1 //===- llvm/ADT/simple_ilist.h - Simple Intrusive List ----------*- C++ -*-===//
2 //
3 // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4 // See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
5 // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
6 //
7 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
12 #include "llvm/ADT/ilist_base.h"
13 #include "llvm/ADT/ilist_iterator.h"
14 #include "llvm/ADT/ilist_node.h"
15 #include "llvm/ADT/ilist_node_options.h"
16 #include "llvm/Support/Compiler.h"
17 #include <algorithm>
18 #include <cassert>
19 #include <cstddef>
20 #include <functional>
21 #include <iterator>
22 #include <utility>
24 namespace llvm {
26 /// A simple intrusive list implementation.
27 ///
28 /// This is a simple intrusive list for a \c T that inherits from \c
29 /// ilist_node<T>.  The list never takes ownership of anything inserted in it.
30 ///
31 /// Unlike \a iplist<T> and \a ilist<T>, \a simple_ilist<T> never deletes
32 /// values, and has no callback traits.
33 ///
34 /// The API for adding nodes include \a push_front(), \a push_back(), and \a
35 /// insert().  These all take values by reference (not by pointer), except for
36 /// the range version of \a insert().
37 ///
38 /// There are three sets of API for discarding nodes from the list: \a
39 /// remove(), which takes a reference to the node to remove, \a erase(), which
40 /// takes an iterator or iterator range and returns the next one, and \a
41 /// clear(), which empties out the container.  All three are constant time
42 /// operations.  None of these deletes any nodes; in particular, if there is a
43 /// single node in the list, then these have identical semantics:
44 /// \li \c L.remove(L.front());
45 /// \li \c L.erase(L.begin());
46 /// \li \c L.clear();
47 ///
48 /// As a convenience for callers, there are parallel APIs that take a \c
49 /// Disposer (such as \c std::default_delete<T>): \a removeAndDispose(), \a
50 /// eraseAndDispose(), and \a clearAndDispose().  These have different names
51 /// because the extra semantic is otherwise non-obvious.  They are equivalent
52 /// to calling \a std::for_each() on the range to be discarded.
53 ///
54 /// The currently available \p Options customize the nodes in the list.  The
55 /// same options must be specified in the \a ilist_node instantiation for
56 /// compatibility (although the order is irrelevant).
57 /// \li Use \a ilist_tag to designate which ilist_node for a given \p T this
58 /// list should use.  This is useful if a type \p T is part of multiple,
59 /// independent lists simultaneously.
60 /// \li Use \a ilist_sentinel_tracking to always (or never) track whether a
61 /// node is a sentinel.  Specifying \c true enables the \a
62 /// ilist_node::isSentinel() API.  Unlike \a ilist_node::isKnownSentinel(),
63 /// which is only appropriate for assertions, \a ilist_node::isSentinel() is
64 /// appropriate for real logic.
65 ///
66 /// Here are examples of \p Options usage:
67 /// \li \c simple_ilist<T> gives the defaults.  \li \c
68 /// simple_ilist<T,ilist_sentinel_tracking<true>> enables the \a
69 /// ilist_node::isSentinel() API.
70 /// \li \c simple_ilist<T,ilist_tag<A>,ilist_sentinel_tracking<false>>
71 /// specifies a tag of A and that tracking should be off (even when
73 /// \li \c simple_ilist<T,ilist_sentinel_tracking<false>,ilist_tag<A>> is
74 /// equivalent to the last.
75 ///
76 /// See \a is_valid_option for steps on adding a new option.
