1 //===- RegionInfo.h - SESE region analysis ----------------------*- C++ -*-===//
2 //
3 // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4 // See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
5 // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
6 //
7 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
8 //
9 // Calculate a program structure tree built out of single entry single exit
10 // regions.
11 // The basic ideas are taken from "The Program Structure Tree - Richard Johnson,
12 // David Pearson, Keshav Pingali - 1994", however enriched with ideas from "The
13 // Refined Process Structure Tree - Jussi Vanhatalo, Hagen Voelyer, Jana
14 // Koehler - 2009".
15 // The algorithm to calculate these data structures however is completely
16 // different, as it takes advantage of existing information already available
17 // in (Post)dominace tree and dominance frontier passes. This leads to a simpler
18 // and in practice hopefully better performing algorithm. The runtime of the
19 // algorithms described in the papers above are both linear in graph size,
20 // O(V+E), whereas this algorithm is not, as the dominance frontier information
21 // itself is not, but in practice runtime seems to be in the order of magnitude
22 // of dominance tree calculation.
23 //
24 // WARNING: LLVM is generally very concerned about compile time such that
25 //          the use of additional analysis passes in the default
26 //          optimization sequence is avoided as much as possible.
27 //          Specifically, if you do not need the RegionInfo, but dominance
28 //          information could be sufficient please base your work only on
29 //          the dominator tree. Most passes maintain it, such that using
30 //          it has often near zero cost. In contrast RegionInfo is by
31 //          default not available, is not maintained by existing
32 //          transformations and there is no intention to do so.
33 //
34 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
39 #include "llvm/ADT/DenseMap.h"
40 #include "llvm/ADT/DepthFirstIterator.h"
41 #include "llvm/ADT/GraphTraits.h"
42 #include "llvm/ADT/PointerIntPair.h"
43 #include "llvm/ADT/iterator_range.h"
44 #include "llvm/Config/llvm-config.h"
45 #include "llvm/IR/BasicBlock.h"
46 #include "llvm/IR/Dominators.h"
47 #include "llvm/IR/PassManager.h"
48 #include "llvm/Pass.h"
49 #include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
50 #include <algorithm>
51 #include <cassert>
52 #include <map>
53 #include <memory>
54 #include <set>
55 #include <string>
56 #include <type_traits>
57 #include <vector>
59 namespace llvm {
61 class DominanceFrontier;
62 class DominatorTree;
63 class Loop;
64 class LoopInfo;
65 class PostDominatorTree;
66 class Region;
67 template <class RegionTr> class RegionBase;
68 class RegionInfo;
69 template <class RegionTr> class RegionInfoBase;
70 class RegionNode;
72 // Class to be specialized for different users of RegionInfo
73 // (i.e. BasicBlocks or MachineBasicBlocks). This is only to avoid needing to
74 // pass around an unreasonable number of template parameters.
75 template <class FuncT_>
76 struct RegionTraits {
77   // FuncT
78   // BlockT
79   // RegionT
80   // RegionNodeT
81   // RegionInfoT
82   using BrokenT = typename FuncT_::UnknownRegionTypeError;
83 };
85 template <>
86 struct RegionTraits<Function> {
87   using FuncT = Function;
88   using BlockT = BasicBlock;
89   using RegionT = Region;
90   using RegionNodeT = RegionNode;
91   using RegionInfoT = RegionInfo;
92   using DomTreeT = DominatorTree;
93   using DomTreeNodeT = DomTreeNode;
94   using DomFrontierT = DominanceFrontier;
95   using PostDomTreeT = PostDominatorTree;
96   using InstT = Instruction;
97   using LoopT = Loop;
98   using LoopInfoT = LoopInfo;
100   static unsigned getNumSuccessors(BasicBlock *BB) {
101     return BB->getTerminator()->getNumSuccessors();
102   }
103 };
105 /// Marker class to iterate over the elements of a Region in flat mode.
106 ///
107 /// The class is used to either iterate in Flat mode or by not using it to not
108 /// iterate in Flat mode.  During a Flat mode iteration all Regions are entered
109 /// and the iteration returns every BasicBlock.  If the Flat mode is not
110 /// selected for SubRegions just one RegionNode containing the subregion is
111 /// returned.
112 template <class GraphType>
113 class FlatIt {};
115 /// A RegionNode represents a subregion or a BasicBlock that is part of a
116 /// Region.
117 template <class Tr>
118 class RegionNodeBase {
119   friend class RegionBase<Tr>;
121 public:
122   using BlockT = typename Tr::BlockT;
123   using RegionT = typename Tr::RegionT;
125 private:
126   /// This is the entry basic block that starts this region node.  If this is a
127   /// BasicBlock RegionNode, then entry is just the basic block, that this
128   /// RegionNode represents.  Otherwise it is the entry of this (Sub)RegionNode.
129   ///
130   /// In the BBtoRegionNode map of the parent of this node, BB will always map
131   /// to this node no matter which kind of node this one is.
