1 //===--- ItaniumDemangle.h -----------*- mode:c++;eval:(read-only-mode) -*-===//
2 //       Do not edit! See README.txt.
3 // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4 // See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
5 // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
6 //
7 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
8 //
9 // Generic itanium demangler library.
10 // There are two copies of this file in the source tree.  The one under
11 // libcxxabi is the original and the one under llvm is the copy.  Use
12 // cp-to-llvm.sh to update the copy.  See README.txt for more details.
13 //
14 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
19 #include "DemangleConfig.h"
20 #include "StringViewExtras.h"
21 #include "Utility.h"
22 #include <algorithm>
23 #include <cassert>
24 #include <cctype>
25 #include <cstdio>
26 #include <cstdlib>
27 #include <cstring>
28 #include <limits>
29 #include <new>
30 #include <string_view>
31 #include <type_traits>
32 #include <utility>
36 template <class T, size_t N> class PODSmallVector {
37   static_assert(std::is_pod<T>::value,
38                 "T is required to be a plain old data type");
40   T *First = nullptr;
41   T *Last = nullptr;
42   T *Cap = nullptr;
43   T Inline[N] = {0};
45   bool isInline() const { return First == Inline; }
47   void clearInline() {
48     First = Inline;
49     Last = Inline;
50     Cap = Inline + N;
51   }
53   void reserve(size_t NewCap) {
54     size_t S = size();
55     if (isInline()) {
56       auto *Tmp = static_cast<T *>(std::malloc(NewCap * sizeof(T)));
57       if (Tmp == nullptr)
58         std::terminate();
59       std::copy(First, Last, Tmp);
60       First = Tmp;
61     } else {
62       First = static_cast<T *>(std::realloc(First, NewCap * sizeof(T)));
63       if (First == nullptr)
64         std::terminate();
65     }
66     Last = First + S;
67     Cap = First + NewCap;
68   }
70 public:
71   PODSmallVector() : First(Inline), Last(First), Cap(Inline + N) {}
73   PODSmallVector(const PODSmallVector &) = delete;
74   PODSmallVector &operator=(const PODSmallVector &) = delete;
76   PODSmallVector(PODSmallVector &&Other) : PODSmallVector() {
77     if (Other.isInline()) {
78       std::copy(Other.begin(), Other.end(), First);
79       Last = First + Other.size();
80       Other.clear();
81       return;
82     }
84     First = Other.First;
85     Last = Other.Last;
86     Cap = Other.Cap;
87     Other.clearInline();
88   }
90   PODSmallVector &operator=(PODSmallVector &&Other) {
91     if (Other.isInline()) {
92       if (!isInline()) {
93         std::free(First);
94         clearInline();
95       }
96       std::copy(Other.begin(), Other.end(), First);
97       Last = First + Other.size();
98       Other.clear();
99       return *this;
100     }
102     if (isInline()) {
103       First = Other.First;
104       Last = Other.Last;
105       Cap = Other.Cap;
106       Other.clearInline();
107       return *this;
108     }
110     std::swap(First, Other.First);
111     std::swap(Last, Other.Last);
112     std::swap(Cap, Other.Cap);
113     Other.clear();
114     return *this;
115   }
117   // NOLINTNEXTLINE(readability-identifier-naming)
118   void push_back(const T &Elem) {
119     if (Last == Cap)
120       reserve(size() * 2);
121     *Last++ = Elem;
122   }
124   // NOLINTNEXTLINE(readability-identifier-naming)
125   void pop_back() {
126     assert(Last != First && "Popping empty vector!");
127     --Last;
128   }
130   void dropBack(size_t Index) {
131     assert(Index <= size() && "dropBack() can't expand!");
132     Last = First + Index;
133   }
135   T *begin() { return First; }
136   T *end() { return Last; }
138   bool empty() const { return First == Last; }
139   size_t size() const { return static_cast<size_t>(Last - First); }
140   T &back() {
141     assert(Last != First && "Calling back() on empty vector!");
142     return *(Last - 1);
143   }
144   T &operator[](size_t Index) {
145     assert(Index < size() && "Invalid access!");
146     return *(begin() + Index);
147   }
148   void clear() { Last = First; }
150   ~PODSmallVector() {
151     if (!isInline())
152       std::free(First);
153   }
154 };
156 // Base class of all AST nodes. The AST is built by the parser, then is
157 // traversed by the printLeft/Right functions to produce a demangled string.
158 class Node {
159 public:
160   enum Kind : unsigned char {
161 #define NODE(NodeKind) K##NodeKind,
162 #include "ItaniumNodes.def"
163   };
165   /// Three-way bool to track a cached value. Unknown is possible if this node
166   /// has an unexpanded parameter pack below it that may affect this cache.
167   enum class Cache : unsigned char { Yes, No, Unknown, };
169   /// Operator precedence for expression nodes. Used to determine required
170   /// parens in expression emission.
171   enum class Prec {
172     Primary,
173     Postfix,
174     Unary,
175     Cast,
176     PtrMem,
177     Multiplicative,
178     Additive,
179     Shift,
180     Spaceship,
181     Relational,
182     Equality,
183     And,
184     Xor,
185     Ior,
186     AndIf,
187     OrIf,
188     Conditional,
189     Assign,
190     Comma,
191     Default,
192   };
194 private:
195   Kind K;
197   Prec Precedence : 6;
199   // FIXME: Make these protected.
200 public:
201   /// Tracks if this node has a component on its right side, in which case we
202   /// need to call printRight.
203   Cache RHSComponentCache : 2;
205   /// Track if this node is a (possibly qualified) array type. This can affect
206   /// how we format the output string.
207   Cache ArrayCache : 2;
209   /// Track if this node is a (possibly qualified) function type. This can
210   /// affect how we format the output string.
211   Cache FunctionCache : 2;
213 public:
214   Node(Kind K_, Prec Precedence_ = Prec::Primary,
215        Cache RHSComponentCache_ = Cache::No, Cache ArrayCache_ = Cache::No,
216        Cache FunctionCache_ = Cache::No)
217       : K(K_), Precedence(Precedence_), RHSComponentCache(RHSComponentCache_),
218         ArrayCache(ArrayCache_), FunctionCache(FunctionCache_) {}
219   Node(Kind K_, Cache RHSComponentCache_, Cache ArrayCache_ = Cache::No,
220        Cache FunctionCache_ = Cache::No)
221       : Node(K_, Prec::Primary, RHSComponentCache_, ArrayCache_,
222              FunctionCache_) {}
224   /// Visit the most-derived object corresponding to this object.
225   template<typename Fn> void visit(Fn F) const;
227   // The following function is provided by all derived classes:
228   //
229   // Call F with arguments that, when passed to the constructor of this node,
230   // would construct an equivalent node.
231   //template<typename Fn> void match(Fn F) const;
233   bool hasRHSComponent(OutputBuffer &OB) const {
234     if (RHSComponentCache != Cache::Unknown)
235       return RHSComponentCache == Cache::Yes;
236     return hasRHSComponentSlow(OB);
237   }
239   bool hasArray(OutputBuffer &OB) const {
240     if (ArrayCache != Cache::Unknown)
241       return ArrayCache == Cache::Yes;
242     return hasArraySlow(OB);
243   }
245   bool hasFunction(OutputBuffer &OB) const {
246     if (FunctionCache != Cache::Unknown)
247       return FunctionCache == Cache::Yes;
248     return hasFunctionSlow(OB);
249   }
251   Kind getKind() const { return K; }
253   Prec getPrecedence() const { return Precedence; }
255   virtual bool hasRHSComponentSlow(OutputBuffer &) const { return false; }
256   virtual bool hasArraySlow(OutputBuffer &) const { return false; }
257   virtual bool hasFunctionSlow(OutputBuffer &) const { return false; }
259   // Dig through "glue" nodes like ParameterPack and ForwardTemplateReference to
260   // get at a node that actually represents some concrete syntax.
261   virtual const Node *getSyntaxNode(OutputBuffer &) const { return this; }
263   // Print this node as an expression operand, surrounding it in parentheses if
264   // its precedence is [Strictly] weaker than P.
265   void printAsOperand(OutputBuffer &OB, Prec P = Prec::Default,
266                       bool StrictlyWorse = false) const {
267     bool Paren =
268         unsigned(getPrecedence()) >= unsigned(P) + unsigned(StrictlyWorse);
269     if (Paren)
270       OB.printOpen();
271     print(OB);
272     if (Paren)
273       OB.printClose();
274   }
276   void print(OutputBuffer &OB) const {
277     printLeft(OB);
278     if (RHSComponentCache != Cache::No)
279       printRight(OB);
280   }
282   // Print the "left" side of this Node into OutputBuffer.
283   virtual void printLeft(OutputBuffer &) const = 0;
285   // Print the "right". This distinction is necessary to represent C++ types
286   // that appear on the RHS of their subtype, such as arrays or functions.
287   // Since most types don't have such a component, provide a default
288   // implementation.
289   virtual void printRight(OutputBuffer &) const {}
291   virtual std::string_view getBaseName() const { return {}; }
293   // Silence compiler warnings, this dtor will never be called.
294   virtual ~Node() = default;
296 #ifndef NDEBUG
297   DEMANGLE_DUMP_METHOD void dump() const;
298 #endif
299 };
301 class NodeArray {
302   Node **Elements;
303   size_t NumElements;
305 public:
306   NodeArray() : Elements(nullptr), NumElements(0) {}
307   NodeArray(Node **Elements_, size_t NumElements_)
308       : Elements(Elements_), NumElements(NumElements_) {}
310   bool empty() const { return NumElements == 0; }
311   size_t size() const { return NumElements; }
313   Node **begin() const { return Elements; }
314   Node **end() const { return Elements + NumElements; }
316   Node *operator[](size_t Idx) const { return Elements[Idx]; }
318   void printWithComma(OutputBuffer &OB) const {
319     bool FirstElement = true;
320     for (size_t Idx = 0; Idx != NumElements; ++Idx) {
321       size_t BeforeComma = OB.getCurrentPosition();
322       if (!FirstElement)
323         OB += ", ";
324       size_t AfterComma = OB.getCurrentPosition();
325       Elements[Idx]->printAsOperand(OB, Node::Prec::Comma);
327       // Elements[Idx] is an empty parameter pack expansion, we should erase the
328       // comma we just printed.
329       if (AfterComma == OB.getCurrentPosition()) {
330         OB.setCurrentPosition(BeforeComma);
331         continue;
332       }
334       FirstElement = false;
335     }
336   }
337 };
339 struct NodeArrayNode : Node {
340   NodeArray Array;
341   NodeArrayNode(NodeArray Array_) : Node(KNodeArrayNode), Array(Array_) {}
343   template<typename Fn> void match(Fn F) const { F(Array); }
345   void printLeft(OutputBuffer &OB) const override { Array.printWithComma(OB); }
346 };
348 class DotSuffix final : public Node {
349   const Node *Prefix;
350   const std::string_view Suffix;
352 public:
353   DotSuffix(const Node *Prefix_, std::string_view Suffix_)
354       : Node(KDotSuffix), Prefix(Prefix_), Suffix(Suffix_) {}
356   template<typename Fn> void match(Fn F) const { F(Prefix, Suffix); }
358   void printLeft(OutputBuffer &OB) const override {
359     Prefix->print(OB);
360     OB += " (";
361     OB += Suffix;
362     OB += ")";
363   }
364 };
366 class VendorExtQualType final : public Node {
367   const Node *Ty;
368   std::string_view Ext;
369   const Node *TA;
371 public:
372   VendorExtQualType(const Node *Ty_, std::string_view Ext_, const Node *TA_)
373       : Node(KVendorExtQualType), Ty(Ty_), Ext(Ext_), TA(TA_) {}
375   const Node *getTy() const { return Ty; }
376   std::string_view getExt() const { return Ext; }
377   const Node *getTA() const { return TA; }
379   template <typename Fn> void match(Fn F) const { F(Ty, Ext, TA); }
381   void printLeft(OutputBuffer &OB) const override {
382     Ty->print(OB);
383     OB += " ";
384     OB += Ext;
385     if (TA != nullptr)
386       TA->print(OB);
387   }
388 };
390 enum FunctionRefQual : unsigned char {
391   FrefQualNone,
392   FrefQualLValue,
393   FrefQualRValue,
394 };
396 enum Qualifiers {
397   QualNone = 0,
398   QualConst = 0x1,
399   QualVolatile = 0x2,
400   QualRestrict = 0x4,
401 };
403 inline Qualifiers operator|=(Qualifiers &Q1, Qualifiers Q2) {
404   return Q1 = static_cast<Qualifiers>(Q1 | Q2);
405 }
407 class QualType final : public Node {
408 protected:
409   const Qualifiers Quals;
410   const Node *Child;
412   void printQuals(OutputBuffer &OB) const {
413     if (Quals & QualConst)
414       OB += " const";
415     if (Quals & QualVolatile)
416       OB += " volatile";
417     if (Quals & QualRestrict)
418       OB += " restrict";
419   }
421 public:
422   QualType(const Node *Child_, Qualifiers Quals_)
423       : Node(KQualType, Child_->RHSComponentCache,
424              Child_->ArrayCache, Child_->FunctionCache),
425         Quals(Quals_), Child(Child_) {}
427   Qualifiers getQuals() const { return Quals; }
428   const Node *getChild() const { return Child; }
430   template<typename Fn> void match(Fn F) const { F(Child, Quals); }
432   bool hasRHSComponentSlow(OutputBuffer &OB) const override {
433     return Child->hasRHSComponent(OB);
434   }
435   bool hasArraySlow(OutputBuffer &OB) const override {
436     return Child->hasArray(OB);
437   }
438   bool hasFunctionSlow(OutputBuffer &OB) const override {
439     return Child->hasFunction(OB);
440   }
442   void printLeft(OutputBuffer &OB) const override {
443     Child->printLeft(OB);
444     printQuals(OB);
445   }
447   void printRight(OutputBuffer &OB) const override { Child->printRight(OB); }
448 };
450 class ConversionOperatorType final : public Node {
451   const Node *Ty;
453 public:
454   ConversionOperatorType(const Node *Ty_)
455       : Node(KConversionOperatorType), Ty(Ty_) {}
457   template<typename Fn> void match(Fn F) const { F(Ty); }
459   void printLeft(OutputBuffer &OB) const override {
460     OB += "operator ";
461     Ty->print(OB);
462   }
463 };
465 class PostfixQualifiedType final : public Node {
466   const Node *Ty;
467   const std::string_view Postfix;
469 public:
470   PostfixQualifiedType(const Node *Ty_, std::string_view Postfix_)
471       : Node(KPostfixQualifiedType), Ty(Ty_), Postfix(Postfix_) {}
473   template<typename Fn> void match(Fn F) const { F(Ty, Postfix); }
475   void printLeft(OutputBuffer &OB) const override {
476     Ty->printLeft(OB);
477     OB += Postfix;
478   }
479 };
481 class NameType final : public Node {
482   const std::string_view Name;
484 public:
485   NameType(std::string_view Name_) : Node(KNameType), Name(Name_) {}
487   template<typename Fn> void match(Fn F) const { F(Name); }
489   std::string_view getName() const { return Name; }
490   std::string_view getBaseName() const override { return Name; }
492   void printLeft(OutputBuffer &OB) const override { OB += Name; }
493 };
495 class BitIntType final : public Node {
496   const Node *Size;
497   bool Signed;
499 public:
500   BitIntType(const Node *Size_, bool Signed_)
501       : Node(KBitIntType), Size(Size_), Signed(Signed_) {}
503   template <typename Fn> void match(Fn F) const { F(Size, Signed); }
505   void printLeft(OutputBuffer &OB) const override {
506     if (!Signed)
507       OB += "unsigned ";
508     OB += "_BitInt";
509     OB.printOpen();
510     Size->printAsOperand(OB);
511     OB.printClose();
512   }
513 };
515 class ElaboratedTypeSpefType : public Node {
516   std::string_view Kind;
517   Node *Child;
518 public:
519   ElaboratedTypeSpefType(std::string_view Kind_, Node *Child_)
520       : Node(KElaboratedTypeSpefType), Kind(Kind_), Child(Child_) {}
522   template<typename Fn> void match(Fn F) const { F(Kind, Child); }
524   void printLeft(OutputBuffer &OB) const override {
525     OB += Kind;
526     OB += ' ';
527     Child->print(OB);
528   }
529 };
531 struct AbiTagAttr : Node {
532   Node *Base;
533   std::string_view Tag;
535   AbiTagAttr(Node *Base_, std::string_view Tag_)
536       : Node(KAbiTagAttr, Base_->RHSComponentCache, Base_->ArrayCache,
537              Base_->FunctionCache),
538         Base(Base_), Tag(Tag_) {}
540   template<typename Fn> void match(Fn F) const { F(Base, Tag); }
542   std::string_view getBaseName() const override { return Base->getBaseName(); }
544   void printLeft(OutputBuffer &OB) const override {
545     Base->printLeft(OB);
546     OB += "[abi:";
547     OB += Tag;
548     OB += "]";
549   }
550 };
552 class EnableIfAttr : public Node {
553   NodeArray Conditions;
554 public:
555   EnableIfAttr(NodeArray Conditions_)
556       : Node(KEnableIfAttr), Conditions(Conditions_) {}
558   template<typename Fn> void match(Fn F) const { F(Conditions); }
560   void printLeft(OutputBuffer &OB) const override {
561     OB += " [enable_if:";
562     Conditions.printWithComma(OB);
563     OB += ']';
564   }
565 };
567 class ObjCProtoName : public Node {
568   const Node *Ty;
569   std::string_view Protocol;
571   friend class PointerType;
573 public:
574   ObjCProtoName(const Node *Ty_, std::string_view Protocol_)
575       : Node(KObjCProtoName), Ty(Ty_), Protocol(Protocol_) {}
577   template<typename Fn> void match(Fn F) const { F(Ty, Protocol); }
579   bool isObjCObject() const {
580     return Ty->getKind() == KNameType &&
581            static_cast<const NameType *>(Ty)->getName() == "objc_object";
582   }
584   void printLeft(OutputBuffer &OB) const override {
585     Ty->print(OB);
586     OB += "<";
587     OB += Protocol;
588     OB += ">";
589   }
590 };
592 class PointerType final : public Node {
593   const Node *Pointee;
595 public:
596   PointerType(const Node *Pointee_)
597       : Node(KPointerType, Pointee_->RHSComponentCache),
598         Pointee(Pointee_) {}
600   const Node *getPointee() const { return Pointee; }
602   template<typename Fn> void match(Fn F) const { F(Pointee); }
604   bool hasRHSComponentSlow(OutputBuffer &OB) const override {
605     return Pointee->hasRHSComponent(OB);
606   }
608   void printLeft(OutputBuffer &OB) const override {
609     // We rewrite objc_object<SomeProtocol>* into id<SomeProtocol>.
610     if (Pointee->getKind() != KObjCProtoName ||
611         !static_cast<const ObjCProtoName *>(Pointee)->isObjCObject()) {
612       Pointee->printLeft(OB);
613       if (Pointee->hasArray(OB))
614         OB += " ";
615       if (Pointee->hasArray(OB) || Pointee->hasFunction(OB))
616         OB += "(";
617       OB += "*";
618     } else {
619       const auto *objcProto = static_cast<const ObjCProtoName *>(Pointee);
620       OB += "id<";
621       OB += objcProto->Protocol;
622       OB += ">";
623     }
624   }
626   void printRight(OutputBuffer &OB) const override {
627     if (Pointee->getKind() != KObjCProtoName ||
628         !static_cast<const ObjCProtoName *>(Pointee)->isObjCObject()) {
629       if (Pointee->hasArray(OB) || Pointee->hasFunction(OB))
630         OB += ")";
631       Pointee->printRight(OB);
632     }
633   }
634 };
636 enum class ReferenceKind {
637   LValue,
638   RValue,
639 };
641 // Represents either a LValue or an RValue reference type.
642 class ReferenceType : public Node {
643   const Node *Pointee;
644   ReferenceKind RK;
646   mutable bool Printing = false;
648   // Dig through any refs to refs, collapsing the ReferenceTypes as we go. The
649   // rule here is rvalue ref to rvalue ref collapses to a rvalue ref, and any
650   // other combination collapses to a lvalue ref.
651   //
652   // A combination of a TemplateForwardReference and a back-ref Substitution
653   // from an ill-formed string may have created a cycle; use cycle detection to
654   // avoid looping forever.
655   std::pair<ReferenceKind, const Node *> collapse(OutputBuffer &OB) const {
656     auto SoFar = std::make_pair(RK, Pointee);
657     // Track the chain of nodes for the Floyd's 'tortoise and hare'
658     // cycle-detection algorithm, since getSyntaxNode(S) is impure
659     PODSmallVector<const Node *, 8> Prev;
660     for (;;) {
661       const Node *SN = SoFar.second->getSyntaxNode(OB);
662       if (SN->getKind() != KReferenceType)
663         break;
664       auto *RT = static_cast<const ReferenceType *>(SN);
665       SoFar.second = RT->Pointee;
666       SoFar.first = std::min(SoFar.first, RT->RK);
668       // The middle of Prev is the 'slow' pointer moving at half speed
669       Prev.push_back(SoFar.second);
670       if (Prev.size() > 1 && SoFar.second == Prev[(Prev.size() - 1) / 2]) {
671         // Cycle detected
672         SoFar.second = nullptr;
673         break;
674       }
675     }
676     return SoFar;
677   }
679 public:
680   ReferenceType(const Node *Pointee_, ReferenceKind RK_)
681       : Node(KReferenceType, Pointee_->RHSComponentCache),
682         Pointee(Pointee_), RK(RK_) {}
684   template<typename Fn> void match(Fn F) const { F(Pointee, RK); }
686   bool hasRHSComponentSlow(OutputBuffer &OB) const override {
687     return Pointee->hasRHSComponent(OB);
688   }
690   void printLeft(OutputBuffer &OB) const override {
691     if (Printing)
692       return;
693     ScopedOverride<bool> SavePrinting(Printing, true);
694     std::pair<ReferenceKind, const Node *> Collapsed = collapse(OB);
695     if (!Collapsed.second)
696       return;
697     Collapsed.second->printLeft(OB);
698     if (Collapsed.second->hasArray(OB))
699       OB += " ";
700     if (Collapsed.second->hasArray(OB) || Collapsed.second->hasFunction(OB))
701       OB += "(";
703     OB += (Collapsed.first == ReferenceKind::LValue ? "&" : "&&");
704   }
705   void printRight(OutputBuffer &OB) const override {
706     if (Printing)
707       return;
708     ScopedOverride<bool> SavePrinting(Printing, true);
709     std::pair<ReferenceKind, const Node *> Collapsed = collapse(OB);
710     if (!Collapsed.second)
711       return;
712     if (Collapsed.second->hasArray(OB) || Collapsed.second->hasFunction(OB))
713       OB += ")";
714     Collapsed.second->printRight(OB);
715   }
716 };
718 class PointerToMemberType final : public Node {
719   const Node *ClassType;
720   const Node *MemberType;
722 public:
723   PointerToMemberType(const Node *ClassType_, const Node *MemberType_)
724       : Node(KPointerToMemberType, MemberType_->RHSComponentCache),
725         ClassType(ClassType_), MemberType(MemberType_) {}
727   template<typename Fn> void match(Fn F) const { F(ClassType, MemberType); }
729   bool hasRHSComponentSlow(OutputBuffer &OB) const override {
730     return MemberType->hasRHSComponent(OB);
731   }
733   void printLeft(OutputBuffer &OB) const override {
734     MemberType->printLeft(OB);
735     if (MemberType->hasArray(OB) || MemberType->hasFunction(OB))
736       OB += "(";
737     else
738       OB += " ";
739     ClassType->print(OB);
740     OB += "::*";
741   }
743   void printRight(OutputBuffer &OB) const override {
744     if (MemberType->hasArray(OB) || MemberType->hasFunction(OB))
745       OB += ")";
746     MemberType->printRight(OB);
747   }
748 };
750 class ArrayType final : public Node {
751   const Node *Base;
752   Node *Dimension;
754 public:
755   ArrayType(const Node *Base_, Node *Dimension_)
756       : Node(KArrayType,
757              /*RHSComponentCache=*/Cache::Yes,
758              /*ArrayCache=*/Cache::Yes),
759         Base(Base_), Dimension(Dimension_) {}
761   template<typename Fn> void match(Fn F) const { F(Base, Dimension); }
763   bool hasRHSComponentSlow(OutputBuffer &) const override { return true; }
764   bool hasArraySlow(OutputBuffer &) const override { return true; }
766   void printLeft(OutputBuffer &OB) const override { Base->printLeft(OB); }
768   void printRight(OutputBuffer &OB) const override {
769     if (OB.back() != ']')
770       OB += " ";
771     OB += "[";
772     if (Dimension)
773       Dimension->print(OB);
774     OB += "]";
775     Base->printRight(OB);
776   }
777 };
779 class FunctionType final : public Node {
780   const Node *Ret;
781   NodeArray Params;
782   Qualifiers CVQuals;
783   FunctionRefQual RefQual;
784   const Node *ExceptionSpec;
786 public:
787   FunctionType(const Node *Ret_, NodeArray Params_, Qualifiers CVQuals_,
788                FunctionRefQual RefQual_, const Node *ExceptionSpec_)
789       : Node(KFunctionType,
790              /*RHSComponentCache=*/Cache::Yes, /*ArrayCache=*/Cache::No,
791              /*FunctionCache=*/Cache::Yes),
792         Ret(Ret_), Params(Params_), CVQuals(CVQuals_), RefQual(RefQual_),
793         ExceptionSpec(ExceptionSpec_) {}
795   template<typename Fn> void match(Fn F) const {
796     F(Ret, Params, CVQuals, RefQual, ExceptionSpec);
797   }
799   bool hasRHSComponentSlow(OutputBuffer &) const override { return true; }
800   bool hasFunctionSlow(OutputBuffer &) const override { return true; }
802   // Handle C++'s ... quirky decl grammar by using the left & right
803   // distinction. Consider:
804   //   int (*f(float))(char) {}
805   // f is a function that takes a float and returns a pointer to a function
806   // that takes a char and returns an int. If we're trying to print f, start
807   // by printing out the return types's left, then print our parameters, then
808   // finally print right of the return type.
