1 //===- CodeViewRecordIO.cpp -------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
2 //
3 // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4 // See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
5 // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
6 //
7 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
9 #include "llvm/DebugInfo/CodeView/CodeViewRecordIO.h"
10 #include "llvm/DebugInfo/CodeView/CodeView.h"
11 #include "llvm/DebugInfo/CodeView/RecordSerialization.h"
12 #include "llvm/Support/BinaryStreamReader.h"
13 #include "llvm/Support/BinaryStreamWriter.h"
15 using namespace llvm;
16 using namespace llvm::codeview;
18 Error CodeViewRecordIO::beginRecord(Optional<uint32_t> MaxLength) {
19   RecordLimit Limit;
20   Limit.MaxLength = MaxLength;
21   Limit.BeginOffset = getCurrentOffset();
22   Limits.push_back(Limit);
23   return Error::success();
24 }
26 Error CodeViewRecordIO::endRecord() {
27   assert(!Limits.empty() && "Not in a record!");
28   Limits.pop_back();
29   // We would like to assert that we actually read / wrote all the bytes that we
30   // expected to for this record, but unfortunately we can't do this.  Some
31   // producers such as MASM over-allocate for certain types of records and
32   // commit the extraneous data, so when reading we can't be sure every byte
33   // will have been read.  And when writing we over-allocate temporarily since
34   // we don't know how big the record is until we're finished writing it, so
35   // even though we don't commit the extraneous data, we still can't guarantee
36   // we're at the end of the allocated data.
38   if (isStreaming()) {
39     // For streaming mode, add padding to align with 4 byte boundaries for each
40     // record
41     uint32_t Align = getStreamedLen() % 4;
42     if (Align == 0)
43       return Error::success();
45     int PaddingBytes = 4 - Align;
46     while (PaddingBytes > 0) {
47       char Pad = static_cast<uint8_t>(LF_PAD0 + PaddingBytes);
48       StringRef BytesSR = StringRef(&Pad, sizeof(Pad));
49       Streamer->emitBytes(BytesSR);
50       --PaddingBytes;
51     }
52     resetStreamedLen();
53   }
54   return Error::success();
55 }
57 uint32_t CodeViewRecordIO::maxFieldLength() const {
58   if (isStreaming())
59     return 0;
61   assert(!Limits.empty() && "Not in a record!");
63   // The max length of the next field is the minimum of all lengths that would
64   // be allowed by any of the sub-records we're in.  In practice, we can only
65   // ever be at most 1 sub-record deep (in a FieldList), but this works for
66   // the general case.
67   uint32_t Offset = getCurrentOffset();
68   Optional<uint32_t> Min = Limits.front().bytesRemaining(Offset);
69   for (auto X : makeArrayRef(Limits).drop_front()) {
70     Optional<uint32_t> ThisMin = X.bytesRemaining(Offset);
71     if (ThisMin.hasValue())
72       Min = (Min.hasValue()) ? std::min(*Min, *ThisMin) : *ThisMin;
73   }
74   assert(Min.hasValue() && "Every field must have a maximum length!");
76   return *Min;
77 }
79 Error CodeViewRecordIO::padToAlignment(uint32_t Align) {
80   if (isReading())
81     return Reader->padToAlignment(Align);
82   return Writer->padToAlignment(Align);
83 }
85 Error CodeViewRecordIO::skipPadding() {
86   assert(!isWriting() && "Cannot skip padding while writing!");
88   if (Reader->bytesRemaining() == 0)
89     return Error::success();
91   uint8_t Leaf = Reader->peek();
92   if (Leaf < LF_PAD0)
93     return Error::success();
94   // Leaf is greater than 0xf0. We should advance by the number of bytes in
95   // the low 4 bits.