132   ///
133   /// The node can hold either a Region or a BasicBlock.
134   /// Use one bit to save, if this RegionNode is a subregion or BasicBlock
135   /// RegionNode.
136   PointerIntPair<BlockT *, 1, bool> entry;
138   /// The parent Region of this RegionNode.
139   /// @see getParent()
140   RegionT *parent;
142 protected:
143   /// Create a RegionNode.
144   ///
145   /// @param Parent      The parent of this RegionNode.
146   /// @param Entry       The entry BasicBlock of the RegionNode.  If this
147   ///                    RegionNode represents a BasicBlock, this is the
148   ///                    BasicBlock itself.  If it represents a subregion, this
149   ///                    is the entry BasicBlock of the subregion.
150   /// @param isSubRegion If this RegionNode represents a SubRegion.
151   inline RegionNodeBase(RegionT *Parent, BlockT *Entry,
152                         bool isSubRegion = false)
153       : entry(Entry, isSubRegion), parent(Parent) {}
155 public:
156   RegionNodeBase(const RegionNodeBase &) = delete;
157   RegionNodeBase &operator=(const RegionNodeBase &) = delete;
159   /// Get the parent Region of this RegionNode.
160   ///
161   /// The parent Region is the Region this RegionNode belongs to. If for
162   /// example a BasicBlock is element of two Regions, there exist two
163   /// RegionNodes for this BasicBlock. Each with the getParent() function
164   /// pointing to the Region this RegionNode belongs to.
165   ///
166   /// @return Get the parent Region of this RegionNode.
167   inline RegionT *getParent() const { return parent; }
169   /// Get the entry BasicBlock of this RegionNode.
170   ///
171   /// If this RegionNode represents a BasicBlock this is just the BasicBlock
172   /// itself, otherwise we return the entry BasicBlock of the Subregion
173   ///
174   /// @return The entry BasicBlock of this RegionNode.
175   inline BlockT *getEntry() const { return entry.getPointer(); }
177   /// Get the content of this RegionNode.
178   ///
179   /// This can be either a BasicBlock or a subregion. Before calling getNodeAs()
180   /// check the type of the content with the isSubRegion() function call.
181   ///
182   /// @return The content of this RegionNode.
183   template <class T> inline T *getNodeAs() const;
185   /// Is this RegionNode a subregion?
186   ///
187   /// @return True if it contains a subregion. False if it contains a
188   ///         BasicBlock.
189   inline bool isSubRegion() const { return entry.getInt(); }
190 };
192 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
193 /// A single entry single exit Region.
194 ///
195 /// A Region is a connected subgraph of a control flow graph that has exactly
196 /// two connections to the remaining graph. It can be used to analyze or
197 /// optimize parts of the control flow graph.
198 ///
199 /// A <em> simple Region </em> is connected to the remaining graph by just two
200 /// edges. One edge entering the Region and another one leaving the Region.
201 ///
202 /// An <em> extended Region </em> (or just Region) is a subgraph that can be
203 /// transform into a simple Region. The transformation is done by adding
204 /// BasicBlocks that merge several entry or exit edges so that after the merge
205 /// just one entry and one exit edge exists.
206 ///
207 /// The \e Entry of a Region is the first BasicBlock that is passed after
208 /// entering the Region. It is an element of the Region. The entry BasicBlock
209 /// dominates all BasicBlocks in the Region.
210 ///
211 /// The \e Exit of a Region is the first BasicBlock that is passed after
212 /// leaving the Region. It is not an element of the Region. The exit BasicBlock,
213 /// postdominates all BasicBlocks in the Region.
214 ///
215 /// A <em> canonical Region </em> cannot be constructed by combining smaller
216 /// Regions.
217 ///
218 /// Region A is the \e parent of Region B, if B is completely contained in A.
219 ///
220 /// Two canonical Regions either do not intersect at all or one is
221 /// the parent of the other.
222 ///
223 /// The <em> Program Structure Tree</em> is a graph (V, E) where V is the set of
224 /// Regions in the control flow graph and E is the \e parent relation of these
225 /// Regions.
226 ///
227 /// Example:
228 ///
229 /// \verbatim
230 /// A simple control flow graph, that contains two regions.
231 ///
232 ///        1
233 ///       / |
234 ///      2   |
235 ///     / \   3
236 ///    4   5  |
237 ///    |   |  |
238 ///    6   7  8
239 ///     \  | /
240 ///      \ |/       Region A: 1 -> 9 {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8}
241 ///        9        Region B: 2 -> 9 {2,4,5,6,7}
242 /// \endverbatim
243 ///
244 /// You can obtain more examples by either calling
245 ///
246 /// <tt> "opt -regions -analyze anyprogram.ll" </tt>
247 /// or
248 /// <tt> "opt -view-regions-only anyprogram.ll" </tt>
249 ///
250 /// on any LLVM file you are interested in.