809   void printLeft(OutputBuffer &OB) const override {
810     Ret->printLeft(OB);
811     OB += " ";
812   }
814   void printRight(OutputBuffer &OB) const override {
815     OB.printOpen();
816     Params.printWithComma(OB);
817     OB.printClose();
818     Ret->printRight(OB);
820     if (CVQuals & QualConst)
821       OB += " const";
822     if (CVQuals & QualVolatile)
823       OB += " volatile";
824     if (CVQuals & QualRestrict)
825       OB += " restrict";
827     if (RefQual == FrefQualLValue)
828       OB += " &";
829     else if (RefQual == FrefQualRValue)
830       OB += " &&";
832     if (ExceptionSpec != nullptr) {
833       OB += ' ';
834       ExceptionSpec->print(OB);
835     }
836   }
837 };
839 class NoexceptSpec : public Node {
840   const Node *E;
841 public:
842   NoexceptSpec(const Node *E_) : Node(KNoexceptSpec), E(E_) {}
844   template<typename Fn> void match(Fn F) const { F(E); }
846   void printLeft(OutputBuffer &OB) const override {
847     OB += "noexcept";
848     OB.printOpen();
849     E->printAsOperand(OB);
850     OB.printClose();
851   }
852 };
854 class DynamicExceptionSpec : public Node {
855   NodeArray Types;
856 public:
857   DynamicExceptionSpec(NodeArray Types_)
858       : Node(KDynamicExceptionSpec), Types(Types_) {}
860   template<typename Fn> void match(Fn F) const { F(Types); }
862   void printLeft(OutputBuffer &OB) const override {
863     OB += "throw";
864     OB.printOpen();
865     Types.printWithComma(OB);
866     OB.printClose();
867   }
868 };
870 class FunctionEncoding final : public Node {
871   const Node *Ret;
872   const Node *Name;
873   NodeArray Params;
874   const Node *Attrs;
875   Qualifiers CVQuals;
876   FunctionRefQual RefQual;
878 public:
879   FunctionEncoding(const Node *Ret_, const Node *Name_, NodeArray Params_,
880                    const Node *Attrs_, Qualifiers CVQuals_,
881                    FunctionRefQual RefQual_)
882       : Node(KFunctionEncoding,
883              /*RHSComponentCache=*/Cache::Yes, /*ArrayCache=*/Cache::No,
884              /*FunctionCache=*/Cache::Yes),
885         Ret(Ret_), Name(Name_), Params(Params_), Attrs(Attrs_),
886         CVQuals(CVQuals_), RefQual(RefQual_) {}
888   template<typename Fn> void match(Fn F) const {
889     F(Ret, Name, Params, Attrs, CVQuals, RefQual);
890   }
892   Qualifiers getCVQuals() const { return CVQuals; }
893   FunctionRefQual getRefQual() const { return RefQual; }
894   NodeArray getParams() const { return Params; }
895   const Node *getReturnType() const { return Ret; }
897   bool hasRHSComponentSlow(OutputBuffer &) const override { return true; }
898   bool hasFunctionSlow(OutputBuffer &) const override { return true; }
900   const Node *getName() const { return Name; }
902   void printLeft(OutputBuffer &OB) const override {
903     if (Ret) {
904       Ret->printLeft(OB);
905       if (!Ret->hasRHSComponent(OB))
906         OB += " ";
907     }
908     Name->print(OB);
909   }
911   void printRight(OutputBuffer &OB) const override {
912     OB.printOpen();
913     Params.printWithComma(OB);
914     OB.printClose();
915     if (Ret)
916       Ret->printRight(OB);
918     if (CVQuals & QualConst)
919       OB += " const";
920     if (CVQuals & QualVolatile)
921       OB += " volatile";
922     if (CVQuals & QualRestrict)
923       OB += " restrict";
925     if (RefQual == FrefQualLValue)
926       OB += " &";
927     else if (RefQual == FrefQualRValue)
928       OB += " &&";
930     if (Attrs != nullptr)
931       Attrs->print(OB);
932   }
933 };
935 class LiteralOperator : public Node {
936   const Node *OpName;
938 public:
939   LiteralOperator(const Node *OpName_)
940       : Node(KLiteralOperator), OpName(OpName_) {}
942   template<typename Fn> void match(Fn F) const { F(OpName); }
944   void printLeft(OutputBuffer &OB) const override {
945     OB += "operator\"\" ";
946     OpName->print(OB);
947   }
948 };
950 class SpecialName final : public Node {
951   const std::string_view Special;
952   const Node *Child;
954 public:
955   SpecialName(std::string_view Special_, const Node *Child_)
956       : Node(KSpecialName), Special(Special_), Child(Child_) {}
958   template<typename Fn> void match(Fn F) const { F(Special, Child); }
960   void printLeft(OutputBuffer &OB) const override {
961     OB += Special;
962     Child->print(OB);
963   }
964 };
966 class CtorVtableSpecialName final : public Node {
967   const Node *FirstType;
968   const Node *SecondType;
970 public:
971   CtorVtableSpecialName(const Node *FirstType_, const Node *SecondType_)
972       : Node(KCtorVtableSpecialName),
973         FirstType(FirstType_), SecondType(SecondType_) {}
975   template<typename Fn> void match(Fn F) const { F(FirstType, SecondType); }
977   void printLeft(OutputBuffer &OB) const override {
978     OB += "construction vtable for ";
979     FirstType->print(OB);
980     OB += "-in-";
981     SecondType->print(OB);
982   }
983 };
985 struct NestedName : Node {
986   Node *Qual;
987   Node *Name;
989   NestedName(Node *Qual_, Node *Name_)
990       : Node(KNestedName), Qual(Qual_), Name(Name_) {}
992   template<typename Fn> void match(Fn F) const { F(Qual, Name); }
994   std::string_view getBaseName() const override { return Name->getBaseName(); }
996   void printLeft(OutputBuffer &OB) const override {
997     Qual->print(OB);
998     OB += "::";
999     Name->print(OB);
1000   }
1001 };
1003 struct ModuleName : Node {
1004   ModuleName *Parent;
1005   Node *Name;
1006   bool IsPartition;
1008   ModuleName(ModuleName *Parent_, Node *Name_, bool IsPartition_ = false)
1009       : Node(KModuleName), Parent(Parent_), Name(Name_),
1010         IsPartition(IsPartition_) {}
1012   template <typename Fn> void match(Fn F) const {
1013     F(Parent, Name, IsPartition);
1014   }
1016   void printLeft(OutputBuffer &OB) const override {
1017     if (Parent)
1018       Parent->print(OB);
1019     if (Parent || IsPartition)
1020       OB += IsPartition ? ':' : '.';
1021     Name->print(OB);
1022   }
1023 };
1025 struct ModuleEntity : Node {
1026   ModuleName *Module;
1027   Node *Name;
1029   ModuleEntity(ModuleName *Module_, Node *Name_)
1030       : Node(KModuleEntity), Module(Module_), Name(Name_) {}
1032   template <typename Fn> void match(Fn F) const { F(Module, Name); }
1034   std::string_view getBaseName() const override { return Name->getBaseName(); }
1036   void printLeft(OutputBuffer &OB) const override {
1037     Name->print(OB);
1038     OB += '@';
1039     Module->print(OB);
1040   }
1041 };
1043 struct LocalName : Node {
1044   Node *Encoding;
1045   Node *Entity;
1047   LocalName(Node *Encoding_, Node *Entity_)
1048       : Node(KLocalName), Encoding(Encoding_), Entity(Entity_) {}
1050   template<typename Fn> void match(Fn F) const { F(Encoding, Entity); }
1052   void printLeft(OutputBuffer &OB) const override {
1053     Encoding->print(OB);
1054     OB += "::";
1055     Entity->print(OB);
1056   }
1057 };
1059 class QualifiedName final : public Node {
1060   // qualifier::name
1061   const Node *Qualifier;
1062   const Node *Name;
1064 public:
1065   QualifiedName(const Node *Qualifier_, const Node *Name_)
1066       : Node(KQualifiedName), Qualifier(Qualifier_), Name(Name_) {}
1068   template<typename Fn> void match(Fn F) const { F(Qualifier, Name); }
1070   std::string_view getBaseName() const override { return Name->getBaseName(); }
1072   void printLeft(OutputBuffer &OB) const override {
1073     Qualifier->print(OB);
1074     OB += "::";
1075     Name->print(OB);
1076   }
1077 };
1079 class VectorType final : public Node {
1080   const Node *BaseType;
1081   const Node *Dimension;
1083 public:
1084   VectorType(const Node *BaseType_, const Node *Dimension_)
1085       : Node(KVectorType), BaseType(BaseType_), Dimension(Dimension_) {}
1087   const Node *getBaseType() const { return BaseType; }
1088   const Node *getDimension() const { return Dimension; }
1090   template<typename Fn> void match(Fn F) const { F(BaseType, Dimension); }
1092   void printLeft(OutputBuffer &OB) const override {
1093     BaseType->print(OB);
1094     OB += " vector[";
1095     if (Dimension)
1096       Dimension->print(OB);
1097     OB += "]";
1098   }
1099 };
1101 class PixelVectorType final : public Node {
1102   const Node *Dimension;
1104 public:
1105   PixelVectorType(const Node *Dimension_)
1106       : Node(KPixelVectorType), Dimension(Dimension_) {}
1108   template<typename Fn> void match(Fn F) const { F(Dimension); }
1110   void printLeft(OutputBuffer &OB) const override {
1111     // FIXME: This should demangle as "vector pixel".
1112     OB += "pixel vector[";
1113     Dimension->print(OB);
1114     OB += "]";
1115   }
1116 };
1118 class BinaryFPType final : public Node {
1119   const Node *Dimension;
1121 public:
1122   BinaryFPType(const Node *Dimension_)
1123       : Node(KBinaryFPType), Dimension(Dimension_) {}
1125   template<typename Fn> void match(Fn F) const { F(Dimension); }
1127   void printLeft(OutputBuffer &OB) const override {
1128     OB += "_Float";
1129     Dimension->print(OB);
1130   }
1131 };
1133 enum class TemplateParamKind { Type, NonType, Template };
1135 /// An invented name for a template parameter for which we don't have a
1136 /// corresponding template argument.
1137 ///
1138 /// This node is created when parsing the <lambda-sig> for a lambda with
1139 /// explicit template arguments, which might be referenced in the parameter
1140 /// types appearing later in the <lambda-sig>.
1141 class SyntheticTemplateParamName final : public Node {
1142   TemplateParamKind Kind;
1143   unsigned Index;
1145 public:
1146   SyntheticTemplateParamName(TemplateParamKind Kind_, unsigned Index_)
1147       : Node(KSyntheticTemplateParamName), Kind(Kind_), Index(Index_) {}
1149   template<typename Fn> void match(Fn F) const { F(Kind, Index); }
1151   void printLeft(OutputBuffer &OB) const override {
1152     switch (Kind) {
1153     case TemplateParamKind::Type:
1154       OB += "$T";
1155       break;
1156     case TemplateParamKind::NonType:
1157       OB += "$N";
1158       break;
1159     case TemplateParamKind::Template:
1160       OB += "$TT";
1161       break;
1162     }
1163     if (Index > 0)
1164       OB << Index - 1;
1165   }
1166 };
1168 /// A template type parameter declaration, 'typename T'.
1169 class TypeTemplateParamDecl final : public Node {
1170   Node *Name;
1172 public:
1173   TypeTemplateParamDecl(Node *Name_)
1174       : Node(KTypeTemplateParamDecl, Cache::Yes), Name(Name_) {}
1176   template<typename Fn> void match(Fn F) const { F(Name); }
1178   void printLeft(OutputBuffer &OB) const override { OB += "typename "; }
1180   void printRight(OutputBuffer &OB) const override { Name->print(OB); }
1181 };
1183 /// A non-type template parameter declaration, 'int N'.
1184 class NonTypeTemplateParamDecl final : public Node {
1185   Node *Name;
1186   Node *Type;
1188 public:
1189   NonTypeTemplateParamDecl(Node *Name_, Node *Type_)
1190       : Node(KNonTypeTemplateParamDecl, Cache::Yes), Name(Name_), Type(Type_) {}
1192   template<typename Fn> void match(Fn F) const { F(Name, Type); }
1194   void printLeft(OutputBuffer &OB) const override {
1195     Type->printLeft(OB);
1196     if (!Type->hasRHSComponent(OB))
1197       OB += " ";
1198   }
1200   void printRight(OutputBuffer &OB) const override {
1201     Name->print(OB);
1202     Type->printRight(OB);
1203   }
1204 };
1206 /// A template template parameter declaration,
1207 /// 'template<typename T> typename N'.
1208 class TemplateTemplateParamDecl final : public Node {
1209   Node *Name;
1210   NodeArray Params;
1212 public:
1213   TemplateTemplateParamDecl(Node *Name_, NodeArray Params_)
1214       : Node(KTemplateTemplateParamDecl, Cache::Yes), Name(Name_),
1215         Params(Params_) {}
1217   template<typename Fn> void match(Fn F) const { F(Name, Params); }
1219   void printLeft(OutputBuffer &OB) const override {
1220     ScopedOverride<unsigned> LT(OB.GtIsGt, 0);
1221     OB += "template<";
1222     Params.printWithComma(OB);
1223     OB += "> typename ";
1224   }
1226   void printRight(OutputBuffer &OB) const override { Name->print(OB); }
1227 };
1229 /// A template parameter pack declaration, 'typename ...T'.
1230 class TemplateParamPackDecl final : public Node {
1231   Node *Param;
1233 public:
1234   TemplateParamPackDecl(Node *Param_)
1235       : Node(KTemplateParamPackDecl, Cache::Yes), Param(Param_) {}
1237   template<typename Fn> void match(Fn F) const { F(Param); }
1239   void printLeft(OutputBuffer &OB) const override {
1240     Param->printLeft(OB);
1241     OB += "...";
1242   }
1244   void printRight(OutputBuffer &OB) const override { Param->printRight(OB); }
1245 };
1247 /// An unexpanded parameter pack (either in the expression or type context). If
1248 /// this AST is correct, this node will have a ParameterPackExpansion node above
1249 /// it.
1250 ///
1251 /// This node is created when some <template-args> are found that apply to an
1252 /// <encoding>, and is stored in the TemplateParams table. In order for this to
1253 /// appear in the final AST, it has to referenced via a <template-param> (ie,
1254 /// T_).
1255 class ParameterPack final : public Node {
1256   NodeArray Data;
1258   // Setup OutputBuffer for a pack expansion, unless we're already expanding
1259   // one.
1260   void initializePackExpansion(OutputBuffer &OB) const {
1261     if (OB.CurrentPackMax == std::numeric_limits<unsigned>::max()) {
1262       OB.CurrentPackMax = static_cast<unsigned>(Data.size());
1263       OB.CurrentPackIndex = 0;
1264     }
1265   }
1267 public:
1268   ParameterPack(NodeArray Data_) : Node(KParameterPack), Data(Data_) {
1269     ArrayCache = FunctionCache = RHSComponentCache = Cache::Unknown;
1270     if (std::all_of(Data.begin(), Data.end(), [](Node* P) {
1271           return P->ArrayCache == Cache::No;
1272         }))
1273       ArrayCache = Cache::No;
1274     if (std::all_of(Data.begin(), Data.end(), [](Node* P) {
1275           return P->FunctionCache == Cache::No;
1276         }))
1277       FunctionCache = Cache::No;
1278     if (std::all_of(Data.begin(), Data.end(), [](Node* P) {
1279           return P->RHSComponentCache == Cache::No;
1280         }))
1281       RHSComponentCache = Cache::No;
1282   }
1284   template<typename Fn> void match(Fn F) const { F(Data); }
1286   bool hasRHSComponentSlow(OutputBuffer &OB) const override {
1287     initializePackExpansion(OB);
1288     size_t Idx = OB.CurrentPackIndex;
1289     return Idx < Data.size() && Data[Idx]->hasRHSComponent(OB);
1290   }
1291   bool hasArraySlow(OutputBuffer &OB) const override {
1292     initializePackExpansion(OB);
1293     size_t Idx = OB.CurrentPackIndex;
1294     return Idx < Data.size() && Data[Idx]->hasArray(OB);
1295   }
1296   bool hasFunctionSlow(OutputBuffer &OB) const override {
1297     initializePackExpansion(OB);
1298     size_t Idx = OB.CurrentPackIndex;
1299     return Idx < Data.size() && Data[Idx]->hasFunction(OB);
1300   }
1301   const Node *getSyntaxNode(OutputBuffer &OB) const override {
1302     initializePackExpansion(OB);
1303     size_t Idx = OB.CurrentPackIndex;
1304     return Idx < Data.size() ? Data[Idx]->getSyntaxNode(OB) : this;
1305   }
1307   void printLeft(OutputBuffer &OB) const override {
1308     initializePackExpansion(OB);
1309     size_t Idx = OB.CurrentPackIndex;
1310     if (Idx < Data.size())
1311       Data[Idx]->printLeft(OB);
1312   }
1313   void printRight(OutputBuffer &OB) const override {
1314     initializePackExpansion(OB);
1315     size_t Idx = OB.CurrentPackIndex;
1316     if (Idx < Data.size())
1317       Data[Idx]->printRight(OB);
1318   }
1319 };
1321 /// A variadic template argument. This node represents an occurrence of
1322 /// J<something>E in some <template-args>. It isn't itself unexpanded, unless
1323 /// one of it's Elements is. The parser inserts a ParameterPack into the
1324 /// TemplateParams table if the <template-args> this pack belongs to apply to an
1325 /// <encoding>.
1326 class TemplateArgumentPack final : public Node {
1327   NodeArray Elements;
1328 public:
1329   TemplateArgumentPack(NodeArray Elements_)
1330       : Node(KTemplateArgumentPack), Elements(Elements_) {}
1332   template<typename Fn> void match(Fn F) const { F(Elements); }
1334   NodeArray getElements() const { return Elements; }
1336   void printLeft(OutputBuffer &OB) const override {
1337     Elements.printWithComma(OB);
1338   }
1339 };
1341 /// A pack expansion. Below this node, there are some unexpanded ParameterPacks
1342 /// which each have Child->ParameterPackSize elements.
1343 class ParameterPackExpansion final : public Node {
1344   const Node *Child;
1346 public:
1347   ParameterPackExpansion(const Node *Child_)
1348       : Node(KParameterPackExpansion), Child(Child_) {}
1350   template<typename Fn> void match(Fn F) const { F(Child); }
1352   const Node *getChild() const { return Child; }
1354   void printLeft(OutputBuffer &OB) const override {
1355     constexpr unsigned Max = std::numeric_limits<unsigned>::max();
1356     ScopedOverride<unsigned> SavePackIdx(OB.CurrentPackIndex, Max);
1357     ScopedOverride<unsigned> SavePackMax(OB.CurrentPackMax, Max);
1358     size_t StreamPos = OB.getCurrentPosition();
1360     // Print the first element in the pack. If Child contains a ParameterPack,
1361     // it will set up S.CurrentPackMax and print the first element.
1362     Child->print(OB);
1364     // No ParameterPack was found in Child. This can occur if we've found a pack
1365     // expansion on a <function-param>.
1366     if (OB.CurrentPackMax == Max) {
1367       OB += "...";
1368       return;
1369     }
1371     // We found a ParameterPack, but it has no elements. Erase whatever we may
1372     // of printed.
1373     if (OB.CurrentPackMax == 0) {
1374       OB.setCurrentPosition(StreamPos);
1375       return;
1376     }
1378     // Else, iterate through the rest of the elements in the pack.
1379     for (unsigned I = 1, E = OB.CurrentPackMax; I < E; ++I) {
1380       OB += ", ";
1381       OB.CurrentPackIndex = I;
1382       Child->print(OB);
1383     }
1384   }
1385 };
1387 class TemplateArgs final : public Node {
1388   NodeArray Params;
1390 public:
1391   TemplateArgs(NodeArray Params_) : Node(KTemplateArgs), Params(Params_) {}
1393   template<typename Fn> void match(Fn F) const { F(Params); }
1395   NodeArray getParams() { return Params; }
1397   void printLeft(OutputBuffer &OB) const override {
1398     ScopedOverride<unsigned> LT(OB.GtIsGt, 0);
1399     OB += "<";
1400     Params.printWithComma(OB);
1401     OB += ">";
1402   }
1403 };
1405 /// A forward-reference to a template argument that was not known at the point
1406 /// where the template parameter name was parsed in a mangling.
1407 ///
1408 /// This is created when demangling the name of a specialization of a
1409 /// conversion function template:
1410 ///
1411 /// \code
1412 /// struct A {
1413 ///   template<typename T> operator T*();
1414 /// };
1415 /// \endcode
1416 ///
1417 /// When demangling a specialization of the conversion function template, we
1418 /// encounter the name of the template (including the \c T) before we reach
1419 /// the template argument list, so we cannot substitute the parameter name
1420 /// for the corresponding argument while parsing. Instead, we create a
1421 /// \c ForwardTemplateReference node that is resolved after we parse the
1422 /// template arguments.
1423 struct ForwardTemplateReference : Node {
1424   size_t Index;
1425   Node *Ref = nullptr;
1427   // If we're currently printing this node. It is possible (though invalid) for
1428   // a forward template reference to refer to itself via a substitution. This
1429   // creates a cyclic AST, which will stack overflow printing. To fix this, bail
1430   // out if more than one print* function is active.
1431   mutable bool Printing = false;
1433   ForwardTemplateReference(size_t Index_)
1434       : Node(KForwardTemplateReference, Cache::Unknown, Cache::Unknown,
1435              Cache::Unknown),
1436         Index(Index_) {}
1438   // We don't provide a matcher for these, because the value of the node is
1439   // not determined by its construction parameters, and it generally needs
1440   // special handling.
1441   template<typename Fn> void match(Fn F) const = delete;
1443   bool hasRHSComponentSlow(OutputBuffer &OB) const override {
1444     if (Printing)
1445       return false;
1446     ScopedOverride<bool> SavePrinting(Printing, true);
1447     return Ref->hasRHSComponent(OB);
1448   }
1449   bool hasArraySlow(OutputBuffer &OB) const override {
1450     if (Printing)
1451       return false;
1452     ScopedOverride<bool> SavePrinting(Printing, true);
1453     return Ref->hasArray(OB);
1454   }
1455   bool hasFunctionSlow(OutputBuffer &OB) const override {
1456     if (Printing)
1457       return false;
1458     ScopedOverride<bool> SavePrinting(Printing, true);
1459     return Ref->hasFunction(OB);
1460   }
1461   const Node *getSyntaxNode(OutputBuffer &OB) const override {
1462     if (Printing)
1463       return this;
1464     ScopedOverride<bool> SavePrinting(Printing, true);
1465     return Ref->getSyntaxNode(OB);
1466   }
1468   void printLeft(OutputBuffer &OB) const override {
1469     if (Printing)
1470       return;
1471     ScopedOverride<bool> SavePrinting(Printing, true);
1472     Ref->printLeft(OB);
1473   }
1474   void printRight(OutputBuffer &OB) const override {
1475     if (Printing)
1476       return;
1477     ScopedOverride<bool> SavePrinting(Printing, true);
1478     Ref->printRight(OB);
1479   }
1480 };
1482 struct NameWithTemplateArgs : Node {
1483   // name<template_args>
1484   Node *Name;
1485   Node *TemplateArgs;
1487   NameWithTemplateArgs(Node *Name_, Node *TemplateArgs_)
1488       : Node(KNameWithTemplateArgs), Name(Name_), TemplateArgs(TemplateArgs_) {}
1490   template<typename Fn> void match(Fn F) const { F(Name, TemplateArgs); }
1492   std::string_view getBaseName() const override { return Name->getBaseName(); }
1494   void printLeft(OutputBuffer &OB) const override {
1495     Name->print(OB);
1496     TemplateArgs->print(OB);
1497   }
1498 };
1500 class GlobalQualifiedName final : public Node {
1501   Node *Child;
1503 public:
1504   GlobalQualifiedName(Node* Child_)
1505       : Node(KGlobalQualifiedName), Child(Child_) {}
1507   template<typename Fn> void match(Fn F) const { F(Child); }
1509   std::string_view getBaseName() const override { return Child->getBaseName(); }
1511   void printLeft(OutputBuffer &OB) const override {
1512     OB += "::";
1513     Child->print(OB);
1514   }
1515 };
1517 enum class SpecialSubKind {
1518   allocator,
1519   basic_string,
1520   string,
1521   istream,
1522   ostream,
1523   iostream,
1524 };
1526 class SpecialSubstitution;
1527 class ExpandedSpecialSubstitution : public Node {
1528 protected:
1529   SpecialSubKind SSK;
1531   ExpandedSpecialSubstitution(SpecialSubKind SSK_, Kind K_)
1532       : Node(K_), SSK(SSK_) {}
1533 public:
1534   ExpandedSpecialSubstitution(SpecialSubKind SSK_)
1535       : ExpandedSpecialSubstitution(SSK_, KExpandedSpecialSubstitution) {}
1536   inline ExpandedSpecialSubstitution(SpecialSubstitution const *);
1538   template<typename Fn> void match(Fn F) const { F(SSK); }
1540 protected:
1541   bool isInstantiation() const {
1542     return unsigned(SSK) >= unsigned(SpecialSubKind::string);
1543   }
1545   std::string_view getBaseName() const override {
1546     switch (SSK) {
1547     case SpecialSubKind::allocator:
1548       return {"allocator"};
1549     case SpecialSubKind::basic_string:
1550       return {"basic_string"};
1551     case SpecialSubKind::string:
1552       return {"basic_string"};
1553     case SpecialSubKind::istream:
1554       return {"basic_istream"};
1555     case SpecialSubKind::ostream:
1556       return {"basic_ostream"};
1557     case SpecialSubKind::iostream:
1558       return {"basic_iostream"};
1559     }
1561   }
1563 private:
1564   void printLeft(OutputBuffer &OB) const override {
1565     OB << "std::" << getBaseName();
1566     if (isInstantiation()) {
1567       OB << "<char, std::char_traits<char>";
1568       if (SSK == SpecialSubKind::string)
1569         OB << ", std::allocator<char>";
1570       OB << ">";
1571     }
1572   }
1573 };
1575 class SpecialSubstitution final : public ExpandedSpecialSubstitution {
1576 public:
1577   SpecialSubstitution(SpecialSubKind SSK_)
1578       : ExpandedSpecialSubstitution(SSK_, KSpecialSubstitution) {}
1580   template<typename Fn> void match(Fn F) const { F(SSK); }
1582   std::string_view getBaseName() const override {
1583     std::string_view SV = ExpandedSpecialSubstitution::getBaseName();
1584     if (isInstantiation()) {
1585       // The instantiations are typedefs that drop the "basic_" prefix.
