character of the specified string, escaping HTML special
289 /// characters.
290 void printHTMLEscaped(StringRef String, raw_ostream &Out);
292 /// printLowerCase - Print each character as lowercase if it is uppercase.
293 void printLowerCase(StringRef String, raw_ostream &Out);
295 namespace detail {
297 template <typename IteratorT>
298 inline std::string join_impl(IteratorT Begin, IteratorT End,
299                              StringRef Separator, std::input_iterator_tag) {
300   std::string S;
301   if (Begin == End)
302     return S;
304   S += (*Begin);
305   while (++Begin != End) {
306     S += Separator;
307     S += (*Begin);
308   }
309   return S;
310 }
312 template <typename IteratorT>
313 inline std::string join_impl(IteratorT Begin, IteratorT End,
314                              StringRef Separator, std::forward_iterator_tag) {
315   std::string S;
316   if (Begin == End)
317     return S;
319   size_t Len = (std::distance(Begin, End) - 1) * Separator.size();
320   for (IteratorT I = Begin; I != End; ++I)
321     Len += (*Begin).size();
322   S.reserve(Len);
323   S += (*Begin);
324   while (++Begin != End) {
325     S += Separator;
326     S += (*Begin);
327   }
328   return S;
329 }
331 template <typename Sep>
332 inline void join_items_impl(std::string &Result, Sep Separator) {}
334 template <typename Sep, typename Arg>
335 inline void join_items_impl(std::string &Result, Sep Separator,
336                             const Arg &Item) {
337   Result += Item;
338 }
340 template <typename Sep, typename Arg1, typename... Args>
341 inline void join_items_impl(std::string &Result, Sep Separator, const Arg1 &A1,
342                             Args &&... Items) {
343   Result += A1;
344   Result += Separator;
345   join_items_impl(Result, Separator, std::forward<Args>(Items)...);
346 }
348 inline size_t join_one_item_size(char) { return 1; }
349 inline size_t join_one_item_size(const char *S) { return S ? ::strlen(S) : 0; }
351 template <typename T> inline size_t join_one_item_size(const T &Str) {
352   return Str.size();
353 }
355 inline size_t join_items_size() { return 0; }
357 template <typename A1> inline size_t join_items_size(const A1 &A) {
358   return join_one_item_size(A);
359 }
360 template <typename A1, typename... Args>
361 inline size_t join_items_size(const A1 &A, Args &&... Items) {
362   return join_one_item_size(A) + join_items_size(std::forward<Args>(Items)...);
363 }
365 } // end namespace detail
367 /// Joins the strings in the range [Begin, End), adding Separator between
368 /// the elements.
369 template <typename IteratorT>
370 inline std::string join(IteratorT Begin, IteratorT End, StringRef Separator) {
371   using tag = typename std::iterator_traits<IteratorT>::iterator_category;
372   return detail::join_impl(Begin, End, Separator, tag());
373 }
375 /// Joins the strings in the range [R.begin(), R.end()), adding Separator
376 /// between the elements.
377 template <typename Range>
378 inline std::string join(Range &&R, StringRef Separator) {
379   return join(R.begin(), R.end(), Separator);
380 }
382 /// Joins the strings in the parameter pack \p Items, adding \p Separator
383 /// between the elements.  All arguments must be implicitly convertible to
384 /// std::string, or there should be an overload of std::string::operator+=()
385 /// that accepts the argument explicitly.
386 template <typename Sep, typename... Args>
387 inline std::string join_items(Sep Separator, Args &&... Items) {
388   std::string Result;
389   if (sizeof...(Items) == 0)
390     return Result;
392   size_t NS = detail::join_one_item_size(Separator);
393   size_t NI = detail::join_items_size(std::forward<Args>(Items)...);
394   Result.reserve(NI + (sizeof...(Items) - 1) * NS + 1);
395   detail::join_items_impl(Result, Separator, std::forward<Args>(Items)...);
396   return Result;
397 }
399 } // end namespace llvm