1 //===- WebAssemblyMCTypeUtilities.cpp - WebAssembly Type Utility Functions-===//
2 //
3 // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4 // See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
5 // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
6 //
7 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
8 ///
9 /// \file
10 /// This file implements several utility functions for WebAssembly type parsing.
11 ///
12 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
14 #include "WebAssemblyMCTypeUtilities.h"
15 #include "WebAssemblyMCTargetDesc.h"
16 #include "llvm/ADT/StringSwitch.h"
18 using namespace llvm;
20 std::optional<wasm::ValType> WebAssembly::parseType(StringRef Type) {
21   // FIXME: can't use StringSwitch because wasm::ValType doesn't have a
22   // "invalid" value.
23   if (Type == "i32")
24     return wasm::ValType::I32;
25   if (Type == "i64")
26     return wasm::ValType::I64;
27   if (Type == "f32")
28     return wasm::ValType::F32;
29   if (Type == "f64")
30     return wasm::ValType::F64;
31   if (Type == "v128" || Type == "i8x16" || Type == "i16x8" || Type == "i32x4" ||
32       Type == "i64x2" || Type == "f32x4" || Type == "f64x2")
33     return wasm::ValType::V128;
34   if (Type == "funcref")
35     return wasm::ValType::FUNCREF;
36   if (Type == "externref")
37     return wasm::ValType::EXTERNREF;
38   return std::nullopt;
39 }
41 WebAssembly::BlockType WebAssembly::parseBlockType(StringRef Type) {
42   // Multivalue block types are handled separately in parseSignature
43   return StringSwitch<WebAssembly::BlockType>(Type)
44       .Case("i32", WebAssembly::BlockType::I32)
45       .Case("i64", WebAssembly::BlockType::I64)
46       .Case("f32", WebAssembly::BlockType::F32)
47       .Case("f64", WebAssembly::BlockType::F64)
48       .Case("v128", WebAssembly::BlockType::V128)
49       .Case("funcref", WebAssembly::BlockType::Funcref)
50       .Case("externref", WebAssembly::BlockType::Externref)
51       .Case("void", WebAssembly::BlockType::Void)
52       .Default(WebAssembly::BlockType::Invalid);
53 }
55 // We have various enums representing a subset of these types, use this
56 // function to convert any of them to text.
57 const char *WebAssembly::anyTypeToString(unsigned Type) {
58   switch (Type) {
59   case wasm::WASM_TYPE_I32:
60     return "i32";
61   case wasm::WASM_TYPE_I64:
62     return "i64";
63   case wasm::WASM_TYPE_F32:
64     return "f32";
65   case wasm::WASM_TYPE_F64:
66     return "f64";
67   case wasm::WASM_TYPE_V128:
68     return "v128";
69   case wasm::WASM_TYPE_FUNCREF:
70     return "funcref";
71   case wasm::WASM_TYPE_EXTERNREF:
72     return "externref";
73   case wasm::WASM_TYPE_FUNC:
74     return "func";
75   case wasm::WASM_TYPE_NORESULT:
76     return "void";
77   default:
78     return "invalid_type";
79   }
80 }
82 const char *WebAssembly::typeToString(wasm::ValType Type) {
83   return anyTypeToString(static_cast<unsigned>(Type));
84 }
86 std::string WebAssembly::typeListToString(ArrayRef<wasm::ValType> List) {
87   std::string S;
88   for (const auto &Type : List) {
89     if (&Type != &List[0])
90       S += ", ";
91     S += WebAssembly::typeToString(Type);
92   }
93   return S;
94 }
96 std::string WebAssembly::signatureToString(const wasm::WasmSignature *Sig) {
97   std::string S("(");
98   S += typeListToString(Sig->Params);
99   S += ") -> (";
100   S += typeListToString(Sig->Returns);
101   S += ")";
102   return S;
103 }
105 wasm::ValType WebAssembly::regClassToValType(unsigned RC) {
106   switch (RC) {
107   case WebAssembly::I32RegClassID:
108     return wasm::ValType::I32;
109   case WebAssembly::I64RegClassID:
110     return wasm::ValType::I64;
111   case WebAssembly::F32RegClassID:
112     return wasm::ValType::F32;
113   case WebAssembly::F64RegClassID:
114     return wasm::ValType::F64;
115   case WebAssembly::V128RegClassID:
116     return wasm::ValType::V128;
117   case WebAssembly::FUNCREFRegClassID:
118     return wasm::ValType::FUNCREF;
119   case WebAssembly::EXTERNREFRegClassID:
120     return wasm::ValType::EXTERNREF;
121   default:
122     llvm_unreachable("unexpected type");
123   }
124 }