1586       assert(llvm::itanium_demangle::starts_with(SV, "basic_"));
1587       SV.remove_prefix(sizeof("basic_") - 1);
1588     }
1589     return SV;
1590   }
1592   void printLeft(OutputBuffer &OB) const override {
1593     OB << "std::" << getBaseName();
1594   }
1595 };
1597 inline ExpandedSpecialSubstitution::ExpandedSpecialSubstitution(
1598     SpecialSubstitution const *SS)
1599     : ExpandedSpecialSubstitution(SS->SSK) {}
1601 class CtorDtorName final : public Node {
1602   const Node *Basename;
1603   const bool IsDtor;
1604   const int Variant;
1606 public:
1607   CtorDtorName(const Node *Basename_, bool IsDtor_, int Variant_)
1608       : Node(KCtorDtorName), Basename(Basename_), IsDtor(IsDtor_),
1609         Variant(Variant_) {}
1611   template<typename Fn> void match(Fn F) const { F(Basename, IsDtor, Variant); }
1613   void printLeft(OutputBuffer &OB) const override {
1614     if (IsDtor)
1615       OB += "~";
1616     OB += Basename->getBaseName();
1617   }
1618 };
1620 class DtorName : public Node {
1621   const Node *Base;
1623 public:
1624   DtorName(const Node *Base_) : Node(KDtorName), Base(Base_) {}
1626   template<typename Fn> void match(Fn F) const { F(Base); }
1628   void printLeft(OutputBuffer &OB) const override {
1629     OB += "~";
1630     Base->printLeft(OB);
1631   }
1632 };
1634 class UnnamedTypeName : public Node {
1635   const std::string_view Count;
1637 public:
1638   UnnamedTypeName(std::string_view Count_)
1639       : Node(KUnnamedTypeName), Count(Count_) {}
1641   template<typename Fn> void match(Fn F) const { F(Count); }
1643   void printLeft(OutputBuffer &OB) const override {
1644     OB += "'unnamed";
1645     OB += Count;
1646     OB += "\'";
1647   }
1648 };
1650 class ClosureTypeName : public Node {
1651   NodeArray TemplateParams;
1652   NodeArray Params;
1653   std::string_view Count;
1655 public:
1656   ClosureTypeName(NodeArray TemplateParams_, NodeArray Params_,
1657                   std::string_view Count_)
1658       : Node(KClosureTypeName), TemplateParams(TemplateParams_),
1659         Params(Params_), Count(Count_) {}
1661   template<typename Fn> void match(Fn F) const {
1662     F(TemplateParams, Params, Count);
1663   }
1665   void printDeclarator(OutputBuffer &OB) const {
1666     if (!TemplateParams.empty()) {
1667       ScopedOverride<unsigned> LT(OB.GtIsGt, 0);
1668       OB += "<";
1669       TemplateParams.printWithComma(OB);
1670       OB += ">";
1671     }
1672     OB.printOpen();
1673     Params.printWithComma(OB);
1674     OB.printClose();
1675   }
1677   void printLeft(OutputBuffer &OB) const override {
1678     OB += "\'lambda";
1679     OB += Count;
1680     OB += "\'";
1681     printDeclarator(OB);
1682   }
1683 };
1685 class StructuredBindingName : public Node {
1686   NodeArray Bindings;
1687 public:
1688   StructuredBindingName(NodeArray Bindings_)
1689       : Node(KStructuredBindingName), Bindings(Bindings_) {}
1691   template<typename Fn> void match(Fn F) const { F(Bindings); }
1693   void printLeft(OutputBuffer &OB) const override {
1694     OB.printOpen('[');
1695     Bindings.printWithComma(OB);
1696     OB.printClose(']');
1697   }
1698 };
1700 // -- Expression Nodes --
1702 class BinaryExpr : public Node {
1703   const Node *LHS;
1704   const std::string_view InfixOperator;
1705   const Node *RHS;
1707 public:
1708   BinaryExpr(const Node *LHS_, std::string_view InfixOperator_,
1709              const Node *RHS_, Prec Prec_)
1710       : Node(KBinaryExpr, Prec_), LHS(LHS_), InfixOperator(InfixOperator_),
1711         RHS(RHS_) {}
1713   template <typename Fn> void match(Fn F) const {
1714     F(LHS, InfixOperator, RHS, getPrecedence());
1715   }
1717   void printLeft(OutputBuffer &OB) const override {
1718     bool ParenAll = OB.isGtInsideTemplateArgs() &&
1719                     (InfixOperator == ">" || InfixOperator == ">>");
1720     if (ParenAll)
1721       OB.printOpen();
1722     // Assignment is right associative, with special LHS precedence.
1723     bool IsAssign = getPrecedence() == Prec::Assign;
1724     LHS->printAsOperand(OB, IsAssign ? Prec::OrIf : getPrecedence(), !IsAssign);
1725     // No space before comma operator
1726     if (!(InfixOperator == ","))
1727       OB += " ";
1728     OB += InfixOperator;
1729     OB += " ";
1730     RHS->printAsOperand(OB, getPrecedence(), IsAssign);
1731     if (ParenAll)
1732       OB.printClose();
1733   }
1734 };
1736 class ArraySubscriptExpr : public Node {
1737   const Node *Op1;
1738   const Node *Op2;
1740 public:
1741   ArraySubscriptExpr(const Node *Op1_, const Node *Op2_, Prec Prec_)
1742       : Node(KArraySubscriptExpr, Prec_), Op1(Op1_), Op2(Op2_) {}
1744   template <typename Fn> void match(Fn F) const {
1745     F(Op1, Op2, getPrecedence());
1746   }
1748   void printLeft(OutputBuffer &OB) const override {
1749     Op1->printAsOperand(OB, getPrecedence());
1750     OB.printOpen('[');
1751     Op2->printAsOperand(OB);
1752     OB.printClose(']');
1753   }
1754 };
1756 class PostfixExpr : public Node {
1757   const Node *Child;
1758   const std::string_view Operator;
1760 public:
1761   PostfixExpr(const Node *Child_, std::string_view Operator_, Prec Prec_)
1762       : Node(KPostfixExpr, Prec_), Child(Child_), Operator(Operator_) {}
1764   template <typename Fn> void match(Fn F) const {
1765     F(Child, Operator, getPrecedence());
1766   }
1768   void printLeft(OutputBuffer &OB) const override {
1769     Child->printAsOperand(OB, getPrecedence(), true);
1770     OB += Operator;
1771   }
1772 };
1774 class ConditionalExpr : public Node {
1775   const Node *Cond;
1776   const Node *Then;
1777   const Node *Else;
1779 public:
1780   ConditionalExpr(const Node *Cond_, const Node *Then_, const Node *Else_,
1781                   Prec Prec_)
1782       : Node(KConditionalExpr, Prec_), Cond(Cond_), Then(Then_), Else(Else_) {}
1784   template <typename Fn> void match(Fn F) const {
1785     F(Cond, Then, Else, getPrecedence());
1786   }
1788   void printLeft(OutputBuffer &OB) const override {
1789     Cond->printAsOperand(OB, getPrecedence());
1790     OB += " ? ";
1791     Then->printAsOperand(OB);
1792     OB += " : ";
1793     Else->printAsOperand(OB, Prec::Assign, true);
1794   }
1795 };
1797 class MemberExpr : public Node {
1798   const Node *LHS;
1799   const std::string_view Kind;
1800   const Node *RHS;
1802 public:
1803   MemberExpr(const Node *LHS_, std::string_view Kind_, const Node *RHS_,
1804              Prec Prec_)
1805       : Node(KMemberExpr, Prec_), LHS(LHS_), Kind(Kind_), RHS(RHS_) {}
1807   template <typename Fn> void match(Fn F) const {
1808     F(LHS, Kind, RHS, getPrecedence());
1809   }
1811   void printLeft(OutputBuffer &OB) const override {
1812     LHS->printAsOperand(OB, getPrecedence(), true);
1813     OB += Kind;
1814     RHS->printAsOperand(OB, getPrecedence(), false);
1815   }
1816 };
1818 class SubobjectExpr : public Node {
1819   const Node *Type;
1820   const Node *SubExpr;
1821   std::string_view Offset;
1822   NodeArray UnionSelectors;
1823   bool OnePastTheEnd;
1825 public:
1826   SubobjectExpr(const Node *Type_, const Node *SubExpr_,
1827                 std::string_view Offset_, NodeArray UnionSelectors_,
1828                 bool OnePastTheEnd_)
1829       : Node(KSubobjectExpr), Type(Type_), SubExpr(SubExpr_), Offset(Offset_),
1830         UnionSelectors(UnionSelectors_), OnePastTheEnd(OnePastTheEnd_) {}
1832   template<typename Fn> void match(Fn F) const {
1833     F(Type, SubExpr, Offset, UnionSelectors, OnePastTheEnd);
1834   }
1836   void printLeft(OutputBuffer &OB) const override {
1837     SubExpr->print(OB);
1838     OB += ".<";
1839     Type->print(OB);
1840     OB += " at offset ";
1841     if (Offset.empty()) {
1842       OB += "0";
1843     } else if (Offset[0] == 'n') {
1844       OB += "-";
1845       OB += std::string_view(Offset.data() + 1, Offset.size() - 1);
1846     } else {
1847       OB += Offset;
1848     }
1849     OB += ">";
1850   }
1851 };
1853 class EnclosingExpr : public Node {
1854   const std::string_view Prefix;
1855   const Node *Infix;
1856   const std::string_view Postfix;
1858 public:
1859   EnclosingExpr(std::string_view Prefix_, const Node *Infix_,
1860                 Prec Prec_ = Prec::Primary)
1861       : Node(KEnclosingExpr, Prec_), Prefix(Prefix_), Infix(Infix_) {}
1863   template <typename Fn> void match(Fn F) const {
1864     F(Prefix, Infix, getPrecedence());
1865   }
1867   void printLeft(OutputBuffer &OB) const override {
1868     OB += Prefix;
1869     OB.printOpen();
1870     Infix->print(OB);
1871     OB.printClose();
1872     OB += Postfix;
1873   }
1874 };
1876 class CastExpr : public Node {
1877   // cast_kind<to>(from)
1878   const std::string_view CastKind;
1879   const Node *To;
1880   const Node *From;
1882 public:
1883   CastExpr(std::string_view CastKind_, const Node *To_, const Node *From_,
1884            Prec Prec_)
1885       : Node(KCastExpr, Prec_), CastKind(CastKind_), To(To_), From(From_) {}
1887   template <typename Fn> void match(Fn F) const {
1888     F(CastKind, To, From, getPrecedence());
1889   }
1891   void printLeft(OutputBuffer &OB) const override {
1892     OB += CastKind;
1893     {
1894       ScopedOverride<unsigned> LT(OB.GtIsGt, 0);
1895       OB += "<";
1896       To->printLeft(OB);
1897       OB += ">";
1898     }
1899     OB.printOpen();
1900     From->printAsOperand(OB);
1901     OB.printClose();
1902   }
1903 };
1905 class SizeofParamPackExpr : public Node {
1906   const Node *Pack;
1908 public:
1909   SizeofParamPackExpr(const Node *Pack_)
1910       : Node(KSizeofParamPackExpr), Pack(Pack_) {}
1912   template<typename Fn> void match(Fn F) const { F(Pack); }
1914   void printLeft(OutputBuffer &OB) const override {
1915     OB += "sizeof...";
1916     OB.printOpen();
1917     ParameterPackExpansion PPE(Pack);
1918     PPE.printLeft(OB);
1919     OB.printClose();
1920   }
1921 };
1923 class CallExpr : public Node {
1924   const Node *Callee;
1925   NodeArray Args;
1927 public:
1928   CallExpr(const Node *Callee_, NodeArray Args_, Prec Prec_)
1929       : Node(KCallExpr, Prec_), Callee(Callee_), Args(Args_) {}
1931   template <typename Fn> void match(Fn F) const {
1932     F(Callee, Args, getPrecedence());
1933   }
1935   void printLeft(OutputBuffer &OB) const override {
1936     Callee->print(OB);
1937     OB.printOpen();
1938     Args.printWithComma(OB);
1939     OB.printClose();
1940   }
1941 };
1943 class NewExpr : public Node {
1944   // new (expr_list) type(init_list)
1945   NodeArray ExprList;
1946   Node *Type;
1947   NodeArray InitList;
1948   bool IsGlobal; // ::operator new ?
1949   bool IsArray;  // new[] ?
1950 public:
1951   NewExpr(NodeArray ExprList_, Node *Type_, NodeArray InitList_, bool IsGlobal_,
1952           bool IsArray_, Prec Prec_)
1953       : Node(KNewExpr, Prec_), ExprList(ExprList_), Type(Type_),
1954         InitList(InitList_), IsGlobal(IsGlobal_), IsArray(IsArray_) {}
1956   template<typename Fn> void match(Fn F) const {
1957     F(ExprList, Type, InitList, IsGlobal, IsArray, getPrecedence());
1958   }
1960   void printLeft(OutputBuffer &OB) const override {
1961     if (IsGlobal)
1962       OB += "::";
1963     OB += "new";
1964     if (IsArray)
1965       OB += "[]";
1966     if (!ExprList.empty()) {
1967       OB.printOpen();
1968       ExprList.printWithComma(OB);
1969       OB.printClose();
1970     }
1971     OB += " ";
1972     Type->print(OB);
1973     if (!InitList.empty()) {
1974       OB.printOpen();
1975       InitList.printWithComma(OB);
1976       OB.printClose();
1977     }
1978   }
1979 };
1981 class DeleteExpr : public Node {
1982   Node *Op;
1983   bool IsGlobal;
1984   bool IsArray;
1986 public:
1987   DeleteExpr(Node *Op_, bool IsGlobal_, bool IsArray_, Prec Prec_)
1988       : Node(KDeleteExpr, Prec_), Op(Op_), IsGlobal(IsGlobal_),
1989         IsArray(IsArray_) {}
1991   template <typename Fn> void match(Fn F) const {
1992     F(Op, IsGlobal, IsArray, getPrecedence());
1993   }
1995   void printLeft(OutputBuffer &OB) const override {
1996     if (IsGlobal)
1997       OB += "::";
1998     OB += "delete";
1999     if (IsArray)
2000       OB += "[]";
2001     OB += ' ';
2002     Op->print(OB);
2003   }
2004 };
2006 class PrefixExpr : public Node {
2007   std::string_view Prefix;
2008   Node *Child;
2010 public:
2011   PrefixExpr(std::string_view Prefix_, Node *Child_, Prec Prec_)
2012       : Node(KPrefixExpr, Prec_), Prefix(Prefix_), Child(Child_) {}
2014   template <typename Fn> void match(Fn F) const {
2015     F(Prefix, Child, getPrecedence());
2016   }
2018   void printLeft(OutputBuffer &OB) const override {
2019     OB += Prefix;
2020     Child->printAsOperand(OB, getPrecedence());
2021   }
2022 };
2024 class FunctionParam : public Node {
2025   std::string_view Number;
2027 public:
2028   FunctionParam(std::string_view Number_)
2029       : Node(KFunctionParam), Number(Number_) {}
2031   template<typename Fn> void match(Fn F) const { F(Number); }
2033   void printLeft(OutputBuffer &OB) const override {
2034     OB += "fp";
2035     OB += Number;
2036   }
2037 };
2039 class ConversionExpr : public Node {
2040   const Node *Type;
2041   NodeArray Expressions;
2043 public:
2044   ConversionExpr(const Node *Type_, NodeArray Expressions_, Prec Prec_)
2045       : Node(KConversionExpr, Prec_), Type(Type_), Expressions(Expressions_) {}
2047   template <typename Fn> void match(Fn F) const {
2048     F(Type, Expressions, getPrecedence());
2049   }
2051   void printLeft(OutputBuffer &OB) const override {
2052     OB.printOpen();
2053     Type->print(OB);
2054     OB.printClose();
2055     OB.printOpen();
2056     Expressions.printWithComma(OB);
2057     OB.printClose();
2058   }
2059 };
2061 class PointerToMemberConversionExpr : public Node {
2062   const Node *Type;
2063   const Node *SubExpr;
2064   std::string_view Offset;
2066 public:
2067   PointerToMemberConversionExpr(const Node *Type_, const Node *SubExpr_,
2068                                 std::string_view Offset_, Prec Prec_)
2069       : Node(KPointerToMemberConversionExpr, Prec_), Type(Type_),
2070         SubExpr(SubExpr_), Offset(Offset_) {}
2072   template <typename Fn> void match(Fn F) const {
2073     F(Type, SubExpr, Offset, getPrecedence());
2074   }
2076   void printLeft(OutputBuffer &OB) const override {
2077     OB.printOpen();
2078     Type->print(OB);
2079     OB.printClose();
2080     OB.printOpen();
2081     SubExpr->print(OB);
2082     OB.printClose();
2083   }
2084 };
2086 class InitListExpr : public Node {
2087   const Node *Ty;
2088   NodeArray Inits;
2089 public:
2090   InitListExpr(const Node *Ty_, NodeArray Inits_)
2091       : Node(KInitListExpr), Ty(Ty_), Inits(Inits_) {}
2093   template<typename Fn> void match(Fn F) const { F(Ty, Inits); }
2095   void printLeft(OutputBuffer &OB) const override {
2096     if (Ty)
2097       Ty->print(OB);
2098     OB += '{';
2099     Inits.printWithComma(OB);
2100     OB += '}';
2101   }
2102 };
2104 class BracedExpr : public Node {
2105   const Node *Elem;
2106   const Node *Init;
2107   bool IsArray;
2108 public:
2109   BracedExpr(const Node *Elem_, const Node *Init_, bool IsArray_)
2110       : Node(KBracedExpr), Elem(Elem_), Init(Init_), IsArray(IsArray_) {}
2112   template<typename Fn> void match(Fn F) const { F(Elem, Init, IsArray); }
2114   void printLeft(OutputBuffer &OB) const override {
2115     if (IsArray) {
2116       OB += '[';
2117       Elem->print(OB);
2118       OB += ']';
2119     } else {
2120       OB += '.';
2121       Elem->print(OB);
2122     }
2123     if (Init->getKind() != KBracedExpr && Init->getKind() != KBracedRangeExpr)
2124       OB += " = ";
2125     Init->print(OB);
2126   }
2127 };
2129 class BracedRangeExpr : public Node {
2130   const Node *First;
2131   const Node *Last;
2132   const Node *Init;
2133 public:
2134   BracedRangeExpr(const Node *First_, const Node *Last_, const Node *Init_)
2135       : Node(KBracedRangeExpr), First(First_), Last(Last_), Init(Init_) {}
2137   template<typename Fn> void match(Fn F) const { F(First, Last, Init); }
2139   void printLeft(OutputBuffer &OB) const override {
2140     OB += '[';
2141     First->print(OB);
2142     OB += " ... ";
2143     Last->print(OB);
2144     OB += ']';
2145     if (Init->getKind() != KBracedExpr && Init->getKind() != KBracedRangeExpr)
2146       OB += " = ";
2147     Init->print(OB);
2148   }
2149 };
2151 class FoldExpr : public Node {
2152   const Node *Pack, *Init;
2153   std::string_view OperatorName;
2154   bool IsLeftFold;
2156 public:
2157   FoldExpr(bool IsLeftFold_, std::string_view OperatorName_, const Node *Pack_,
2158            const Node *Init_)
2159       : Node(KFoldExpr), Pack(Pack_), Init(Init_), OperatorName(OperatorName_),
2160         IsLeftFold(IsLeftFold_) {}
2162   template<typename Fn> void match(Fn F) const {
2163     F(IsLeftFold, OperatorName, Pack, Init);
2164   }
2166   void printLeft(OutputBuffer &OB) const override {
2167     auto PrintPack = [&] {
2168       OB.printOpen();
2169       ParameterPackExpansion(Pack).print(OB);
2170       OB.printClose();
2171     };
2173     OB.printOpen();
2174     // Either '[init op ]... op pack' or 'pack op ...[ op init]'
2175     // Refactored to '[(init|pack) op ]...[ op (pack|init)]'
2176     // Fold expr operands are cast-expressions
2177     if (!IsLeftFold || Init != nullptr) {
2178       // '(init|pack) op '
2179       if (IsLeftFold)
2180         Init->printAsOperand(OB, Prec::Cast, true);
2181       else
2182         PrintPack();
2183       OB << " " << OperatorName << " ";
2184     }
2185     OB << "...";
2186     if (IsLeftFold || Init != nullptr) {
2187       // ' op (init|pack)'
2188       OB << " " << OperatorName << " ";
2189       if (IsLeftFold)
2190         PrintPack();
2191       else
2192         Init->printAsOperand(OB, Prec::Cast, true);
2193     }
2194     OB.printClose();
2195   }
2196 };
2198 class ThrowExpr : public Node {
2199   const Node *Op;
2201 public:
2202   ThrowExpr(const Node *Op_) : Node(KThrowExpr), Op(Op_) {}
2204   template<typename Fn> void match(Fn F) const { F(Op); }
2206   void printLeft(OutputBuffer &OB) const override {
2207     OB += "throw ";
2208     Op->print(OB);
2209   }
2210 };
2212 class BoolExpr : public Node {
2213   bool Value;
2215 public:
2216   BoolExpr(bool Value_) : Node(KBoolExpr), Value(Value_) {}
2218   template<typename Fn> void match(Fn F) const { F(Value); }
2220   void printLeft(OutputBuffer &OB) const override {
2221     OB += Value ? std::string_view("true") : std::string_view("false");
2222   }
2223 };
2225 class StringLiteral : public Node {
2226   const Node *Type;
2228 public:
2229   StringLiteral(const Node *Type_) : Node(KStringLiteral), Type(Type_) {}
2231   template<typename Fn> void match(Fn F) const { F(Type); }
2233   void printLeft(OutputBuffer &OB) const override {
2234     OB += "\"<";
2235     Type->print(OB);
2236     OB += ">\"";
2237   }
2238 };
2240 class LambdaExpr : public Node {
2241   const Node *Type;
2243 public:
2244   LambdaExpr(const Node *Type_) : Node(KLambdaExpr), Type(Type_) {}
2246   template<typename Fn> void match(Fn F) const { F(Type); }
2248   void printLeft(OutputBuffer &OB) const override {
2249     OB += "[]";
2250     if (Type->getKind() == KClosureTypeName)
2251       static_cast<const ClosureTypeName *>(Type)->printDeclarator(OB);
2252     OB += "{...}";
2253   }
2254 };
2256 class EnumLiteral : public Node {
2257   // ty(integer)
2258   const Node *Ty;
2259   std::string_view Integer;
2261 public:
2262   EnumLiteral(const Node *Ty_, std::string_view Integer_)
2263       : Node(KEnumLiteral), Ty(Ty_), Integer(Integer_) {}
2265   template<typename Fn> void match(Fn F) const { F(Ty, Integer); }
2267   void printLeft(OutputBuffer &OB) const override {
2268     OB.printOpen();
2269     Ty->print(OB);
2270     OB.printClose();
2272     if (Integer[0] == 'n')
2273       OB << '-' << std::string_view(Integer.data() + 1, Integer.size() - 1);
2274     else
2275       OB << Integer;
2276   }
2277 };
2279 class IntegerLiteral : public Node {
2280   std::string_view Type;
2281   std::string_view Value;
2283 public:
2284   IntegerLiteral(std::string_view Type_, std::string_view Value_)
2285       : Node(KIntegerLiteral), Type(Type_), Value(Value_) {}
2287   template<typename Fn> void match(Fn F) const { F(Type, Value); }
2289   void printLeft(OutputBuffer &OB) const override {
2290     if (Type.size() > 3) {
2291       OB.printOpen();
2292       OB += Type;
2293       OB.printClose();
2294     }
2296     if (Value[0] == 'n')
2297       OB << '-' << std::string_view(Value.data() + 1, Value.size() - 1);
2298     else
2299       OB += Value;
2301     if (Type.size() <= 3)
2302       OB += Type;
2303   }
2304 };
2306 template <class Float> struct FloatData;
2308 namespace float_literal_impl {
2309 constexpr Node::Kind getFloatLiteralKind(float *) {
2310   return Node::KFloatLiteral;
2311 }
2312 constexpr Node::Kind getFloatLiteralKind(double *) {
2313   return Node::KDoubleLiteral;
2314 }
2315 constexpr Node::Kind getFloatLiteralKind(long double *) {
2316   return Node::KLongDoubleLiteral;
2317 }
2318 }
2320 template <class Float> class FloatLiteralImpl : public Node {
2321   const std::string_view Contents;
2323   static constexpr Kind KindForClass =
2324       float_literal_impl::getFloatLiteralKind((Float *)nullptr);
2326 public:
2327   FloatLiteralImpl(std::string_view Contents_)
2328       : Node(KindForClass), Contents(Contents_) {}
2330   template<typename Fn> void match(Fn F) const { F(Contents); }
2332   void printLeft(OutputBuffer &OB) const override {
2333     const size_t N = FloatData<Float>::mangled_size;
2334     if (Contents.size() >= N) {
2335       union {
2336         Float value;
2337         char buf[sizeof(Float)];
2338       };
2339       const char *t = Contents.data();
2340       const char *last = t + N;
2341       char *e = buf;
2342       for (; t != last; ++t, ++e) {
2343         unsigned d1 = isdigit(*t) ? static_cast<unsigned>(*t - '0')
2344                                   : static_cast<unsigned>(*t - 'a' + 10);
2345         ++t;
2346         unsigned d0 = isdigit(*t) ? static_cast<unsigned>(*t - '0')
2347                                   : static_cast<unsigned>(*t - 'a' + 10);
2348         *e = static_cast<char>((d1 << 4) + d0);
2349       }
2351       std::reverse(buf, e);
2352 #endif
2353       char num[FloatData<Float>::max_demangled_size] = {0};
2354       int n = snprintf(num, sizeof(num), FloatData<Float>::spec, value);
2355       OB += std::string_view(num, n);
2356     }
2357   }
2358 };
2360 using FloatLiteral = FloatLiteralImpl<float>;
2361 using DoubleLiteral = FloatLiteralImpl<double>;
2362 using LongDoubleLiteral = FloatLiteralImpl<long double>;
2364 /// Visit the node. Calls \c F(P), where \c P is the node cast to the
2365 /// appropriate derived class.
