1 //==- include/llvm/CodeGen/AccelTable.h - Accelerator Tables -----*- C++ -*-==//
2 //
3 // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4 // See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
5 // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
6 //
7 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
8 //
9 // This file contains support for writing accelerator tables.
10 //
11 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
16 #include "llvm/ADT/ArrayRef.h"
17 #include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"
18 #include "llvm/ADT/StringMap.h"
19 #include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
20 #include "llvm/BinaryFormat/Dwarf.h"
21 #include "llvm/CodeGen/DIE.h"
22 #include "llvm/CodeGen/DwarfStringPoolEntry.h"
23 #include "llvm/MC/MCSymbol.h"
24 #include "llvm/Support/Allocator.h"
25 #include "llvm/Support/DJB.h"
26 #include "llvm/Support/Debug.h"
27 #include "llvm/Support/Format.h"
28 #include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
29 #include <cstddef>
30 #include <cstdint>
31 #include <vector>
33 /// The DWARF and Apple accelerator tables are an indirect hash table optimized
34 /// for null lookup rather than access to known data. The Apple accelerator
35 /// tables are a precursor of the newer DWARF v5 accelerator tables. Both
36 /// formats share common design ideas.
37 ///
38 /// The Apple accelerator table are output into an on-disk format that looks
39 /// like this:
40 ///
41 /// .------------------.
42 /// |  HEADER          |
43 /// |------------------|
44 /// |  BUCKETS         |
45 /// |------------------|
46 /// |  HASHES          |
47 /// |------------------|
48 /// |  OFFSETS         |
49 /// |------------------|
50 /// |  DATA            |
51 /// `------------------'
52 ///
53 /// The header contains a magic number, version, type of hash function,
54 /// the number of buckets, total number of hashes, and room for a special struct
55 /// of data and the length of that struct.
56 ///
57 /// The buckets contain an index (e.g. 6) into the hashes array. The hashes
58 /// section contains all of the 32-bit hash values in contiguous memory, and the
59 /// offsets contain the offset into the data area for the particular hash.
60 ///
61 /// For a lookup example, we could hash a function name and take it modulo the
62 /// number of buckets giving us our bucket. From there we take the bucket value
63 /// as an index into the hashes table and look at each successive hash as long
64 /// as the hash value is still the same modulo result (bucket value) as earlier.
65 /// If we have a match we look at that same entry in the offsets table and grab
66 /// the offset in the data for our final match.
67 ///
68 /// The DWARF v5 accelerator table consists of zero or more name indices that
69 /// are output into an on-disk format that looks like this:
70 ///
71 /// .------------------.
72 /// |  HEADER          |
73 /// |------------------|
74 /// |  CU LIST         |
75 /// |------------------|
76 /// |  LOCAL TU LIST   |
77 /// |------------------|
78 /// |  FOREIGN TU LIST |
79 /// |------------------|
80 /// |  HASH TABLE      |
81 /// |------------------|
82 /// |  NAME TABLE      |
83 /// |------------------|
84 /// |  ABBREV TABLE    |
85 /// |------------------|
86 /// |  ENTRY POOL      |
87 /// `------------------'
88 ///
89 /// For the full documentation please refer to the DWARF 5 standard.
90 ///
91 ///
92 /// This file defines the class template AccelTable, which is represents an
93 /// abstract view of an Accelerator table, without any notion of an on-disk
94 /// layout. This class is parameterized by an entry type, which should derive
95 /// from AccelTableData. This is the type of individual entries in the table,
96 /// and it should store the data necessary to emit them. AppleAccelTableData is
97 /// the base class for Apple Accelerator Table entries, which have a uniform
98 /// structure based on a sequence of Atoms. There are different sub-classes
99 /// derived from AppleAccelTable, which differ in the set of Atoms and how they
100 /// obtain their values.
101 ///
102 /// An Apple Accelerator Table can be serialized by calling emitAppleAccelTable
103 /// function.
