1 //===- ExecutorProcessControl.h - Executor process control APIs -*- C++ -*-===//
2 //
3 // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4 // See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
5 // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
6 //
7 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
8 //
9 // Utilities for interacting with the executor processes.
10 //
11 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
16 #include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
17 #include "llvm/ExecutionEngine/JITLink/JITLinkMemoryManager.h"
18 #include "llvm/ExecutionEngine/Orc/Shared/ExecutorAddress.h"
19 #include "llvm/ExecutionEngine/Orc/Shared/TargetProcessControlTypes.h"
20 #include "llvm/ExecutionEngine/Orc/Shared/WrapperFunctionUtils.h"
21 #include "llvm/ExecutionEngine/Orc/SymbolStringPool.h"
22 #include "llvm/ExecutionEngine/Orc/TaskDispatch.h"
23 #include "llvm/Support/DynamicLibrary.h"
24 #include "llvm/Support/MSVCErrorWorkarounds.h"
25 #include "llvm/TargetParser/Triple.h"
27 #include <future>
28 #include <mutex>
29 #include <vector>
31 namespace llvm {
32 namespace orc {
34 class ExecutionSession;
35 class SymbolLookupSet;
37 /// ExecutorProcessControl supports interaction with a JIT target process.
38 class ExecutorProcessControl {
39   friend class ExecutionSession;
40 public:
42   /// A handler or incoming WrapperFunctionResults -- either return values from
43   /// callWrapper* calls, or incoming JIT-dispatch requests.
44   ///
45   /// IncomingWFRHandlers are constructible from
46   /// unique_function<void(shared::WrapperFunctionResult)>s using the
47   /// runInPlace function or a RunWithDispatch object.
48   class IncomingWFRHandler {
49     friend class ExecutorProcessControl;
50   public:
51     IncomingWFRHandler() = default;
52     explicit operator bool() const { return !!H; }
53     void operator()(shared::WrapperFunctionResult WFR) { H(std::move(WFR)); }
54   private:
55     template <typename FnT> IncomingWFRHandler(FnT &&Fn)
56       : H(std::forward<FnT>(Fn)) {}
58     unique_function<void(shared::WrapperFunctionResult)> H;
59   };
61   /// Constructs an IncomingWFRHandler from a function object that is callable
62   /// as void(shared::WrapperFunctionResult). The function object will be called
63   /// directly. This should be used with care as it may block listener threads
64   /// in remote EPCs. It is only suitable for simple tasks (e.g. setting a
65   /// future), or for performing some quick analysis before dispatching "real"
66   /// work as a Task.
67   class RunInPlace {
68   public:
69     template <typename FnT>
70     IncomingWFRHandler operator()(FnT &&Fn) {
71       return IncomingWFRHandler(std::forward<FnT>(Fn));
72     }
73   };
75   /// Constructs an IncomingWFRHandler from a function object by creating a new
76   /// function object that dispatches the original using a TaskDispatcher,
77   /// wrapping the original as a GenericNamedTask.
78   ///
79   /// This is the default approach for running WFR handlers.
80   class RunAsTask {
81   public:
82     RunAsTask(TaskDispatcher &D) : D(D) {}
84     template <typename FnT>
85     IncomingWFRHandler operator()(FnT &&Fn) {
86       return IncomingWFRHandler(
87           [&D = this->D, Fn = std::move(Fn)]
88           (shared::WrapperFunctionResult WFR) mutable {
89               D.dispatch(
90                 makeGenericNamedTask(
91                     [Fn = std::move(Fn), WFR = std::move(WFR)]() mutable {
92                       Fn(std::move(WFR));
93                     }, "WFR handler task"));
94           });
95     }
96   private:
97     TaskDispatcher &D;
98   };
100   /// APIs for manipulating memory in the target process.
101   class MemoryAccess {
102   public:
103     /// Callback function for asynchronous writes.