2366 template<typename Fn>
2367 void Node::visit(Fn F) const {
2368   switch (K) {
2369 #define NODE(X)                                                                \
2370   case K##X:                                                                   \
2371     return F(static_cast<const X *>(this));
2372 #include "ItaniumNodes.def"
2373   }
2374   assert(0 && "unknown mangling node kind");
2375 }
2377 /// Determine the kind of a node from its type.
2378 template<typename NodeT> struct NodeKind;
2379 #define NODE(X)                                                                \
2380   template <> struct NodeKind<X> {                                             \
2381     static constexpr Node::Kind Kind = Node::K##X;                             \
2382     static constexpr const char *name() { return #X; }                         \
2383   };
2384 #include "ItaniumNodes.def"
2386 template <typename Derived, typename Alloc> struct AbstractManglingParser {
2387   const char *First;
2388   const char *Last;
2390   // Name stack, this is used by the parser to hold temporary names that were
2391   // parsed. The parser collapses multiple names into new nodes to construct
2392   // the AST. Once the parser is finished, names.size() == 1.
2393   PODSmallVector<Node *, 32> Names;
2395   // Substitution table. Itanium supports name substitutions as a means of
2396   // compression. The string "S42_" refers to the 44nd entry (base-36) in this
2397   // table.
2398   PODSmallVector<Node *, 32> Subs;
2400   using TemplateParamList = PODSmallVector<Node *, 8>;
2402   class ScopedTemplateParamList {
2403     AbstractManglingParser *Parser;
2404     size_t OldNumTemplateParamLists;
2405     TemplateParamList Params;
2407   public:
2408     ScopedTemplateParamList(AbstractManglingParser *TheParser)
2409         : Parser(TheParser),
2410           OldNumTemplateParamLists(TheParser->TemplateParams.size()) {
2411       Parser->TemplateParams.push_back(&Params);
2412     }
2413     ~ScopedTemplateParamList() {
2414       assert(Parser->TemplateParams.size() >= OldNumTemplateParamLists);
2415       Parser->TemplateParams.dropBack(OldNumTemplateParamLists);
2416     }
2417   };
2419   // Template parameter table. Like the above, but referenced like "T42_".
2420   // This has a smaller size compared to Subs and Names because it can be
2421   // stored on the stack.
2422   TemplateParamList OuterTemplateParams;
2424   // Lists of template parameters indexed by template parameter depth,
2425   // referenced like "TL2_4_". If nonempty, element 0 is always
2426   // OuterTemplateParams; inner elements are always template parameter lists of
2427   // lambda expressions. For a generic lambda with no explicit template
2428   // parameter list, the corresponding parameter list pointer will be null.
2429   PODSmallVector<TemplateParamList *, 4> TemplateParams;
2431   // Set of unresolved forward <template-param> references. These can occur in a
2432   // conversion operator's type, and are resolved in the enclosing <encoding>.
2433   PODSmallVector<ForwardTemplateReference *, 4> ForwardTemplateRefs;
2435   bool TryToParseTemplateArgs = true;
2436   bool PermitForwardTemplateReferences = false;
2437   size_t ParsingLambdaParamsAtLevel = (size_t)-1;
2439   unsigned NumSyntheticTemplateParameters[3] = {};
2441   Alloc ASTAllocator;
2443   AbstractManglingParser(const char *First_, const char *Last_)
2444       : First(First_), Last(Last_) {}
2446   Derived &getDerived() { return static_cast<Derived &>(*this); }
2448   void reset(const char *First_, const char *Last_) {
2449     First = First_;
2450     Last = Last_;
2451     Names.clear();
2452     Subs.clear();
2453     TemplateParams.clear();
2454     ParsingLambdaParamsAtLevel = (size_t)-1;
2455     TryToParseTemplateArgs = true;
2456     PermitForwardTemplateReferences = false;
2457     for (int I = 0; I != 3; ++I)
2458       NumSyntheticTemplateParameters[I] = 0;
2459     ASTAllocator.reset();
2460   }
2462   template <class T, class... Args> Node *make(Args &&... args) {
2463     return ASTAllocator.template makeNode<T>(std::forward<Args>(args)...);
2464   }
2466   template <class It> NodeArray makeNodeArray(It begin, It end) {
2467     size_t sz = static_cast<size_t>(end - begin);
2468     void *mem = ASTAllocator.allocateNodeArray(sz);
2469     Node **data = new (mem) Node *[sz];
2470     std::copy(begin, end, data);
2471     return NodeArray(data, sz);
2472   }
2474   NodeArray popTrailingNodeArray(size_t FromPosition) {
2475     assert(FromPosition <= Names.size());
2476     NodeArray res =
2477         makeNodeArray(Names.begin() + (long)FromPosition, Names.end());
2478     Names.dropBack(FromPosition);
2479     return res;
2480   }
2482   bool consumeIf(std::string_view S) {
2483     if (llvm::itanium_demangle::starts_with(
2484             std::string_view(First, Last - First), S)) {
2485       First += S.size();
2486       return true;
2487     }
2488     return false;
2489   }
2491   bool consumeIf(char C) {
2492     if (First != Last && *First == C) {
2493       ++First;
2494       return true;
2495     }
2496     return false;
2497   }
2499   char consume() { return First != Last ? *First++ : '\0'; }
2501   char look(unsigned Lookahead = 0) const {
2502     if (static_cast<size_t>(Last - First) <= Lookahead)
2503       return '\0';
2504     return First[Lookahead];
2505   }
2507   size_t numLeft() const { return static_cast<size_t>(Last - First); }
2509   std::string_view parseNumber(bool AllowNegative = false);
2510   Qualifiers parseCVQualifiers();
2511   bool parsePositiveInteger(size_t *Out);
2512   std::string_view parseBareSourceName();
2514   bool parseSeqId(size_t *Out);
2515   Node *parseSubstitution();
2516   Node *parseTemplateParam();
2517   Node *parseTemplateParamDecl();
2518   Node *parseTemplateArgs(bool TagTemplates = false);
2519   Node *parseTemplateArg();
2521   /// Parse the <expr> production.
2522   Node *parseExpr();
2523   Node *parsePrefixExpr(std::string_view Kind, Node::Prec Prec);
2524   Node *parseBinaryExpr(std::string_view Kind, Node::Prec Prec);
2525   Node *parseIntegerLiteral(std::string_view Lit);
2526   Node *parseExprPrimary();
2527   template <class Float> Node *parseFloatingLiteral();
2528   Node *parseFunctionParam();
2529   Node *parseConversionExpr();
2530   Node *parseBracedExpr();
2531   Node *parseFoldExpr();
2532   Node *parsePointerToMemberConversionExpr(Node::Prec Prec);
2533   Node *parseSubobjectExpr();
2535   /// Parse the <type> production.
2536   Node *parseType();
2537   Node *parseFunctionType();
2538   Node *parseVectorType();
2539   Node *parseDecltype();
2540   Node *parseArrayType();
2541   Node *parsePointerToMemberType();
2542   Node *parseClassEnumType();
2543   Node *parseQualifiedType();
2545   Node *parseEncoding();
2546   bool parseCallOffset();
2547   Node *parseSpecialName();
2549   /// Holds some extra information about a <name> that is being parsed. This
2550   /// information is only pertinent if the <name> refers to an <encoding>.
2551   struct NameState {
2552     bool CtorDtorConversion = false;
2553     bool EndsWithTemplateArgs = false;
2554     Qualifiers CVQualifiers = QualNone;
2555     FunctionRefQual ReferenceQualifier = FrefQualNone;
2556     size_t ForwardTemplateRefsBegin;
2558     NameState(AbstractManglingParser *Enclosing)
2559         : ForwardTemplateRefsBegin(Enclosing->ForwardTemplateRefs.size()) {}
2560   };
2562   bool resolveForwardTemplateRefs(NameState &State) {
2563     size_t I = State.ForwardTemplateRefsBegin;
2564     size_t E = ForwardTemplateRefs.size();
2565     for (; I < E; ++I) {
2566       size_t Idx = ForwardTemplateRefs[I]->Index;
2567       if (TemplateParams.empty() || !TemplateParams[0] ||
2568           Idx >= TemplateParams[0]->size())
2569         return true;
2570       ForwardTemplateRefs[I]->Ref = (*TemplateParams[0])[Idx];
2571     }
2572     ForwardTemplateRefs.dropBack(State.ForwardTemplateRefsBegin);
2573     return false;
2574   }
2576   /// Parse the <name> production>
2577   Node *parseName(NameState *State = nullptr);
2578   Node *parseLocalName(NameState *State);
2579   Node *parseOperatorName(NameState *State);
2580   bool parseModuleNameOpt(ModuleName *&Module);
2581   Node *parseUnqualifiedName(NameState *State, Node *Scope, ModuleName *Module);
2582   Node *parseUnnamedTypeName(NameState *State);
2583   Node *parseSourceName(NameState *State);
2584   Node *parseUnscopedName(NameState *State, bool *isSubstName);
2585   Node *parseNestedName(NameState *State);
2586   Node *parseCtorDtorName(Node *&SoFar, NameState *State);
2588   Node *parseAbiTags(Node *N);
2590   struct OperatorInfo {
2591     enum OIKind : unsigned char {
2592       Prefix,      // Prefix unary: @ expr
2593       Postfix,     // Postfix unary: expr @
2594       Binary,      // Binary: lhs @ rhs
2595       Array,       // Array index:  lhs [ rhs ]
2596       Member,      // Member access: lhs @ rhs
2597       New,         // New
2598       Del,         // Delete
2599       Call,        // Function call: expr (expr*)
2600       CCast,       // C cast: (type)expr
2601       Conditional, // Conditional: expr ? expr : expr
2602       NameOnly,    // Overload only, not allowed in expression.
2603       // Below do not have operator names
2604       NamedCast, // Named cast, @<type>(expr)
2605       OfIdOp,    // alignof, sizeof, typeid
2607       Unnameable = NamedCast,
2608     };
2609     char Enc[2];      // Encoding
2610     OIKind Kind;      // Kind of operator
2611     bool Flag : 1;    // Entry-specific flag
2612     Node::Prec Prec : 7; // Precedence
2613     const char *Name; // Spelling
2615   public:
2616     constexpr OperatorInfo(const char (&E)[3], OIKind K, bool F, Node::Prec P,
2617                            const char *N)
2618         : Enc{E[0], E[1]}, Kind{K}, Flag{F}, Prec{P}, Name{N} {}
2620   public:
2621     bool operator<(const OperatorInfo &Other) const {
2622       return *this < Other.Enc;
2623     }
2624     bool operator<(const char *Peek) const {
2625       return Enc[0] < Peek[0] || (Enc[0] == Peek[0] && Enc[1] < Peek[1]);
2626     }
2627     bool operator==(const char *Peek) const {
2628       return Enc[0] == Peek[0] && Enc[1] == Peek[1];
2629     }
2630     bool operator!=(const char *Peek) const { return !this->operator==(Peek); }
2632   public:
2633     std::string_view getSymbol() const {
2634       std::string_view Res = Name;
2635       if (Kind < Unnameable) {
2636         assert(llvm::itanium_demangle::starts_with(Res, "operator") &&
2637                "operator name does not start with 'operator'");
2638         Res.remove_prefix(sizeof("operator") - 1);
2639         if (llvm::itanium_demangle::starts_with(Res, ' '))
2640           Res.remove_prefix(1);
2641       }
2642       return Res;
2643     }
2644     std::string_view getName() const { return Name; }
2645     OIKind getKind() const { return Kind; }
2646     bool getFlag() const { return Flag; }
2647     Node::Prec getPrecedence() const { return Prec; }
2648   };
2649   static const OperatorInfo Ops[];
2650   static const size_t NumOps;
2651   const OperatorInfo *parseOperatorEncoding();
2653   /// Parse the <unresolved-name> production.
2654   Node *parseUnresolvedName(bool Global);
2655   Node *parseSimpleId();
2656   Node *parseBaseUnresolvedName();
2657   Node *parseUnresolvedType();
2658   Node *parseDestructorName();
2660   /// Top-level entry point into the parser.
2661   Node *parse();
2662 };
2664 const char* parse_discriminator(const char* first, const char* last);
2666 // <name> ::= <nested-name> // N
2667 //        ::= <local-name> # See Scope Encoding below  // Z
2668 //        ::= <unscoped-template-name> <template-args>
2669 //        ::= <unscoped-name>
2670 //
2671 // <unscoped-template-name> ::= <unscoped-name>
2672 //                          ::= <substitution>
2673 template <typename Derived, typename Alloc>
2674 Node *AbstractManglingParser<Derived, Alloc>::parseName(NameState *State) {
2675   if (look() == 'N')
2676     return getDerived().parseNestedName(State);
2677   if (look() == 'Z')
2678     return getDerived().parseLocalName(State);
2680   Node *Result = nullptr;
2681   bool IsSubst = false;
2683   Result = getDerived().parseUnscopedName(State, &IsSubst);
2684   if (!Result)
2685     return nullptr;
2687   if (look() == 'I') {
2688     //        ::= <unscoped-template-name> <template-args>
2689     if (!IsSubst)
2690       // An unscoped-template-name is substitutable.
2691       Subs.push_back(Result);
2692     Node *TA = getDerived().parseTemplateArgs(State != nullptr);
2693     if (TA == nullptr)
2694       return nullptr;
2695     if (State)
2696       State->EndsWithTemplateArgs = true;
2697     Result = make<NameWithTemplateArgs>(Result, TA);
2698   } else if (IsSubst) {
2699     // The substitution case must be followed by <template-args>.
2700     return nullptr;
2701   }
2703   return Result;
2704 }
2706 // <local-name> := Z <function encoding> E <entity name> [<discriminator>]
2707 //              := Z <function encoding> E s [<discriminator>]
2708 //              := Z <function encoding> Ed [ <parameter number> ] _ <entity name>
2709 template <typename Derived, typename Alloc>
2710 Node *AbstractManglingParser<Derived, Alloc>::parseLocalName(NameState *State) {
2711   if (!consumeIf('Z'))
2712     return nullptr;
2713   Node *Encoding = getDerived().parseEncoding();
2714   if (Encoding == nullptr || !consumeIf('E'))
2715     return nullptr;
2717   if (consumeIf('s')) {
2718     First = parse_discriminator(First, Last);
2719     auto *StringLitName = make<NameType>("string literal");
2720     if (!StringLitName)
2721       return nullptr;
2722     return make<LocalName>(Encoding, StringLitName);
2723   }
2725   if (consumeIf('d')) {
2726     parseNumber(true);
2727     if (!consumeIf('_'))
2728       return nullptr;
2729     Node *N = getDerived().parseName(State);
2730     if (N == nullptr)
2731       return nullptr;
2732     return make<LocalName>(Encoding, N);
2733   }
2735   Node *Entity = getDerived().parseName(State);
2736   if (Entity == nullptr)
2737     return nullptr;
2738   First = parse_discriminator(First, Last);
2739   return make<LocalName>(Encoding, Entity);
2740 }
2742 // <unscoped-name> ::= <unqualified-name>
2743 //                 ::= St <unqualified-name>   # ::std::
2744 // [*] extension
2745 template <typename Derived, typename Alloc>
2746 Node *
2747 AbstractManglingParser<Derived, Alloc>::parseUnscopedName(NameState *State,
2748                                                           bool *IsSubst) {
2750   Node *Std = nullptr;
2751   if (consumeIf("St")) {
2752     Std = make<NameType>("std");
2753     if (Std == nullptr)
2754       return nullptr;
2755   }
2757   Node *Res = nullptr;
2758   ModuleName *Module = nullptr;
2759   if (look() == 'S') {
2760     Node *S = getDerived().parseSubstitution();
2761     if (!S)
2762       return nullptr;
2763     if (S->getKind() == Node::KModuleName)
2764       Module = static_cast<ModuleName *>(S);
2765     else if (IsSubst && Std == nullptr) {
2766       Res = S;
2767       *IsSubst = true;
2768     } else {
2769       return nullptr;
2770     }
2771   }
2773   if (Res == nullptr || Std != nullptr) {
2774     Res = getDerived().parseUnqualifiedName(State, Std, Module);
2775   }
2777   return Res;
2778 }
2780 // <unqualified-name> ::= [<module-name>] L? <operator-name> [<abi-tags>]
2781 //                    ::= [<module-name>] <ctor-dtor-name> [<abi-tags>]
2782 //                    ::= [<module-name>] L? <source-name> [<abi-tags>]
2783 //                    ::= [<module-name>] L? <unnamed-type-name> [<abi-tags>]
2784 //			# structured binding declaration
2785 //                    ::= [<module-name>] L? DC <source-name>+ E
2786 template <typename Derived, typename Alloc>
2787 Node *AbstractManglingParser<Derived, Alloc>::parseUnqualifiedName(
2788     NameState *State, Node *Scope, ModuleName *Module) {
2789   if (getDerived().parseModuleNameOpt(Module))
2790     return nullptr;
2792   consumeIf('L');
2794   Node *Result;
2795   if (look() >= '1' && look() <= '9') {
2796     Result = getDerived().parseSourceName(State);
2797   } else if (look() == 'U') {
2798     Result = getDerived().parseUnnamedTypeName(State);
2799   } else if (consumeIf("DC")) {
2800     // Structured binding
2801     size_t BindingsBegin = Names.size();
2802     do {
2803       Node *Binding = getDerived().parseSourceName(State);
2804       if (Binding == nullptr)
2805         return nullptr;
2806       Names.push_back(Binding);
2807     } while (!consumeIf('E'));
2808     Result = make<StructuredBindingName>(popTrailingNodeArray(BindingsBegin));
2809   } else if (look() == 'C' || look() == 'D') {
2810     // A <ctor-dtor-name>.
2811     if (Scope == nullptr || Module != nullptr)
2812       return nullptr;
2813     Result = getDerived().parseCtorDtorName(Scope, State);
2814   } else {
2815     Result = getDerived().parseOperatorName(State);
2816   }
2818   if (Result != nullptr && Module != nullptr)
2819     Result = make<ModuleEntity>(Module, Result);
2820   if (Result != nullptr)
2821     Result = getDerived().parseAbiTags(Result);
2822   if (Result != nullptr && Scope != nullptr)
2823     Result = make<NestedName>(Scope, Result);
2825   return Result;
2826 }
2828 // <module-name> ::= <module-subname>
2829 // 	 	 ::= <module-name> <module-subname>
2830 //		 ::= <substitution>  # passed in by caller
2831 // <module-subname> ::= W <source-name>
2832 //		    ::= W P <source-name>
2833 template <typename Derived, typename Alloc>
2834 bool AbstractManglingParser<Derived, Alloc>::parseModuleNameOpt(
2835     ModuleName *&Module) {
2836   while (consumeIf('W')) {
2837     bool IsPartition = consumeIf('P');
2838     Node *Sub = getDerived().parseSourceName(nullptr);
2839     if (!Sub)
2840       return true;
2841     Module =
2842         static_cast<ModuleName *>(make<ModuleName>(Module, Sub, IsPartition));
2843     Subs.push_back(Module);
2844   }
2846   return false;
2847 }
2849 // <unnamed-type-name> ::= Ut [<nonnegative number>] _
2850 //                     ::= <closure-type-name>
2851 //
2852 // <closure-type-name> ::= Ul <lambda-sig> E [ <nonnegative number> ] _
2853 //
2854 // <lambda-sig> ::= <parameter type>+  # Parameter types or "v" if the lambda has no parameters
2855 template <typename Derived, typename Alloc>
2856 Node *
2857 AbstractManglingParser<Derived, Alloc>::parseUnnamedTypeName(NameState *State) {
2858   // <template-params> refer to the innermost <template-args>. Clear out any
2859   // outer args that we may have inserted into TemplateParams.
2860   if (State != nullptr)
2861     TemplateParams.clear();
2863   if (consumeIf("Ut")) {
2864     std::string_view Count = parseNumber();
2865     if (!consumeIf('_'))
2866       return nullptr;
2867     return make<UnnamedTypeName>(Count);
2868   }
2869   if (consumeIf("Ul")) {
2870     ScopedOverride<size_t> SwapParams(ParsingLambdaParamsAtLevel,
2871                                       TemplateParams.size());
2872     ScopedTemplateParamList LambdaTemplateParams(this);
2874     size_t ParamsBegin = Names.size();
2875     while (look() == 'T' &&
2876            std::string_view("yptn").find(look(1)) != std::string_view::npos) {
2877       Node *T = parseTemplateParamDecl();
2878       if (!T)
2879         return nullptr;
2880       Names.push_back(T);
2881     }
2882     NodeArray TempParams = popTrailingNodeArray(ParamsBegin);
2884     // FIXME: If TempParams is empty and none of the function parameters
2885     // includes 'auto', we should remove LambdaTemplateParams from the
2886     // TemplateParams list. Unfortunately, we don't find out whether there are
2887     // any 'auto' parameters until too late in an example such as:
2888     //
2889     //   template<typename T> void f(
2890     //       decltype([](decltype([]<typename T>(T v) {}),
2891     //                   auto) {})) {}
2892     //   template<typename T> void f(
2893     //       decltype([](decltype([]<typename T>(T w) {}),
2894     //                   int) {})) {}
2895     //
2896     // Here, the type of v is at level 2 but the type of w is at level 1. We
2897     // don't find this out until we encounter the type of the next parameter.
2898     //
2899     // However, compilers can't actually cope with the former example in
2900     // practice, and it's likely to be made ill-formed in future, so we don't
2901     // need to support it here.
2902     //
2903     // If we encounter an 'auto' in the function parameter types, we will
2904     // recreate a template parameter scope for it, but any intervening lambdas
2905     // will be parsed in the 'wrong' template parameter depth.