105 namespace llvm {
107 class AsmPrinter;
108 class DwarfCompileUnit;
109 class DwarfDebug;
111 /// Interface which the different types of accelerator table data have to
112 /// conform. It serves as a base class for different values of the template
113 /// argument of the AccelTable class template.
114 class AccelTableData {
115 public:
116   virtual ~AccelTableData() = default;
118   bool operator<(const AccelTableData &Other) const {
119     return order() < Other.order();
120   }
122     // Subclasses should implement:
123     // static uint32_t hash(StringRef Name);
125 #ifndef NDEBUG
126   virtual void print(raw_ostream &OS) const = 0;
127 #endif
128 protected:
129   virtual uint64_t order() const = 0;
130 };
132 /// A base class holding non-template-dependant functionality of the AccelTable
133 /// class. Clients should not use this class directly but rather instantiate
134 /// AccelTable with a type derived from AccelTableData.
135 class AccelTableBase {
136 public:
137   using HashFn = uint32_t(StringRef);
139   /// Represents a group of entries with identical name (and hence, hash value).
140   struct HashData {
141     DwarfStringPoolEntryRef Name;
142     uint32_t HashValue;
143     std::vector<AccelTableData *> Values;
144     MCSymbol *Sym;
146     HashData(DwarfStringPoolEntryRef Name, HashFn *Hash)
147         : Name(Name), HashValue(Hash(Name.getString())) {}
149 #ifndef NDEBUG
150     void print(raw_ostream &OS) const;
151     void dump() const { print(dbgs()); }
152 #endif
153   };
154   using HashList = std::vector<HashData *>;
155   using BucketList = std::vector<HashList>;
157 protected:
158   /// Allocator for HashData and Values.
159   BumpPtrAllocator Allocator;
161   using StringEntries = StringMap<HashData, BumpPtrAllocator &>;
162   StringEntries Entries;
164   HashFn *Hash;
165   uint32_t BucketCount;
166   uint32_t UniqueHashCount;
168   HashList Hashes;
169   BucketList Buckets;
171   void computeBucketCount();
173   AccelTableBase(HashFn *Hash) : Entries(Allocator), Hash(Hash) {}
175 public:
176   void finalize(AsmPrinter *Asm, StringRef Prefix);
177   ArrayRef<HashList> getBuckets() const { return Buckets; }
178   uint32_t getBucketCount() const { return BucketCount; }
179   uint32_t getUniqueHashCount() const { return UniqueHashCount; }
180   uint32_t getUniqueNameCount() const { return Entries.size(); }
182 #ifndef NDEBUG
183   void print(raw_ostream &OS) const;
184   void dump() const { print(dbgs()); }
185 #endif
187   AccelTableBase(const AccelTableBase &) = delete;
188   void operator=(const AccelTableBase &) = delete;
189 };
191 /// This class holds an abstract representation of an Accelerator Table,
192 /// consisting of a sequence of buckets, each bucket containint a sequence of
193 /// HashData entries. The class is parameterized by the type of entries it
194 /// holds. The type template parameter also defines the hash function to use for
195 /// hashing names.
196 template <typename DataT> class AccelTable : public AccelTableBase {
197 public:
198   AccelTable() : AccelTableBase(DataT::hash) {}
200   template <typename... Types>
201   void addName(DwarfStringPoolEntryRef Name, Types &&... Args);
202 };
204 template <typename AccelTableDataT>
205 template <typename... Types>
206 void AccelTable<AccelTableDataT>::addName(DwarfStringPoolEntryRef Name,
207                                           Types &&... Args) {
208   assert(Buckets.empty() && "Already finalized!");
209   // If the string is in the list already then add this die to the list
210   // otherwise add a new one.
211   auto Iter = Entries.try_emplace(Name.getString(), Name, Hash).first;
212   assert(Iter->second.Name == Name);
213   Iter->second.Values.push_back(
214       new (Allocator) AccelTableDataT(std::forward<Types>(Args)...));
215 }
217 /// A base class for different implementations of Data classes for Apple
218 /// Accelerator Tables. The columns in the table are defined by the static Atoms
219 /// variable defined on the subclasses.