251 ///
252 /// The first call returns a textual representation of the program structure
253 /// tree, the second one creates a graphical representation using graphviz.
254 template <class Tr>
255 class RegionBase : public RegionNodeBase<Tr> {
256   friend class RegionInfoBase<Tr>;
258   using FuncT = typename Tr::FuncT;
259   using BlockT = typename Tr::BlockT;
260   using RegionInfoT = typename Tr::RegionInfoT;
261   using RegionT = typename Tr::RegionT;
262   using RegionNodeT = typename Tr::RegionNodeT;
263   using DomTreeT = typename Tr::DomTreeT;
264   using LoopT = typename Tr::LoopT;
265   using LoopInfoT = typename Tr::LoopInfoT;
266   using InstT = typename Tr::InstT;
268   using BlockTraits = GraphTraits<BlockT *>;
269   using InvBlockTraits = GraphTraits<Inverse<BlockT *>>;
270   using SuccIterTy = typename BlockTraits::ChildIteratorType;
271   using PredIterTy = typename InvBlockTraits::ChildIteratorType;
273   // Information necessary to manage this Region.
274   RegionInfoT *RI;
275   DomTreeT *DT;
277   // The exit BasicBlock of this region.
278   // (The entry BasicBlock is part of RegionNode)
279   BlockT *exit;
281   using RegionSet = std::vector<std::unique_ptr<RegionT>>;
283   // The subregions of this region.
284   RegionSet children;
286   using BBNodeMapT = std::map<BlockT *, std::unique_ptr<RegionNodeT>>;
288   // Save the BasicBlock RegionNodes that are element of this Region.
289   mutable BBNodeMapT BBNodeMap;
291   /// Check if a BB is in this Region. This check also works
292   /// if the region is incorrectly built. (EXPENSIVE!)
293   void verifyBBInRegion(BlockT *BB) const;
295   /// Walk over all the BBs of the region starting from BB and
296   /// verify that all reachable basic blocks are elements of the region.
297   /// (EXPENSIVE!)
298   void verifyWalk(BlockT *BB, std::set<BlockT *> *visitedBB) const;
300   /// Verify if the region and its children are valid regions (EXPENSIVE!)
301   void verifyRegionNest() const;
303 public:
304   /// Create a new region.
305   ///
306   /// @param Entry  The entry basic block of the region.
307   /// @param Exit   The exit basic block of the region.
308   /// @param RI     The region info object that is managing this region.
309   /// @param DT     The dominator tree of the current function.
310   /// @param Parent The surrounding region or NULL if this is a top level
311   ///               region.
312   RegionBase(BlockT *Entry, BlockT *Exit, RegionInfoT *RI, DomTreeT *DT,
313              RegionT *Parent = nullptr);
315   RegionBase(const RegionBase &) = delete;
316   RegionBase &operator=(const RegionBase &) = delete;
318   /// Delete the Region and all its subregions.
319   ~RegionBase();
321   /// Get the entry BasicBlock of the Region.
322   /// @return The entry BasicBlock of the region.
323   BlockT *getEntry() const {
324     return RegionNodeBase<Tr>::getEntry();
325   }
327   /// Replace the entry basic block of the region with the new basic
328   ///        block.
329   ///
330   /// @param BB  The new entry basic block of the region.
331   void replaceEntry(BlockT *BB);
333   /// Replace the exit basic block of the region with the new basic
334   ///        block.
335   ///
336   /// @param BB  The new exit basic block of the region.
337   void replaceExit(BlockT *BB);
339   /// Recursively replace the entry basic block of the region.
340   ///
341   /// This function replaces the entry basic block with a new basic block. It
342   /// also updates all child regions that have the same entry basic block as
343   /// this region.
344   ///
345   /// @param NewEntry The new entry basic block.
346   void replaceEntryRecursive(BlockT *NewEntry);
348   /// Recursively replace the exit basic block of the region.
349   ///
350   /// This function replaces the exit basic block with a new basic block. It
351   /// also updates all child regions that have the same exit basic block as
352   /// this region.
353   ///
354   /// @param NewExit The new exit basic block.
355   void replaceExitRecursive(BlockT *NewExit);
357   /// Get the exit BasicBlock of the Region.
358   /// @return The exit BasicBlock of the Region, NULL if this is the TopLevel
359   ///         Region.
360   BlockT *getExit() const { return exit; }
362   /// Get the parent of the Region.
363   /// @return The parent of the Region or NULL if this is a top level
364   ///         Region.
365   RegionT *getParent() const {
366     return RegionNodeBase<Tr>::getParent();
367   }
369   /// Get the RegionNode representing the current Region.
370   /// @return The RegionNode representing the current Region.
371   RegionNodeT *getNode() const {
372     return const_cast<RegionNodeT *>(
373         reinterpret_cast<const RegionNodeT *>(this));
374   }
376   /// Get the nesting level of this Region.
377   ///
378   /// An toplevel Region has depth 0.