2906     if (TempParams.empty())
2907       TemplateParams.pop_back();
2909     if (!consumeIf("vE")) {
2910       do {
2911         Node *P = getDerived().parseType();
2912         if (P == nullptr)
2913           return nullptr;
2914         Names.push_back(P);
2915       } while (!consumeIf('E'));
2916     }
2917     NodeArray Params = popTrailingNodeArray(ParamsBegin);
2919     std::string_view Count = parseNumber();
2920     if (!consumeIf('_'))
2921       return nullptr;
2922     return make<ClosureTypeName>(TempParams, Params, Count);
2923   }
2924   if (consumeIf("Ub")) {
2925     (void)parseNumber();
2926     if (!consumeIf('_'))
2927       return nullptr;
2928     return make<NameType>("'block-literal'");
2929   }
2930   return nullptr;
2931 }
2933 // <source-name> ::= <positive length number> <identifier>
2934 template <typename Derived, typename Alloc>
2935 Node *AbstractManglingParser<Derived, Alloc>::parseSourceName(NameState *) {
2936   size_t Length = 0;
2937   if (parsePositiveInteger(&Length))
2938     return nullptr;
2939   if (numLeft() < Length || Length == 0)
2940     return nullptr;
2941   std::string_view Name(First, Length);
2942   First += Length;
2943   if (llvm::itanium_demangle::starts_with(Name, "_GLOBAL__N"))
2944     return make<NameType>("(anonymous namespace)");
2945   return make<NameType>(Name);
2946 }
2948 // Operator encodings
2949 template <typename Derived, typename Alloc>
2950 const typename AbstractManglingParser<
2951     Derived, Alloc>::OperatorInfo AbstractManglingParser<Derived,
2952                                                          Alloc>::Ops[] = {
2953     // Keep ordered by encoding
2954     {"aN", OperatorInfo::Binary, false, Node::Prec::Assign, "operator&="},
2955     {"aS", OperatorInfo::Binary, false, Node::Prec::Assign, "operator="},
2956     {"aa", OperatorInfo::Binary, false, Node::Prec::AndIf, "operator&&"},
2957     {"ad", OperatorInfo::Prefix, false, Node::Prec::Unary, "operator&"},
2958     {"an", OperatorInfo::Binary, false, Node::Prec::And, "operator&"},
2959     {"at", OperatorInfo::OfIdOp, /*Type*/ true, Node::Prec::Unary, "alignof "},
2960     {"aw", OperatorInfo::NameOnly, false, Node::Prec::Primary,
2961      "operator co_await"},
2962     {"az", OperatorInfo::OfIdOp, /*Type*/ false, Node::Prec::Unary, "alignof "},
2963     {"cc", OperatorInfo::NamedCast, false, Node::Prec::Postfix, "const_cast"},
2964     {"cl", OperatorInfo::Call, false, Node::Prec::Postfix, "operator()"},
2965     {"cm", OperatorInfo::Binary, false, Node::Prec::Comma, "operator,"},
2966     {"co", OperatorInfo::Prefix, false, Node::Prec::Unary, "operator~"},
2967     {"cv", OperatorInfo::CCast, false, Node::Prec::Cast, "operator"}, // C Cast
2968     {"dV", OperatorInfo::Binary, false, Node::Prec::Assign, "operator/="},
2969     {"da", OperatorInfo::Del, /*Ary*/ true, Node::Prec::Unary,
2970      "operator delete[]"},
2971     {"dc", OperatorInfo::NamedCast, false, Node::Prec::Postfix, "dynamic_cast"},
2972     {"de", OperatorInfo::Prefix, false, Node::Prec::Unary, "operator*"},
2973     {"dl", OperatorInfo::Del, /*Ary*/ false, Node::Prec::Unary,
2974      "operator delete"},
2975     {"ds", OperatorInfo::Member, /*Named*/ false, Node::Prec::PtrMem,
2976      "operator.*"},
2977     {"dt", OperatorInfo::Member, /*Named*/ false, Node::Prec::Postfix,
2978      "operator."},
2979     {"dv", OperatorInfo::Binary, false, Node::Prec::Assign, "operator/"},
2980     {"eO", OperatorInfo::Binary, false, Node::Prec::Assign, "operator^="},
2981     {"eo", OperatorInfo::Binary, false, Node::Prec::Xor, "operator^"},
2982     {"eq", OperatorInfo::Binary, false, Node::Prec::Equality, "operator=="},
2983     {"ge", OperatorInfo::Binary, false, Node::Prec::Relational, "operator>="},
2984     {"gt", OperatorInfo::Binary, false, Node::Prec::Relational, "operator>"},
2985     {"ix", OperatorInfo::Array, false, Node::Prec::Postfix, "operator[]"},
2986     {"lS", OperatorInfo::Binary, false, Node::Prec::Assign, "operator<<="},
2987     {"le", OperatorInfo::Binary, false, Node::Prec::Relational, "operator<="},
2988     {"ls", OperatorInfo::Binary, false, Node::Prec::Shift, "operator<<"},
2989     {"lt", OperatorInfo::Binary, false, Node::Prec::Relational, "operator<"},
2990     {"mI", OperatorInfo::Binary, false, Node::Prec::Assign, "operator-="},
2991     {"mL", OperatorInfo::Binary, false, Node::Prec::Assign, "operator*="},
2992     {"mi", OperatorInfo::Binary, false, Node::Prec::Additive, "operator-"},
2993     {"ml", OperatorInfo::Binary, false, Node::Prec::Multiplicative,
2994      "operator*"},
2995     {"mm", OperatorInfo::Postfix, false, Node::Prec::Postfix, "operator--"},
2996     {"na", OperatorInfo::New, /*Ary*/ true, Node::Prec::Unary,
2997      "operator new[]"},
2998     {"ne", OperatorInfo::Binary, false, Node::Prec::Equality, "operator!="},
2999     {"ng", OperatorInfo::Prefix, false, Node::Prec::Unary, "operator-"},
3000     {"nt", OperatorInfo::Prefix, false, Node::Prec::Unary, "operator!"},
3001     {"nw", OperatorInfo::New, /*Ary*/ false, Node::Prec::Unary, "operator new"},
3002     {"oR", OperatorInfo::Binary, false, Node::Prec::Assign, "operator|="},
3003     {"oo", OperatorInfo::Binary, false, Node::Prec::OrIf, "operator||"},
3004     {"or", OperatorInfo::Binary, false, Node::Prec::Ior, "operator|"},
3005     {"pL", OperatorInfo::Binary, false, Node::Prec::Assign, "operator+="},
3006     {"pl", OperatorInfo::Binary, false, Node::Prec::Additive, "operator+"},
3007     {"pm", OperatorInfo::Member, /*Named*/ false, Node::Prec::PtrMem,
3008      "operator->*"},
3009     {"pp", OperatorInfo::Postfix, false, Node::Prec::Postfix, "operator++"},
3010     {"ps", OperatorInfo::Prefix, false, Node::Prec::Unary, "operator+"},
3011     {"pt", OperatorInfo::Member, /*Named*/ true, Node::Prec::Postfix,
3012      "operator->"},
3013     {"qu", OperatorInfo::Conditional, false, Node::Prec::Conditional,
3014      "operator?"},
3015     {"rM", OperatorInfo::Binary, false, Node::Prec::Assign, "operator%="},
3016     {"rS", OperatorInfo::Binary, false, Node::Prec::Assign, "operator>>="},
3017     {"rc", OperatorInfo::NamedCast, false, Node::Prec::Postfix,
3018      "reinterpret_cast"},
3019     {"rm", OperatorInfo::Binary, false, Node::Prec::Multiplicative,
3020      "operator%"},
3021     {"rs", OperatorInfo::Binary, false, Node::Prec::Shift, "operator>>"},
3022     {"sc", OperatorInfo::NamedCast, false, Node::Prec::Postfix, "static_cast"},
3023     {"ss", OperatorInfo::Binary, false, Node::Prec::Spaceship, "operator<=>"},
3024     {"st", OperatorInfo::OfIdOp, /*Type*/ true, Node::Prec::Unary, "sizeof "},
3025     {"sz", OperatorInfo::OfIdOp, /*Type*/ false, Node::Prec::Unary, "sizeof "},
3026     {"te", OperatorInfo::OfIdOp, /*Type*/ false, Node::Prec::Postfix,
3027      "typeid "},
3028     {"ti", OperatorInfo::OfIdOp, /*Type*/ true, Node::Prec::Postfix, "typeid "},
3029 };
3030 template <typename Derived, typename Alloc>
3031 const size_t AbstractManglingParser<Derived, Alloc>::NumOps = sizeof(Ops) /
3032                                                               sizeof(Ops[0]);
3034 // If the next 2 chars are an operator encoding, consume them and return their
3035 // OperatorInfo.  Otherwise return nullptr.
3036 template <typename Derived, typename Alloc>
3037 const typename AbstractManglingParser<Derived, Alloc>::OperatorInfo *
3038 AbstractManglingParser<Derived, Alloc>::parseOperatorEncoding() {
3039   if (numLeft() < 2)
3040     return nullptr;
3042   // We can't use lower_bound as that can link to symbols in the C++ library,
3043   // and this must remain independant of that.
3044   size_t lower = 0u, upper = NumOps - 1; // Inclusive bounds.
3045   while (upper != lower) {
3046     size_t middle = (upper + lower) / 2;
3047     if (Ops[middle] < First)
3048       lower = middle + 1;
3049     else
3050       upper = middle;
3051   }
3052   if (Ops[lower] != First)
3053     return nullptr;
3055   First += 2;
3056   return &Ops[lower];
3057 }
3059 //   <operator-name> ::= See parseOperatorEncoding()
3060 //                   ::= li <source-name>  # operator ""
3061 //                   ::= v <digit> <source-name>  # vendor extended operator
3062 template <typename Derived, typename Alloc>
3063 Node *
3064 AbstractManglingParser<Derived, Alloc>::parseOperatorName(NameState *State) {
3065   if (const auto *Op = parseOperatorEncoding()) {
3066     if (Op->getKind() == OperatorInfo::CCast) {
3067       //              ::= cv <type>    # (cast)
3068       ScopedOverride<bool> SaveTemplate(TryToParseTemplateArgs, false);
3069       // If we're parsing an encoding, State != nullptr and the conversion
3070       // operators' <type> could have a <template-param> that refers to some
3071       // <template-arg>s further ahead in the mangled name.
3072       ScopedOverride<bool> SavePermit(PermitForwardTemplateReferences,
3073                                       PermitForwardTemplateReferences ||
3074                                           State != nullptr);
3075       Node *Ty = getDerived().parseType();
3076       if (Ty == nullptr)
3077         return nullptr;
3078       if (State) State->CtorDtorConversion = true;
3079       return make<ConversionOperatorType>(Ty);
3080     }
3082     if (Op->getKind() >= OperatorInfo::Unnameable)
3083       /* Not a nameable operator.  */
3084       return nullptr;
3085     if (Op->getKind() == OperatorInfo::Member && !Op->getFlag())
3086       /* Not a nameable MemberExpr */
3087       return nullptr;
3089     return make<NameType>(Op->getName());
3090   }
3092   if (consumeIf("li")) {
3093     //                   ::= li <source-name>  # operator ""
3094     Node *SN = getDerived().parseSourceName(State);
3095     if (SN == nullptr)
3096       return nullptr;
3097     return make<LiteralOperator>(SN);
3098   }
3100   if (consumeIf('v')) {
3101     // ::= v <digit> <source-name>        # vendor extended operator
3102     if (look() >= '0' && look() <= '9') {
3103       First++;
3104       Node *SN = getDerived().parseSourceName(State);
3105       if (SN == nullptr)
3106         return nullptr;
3107       return make<ConversionOperatorType>(SN);
3108     }
3109     return nullptr;
3110   }
3112   return nullptr;
3113 }
3115 // <ctor-dtor-name> ::= C1  # complete object constructor
3116 //                  ::= C2  # base object constructor
3117 //                  ::= C3  # complete object allocating constructor
3118 //   extension      ::= C4  # gcc old-style "[unified]" constructor
3119 //   extension      ::= C5  # the COMDAT used for ctors
3120 //                  ::= D0  # deleting destructor
3121 //                  ::= D1  # complete object destructor
3122 //                  ::= D2  # base object destructor
3123 //   extension      ::= D4  # gcc old-style "[unified]" destructor
3124 //   extension      ::= D5  # the COMDAT used for dtors
3125 template <typename Derived, typename Alloc>
3126 Node *
3127 AbstractManglingParser<Derived, Alloc>::parseCtorDtorName(Node *&SoFar,
3128                                                           NameState *State) {
3129   if (SoFar->getKind() == Node::KSpecialSubstitution) {
3130     // Expand the special substitution.
3131     SoFar = make<ExpandedSpecialSubstitution>(
3132         static_cast<SpecialSubstitution *>(SoFar));
3133     if (!SoFar)
3134       return nullptr;
3135   }
3137   if (consumeIf('C')) {
3138     bool IsInherited = consumeIf('I');
3139     if (look() != '1' && look() != '2' && look() != '3' && look() != '4' &&
3140         look() != '5')
3141       return nullptr;
3142     int Variant = look() - '0';
3143     ++First;
3144     if (State) State->CtorDtorConversion = true;
3145     if (IsInherited) {
3146       if (getDerived().parseName(State) == nullptr)
3147         return nullptr;
3148     }
3149     return make<CtorDtorName>(SoFar, /*IsDtor=*/false, Variant);
3150   }
3152   if (look() == 'D' && (look(1) == '0' || look(1) == '1' || look(1) == '2' ||
3153                         look(1) == '4' || look(1) == '5')) {
3154     int Variant = look(1) - '0';
3155     First += 2;
3156     if (State) State->CtorDtorConversion = true;
3157     return make<CtorDtorName>(SoFar, /*IsDtor=*/true, Variant);
3158   }
3160   return nullptr;
3161 }
3163 // <nested-name> ::= N [<CV-Qualifiers>] [<ref-qualifier>] <prefix>
3164 // 			<unqualified-name> E
3165 //               ::= N [<CV-Qualifiers>] [<ref-qualifier>] <template-prefix>
3166 //               	<template-args> E
3167 //
3168 // <prefix> ::= <prefix> <unqualified-name>
3169 //          ::= <template-prefix> <template-args>
3170 //          ::= <template-param>
3171 //          ::= <decltype>
3172 //          ::= # empty
3173 //          ::= <substitution>
3174 //          ::= <prefix> <data-member-prefix>
3175 // [*] extension
3176 //
3177 // <data-member-prefix> := <member source-name> [<template-args>] M
3178 //
3179 // <template-prefix> ::= <prefix> <template unqualified-name>
3180 //                   ::= <template-param>
3181 //                   ::= <substitution>
3182 template <typename Derived, typename Alloc>
3183 Node *
3184 AbstractManglingParser<Derived, Alloc>::parseNestedName(NameState *State) {
3185   if (!consumeIf('N'))
3186     return nullptr;
3188   Qualifiers CVTmp = parseCVQualifiers();
3189   if (State) State->CVQualifiers = CVTmp;
3191   if (consumeIf('O')) {
3192     if (State) State->ReferenceQualifier = FrefQualRValue;
3193   } else if (consumeIf('R')) {
3194     if (State) State->ReferenceQualifier = FrefQualLValue;
3195   } else {
3196     if (State) State->ReferenceQualifier = FrefQualNone;
3197   }
3199   Node *SoFar = nullptr;
3200   while (!consumeIf('E')) {
3201     if (State)
3202       // Only set end-with-template on the case that does that.
3203       State->EndsWithTemplateArgs = false;
3205     if (look() == 'T') {
3206       //          ::= <template-param>
3207       if (SoFar != nullptr)
3208         return nullptr; // Cannot have a prefix.
3209       SoFar = getDerived().parseTemplateParam();
3210     } else if (look() == 'I') {
3211       //          ::= <template-prefix> <template-args>
3212       if (SoFar == nullptr)
3213         return nullptr; // Must have a prefix.
3214       Node *TA = getDerived().parseTemplateArgs(State != nullptr);
3215       if (TA == nullptr)
3216         return nullptr;
3217       if (SoFar->getKind() == Node::KNameWithTemplateArgs)
3218         // Semantically <template-args> <template-args> cannot be generated by a
3219         // C++ entity.  There will always be [something like] a name between
3220         // them.
3221         return nullptr;
3222       if (State)
3223         State->EndsWithTemplateArgs = true;
3224       SoFar = make<NameWithTemplateArgs>(SoFar, TA);
3225     } else if (look() == 'D' && (look(1) == 't' || look(1) == 'T')) {
3226       //          ::= <decltype>
3227       if (SoFar != nullptr)
3228         return nullptr; // Cannot have a prefix.
3229       SoFar = getDerived().parseDecltype();
3230     } else {
3231       ModuleName *Module = nullptr;
3233       if (look() == 'S') {
3234         //          ::= <substitution>
3235         Node *S = nullptr;
3236         if (look(1) == 't') {
3237           First += 2;
3238           S = make<NameType>("std");
3239         } else {
3240           S = getDerived().parseSubstitution();
3241         }
3242         if (!S)
3243           return nullptr;
3244         if (S->getKind() == Node::KModuleName) {
3245           Module = static_cast<ModuleName *>(S);
3246         } else if (SoFar != nullptr) {
3247           return nullptr; // Cannot have a prefix.
3248         } else {
3249           SoFar = S;
3250           continue; // Do not push a new substitution.
3251         }
3252       }
3254       //          ::= [<prefix>] <unqualified-name>
3255       SoFar = getDerived().parseUnqualifiedName(State, SoFar, Module);
3256     }
3258     if (SoFar == nullptr)
3259       return nullptr;
3260     Subs.push_back(SoFar);
3262     // No longer used.
3263     // <data-member-prefix> := <member source-name> [<template-args>] M
3264     consumeIf('M');
3265   }
3267   if (SoFar == nullptr || Subs.empty())
3268     return nullptr;
3270   Subs.pop_back();
3271   return SoFar;
3272 }
3274 // <simple-id> ::= <source-name> [ <template-args> ]
3275 template <typename Derived, typename Alloc>
3276 Node *AbstractManglingParser<Derived, Alloc>::parseSimpleId() {
3277   Node *SN = getDerived().parseSourceName(/*NameState=*/nullptr);
3278   if (SN == nullptr)
3279     return nullptr;
3280   if (look() == 'I') {
3281     Node *TA = getDerived().parseTemplateArgs();
3282     if (TA == nullptr)
3283       return nullptr;
3284     return make<NameWithTemplateArgs>(SN, TA);
3285   }
3286   return SN;
3287 }
3289 // <destructor-name> ::= <unresolved-type>  # e.g., ~T or ~decltype(f())
3290 //                   ::= <simple-id>        # e.g., ~A<2*N>
3291 template <typename Derived, typename Alloc>
3292 Node *AbstractManglingParser<Derived, Alloc>::parseDestructorName() {
3293   Node *Result;
3294   if (std::isdigit(look()))
3295     Result = getDerived().parseSimpleId();
3296   else
3297     Result = getDerived().parseUnresolvedType();
3298   if (Result == nullptr)
3299     return nullptr;
3300   return make<DtorName>(Result);
3301 }
3303 // <unresolved-type> ::= <template-param>
3304 //                   ::= <decltype>
3305 //                   ::= <substitution>
3306 template <typename Derived, typename Alloc>
3307 Node *AbstractManglingParser<Derived, Alloc>::parseUnresolvedType() {
3308   if (look() == 'T') {
3309     Node *TP = getDerived().parseTemplateParam();
3310     if (TP == nullptr)
3311       return nullptr;
3312     Subs.push_back(TP);
3313     return TP;
3314   }
3315   if (look() == 'D') {
3316     Node *DT = getDerived().parseDecltype();
3317     if (DT == nullptr)
3318       return nullptr;
3319     Subs.push_back(DT);
3320     return DT;
3321   }
3322   return getDerived().parseSubstitution();
3323 }
3325 // <base-unresolved-name> ::= <simple-id>                                # unresolved name
3326 //          extension     ::= <operator-name>                            # unresolved operator-function-id
3327 //          extension     ::= <operator-name> <template-args>            # unresolved operator template-id
3328 //                        ::= on <operator-name>                         # unresolved operator-function-id
3329 //                        ::= on <operator-name> <template-args>         # unresolved operator template-id
3330 //                        ::= dn <destructor-name>                       # destructor or pseudo-destructor;
3331 //                                                                         # e.g. ~X or ~X<N-1>
3332 template <typename Derived, typename Alloc>
3333 Node *AbstractManglingParser<Derived, Alloc>::parseBaseUnresolvedName() {
3334   if (std::isdigit(look()))
3335     return getDerived().parseSimpleId();
3337   if (consumeIf("dn"))
3338     return getDerived().parseDestructorName();
3340   consumeIf("on");
3342   Node *Oper = getDerived().parseOperatorName(/*NameState=*/nullptr);
3343   if (Oper == nullptr)
3344     return nullptr;
3345   if (look() == 'I') {
3346     Node *TA = getDerived().parseTemplateArgs();
3347     if (TA == nullptr)
3348       return nullptr;
3349     return make<NameWithTemplateArgs>(Oper, TA);
3350   }
3351   return Oper;
3352 }
3354 // <unresolved-name>
3355 //  extension        ::= srN <unresolved-type> [<template-args>] <unresolved-qualifier-level>* E <base-unresolved-name>
3356 //                   ::= [gs] <base-unresolved-name>                     # x or (with "gs") ::x
3357 //                   ::= [gs] sr <unresolved-qualifier-level>+ E <base-unresolved-name>
3358 //                                                                       # A::x, N::y, A<T>::z; "gs" means leading "::"
3359 // [gs] has been parsed by caller.