77 template <typename T, class... Options>
78 class simple_ilist
79     : ilist_detail::compute_node_options<T, Options...>::type::list_base_type,
80       ilist_detail::SpecificNodeAccess<
81           typename ilist_detail::compute_node_options<T, Options...>::type> {
82   static_assert(ilist_detail::check_options<Options...>::value,
83                 "Unrecognized node option!");
84   using OptionsT =
85       typename ilist_detail::compute_node_options<T, Options...>::type;
86   using list_base_type = typename OptionsT::list_base_type;
87   ilist_sentinel<OptionsT> Sentinel;
89 public:
90   using value_type = typename OptionsT::value_type;
91   using pointer = typename OptionsT::pointer;
92   using reference = typename OptionsT::reference;
93   using const_pointer = typename OptionsT::const_pointer;
94   using const_reference = typename OptionsT::const_reference;
95   using iterator = ilist_iterator<OptionsT, false, false>;
96   using const_iterator = ilist_iterator<OptionsT, false, true>;
97   using reverse_iterator = ilist_iterator<OptionsT, true, false>;
98   using const_reverse_iterator = ilist_iterator<OptionsT, true, true>;
99   using size_type = size_t;
100   using difference_type = ptrdiff_t;
102   simple_ilist() = default;
103   ~simple_ilist() = default;
105   // No copy constructors.
106   simple_ilist(const simple_ilist &) = delete;
107   simple_ilist &operator=(const simple_ilist &) = delete;
109   // Move constructors.
110   simple_ilist(simple_ilist &&X) { splice(end(), X); }
111   simple_ilist &operator=(simple_ilist &&X) {
112     clear();
113     splice(end(), X);
114     return *this;
115   }
117   iterator begin() { return ++iterator(Sentinel); }
118   const_iterator begin() const { return ++const_iterator(Sentinel); }
119   iterator end() { return iterator(Sentinel); }
120   const_iterator end() const { return const_iterator(Sentinel); }
121   reverse_iterator rbegin() { return ++reverse_iterator(Sentinel); }
122   const_reverse_iterator rbegin() const {
123     return ++const_reverse_iterator(Sentinel);
124   }
125   reverse_iterator rend() { return reverse_iterator(Sentinel); }
126   const_reverse_iterator rend() const {
127     return const_reverse_iterator(Sentinel);
128   }
130   /// Check if the list is empty in constant time.
131   [[nodiscard]] bool empty() const { return Sentinel.empty(); }
133   /// Calculate the size of the list in linear time.
134   [[nodiscard]] size_type size() const { return std::distance(begin(), end()); }
136   reference front() { return *begin(); }
137   const_reference front() const { return *begin(); }
138   reference back() { return *rbegin(); }
139   const_reference back() const { return *rbegin(); }
141   /// Insert a node at the front; never copies.
142   void push_front(reference Node) { insert(begin(), Node); }
144   /// Insert a node at the back; never copies.
145   void push_back(reference Node) { insert(end(), Node); }
147   /// Remove the node at the front; never deletes.
148   void pop_front() { erase(begin()); }
150   /// Remove the node at the back; never deletes.
151   void pop_back() { erase(--end()); }
153   /// Swap with another list in place using std::swap.
154   void swap(simple_ilist &X) { std::swap(*this, X); }
156   /// Insert a node by reference; never copies.
157   iterator insert(iterator I, reference Node) {
158     list_base_type::insertBefore(*I.getNodePtr(), *this->getNodePtr(&Node));
159     return iterator(&Node);
160   }
162   /// Insert a range of nodes; never copies.
163   template <class Iterator>
164   void insert(iterator I, Iterator First, Iterator Last) {
165     for (; First != Last; ++First)
166       insert(I, *First);
167   }
169   /// Clone another list.
170   template <class Cloner, class Disposer>
171   void cloneFrom(const simple_ilist &L2, Cloner clone, Disposer dispose) {
172     clearAndDispose(dispose);
173     for (const_reference V : L2)
174       push_back(*clone(V));
175   }
177   /// Remove a node by reference; never deletes.
178   ///
179   /// \see \a erase() for removing by iterator.
180   /// \see \a removeAndDispose() if the node should be deleted.
181   void remove(reference N) { list_base_type::remove(*this->getNodePtr(&N)); }
183   /// Remove a node by reference and dispose of it.
184   template <class Disposer>
185   void removeAndDispose(reference N, Disposer dispose) {
186     remove(N);
187     dispose(&N);
188   }
190   /// Remove a node by iterator; never deletes.
191   ///
192   /// \see \a remove() for removing by reference.