379   ///
380   /// @return The depth of the region.
381   unsigned getDepth() const;
383   /// Check if a Region is the TopLevel region.
384   ///
385   /// The toplevel region represents the whole function.
386   bool isTopLevelRegion() const { return exit == nullptr; }
388   /// Return a new (non-canonical) region, that is obtained by joining
389   ///        this region with its predecessors.
390   ///
391   /// @return A region also starting at getEntry(), but reaching to the next
392   ///         basic block that forms with getEntry() a (non-canonical) region.
393   ///         NULL if such a basic block does not exist.
394   RegionT *getExpandedRegion() const;
396   /// Return the first block of this region's single entry edge,
397   ///        if existing.
398   ///
399   /// @return The BasicBlock starting this region's single entry edge,
400   ///         else NULL.
401   BlockT *getEnteringBlock() const;
403   /// Return the first block of this region's single exit edge,
404   ///        if existing.
405   ///
406   /// @return The BasicBlock starting this region's single exit edge,
407   ///         else NULL.
408   BlockT *getExitingBlock() const;
410   /// Collect all blocks of this region's single exit edge, if existing.
411   ///
412   /// @return True if this region contains all the predecessors of the exit.
413   bool getExitingBlocks(SmallVectorImpl<BlockT *> &Exitings) const;
415   /// Is this a simple region?
416   ///
417   /// A region is simple if it has exactly one exit and one entry edge.
418   ///
419   /// @return True if the Region is simple.
420   bool isSimple() const;
422   /// Returns the name of the Region.
423   /// @return The Name of the Region.
424   std::string getNameStr() const;
426   /// Return the RegionInfo object, that belongs to this Region.
427   RegionInfoT *getRegionInfo() const { return RI; }
429   /// PrintStyle - Print region in difference ways.
430   enum PrintStyle { PrintNone, PrintBB, PrintRN };
432   /// Print the region.
433   ///
434   /// @param OS The output stream the Region is printed to.
435   /// @param printTree Print also the tree of subregions.
436   /// @param level The indentation level used for printing.
437   void print(raw_ostream &OS, bool printTree = true, unsigned level = 0,
438              PrintStyle Style = PrintNone) const;
440 #if !defined(NDEBUG) || defined(LLVM_ENABLE_DUMP)
441   /// Print the region to stderr.
442   void dump() const;
443 #endif
445   /// Check if the region contains a BasicBlock.
446   ///
447   /// @param BB The BasicBlock that might be contained in this Region.
448   /// @return True if the block is contained in the region otherwise false.
449   bool contains(const BlockT *BB) const;
451   /// Check if the region contains another region.
452   ///
453   /// @param SubRegion The region that might be contained in this Region.
454   /// @return True if SubRegion is contained in the region otherwise false.
455   bool contains(const RegionT *SubRegion) const {
456     // Toplevel Region.
457     if (!getExit())
458       return true;
460     return contains(SubRegion->getEntry()) &&
461            (contains(SubRegion->getExit()) ||
462             SubRegion->getExit() == getExit());
463   }
465   /// Check if the region contains an Instruction.
466   ///
467   /// @param Inst The Instruction that might be contained in this region.
468   /// @return True if the Instruction is contained in the region otherwise
469   /// false.
470   bool contains(const InstT *Inst) const { return contains(Inst->getParent()); }
472   /// Check if the region contains a loop.
473   ///
474   /// @param L The loop that might be contained in this region.
475   /// @return True if the loop is contained in the region otherwise false.
476   ///         In case a NULL pointer is passed to this function the result
477   ///         is false, except for the region that describes the whole function.
478   ///         In that case true is returned.
479   bool contains(const LoopT *L) const;
481   /// Get the outermost loop in the region that contains a loop.
482   ///
483   /// Find for a Loop L the outermost loop OuterL that is a parent loop of L
484   /// and is itself contained in the region.
485   ///
486   /// @param L The loop the lookup is started.
487   /// @return The outermost loop in the region, NULL if such a loop does not
488   ///         exist or if the region describes the whole function.
489   LoopT *outermostLoopInRegion(LoopT *L) const;
491   /// Get the outermost loop in the region that contains a basic block.
492   ///
493   /// Find for a basic block BB the outermost loop L that contains BB and is
494   /// itself contained in the region.
495   ///
496   /// @param LI A pointer to a LoopInfo analysis.
497   /// @param BB The basic block surrounded by the loop.
498   /// @return The outermost loop in the region, NULL if such a loop does not
499   ///         exist or if the region describes the whole function.
500   LoopT *outermostLoopInRegion(LoopInfoT *LI, BlockT *BB) const;
502   /// Get the subregion that starts at a BasicBlock
503   ///
504   /// @param BB The BasicBlock the subregion should start.
505   /// @return The Subregion if available, otherwise NULL.
506   RegionT *getSubRegionNode(BlockT *BB) const;
508   /// Get the RegionNode for a BasicBlock
509   ///
510   /// @param BB The BasicBlock at which the RegionNode should start.