3360 //                   ::= sr <unresolved-type> <base-unresolved-name>     # T::x / decltype(p)::x
3361 //  extension        ::= sr <unresolved-type> <template-args> <base-unresolved-name>
3362 //                                                                       # T::N::x /decltype(p)::N::x
3363 //  (ignored)        ::= srN <unresolved-type>  <unresolved-qualifier-level>+ E <base-unresolved-name>
3364 //
3365 // <unresolved-qualifier-level> ::= <simple-id>
3366 template <typename Derived, typename Alloc>
3367 Node *AbstractManglingParser<Derived, Alloc>::parseUnresolvedName(bool Global) {
3368   Node *SoFar = nullptr;
3370   // srN <unresolved-type> [<template-args>] <unresolved-qualifier-level>* E <base-unresolved-name>
3371   // srN <unresolved-type>                   <unresolved-qualifier-level>+ E <base-unresolved-name>
3372   if (consumeIf("srN")) {
3373     SoFar = getDerived().parseUnresolvedType();
3374     if (SoFar == nullptr)
3375       return nullptr;
3377     if (look() == 'I') {
3378       Node *TA = getDerived().parseTemplateArgs();
3379       if (TA == nullptr)
3380         return nullptr;
3381       SoFar = make<NameWithTemplateArgs>(SoFar, TA);
3382       if (!SoFar)
3383         return nullptr;
3384     }
3386     while (!consumeIf('E')) {
3387       Node *Qual = getDerived().parseSimpleId();
3388       if (Qual == nullptr)
3389         return nullptr;
3390       SoFar = make<QualifiedName>(SoFar, Qual);
3391       if (!SoFar)
3392         return nullptr;
3393     }
3395     Node *Base = getDerived().parseBaseUnresolvedName();
3396     if (Base == nullptr)
3397       return nullptr;
3398     return make<QualifiedName>(SoFar, Base);
3399   }
3401   // [gs] <base-unresolved-name>                     # x or (with "gs") ::x
3402   if (!consumeIf("sr")) {
3403     SoFar = getDerived().parseBaseUnresolvedName();
3404     if (SoFar == nullptr)
3405       return nullptr;
3406     if (Global)
3407       SoFar = make<GlobalQualifiedName>(SoFar);
3408     return SoFar;
3409   }
3411   // [gs] sr <unresolved-qualifier-level>+ E   <base-unresolved-name>
3412   if (std::isdigit(look())) {
3413     do {
3414       Node *Qual = getDerived().parseSimpleId();
3415       if (Qual == nullptr)
3416         return nullptr;
3417       if (SoFar)
3418         SoFar = make<QualifiedName>(SoFar, Qual);
3419       else if (Global)
3420         SoFar = make<GlobalQualifiedName>(Qual);
3421       else
3422         SoFar = Qual;
3423       if (!SoFar)
3424         return nullptr;
3425     } while (!consumeIf('E'));
3426   }
3427   //      sr <unresolved-type>                 <base-unresolved-name>
3428   //      sr <unresolved-type> <template-args> <base-unresolved-name>
3429   else {
3430     SoFar = getDerived().parseUnresolvedType();
3431     if (SoFar == nullptr)
3432       return nullptr;
3434     if (look() == 'I') {
3435       Node *TA = getDerived().parseTemplateArgs();
3436       if (TA == nullptr)
3437         return nullptr;
3438       SoFar = make<NameWithTemplateArgs>(SoFar, TA);
3439       if (!SoFar)
3440         return nullptr;
3441     }
3442   }
3444   assert(SoFar != nullptr);
3446   Node *Base = getDerived().parseBaseUnresolvedName();
3447   if (Base == nullptr)
3448     return nullptr;
3449   return make<QualifiedName>(SoFar, Base);
3450 }
3452 // <abi-tags> ::= <abi-tag> [<abi-tags>]
3453 // <abi-tag> ::= B <source-name>
3454 template <typename Derived, typename Alloc>
3455 Node *AbstractManglingParser<Derived, Alloc>::parseAbiTags(Node *N) {
3456   while (consumeIf('B')) {
3457     std::string_view SN = parseBareSourceName();
3458     if (SN.empty())
3459       return nullptr;
3460     N = make<AbiTagAttr>(N, SN);
3461     if (!N)
3462       return nullptr;
3463   }
3464   return N;
3465 }
3467 // <number> ::= [n] <non-negative decimal integer>
3468 template <typename Alloc, typename Derived>
3469 std::string_view
3470 AbstractManglingParser<Alloc, Derived>::parseNumber(bool AllowNegative) {
3471   const char *Tmp = First;
3472   if (AllowNegative)
3473     consumeIf('n');
3474   if (numLeft() == 0 || !std::isdigit(*First))
3475     return std::string_view();
3476   while (numLeft() != 0 && std::isdigit(*First))
3477     ++First;
3478   return std::string_view(Tmp, First - Tmp);
3479 }
3481 // <positive length number> ::= [0-9]*
3482 template <typename Alloc, typename Derived>
3483 bool AbstractManglingParser<Alloc, Derived>::parsePositiveInteger(size_t *Out) {
3484   *Out = 0;
3485   if (look() < '0' || look() > '9')
3486     return true;
3487   while (look() >= '0' && look() <= '9') {
3488     *Out *= 10;
3489     *Out += static_cast<size_t>(consume() - '0');
3490   }
3491   return false;
3492 }
3494 template <typename Alloc, typename Derived>
3495 std::string_view AbstractManglingParser<Alloc, Derived>::parseBareSourceName() {
3496   size_t Int = 0;
3497   if (parsePositiveInteger(&Int) || numLeft() < Int)
3498     return {};
3499   std::string_view R(First, Int);
3500   First += Int;
3501   return R;
3502 }
3504 // <function-type> ::= [<CV-qualifiers>] [<exception-spec>] [Dx] F [Y] <bare-function-type> [<ref-qualifier>] E
3505 //
3506 // <exception-spec> ::= Do                # non-throwing exception-specification (e.g., noexcept, throw())
3507 //                  ::= DO <expression> E # computed (instantiation-dependent) noexcept
3508 //                  ::= Dw <type>+ E      # dynamic exception specification with instantiation-dependent types
3509 //
3510 // <ref-qualifier> ::= R                   # & ref-qualifier
3511 // <ref-qualifier> ::= O                   # && ref-qualifier
3512 template <typename Derived, typename Alloc>
3513 Node *AbstractManglingParser<Derived, Alloc>::parseFunctionType() {
3514   Qualifiers CVQuals = parseCVQualifiers();
3516   Node *ExceptionSpec = nullptr;
3517   if (consumeIf("Do")) {
3518     ExceptionSpec = make<NameType>("noexcept");
3519     if (!ExceptionSpec)
3520       return nullptr;
3521   } else if (consumeIf("DO")) {
3522     Node *E = getDerived().parseExpr();
3523     if (E == nullptr || !consumeIf('E'))
3524       return nullptr;
3525     ExceptionSpec = make<NoexceptSpec>(E);
3526     if (!ExceptionSpec)
3527       return nullptr;
3528   } else if (consumeIf("Dw")) {
3529     size_t SpecsBegin = Names.size();
3530     while (!consumeIf('E')) {
3531       Node *T = getDerived().parseType();
3532       if (T == nullptr)
3533         return nullptr;
3534       Names.push_back(T);
3535     }
3536     ExceptionSpec =
3537       make<DynamicExceptionSpec>(popTrailingNodeArray(SpecsBegin));
3538     if (!ExceptionSpec)
3539       return nullptr;
3540   }
3542   consumeIf("Dx"); // transaction safe
3544   if (!consumeIf('F'))
3545     return nullptr;
3546   consumeIf('Y'); // extern "C"
3547   Node *ReturnType = getDerived().parseType();
3548   if (ReturnType == nullptr)
3549     return nullptr;
3551   FunctionRefQual ReferenceQualifier = FrefQualNone;
3552   size_t ParamsBegin = Names.size();
3553   while (true) {
3554     if (consumeIf('E'))
3555       break;
3556     if (consumeIf('v'))
3557       continue;
3558     if (consumeIf("RE")) {
3559       ReferenceQualifier = FrefQualLValue;
3560       break;
3561     }
3562     if (consumeIf("OE")) {
3563       ReferenceQualifier = FrefQualRValue;
3564       break;
3565     }
3566     Node *T = getDerived().parseType();
3567     if (T == nullptr)
3568       return nullptr;
3569     Names.push_back(T);
3570   }
3572   NodeArray Params = popTrailingNodeArray(ParamsBegin);
3573   return make<FunctionType>(ReturnType, Params, CVQuals,
3574                             ReferenceQualifier, ExceptionSpec);
3575 }
3577 // extension:
3578 // <vector-type>           ::= Dv <positive dimension number> _ <extended element type>
3579 //                         ::= Dv [<dimension expression>] _ <element type>
3580 // <extended element type> ::= <element type>
3581 //                         ::= p # AltiVec vector pixel
3582 template <typename Derived, typename Alloc>
3583 Node *AbstractManglingParser<Derived, Alloc>::parseVectorType() {
3584   if (!consumeIf("Dv"))
3585     return nullptr;
3586   if (look() >= '1' && look() <= '9') {
3587     Node *DimensionNumber = make<NameType>(parseNumber());
3588     if (!DimensionNumber)
3589       return nullptr;
3590     if (!consumeIf('_'))
3591       return nullptr;
3592     if (consumeIf('p'))
3593       return make<PixelVectorType>(DimensionNumber);
3594     Node *ElemType = getDerived().parseType();
3595     if (ElemType == nullptr)
3596       return nullptr;
3597     return make<VectorType>(ElemType, DimensionNumber);
3598   }
3600   if (!consumeIf('_')) {
3601     Node *DimExpr = getDerived().parseExpr();
3602     if (!DimExpr)
3603       return nullptr;
3604     if (!consumeIf('_'))
3605       return nullptr;
3606     Node *ElemType = getDerived().parseType();
3607     if (!ElemType)
3608       return nullptr;
3609     return make<VectorType>(ElemType, DimExpr);
3610   }
3611   Node *ElemType = getDerived().parseType();
3612   if (!ElemType)
3613     return nullptr;
3614   return make<VectorType>(ElemType, /*Dimension=*/nullptr);
3615 }
3617 // <decltype>  ::= Dt <expression> E  # decltype of an id-expression or class member access (C++0x)
3618 //             ::= DT <expression> E  # decltype of an expression (C++0x)
3619 template <typename Derived, typename Alloc>
3620 Node *AbstractManglingParser<Derived, Alloc>::parseDecltype() {
3621   if (!consumeIf('D'))
3622     return nullptr;
3623   if (!consumeIf('t') && !consumeIf('T'))
3624     return nullptr;
3625   Node *E = getDerived().parseExpr();
3626   if (E == nullptr)
3627     return nullptr;
3628   if (!consumeIf('E'))
3629     return nullptr;
3630   return make<EnclosingExpr>("decltype", E);
3631 }
3633 // <array-type> ::= A <positive dimension number> _ <element type>
3634 //              ::= A [<dimension expression>] _ <element type>
3635 template <typename Derived, typename Alloc>
3636 Node *AbstractManglingParser<Derived, Alloc>::parseArrayType() {
3637   if (!consumeIf('A'))
3638     return nullptr;
3640   Node *Dimension = nullptr;
3642   if (std::isdigit(look())) {
3643     Dimension = make<NameType>(parseNumber());
3644     if (!Dimension)
3645       return nullptr;
3646     if (!consumeIf('_'))
3647       return nullptr;
3648   } else if (!consumeIf('_')) {
3649     Node *DimExpr = getDerived().parseExpr();
3650     if (DimExpr == nullptr)
3651       return nullptr;
3652     if (!consumeIf('_'))
3653       return nullptr;
3654     Dimension = DimExpr;
3655   }
3657   Node *Ty = getDerived().parseType();
3658   if (Ty == nullptr)
3659     return nullptr;
3660   return make<ArrayType>(Ty, Dimension);
3661 }
3663 // <pointer-to-member-type> ::= M <class type> <member type>
3664 template <typename Derived, typename Alloc>
3665 Node *AbstractManglingParser<Derived, Alloc>::parsePointerToMemberType() {
3666   if (!consumeIf('M'))
3667     return nullptr;
3668   Node *ClassType = getDerived().parseType();
3669   if (ClassType == nullptr)
3670     return nullptr;
3671   Node *MemberType = getDerived().parseType();
3672   if (MemberType == nullptr)
3673     return nullptr;
3674   return make<PointerToMemberType>(ClassType, MemberType);
3675 }
3677 // <class-enum-type> ::= <name>     # non-dependent type name, dependent type name, or dependent typename-specifier
3678 //                   ::= Ts <name>  # dependent elaborated type specifier using 'struct' or 'class'
3679 //                   ::= Tu <name>  # dependent elaborated type specifier using 'union'
3680 //                   ::= Te <name>  # dependent elaborated type specifier using 'enum'
3681 template <typename Derived, typename Alloc>
3682 Node *AbstractManglingParser<Derived, Alloc>::parseClassEnumType() {
3683   std::string_view ElabSpef;
3684   if (consumeIf("Ts"))
3685     ElabSpef = "struct";
3686   else if (consumeIf("Tu"))
3687     ElabSpef = "union";
3688   else if (consumeIf("Te"))
3689     ElabSpef = "enum";
3691   Node *Name = getDerived().parseName();
3692   if (Name == nullptr)
3693     return nullptr;
3695   if (!ElabSpef.empty())
3696     return make<ElaboratedTypeSpefType>(ElabSpef, Name);
3698   return Name;
3699 }
3701 // <qualified-type>     ::= <qualifiers> <type>
3702 // <qualifiers> ::= <extended-qualifier>* <CV-qualifiers>
3703 // <extended-qualifier> ::= U <source-name> [<template-args>] # vendor extended type qualifier
3704 template <typename Derived, typename Alloc>
3705 Node *AbstractManglingParser<Derived, Alloc>::parseQualifiedType() {
3706   if (consumeIf('U')) {
3707     std::string_view Qual = parseBareSourceName();
3708     if (Qual.empty())
3709       return nullptr;
3711     // extension            ::= U <objc-name> <objc-type>  # objc-type<identifier>
3712     if (llvm::itanium_demangle::starts_with(Qual, "objcproto")) {
3713       constexpr size_t Len = sizeof("objcproto") - 1;
3714       std::string_view ProtoSourceName(Qual.data() + Len, Qual.size() - Len);
3715       std::string_view Proto;
3716       {
3717         ScopedOverride<const char *> SaveFirst(First, ProtoSourceName.data()),
3718             SaveLast(Last, &*ProtoSourceName.rbegin() + 1);
3719         Proto = parseBareSourceName();
3720       }
3721       if (Proto.empty())
3722         return nullptr;
3723       Node *Child = getDerived().parseQualifiedType();
3724       if (Child == nullptr)
3725         return nullptr;
3726       return make<ObjCProtoName>(Child, Proto);
3727     }
3729     Node *TA = nullptr;
3730     if (look() == 'I') {
3731       TA = getDerived().parseTemplateArgs();
3732       if (TA == nullptr)
3733         return nullptr;
3734     }
3736     Node *Child = getDerived().parseQualifiedType();
3737     if (Child == nullptr)
3738       return nullptr;
3739     return make<VendorExtQualType>(Child, Qual, TA);
3740   }
3742   Qualifiers Quals = parseCVQualifiers();
3743   Node *Ty = getDerived().parseType();
3744   if (Ty == nullptr)
3745     return nullptr;
3746   if (Quals != QualNone)
3747     Ty = make<QualType>(Ty, Quals);
3748   return Ty;
3749 }
3751 // <type>      ::= <builtin-type>
3752 //             ::= <qualified-type>
3753 //             ::= <function-type>
3754 //             ::= <class-enum-type>
3755 //             ::= <array-type>
3756 //             ::= <pointer-to-member-type>
3757 //             ::= <template-param>
3758 //             ::= <template-template-param> <template-args>
3759 //             ::= <decltype>
3760 //             ::= P <type>        # pointer
3761 //             ::= R <type>        # l-value reference
3762 //             ::= O <type>        # r-value reference (C++11)
3763 //             ::= C <type>        # complex pair (C99)
3764 //             ::= G <type>        # imaginary (C99)
3765 //             ::= <substitution>  # See Compression below
3766 // extension   ::= U <objc-name> <objc-type>  # objc-type<identifier>
3767 // extension   ::= <vector-type> # <vector-type> starts with Dv
3768 //
3769 // <objc-name> ::= <k0 number> objcproto <k1 number> <identifier>  # k0 = 9 + <number of digits in k1> + k1
3770 // <objc-type> ::= <source-name>  # PU<11+>objcproto 11objc_object<source-name> 11objc_object -> id<source-name>
3771 template <typename Derived, typename Alloc>
3772 Node *AbstractManglingParser<Derived, Alloc>::parseType() {
3773   Node *Result = nullptr;
3775   switch (look()) {
3776   //             ::= <qualified-type>
3777   case 'r':
3778   case 'V':
3779   case 'K': {
3780     unsigned AfterQuals = 0;
3781     if (look(AfterQuals) == 'r') ++AfterQuals;
3782     if (look(AfterQuals) == 'V') ++AfterQuals;
3783     if (look(AfterQuals) == 'K') ++AfterQuals;
3785     if (look(AfterQuals) == 'F' ||
3786         (look(AfterQuals) == 'D' &&
3787          (look(AfterQuals + 1) == 'o' || look(AfterQuals + 1) == 'O' ||
3788           look(AfterQuals + 1) == 'w' || look(AfterQuals + 1) == 'x'))) {
3789       Result = getDerived().parseFunctionType();
3790       break;
3791     }
3793   }
3794   case 'U': {
3795     Result = getDerived().parseQualifiedType();
3796     break;
3797   }
3798   // <builtin-type> ::= v    # void
3799   case 'v':
3800     ++First;
3801     return make<NameType>("void");
3802   //                ::= w    # wchar_t
3803   case 'w':
3804     ++First;
3805     return make<NameType>("wchar_t");
3806   //                ::= b    # bool
3807   case 'b':
3808     ++First;
3809     return make<NameType>("bool");
3810   //                ::= c    # char
3811   case 'c':
3812     ++First;
3813     return make<NameType>("char");
3814   //                ::= a    # signed char
3815   case 'a':
3816     ++First;
3817     return make<NameType>("signed char");
3818   //                ::= h    # unsigned char
3819   case 'h':
3820     ++First;
3821     return make<NameType>("unsigned char");
3822   //                ::= s    # short
3823   case 's':
3824     ++First;
3825     return make<NameType>("short");
3826   //                ::= t    # unsigned short
3827   case 't':
3828     ++First;
3829     return make<NameType>("unsigned short");
3830   //                ::= i    # int
3831   case 'i':
3832     ++First;
3833     return make<NameType>("int");
3834   //                ::= j    # unsigned int
3835   case 'j':
3836     ++First;
3837     return make<NameType>("unsigned int");
3838   //                ::= l    # long
3839   case 'l':
3840     ++First;
3841     return make<NameType>("long");
3842   //                ::= m    # unsigned long
3843   case 'm':
3844     ++First;
3845     return make<NameType>("unsigned long");
3846   //                ::= x    # long long, __int64
3847   case 'x':
3848     ++First;
3849     return make<NameType>("long long");
3850   //                ::= y    # unsigned long long, __int64
3851   case 'y':
3852     ++First;
3853     return make<NameType>("unsigned long long");
3854   //                ::= n    # __int128
3855   case 'n':
3856     ++First;
3857     return make<NameType>("__int128");
3858   //                ::= o    # unsigned __int128
3859   case 'o':
3860     ++First;
3861     return make<NameType>("unsigned __int128");
3862   //                ::= f    # float
3863   case 'f':
3864     ++First;
3865     return make<NameType>("float");
3866   //                ::= d    # double
3867   case 'd':
3868     ++First;
3869     return make<NameType>("double");
3870   //                ::= e    # long double, __float80
3871   case 'e':
3872     ++First;
3873     return make<NameType>("long double");
3874   //                ::= g    # __float128
3875   case 'g':
3876     ++First;
3877     return make<NameType>("__float128");
3878   //                ::= z    # ellipsis
3879   case 'z':
3880     ++First;
3881     return make<NameType>("...");
3883   // <builtin-type> ::= u <source-name>    # vendor extended type
3884   case 'u': {
3885     ++First;
3886     std::string_view Res = parseBareSourceName();
3887     if (Res.empty())
3888       return nullptr;
3889     // Typically, <builtin-type>s are not considered substitution candidates,
3890     // but the exception to that exception is vendor extended types (Itanium C++
3891     // ABI 5.9.1).
3892     Result = make<NameType>(Res);
3893     break;
3894   }
3895   case 'D':
3896     switch (look(1)) {
3897     //                ::= Dd   # IEEE 754r decimal floating point (64 bits)
3898     case 'd':
3899       First += 2;
3900       return make<NameType>("decimal64");
3901     //                ::= De   # IEEE 754r decimal floating point (128 bits)
3902     case 'e':
3903       First += 2;
3904       return make<NameType>("decimal128");
3905     //                ::= Df   # IEEE 754r decimal floating point (32 bits)
3906     case 'f':
3907       First += 2;
3908       return make<NameType>("decimal32");
3909     //                ::= Dh   # IEEE 754r half-precision floating point (16 bits)
3910     case 'h':
3911       First += 2;
3912       return make<NameType>("half");
3913     //                ::= DF <number> _ # ISO/IEC TS 18661 binary floating point (N bits)
3914     case 'F': {
3915       First += 2;
3916       Node *DimensionNumber = make<NameType>(parseNumber());
3917       if (!DimensionNumber)
3918         return nullptr;
3919       if (!consumeIf('_'))
3920         return nullptr;
3921       return make<BinaryFPType>(DimensionNumber);
3922     }
3923     //                ::= DB <number> _                             # C23 signed _BitInt(N)
3924     //                ::= DB <instantiation-dependent expression> _ # C23 signed _BitInt(N)
3925     //                ::= DU <number> _                             # C23 unsigned _BitInt(N)
3926     //                ::= DU <instantiation-dependent expression> _ # C23 unsigned _BitInt(N)
3927     case 'B':
3928     case 'U': {
3929       bool Signed = look(1) == 'B';
3930       First += 2;
3931       Node *Size = std::isdigit(look()) ? make<NameType>(parseNumber())
3932                                         : getDerived().parseExpr();
3933       if (!Size)
3934         return nullptr;
3935       if (!consumeIf('_'))
3936         return nullptr;
3937       return make<BitIntType>(Size, Signed);
3938     }
3939     //                ::= Di   # char32_t
3940     case 'i':
3941       First += 2;
3942       return make<NameType>("char32_t");
3943     //                ::= Ds   # char16_t
3944     case 's':
3945       First += 2;
3946       return make<NameType>("char16_t");
3947     //                ::= Du   # char8_t (C++2a, not yet in the Itanium spec)
3948     case 'u':
3949       First += 2;
3950       return make<NameType>("char8_t");
3951     //                ::= Da   # auto (in dependent new-expressions)
3952     case 'a':
3953       First += 2;
3954       return make<NameType>("auto");
3955     //                ::= Dc   # decltype(auto)
3956     case 'c':
3957       First += 2;
3958       return make<NameType>("decltype(auto)");
3959     //                ::= Dn   # std::nullptr_t (i.e., decltype(nullptr))
3960     case 'n':
3961       First += 2;
3962       return make<NameType>("std::nullptr_t");
3964     //             ::= <decltype>
3965     case 't':
3966     case 'T': {
3967       Result = getDerived().parseDecltype();
3968       break;
3969     }
3970     // extension   ::= <vector-type> # <vector-type> starts with Dv
3971     case 'v': {
3972       Result = getDerived().parseVectorType();
3973       break;
3974     }
3975     //           ::= Dp <type>       # pack expansion (C++0x)
3976     case 'p': {
3977       First += 2;
3978       Node *Child = getDerived().parseType();
3979       if (!Child)
3980         return nullptr;
3981       Result = make<ParameterPackExpansion>(Child);
3982       break;
3983     }
3984     // Exception specifier on a function type.
3985     case 'o':
3986     case 'O':
3987     case 'w':
3988     // Transaction safe function type.
3989     case 'x':
3990       Result = getDerived().parseFunctionType();
3991       break;
3992     }
3993     break;
3994   //             ::= <function-type>
3995   case 'F': {
3996     Result = getDerived().parseFunctionType();
3997     break;
3998   }
3999   //             ::= <array-type>
4000   case 'A': {
4001     Result = getDerived().parseArrayType();
4002     break;
4003   }
4004   //             ::= <pointer-to-member-type>
4005   case 'M': {
4006     Result = getDerived().parsePointerToMemberType();
4007     break;
4008   }
4009   //             ::= <template-param>
4010   case 'T': {
4011     // This could be an elaborate type specifier on a <class-enum-type>.
4012     if (look(1) == 's' || look(1) == 'u' || look(1) == 'e') {
4013       Result = getDerived().parseClassEnumType();
4014       break;
4015     }
4017     Result = getDerived().parseTemplateParam();
4018     if (Result == nullptr)
4019       return nullptr;
4021     // Result could be either of:
4022     //   <type>        ::= <template-param>
4023     //   <type>        ::= <template-template-param> <template-args>
4024     //
4025     //   <template-template-param> ::= <template-param>
4026     //                             ::= <substitution>
4027     //
4028     // If this is followed by some <template-args>, and we're permitted to
4029     // parse them, take the second production.
4031     if (TryToParseTemplateArgs && look() == 'I') {
4032       Node *TA = getDerived().parseTemplateArgs();
4033       if (TA == nullptr)
4034         return nullptr;
4035       Result = make<NameWithTemplateArgs>(Result, TA);
4036     }
4037     break;
4038   }
4039   //             ::= P <type>        # pointer
4040   case 'P': {
4041     ++First;
4042     Node *Ptr = getDerived().parseType();
4043     if (Ptr == nullptr)
4044       return nullptr;
4045     Result = make<PointerType>(Ptr);
4046     break;
4047   }
4048   //             ::= R <type>        # l-value reference
4049   case 'R': {
4050     ++First;
4051     Node *Ref = getDerived().parseType();
4052     if (Ref == nullptr)
4053       return nullptr;
4054     Result = make<ReferenceType>(Ref, ReferenceKind::LValue);
4055     break;
4056   }
4057   //             ::= O <type>        # r-value reference (C++11)
4058   case 'O': {
4059     ++First;
4060     Node *Ref = getDerived().parseType();
4061     if (Ref == nullptr)
4062       return nullptr;
4063     Result = make<ReferenceType>(Ref, ReferenceKind::RValue);
4064     break;
4065   }
4066   //             ::= C <type>        # complex pair (C99)
4067   case 'C': {
4068     ++First;
4069     Node *P = getDerived().parseType();
4070     if (P == nullptr)
4071       return nullptr;
4072     Result = make<PostfixQualifiedType>(P, " complex");
4073     break;
4074   }
4075   //             ::= G <type>        # imaginary (C99)
4076   case 'G': {
4077     ++First;
4078     Node *P = getDerived().parseType();
4079     if (P == nullptr)
4080       return P;
4081     Result = make<PostfixQualifiedType>(P, " imaginary");
4082     break;
4083   }
4084   //             ::= <substitution>  # See Compression below
4085   case 'S': {
4086     if (look(1) != 't') {
4087       bool IsSubst = false;
4088       Result = getDerived().parseUnscopedName(nullptr, &IsSubst);
4089       if (!Result)
4090         return nullptr;
4092       // Sub could be either of:
4093       //   <type>        ::= <substitution>
4094       //   <type>        ::= <template-template-param> <template-args>
4095       //
4096       //   <template-template-param> ::= <template-param>
4097       //                             ::= <substitution>
4098       //
4099       // If this is followed by some <template-args>, and we're permitted to
4100       // parse them, take the second production.
4102       if (look() == 'I' && (!IsSubst || TryToParseTemplateArgs)) {
4103         if (!IsSubst)
4104           Subs.push_back(Result);
4105         Node *TA = getDerived().parseTemplateArgs();
4106         if (TA == nullptr)
4107           return nullptr;
4108         Result = make<NameWithTemplateArgs>(Result, TA);
4109       } else if (IsSubst) {
4110         // If all we parsed was a substitution, don't re-insert into the
4111         // substitution table.
4112         return Result;
4113       }
4114       break;
4115     }
4117   }
4118   //        ::= <class-enum-type>
4119   default: {
4120     Result = getDerived().parseClassEnumType();
4121     break;
4122   }
4123   }
4125   // If we parsed a type, insert it into the substitution table. Note that all
4126   // <builtin-type>s and <substitution>s have already bailed out, because they
4127   // don't get substitutions.
4128   if (Result != nullptr)
4129     Subs.push_back(Result);
4130   return Result;
4131 }
4133 template <typename Derived, typename Alloc>
4134 Node *
4135 AbstractManglingParser<Derived, Alloc>::parsePrefixExpr(std::string_view Kind,
4136                                                         Node::Prec Prec) {
4137   Node *E = getDerived().parseExpr();
4138   if (E == nullptr)
4139     return nullptr;
4140   return make<PrefixExpr>(Kind, E, Prec);
4141 }
4143 template <typename Derived, typename Alloc>
4144 Node *
4145 AbstractManglingParser<Derived, Alloc>::parseBinaryExpr(std::string_view Kind,
4146                                                         Node::Prec Prec) {
4147   Node *LHS = getDerived().parseExpr();
4148   if (LHS == nullptr)
4149     return nullptr;
4150   Node *RHS = getDerived().parseExpr();
4151   if (RHS == nullptr)
4152     return nullptr;
4153   return make<BinaryExpr>(LHS, Kind, RHS, Prec);
4154 }
4156 template <typename Derived, typename Alloc>
4157 Node *AbstractManglingParser<Derived, Alloc>::parseIntegerLiteral(
4158     std::string_view Lit) {
4159   std::string_view Tmp = parseNumber(true);
4160   if (!Tmp.empty() && consumeIf('E'))
4161     return make<IntegerLiteral>(Lit, Tmp);
4162   return nullptr;
4163 }
4165 // <CV-Qualifiers> ::= [r] [V] [K]
4166 template <typename Alloc, typename Derived>
4167 Qualifiers AbstractManglingParser<Alloc, Derived>::parseCVQualifiers() {
4168   Qualifiers CVR = QualNone;
4169   if (consumeIf('r'))
4170     CVR |= QualRestrict;
4171   if (consumeIf('V'))
4172     CVR |= QualVolatile;
4173   if (consumeIf('K'))
4174     CVR |= QualConst;
4175   return CVR;
4176 }
4178 // <function-param> ::= fp <top-level CV-Qualifiers> _                                     # L == 0, first parameter
4179 //                  ::= fp <top-level CV-Qualifiers> <parameter-2 non-negative number> _   # L == 0, second and later parameters
4180 //                  ::= fL <L-1 non-negative number> p <top-level CV-Qualifiers> _         # L > 0, first parameter
4181 //                  ::= fL <L-1 non-negative number> p <top-level CV-Qualifiers> <parameter-2 non-negative number> _   # L > 0, second and later parameters
4182 //                  ::= fpT      # 'this' expression (not part of standard?)