104     using WriteResultFn = unique_function<void(Error)>;
106     virtual ~MemoryAccess();
108     virtual void writeUInt8sAsync(ArrayRef<tpctypes::UInt8Write> Ws,
109                                   WriteResultFn OnWriteComplete) = 0;
111     virtual void writeUInt16sAsync(ArrayRef<tpctypes::UInt16Write> Ws,
112                                    WriteResultFn OnWriteComplete) = 0;
114     virtual void writeUInt32sAsync(ArrayRef<tpctypes::UInt32Write> Ws,
115                                    WriteResultFn OnWriteComplete) = 0;
117     virtual void writeUInt64sAsync(ArrayRef<tpctypes::UInt64Write> Ws,
118                                    WriteResultFn OnWriteComplete) = 0;
120     virtual void writeBuffersAsync(ArrayRef<tpctypes::BufferWrite> Ws,
121                                    WriteResultFn OnWriteComplete) = 0;
123     Error writeUInt8s(ArrayRef<tpctypes::UInt8Write> Ws) {
124       std::promise<MSVCPError> ResultP;
125       auto ResultF = ResultP.get_future();
126       writeUInt8sAsync(Ws,
127                        [&](Error Err) { ResultP.set_value(std::move(Err)); });
128       return ResultF.get();
129     }
131     Error writeUInt16s(ArrayRef<tpctypes::UInt16Write> Ws) {
132       std::promise<MSVCPError> ResultP;
133       auto ResultF = ResultP.get_future();
134       writeUInt16sAsync(Ws,
135                         [&](Error Err) { ResultP.set_value(std::move(Err)); });
136       return ResultF.get();
137     }
139     Error writeUInt32s(ArrayRef<tpctypes::UInt32Write> Ws) {
140       std::promise<MSVCPError> ResultP;
141       auto ResultF = ResultP.get_future();
142       writeUInt32sAsync(Ws,
143                         [&](Error Err) { ResultP.set_value(std::move(Err)); });
144       return ResultF.get();
145     }
147     Error writeUInt64s(ArrayRef<tpctypes::UInt64Write> Ws) {
148       std::promise<MSVCPError> ResultP;
149       auto ResultF = ResultP.get_future();
150       writeUInt64sAsync(Ws,
151                         [&](Error Err) { ResultP.set_value(std::move(Err)); });
152       return ResultF.get();
153     }
155     Error writeBuffers(ArrayRef<tpctypes::BufferWrite> Ws) {
156       std::promise<MSVCPError> ResultP;
157       auto ResultF = ResultP.get_future();
158       writeBuffersAsync(Ws,
159                         [&](Error Err) { ResultP.set_value(std::move(Err)); });
160       return ResultF.get();
161     }
162   };
164   /// A pair of a dylib and a set of symbols to be looked up.
165   struct LookupRequest {
166     LookupRequest(tpctypes::DylibHandle Handle, const SymbolLookupSet &Symbols)
167         : Handle(Handle), Symbols(Symbols) {}
168     tpctypes::DylibHandle Handle;
169     const SymbolLookupSet &Symbols;
170   };
172   /// Contains the address of the dispatch function and context that the ORC
173   /// runtime can use to call functions in the JIT.
174   struct JITDispatchInfo {
175     ExecutorAddr JITDispatchFunction;
176     ExecutorAddr JITDispatchContext;
177   };
179   ExecutorProcessControl(std::shared_ptr<SymbolStringPool> SSP,
180                          std::unique_ptr<TaskDispatcher> D)
181     : SSP(std::move(SSP)), D(std::move(D)) {}
183   virtual ~ExecutorProcessControl();
185   /// Return the ExecutionSession associated with this instance.
186   /// Not callable until the ExecutionSession has been associated.
187   ExecutionSession &getExecutionSession() {
188     assert(ES && "No ExecutionSession associated yet");
189     return *ES;
190   }
192   /// Intern a symbol name in the SymbolStringPool.
193   SymbolStringPtr intern(StringRef SymName) { return SSP->intern(SymName); }
195   /// Return a shared pointer to the SymbolStringPool for this instance.
196   std::shared_ptr<SymbolStringPool> getSymbolStringPool() const { return SSP; }
198   TaskDispatcher &getDispatcher() { return *D; }
200   /// Return the Triple for the target process.
201   const Triple &getTargetTriple() const { return TargetTriple; }
203   /// Get the page size for the target process.
204   unsigned getPageSize() const { return PageSize; }
206   /// Get the JIT dispatch function and context address for the executor.
207   const JITDispatchInfo &getJITDispatchInfo() const { return JDI; }
209   /// Return a MemoryAccess object for the target process.
210   MemoryAccess &getMemoryAccess() const {
211     assert(MemAccess && "No MemAccess object set.");
212     return *MemAccess;
213   }
215   /// Return a JITLinkMemoryManager for the target process.
216   jitlink::JITLinkMemoryManager &getMemMgr() const {
217     assert(MemMgr && "No MemMgr object set");
218     return *MemMgr;
219   }
221   /// Returns the bootstrap map.
