1 //===-- llvm/Support/ExtensibleRTTI.h - ExtensibleRTTI support --*- C++ -*-===//
2 //
3 // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4 // See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
5 // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
6 //
7 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
8 //
9 // \file
10 //
11 // Defines an extensible RTTI mechanism designed to work with Casting.h.
12 //
13 // Extensible RTTI differs from LLVM's primary RTTI mechanism (see
14 // llvm.org/docs/HowToSetUpLLVMStyleRTTI.html) by supporting open type
15 // hierarchies, where new types can be added from outside libraries without
16 // needing to change existing code. LLVM's primary RTTI mechanism should be
17 // preferred where possible, but where open hierarchies are needed this system
18 // can be used.
19 //
20 // The RTTIRoot class defines methods for comparing type ids. Implementations
21 // of these methods can be injected into new classes using the RTTIExtends
22 // class template.
23 //
24 // E.g.
25 //
26 //   @code{.cpp}
27 //   class MyBaseClass : public RTTIExtends<MyBaseClass, RTTIRoot> {
28 //   public:
29 //     static char ID;
30 //     virtual void foo() = 0;
31 //   };
32 //
33 //   class MyDerivedClass1 : public RTTIExtends<MyDerivedClass1, MyBaseClass> {
34 //   public:
35 //     static char ID;
36 //     void foo() override {}
37 //   };
38 //
39 //   class MyDerivedClass2 : public RTTIExtends<MyDerivedClass2, MyBaseClass> {
40 //   public:
41 //     static char ID;
42 //     void foo() override {}
43 //   };
44 //
45 //   char MyBaseClass::ID = 0;
46 //   char MyDerivedClass1::ID = 0;
47 //   char MyDerivedClass2:: ID = 0;
48 //
49 //   void fn() {
50 //     std::unique_ptr<MyBaseClass> B = llvm::make_unique<MyDerivedClass1>();
51 //     llvm::outs() << isa<MyBaseClass>(B) << "\n"; // Outputs "1".
52 //     llvm::outs() << isa<MyDerivedClass1>(B) << "\n"; // Outputs "1".
53 //     llvm::outs() << isa<MyDerivedClass2>(B) << "\n"; // Outputs "0'.
54 //   }
55 //
56 //   @endcode
57 //
58 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
63 namespace llvm {
65 /// Base class for the extensible RTTI hierarchy.
66 ///
67 /// This class defines virtual methods, dynamicClassID and isA, that enable
68 /// type comparisons.
69 class RTTIRoot {
70 public:
71   virtual ~RTTIRoot() = default;
73   /// Returns the class ID for this type.
74   static const void *classID() { return &ID; }
76   /// Returns the class ID for the dynamic type of this RTTIRoot instance.
77   virtual const void *dynamicClassID() const = 0;
79   /// Returns true if this class's ID matches the given class ID.
80   virtual bool isA(const void *const ClassID) const {
81     return ClassID == classID();
82   }
84   /// Check whether this instance is a subclass of QueryT.
85   template <typename QueryT>
86   bool isA() const { return isA(QueryT::classID()); }
88 private:
89   virtual void anchor();
91   static char ID;
92 };
94 /// Inheritance utility for extensible RTTI.
95 ///
96 /// Supports single inheritance only: A class can only have one
97 /// ExtensibleRTTI-parent (i.e. a parent for which the isa<> test will work),
98 /// though it can have many non-ExtensibleRTTI parents.
99 ///
100 /// RTTIExtents uses CRTP so the first template argument to RTTIExtends is the
101 /// newly introduced type, and the *second* argument is the parent class.
102 ///
103 /// class MyType : public RTTIExtends<MyType, RTTIRoot> {
104 /// public:
105 ///   static char ID;
106 /// };
107 ///
108 /// class MyDerivedType : public RTTIExtends<MyDerivedType, MyType> {
109 /// public:
110 ///   static char ID;
111 /// };
112 ///
113 template <typename ThisT, typename ParentT>
114 class RTTIExtends : public ParentT {
115 public:
116   // Inherit constructors from ParentT.
117   using ParentT::ParentT;
119   static const void *classID() { return &ThisT::ID; }
121   const void *dynamicClassID() const override { return &ThisT::ID; }
123   bool isA(const void *const ClassID) const override {
124     return ClassID == classID() || ParentT::isA(ClassID);
125   }
127   static bool classof(const RTTIRoot *R) { return R->isA<ThisT>(); }
128 };
130 } // end namespace llvm