220 class AppleAccelTableData : public AccelTableData {
221 public:
222   /// An Atom defines the form of the data in an Apple accelerator table.
223   /// Conceptually it is a column in the accelerator consisting of a type and a
224   /// specification of the form of its data.
225   struct Atom {
226     /// Atom Type.
227     const uint16_t Type;
228     /// DWARF Form.
229     const uint16_t Form;
231     constexpr Atom(uint16_t Type, uint16_t Form) : Type(Type), Form(Form) {}
233 #ifndef NDEBUG
234     void print(raw_ostream &OS) const;
235     void dump() const { print(dbgs()); }
236 #endif
237   };
238   // Subclasses should define:
239   // static constexpr Atom Atoms[];
241   virtual void emit(AsmPrinter *Asm) const = 0;
243   static uint32_t hash(StringRef Buffer) { return djbHash(Buffer); }
244 };
246 /// The Data class implementation for DWARF v5 accelerator table. Unlike the
247 /// Apple Data classes, this class is just a DIE wrapper, and does not know to
248 /// serialize itself. The complete serialization logic is in the
249 /// emitDWARF5AccelTable function.
250 class DWARF5AccelTableData : public AccelTableData {
251 public:
252   static uint32_t hash(StringRef Name) { return caseFoldingDjbHash(Name); }
254   DWARF5AccelTableData(const DIE &Die) : Die(Die) {}
256 #ifndef NDEBUG
257   void print(raw_ostream &OS) const override;
258 #endif
260   const DIE &getDie() const { return Die; }
261   uint64_t getDieOffset() const { return Die.getOffset(); }
262   unsigned getDieTag() const { return Die.getTag(); }
264 protected:
265   const DIE &Die;
267   uint64_t order() const override { return Die.getOffset(); }
268 };
270 class DWARF5AccelTableStaticData : public AccelTableData {
271 public:
272   static uint32_t hash(StringRef Name) { return caseFoldingDjbHash(Name); }
274   DWARF5AccelTableStaticData(uint64_t DieOffset, unsigned DieTag,
275                              unsigned CUIndex)
276       : DieOffset(DieOffset), DieTag(DieTag), CUIndex(CUIndex) {}
278 #ifndef NDEBUG
279   void print(raw_ostream &OS) const override;
280 #endif
282   uint64_t getDieOffset() const { return DieOffset; }
283   unsigned getDieTag() const { return DieTag; }
284   unsigned getCUIndex() const { return CUIndex; }
286 protected:
287   uint64_t DieOffset;
288   unsigned DieTag;
289   unsigned CUIndex;
291   uint64_t order() const override { return DieOffset; }
292 };
294 void emitAppleAccelTableImpl(AsmPrinter *Asm, AccelTableBase &Contents,
295                              StringRef Prefix, const MCSymbol *SecBegin,
296                              ArrayRef<AppleAccelTableData::Atom> Atoms);
298 /// Emit an Apple Accelerator Table consisting of entries in the specified
299 /// AccelTable. The DataT template parameter should be derived from
300 /// AppleAccelTableData.
301 template <typename DataT>
302 void emitAppleAccelTable(AsmPrinter *Asm, AccelTable<DataT> &Contents,
303                          StringRef Prefix, const MCSymbol *SecBegin) {
304   static_assert(std::is_convertible<DataT *, AppleAccelTableData *>::value, "");
305   emitAppleAccelTableImpl(Asm, Contents, Prefix, SecBegin, DataT::Atoms);
306 }
308 void emitDWARF5AccelTable(AsmPrinter *Asm,
309                           AccelTable<DWARF5AccelTableData> &Contents,
310                           const DwarfDebug &DD,
311                           ArrayRef<std::unique_ptr<DwarfCompileUnit>> CUs);
313 void emitDWARF5AccelTable(
314     AsmPrinter *Asm, AccelTable<DWARF5AccelTableStaticData> &Contents,
315     ArrayRef<MCSymbol *> CUs,
316     llvm::function_ref<unsigned(const DWARF5AccelTableStaticData &)>
317         getCUIndexForEntry);
319 /// Accelerator table data implementation for simple Apple accelerator tables
320 /// with just a DIE reference.