511   /// @return If available, the RegionNode that represents the subregion
512   ///         starting at BB. If no subregion starts at BB, the RegionNode
513   ///         representing BB.
514   RegionNodeT *getNode(BlockT *BB) const;
516   /// Get the BasicBlock RegionNode for a BasicBlock
517   ///
518   /// @param BB The BasicBlock for which the RegionNode is requested.
519   /// @return The RegionNode representing the BB.
520   RegionNodeT *getBBNode(BlockT *BB) const;
522   /// Add a new subregion to this Region.
523   ///
524   /// @param SubRegion The new subregion that will be added.
525   /// @param moveChildren Move the children of this region, that are also
526   ///                     contained in SubRegion into SubRegion.
527   void addSubRegion(RegionT *SubRegion, bool moveChildren = false);
529   /// Remove a subregion from this Region.
530   ///
531   /// The subregion is not deleted, as it will probably be inserted into another
532   /// region.
533   /// @param SubRegion The SubRegion that will be removed.
534   RegionT *removeSubRegion(RegionT *SubRegion);
536   /// Move all direct child nodes of this Region to another Region.
537   ///
538   /// @param To The Region the child nodes will be transferred to.
539   void transferChildrenTo(RegionT *To);
541   /// Verify if the region is a correct region.
542   ///
543   /// Check if this is a correctly build Region. This is an expensive check, as
544   /// the complete CFG of the Region will be walked.
545   void verifyRegion() const;
547   /// Clear the cache for BB RegionNodes.
548   ///
549   /// After calling this function the BasicBlock RegionNodes will be stored at
550   /// different memory locations. RegionNodes obtained before this function is
551   /// called are therefore not comparable to RegionNodes abtained afterwords.
552   void clearNodeCache();
554   /// @name Subregion Iterators
555   ///
556   /// These iterators iterator over all subregions of this Region.
557   //@{
558   using iterator = typename RegionSet::iterator;
559   using const_iterator = typename RegionSet::const_iterator;
561   iterator begin() { return children.begin(); }
562   iterator end() { return children.end(); }
564   const_iterator begin() const { return children.begin(); }
565   const_iterator end() const { return children.end(); }
566   //@}
568   /// @name BasicBlock Iterators
569   ///
570   /// These iterators iterate over all BasicBlocks that are contained in this
571   /// Region. The iterator also iterates over BasicBlocks that are elements of
572   /// a subregion of this Region. It is therefore called a flat iterator.
573   //@{
574   template <bool IsConst>
575   class block_iterator_wrapper
576       : public df_iterator<
577             typename std::conditional<IsConst, const BlockT, BlockT>::type *> {
578     using super =
579         df_iterator<
580             typename std::conditional<IsConst, const BlockT, BlockT>::type *>;
582   public:
583     using Self = block_iterator_wrapper<IsConst>;
584     using value_type = typename super::value_type;
586     // Construct the begin iterator.
587     block_iterator_wrapper(value_type Entry, value_type Exit)
588         : super(df_begin(Entry)) {
589       // Mark the exit of the region as visited, so that the children of the
590       // exit and the exit itself, i.e. the block outside the region will never
591       // be visited.
592       super::Visited.insert(Exit);
593     }
595     // Construct the end iterator.
596     block_iterator_wrapper() : super(df_end<value_type>((BlockT *)nullptr)) {}
598     /*implicit*/ block_iterator_wrapper(super I) : super(I) {}
600     // FIXME: Even a const_iterator returns a non-const BasicBlock pointer.
601     //        This was introduced for backwards compatibility, but should
602     //        be removed as soon as all users are fixed.
603     BlockT *operator*() const {
604       return const_cast<BlockT *>(super::operator*());
605     }
606   };
608   using block_iterator = block_iterator_wrapper<false>;
609   using const_block_iterator = block_iterator_wrapper<true>;
611   block_iterator block_begin() { return block_iterator(getEntry(), getExit()); }
613   block_iterator block_end() { return block_iterator(); }
615   const_block_iterator block_begin() const {
616     return const_block_iterator(getEntry(), getExit());
617   }
618   const_block_iterator block_end() const { return const_block_iterator(); }
620   using block_range = iterator_range<block_iterator>;
621   using const_block_range = iterator_range<const_block_iterator>;
623   /// Returns a range view of the basic blocks in the region.
624   inline block_range blocks() {
625     return block_range(block_begin(), block_end());
626   }
628   /// Returns a range view of the basic blocks in the region.
629   ///
630   /// This is the 'const' version of the range view.
631   inline const_block_range blocks() const {
632     return const_block_range(block_begin(), block_end());
633   }
634   //@}
636   /// @name Element Iterators
637   ///
638   /// These iterators iterate over all BasicBlock and subregion RegionNodes that
639   /// are direct children of this Region. It does not iterate over any
640   /// RegionNodes that are also element of a subregion of this Region.