4183 template <typename Derived, typename Alloc>
4184 Node *AbstractManglingParser<Derived, Alloc>::parseFunctionParam() {
4185   if (consumeIf("fpT"))
4186     return make<NameType>("this");
4187   if (consumeIf("fp")) {
4188     parseCVQualifiers();
4189     std::string_view Num = parseNumber();
4190     if (!consumeIf('_'))
4191       return nullptr;
4192     return make<FunctionParam>(Num);
4193   }
4194   if (consumeIf("fL")) {
4195     if (parseNumber().empty())
4196       return nullptr;
4197     if (!consumeIf('p'))
4198       return nullptr;
4199     parseCVQualifiers();
4200     std::string_view Num = parseNumber();
4201     if (!consumeIf('_'))
4202       return nullptr;
4203     return make<FunctionParam>(Num);
4204   }
4205   return nullptr;
4206 }
4208 // cv <type> <expression>                               # conversion with one argument
4209 // cv <type> _ <expression>* E                          # conversion with a different number of arguments
4210 template <typename Derived, typename Alloc>
4211 Node *AbstractManglingParser<Derived, Alloc>::parseConversionExpr() {
4212   if (!consumeIf("cv"))
4213     return nullptr;
4214   Node *Ty;
4215   {
4216     ScopedOverride<bool> SaveTemp(TryToParseTemplateArgs, false);
4217     Ty = getDerived().parseType();
4218   }
4220   if (Ty == nullptr)
4221     return nullptr;
4223   if (consumeIf('_')) {
4224     size_t ExprsBegin = Names.size();
4225     while (!consumeIf('E')) {
4226       Node *E = getDerived().parseExpr();
4227       if (E == nullptr)
4228         return E;
4229       Names.push_back(E);
4230     }
4231     NodeArray Exprs = popTrailingNodeArray(ExprsBegin);
4232     return make<ConversionExpr>(Ty, Exprs);
4233   }
4235   Node *E[1] = {getDerived().parseExpr()};
4236   if (E[0] == nullptr)
4237     return nullptr;
4238   return make<ConversionExpr>(Ty, makeNodeArray(E, E + 1));
4239 }
4241 // <expr-primary> ::= L <type> <value number> E                          # integer literal
4242 //                ::= L <type> <value float> E                           # floating literal
4243 //                ::= L <string type> E                                  # string literal
4244 //                ::= L <nullptr type> E                                 # nullptr literal (i.e., "LDnE")
4245 //                ::= L <lambda type> E                                  # lambda expression
4246 // FIXME:         ::= L <type> <real-part float> _ <imag-part float> E   # complex floating point literal (C 2000)
4247 //                ::= L <mangled-name> E                                 # external name
4248 template <typename Derived, typename Alloc>
4249 Node *AbstractManglingParser<Derived, Alloc>::parseExprPrimary() {
4250   if (!consumeIf('L'))
4251     return nullptr;
4252   switch (look()) {
4253   case 'w':
4254     ++First;
4255     return getDerived().parseIntegerLiteral("wchar_t");
4256   case 'b':
4257     if (consumeIf("b0E"))
4258       return make<BoolExpr>(0);
4259     if (consumeIf("b1E"))
4260       return make<BoolExpr>(1);
4261     return nullptr;
4262   case 'c':
4263     ++First;
4264     return getDerived().parseIntegerLiteral("char");
4265   case 'a':
4266     ++First;
4267     return getDerived().parseIntegerLiteral("signed char");
4268   case 'h':
4269     ++First;
4270     return getDerived().parseIntegerLiteral("unsigned char");
4271   case 's':
4272     ++First;
4273     return getDerived().parseIntegerLiteral("short");
4274   case 't':
4275     ++First;
4276     return getDerived().parseIntegerLiteral("unsigned short");
4277   case 'i':
4278     ++First;
4279     return getDerived().parseIntegerLiteral("");
4280   case 'j':
4281     ++First;
4282     return getDerived().parseIntegerLiteral("u");
4283   case 'l':
4284     ++First;
4285     return getDerived().parseIntegerLiteral("l");
4286   case 'm':
4287     ++First;
4288     return getDerived().parseIntegerLiteral("ul");
4289   case 'x':
4290     ++First;
4291     return getDerived().parseIntegerLiteral("ll");
4292   case 'y':
4293     ++First;
4294     return getDerived().parseIntegerLiteral("ull");
4295   case 'n':
4296     ++First;
4297     return getDerived().parseIntegerLiteral("__int128");
4298   case 'o':
4299     ++First;
4300     return getDerived().parseIntegerLiteral("unsigned __int128");
4301   case 'f':
4302     ++First;
4303     return getDerived().template parseFloatingLiteral<float>();
4304   case 'd':
4305     ++First;
4306     return getDerived().template parseFloatingLiteral<double>();
4307   case 'e':
4308     ++First;
4309 #if defined(__powerpc__) || defined(__s390__)
4310     // Handle cases where long doubles encoded with e have the same size
4311     // and representation as doubles.
4312     return getDerived().template parseFloatingLiteral<double>();
4313 #else
4314     return getDerived().template parseFloatingLiteral<long double>();
4315 #endif
4316   case '_':
4317     if (consumeIf("_Z")) {
4318       Node *R = getDerived().parseEncoding();
4319       if (R != nullptr && consumeIf('E'))
4320         return R;
4321     }
4322     return nullptr;
4323   case 'A': {
4324     Node *T = getDerived().parseType();
4325     if (T == nullptr)
4326       return nullptr;
4327     // FIXME: We need to include the string contents in the mangling.
4328     if (consumeIf('E'))
4329       return make<StringLiteral>(T);
4330     return nullptr;
4331   }
4332   case 'D':
4333     if (consumeIf("Dn") && (consumeIf('0'), consumeIf('E')))
4334       return make<NameType>("nullptr");
4335     return nullptr;
4336   case 'T':
4337     // Invalid mangled name per
4338     //   http://sourcerytools.com/pipermail/cxx-abi-dev/2011-August/002422.html
4339     return nullptr;
4340   case 'U': {
4341     // FIXME: Should we support LUb... for block literals?
4342     if (look(1) != 'l')
4343       return nullptr;
4344     Node *T = parseUnnamedTypeName(nullptr);
4345     if (!T || !consumeIf('E'))
4346       return nullptr;
4347     return make<LambdaExpr>(T);
4348   }
4349   default: {
4350     // might be named type
4351     Node *T = getDerived().parseType();
4352     if (T == nullptr)
4353       return nullptr;
4354     std::string_view N = parseNumber(/*AllowNegative=*/true);
4355     if (N.empty())
4356       return nullptr;
4357     if (!consumeIf('E'))
4358       return nullptr;
4359     return make<EnumLiteral>(T, N);
4360   }
4361   }
4362 }
4364 // <braced-expression> ::= <expression>
4365 //                     ::= di <field source-name> <braced-expression>    # .name = expr
4366 //                     ::= dx <index expression> <braced-expression>     # [expr] = expr
4367 //                     ::= dX <range begin expression> <range end expression> <braced-expression>
4368 template <typename Derived, typename Alloc>
4369 Node *AbstractManglingParser<Derived, Alloc>::parseBracedExpr() {
4370   if (look() == 'd') {
4371     switch (look(1)) {
4372     case 'i': {
4373       First += 2;
4374       Node *Field = getDerived().parseSourceName(/*NameState=*/nullptr);
4375       if (Field == nullptr)
4376         return nullptr;
4377       Node *Init = getDerived().parseBracedExpr();
4378       if (Init == nullptr)
4379         return nullptr;
4380       return make<BracedExpr>(Field, Init, /*isArray=*/false);
4381     }
4382     case 'x': {
4383       First += 2;
4384       Node *Index = getDerived().parseExpr();
4385       if (Index == nullptr)
4386         return nullptr;
4387       Node *Init = getDerived().parseBracedExpr();
4388       if (Init == nullptr)
4389         return nullptr;
4390       return make<BracedExpr>(Index, Init, /*isArray=*/true);
4391     }
4392     case 'X': {
4393       First += 2;
4394       Node *RangeBegin = getDerived().parseExpr();
4395       if (RangeBegin == nullptr)
4396         return nullptr;
4397       Node *RangeEnd = getDerived().parseExpr();
4398       if (RangeEnd == nullptr)
4399         return nullptr;
4400       Node *Init = getDerived().parseBracedExpr();
4401       if (Init == nullptr)
4402         return nullptr;
4403       return make<BracedRangeExpr>(RangeBegin, RangeEnd, Init);
4404     }
4405     }
4406   }
4407   return getDerived().parseExpr();
4408 }
4410 // (not yet in the spec)
4411 // <fold-expr> ::= fL <binary-operator-name> <expression> <expression>
4412 //             ::= fR <binary-operator-name> <expression> <expression>
4413 //             ::= fl <binary-operator-name> <expression>
4414 //             ::= fr <binary-operator-name> <expression>
4415 template <typename Derived, typename Alloc>
4416 Node *AbstractManglingParser<Derived, Alloc>::parseFoldExpr() {
4417   if (!consumeIf('f'))
4418     return nullptr;
4420   bool IsLeftFold = false, HasInitializer = false;
4421   switch (look()) {
4422   default:
4423     return nullptr;
4424   case 'L':
4425     IsLeftFold = true;
4426     HasInitializer = true;
4427     break;
4428   case 'R':
4429     HasInitializer = true;
4430     break;
4431   case 'l':
4432     IsLeftFold = true;
4433     break;
4434   case 'r':
4435     break;
4436   }
4437   ++First;
4439   const auto *Op = parseOperatorEncoding();
4440   if (!Op)
4441     return nullptr;
4442   if (!(Op->getKind() == OperatorInfo::Binary
4443         || (Op->getKind() == OperatorInfo::Member
4444             && Op->getName().back() == '*')))
4445     return nullptr;
4447   Node *Pack = getDerived().parseExpr();
4448   if (Pack == nullptr)
4449     return nullptr;
4451   Node *Init = nullptr;
4452   if (HasInitializer) {
4453     Init = getDerived().parseExpr();
4454     if (Init == nullptr)
4455       return nullptr;
4456   }
4458   if (IsLeftFold && Init)
4459     std::swap(Pack, Init);
4461   return make<FoldExpr>(IsLeftFold, Op->getSymbol(), Pack, Init);
4462 }
4464 // <expression> ::= mc <parameter type> <expr> [<offset number>] E
4465 //
4466 // Not yet in the spec: https://github.com/itanium-cxx-abi/cxx-abi/issues/47
4467 template <typename Derived, typename Alloc>
4468 Node *
4469 AbstractManglingParser<Derived, Alloc>::parsePointerToMemberConversionExpr(
4470     Node::Prec Prec) {
4471   Node *Ty = getDerived().parseType();
4472   if (!Ty)
4473     return nullptr;
4474   Node *Expr = getDerived().parseExpr();
4475   if (!Expr)
4476     return nullptr;
4477   std::string_view Offset = getDerived().parseNumber(true);
4478   if (!consumeIf('E'))
4479     return nullptr;
4480   return make<PointerToMemberConversionExpr>(Ty, Expr, Offset, Prec);
4481 }
4483 // <expression> ::= so <referent type> <expr> [<offset number>] <union-selector>* [p] E
4484 // <union-selector> ::= _ [<number>]
4485 //
4486 // Not yet in the spec: https://github.com/itanium-cxx-abi/cxx-abi/issues/47
4487 template <typename Derived, typename Alloc>
4488 Node *AbstractManglingParser<Derived, Alloc>::parseSubobjectExpr() {
4489   Node *Ty = getDerived().parseType();
4490   if (!Ty)
4491     return nullptr;
4492   Node *Expr = getDerived().parseExpr();
4493   if (!Expr)
4494     return nullptr;
4495   std::string_view Offset = getDerived().parseNumber(true);
4496   size_t SelectorsBegin = Names.size();
4497   while (consumeIf('_')) {
4498     Node *Selector = make<NameType>(parseNumber());
4499     if (!Selector)
4500       return nullptr;
4501     Names.push_back(Selector);
4502   }
4503   bool OnePastTheEnd = consumeIf('p');
4504   if (!consumeIf('E'))
4505     return nullptr;
4506   return make<SubobjectExpr>(
4507       Ty, Expr, Offset, popTrailingNodeArray(SelectorsBegin), OnePastTheEnd);
4508 }
4510 // <expression> ::= <unary operator-name> <expression>
4511 //              ::= <binary operator-name> <expression> <expression>
4512 //              ::= <ternary operator-name> <expression> <expression> <expression>
4513 //              ::= cl <expression>+ E                                   # call
4514 //              ::= cv <type> <expression>                               # conversion with one argument
4515 //              ::= cv <type> _ <expression>* E                          # conversion with a different number of arguments
4516 //              ::= [gs] nw <expression>* _ <type> E                     # new (expr-list) type
4517 //              ::= [gs] nw <expression>* _ <type> <initializer>         # new (expr-list) type (init)
4518 //              ::= [gs] na <expression>* _ <type> E                     # new[] (expr-list) type
4519 //              ::= [gs] na <expression>* _ <type> <initializer>         # new[] (expr-list) type (init)
4520 //              ::= [gs] dl <expression>                                 # delete expression
4521 //              ::= [gs] da <expression>                                 # delete[] expression
4522 //              ::= pp_ <expression>                                     # prefix ++
4523 //              ::= mm_ <expression>                                     # prefix --
4524 //              ::= ti <type>                                            # typeid (type)
4525 //              ::= te <expression>                                      # typeid (expression)
4526 //              ::= dc <type> <expression>                               # dynamic_cast<type> (expression)
4527 //              ::= sc <type> <expression>                               # static_cast<type> (expression)
4528 //              ::= cc <type> <expression>                               # const_cast<type> (expression)
4529 //              ::= rc <type> <expression>                               # reinterpret_cast<type> (expression)
4530 //              ::= st <type>                                            # sizeof (a type)
4531 //              ::= sz <expression>                                      # sizeof (an expression)
4532 //              ::= at <type>                                            # alignof (a type)
4533 //              ::= az <expression>                                      # alignof (an expression)
4534 //              ::= nx <expression>                                      # noexcept (expression)
4535 //              ::= <template-param>
4536 //              ::= <function-param>
4537 //              ::= dt <expression> <unresolved-name>                    # expr.name
4538 //              ::= pt <expression> <unresolved-name>                    # expr->name
4539 //              ::= ds <expression> <expression>                         # expr.*expr
4540 //              ::= sZ <template-param>                                  # size of a parameter pack
4541 //              ::= sZ <function-param>                                  # size of a function parameter pack
4542 //              ::= sP <template-arg>* E                                 # sizeof...(T), size of a captured template parameter pack from an alias template
4543 //              ::= sp <expression>                                      # pack expansion
4544 //              ::= tw <expression>                                      # throw expression
4545 //              ::= tr                                                   # throw with no operand (rethrow)
4546 //              ::= <unresolved-name>                                    # f(p), N::f(p), ::f(p),
4547 //                                                                       # freestanding dependent name (e.g., T::x),
4548 //                                                                       # objectless nonstatic member reference
4549 //              ::= fL <binary-operator-name> <expression> <expression>
4550 //              ::= fR <binary-operator-name> <expression> <expression>
4551 //              ::= fl <binary-operator-name> <expression>
4552 //              ::= fr <binary-operator-name> <expression>
4553 //              ::= <expr-primary>
4554 template <typename Derived, typename Alloc>
4555 Node *AbstractManglingParser<Derived, Alloc>::parseExpr() {
4556   bool Global = consumeIf("gs");
4558   const auto *Op = parseOperatorEncoding();
4559   if (Op) {
4560     auto Sym = Op->getSymbol();
4561     switch (Op->getKind()) {
4562     case OperatorInfo::Binary:
4563       // Binary operator: lhs @ rhs
4564       return getDerived().parseBinaryExpr(Sym, Op->getPrecedence());
4565     case OperatorInfo::Prefix:
4566       // Prefix unary operator: @ expr
4567       return getDerived().parsePrefixExpr(Sym, Op->getPrecedence());
4568     case OperatorInfo::Postfix: {
4569       // Postfix unary operator: expr @
4570       if (consumeIf('_'))
4571         return getDerived().parsePrefixExpr(Sym, Op->getPrecedence());
4572       Node *Ex = getDerived().parseExpr();
4573       if (Ex == nullptr)
4574         return nullptr;
4575       return make<PostfixExpr>(Ex, Sym, Op->getPrecedence());
4576     }
4577     case OperatorInfo::Array: {
4578       // Array Index:  lhs [ rhs ]
4579       Node *Base = getDerived().parseExpr();
4580       if (Base == nullptr)
4581         return nullptr;
4582       Node *Index = getDerived().parseExpr();
4583       if (Index == nullptr)
4584         return nullptr;
4585       return make<ArraySubscriptExpr>(Base, Index, Op->getPrecedence());
4586     }
4587     case OperatorInfo::Member: {
4588       // Member access lhs @ rhs
4589       Node *LHS = getDerived().parseExpr();
4590       if (LHS == nullptr)
4591         return nullptr;
4592       Node *RHS = getDerived().parseExpr();
4593       if (RHS == nullptr)
4594         return nullptr;
4595       return make<MemberExpr>(LHS, Sym, RHS, Op->getPrecedence());
4596     }
4597     case OperatorInfo::New: {
4598       // New
4599       // # new (expr-list) type [(init)]
4600       // [gs] nw <expression>* _ <type> [pi <expression>*] E
4601       // # new[] (expr-list) type [(init)]
4602       // [gs] na <expression>* _ <type> [pi <expression>*] E
4603       size_t Exprs = Names.size();
4604       while (!consumeIf('_')) {
4605         Node *Ex = getDerived().parseExpr();
4606         if (Ex == nullptr)
4607           return nullptr;
4608         Names.push_back(Ex);
4609       }
4610       NodeArray ExprList = popTrailingNodeArray(Exprs);
4611       Node *Ty = getDerived().parseType();
4612       if (Ty == nullptr)
4613         return nullptr;
4614       bool HaveInits = consumeIf("pi");
4615       size_t InitsBegin = Names.size();
4616       while (!consumeIf('E')) {
4617         if (!HaveInits)
4618           return nullptr;
4619         Node *Init = getDerived().parseExpr();
4620         if (Init == nullptr)
4621           return Init;
4622         Names.push_back(Init);
4623       }
4624       NodeArray Inits = popTrailingNodeArray(InitsBegin);
4625       return make<NewExpr>(ExprList, Ty, Inits, Global,
4626                            /*IsArray=*/Op->getFlag(), Op->getPrecedence());
4627     }
4628     case OperatorInfo::Del: {
4629       // Delete
4630       Node *Ex = getDerived().parseExpr();
4631       if (Ex == nullptr)
4632         return nullptr;
4633       return make<DeleteExpr>(Ex, Global, /*IsArray=*/Op->getFlag(),
4634                               Op->getPrecedence());
4635     }
4636     case OperatorInfo::Call: {
4637       // Function Call
4638       Node *Callee = getDerived().parseExpr();
4639       if (Callee == nullptr)
4640         return nullptr;
4641       size_t ExprsBegin = Names.size();
4642       while (!consumeIf('E')) {
4643         Node *E = getDerived().parseExpr();
4644         if (E == nullptr)
4645           return nullptr;
4646         Names.push_back(E);
4647       }
4648       return make<CallExpr>(Callee, popTrailingNodeArray(ExprsBegin),
4649                             Op->getPrecedence());
4650     }
4651     case OperatorInfo::CCast: {
4652       // C Cast: (type)expr
4653       Node *Ty;
4654       {
4655         ScopedOverride<bool> SaveTemp(TryToParseTemplateArgs, false);
4656         Ty = getDerived().parseType();
4657       }
4658       if (Ty == nullptr)
4659         return nullptr;
4661       size_t ExprsBegin = Names.size();
4662       bool IsMany = consumeIf('_');
4663       while (!consumeIf('E')) {
4664         Node *E = getDerived().parseExpr();
4665         if (E == nullptr)
4666           return E;
4667         Names.push_back(E);
4668         if (!IsMany)
4669           break;
4670       }
4671       NodeArray Exprs = popTrailingNodeArray(ExprsBegin);
4672       if (!IsMany && Exprs.size() != 1)
4673         return nullptr;
4674       return make<ConversionExpr>(Ty, Exprs, Op->getPrecedence());
4675     }
4676     case OperatorInfo::Conditional: {
4677       // Conditional operator: expr ? expr : expr
4678       Node *Cond = getDerived().parseExpr();
4679       if (Cond == nullptr)
4680         return nullptr;
4681       Node *LHS = getDerived().parseExpr();
4682       if (LHS == nullptr)
4683         return nullptr;
4684       Node *RHS = getDerived().parseExpr();
4685       if (RHS == nullptr)
4686         return nullptr;
4687       return make<ConditionalExpr>(Cond, LHS, RHS, Op->getPrecedence());
4688     }
4689     case OperatorInfo::NamedCast: {
4690       // Named cast operation, @<type>(expr)
4691       Node *Ty = getDerived().parseType();
4692       if (Ty == nullptr)
4693         return nullptr;
4694       Node *Ex = getDerived().parseExpr();
4695       if (Ex == nullptr)
4696         return nullptr;
4697       return make<CastExpr>(Sym, Ty, Ex, Op->getPrecedence());
4698     }
4699     case OperatorInfo::OfIdOp: {
4700       // [sizeof/alignof/typeid] ( <type>|<expr> )
4701       Node *Arg =
4702           Op->getFlag() ? getDerived().parseType() : getDerived().parseExpr();
4703       if (!Arg)
4704         return nullptr;
4705       return make<EnclosingExpr>(Sym, Arg, Op->getPrecedence());
4706     }
4707     case OperatorInfo::NameOnly: {
4708       // Not valid as an expression operand.
4709       return nullptr;
4710     }
4711     }
4713   }
4715   if (numLeft() < 2)
4716     return nullptr;
4718   if (look() == 'L')
4719     return getDerived().parseExprPrimary();
4720   if (look() == 'T')
4721     return getDerived().parseTemplateParam();
4722   if (look() == 'f') {
4723     // Disambiguate a fold expression from a <function-param>.
4724     if (look(1) == 'p' || (look(1) == 'L' && std::isdigit(look(2))))
4725       return getDerived().parseFunctionParam();
4726     return getDerived().parseFoldExpr();
4727   }
4728   if (consumeIf("il")) {
4729     size_t InitsBegin = Names.size();
4730     while (!consumeIf('E')) {
4731       Node *E = getDerived().parseBracedExpr();
4732       if (E == nullptr)
4733         return nullptr;
4734       Names.push_back(E);
4735     }
4736     return make<InitListExpr>(nullptr, popTrailingNodeArray(InitsBegin));
4737   }
4738   if (consumeIf("mc"))
4739     return parsePointerToMemberConversionExpr(Node::Prec::Unary);
4740   if (consumeIf("nx")) {
4741     Node *Ex = getDerived().parseExpr();
4742     if (Ex == nullptr)
4743       return Ex;
4744     return make<EnclosingExpr>("noexcept ", Ex, Node::Prec::Unary);
4745   }
4746   if (consumeIf("so"))
4747     return parseSubobjectExpr();
4748   if (consumeIf("sp")) {
4749     Node *Child = getDerived().parseExpr();
4750     if (Child == nullptr)
4751       return nullptr;
4752     return make<ParameterPackExpansion>(Child);
4753   }
4754   if (consumeIf("sZ")) {
4755     if (look() == 'T') {
4756       Node *R = getDerived().parseTemplateParam();
4757       if (R == nullptr)
4758         return nullptr;
4759       return make<SizeofParamPackExpr>(R);
4760     }
4761     Node *FP = getDerived().parseFunctionParam();
4762     if (FP == nullptr)
4763       return nullptr;
4764     return make<EnclosingExpr>("sizeof... ", FP);
4765   }
4766   if (consumeIf("sP")) {
4767     size_t ArgsBegin = Names.size();
4768     while (!consumeIf('E')) {
4769       Node *Arg = getDerived().parseTemplateArg();
4770       if (Arg == nullptr)
4771         return nullptr;
4772       Names.push_back(Arg);
4773     }
4774     auto *Pack = make<NodeArrayNode>(popTrailingNodeArray(ArgsBegin));
4775     if (!Pack)
4776       return nullptr;
4777     return make<EnclosingExpr>("sizeof... ", Pack);
4778   }
4779   if (consumeIf("tl")) {
4780     Node *Ty = getDerived().parseType();
4781     if (Ty == nullptr)
4782       return nullptr;
4783     size_t InitsBegin = Names.size();
4784     while (!consumeIf('E')) {
4785       Node *E = getDerived().parseBracedExpr();
4786       if (E == nullptr)
4787         return nullptr;
4788       Names.push_back(E);
4789     }
4790     return make<InitListExpr>(Ty, popTrailingNodeArray(InitsBegin));
4791   }
4792   if (consumeIf("tr"))
4793     return make<NameType>("throw");
4794   if (consumeIf("tw")) {
4795     Node *Ex = getDerived().parseExpr();
4796     if (Ex == nullptr)
4797       return nullptr;
4798     return make<ThrowExpr>(Ex);
4799   }
4800   if (consumeIf('u')) {
4801     Node *Name = getDerived().parseSourceName(/*NameState=*/nullptr);
4802     if (!Name)
4803       return nullptr;
4804     // Special case legacy __uuidof mangling. The 't' and 'z' appear where the
4805     // standard encoding expects a <template-arg>, and would be otherwise be
4806     // interpreted as <type> node 'short' or 'ellipsis'. However, neither
4807     // __uuidof(short) nor __uuidof(...) can actually appear, so there is no
4808     // actual conflict here.
4809     bool IsUUID = false;
4810     Node *UUID = nullptr;
4811     if (Name->getBaseName() == "__uuidof") {
4812       if (consumeIf('t')) {
4813         UUID = getDerived().parseType();
4814         IsUUID = true;
4815       } else if (consumeIf('z')) {
4816         UUID = getDerived().parseExpr();
4817         IsUUID = true;
4818       }
4819     }
4820     size_t ExprsBegin = Names.size();
4821     if (IsUUID) {
4822       if (UUID == nullptr)
4823         return nullptr;
4824       Names.push_back(UUID);
4825     } else {
4826       while (!consumeIf('E')) {
4827         Node *E = getDerived().parseTemplateArg();
4828         if (E == nullptr)
4829           return E;
4830         Names.push_back(E);
4831       }
4832     }
4833     return make<CallExpr>(Name, popTrailingNodeArray(ExprsBegin),
4834                           Node::Prec::Postfix);
4835   }
4837   // Only unresolved names remain.
