1 //===- llvm/ADT/ilist_node_options.h - ilist_node Options -------*- C++ -*-===//
2 //
3 // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4 // See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
5 // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
6 //
7 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
12 #include "llvm/Config/abi-breaking.h"
14 #include <type_traits>
16 namespace llvm {
18 template <bool EnableSentinelTracking> class ilist_node_base;
19 template <bool EnableSentinelTracking> class ilist_base;
21 /// Option to choose whether to track sentinels.
22 ///
23 /// This option affects the ABI for the nodes.  When not specified explicitly,
24 /// the ABI depends on LLVM_ENABLE_ABI_BREAKING_CHECKS.  Specify explicitly to
25 /// enable \a ilist_node::isSentinel().
26 template <bool EnableSentinelTracking> struct ilist_sentinel_tracking {};
28 /// Option to specify a tag for the node type.
29 ///
30 /// This option allows a single value type to be inserted in multiple lists
31 /// simultaneously.  See \a ilist_node for usage examples.
32 template <class Tag> struct ilist_tag {};
34 /// Option to add extra bits to the ilist_iterator.
35 ///
36 /// Some use-cases (debug-info) need to know whether a position is intended
37 /// to be half-open or fully open, i.e. whether to include any immediately
38 /// adjacent debug-info in an operation. This option adds two bits to the
39 /// iterator class to store that information.
40 template <bool ExtraIteratorBits> struct ilist_iterator_bits {};
42 namespace ilist_detail {
44 /// Helper trait for recording whether an option is specified explicitly.
45 template <bool IsExplicit> struct explicitness {
46   static const bool is_explicit = IsExplicit;
47 };
48 typedef explicitness<true> is_explicit;
49 typedef explicitness<false> is_implicit;
51 /// Check whether an option is valid.
52 ///
53 /// The steps for adding and enabling a new ilist option include:
54 /// \li define the option, ilist_foo<Bar>, above;
55 /// \li add new parameters for Bar to \a ilist_detail::node_options;
56 /// \li add an extraction meta-function, ilist_detail::extract_foo;
57 /// \li call extract_foo from \a ilist_detail::compute_node_options and pass it
58 /// into \a ilist_detail::node_options; and
59 /// \li specialize \c is_valid_option<ilist_foo<Bar>> to inherit from \c
60 /// std::true_type to get static assertions passing in \a simple_ilist and \a
61 /// ilist_node.
62 template <class Option> struct is_valid_option : std::false_type {};
64 /// Extract sentinel tracking option.
65 ///
66 /// Look through \p Options for the \a ilist_sentinel_tracking option, with the
67 /// default depending on LLVM_ENABLE_ABI_BREAKING_CHECKS.
68 template <class... Options> struct extract_sentinel_tracking;
69 template <bool EnableSentinelTracking, class... Options>
70 struct extract_sentinel_tracking<
71     ilist_sentinel_tracking<EnableSentinelTracking>, Options...>
72     : std::integral_constant<bool, EnableSentinelTracking>, is_explicit {};
73 template <class Option1, class... Options>
74 struct extract_sentinel_tracking<Option1, Options...>
75     : extract_sentinel_tracking<Options...> {};
77 template <> struct extract_sentinel_tracking<> : std::true_type, is_implicit {};
78 #else
79 template <>
80 struct extract_sentinel_tracking<> : std::false_type, is_implicit {};
81 #endif
82 template <bool EnableSentinelTracking>
83 struct is_valid_option<ilist_sentinel_tracking<EnableSentinelTracking>>
84     : std::true_type {};
86 /// Extract custom tag option.
87 ///
88 /// Look through \p Options for the \a ilist_tag option, pulling out the
89 /// custom tag type, using void as a default.
90 template <class... Options> struct extract_tag;
91 template <class Tag, class... Options>
92 struct extract_tag<ilist_tag<Tag>, Options...> {
93   typedef Tag type;
94 };
95 template <class Option1, class... Options>
96 struct extract_tag<Option1, Options...> : extract_tag<Options...> {};
97 template <> struct extract_tag<> {
98   typedef void type;
99 };
100 template <class Tag> struct is_valid_option<ilist_tag<Tag>> : std::true_type {};
102 /// Extract iterator bits option.
103 ///
104 /// Look through \p Options for the \a ilist_iterator_bits option. Defaults
105 /// to false.
106 template <class... Options> struct extract_iterator_bits;
107 template <bool IteratorBits, class... Options>
108 struct extract_iterator_bits<ilist_iterator_bits<IteratorBits>, Options...>
109     : std::integral_constant<bool, IteratorBits> {};
110 template <class Option1, class... Options>
111 struct extract_iterator_bits<Option1, Options...>
112     : extract_iterator_bits<Options...> {};
113 template <> struct extract_iterator_bits<> : std::false_type, is_implicit {};
114 template <bool IteratorBits>
115 struct is_valid_option<ilist_iterator_bits<IteratorBits>> : std::true_type {};
117 /// Check whether options are valid.
118 ///
119 /// The conjunction of \a is_valid_option on each individual option.
120 template <class... Options> struct check_options;
121 template <> struct check_options<> : std::true_type {};
122 template <class Option1, class... Options>
123 struct check_options<Option1, Options...>
124     : std::integral_constant<bool, is_valid_option<Option1>::value &&
125                                        check_options<Options...>::value> {};
127 /// Traits for options for \a ilist_node.
128 ///
129 /// This is usually computed via \a compute_node_options.
130 template <class T, bool EnableSentinelTracking, bool IsSentinelTrackingExplicit,
131           class TagT, bool HasIteratorBits>
132 struct node_options {
133   typedef T value_type;
134   typedef T *pointer;
135   typedef T &reference;
136   typedef const T *const_pointer;
137   typedef const T &const_reference;
139   static const bool enable_sentinel_tracking = EnableSentinelTracking;
140   static const bool is_sentinel_tracking_explicit = IsSentinelTrackingExplicit;
141   static const bool has_iterator_bits = HasIteratorBits;
142   typedef TagT tag;
143   typedef ilist_node_base<enable_sentinel_tracking> node_base_type;
144   typedef ilist_base<enable_sentinel_tracking> list_base_type;
145 };
147 template <class T, class... Options> struct compute_node_options {
148   typedef node_options<T, extract_sentinel_tracking<Options...>::value,
149                        extract_sentinel_tracking<Options...>::is_explicit,
150                        typename extract_tag<Options...>::type,
151                        extract_iterator_bits<Options...>::value>
152       type;
153 };
155 } // end namespace ilist_detail
156 } // end namespace llvm