222   const StringMap<std::vector<char>> &getBootstrapMap() const {
223     return BootstrapMap;
224   }
226   /// Look up and SPS-deserialize a bootstrap map value.
227   ///
228   ///
229   template <typename T, typename SPSTagT>
230   Error getBootstrapMapValue(StringRef Key, std::optional<T> &Val) const {
231     Val = std::nullopt;
233     auto I = BootstrapMap.find(Key);
234     if (I == BootstrapMap.end())
235       return Error::success();
237     T Tmp;
238     shared::SPSInputBuffer IB(I->second.data(), I->second.size());
239     if (!shared::SPSArgList<SPSTagT>::deserialize(IB, Tmp))
240       return make_error<StringError>("Could not deserialize value for key " +
241                                          Key,
242                                      inconvertibleErrorCode());
244     Val = std::move(Tmp);
245     return Error::success();
246   }
248   /// Returns the bootstrap symbol map.
249   const StringMap<ExecutorAddr> &getBootstrapSymbolsMap() const {
250     return BootstrapSymbols;
251   }
253   /// For each (ExecutorAddr&, StringRef) pair, looks up the string in the
254   /// bootstrap symbols map and writes its address to the ExecutorAddr if
255   /// found. If any symbol is not found then the function returns an error.
256   Error getBootstrapSymbols(
257       ArrayRef<std::pair<ExecutorAddr &, StringRef>> Pairs) const {
258     for (const auto &KV : Pairs) {
259       auto I = BootstrapSymbols.find(KV.second);
260       if (I == BootstrapSymbols.end())
261         return make_error<StringError>("Symbol \"" + KV.second +
262                                            "\" not found "
263                                            "in bootstrap symbols map",
264                                        inconvertibleErrorCode());
266       KV.first = I->second;
267     }
268     return Error::success();
269   }
271   /// Load the dynamic library at the given path and return a handle to it.
272   /// If LibraryPath is null this function will return the global handle for
273   /// the target process.
274   virtual Expected<tpctypes::DylibHandle> loadDylib(const char *DylibPath) = 0;
276   /// Search for symbols in the target process.
277   ///
278   /// The result of the lookup is a 2-dimentional array of target addresses
279   /// that correspond to the lookup order. If a required symbol is not
280   /// found then this method will return an error. If a weakly referenced
281   /// symbol is not found then it be assigned a '0' value.
282   virtual Expected<std::vector<tpctypes::LookupResult>>
283   lookupSymbols(ArrayRef<LookupRequest> Request) = 0;
285   /// Run function with a main-like signature.
286   virtual Expected<int32_t> runAsMain(ExecutorAddr MainFnAddr,
287                                       ArrayRef<std::string> Args) = 0;
289   // TODO: move this to ORC runtime.
290   /// Run function with a int (*)(void) signature.
291   virtual Expected<int32_t> runAsVoidFunction(ExecutorAddr VoidFnAddr) = 0;
293   // TODO: move this to ORC runtime.
294   /// Run function with a int (*)(int) signature.
295   virtual Expected<int32_t> runAsIntFunction(ExecutorAddr IntFnAddr,
296                                              int Arg) = 0;
298   /// Run a wrapper function in the executor. The given WFRHandler will be
299   /// called on the result when it is returned.
300   ///
301   /// The wrapper function should be callable as:
302   ///
303   /// \code{.cpp}
304   ///   CWrapperFunctionResult fn(uint8_t *Data, uint64_t Size);
305   /// \endcode{.cpp}
306   virtual void callWrapperAsync(ExecutorAddr WrapperFnAddr,
307                                 IncomingWFRHandler OnComplete,
308                                 ArrayRef<char> ArgBuffer) = 0;
310   /// Run a wrapper function in the executor using the given Runner to dispatch
311   /// OnComplete when the result is ready.
312   template <typename RunPolicyT, typename FnT>
313   void callWrapperAsync(RunPolicyT &&Runner, ExecutorAddr WrapperFnAddr,
314                         FnT &&OnComplete, ArrayRef<char> ArgBuffer) {
315     callWrapperAsync(
316         WrapperFnAddr, Runner(std::forward<FnT>(OnComplete)), ArgBuffer);
317   }
319   /// Run a wrapper function in the executor. OnComplete will be dispatched
320   /// as a GenericNamedTask using this instance's TaskDispatch object.