321 class AppleAccelTableOffsetData : public AppleAccelTableData {
322 public:
323   AppleAccelTableOffsetData(const DIE &D) : Die(D) {}
325   void emit(AsmPrinter *Asm) const override;
327   static constexpr Atom Atoms[] = {
328       Atom(dwarf::DW_ATOM_die_offset, dwarf::DW_FORM_data4)};
330 #ifndef NDEBUG
331   void print(raw_ostream &OS) const override;
332 #endif
333 protected:
334   uint64_t order() const override { return Die.getOffset(); }
336   const DIE &Die;
337 };
339 /// Accelerator table data implementation for Apple type accelerator tables.
340 class AppleAccelTableTypeData : public AppleAccelTableOffsetData {
341 public:
342   AppleAccelTableTypeData(const DIE &D) : AppleAccelTableOffsetData(D) {}
344   void emit(AsmPrinter *Asm) const override;
346   static constexpr Atom Atoms[] = {
347       Atom(dwarf::DW_ATOM_die_offset, dwarf::DW_FORM_data4),
348       Atom(dwarf::DW_ATOM_die_tag, dwarf::DW_FORM_data2),
349       Atom(dwarf::DW_ATOM_type_flags, dwarf::DW_FORM_data1)};
351 #ifndef NDEBUG
352   void print(raw_ostream &OS) const override;
353 #endif
354 };
356 /// Accelerator table data implementation for simple Apple accelerator tables
357 /// with a DIE offset but no actual DIE pointer.
358 class AppleAccelTableStaticOffsetData : public AppleAccelTableData {
359 public:
360   AppleAccelTableStaticOffsetData(uint32_t Offset) : Offset(Offset) {}
362   void emit(AsmPrinter *Asm) const override;
364   static constexpr Atom Atoms[] = {
365       Atom(dwarf::DW_ATOM_die_offset, dwarf::DW_FORM_data4)};
367 #ifndef NDEBUG
368   void print(raw_ostream &OS) const override;
369 #endif
370 protected:
371   uint64_t order() const override { return Offset; }
373   uint32_t Offset;
374 };
376 /// Accelerator table data implementation for type accelerator tables with
377 /// a DIE offset but no actual DIE pointer.
378 class AppleAccelTableStaticTypeData : public AppleAccelTableStaticOffsetData {
379 public:
380   AppleAccelTableStaticTypeData(uint32_t Offset, uint16_t Tag,
381                                 bool ObjCClassIsImplementation,
382                                 uint32_t QualifiedNameHash)
383       : AppleAccelTableStaticOffsetData(Offset),
384         QualifiedNameHash(QualifiedNameHash), Tag(Tag),
385         ObjCClassIsImplementation(ObjCClassIsImplementation) {}
387   void emit(AsmPrinter *Asm) const override;
389   static constexpr Atom Atoms[] = {
390       Atom(dwarf::DW_ATOM_die_offset, dwarf::DW_FORM_data4),
391       Atom(dwarf::DW_ATOM_die_tag, dwarf::DW_FORM_data2),
392       Atom(5, dwarf::DW_FORM_data1), Atom(6, dwarf::DW_FORM_data4)};
394 #ifndef NDEBUG
395   void print(raw_ostream &OS) const override;
396 #endif
397 protected:
398   uint64_t order() const override { return Offset; }
400   uint32_t QualifiedNameHash;
401   uint16_t Tag;
402   bool ObjCClassIsImplementation;
403 };
405 } // end namespace llvm