193   /// \see \a eraseAndDispose() it the node should be deleted.
194   iterator erase(iterator I) {
195     assert(I != end() && "Cannot remove end of list!");
196     remove(*I++);
197     return I;
198   }
200   /// Remove a range of nodes; never deletes.
201   ///
202   /// \see \a eraseAndDispose() if the nodes should be deleted.
203   iterator erase(iterator First, iterator Last) {
204     list_base_type::removeRange(*First.getNodePtr(), *Last.getNodePtr());
205     return Last;
206   }
208   /// Remove a node by iterator and dispose of it.
209   template <class Disposer>
210   iterator eraseAndDispose(iterator I, Disposer dispose) {
211     auto Next = std::next(I);
212     erase(I);
213     dispose(&*I);
214     return Next;
215   }
217   /// Remove a range of nodes and dispose of them.
218   template <class Disposer>
219   iterator eraseAndDispose(iterator First, iterator Last, Disposer dispose) {
220     while (First != Last)
221       First = eraseAndDispose(First, dispose);
222     return Last;
223   }
225   /// Clear the list; never deletes.
226   ///
227   /// \see \a clearAndDispose() if the nodes should be deleted.
228   void clear() { Sentinel.reset(); }
230   /// Clear the list and dispose of the nodes.
231   template <class Disposer> void clearAndDispose(Disposer dispose) {
232     eraseAndDispose(begin(), end(), dispose);
233   }
235   /// Splice in another list.
236   void splice(iterator I, simple_ilist &L2) {
237     splice(I, L2, L2.begin(), L2.end());
238   }
240   /// Splice in a node from another list.
241   void splice(iterator I, simple_ilist &L2, iterator Node) {
242     splice(I, L2, Node, std::next(Node));
243   }
245   /// Splice in a range of nodes from another list.
246   void splice(iterator I, simple_ilist &, iterator First, iterator Last) {
247     list_base_type::transferBefore(*I.getNodePtr(), *First.getNodePtr(),
248                                    *Last.getNodePtr());
249   }
251   /// Merge in another list.
252   ///
253   /// \pre \c this and \p RHS are sorted.
254   ///@{
255   void merge(simple_ilist &RHS) { merge(RHS, std::less<T>()); }
256   template <class Compare> void merge(simple_ilist &RHS, Compare comp);
257   ///@}
259   /// Sort the list.
260   ///@{
261   void sort() { sort(std::less<T>()); }
262   template <class Compare> void sort(Compare comp);
263   ///@}
264 };
266 template <class T, class... Options>
267 template <class Compare>
268 void simple_ilist<T, Options...>::merge(simple_ilist &RHS, Compare comp) {
269   if (this == &RHS || RHS.empty())
270     return;
271   iterator LI = begin(), LE = end();
272   iterator RI = RHS.begin(), RE = RHS.end();
273   while (LI != LE) {
274     if (comp(*RI, *LI)) {
275       // Transfer a run of at least size 1 from RHS to LHS.
276       iterator RunStart = RI++;
277       RI = std::find_if(RI, RE, [&](reference RV) { return !comp(RV, *LI); });
278       splice(LI, RHS, RunStart, RI);
279       if (RI == RE)
280         return;
281     }
282     ++LI;
283   }
284   // Transfer the remaining RHS nodes once LHS is finished.
285   splice(LE, RHS, RI, RE);
286 }
288 template <class T, class... Options>
289 template <class Compare>
290 void simple_ilist<T, Options...>::sort(Compare comp) {
291   // Vacuously sorted.
292   if (empty() || std::next(begin()) == end())
293     return;
295   // Split the list in the middle.
296   iterator Center = begin(), End = begin();
297   while (End != end() && ++End != end()) {
298     ++Center;
299     ++End;
300   }
301   simple_ilist RHS;
302   RHS.splice(RHS.end(), *this, Center, end());
304   // Sort the sublists and merge back together.
305   sort(comp);
306   RHS.sort(comp);
307   merge(RHS, comp);
308 }
310 } // end namespace llvm