96   unsigned BytesToAdvance = Leaf & 0x0F;
97   return Reader->skip(BytesToAdvance);
98 }
100 Error CodeViewRecordIO::mapByteVectorTail(ArrayRef<uint8_t> &Bytes,
101                                           const Twine &Comment) {
102   if (isStreaming()) {
103     emitComment(Comment);
104     Streamer->emitBinaryData(toStringRef(Bytes));
105     incrStreamedLen(Bytes.size());
106   } else if (isWriting()) {
107     if (auto EC = Writer->writeBytes(Bytes))
108       return EC;
109   } else {
110     if (auto EC = Reader->readBytes(Bytes, Reader->bytesRemaining()))
111       return EC;
112   }
113   return Error::success();
114 }
116 Error CodeViewRecordIO::mapByteVectorTail(std::vector<uint8_t> &Bytes,
117                                           const Twine &Comment) {
118   ArrayRef<uint8_t> BytesRef(Bytes);
119   if (auto EC = mapByteVectorTail(BytesRef, Comment))
120     return EC;
121   if (!isWriting())
122     Bytes.assign(BytesRef.begin(), BytesRef.end());
124   return Error::success();
125 }
127 Error CodeViewRecordIO::mapInteger(TypeIndex &TypeInd, const Twine &Comment) {
128   if (isStreaming()) {
129     std::string TypeNameStr = Streamer->getTypeName(TypeInd);
130     if (!TypeNameStr.empty())
131       emitComment(Comment + ": " + TypeNameStr);
132     else
133       emitComment(Comment);
134     Streamer->emitIntValue(TypeInd.getIndex(), sizeof(TypeInd.getIndex()));
135     incrStreamedLen(sizeof(TypeInd.getIndex()));
136   } else if (isWriting()) {
137     if (auto EC = Writer->writeInteger(TypeInd.getIndex()))
138       return EC;
139   } else {
140     uint32_t I;
141     if (auto EC = Reader->readInteger(I))
142       return EC;
143     TypeInd.setIndex(I);
144   }
145   return Error::success();
146 }
148 Error CodeViewRecordIO::mapEncodedInteger(int64_t &Value,
149                                           const Twine &Comment) {
150   if (isStreaming()) {
151     if (Value >= 0)
152       emitEncodedUnsignedInteger(static_cast<uint64_t>(Value), Comment);
153     else
154       emitEncodedSignedInteger(Value, Comment);
155   } else if (isWriting()) {
156     if (Value >= 0) {
157       if (auto EC = writeEncodedUnsignedInteger(static_cast<uint64_t>(Value)))
158         return EC;
159     } else {
160       if (auto EC = writeEncodedSignedInteger(Value))
161         return EC;
162     }
163   } else {
164     APSInt N;
165     if (auto EC = consume(*Reader, N))
166       return EC;
167     Value = N.getExtValue();
168   }
170   return Error::success();
171 }
173 Error CodeViewRecordIO::mapEncodedInteger(uint64_t &Value,
174                                           const Twine &Comment) {
175   if (isStreaming())
176     emitEncodedUnsignedInteger(Value, Comment);
177   else if (isWriting()) {
178     if (auto EC = writeEncodedUnsignedInteger(Value))
179       return EC;
180   } else {
181     APSInt N;
182     if (auto EC = consume(*Reader, N))
183       return EC;
184     Value = N.getZExtValue();
185   }
186   return Error::success();
187 }
189 Error CodeViewRecordIO::mapEncodedInteger(APSInt &Value, const Twine &Comment) {
190   if (isStreaming()) {
191     if (Value.isSigned())
192       emitEncodedSignedInteger(Value.getSExtValue(), Comment);
193     else
194       emitEncodedUnsignedInteger(Value.getZExtValue(), Comment);
195   } else if (isWriting()) {
196     if (Value.isSigned())
197       return writeEncodedSignedInteger(Value.getSExtValue());
198     return writeEncodedUnsignedInteger(Value.getZExtValue());
199   } else
200     return consume(*Reader, Value);
201   return Error::success();
202 }
204 Error CodeViewRecordIO::mapStringZ(StringRef &Value, const Twine &Comment) {
205   if (isStreaming()) {
206     auto NullTerminatedString = StringRef(Value.data(), Value.size() + 1);
207     emitComment(Comment);
208     Streamer->emitBytes(NullTerminatedString);
209     incrStreamedLen(NullTerminatedString.size());
210   } else if (isWriting()) {
211     // Truncate if we attempt to write too much.
212     StringRef S = Value.take_front(maxFieldLength() - 1);
213     if (auto EC = Writer->writeCString(S))
214       return EC;
215   } else {
216     if (auto EC = Reader->readCString(Value))
217       return EC;
218   }
219   return Error::success();
220 }
222 Error CodeViewRecordIO::mapGuid(GUID &Guid, const Twine &Comment) {
223   constexpr uint32_t GuidSize = 16;
225   if (isStreaming()) {
226     StringRef GuidSR =
227         StringRef((reinterpret_cast<const char *>(&Guid)), GuidSize);
228     emitComment(Comment);
229     Streamer->emitBytes(GuidSR);
230     incrStreamedLen(GuidSize);
231     return Error::success();
232   }
234   if (maxFieldLength() < GuidSize)
235     return make_error<CodeViewError>(cv_error_code::insufficient_buffer);
237   if (isWriting()) {
238     if (auto EC = Writer->writeBytes(Guid.Guid))