641   //@{
642   using element_iterator =
643       df_iterator<RegionNodeT *, df_iterator_default_set<RegionNodeT *>, false,
644                   GraphTraits<RegionNodeT *>>;
646   using const_element_iterator =
647       df_iterator<const RegionNodeT *,
648                   df_iterator_default_set<const RegionNodeT *>, false,
649                   GraphTraits<const RegionNodeT *>>;
651   element_iterator element_begin();
652   element_iterator element_end();
653   iterator_range<element_iterator> elements() {
654     return make_range(element_begin(), element_end());
655   }
657   const_element_iterator element_begin() const;
658   const_element_iterator element_end() const;
659   iterator_range<const_element_iterator> elements() const {
660     return make_range(element_begin(), element_end());
661   }
662   //@}
663 };
665 /// Print a RegionNode.
666 template <class Tr>
667 inline raw_ostream &operator<<(raw_ostream &OS, const RegionNodeBase<Tr> &Node);
669 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
670 /// Analysis that detects all canonical Regions.
671 ///
672 /// The RegionInfo pass detects all canonical regions in a function. The Regions
673 /// are connected using the parent relation. This builds a Program Structure
674 /// Tree.
675 template <class Tr>
676 class RegionInfoBase {
677   friend class RegionInfo;
678   friend class MachineRegionInfo;
680   using BlockT = typename Tr::BlockT;
681   using FuncT = typename Tr::FuncT;
682   using RegionT = typename Tr::RegionT;
683   using RegionInfoT = typename Tr::RegionInfoT;
684   using DomTreeT = typename Tr::DomTreeT;
685   using DomTreeNodeT = typename Tr::DomTreeNodeT;
686   using PostDomTreeT = typename Tr::PostDomTreeT;
687   using DomFrontierT = typename Tr::DomFrontierT;
688   using BlockTraits = GraphTraits<BlockT *>;
689   using InvBlockTraits = GraphTraits<Inverse<BlockT *>>;
690   using SuccIterTy = typename BlockTraits::ChildIteratorType;
691   using PredIterTy = typename InvBlockTraits::ChildIteratorType;
693   using BBtoBBMap = DenseMap<BlockT *, BlockT *>;
694   using BBtoRegionMap = DenseMap<BlockT *, RegionT *>;
696   RegionInfoBase();
698   RegionInfoBase(RegionInfoBase &&Arg)
699     : DT(std::move(Arg.DT)), PDT(std::move(Arg.PDT)), DF(std::move(Arg.DF)),
700       TopLevelRegion(std::move(Arg.TopLevelRegion)),
701       BBtoRegion(std::move(Arg.BBtoRegion)) {
702     Arg.wipe();
703   }
705   RegionInfoBase &operator=(RegionInfoBase &&RHS) {
706     DT = std::move(RHS.DT);
707     PDT = std::move(RHS.PDT);
708     DF = std::move(RHS.DF);
709     TopLevelRegion = std::move(RHS.TopLevelRegion);
710     BBtoRegion = std::move(RHS.BBtoRegion);
711     RHS.wipe();
712     return *this;
713   }
715   virtual ~RegionInfoBase();
717   DomTreeT *DT;
718   PostDomTreeT *PDT;
719   DomFrontierT *DF;
721   /// The top level region.
722   RegionT *TopLevelRegion = nullptr;
724   /// Map every BB to the smallest region, that contains BB.
725   BBtoRegionMap BBtoRegion;
727 protected:
728   /// Update refences to a RegionInfoT held by the RegionT managed here
729   ///
730   /// This is a post-move helper. Regions hold references to the owning
731   /// RegionInfo object. After a move these need to be fixed.
732   template<typename TheRegionT>
733   void updateRegionTree(RegionInfoT &RI, TheRegionT *R) {
734     if (!R)
735       return;
736     R->RI = &RI;
737     for (auto &SubR : *R)
738       updateRegionTree(RI, SubR.get());
739   }
741 private:
742   /// Wipe this region tree's state without releasing any resources.
743   ///
744   /// This is essentially a post-move helper only. It leaves the object in an
745   /// assignable and destroyable state, but otherwise invalid.
746   void wipe() {
747     DT = nullptr;
748     PDT = nullptr;
749     DF = nullptr;
750     TopLevelRegion = nullptr;
751     BBtoRegion.clear();
752   }
754   // Check whether the entries of BBtoRegion for the BBs of region
755   // SR are correct. Triggers an assertion if not. Calls itself recursively for
756   // subregions.
757   void verifyBBMap(const RegionT *SR) const;
759   // Returns true if BB is in the dominance frontier of
760   // entry, because it was inherited from exit. In the other case there is an
761   // edge going from entry to BB without passing exit.
762   bool isCommonDomFrontier(BlockT *BB, BlockT *entry, BlockT *exit) const;
764   // Check if entry and exit surround a valid region, based on
765   // dominance tree and dominance frontier.