321   template <typename FnT>
322   void callWrapperAsync(ExecutorAddr WrapperFnAddr, FnT &&OnComplete,
323                         ArrayRef<char> ArgBuffer) {
324     callWrapperAsync(RunAsTask(*D), WrapperFnAddr,
325                      std::forward<FnT>(OnComplete), ArgBuffer);
326   }
328   /// Run a wrapper function in the executor. The wrapper function should be
329   /// callable as:
330   ///
331   /// \code{.cpp}
332   ///   CWrapperFunctionResult fn(uint8_t *Data, uint64_t Size);
333   /// \endcode{.cpp}
334   shared::WrapperFunctionResult callWrapper(ExecutorAddr WrapperFnAddr,
335                                             ArrayRef<char> ArgBuffer) {
336     std::promise<shared::WrapperFunctionResult> RP;
337     auto RF = RP.get_future();
338     callWrapperAsync(
339         RunInPlace(), WrapperFnAddr,
340         [&](shared::WrapperFunctionResult R) {
341           RP.set_value(std::move(R));
342         }, ArgBuffer);
343     return RF.get();
344   }
346   /// Run a wrapper function using SPS to serialize the arguments and
347   /// deserialize the results.
348   template <typename SPSSignature, typename RunPolicyT, typename SendResultT,
349             typename... ArgTs>
350   void callSPSWrapperAsync(RunPolicyT &&Runner, ExecutorAddr WrapperFnAddr,
351                            SendResultT &&SendResult, const ArgTs &...Args) {
352     shared::WrapperFunction<SPSSignature>::callAsync(
353         [this, WrapperFnAddr, Runner = std::move(Runner)]
354         (auto &&SendResult, const char *ArgData, size_t ArgSize) mutable {
355           this->callWrapperAsync(std::move(Runner), WrapperFnAddr,
356                                  std::move(SendResult),
357                                  ArrayRef<char>(ArgData, ArgSize));
358         },
359         std::forward<SendResultT>(SendResult), Args...);
360   }
362   /// Run a wrapper function using SPS to serialize the arguments and
363   /// deserialize the results.
364   template <typename SPSSignature, typename SendResultT, typename... ArgTs>
365   void callSPSWrapperAsync(ExecutorAddr WrapperFnAddr, SendResultT &&SendResult,
366                            const ArgTs &...Args) {
367     callSPSWrapperAsync<SPSSignature>(RunAsTask(*D), WrapperFnAddr,
368                                       std::forward<SendResultT>(SendResult),
369                                       Args...);
370   }
372   /// Run a wrapper function using SPS to serialize the arguments and
373   /// deserialize the results.
374   ///
375   /// If SPSSignature is a non-void function signature then the second argument
376   /// (the first in the Args list) should be a reference to a return value.
377   template <typename SPSSignature, typename... WrapperCallArgTs>
378   Error callSPSWrapper(ExecutorAddr WrapperFnAddr,
379                        WrapperCallArgTs &&...WrapperCallArgs) {
380     return shared::WrapperFunction<SPSSignature>::call(
381         [this, WrapperFnAddr](const char *ArgData, size_t ArgSize) {
382           return callWrapper(WrapperFnAddr, ArrayRef<char>(ArgData, ArgSize));
383         },
384         std::forward<WrapperCallArgTs>(WrapperCallArgs)...);
385   }
387   /// Disconnect from the target process.
388   ///
389   /// This should be called after the JIT session is shut down.
390   virtual Error disconnect() = 0;
392 protected:
394   std::shared_ptr<SymbolStringPool> SSP;
395   std::unique_ptr<TaskDispatcher> D;
396   ExecutionSession *ES = nullptr;
397   Triple TargetTriple;
398   unsigned PageSize = 0;
399   JITDispatchInfo JDI;
400   MemoryAccess *MemAccess = nullptr;
401   jitlink::JITLinkMemoryManager *MemMgr = nullptr;
402   StringMap<std::vector<char>> BootstrapMap;
403   StringMap<ExecutorAddr> BootstrapSymbols;
404 };
406 /// A ExecutorProcessControl instance that asserts if any of its methods are
407 /// used. Suitable for use is unit tests, and by ORC clients who haven't moved
408 /// to ExecutorProcessControl-based APIs yet.