239       return EC;
240   } else {
241     ArrayRef<uint8_t> GuidBytes;
242     if (auto EC = Reader->readBytes(GuidBytes, GuidSize))
243       return EC;
244     memcpy(Guid.Guid, GuidBytes.data(), GuidSize);
245   }
246   return Error::success();
247 }
249 Error CodeViewRecordIO::mapStringZVectorZ(std::vector<StringRef> &Value,
250                                           const Twine &Comment) {
252   if (!isReading()) {
253     emitComment(Comment);
254     for (auto V : Value) {
255       if (auto EC = mapStringZ(V))
256         return EC;
257     }
258     uint8_t FinalZero = 0;
259     if (auto EC = mapInteger(FinalZero))
260       return EC;
261   } else {
262     StringRef S;
263     if (auto EC = mapStringZ(S))
264       return EC;
265     while (!S.empty()) {
266       Value.push_back(S);
267       if (auto EC = mapStringZ(S))
268         return EC;
269     };
270   }
271   return Error::success();
272 }
274 void CodeViewRecordIO::emitEncodedSignedInteger(const int64_t &Value,
275                                                 const Twine &Comment) {
276   assert(Value < 0 && "Encoded integer is not signed!");
277   if (Value >= std::numeric_limits<int8_t>::min()) {
278     Streamer->emitIntValue(LF_CHAR, 2);
279     emitComment(Comment);
280     Streamer->emitIntValue(Value, 1);
281     incrStreamedLen(3);
282   } else if (Value >= std::numeric_limits<int16_t>::min()) {
283     Streamer->emitIntValue(LF_SHORT, 2);
284     emitComment(Comment);
285     Streamer->emitIntValue(Value, 2);
286     incrStreamedLen(4);
287   } else if (Value >= std::numeric_limits<int32_t>::min()) {
288     Streamer->emitIntValue(LF_LONG, 2);
289     emitComment(Comment);
290     Streamer->emitIntValue(Value, 4);
291     incrStreamedLen(6);
292   } else {
293     Streamer->emitIntValue(LF_QUADWORD, 2);
294     emitComment(Comment);
295     Streamer->emitIntValue(Value, 4);
296     incrStreamedLen(6);
297   }
298 }
300 void CodeViewRecordIO::emitEncodedUnsignedInteger(const uint64_t &Value,
301                                                   const Twine &Comment) {
302   if (Value < LF_NUMERIC) {
303     emitComment(Comment);
304     Streamer->emitIntValue(Value, 2);
305     incrStreamedLen(2);
306   } else if (Value <= std::numeric_limits<uint16_t>::max()) {
307     Streamer->emitIntValue(LF_USHORT, 2);
308     emitComment(Comment);
309     Streamer->emitIntValue(Value, 2);
310     incrStreamedLen(4);
311   } else if (Value <= std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max()) {
312     Streamer->emitIntValue(LF_ULONG, 2);
313     emitComment(Comment);
314     Streamer->emitIntValue(Value, 4);
315     incrStreamedLen(6);
316   } else {
317     Streamer->emitIntValue(LF_UQUADWORD, 2);
318     emitComment(Comment);
319     Streamer->emitIntValue(Value, 8);
320     incrStreamedLen(6);
321   }
322 }
324 Error CodeViewRecordIO::writeEncodedSignedInteger(const int64_t &Value) {
325   assert(Value < 0 && "Encoded integer is not signed!");
326   if (Value >= std::numeric_limits<int8_t>::min()) {
327     if (auto EC = Writer->writeInteger<uint16_t>(LF_CHAR))
328       return EC;
329     if (auto EC = Writer->writeInteger<int8_t>(Value))
330       return EC;
331   } else if (Value >= std::numeric_limits<int16_t>::min()) {
332     if (auto EC = Writer->writeInteger<uint16_t>(LF_SHORT))
333       return EC;
334     if (auto EC = Writer->writeInteger<int16_t>(Value))
335       return EC;
336   } else if (Value >= std::numeric_limits<int32_t>::min()) {
337     if (auto EC = Writer->writeInteger<uint16_t>(LF_LONG))
338       return EC;
339     if (auto EC = Writer->writeInteger<int32_t>(Value))
340       return EC;
341   } else {
342     if (auto EC = Writer->writeInteger<uint16_t>(LF_QUADWORD))
343       return EC;
344     if (auto EC = Writer->writeInteger(Value))
345       return EC;
346   }
347   return Error::success();
348 }
350 Error CodeViewRecordIO::writeEncodedUnsignedInteger(const uint64_t &Value) {
351   if (Value < LF_NUMERIC) {
352     if (auto EC = Writer->writeInteger<uint16_t>(Value))
353       return EC;
354   } else if (Value <= std::numeric_limits<uint16_t>::max()) {
355     if (auto EC = Writer->writeInteger<uint16_t>(LF_USHORT))
356       return EC;
357     if (auto EC = Writer->writeInteger<uint16_t>(Value))
358       return EC;
359   } else if (Value <= std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max()) {
360     if (auto EC = Writer->writeInteger<uint16_t>(LF_ULONG))
361       return EC;
362     if (auto EC = Writer->writeInteger<uint32_t>(Value))
363       return EC;
364   } else {
365     if (auto EC = Writer->writeInteger<uint16_t>(LF_UQUADWORD))
366       return EC;
367     if (auto EC = Writer->writeInteger(Value))
368       return EC;
369   }
371   return Error::success();
372 }