766   bool isRegion(BlockT *entry, BlockT *exit) const;
768   // Saves a shortcut pointing from entry to exit.
769   // This function may extend this shortcut if possible.
770   void insertShortCut(BlockT *entry, BlockT *exit, BBtoBBMap *ShortCut) const;
772   // Returns the next BB that postdominates N, while skipping
773   // all post dominators that cannot finish a canonical region.
774   DomTreeNodeT *getNextPostDom(DomTreeNodeT *N, BBtoBBMap *ShortCut) const;
776   // A region is trivial, if it contains only one BB.
777   bool isTrivialRegion(BlockT *entry, BlockT *exit) const;
779   // Creates a single entry single exit region.
780   RegionT *createRegion(BlockT *entry, BlockT *exit);
782   // Detect all regions starting with bb 'entry'.
783   void findRegionsWithEntry(BlockT *entry, BBtoBBMap *ShortCut);
785   // Detects regions in F.
786   void scanForRegions(FuncT &F, BBtoBBMap *ShortCut);
788   // Get the top most parent with the same entry block.
789   RegionT *getTopMostParent(RegionT *region);
791   // Build the region hierarchy after all region detected.
792   void buildRegionsTree(DomTreeNodeT *N, RegionT *region);
794   // Update statistic about created regions.
795   virtual void updateStatistics(RegionT *R) = 0;
797   // Detect all regions in function and build the region tree.
798   void calculate(FuncT &F);
800 public:
801   RegionInfoBase(const RegionInfoBase &) = delete;
802   RegionInfoBase &operator=(const RegionInfoBase &) = delete;
804   static bool VerifyRegionInfo;
805   static typename RegionT::PrintStyle printStyle;
807   void print(raw_ostream &OS) const;
808 #if !defined(NDEBUG) || defined(LLVM_ENABLE_DUMP)
809   void dump() const;
810 #endif
812   void releaseMemory();
814   /// Get the smallest region that contains a BasicBlock.
815   ///
816   /// @param BB The basic block.
817   /// @return The smallest region, that contains BB or NULL, if there is no
818   /// region containing BB.
819   RegionT *getRegionFor(BlockT *BB) const;
821   ///  Set the smallest region that surrounds a basic block.
822   ///
823   /// @param BB The basic block surrounded by a region.
824   /// @param R The smallest region that surrounds BB.
825   void setRegionFor(BlockT *BB, RegionT *R);
827   /// A shortcut for getRegionFor().
828   ///
829   /// @param BB The basic block.
830   /// @return The smallest region, that contains BB or NULL, if there is no
831   /// region containing BB.
832   RegionT *operator[](BlockT *BB) const;
834   /// Return the exit of the maximal refined region, that starts at a
835   /// BasicBlock.
836   ///
837   /// @param BB The BasicBlock the refined region starts.
838   BlockT *getMaxRegionExit(BlockT *BB) const;
840   /// Find the smallest region that contains two regions.
841   ///
842   /// @param A The first region.
843   /// @param B The second region.
844   /// @return The smallest region containing A and B.
845   RegionT *getCommonRegion(RegionT *A, RegionT *B) const;
847   /// Find the smallest region that contains two basic blocks.
848   ///
849   /// @param A The first basic block.
850   /// @param B The second basic block.
851   /// @return The smallest region that contains A and B.
852   RegionT *getCommonRegion(BlockT *A, BlockT *B) const {
853     return getCommonRegion(getRegionFor(A), getRegionFor(B));
854   }
856   /// Find the smallest region that contains a set of regions.
857   ///
858   /// @param Regions A vector of regions.
859   /// @return The smallest region that contains all regions in Regions.
860   RegionT *getCommonRegion(SmallVectorImpl<RegionT *> &Regions) const;
862   /// Find the smallest region that contains a set of basic blocks.
863   ///
864   /// @param BBs A vector of basic blocks.
865   /// @return The smallest region that contains all basic blocks in BBS.
866   RegionT *getCommonRegion(SmallVectorImpl<BlockT *> &BBs) const;
868   RegionT *getTopLevelRegion() const { return TopLevelRegion; }
870   /// Clear the Node Cache for all Regions.