409 class UnsupportedExecutorProcessControl : public ExecutorProcessControl {
410 public:
411   UnsupportedExecutorProcessControl(
412       std::shared_ptr<SymbolStringPool> SSP = nullptr,
413       std::unique_ptr<TaskDispatcher> D = nullptr,
414       const std::string &TT = "", unsigned PageSize = 0)
415       : ExecutorProcessControl(SSP ? std::move(SSP)
416                                : std::make_shared<SymbolStringPool>(),
417                                D ? std::move(D)
418                                : std::make_unique<InPlaceTaskDispatcher>()) {
419     this->TargetTriple = Triple(TT);
420     this->PageSize = PageSize;
421   }
423   Expected<tpctypes::DylibHandle> loadDylib(const char *DylibPath) override {
424     llvm_unreachable("Unsupported");
425   }
427   Expected<std::vector<tpctypes::LookupResult>>
428   lookupSymbols(ArrayRef<LookupRequest> Request) override {
429     llvm_unreachable("Unsupported");
430   }
432   Expected<int32_t> runAsMain(ExecutorAddr MainFnAddr,
433                               ArrayRef<std::string> Args) override {
434     llvm_unreachable("Unsupported");
435   }
437   Expected<int32_t> runAsVoidFunction(ExecutorAddr VoidFnAddr) override {
438     llvm_unreachable("Unsupported");
439   }
441   Expected<int32_t> runAsIntFunction(ExecutorAddr IntFnAddr, int Arg) override {
442     llvm_unreachable("Unsupported");
443   }
445   void callWrapperAsync(ExecutorAddr WrapperFnAddr,
446                         IncomingWFRHandler OnComplete,
447                         ArrayRef<char> ArgBuffer) override {
448     llvm_unreachable("Unsupported");
449   }
451   Error disconnect() override { return Error::success(); }
452 };
454 /// A ExecutorProcessControl implementation targeting the current process.
455 class SelfExecutorProcessControl
456     : public ExecutorProcessControl,
457       private ExecutorProcessControl::MemoryAccess {
458 public:
459   SelfExecutorProcessControl(
460       std::shared_ptr<SymbolStringPool> SSP, std::unique_ptr<TaskDispatcher> D,
461       Triple TargetTriple, unsigned PageSize,
462       std::unique_ptr<jitlink::JITLinkMemoryManager> MemMgr);
464   /// Create a SelfExecutorProcessControl with the given symbol string pool and
465   /// memory manager.
466   /// If no symbol string pool is given then one will be created.
467   /// If no memory manager is given a jitlink::InProcessMemoryManager will
468   /// be created and used by default.
469   static Expected<std::unique_ptr<SelfExecutorProcessControl>>
470   Create(std::shared_ptr<SymbolStringPool> SSP = nullptr,
471          std::unique_ptr<TaskDispatcher> D = nullptr,
472          std::unique_ptr<jitlink::JITLinkMemoryManager> MemMgr = nullptr);
474   Expected<tpctypes::DylibHandle> loadDylib(const char *DylibPath) override;
476   Expected<std::vector<tpctypes::LookupResult>>
477   lookupSymbols(ArrayRef<LookupRequest> Request) override;
479   Expected<int32_t> runAsMain(ExecutorAddr MainFnAddr,
480                               ArrayRef<std::string> Args) override;
482   Expected<int32_t> runAsVoidFunction(ExecutorAddr VoidFnAddr) override;
484   Expected<int32_t> runAsIntFunction(ExecutorAddr IntFnAddr, int Arg) override;
486   void callWrapperAsync(ExecutorAddr WrapperFnAddr,
487                         IncomingWFRHandler OnComplete,
488                         ArrayRef<char> ArgBuffer) override;
490   Error disconnect() override;
492 private:
493   void writeUInt8sAsync(ArrayRef<tpctypes::UInt8Write> Ws,
494                         WriteResultFn OnWriteComplete) override;
496   void writeUInt16sAsync(ArrayRef<tpctypes::UInt16Write> Ws,
497                          WriteResultFn OnWriteComplete) override;
499   void writeUInt32sAsync(ArrayRef<tpctypes::UInt32Write> Ws,
500                          WriteResultFn OnWriteComplete) override;
502   void writeUInt64sAsync(ArrayRef<tpctypes::UInt64Write> Ws,
503                          WriteResultFn OnWriteComplete) override;
505   void writeBuffersAsync(ArrayRef<tpctypes::BufferWrite> Ws,
506                          WriteResultFn OnWriteComplete) override;
508   static shared::CWrapperFunctionResult
509   jitDispatchViaWrapperFunctionManager(void *Ctx, const void *FnTag,
510                                        const char *Data, size_t Size);
512   std::unique_ptr<jitlink::JITLinkMemoryManager> OwnedMemMgr;
513   char GlobalManglingPrefix = 0;
514 };
516 } // end namespace orc
517 } // end namespace llvm