4838   return getDerived().parseUnresolvedName(Global);
4839 }
4841 // <call-offset> ::= h <nv-offset> _
4842 //               ::= v <v-offset> _
4843 //
4844 // <nv-offset> ::= <offset number>
4845 //               # non-virtual base override
4846 //
4847 // <v-offset>  ::= <offset number> _ <virtual offset number>
4848 //               # virtual base override, with vcall offset
4849 template <typename Alloc, typename Derived>
4850 bool AbstractManglingParser<Alloc, Derived>::parseCallOffset() {
4851   // Just scan through the call offset, we never add this information into the
4852   // output.
4853   if (consumeIf('h'))
4854     return parseNumber(true).empty() || !consumeIf('_');
4855   if (consumeIf('v'))
4856     return parseNumber(true).empty() || !consumeIf('_') ||
4857            parseNumber(true).empty() || !consumeIf('_');
4858   return true;
4859 }
4861 // <special-name> ::= TV <type>    # virtual table
4862 //                ::= TT <type>    # VTT structure (construction vtable index)
4863 //                ::= TI <type>    # typeinfo structure
4864 //                ::= TS <type>    # typeinfo name (null-terminated byte string)
4865 //                ::= Tc <call-offset> <call-offset> <base encoding>
4866 //                    # base is the nominal target function of thunk
4867 //                    # first call-offset is 'this' adjustment
4868 //                    # second call-offset is result adjustment
4869 //                ::= T <call-offset> <base encoding>
4870 //                    # base is the nominal target function of thunk
4871 //                # Guard variable for one-time initialization
4872 //                ::= GV <object name>
4873 //                                     # No <type>
4874 //                ::= TW <object name> # Thread-local wrapper
4875 //                ::= TH <object name> # Thread-local initialization
4876 //                ::= GR <object name> _             # First temporary
4877 //                ::= GR <object name> <seq-id> _    # Subsequent temporaries
4878 //                # construction vtable for second-in-first
4879 //      extension ::= TC <first type> <number> _ <second type>
4880 //      extension ::= GR <object name> # reference temporary for object
4881 //      extension ::= GI <module name> # module global initializer
4882 template <typename Derived, typename Alloc>
4883 Node *AbstractManglingParser<Derived, Alloc>::parseSpecialName() {
4884   switch (look()) {
4885   case 'T':
4886     switch (look(1)) {
4887     // TA <template-arg>    # template parameter object
4888     //
4889     // Not yet in the spec: https://github.com/itanium-cxx-abi/cxx-abi/issues/63
4890     case 'A': {
4891       First += 2;
4892       Node *Arg = getDerived().parseTemplateArg();
4893       if (Arg == nullptr)
4894         return nullptr;
4895       return make<SpecialName>("template parameter object for ", Arg);
4896     }
4897     // TV <type>    # virtual table
4898     case 'V': {
4899       First += 2;
4900       Node *Ty = getDerived().parseType();
4901       if (Ty == nullptr)
4902         return nullptr;
4903       return make<SpecialName>("vtable for ", Ty);
4904     }
4905     // TT <type>    # VTT structure (construction vtable index)
4906     case 'T': {
4907       First += 2;
4908       Node *Ty = getDerived().parseType();
4909       if (Ty == nullptr)
4910         return nullptr;
4911       return make<SpecialName>("VTT for ", Ty);
4912     }
4913     // TI <type>    # typeinfo structure
4914     case 'I': {
4915       First += 2;
4916       Node *Ty = getDerived().parseType();
4917       if (Ty == nullptr)
4918         return nullptr;
4919       return make<SpecialName>("typeinfo for ", Ty);
4920     }
4921     // TS <type>    # typeinfo name (null-terminated byte string)
4922     case 'S': {
4923       First += 2;
4924       Node *Ty = getDerived().parseType();
4925       if (Ty == nullptr)
4926         return nullptr;
4927       return make<SpecialName>("typeinfo name for ", Ty);
4928     }
4929     // Tc <call-offset> <call-offset> <base encoding>
4930     case 'c': {
4931       First += 2;
4932       if (parseCallOffset() || parseCallOffset())
4933         return nullptr;
4934       Node *Encoding = getDerived().parseEncoding();
4935       if (Encoding == nullptr)
4936         return nullptr;
4937       return make<SpecialName>("covariant return thunk to ", Encoding);
4938     }
4939     // extension ::= TC <first type> <number> _ <second type>
4940     //               # construction vtable for second-in-first
4941     case 'C': {
4942       First += 2;
4943       Node *FirstType = getDerived().parseType();
4944       if (FirstType == nullptr)
4945         return nullptr;
4946       if (parseNumber(true).empty() || !consumeIf('_'))
4947         return nullptr;
4948       Node *SecondType = getDerived().parseType();
4949       if (SecondType == nullptr)
4950         return nullptr;
4951       return make<CtorVtableSpecialName>(SecondType, FirstType);
4952     }
4953     // TW <object name> # Thread-local wrapper
4954     case 'W': {
4955       First += 2;
4956       Node *Name = getDerived().parseName();
4957       if (Name == nullptr)
4958         return nullptr;
4959       return make<SpecialName>("thread-local wrapper routine for ", Name);
4960     }
4961     // TH <object name> # Thread-local initialization
4962     case 'H': {
4963       First += 2;
4964       Node *Name = getDerived().parseName();
4965       if (Name == nullptr)
4966         return nullptr;
4967       return make<SpecialName>("thread-local initialization routine for ", Name);
4968     }
4969     // T <call-offset> <base encoding>
4970     default: {
4971       ++First;
4972       bool IsVirt = look() == 'v';
4973       if (parseCallOffset())
4974         return nullptr;
4975       Node *BaseEncoding = getDerived().parseEncoding();
4976       if (BaseEncoding == nullptr)
4977         return nullptr;
4978       if (IsVirt)
4979         return make<SpecialName>("virtual thunk to ", BaseEncoding);
4980       else
4981         return make<SpecialName>("non-virtual thunk to ", BaseEncoding);
4982     }
4983     }
4984   case 'G':
4985     switch (look(1)) {
4986     // GV <object name> # Guard variable for one-time initialization
4987     case 'V': {
4988       First += 2;
4989       Node *Name = getDerived().parseName();
4990       if (Name == nullptr)
4991         return nullptr;
4992       return make<SpecialName>("guard variable for ", Name);
4993     }
4994     // GR <object name> # reference temporary for object
4995     // GR <object name> _             # First temporary
4996     // GR <object name> <seq-id> _    # Subsequent temporaries
4997     case 'R': {
4998       First += 2;
4999       Node *Name = getDerived().parseName();
5000       if (Name == nullptr)
5001         return nullptr;
5002       size_t Count;
5003       bool ParsedSeqId = !parseSeqId(&Count);
5004       if (!consumeIf('_') && ParsedSeqId)
5005         return nullptr;
5006       return make<SpecialName>("reference temporary for ", Name);
5007     }
5008     // GI <module-name> v
5009     case 'I': {
5010       First += 2;
5011       ModuleName *Module = nullptr;
5012       if (getDerived().parseModuleNameOpt(Module))
5013         return nullptr;
5014       if (Module == nullptr)
5015         return nullptr;
5016       return make<SpecialName>("initializer for module ", Module);
5017     }
5018     }
5019   }
5020   return nullptr;
5021 }
5023 // <encoding> ::= <function name> <bare-function-type>
5024 //            ::= <data name>
5025 //            ::= <special-name>
5026 template <typename Derived, typename Alloc>
5027 Node *AbstractManglingParser<Derived, Alloc>::parseEncoding() {
5028   // The template parameters of an encoding are unrelated to those of the
5029   // enclosing context.
5030   class SaveTemplateParams {
5031     AbstractManglingParser *Parser;
5032     decltype(TemplateParams) OldParams;
5033     decltype(OuterTemplateParams) OldOuterParams;
5035   public:
5036     SaveTemplateParams(AbstractManglingParser *TheParser) : Parser(TheParser) {
5037       OldParams = std::move(Parser->TemplateParams);
5038       OldOuterParams = std::move(Parser->OuterTemplateParams);
5039       Parser->TemplateParams.clear();
5040       Parser->OuterTemplateParams.clear();
5041     }
5042     ~SaveTemplateParams() {
5043       Parser->TemplateParams = std::move(OldParams);
5044       Parser->OuterTemplateParams = std::move(OldOuterParams);
5045     }
5046   } SaveTemplateParams(this);
5048   if (look() == 'G' || look() == 'T')
5049     return getDerived().parseSpecialName();
5051   auto IsEndOfEncoding = [&] {
5052     // The set of chars that can potentially follow an <encoding> (none of which
5053     // can start a <type>). Enumerating these allows us to avoid speculative
5054     // parsing.
5055     return numLeft() == 0 || look() == 'E' || look() == '.' || look() == '_';
5056   };
5058   NameState NameInfo(this);
5059   Node *Name = getDerived().parseName(&NameInfo);
5060   if (Name == nullptr)
5061     return nullptr;
5063   if (resolveForwardTemplateRefs(NameInfo))
5064     return nullptr;
5066   if (IsEndOfEncoding())
5067     return Name;
5069   Node *Attrs = nullptr;
5070   if (consumeIf("Ua9enable_ifI")) {
5071     size_t BeforeArgs = Names.size();
5072     while (!consumeIf('E')) {
5073       Node *Arg = getDerived().parseTemplateArg();
5074       if (Arg == nullptr)
5075         return nullptr;
5076       Names.push_back(Arg);
5077     }
5078     Attrs = make<EnableIfAttr>(popTrailingNodeArray(BeforeArgs));
5079     if (!Attrs)
5080       return nullptr;
5081   }
5083   Node *ReturnType = nullptr;
5084   if (!NameInfo.CtorDtorConversion && NameInfo.EndsWithTemplateArgs) {
5085     ReturnType = getDerived().parseType();
5086     if (ReturnType == nullptr)
5087       return nullptr;
5088   }
5090   if (consumeIf('v'))
5091     return make<FunctionEncoding>(ReturnType, Name, NodeArray(),
5092                                   Attrs, NameInfo.CVQualifiers,
5093                                   NameInfo.ReferenceQualifier);
5095   size_t ParamsBegin = Names.size();
5096   do {
5097     Node *Ty = getDerived().parseType();
5098     if (Ty == nullptr)
5099       return nullptr;
5100     Names.push_back(Ty);
5101   } while (!IsEndOfEncoding());
5103   return make<FunctionEncoding>(ReturnType, Name,
5104                                 popTrailingNodeArray(ParamsBegin),
5105                                 Attrs, NameInfo.CVQualifiers,
5106                                 NameInfo.ReferenceQualifier);
5107 }
5109 template <class Float>
5110 struct FloatData;
5112 template <>
5113 struct FloatData<float>
5114 {
5115     static const size_t mangled_size = 8;
5116     static const size_t max_demangled_size = 24;
5117     static constexpr const char* spec = "%af";
5118 };
5120 template <>
5121 struct FloatData<double>
5122 {
5123     static const size_t mangled_size = 16;
5124     static const size_t max_demangled_size = 32;
5125     static constexpr const char* spec = "%a";
5126 };
5128 template <>
5129 struct FloatData<long double>
5130 {
5131 #if defined(__mips__) && defined(__mips_n64) || defined(__aarch64__) || \
5132     defined(__wasm__) || defined(__riscv) || defined(__loongarch__)
5133     static const size_t mangled_size = 32;
5134 #elif defined(__arm__) || defined(__mips__) || defined(__hexagon__)
5135     static const size_t mangled_size = 16;
5136 #else
5137     static const size_t mangled_size = 20;  // May need to be adjusted to 16 or 24 on other platforms
5138 #endif
5139     // `-0x1.ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffp+16383` + 'L' + '\0' == 42 bytes.
5140     // 28 'f's * 4 bits == 112 bits, which is the number of mantissa bits.
5141     // Negatives are one character longer than positives.
5142     // `0x1.` and `p` are constant, and exponents `+16383` and `-16382` are the
5143     // same length. 1 sign bit, 112 mantissa bits, and 15 exponent bits == 128.
5144     static const size_t max_demangled_size = 42;
5145     static constexpr const char *spec = "%LaL";
5146 };
5148 template <typename Alloc, typename Derived>
5149 template <class Float>
5150 Node *AbstractManglingParser<Alloc, Derived>::parseFloatingLiteral() {
5151   const size_t N = FloatData<Float>::mangled_size;
5152   if (numLeft() <= N)
5153     return nullptr;
5154   std::string_view Data(First, N);
5155   for (char C : Data)
5156     if (!std::isxdigit(C))
5157       return nullptr;
5158   First += N;
5159   if (!consumeIf('E'))
5160     return nullptr;
5161   return make<FloatLiteralImpl<Float>>(Data);
5162 }
5164 // <seq-id> ::= <0-9A-Z>+
5165 template <typename Alloc, typename Derived>
5166 bool AbstractManglingParser<Alloc, Derived>::parseSeqId(size_t *Out) {
5167   if (!(look() >= '0' && look() <= '9') &&
5168       !(look() >= 'A' && look() <= 'Z'))
5169     return true;
5171   size_t Id = 0;
5172   while (true) {
5173     if (look() >= '0' && look() <= '9') {
5174       Id *= 36;
5175       Id += static_cast<size_t>(look() - '0');
5176     } else if (look() >= 'A' && look() <= 'Z') {
5177       Id *= 36;
5178       Id += static_cast<size_t>(look() - 'A') + 10;
5179     } else {
5180       *Out = Id;
5181       return false;
5182     }
5183     ++First;
5184   }
5185 }
5187 // <substitution> ::= S <seq-id> _
5188 //                ::= S_
5189 // <substitution> ::= Sa # ::std::allocator
5190 // <substitution> ::= Sb # ::std::basic_string
5191 // <substitution> ::= Ss # ::std::basic_string < char,
5192 //                                               ::std::char_traits<char>,
5193 //                                               ::std::allocator<char> >
5194 // <substitution> ::= Si # ::std::basic_istream<char,  std::char_traits<char> >
5195 // <substitution> ::= So # ::std::basic_ostream<char,  std::char_traits<char> >
5196 // <substitution> ::= Sd # ::std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >
5197 // The St case is handled specially in parseNestedName.
5198 template <typename Derived, typename Alloc>
5199 Node *AbstractManglingParser<Derived, Alloc>::parseSubstitution() {
5200   if (!consumeIf('S'))
5201     return nullptr;
5203   if (look() >= 'a' && look() <= 'z') {
5204     SpecialSubKind Kind;
5205     switch (look()) {
5206     case 'a':
5207       Kind = SpecialSubKind::allocator;
5208       break;
5209     case 'b':
5210       Kind = SpecialSubKind::basic_string;
5211       break;
5212     case 'd':
5213       Kind = SpecialSubKind::iostream;
5214       break;
5215     case 'i':
5216       Kind = SpecialSubKind::istream;
5217       break;
5218     case 'o':
5219       Kind = SpecialSubKind::ostream;
5220       break;
5221     case 's':
5222       Kind = SpecialSubKind::string;
5223       break;
5224     default:
5225       return nullptr;
5226     }
5227     ++First;
5228     auto *SpecialSub = make<SpecialSubstitution>(Kind);
5229     if (!SpecialSub)
5230       return nullptr;
5232     // Itanium C++ ABI 5.1.2: If a name that would use a built-in <substitution>
5233     // has ABI tags, the tags are appended to the substitution; the result is a
5234     // substitutable component.
5235     Node *WithTags = getDerived().parseAbiTags(SpecialSub);
5236     if (WithTags != SpecialSub) {
5237       Subs.push_back(WithTags);
5238       SpecialSub = WithTags;
5239     }
5240     return SpecialSub;
5241   }
5243   //                ::= S_
5244   if (consumeIf('_')) {
5245     if (Subs.empty())
5246       return nullptr;
5247     return Subs[0];
5248   }
5250   //                ::= S <seq-id> _
5251   size_t Index = 0;
5252   if (parseSeqId(&Index))
5253     return nullptr;
5254   ++Index;
5255   if (!consumeIf('_') || Index >= Subs.size())
5256     return nullptr;
5257   return Subs[Index];
5258 }
5260 // <template-param> ::= T_    # first template parameter
5261 //                  ::= T <parameter-2 non-negative number> _
5262 //                  ::= TL <level-1> __
5263 //                  ::= TL <level-1> _ <parameter-2 non-negative number> _
5264 template <typename Derived, typename Alloc>
5265 Node *AbstractManglingParser<Derived, Alloc>::parseTemplateParam() {
5266   if (!consumeIf('T'))
5267     return nullptr;
5269   size_t Level = 0;
5270   if (consumeIf('L')) {
5271     if (parsePositiveInteger(&Level))
5272       return nullptr;
5273     ++Level;
5274     if (!consumeIf('_'))
5275       return nullptr;
5276   }
5278   size_t Index = 0;
5279   if (!consumeIf('_')) {
5280     if (parsePositiveInteger(&Index))
5281       return nullptr;
5282     ++Index;
5283     if (!consumeIf('_'))
5284       return nullptr;
5285   }
5287   // If we're in a context where this <template-param> refers to a
5288   // <template-arg> further ahead in the mangled name (currently just conversion
5289   // operator types), then we should only look it up in the right context.
5290   // This can only happen at the outermost level.
5291   if (PermitForwardTemplateReferences && Level == 0) {
5292     Node *ForwardRef = make<ForwardTemplateReference>(Index);
5293     if (!ForwardRef)
5294       return nullptr;
5295     assert(ForwardRef->getKind() == Node::KForwardTemplateReference);
5296     ForwardTemplateRefs.push_back(
5297         static_cast<ForwardTemplateReference *>(ForwardRef));
5298     return ForwardRef;
5299   }
5301   if (Level >= TemplateParams.size() || !TemplateParams[Level] ||
5302       Index >= TemplateParams[Level]->size()) {
5303     // Itanium ABI 5.1.8: In a generic lambda, uses of auto in the parameter
5304     // list are mangled as the corresponding artificial template type parameter.
5305     if (ParsingLambdaParamsAtLevel == Level && Level <= TemplateParams.size()) {
5306       // This will be popped by the ScopedTemplateParamList in
5307       // parseUnnamedTypeName.
5308       if (Level == TemplateParams.size())
5309         TemplateParams.push_back(nullptr);
5310       return make<NameType>("auto");
5311     }
5313     return nullptr;
5314   }
5316   return (*TemplateParams[Level])[Index];
5317 }
5319 // <template-param-decl> ::= Ty                          # type parameter
5320 //                       ::= Tn <type>                   # non-type parameter
5321 //                       ::= Tt <template-param-decl>* E # template parameter
5322 //                       ::= Tp <template-param-decl>    # parameter pack
5323 template <typename Derived, typename Alloc>
5324 Node *AbstractManglingParser<Derived, Alloc>::parseTemplateParamDecl() {
5325   auto InventTemplateParamName = [&](TemplateParamKind Kind) {
5326     unsigned Index = NumSyntheticTemplateParameters[(int)Kind]++;
5327     Node *N = make<SyntheticTemplateParamName>(Kind, Index);
5328     if (N) TemplateParams.back()->push_back(N);
5329     return N;
5330   };
5332   if (consumeIf("Ty")) {
5333     Node *Name = InventTemplateParamName(TemplateParamKind::Type);
5334     if (!Name)
5335       return nullptr;
5336     return make<TypeTemplateParamDecl>(Name);
5337   }
5339   if (consumeIf("Tn")) {
5340     Node *Name = InventTemplateParamName(TemplateParamKind::NonType);
5341     if (!Name)
5342       return nullptr;
5343     Node *Type = parseType();
5344     if (!Type)
5345       return nullptr;
5346     return make<NonTypeTemplateParamDecl>(Name, Type);
5347   }
5349   if (consumeIf("Tt")) {
5350     Node *Name = InventTemplateParamName(TemplateParamKind::Template);
5351     if (!Name)
5352       return nullptr;
5353     size_t ParamsBegin = Names.size();
5354     ScopedTemplateParamList TemplateTemplateParamParams(this);
5355     while (!consumeIf("E")) {
5356       Node *P = parseTemplateParamDecl();
5357       if (!P)
5358         return nullptr;
5359       Names.push_back(P);
5360     }
5361     NodeArray Params = popTrailingNodeArray(ParamsBegin);
5362     return make<TemplateTemplateParamDecl>(Name, Params);
5363   }
5365   if (consumeIf("Tp")) {
5366     Node *P = parseTemplateParamDecl();
5367     if (!P)
5368       return nullptr;
5369     return make<TemplateParamPackDecl>(P);
5370   }
5372   return nullptr;
5373 }
5375 // <template-arg> ::= <type>                    # type or template
5376 //                ::= X <expression> E          # expression
5377 //                ::= <expr-primary>            # simple expressions
5378 //                ::= J <template-arg>* E       # argument pack
5379 //                ::= LZ <encoding> E           # extension
5380 template <typename Derived, typename Alloc>
5381 Node *AbstractManglingParser<Derived, Alloc>::parseTemplateArg() {
5382   switch (look()) {
5383   case 'X': {
5384     ++First;
5385     Node *Arg = getDerived().parseExpr();
5386     if (Arg == nullptr || !consumeIf('E'))
5387       return nullptr;
5388     return Arg;
5389   }
5390   case 'J': {
5391     ++First;
5392     size_t ArgsBegin = Names.size();
5393     while (!consumeIf('E')) {
5394       Node *Arg = getDerived().parseTemplateArg();
5395       if (Arg == nullptr)
5396         return nullptr;
5397       Names.push_back(Arg);
5398     }
5399     NodeArray Args = popTrailingNodeArray(ArgsBegin);
5400     return make<TemplateArgumentPack>(Args);
5401   }
5402   case 'L': {
5403     //                ::= LZ <encoding> E           # extension
5404     if (look(1) == 'Z') {
5405       First += 2;
5406       Node *Arg = getDerived().parseEncoding();
5407       if (Arg == nullptr || !consumeIf('E'))
5408         return nullptr;
5409       return Arg;
5410     }
5411     //                ::= <expr-primary>            # simple expressions
5412     return getDerived().parseExprPrimary();
5413   }
5414   default:
5415     return getDerived().parseType();
5416   }
5417 }
5419 // <template-args> ::= I <template-arg>* E
5420 //     extension, the abi says <template-arg>+
5421 template <typename Derived, typename Alloc>
5422 Node *
5423 AbstractManglingParser<Derived, Alloc>::parseTemplateArgs(bool TagTemplates) {
5424   if (!consumeIf('I'))
5425     return nullptr;
5427   // <template-params> refer to the innermost <template-args>. Clear out any
5428   // outer args that we may have inserted into TemplateParams.
5429   if (TagTemplates) {
5430     TemplateParams.clear();
5431     TemplateParams.push_back(&OuterTemplateParams);
5432     OuterTemplateParams.clear();
5433   }
5435   size_t ArgsBegin = Names.size();
5436   while (!consumeIf('E')) {
5437     if (TagTemplates) {
5438       auto OldParams = std::move(TemplateParams);
5439       Node *Arg = getDerived().parseTemplateArg();
5440       TemplateParams = std::move(OldParams);
5441       if (Arg == nullptr)
5442         return nullptr;
5443       Names.push_back(Arg);
5444       Node *TableEntry = Arg;
5445       if (Arg->getKind() == Node::KTemplateArgumentPack) {
5446         TableEntry = make<ParameterPack>(
5447             static_cast<TemplateArgumentPack*>(TableEntry)->getElements());
5448         if (!TableEntry)
5449           return nullptr;
5450       }
5451       TemplateParams.back()->push_back(TableEntry);
5452     } else {
5453       Node *Arg = getDerived().parseTemplateArg();
5454       if (Arg == nullptr)
5455         return nullptr;
5456       Names.push_back(Arg);
5457     }
5458   }
5459   return make<TemplateArgs>(popTrailingNodeArray(ArgsBegin));
5460 }
5462 // <mangled-name> ::= _Z <encoding>
5463 //                ::= <type>
5464 // extension      ::= ___Z <encoding> _block_invoke
5465 // extension      ::= ___Z <encoding> _block_invoke<decimal-digit>+
5466 // extension      ::= ___Z <encoding> _block_invoke_<decimal-digit>+
5467 template <typename Derived, typename Alloc>
5468 Node *AbstractManglingParser<Derived, Alloc>::parse() {
5469   if (consumeIf("_Z") || consumeIf("__Z")) {
5470     Node *Encoding = getDerived().parseEncoding();
5471     if (Encoding == nullptr)
5472       return nullptr;
5473     if (look() == '.') {
5474       Encoding =
5475           make<DotSuffix>(Encoding, std::string_view(First, Last - First));
5476       First = Last;
5477     }
5478     if (numLeft() != 0)
5479       return nullptr;
5480     return Encoding;
5481   }
5483   if (consumeIf("___Z") || consumeIf("____Z")) {
5484     Node *Encoding = getDerived().parseEncoding();
5485     if (Encoding == nullptr || !consumeIf("_block_invoke"))
5486       return nullptr;
5487     bool RequireNumber = consumeIf('_');
5488     if (parseNumber().empty() && RequireNumber)
5489       return nullptr;
5490     if (look() == '.')
5491       First = Last;
5492     if (numLeft() != 0)
5493       return nullptr;
5494     return make<SpecialName>("invocation function for block in ", Encoding);
5495   }
5497   Node *Ty = getDerived().parseType();
5498   if (numLeft() != 0)
5499     return nullptr;
5500   return Ty;
5501 }
5503 template <typename Alloc>
5504 struct ManglingParser : AbstractManglingParser<ManglingParser<Alloc>, Alloc> {
5505   using AbstractManglingParser<ManglingParser<Alloc>,
5506                                Alloc>::AbstractManglingParser;
5507 };