871   ///
872   /// @see Region::clearNodeCache()
873   void clearNodeCache() {
874     if (TopLevelRegion)
875       TopLevelRegion->clearNodeCache();
876   }
878   void verifyAnalysis() const;
879 };
881 class Region;
883 class RegionNode : public RegionNodeBase<RegionTraits<Function>> {
884 public:
885   inline RegionNode(Region *Parent, BasicBlock *Entry, bool isSubRegion = false)
886       : RegionNodeBase<RegionTraits<Function>>(Parent, Entry, isSubRegion) {}
888   bool operator==(const Region &RN) const {
889     return this == reinterpret_cast<const RegionNode *>(&RN);
890   }
891 };
893 class Region : public RegionBase<RegionTraits<Function>> {
894 public:
895   Region(BasicBlock *Entry, BasicBlock *Exit, RegionInfo *RI, DominatorTree *DT,
896          Region *Parent = nullptr);
897   ~Region();
899   bool operator==(const RegionNode &RN) const {
900     return &RN == reinterpret_cast<const RegionNode *>(this);
901   }
902 };
904 class RegionInfo : public RegionInfoBase<RegionTraits<Function>> {
905 public:
906   using Base = RegionInfoBase<RegionTraits<Function>>;
908   explicit RegionInfo();
910   RegionInfo(RegionInfo &&Arg) : Base(std::move(static_cast<Base &>(Arg))) {
911     updateRegionTree(*this, TopLevelRegion);
912   }
914   RegionInfo &operator=(RegionInfo &&RHS) {
915     Base::operator=(std::move(static_cast<Base &>(RHS)));
916     updateRegionTree(*this, TopLevelRegion);
917     return *this;
918   }
920   ~RegionInfo() override;
922   /// Handle invalidation explicitly.
923   bool invalidate(Function &F, const PreservedAnalyses &PA,
924                   FunctionAnalysisManager::Invalidator &);
926   // updateStatistics - Update statistic about created regions.
927   void updateStatistics(Region *R) final;
929   void recalculate(Function &F, DominatorTree *DT, PostDominatorTree *PDT,
930                    DominanceFrontier *DF);
932 #ifndef NDEBUG
933   /// Opens a viewer to show the GraphViz visualization of the regions.
934   ///
935   /// Useful during debugging as an alternative to dump().
936   void view();
938   /// Opens a viewer to show the GraphViz visualization of this region
939   /// without instructions in the BasicBlocks.
940   ///
941   /// Useful during debugging as an alternative to dump().
942   void viewOnly();
943 #endif
944 };
946 class RegionInfoPass : public FunctionPass {
947   RegionInfo RI;
949 public:
950   static char ID;
952   explicit RegionInfoPass();
953   ~RegionInfoPass() override;
955   RegionInfo &getRegionInfo() { return RI; }
957   const RegionInfo &getRegionInfo() const { return RI; }
959   /// @name FunctionPass interface
960   //@{
961   bool runOnFunction(Function &F) override;
962   void releaseMemory() override;
963   void verifyAnalysis() const override;
964   void getAnalysisUsage(AnalysisUsage &AU) const override;
965   void print(raw_ostream &OS, const Module *) const override;
966   void dump() const;
967   //@}
968 };
970 /// Analysis pass that exposes the \c RegionInfo for a function.
971 class RegionInfoAnalysis : public AnalysisInfoMixin<RegionInfoAnalysis> {
972   friend AnalysisInfoMixin<RegionInfoAnalysis>;
974   static AnalysisKey Key;
976 public:
977   using Result = RegionInfo;
979   RegionInfo run(Function &F, FunctionAnalysisManager &AM);
980 };
982 /// Printer pass for the \c RegionInfo.
983 class RegionInfoPrinterPass : public PassInfoMixin<RegionInfoPrinterPass> {
984   raw_ostream &OS;
986 public:
987   explicit RegionInfoPrinterPass(raw_ostream &OS);
989   PreservedAnalyses run(Function &F, FunctionAnalysisManager &AM);
990 };
992 /// Verifier pass for the \c RegionInfo.
993 struct RegionInfoVerifierPass : PassInfoMixin<RegionInfoVerifierPass> {
994   PreservedAnalyses run(Function &F, FunctionAnalysisManager &AM);
995 };
997 template <>
998 template <>
999 inline BasicBlock *
1000 RegionNodeBase<RegionTraits<Function>>::getNodeAs<BasicBlock>() const {
1001   assert(!isSubRegion() && "This is not a BasicBlock RegionNode!");
1002   return getEntry();
1003 }
1005 template <>
1006 template <>
1007 inline Region *
1008 RegionNodeBase<RegionTraits<Function>>::getNodeAs<Region>() const {
1009   assert(isSubRegion() && "This is not a subregion RegionNode!");
1010   auto Unconst = const_cast<RegionNodeBase<RegionTraits<Function>> *>(this);
1011   return reinterpret_cast<Region *>(Unconst);
1012 }
1014 template <class Tr>
1015 inline raw_ostream &operator<<(raw_ostream &OS,
1016                                const RegionNodeBase<Tr> &Node) {
1017   using BlockT = typename Tr::BlockT;
1018   using RegionT = typename Tr::RegionT;
1020   if (Node.isSubRegion())
1021     return OS << Node.template getNodeAs<RegionT>()->getNameStr();
1022   else
1023     return OS << Node.template getNodeAs<BlockT>()->getName();
1024 }
1026 extern template class RegionBase<RegionTraits<Function>>;
1027 extern template class RegionNodeBase<RegionTraits<Function>>;
1028 extern template class RegionInfoBase<RegionTraits<Function>>;
1030 } // end namespace llvm